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FREE TRADER JOTJRNA1 (r OTTAWA FREE TRADER WEATHER Established 1840 WEATHER Fair with rising tern MIltUM tnninhl Run OTTAWA JOURNAL 1 Established 1880 AND OTTAWA PAIR DEALER V day unsettled. riay unsettle VOLUM E ; -no ;:; OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY. JANUARY 38, 1922, PRICE, TWO CKJNTS. FEET OF SNOW TIE UP ATLANTIC TWO CARDINALS LEAVE U. S. ATTEND SAGRED COLLEGE ROME SPECULATES ON SUCCESSOR TO LATE POPE BENEDICT NON-ARRIVAL Or PRELATE VENTS OPENING OF St' AT V. HICH NEW TEM HEAD OF CATHO! iC C: WILL BE NAMED. NVw York. Jan, 28. -- Cardinal, Dougherty of Philadelphia and Begin Df Quebec salt) d for Prance at noon today, seeking in reach Rome In time to Join the Mere I college ft r the ffnal balk ting to el eel a i accessor to Pope Benedict, The cardinal i ::'i rtaln little hope 01 an ivi":- ;i t It-..- a lb.- ..1 . . I- I 1- ge com enet Pi 1 1 will not read h i; Cardinal Doughcri late on who will 1 Oehiy Opto a I'aris. Jan, A Rome dlapatcli to the Havaa Agency ays the open ing of the conclave to elect a succes sor to Pope Benedict would be de layed twenty-tour hours In rder to give time for all th" cardlnale to ar rive. Thi- conclave originally was set for Pel). 2. Speculate on Election Result. Home, With th Jun 8c I Bj bod) of the P.) Bam gston diet laid awa of St. Peter'e beneat the Inl rti sa- ored college Mini the Vatica hoi. I luniH.i today to the el his successor. A conclave called for ii b. to chOOt e pontiff. The question of a rappr between the church and tii government cut' ;.- into the A thorough canvass 1 if oplnii Vatican shews that the pea or those advocating closer with the government are deadlocked witu tii.- Irrecc or those opposing a rapprot ii the iiumher 01 rotes at h fai ce party relations Irtually ncilable 1 tion can muster, a two-thirds majority is nec e isary for election. Twenty-nine cardinals beaded by Cardinal Gasparri, th.. omerlengi or acting head of the church, an' known to favor continuance of Benedict's policy, which was understood to have been directed toward a resumption of relations with the Quirinal, Tweny members of the sacred college are thought fo in- just as strongly op posed, while nine ute classified as IIOUl lal. The attitude of the Vmerican cardi nals, O'Conncll ol Boston and Dough erty of Philadelphia, is unknown at the Vatican, bul the opinion is pressed thiit. mil. -s a compromlsi reached never ha He re been such ex- Is an opportunity for foreign cardinal to be elected pope. The majority enjoy- ed by the Italian members ol 11 cred college is so evenly divide; Vatican officials admit all di i n the attitude of the foreign eardi Cardinal Mercier III of I'aris, .(an. 28, Cardinal primate of Belgium, has st at Milan on his way to Ro tend the conclave of the s; Flu. ti a i lege and is said to lie suit an attack of Influenza say dispatch from Koine todaj inns I la v. RABBIT HUNTERS OIL UP FAVORITE GUMS The proposed rabbit di tae Ottawa and Wedron lodge i the local Moose tilis paper this y. tense enthusiasm men" of the lodgi ind t,i this meeting at the Moose will undoubtedly draw mother! son of them, wi died or pointed a gnu. I ites are making big arrani ciuh rooms out every ) ever hau te Wedron ements for the event, and a day in the wilds of Wedron ought to satisfy any rad blooded Held sport. All rabbits have been warned and it will be on their own heads If they get Caught away from home. Some of the members will go along as gun totters for the lugger hunteis. others will carry clubs, and some few will oary sacks Of salt, so as to be provided for all con tingencies. WARNS CATHOLICS OF ANTI PROPAGANDISTS Washington. Jan. L'S. Archbishop Curley of Baltimore, addressing the local membership of the Holy Names societies today, declared that unless rathe I les stood together ami defended their "rights as American citisens" and as catholics against ant i -catholic agitation, Which he said had become intensified in the last Seven years tlU'V WOUid lie swept oil tile I, rip." CONCLAVE imn nivnBCF AN DELAYED DESERTION CHARGE MRS. MILDRED GRADY WERTZ IS GIVEN DECREE AND RIGHT TO RESUME HER MAIDEN NAME AT CIRCUIT COURT HEARING THIS MOANING. Mrs. Mildred Grady wnrti of North Ottawa secured a divorce from Peter I'. Wert! nf Los Angeles, CaL, in the1 circuit court tin- morning and was given the right to resume her maiden name. Mildred Grady. Judge Bldredge listened to Mis Wertz's tale of de sertion, after which he indicated that he would sign a decree granting her her marital fr lom. The complainant told the court that j she ami the defendant were married tut. 21, 1916, in Cleveland, 0.. ami Dome, She alleged that he ran around nights witii ether women, and when she remonstrated with him about it ii.. quarreled with her. slapped her face and pull.d her hair. lie then toll her Id get out. she said. Mrs Wei-: testified that she left' Cleveland and came to Ottawa to the; home of her mother. Mrs. (Catherine Howard, of De Soto street. Mrs. Howard also testified of her daugh ter's coming hi me crying, and .-ay-; Ing that her husband had thrown her out. Contested Case Closed. Mrs. Rose Lamps of Pel a divorce from Fred I, an . secured 1 s in the circuit court this morning on Charges of desertion. Mrs. Lamps filed a new suit, just indole the hearing alleging that on June it. 917, th" defendant deserted her and has since lived apart from her. Both the former di vorce lull filed by her and the cross hill Bled by the defendant were with drawn. According to the bill which was tiled today, the couple were married Dec, 18, l'ii:', and lived together un til June 1 1. 1917, an iite uaie n. Mowing tneir s tion Mrs. Lamps filed a hill i pa ra iklng a divorce from the defendant, on charges of cruelty. A cross hill filed maue soi Rt Mrs. I. fences of art- is again imp the Phe marital have been (untested h I to adjust sou-iot- cause uf som IgS, held 111 ; temporary al Only Nominal Difference. O V I'fund. who was made defend suits started esterday by Brannan ami lie. stated to- i ant in three assumpsit in the ( ircult Court Roger Brannan, Peti r Ell daj n Brannan of La Si that the total am :ir gram valued ition of ivolved ia tie I less than three sa set. hlch ath Zal tl tate, wh the circ ski, who died Vn On th. pr Mr. if I 'lis ibati Zal nt OUtt today. was a resident . 1 8, 1921, - petition I Is tint stati Which was filed toi were valued at a work mi n's comnens gainst furnl his employers and , lure valin d at. $ 1 00. Transfers Sister's Estate. The circuit court took on the ap pearance of a probate tribunal for a ; tew minutes Friday when an order transmitting the estate of the late Mrs. Kliza Black of Grand Ttidge, from the probate to the circuit court was presented to Judge Bldredge. A petition for letters of administration 1 in the estate which had been filed in the probate court yesterday were pre sented to the higher tribunal togeth er with the other preliminary docu- I meats, j The tranferral was made by Judge I Richard I). Mills, presiding jurist of j the probate court, who is a brother of . the late Mrs. Black, it was done be cause Judge Mills was one of his sis l ter's heirs, and did not wish to sit on the bench when her estate was be ing settled. Attorney (ieorge I'. Hills, who rep resented the estate, filed tile doeu llients. Judge Kldredge set the time of adjustment in the estate for the March term of court Grandparents Adopt Children A decree was entered in the County Court, awarding the custody of Stella and QladyS .Miller, aged tl and in. to Peter F. and Croltne O'Connor of i.a Salle Mr. and Mrs O'Connor who have the children in their home filed a petition asking in be allowed to adopt the little folks. Maybe Doc Enstein could solve this problem in RvLlwity men The old man geTs ten ,OW SRsFS ..'AH His offspring homeward bound JOHN WEiS. FORMER OTTAWAN. EXPIRES Word has been receiv deata of John Weiss, a of Goodland, Ind., a known Ottawa resident. Mr. Weiss passed aw day at his home in Oooc He is well known in leaves a very large cir. and relatives here, w grieved to learn of his Mr. WeiSS resided in it tl in Inn oil iwa and I' friends will he Olta wa for a number ot years Inn lelr horn aovaral 1 years ago. He is survived by a widow, three sons and one daughter. The funeral services over his re mains win h.. held tomorrow in Good land, Tlie Ottawa relatives who will go to attend the funeral are Miss Lucy Knoll. Mrs. II. (;. Kruse, Mrs. William McAlpine, William Knoll and Herman Knoll, miss lura fl0ry weds Lester grieves Miss Lura Flory, daughter of Mis. Prank Rogers of Bast Superior St.. and Lester Grieves, i Grieves of West Lafa quietly married at 0:l by Rev, II. P, Lawler the Methodist parsonai couiie were unattendi ty after the ceremony on of .elte Si 0 this i it bis 1 Tin id. Imi they Christ , were torning mie in young j Peoria on a wedding trip, after which they will return to Oltawa to make their future home. Miss Flory wore a gown of brown taffeta. Both she and tin- groom have many friends. l The bride has been keeping house for her brother David Flory al bis home in Freedom lor some time. The -groom is a young fanner. TO DISCUSS DECREASE l LIMIT OF CORN ACREAGE I A meeting of the Brookfleld town ship unit of the ('arm Bureau will lie held at the town hall in Brookfleld on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31, at T:;iu o'clock." J. V. Stevenson of Otter ; ('reek township -..ill Bpeak on "What . the Farm Bureau ana the I A A. . Have Accomplished." I At the close of the address a gen eral discussion will lake place on the restriction of corn acn agi . and a mo tion picture. "Homeatoad." will (be shown. A director for Hie chapter ' will be elected at tin's meeting. The general public is in:t"d to attend. La Salle Young Man to Marry. Francis T. Wilson, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. George a. w llson of La Salle, , who Is well know n lu re, w ill lie mar , ried tomorrow evening to Miss Eleanor O'Connor, 5543 Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago. Miss O'Connor the daughter of '.Mr. and Mrs John O'Connor of Chi- cago. The wedding will take place in that city. Main relatives and friends from La Salle will attend. - -.. The mother i- lead They were declared depend nt and were taken from their father in the Sangamon I County Court, more than a year ago and were placed In Catholic opban age in Alton, sTapIeo FARM INSURANCE MEN OE STATE MEET AT STRE ILLINOIS CONVENTION OF MU TUAL COMPANIES WILL OPEN JAN. 31 SESSIONS TO CLOSE WITH FEB. 1 MEETING. th. in oi tual Insurance O he held in Streat w ill open w ith an Tuesday. Jan. 31, a morning sessii Feb I. AP meetings v auditorium id' the merce building, I in- given by varioi ti' - from all part. The mi eting i the Istratfon and . m. o oid i r Vandi tion. ;s of wa ise. Pre bv President .1. J Prater Invoi Addr Reap . r il aw and Its A Companies." aey for the cago. Address. " Hi Ap i, itiranci rv llli tual insurance Corp 7:.".n n. m Address. "What Harry P, Cooper, association. Craw lor Wednesday 9 a. in. Business session Address. "When .' Mason, secretary lil Bloomington Address. "T!: Nei Feb. 1. i ssity of uniform IcMillan, ( arthage, Policies," C. M Round table a AdJournmi nt MOTHER OF SUICIDE GIRL ASKS DIVORCE St. Louis, Jan- 28. Mrs. Klsb i I Mono!, mother of Miss Dor. all, : Kurtteborn. of this city, wad killed herself in Chicago, Jan. It, while be Ing taken back home, yesterday Bled a suit tor dlvor from H. S. Monell, a local dentist Two davs after th.' I girls death Thomas 0, ciurk-oti ol i lliis city took his life. R ! m MANY JOBLESS SEEK SHELTER IN CITY JAIL Tf Ottawa derlng "tc J kind who home or I is no mecca i irists." that c apparently a lends, still tin passes but tl men of the si r the ass of vvi in; it i mm ten called hobo class do not apply to the police de partment for a night's lodging. There i-- a humane strain in the heart of al most every person and Chief Ford is no exception. The applicants for shelter an- given a berth at police headquarters and In the morning are sen' en their weary way with a sandwich and sip of coffee for break I Nor all the men who are housed and fed under these conditions are of the -worthless, vagabond type. The Chief says that many of them are in all appearances worthy men. seek ing work, and who would work were the opportunity offered them. RLACKHANDERS HURL BOMB AT WRONG H0U Chicago, Jan. .7 - A the bomb front explodi d porch ol" . demol a rear ea rly today under Charle ishing room ; to the Tony I "Tin i- Bankendorn'i its front. Churl, wakened When h floor. His first iacuira, his next black hand got ' is wife as he ran i offer aid. out ie hi d' b door and then foun ; ley's home and noi wrecked. I Tony's home was of Charley's. Ton threatening letter; manding money, bombed the wrong been cute de- scelvei month had FIND BOTJES OF 800 HUMANS IN CAVE Henry Woodman of this- city. The bones were in a cone shaped heap, about thirty feet high and eighty feet in diameter at the base. Prof. Wood man stated they are thought to be those of Indians. Tomahawks and brads also were found in the case. H" thinks it was the burial ground of Indians several centuries ago. Ar rhaaotogiats from the several ol Teges in this section are planning to make a thorough Investigation of the HOLD FUNERAL OF LATE RAY HUSTED The funeral servcies of th'" late Hay Hasted were held Friday from St Patrick's Catholic church and were largely attended ISev. J.nv rence Hackett officiated. The pell Bearer were Herman Thai liter, lames vl . i a ffcry . William Warren. 1" nn tt n;,:!o Bert Lorden and William Schorr Burial was made in St. Co- Ittffibn's cemetery. HEAVIEST decade sir tlif OF EAST Washington, Jan. 28. The states comprising the middle Atlantic section were today buried and were being further buried under the heaviest snow fall sine- 1899. The WIFE IE MAN 10 EMAN ll SURRENDERS SELF MRS. JCSLYN. WHOSE FUGITIVE MATE WAS SLAIN IN GUN FIGHT AT YORKVILLE, GIVES UP TO AUTHORITIES. Aurora. Mis. Mar Joslyn, ai life Aug, resli ting Chi. f of I Chicago, i liey ('. W Wheaton il.l- arrest to Olice Ceo urrenden it i l of yev tenia tti 'age county at fternoon, she gave a bond I5,M)0, signed by Dr Adolph Qoetscn of Chicago, tor her release pending her trial on a charge Of being an accessory to the alleged murder. In tateme . Mrs. nt made Joalyn i the state' i s that she n. Jimmie, ;it her hm 3he cfalms t dletanci I attorni lied with her from Yorkville hand came to that she hid v : rough! a death duel tin Hextall of Kend o'clock la the morn! from tin re to C.enev Ii aving the latter t. and geinn to ( hicai been living with re The police theory and Mrs Leo BoWl accompanied Joslyn t Chicago on il 1. .i d crime on u ii petition was dented her statement to tii rlea day ha same 1 she s. Joslyn Charles own,' to if the al- mng ex I Joslyn in attorney. Shi had been drinking shine. She says th ; die and Mrs. Bown j lyn machine and w : husbands were, she - West Chicago and - ' I him. was found to Osv trapped bj Sheriff l nrk $15,000 SUBTERRANEAN HOOTCH VAT BLOWN UP St. LOUts, Jan L'T. A subterranean Va) containing 15. eon gallons of COCO mash was dynamited by federal pro- bibition enforcement agents yesterday on a farm in St Louis county. The fanner was a nested. His arrest and the raid on his farm followed the destruction by Are of a small house mar the larni Occupied bv Italians I'aris of a slill were found in the i debris ot the binned building. FAL im ALL storm which began with .i I m o 8 t unprecedently heavy falls Cafolinas and Vir- j up the .cd. stat service buslns s In la, Thur: day, lea.. on it tocla r and social a. i hs Itles in its wake. II had reached the outer edges of Ji v England early today. The blanket of snow was heaviest in the District of Columbia with the fall at 10 ' loi I. recorded as two feet. Ai that time it was still snowing. Starting shortly before dusk last - i ) 1 1 the snow fell continuously thru the night a id by midnight railroads and trolley Hues began to surrender. I ntl this morning no trains left the capital and only three trains arrived liom .New York. In the national capital str service was suspended at. d; bul gradually service was rest the trunk lines Thousands eminent employes were for struggle thru almost knee dee while many more decided to re eet cs r ivlireak, ored on of gov ced to p snow, main at Inline. Pennsylvania avenue, the capital's historic thorofare, was strewn with abandoned autoa. Altho the snow fell with an absence of wind, thereby preventing drifts, the Hakes came down so thick and fast many accidents were reported. Reports showed the snow heaviest ; In North Carolina. Virginia, Maryland , Delaware and toe District of Columbia. Al Baltimore the snow this morning stood 14 inches deep. Lynchburg, Va., reported twenty inches of snow, the heaviest iii the history of that city. Conditions al Norfolk appeared to he tin worst with a gale of 50 miles having put a part of the business sec tion under water and crippled ship ping. Worst In History. Baltimore, Md.. Jan. JV One of the worsi snow storms of years bad the city in ils grip today. Shipping was at. a stand still. Train Ser tshlngton, .1 W wiiii otn n Railroad ' 110011 tl Baitimon ami othftl - Philadc1 Phil:. lb l hi Tiie only ie PennsyJ ght passed . today. It I : US il. m. lartly mak EMPTY CANAL IDEAL PLACE FOR SKATING Ottawa kiddies now have a safe place to skate and frolic on the ice. Without Worrying their parents into a tale of nervous prostration for fear they will be drowned. The let ting of lh" water from the canal, to rebuild the aqueduct made an ideal winter snorting ground for the little the sidi-- of the canal and mill run. the waterway was both walled and floored with massive pieces of smooth It did"' take the kiddies many hours to . ' I COVer the sporting ground and yesterday afternoon and today ti e ditch was literally alive with chil dren, on skate-, on sleds and even on the heavy soles oftheir winter shoes. All kinds of ice games were in prog- One of th-' most novel games was the coasting. A coaster carrying a load oi humanity down one side of the incline picked up enough velocity , the downward trip that it would skid across the ice. and up the other -ide of tin- bank before halting, giv ing tie' youngsters an unusual thrill. While the waterway could not be used by any means for a silver skate derby, or even as a fairly good skat im; ground for adults, it is an ideal pla. e for the little folks, who are praying C at tii- weather man won't let the thermometer bob up until the ie thaWS and runs away.