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PAGE TWO. mi roi ; u itnnuARY 11, to??. Till; OTTAWA HARDING PRESENTS WORLD TREATIES TO AMERICAN SENATE 1 Pattern Dep't I PlcSM tend Pattern to mr ldress, lb Cls. enclosed. PRESIDENT DELIVERS PACTS IN PERSON, ACCOMPANYING PROF FER WITH MESSAGE COVERING ALL PHASES OF ARMS CONFER ENCE RESULTS. Washington, rob. 11. Amis- oo&' fen-nee treutlen, seven In number. restenlay nit': noon wtrc formally utroduced in ttM United States son tta by President Hard inc. win) ap peared In person before Unit bod1 with a strong appeal mr their lutiti cat inn. The presidents ptesaage covering Very possible phase of the (Heartna- meat pacts wad designed lo allay fun among lOUt senators that the four-power pad could he construed to tangle tha American government in n military alliance Milch would bind the United Statea to the use of Its armies and nary in defense i f tome causs an ti rely foreign to its national policy. The senate wai Riven the executive guarantee that the agreements con tained no "jotters" and added that in. litre of ratification would "mean every proclaimed ilelre to promote peine and prevent war became a hol low tnockery." The president'! plea was no) re reived with any outward signs at least of hostility on the part Of known opponent! to ratification, Ap plause followed him in and out of the senate chanilier. th1 democrats join ing their republican colleagues in welcoming the nation's ehief execn tire with enthuaiaatlc hand clapping The demonstration was particular!) emphatie on the republican side when he MWUred the senate thara sras similarity between the four power pact and the league of nations Steps were taken immediately to comply with the ireeldent'i desire for early action Seaator Lodge; re publican leader, i--sued a call for tb meeting of the foreign relations i I milter tomorrow. How long the trea ties will remain in the hands id the committer t wholly problematic:!; Considerable time is likely t be con sinned on the four power pact. The president supplied an Innova tion by submitting the minutes at the conference, Including both plenary and committee meetings, and also the report i t the IMberlcan delegates. This practical application of the prin i ipb s of open diplomacy was warmly , received by the senate. This act inn contrasted sharply with the careful , manner-with which Wnodrow Wilson guarded the proceeding Of the Paris peace conference acainst publicity. The seven treaties, the minute- and the delegates' report made a good sized package bound up in y.-'.l-;'-wrapping paper. They ivArs Jtiffeed into the senate by George Christian, the president's secretary, and laid upon th- table in front of the vice : president. Harding made it rather plain that the whole program must be ratified j to make any of it effective. "I Invite your prompt approval of j t is quite 1111 r naval pro- 1 aty has your 1 on urged its ai .i' .-s. H Lis. enclosed. i Jj Nsms . I bin :: Poii ska i.m .....- X t j State I - -'-iJiiilllllllCllllllililiill.lilliliili1;, !. ,. .. Illlililllifllllltl II II "news, it .. i . . i - i'I' .'i. 1111111:1 ., 'i I., i i iiiii'iniiii.iiiiiiiiiii i:u i ilitt ml an I MiiiieroilH oIIh i uiiii I , , n.: .Vb.. il thirty were present. '"'Isms I. . . -. in. I uiiiinl bifida .. .. 1 .i.H.i.m. lunch was solved .." i. I,!1, -- The tha an. ru. in. under that expectei large . lllW'd attended the public 1 S '-ale el I'll, ii I . u-. - T'e m'siiii S Mangle TIloMim Is hpt-mllli)' 5& s I" . tlllll in Ottawa. Si Mrs Cannie hapman oi Marseille gf i pending the week it ti Harol I H Chapman ami family, curing for the g household dntiea while Mrs Chapman Prr i 1 ' been Rick with quinsy, She Is Ii., Pram is Catl ilr Miller n i-: ur. b, I'ralrie stre roday school i a St. Patrick's Oath i I.'e r 1 1.o Lett pa i a tu. and high I iign nu Son eg! Kov. int. n hnnl at S I s.i poii in Ittawa. el s and sn md Mr- tieorge iuderaon, iiui- 1 1 ion nun uiuncne; Floyd ami com Il i s wdaj at tii, Walter Ander ton home. 'He tb of Ottawa. 1 M sntl Mis. II. c Bmini nr nnd ram. t;u- Duttenhaver assiMted with hutcherlni si Howard 6Unstea4's thii VS eek. THANKFUL FOR A UTTLE CHILD Mrs. IMertz Tells How Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her da uy nam d h nil their daughter, Mr i lot r Klmmt rman, Bundg) Mr and .Mrs. Wallace Howe .ii Sunday dinner with Mrs. ami Mt Mr and Mrs. K II. Rntttaon am Tu si Ho I hi' Bpworth League of Manllus ; B. i bur h met ,h tha Grove homji n a The Sunday evening service of the i. i s i hureo were held at P.' . T. fn il 1 1 il III II l! 1 1 1. Mill if I I Kutztown, Pa,"1 wish every woman who w ants children would try Cydtt K, I nil. ham eireta- toblo Compound, it bus done so much fur me. My baby u sl moat a vear eld DOW nnd la the picture of heulth. She walked up NORTH PRAIRIE A PROCR ('!' STYLISH SIMPLICITY - . oqually smart ith high od l0 i.. . . ure. I'his Is n splendid dcaigo I . iuaoor wear, cie would be goon lor this model or velours. Or ea could use metre or mohair. Th width of tin- sk3rt al the foot i yard.-. The Pattern i vut iu t Sizes: St 3ti, 3S, 4o, il and 44 inches bUI inaainrr a js Inch -ize require 4a yards of i inch material. a pattern oi tint Ulustration mailei any address ou receipt o: 15c ID Mlver or stamps. a i Le-rand - valentine dancing part) in Imnor of Miss I Miff v. the four power treaty definin application ol the term "In possessions and insular domit tin 11 n I as relating to Japan. fnic .-upper Monday oight, reo. P.. at A treaty between the nine pow- the noma ol Mre. E P- .ohnn. in ers in the conference relating to Center Ottawa. PolloWIng the sup principles and policies to be fol- per a Social evening will sfient by lowed in matters concerning China, the gms- A treaty between the nine poW' era relating to Chinese customs There will lie tariff. tin- Santa Marl all of them." he said possible to readjust gram until the nava sanction, even thonj negotiation. It is not possible to make the readjustment iu lull con fidence until the whole program has commended its. If to your approval." Seeking to drive the "foreign en tanglement" argument out of the senate the president said he brought every assurance that nothing i.i any of these treaties commits the United States or any other power to any kind of an alliance, entanglement or involvement. The Treaties. Tin' seven treaties submitted by president were: The Sharing Spirit. In nn orderly house an announce j mem was placed in the bathroom to ' i'lllur tneetini; o lhapter, Csthoiii a. Tuesday night ;lit.- ot Col um bus Graded irst ent t vai armami the British :md Jsnan submarim warfare. empiri and n Pranc 1 in' take a band in helping tu keep it neat ami tidy. That idea carried through a home would greatly relieve the housewife, ami al the same time in cubate the community spirit, a house wife is sometimes driven to declare that the onlj way la make those about per realize what thought and care lire in died to ensure a comrnrti home Would be t,, neglect It until wus sufficiently obvious. Mew Branch cf Engineering. Me;liods .a' regulating the bur of the air In building-, especial factories i Important pan in various mdn if tnnrri Inf.-: lor rgetfulness, the bride U I lw QChESTER S PILLS J .V-V Idln1 Ask tmnrUrmafluti r A 4yV '":u i:,J '"' Vy Mb. '.-H 1 Hi.' no '. ,. . Ran ..f ...... V 1 - iifiuv.-i ii, . in i us ! & tS u 1 :- ' PH.I.." So and Japan relathll possessions and I It Must See a Lot. An menf supplem The Successful Man lo follow his example is wise! At the bottom of every successful man's success will be found A savings habit coupler! with good judgment. A growing account with our savings depart ment earns 4 per cent interest is the right start and good judgment Assets over $610,000.00 PeopIes'Trusi&SavingsBank Ottawa, Illinois JOHN GARLAND. Prest. W. D. DUNCAN. Vice-President T. B. KENDRICK, Cashier. m ?ir m m f& la im mSB Jp'"'!?.. -i5c. mn cm -Mrirr' .a ..- . ...-" m rswaiot-.-M im m, 191 irm v. 1 i DIRECTORS W. J. SINON ARTHUR H. COLWELL P. J. CLUNE W. F. STANTON, Jr. J. H. EDGCOMB THTEO. L. GROT THOS. F. CARROLL JOHN GARLAND W.D.DUNCAN li St. Xavier's Alumnae Dance at Armory Tuesday Evening, Feb. 21 Johnson's Orcliestra Tickets J1.00 Extra Lady 25c at eleven months timi in trying to use her little tongue. Sbo CM say some WOfdfl renl nice. 1 utn send ing you her picture. 1 -bail lie thankful n-i Ions as I live that I found such n won . (i. rt .l i leeicine tor inv troubles. .Mrs. ' " V1 " 11 ' "' 1 I Charles A. Mertz, Kutetown, Pa. :'' '' t""n "P iu""'" Munv enses of obildlossnoss ore eura- M" N 1 Klemlni ,kU i-.n,.,,,- vmirs m iv l,o. Wl v b iraj id until you havatrivan Lydla !' I' i . - Vegetable Compound a faithful trial Stmbi n en) uritli-n rci-iimmendiif innoi ' ' from thousands of women who have - til tl Duttenhat found health and happineas from Its use have e ma to u.. We only tell you what I Oroi , r i they iiv ami what they believe. , , ' wel lievethat l ydia B. Mnkhnm's V fetable C mpound Is so well adapted , . t i the conditions which nijrht au with hu' Kt'-li . y'T tre'it'le that jr"cl will come to you '' ' '''" by its use. Merit is ihc foundation of Lydia R. R ' l Plnkham'a Vegetable Compoond. It h.-us Jolly Bunch Wednesdaj behind it a record of nearly fifty years. . rove al BMmssjastsjjsjm mm NSfc. - 1 f rr e H I - t 1 THE ST OP EEL BOX Haoa b 3 mom mtr Woodrow Wilsons Secret Records of the Paris Peace Conference r When Mr. Wilson decided not to write the story himself he appointed Ray Stannard Baker to write it from the private documents collected at Paris in the iamous Steel Box. These papers include the secret minutes of the Big Four and the Council of Ten never before published and hitherto seen only by the heads oi governments and a few confi dential advisers. This first complete inside story of the treaty negotiations begins Tuesday, February 14, in THE CHICAGO DAILY NEWS Note: Subscriptions to The Chicago Daily News may be ordered through your local newsdealer or mail your subscription to The Daily News. 15 N. Wells it.. ' -icago, lit