Newspaper Page Text
PAG POUR. THE OTTAWA I'itKli TIUUEltJOUitNAL TRIDAY, JANUARY 2?, SAM L ANGFORD IN ROLE OF TRAINER; HELPS SCHAEFFER DU8KY 8CRAPPER, WHO REIGN EO THE RING IN OTHER DAYS. COACHES FRANKIE FOR BUR MAN BOUT AT KENOSHA. MOLINE TEAM TO TRAIN IN SOUTH Moiinp. bJb, 8T. Molina Thrat i (abcm biwobfttl dab win train at IforSftntOWBi N Oh fur month bt tort' opanioi of the MMon thto sprllli; BuStBNf DMO of tlw City j Ikivc subscribed $1Q0 toward ex pntN f bringing tint ohtb to city. Bxklbltldn fames. iii )! played with aeraraJ major tlngUMi Intern' tionni and Piadmonl nagua teama at Morgan town and also en route to Molina at the cloea of the training period H believed to be tna longest traioing tni i:i-f arranged ;ts B Club HOUSE COiilllEF (I r 11 TI I n TAKES OP SOLOIER ONU S BILL Ti ire ULO his sprint; for a i TO LAUNCH HEAHINC3 A Sl-CRETAKY MELLON, C TO LCGULTlON. AND " WHICH PPO8B0 EX SO not Willed, however, to continue raeti taxs in egecl anj longei tUan naoat Mfjr, "1 differ with Becretar) Mellon On the U8i vf Mm foreign loans, i Uo Ilea it win be deelrablo to U a Mb intereat as cornea In from aouree, utenwood, ion, Ffcrwe Marj Thor iuii i .'tionii. Halm I, I.OtlL or tO soil tiom Imposition . a a mriinn of dler bonua la by Been tar Mailt I itorday at the 1 1 a axpn aaad Hi taxes on tea, colfei Impractical. ot the foreign bonda 1 taxes on necoMttlM aiaing funda lor a sol oniidt n d Inadvisable illon, II was Indicated t i ury, Tito ballet an) naamonai or u:tv wot.'.! u Chicago, Jan. 27. -When Prankle Sihaoffer of the south siile trade' juniehos with Jo.- barman ot the weal Ma In Kenosha on Fob. 3, Srhaeffet win iu a more (totalled lighter than his friends have been accustomed to seeing. This was the statement made yea terday by Sum LanKford. veroiau o: numy hard rlnj; littles, who wHI prepare PMtnkla for this contest Ac cording to bnngford, the acvth aid battler t an sock with bll riht hand, but he does not know how to u-. It for protection. Sam also stated KYankie does not know much aboui ' loading with his left and working a Ikon Info poettlon to cross the rlglil Thf colored lighter ;issi-teil h will femeiy these weaknesses before the light When Rurman learned of Langfard's I lntontions, he merely Stated Sam had better teach Schaeffor to protect his' Jaw because he Intends to start sv cral blows in that direction, Barman is satisfied to go along and ling with spurring partners every day at the Arcade and believes he will be tht winner inside of ten rounds There Is a brisk demand for tickets, especially around the stockyards where Schaeffer is a strong favorite Seats Will be on sal today uf 15:i N Clark street where Sammy Wolfe ha the exclusive loop sale. Local fistic fans Will wend their way across the Randolph street via duct tonight to see the ten rtrjnd bout between Johnny Schauer and Otto Wallace of Milwaukee, feature of the M'WHIRTER WINS NAT'L SKATE HONORS I'lattsburgh. N. V . Jan !".- R McWOJrtar of Chicago won tha na tlonal outdoor skating champlonahip here today with a total of 110 points Charles JewtraW of Lake Placid was i (oiei with M and Richard Donovan Of St Paul third with 50, The senior; three-mile ran- was woe today by Donovan, while McWhirter Rniahod first in the senior half mile event The other point winner ware Fred Buendgen, Chicago; Charles Oorman.j St John; William Murphy. New York; Joe Moore. New York; Edward QIoo ter. Toronto. v7aah loldlers before the conferenci motion t bonus legialutl will start aadny. rlepublicaB tneuibora 'erk .:-t tha negative aunt uni e i that Macro- MEYERS WINS MAT BOUT FROM KlLONIS takt i we with uontenth ;i that t i;, r principal ot hou.,. ua made u.-e ol with the bona... ride some special - In order to begin pfMHettta under at adjusted eompoaaauon law by July i. said Senate:- M I umber "1 b) ' finance committee, Bt ft tary Melioti's neither the Interei fort ign loans in connection Johnson it Carr and Robert C. Cart. Solicitors, Ottntv.i. Illinois. NOTICE. in too mutter of the Last Will and Tea torment ol Marie Nilaon, i ceased, alias M.uii Wli on Stus land Probate of Will Notion is hereby given thai u b Mciiunt purporting to be the lat will ami taatgmehl ol Marie Nilaon dsceaaett, alias Maria Nelson Btria !. ni! lias been tiled In the ofltee Ol the Clerk of the Probata Court Of '-i Salle County, In the Stute Of Illinois i s. A . together with th petition of Frank F. Pollen, pub;,, admlnlatrat r ropreeentlag among i ther tmnga tiwt the namea of Hi! the helm at law, lie viseee and legato. -, ol said decedent. and the place of residence of each aol tar aa Known to said . atmoner, are as folic ws. t.vwtt Ounhlld Marie Mich I aeleoo, skauto. Kragere, Norwoy; Ann:! Hondrichaon, Bkaato, Kragaroti Norway; Evan (ThorbJOrneen) John son, 1725 Spring street. Racine, Wi.-j const h; Tomlnc Baaaroanger Bonnew, Vefal, P. o. Drangedal, Kragero, Nor way; Thomas Johns, a, Morland, K-u i gero, Norway; Route Tbompaen, OlonV wood, Mtoneaota; Hac Thompaon. Minnesota ; , Mlnneaota son. buffalo, Mlnneaota! Sena i Mr. t, Minn taota; Ida johnao Beach, California; rnoooore Thump son. 01 en wood, Minnesota; Miry Roh In i in, IMS Btevena avenue, i Wlnneap oil s, Minnesota; nnie Plunu ter, .'ist i sixteenth avenfje, Sooth, Mlnnoap OHa, Mlnneaota; Julia Longnefd, ai blon, Montana; Clara Rhrtckjen, 1446 Kdmond street st Paul, Mjlnnasota; lHve Becger KM xandor, io'i i; Olotta R, Ohrlatenaen, '788 Chathtm street K o ine. Wiscetisli j lairs ti Kii.n Sori skag, 'u1 Tangen, Kragoro, Norway Josephine A Harverson, 18 Tangen, Kragero, Norway; f'iga M, Hy iooh rn dale, ntl.iwin t iunt. ev.abama: v.'.-., r Olson, also known as BUliu Nbrthwood, Roberta (tale, Baldwin County, Alabama; Thomas Olson Nordiskag, II Tangen Kragero, Nor way; Agnoa Jobanneaaon, oare Poat I master, Kragero Norway j Paul'tir Piliston. Ctorkadale, Arltowa ; Reuja mlu Torgoraon, Lowry, Nttamoaota; Foreign Mlaaion, Panehoig, Chlri: Foreign Mission in Africa. Madag ta MJ fttMr foreign mission; Th nip no. roaMtntf ...i. ..... chlldrt N oi Qunhlkl of sail de car Pt tel Hi I ii.aila ; I wit Ufllrtgson, deceased amfer .ii" ' lunhtld Tnoi hjorniien, .1 . . V .... a o ..,' '.it o.e , i noma.1 eeneni, wmcn cniitirCb muy postfhly be located b) oommunlcatlns witb one I'aator o Hilda;, Dratigedal Nor waj ; Pear t f Pi ter Johrtaon i smbert; Thorn, w hes,. last name Is uiiku rwo raid to be residing ai Christiana, Nor Wgy, a child Of Asherr, .1, hanucssm. ., det saaed daughter ot one John Thorb Jornaen, deceased broth ir of aid de cedent; (lilbert MnJIekt . Tena, whoe laal name is unknown, rerldlng some whore in Minnesota, u child of Jullu TorgeraoQ, deeaosed daughter of one rhorbjorn ThouiDuan d,, ,..,.,.; Drotnor or said decadent; all tha ii. nig chBdroa ol tf rnthtrs uu.i alater of said fieeedeni given hi ittJU iat Will ami test unoni ta follows: John Thortyorneeu ol Bkaato, Norway, Bo rage; Peter Tin rhjorn ion ol Tordal i No. way. Europe; John Thortjornaoa (the younger), there h. In i two broth ; era with tna same name, of Draoga tnl , Norvay, (Europe; Knm Thorbjornsen I of Btogdalen .xorwai, arurorw tKra 1 1922. j , Dtango (Thoib- join i Thompaou of tlioqwood, Min ii" ot.i. (leorge Thompson of (Uen- ivood Vllniieaofa; the eaid children of th Mid brothers and sister of silld .Si ' to claim their share within voir alter ber death; fotlr chil dren whoae names are unknown ,of Anna flogins Daht, deceased dniightor of John Thorbjornsen, Jr., deoeaajid brother Of said decedent; and possibly other In Irs at law, devisees and lego lneo nanus nnd plae.- of rugl dotice are nnknowo. and praytng that I rebate t.t said alleged Will bo iirarti id and the iaMe order, i for record and thit letter-; of adiiilhistra Hi t th the will annexed thereon bo grunted to htm. arblch sail petltiAl and the proofl Of said instrument wU be hoard b;. the tTourl on th 23d day ol i ebruary, A. D, Vr2, at :W p, ni. Of sbi, dag. at the Probate Court Ito1 'a h Ottawa in said county. Dated tnnary, this 24tb day 'Of .f.ut.- i Meyers. TeatUng Norfolk. boxing show aboard the D, 8. S. Com modore. Sailor Froedman and Mlanager Mil ler leave today for the east where the sailor will complete training tor his twelve round bout with Beany Cohen in Newark Feb. 3. Freedman will stop off in Philadelphia to close a pending match vith Bobby Barrett for Feb. 1". Jack Duffy, lorn! middleweight who will meet Goats Dotg of Spring Vat j ley in the main event of Jimmy Keys' abow at La Salle Feb j. is training Chicago. Jan. 17 - Johnny holder of the middtOwelgbt title, pinned John Kiionis ol Vic. in the njaiii event of the ihovi conducted by the 1 '.1' Infantry in the Becond regiment armory Wednesday atght Meyers pinned his opponei I after !:15 of wrestling la the fourth round with an armlock and body scis sors. I.011 Talabar pinned Carl Furness in the semi-windup and Arnold Mink ley won over Frank Knitter in the ipanlnfi bout. 18 HARNESS MEETS ON MICH. '22 PROGRAM Mt Clemens. Mich.. Jan. 27 - The Michigan short ship racing season will include this year, eighteen har ness meetings, the first to be held BOM beginning June 12. and the final meeting beginning here Oct. ff. oincr tnniii and Ann Arbor were add- daily at the Arcade, jack boxed etejjj ,' t,e circnlt and Bay City was rounds yesterday with two fighters 1 (jr(,I)0(j and went at a fast clip nil the way ' Frankie Mason. Ft. Wayne. Tnd . flyweight, has placed himself under 1 the management Of Jim Mullen. ! Frankie may be one of the principal? jtf the semi-windup to the Bchaoffor Burman fight at Kenosha. DEMPSEY BUYS SELF A HOME: PAYS $42000 Lob Angeles, Jan. 27. Jack Demp eo.v. heavyweight champion, has pur chased a house here and announced he would make it his permanent resi dence. He was said to have paid $12, 000 for it. FOR RARE GROCERY BARGAINS Turn to page 9 MAXWELL'S Forced Out of Business Sale Five Hundred Dollars! By econorm and thrift John lJc has accumulated and has for investment Five Hundred Dollars; what -hall he do with The first impluse is to put it in the savings bank and uvt pv ilute security : unconditionally. it three per cent interest per year. A fine idea ; ; safetv of principal; he can draw it almost Very good. Bui he is human: like Oliver Tw more; can he get without sacrificing anything: he i erhs become; a partner of all share holders in that business. ir and have that sum paid t Listness ; in -t w hhn per year rs are scarce ai ca iiiiili h. 11k snares w.riu w ith the and stack-, f he amounts of 'htaw their coin for sirrtt would not enture. lew c Tpi Tail w . maertui he could hut read are the are 1 1 ttere fists ng 1 in 1 nese to startle tm bale, sheafs names atu handed ovei nean mat a responsible concern ha- made notes or bonds in an exact amount Saturday at Scannel! Bros. 1 lb. Fancy Japan Tea 39c 4 lbs. Fancy Coffee $1.00 6 lbs. Fresh Oatmeal 25c 5 bars Luna Soap 24c 2 large cans Monarch Milk 24c 4 small cans Monarch Milk 23c 3 cans Peaches, Apricots or Pineapple .... 95c 2 cans Fancy Corp. . . 25c qa Celery, spinach, head lettuce, new cabbage. I shallot, bpanish onions, white turnips, rutabaga parsnips, carrots, oranges, bananas, apples, grapefruit, cranberries. Scannell Bros act date and n certain trustee and m trtgaged the trainee that even promise tit. the c roi wi b tv ti 1 the trustee f( r n ders tor the 11 Mr. I). ie need ni lie IX --ure himsel company the bom that tin that sati-tact' t' t 1 buy tirt mortgaj x notes DIKls. ( . iiiiianv ( f Ottawa in unit years with 7 P . Comoanv. Trui ; or Si OOO.OO, cent interest tee. Let me tever was a I it the Da s &;00.00 and 1 c 100 .hU lace tter t w ice a any multi chance to 11c to call. B. FARRELL TELEPHONE n Call 155 IHI ' v' I HIsHIIIIIIh' Florida Excursion FEBRUARY 4th Excursion to Silver Lakes Estates in Central Florida, the famous grape fruit and orange stoves section, leaves Chicaso February 4th. The trip from Chicago and return is $75, which includes Pullman berth, meals, hotel, auto ride-, for one week. Ticket provide; for stop over privilege, if desired. This trip would usually cost $200, iet ready and visit this beautiful country. Fbf transportation arrangements write B. T. KEATING & SON STREATOR, fLUXOiS APPLES Fancy Spitzenburg Apples, 5 lbs. for 47c Crystal White Soap, 5 bars for 24c Bond Brand Coffee, per lb 29c No. 2 can Solid Pack Tomatoes, per can ... 11c Scully Pure Fruit Preserves, 16 oz. jar. . .30c 1 lb. can Del Monte Red Salmon, per can. ,30c No. I Del Monte Sliced Peaches, per can. .21c LIPTON'S TEA pound, 19c; I pound, 37c; I pound 72c Cracker Jack, per pkg 5c White Swan Flour, per sack $1.95 Swift's Gem Nut Oleo, per lb. . . 20c Calumet Baking Powder, per 1 lb. can . . . .28c Jello, per pkg 10c n m .it Ottawa, A 11 iMl w u. i.i am C. PUCK, 2 rk nf ti.e I'n.Diue curt.i "" - - .jj- m We Deliver WHOLESALE GROCERS Seliinn Direct to You Phone 1130 i i 209 West Main St Kitchen Klenzer, per can Kellogg Corn Fl or Post Toasties 3 pkgs C andy Kisst . per lb Blackene Stovt? ish, 3 cans Ottawa, III. ........ 5c nk s, 25c 10c Pol- 2.fic B 1.4, ULLCI Finest Creamery 1 pound Prints Sliced Uawaian apple, 3 large cans C alifornia V Peaches, 4 large cans . . w 3 cans Pine- 85c e 1 1 o w $1.00 l s c o n s i n eas 29c Olive and Palm Tcilet Soap, 4 bars 25c Rub-No-More Laun dry Soap. Ai 10 bars Finest Talcum Pow der. 3 large 25c 25 Q cans for Aluminum W are y,our 98c choice FLOUR Washburn Crosby Mills 1-8 bbl. 24! lb- bag 8c 35c Pure Apple Butter, large jar Cream of W h 3 pkgs Fxcello Cake :gfc eat. 70c F lour, 29c Gold Dust, Large Package 25c Syrup, 28c Pure Cane j gal. can Catsup, pure Tomato 45c r I si fnr a mm r bottles . . Shredded ? pkgs. . . . Wh eat, 25c Our Own import resh Roasted Cofi j pound? The As rrhh no i our cnoice y cans Libby's Soups, 3 cans Campbell's Soup, I 2 can Corn, 34c 17c Tomato $1.15 Watch Our Wine r Prices that are Right rear;, -sr : jjgju 1 ti p 'iJJiJManuiuwmii I I 4 M'IJ ' jW'- 1 "fs mrn Learn to Say It! Learn to Think It! "Twenty-Twenty" The New Idea in Furniture Selling snPTtfl IP! J TiPW ssBWMMiMMssBsasBBSMtiaMsaMBMMi mmmmmmmm. ,.-.