Newspaper Page Text
Ffi'DAY. JAM,' A I Till: OTTAWA PHKIi THAI )K R-I O t J H X AT pace riva GOVERNMEN niwr L FUG ON GRAINS I i w F 1 1 DIVIDES FARMERS CLIQUE IN FAVOR OK PLAN PROMIES TO CARRY THEIR PROPOSAL TO FLOOR OF CON FERENCEDISCUSS MARKET ING 8CHSMCS, Wat hlngl Tho 1 1 111 t IllSl tii I or It markt mi, JaB. -7 i liy A. J'.i i Icttlturul conferom o 'i take up the 1 1 port i i immlttt b, a do- butt' on tri Hi' il price hilng for commt dttlt was 1 x eted to levokip during con deration of this commit tee's repcrt, udvo .it ul thj plMi di feated u 1 iniiiiiitu '. having unnounc ed their Intention of carrying; their argument to t.ho Moor The conference Thursday entered hearing of the lenate agricultural ooin ntlttee on r 1 1 - Ladd price stabilisation discussion In the senate and at the bill, Senator rleflta, Democrat, Ala bam a, sprei s d hope lhal the confer. ence would result in tome good He criticised selection of Its delegates, The sdmnistraton, ha said, "from the President down," i- losing no op 1 portunlty to "rap" the congressional agricultural blue which was Indorsed! by the conference. Mr. Heflin's speech followed a statt ment 1 ganator La Folli ble that the condition of agriculture was the "result of forcible di flatten" brou ;hl about ''through conttol of the na tions credit by the will of s few great II 1111 licit iv." At the senate agricultural bearing J, a. iWinnamaJter of South Caroline, a deleg it'' 1 t!i" 1 . ''till .1;; rlctUtbre could I"- si front bank ruptcy oul) through govi rnmental tlx lug oT prices for cotton, corn and wheat He agreed with Senator Page, it'' publican. Vermont, thai fixed mini mum prices could nol be maintained without embargoes barring Imports of those commodities, He estimated it would cost tin' govt rnmenl not mor 1 than $COO,000,opo In purchasing farm com modi ties to stabilise prices. In a coafi rencs a ith m w ipap 11 men later In the day Secretary ol Agri culture Wallace vol e opposition to price ixing, which, be said, would prove ruinous to the farming Indus try. Th'1 conference took up committee recommendations and resolutions lra tii" town State College ol Agriculture and M chanical ns; Dr. E, D Ball, Kly. professor of economics u the University of Wise main, and Qifiord Pinchot of Pennsylvania Recommendations adopted Include the following: That (.be government oxtt in) aid to Europe for economic n liabilltation; limitation oi toe acreage ol certait crops to balance production and rs ' - iim (armor's dollar to a norma! purchasing power; approval of the pogr 1 the hi i-r t an iii it Kin Ion to iim grmami nl conference; commenda tion of ttii Investigation of retail prices, and 1 luttJIsarion of the tariff, in adopting tit-- riporl of it:' com' initios on (oral go 1 ompetttton and d niand, the 1 onforencs favored 1 Plnam inn ol " porta through ored-it--, authorised ' congress! Investlga Hon ii. Mi - Interstate commerce com mittal to determine the advisability 1 r extending prt (erentlal export freight, rati I 1 (arm commodities . es tension of the provision of the Wibb Pomerene uct; tartfl protection for agriculture 1 quel 1 that afforded other Industries; establishment ol 1 tariff in, ani to admlnlsted a permanent flexible law with on anti-dumping pro vision, ami aaalgnim ut of agricultu ral attaeht to American embasslei in 1 irelgn, countries. The rt pori of lite committee l,n cyon' end marketing statistics urged ui semination by th,o department or agri culture in' rt pert i n everything of in terosl to prt lucers; a federal census oi jv stock every five years an t state curveyi each year and n biennial census of manufactures, Safeguarding o health, free circu lating libraries and Increased school facilities were ret immended in tin re port of the committee on farm population. BROOKFIELD r, w. Koari ana ion ftod Ji r( tended the sale ol William Holla, n 1 Ransom, Hrldsy. Mrs. Many Jonog sponl Weinecduj afternoon at the Charts Jons liame mi and Mi Charlt 1 Kuts of Mor l is Hn nt Saturday evening and Bu'i da) with their daughter, Mrs Willai 1 Bheed) John Trwon, 1 : 1 1 1 1 -1 Haltop, Johi Kobrt, Bmrai tl Kenua ly and sons o( near Ransom attended th sale 1 1 Louis Kline Tuesday Mr .mil Mrs. vVilhird Bheed) and iii i ilsteT, Louise Bheedy, spenl Pi ! day afternoon In Ottawa. Miss Mabel Kohrl spenl Prlday night in Bam cn with her aunt, Mn Man Bhe idy, and daughter Lou I e Mis: CacuUue Kobrt, wiui tt uiii' anil wr, and Its. Mn.. Ueorgi Inn Hi- tlit-'r iii 1 v Ol li'Mii in Ranspm, speui tJatur lui H mdn) w ith her pari nts, Mr, Mrs Kred KoMrt, Mr, and Mt, Peter Tally, Thomaa Klohvr, Mr, mid M Doneleon hihI Mr. and Mn 'lim atttndci the funnrul 1 vi lr. DoO.'ey. in llansn mornlngl Mrs, Qoodnsan Johnson attegdod 'no ; variety shower of Miss i .1 - Larson In x.-tu'cii Thursday nftRrnonn Mies Lar son is soon bo become tho bride of Nell Ertger of noar Mlnooks Ml.-s Caroline Kohrt and brother Pred attended the "Jt Hit 1 922" in ott twa Saturday evening Mins Mayme Koanod) lisj v. itmod lit r dutleu In .''i'n Vorlt ' It) after upending a montli's vucullon ut th- Ihhiii 01 her parents, Mr. ami i4m Peter Kennt dy. The Ladlea' Vld of the Brookfleld church served lunch ;:t the Kline sale, hold Tuesday About S.'-a mim cleared, IM Dunn, who Is i.'l at st. Mary's hoapltal in Btreator, witii pneumonia, is gt tthtg along nicety, Charles 11 Knolls of Masrts wag h buslnt id caller here Tuesday, l av. Anderson u assisting Thor Olson for a lew days. :iit'iiacl 0Laughlln was a (taller at tho homo ol Ms brother Jamt 1 in Vienna last sreak. BSwin Harty of Kinsman spent n (aw il tys here last weak. Mrs. Tli una.-; Kieght i of Jollel ppenl Sunday ith her listers, Mrs. Peter Talty and Mia. George Doneison, T) tit': CM NTINUttl 1 Public The undersigned will pll at public sale at soutli ol AriltiKtou, 1 mill's north m Cherry, on Us home fnrm, - miiesi FEBRUARY 2, 1922 Ottawa's Largest GROCFRY STORE Forced Out of Business See page 9 -2,. !,.-;? ;svaeamKm "1 i". rt" LA VM m COM E r I ejH U Car of 5 WanfMor-Flour Every Sack Guaranteed 43 lb. sack ?A h. sack 81.85 - 9Sc Sambo Pancake Flour 10c Monarch, tall milk JOc. Large can Pineapple, heavy syrup, 3 for. . 95c No. 2 Pineapple, heavy syrup, 4 for 9Gc Large can Apricots 25c Raked Beans, per can 10c Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 for 25c Rome Beauty Apples, per box $2.50 MOTTAZ & SONS Phone 1075 Today and Tomorrow Thomas Meighan in "The Frontier of the Stars The heart 3tirnrjj story of a crook who has never known good and a girl who has never known evil. Also Aesop F.ibl; and Topics of the day COM1NG David Wark Griffith's ' The Love Flower" Sale commencing at i-' o'clock sharp, and conaistlng of tin' fniiowing: II head of horses i bay gelding, 7 years old, weight iboo; l bar mare, " years old, u'U'iii 1600; i red nun gelding, i yt-artt old, wiht 1500; : red roan mare, :t years old weigh) 1400; i team of Mac roan maws, 1 yisiin uiii. wi-igiit lini; i vi r. i;pltllng, I) years eld, weight 1800; l grsy gelding, (l years old, 'wiiit 1200; I gray gelding, I years oh), wt-ighi 1200; 1 team of brown coach horses, wii matched, 7 years old, woignt lot) ; 1 fniy tnlt. :i yi-nrs ulil. wi'iirht 1 1 -o ; 1 spun til' liliick 7iiultH. 7 yeurs iJd, weight 8R00; i team of gray mules, s years old, weight imoo; l it-am ot iilut'k and gray mules, 8 years old weight 8400, This i mi extra good hunch nt horses unit mules. 20 HEAD OF CATTLE -10 cows, beivy siirinKers ; 5 helftrs, 2 yeant old; " Yearling Shorthorn bolls ; t Hereford bull. 4 years old; 2 steers coming yearlings, l"i bead ot 1 mm good brood sows, weighing about Hot) pounds each, cholera Immune safe with pig, 15 HEAC OF EWES farming implements 2 farm wagons; l truck wagon; l now Mc Cormick binder; l 4-seotlon ilraK; - Keystone dlsos; l l)-t-ro Kani? plow; i ideal 14-foot torn elevators, complete; l Lawson gas engine, 6 h. p.; 3 tower plows; l Deere corn planter with 80 rods of wire; ! sets of harness; l Komi siniiiiH and bridle and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS made known on day of sale Lunch stand on grounds. R. K. McCOLL & SON. Auctioneers. william Mcdonald CHARLES CONNOLLY, Clerk. I wasassc wmJf as SBf-wtTr a ncag?MM cmgaar mint lw-.-a-' Public Sale! Having decidVd to quit farming, 1 will soil at ptibllc auction my entire persona property, on the Jamison farm, one mile east of Utlca, one halt mil" north of Starved Hock and six nilli-K viBt of Ottawa, on the In terurban line, on JOHN A. WELSH GROCER 'Always Reliable' leeHlw s bai 1 will sell at public auction al the late Richard Wolfe farm In Wallace twpn on wh;ii a? formerly known v.- Sam Hoey homestead, lojcated ' . lea north of Ottawa on the Buck Greek road, -i mllea east of the Wallace hall and 2 miles Weal and i mile north ot Dayton, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1922 Commencing al 10 o'clock a. m., th following property, consisting of twelve had of horses Consisting of i match black team, weigh! l too lbs. each; i match bay team, weight L500 lbs. each; 1 team gray mares weight 1200 lbs; each; l buy mar.', coming -I years old, weight 1000 H.: I bay marl-, coming 10 years old, weight 1300 lbs ; i iron gray gelding, coming I yearn old, weight 1400 n.; i blue roan mare, coming 7 years old, weight FOUR HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of '1 fresh cows ami L' heifers, I coming 2 years old. fifteen head or hogs Consisting of s brood sows, ail safe with j pig; 2 Chester White barrows, -i fall pigs. farming IMPLEMENTS Consisting of VfcCormlck binder, 2 feed cook- I ers, walking plow, sulky plow, farm wagon, truck anil rack, two buggies, two Tower cultivators, Hayes cotn planter, l-section harrow, disc hay rake, seeder with clover attachment, -lock cutter, Bets of double harness, :; mingle har ness, bob sled, saddle, household goods, stoves, furniture of all kinds and many other artii lea too numerous to mention. TERM3 OF SALc All sums of $10.00 anil under cash. Over that amount a cret'it of '- months will bo piu-n on notes with approved security, without I inii resl it paid when due If no) s, paid 7 per cent will bo charged from date of sal". 4 per r-i nt discount for cash on all sums over $10, No property in oe removed until Rented lor i COL. DAN FITZGERALD, Auctioneer. A. J. O'CONOR, EXECUTOR. PETERSON BROTHERS WILL SERVE LUNCH F'ublic Sale! Having rented my farm 1 Will Hell at auction on my premises. 1 mile it and ', m le mth of Nettle Creek store, '. .nlli-s north of Seneca and 7 miles south of Newark, c,n the county Mn road, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1922 Commencing al 10 a. m., the following property, consisting of: eight head OF HORoLS Consisting of one black registered Per '. mare, 8 year old, weight 1800; one Matk registered Percheron Ally, coming 2 years old: one gray mare, 5 year old, weight l&00; one roan mare, : years old, weight 1500; one black mare, 8 years old, weight 1400; bl . r hoi b, wi Ight 1400; one bay horse, weight 1800; one good driving horse, : years old, woigtat )2'0. SEVEN HEAD OF CATTLE- Including six young cows nntl one roan Shorthorn hull. - years old. H A V AND straw Straw in stack. Several tons of clover hay. Also about 1" tons of good timothy hay owned by Severt Stangeland. turkeys " ad and I gobbler; one lot of chickens. farming IMPLEMENTS Constating or two Hill & Pormbala wagons, ! Tic. wagon with extra set of low wheels, several btlggleS, King & Hamil ton portable elevator, 18 ft,, with dump and triple gear power; one extra double near power; one McCormiok binder, 8 foot; one McCormlck binder, ti foot; one McCormlck mower, ii toot; one 10 foot disc; two 20 foot wood harruwtt; one Deere planter; one endgate seeder; one gang plow; three :uri - row cultivator; twb 2 row cultivators; one Lawson engine, 44 h. ii.; one Fairbanks engine, b. p.; one teed grinder; one fanning mill; one hand shelter; platform Bcales; walking plow; a good garden plow; several sets of harness; a lot of shop tools; one hard coal heater; two snares in local threshing outfit; one share in Seneca Farmers' (J rain Co., and one Bhed i'i Pox River church; one 1 horse stover gas engine, nearly new; one power washer. TERMS OF SALE All sum:: of $10 and under cash. On all sums over that amount a credit of eight months' time will be given, purchaser to give notes with approved security with interest at fi per cent. Two per cent discount for cash oh nine sales. No property to be removed until terms ol sale are compiled with, ED S. WALKER, Auctioneer. MRS. CLARA RASMUSS0N, OWNER E. E. Anderson and O. J. Rasmusson, Clerks. TOURS Com menclng follow ins pi' FEB. 2, 1.922 it 10 o'dt lenv, con ft, m.. th' ELEVEN HEAD OF HORSES Including one pure bred Percheron mare, guaranteed safe In foal; This fine mare Is seven years old and weighs L600 lbs.; two bay geldings, well mated, 10 years old and weigh 1460 lbs. each; one sorrel mare, ! years old, weight '"''I'l lbs.; one roan mare, E years old. weighs 1300 lbs.; one black mare, 7 yours old, weighs 1400 lbs.; one bay mare, 12 years old, weigh:', 1480 lbs : one brown mare, 10 years old, weighs 1800 lbs.; one driving horse, 10 years old, weighs 900 lbs.; roan Ally, years old, Weighs i-1111 lbs. aud a dandy weanling filly. The e horses are all sound and in good Ilesh. NINE HEAC OF CATTLE Including five milch cows all giving milk, one heifer thai will be fresh by day of sale, and ;1 heifer calves. 4 EWES ( BR ED I G DOZ. WHITS WYANDOTTE CHICKENS TWENTY- SEVEN HEAD 0" HOGS 0 brood sows, bred, 6 barrows, weigh I7.'i lbs.; 7 shouts, 9 fall piss. All of these liogs arc of the Chester White strain. 1200 BUSHEL OF COkU IN CRIB 10 TONS OF GOOD HAY FARM IMPLEMENTS ;; wagons, 1 tight wagon, 1 buggies, 18 -ft Mccormick hinder, I manure spreader, corn planter, -i nine foot discs. SO-foot harrow and cart, hay rack and truck, hay fork and rope. 3 horse gas engfnV, pair ol sling pulleys, wheat drill, endgate seeder, hand corn sheller, feank beater, pump-jack, cul ' tivators, i disc cultivators. 1 mower, hay ral.o, pulverizer, genu plow, sulky plow, !P sets of hariH's , cream separa tor, churn and household foods, and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE All .sums of $lf and under cash. On sums over this amount a credit ot : months will be given on notes bear ing approved security, without Interest If paitl when due; f not so paid 7 per cent interest will be ofcssfgl from date of sle. 4 pet cent discount for cash on sums over $10. No property to be removed until settletl for. Mrs. LUIie Pecrson 8c SOAP R N. Brand, 10 bars 55c APPLES Wine saps, delicious eating and cooking apples, 6 lbs. for 45c BULK OATMEAL "Quaker Brand," 10 lbs. for 45c DR1LD PEACHES--(Blue Ribbon brand) put up in dust proof packages. Extra high grade quality, doz. pkg. 87, each . 15c MILK M onarch brand, large size, doz. 57c. each 10c PEPPER Full I lb. pkg., real snap at this price 25c MACARONI (Skinner's brand), each. . 10c COCOA (Auerback's), I lb 10c GRAPEFRUIT-Heavy Russet Grape fruit, 4 for 25c Cauliflower, hd. and leaf lettuce, spinach, cel ery, ruta., Bu. onions, carrots, turnips, green peppers, oranges, bananas etc. Phone 1033 c Sale! Lfuniiusrator s Notice is ben b.t given that on the 7th day of February, i'il'L1, next, be-1 tv.een the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and o'clock in the afternoon the township of Dirhmick, county of La Salle and State ot Illinois, Located IVb mtle utheast of Troy Grove and 8 miles north of La Salle the personal propt rty of Bald decedent will be sold on j TUtSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1922 6 HORSES including . grej mares coming 10 years old, weighing 1500 ' lbs. each; blue roan mare coming 0 years old, Weighing 1400 lbs.! roan di lb 1 ' i s, 200 lbs, i acb, and 28 fall pigs. :UFF ORPINGTON RCOdTERS AND 150 HENS TOOLS including 5 cultivators, manure spreader. As we are going to ipiit farming, we wfl hold a closing out sale at my residence on the Cbas. Pratt farm, on Farm Ridge gravel road, 4 miles west of Grand Ridge and about 1 miles soutli and 2 miles east ot Hampson's store, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1922 Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp: SIX HORSLS -Including one team black mares, (', nnd 8 years old, weight I960 tlis. each. This team is well matched. One team black geld-iiiL-. E and 'j years old, weight 1500; one black gelding, 8 years old, weight 1460; one bay Bingle driver, weight luuu lbs. cattle in head, Including four milch cows, one with eilf by side, one been milking about - months; 2 Jersey cows giving milk, will be fresh in spring; one year old heifer; live spring calves. 21 HEAD OF HOGS Including two Chester White brood sows; one Hampshire brood sews; Ave shoats, weight 190 each; 13 fall pigs, weight 1H5 lbs. each. FARM IMPLEMENTS Including one S foot McCormlck binder; one 5 foot McCormlck mower; one Jo toot rake; one Black Hawk corn planter; one Deere gang plow; one Tower cultivator; two shovel cultivators; two S fooi discs; one 20 foot harrow; one endgate seeder; one Silent gas engine, .'o Ii p ; one triple box Wagon; one truck wagon with rack; one 5 horse double tree; one line shaft with belt and pulleys; one shoveling hoard; one bu- fork, haj rope, shovels and spade.,; three set3 work harness; one net o light driving harness. These tools are all In good condition and libels Alslke, iu base Li hay in barn and in sti ntnoth, in bush' Is red clo and m i !iv other articles tt RMS Br .'at, of without li date of s be renwM COL. DAN FITZQER-ALD, Apci JAMS WSLDON, Clerk. , ed mini settle ilO unit ti for. Of THI I C Al t? r soaUivs sjrui MARY AITKIN, ADMINI8TRAT1 .DS, Auctioneer tier cash. Over that amount i ill; approved security, with 7 per cent will be charged h un all sums over ?lu. No ERNEST 01MMICK, OWNER CHET CLARK, Clerk. VE LUNC THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 192? D Ol ; n arm, md 7 years - .; l bay gel 10 HEAD OF CATTLE S Milch cows, some Fresh by day of Sale; 1 yearling heifer, I extra good 2 year old Durham bull. EIGHTEEN HEAD OF HOGS 3 Duroc Jersey bred Bow I I t.-rtw by April 1st; IS fan shoats, FARM MACiNtRY 1 .NewtTI trip!" DOS WBgon; 1 1 1 lick uif.oli: 1 rack; i OHver gang plow; i John Deere single plow; .' Tower corn -foot pulverizer: i 4-sectton difag; i hay rake; 1 Deering B-foot mower'; l Hoosier seeder with grass seeder attachment; 1 Deering stent binder; I -row stalk cutter: l eagle claw; l Law Corn King manure Bpreaderj l 40- TUES ,5a ii at public miction o Public Sale! As I have rented my farm, I will hold a closing out sale at my residence in Freedom township, 2 miles north of Prairie Center and 5 miles east of Ti iph, 4 miles vest and ; miles south oi Harding and 7 miles south of Barlville, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1922 Ci ttinu m in" at 10 o'clock a. m the following property, consisting of il" Ai 14, 1322 has SIX HEAD OF CATTLE 11 ONE HUNDRED BARRED I FARMING IMPLEMENTS C udlng l milch cows and CK CHICKENS. Isting ot OU0 12-25 Wat Ml Y hi t AD ' side on day i Iters, ccmlnj tcaSES AND MULES Including span of grey ueiu'nt 1 300 lbs. each; span brown mules, com "i lbs each; grey gelding, coming 7 years old, I, coming Ii years old, weight 1800 lbs.; bay geld isUil 1600 lbs.; black mare, coming 13 years old, ing mare. 6 years old, weight 1200 lbs.; bay geld 0 lbs.; brown gelding, ;: years old, weight 1200 d, weight 1800 lbs., black gelding, 8 years old, TLE including ,; head of milch cows, some with it hers milking m"v ; ! full blooded registered Red t old, to be rresh March I; 2 heifers, coming 2 . 2 yearling steers. :; yearling bulls, l 2-year-old sectu-r ii; cast seedt clip burr pe: 1 wagon box; ) Stover fet I grinder with 8-inch B s; I driving harness; 1 single harnoi ; 1 saddle. "' : Rreeehlng barne AfciOOT 10 TONS OF HAN MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES I JO-gall I Sharptoss ilu 1 120-egg potut ider; l Qur-eu sr that amount, bout interest if too numei iui TERMS OF SALE All I u f Sons, Owners. COL. JAMES DARLING. Auctioneer. I. VNPRTOfl AND QEO. M. REY NOLDS, Clerks. cream separator; l speed governor; galvanised chicke X-15:.v incubator: 1 240gg Cyphers incubi.tor: 1 X-Ra; brooder; l hoover. TERMS OF SALE Ul lima of 10 and and 1 ,i credit of 10 months will be given on bankable note paitl w .cn due. otherwise Y interest from date ot sale 4' - off for-nsh ,, on sums over $ln. No property to be removed from fa m until nettled for. ' LUNCH V!L'. Br. SERVED ON THF G Nl B S. C. SCHWARTZ owner; COL. DAN. FITZGERALD, Auctisneer JAMES WELDON, Clerk COL. DAN f!T2GfcRALD,"A'u;t:oni. . . i cimmpion mower; haj rake; l Deere gang plow, l walking rfae'e cultivator; two eagle claw cultivators; one i!ae corn manure spreuder; i n feed grinder; corn shell) r; tanning engine, h. p.; cream -eparator; i" egg Incubator; 10 ttle; one lani press; sausage grimier; 120 teat 1 Inch rope; harrow; cart; two box wagons; one truck wagon and nay jack; water tank: eight galvatttsad chicken coops: one heat ie :; foot Dart elevator; one Rock island bay loader; one ; one chars; two iota truck harness; one set back band bar- rlage harness; tkrei seti single harness and other articles to mention . pi TWENTY-TWO HEAD OF HOGS lie ; 11 barrc brood sows, all safe in and under cash. Over that amount months will . be given notes with approved security, if paid 'fchen due If not BO paid seven per cent interest em date of sale. TVmr pi cent cas.i d- QOUnt f r ea b on alt No property- to lie removed until settled for. AUG. WiTTHOEFT, lit, OWNER HENRY PETERS, ClerK.i vs. weighing -"u pounds, FARMING iMPLEMfcNTS 3 triple box wagon., new truck and rack, top buggy, '.' bobsleighs, 2 single row Tower cultivators, 1 '.'-row cultivator. 'JI gang plows, new; manure spreader, 2 90-wheel discs, l 4-section harrow, one cart, 2 new corn planters, corrugated roller, round steel roller, new Peering i rn busker, 10-ft Tower pulverizer, bttlesa coles. iri7 Reo touring car, m wer -ft. binder, fanning mill, endgate seeder, band corn sheller, water tank, tank heater, 110 gallon gas tank, oil barrel. S sets of double harness, of ha; m some chit kens, t hedge posts and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE All Mimr of $10 00 and under cash. Over that amount a credit ot 12 months ill be given on notes with approved security, without II paid when dm If not .-n paid 7 per cent will be char gad from date sale ' per cent discount for cash on all sums over $10. No property to be removed until settled tor. COL. DAN FITZGERALD AND MARK F. WORSLEY. Auctioneers. DOMINICK MADDEN, OWNER. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED