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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922, PAGE FOUR. THE OTTAWA FREE TRADER-JOURNAL. OTTAWA WE CITY The Belle of Buffalo NCORPORATED IN "STATE" OF LA SALLE RECORDS OF COUNTY CLERK FERGUSON SHOW DATES MU NICIPALITIES AND VILLAGE? WERE ISSUED CHARTERS B ILLINOIS. Ottawa mis the first municipality In the iiint to be ineorporatnd U I city, according to the official conns., records cm tile in BpriBfflaM. Tr. records show that the territory of fatally known u the county of la Salle .hut called by politician! thi "State of l.a, Salle." has n total at twenty-three Incorporated .Hies and town According to the ttSMWl Blua Hook. Ottawa was Aral la the OOOaty to be Incorporated as I city. Pa pers were granted by the secretary ot suite on July 21, IM7. Paro was next baring been Incorporated Feb. fi 184 I.a Salle is listed as third, the records feowntg tha' she became city in 23. lv;. Streator was not incorp, rated until april B. 174, and Ogli il Toujb Luck. QtOrgln I'f.K'i 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 . our absent mj Ik, DIRE CONVULSION OF MATIIDC iiu TUT QfVC in i unu im mil uwvi hoi,,.- pi lire nice, but notwithstanding Ihe fact thai it was Krukatoa, a rolcanic island In the iituviiy Insured, the blamed thing strait nf snn.ia. between Java and Wliui, not burn--nrooklyn Katie, Suuiairu, wax In ss:i the cant Of I one of the iinist tremendous volcanic . .i.,.,. .... 1 1... nnt Like Fun She Does! walla Cell In, together with a pan of Hrltaarland has located bo j with) lb an bed. rurrylux with II two- tomacne. We tuppoae ; kb mother thlrda of tha toland which had a total I but nmitj lendi bbn outdoora I urea before t ru 13 square '" hUn 10 wH" ' k, and ereatlng iw.. s, ,il Island, doughnuts and i.-ik.w eookles.-Suu which subsequently disappeared. At I Francisco Chronicle, the same time n gtgantii ocean wave Inundated the adjoining eonata "f .tua Leve and Sumatra, caualng a loaa ol Bo800 , nV( K UI ,, l00 ,hiK lt rtf r nn. Uvea and (be destruction of :" vll j r,i.. Rock Gaaetta Maybe, lages, and then cnreered round lha en- rjgHy love la Jst to fool thing lire globe. The noise of the i miptlon t Rf(,'r gacn othtr. Artanaaet Thomas in .nn inr u ,111:111'.- in ,vw .. i eviii nines. iu m'i ill i eie oic wise ael up . aeries o( concentric at intpberli waves. whii-h traveled at It Always Costs Him a Stroke. Nothing Is more disconcerting to BuffaJj ;he until Aug 5, However. ; Wan settled before pap i issued. Tonic;, wa Salle county rated town was granted gBeneci 1 oral d, tica (Titles ISIS. ill of thefe commnn it -and thriving towns long s of Incorporation wen recently won It aaoalee" .ntcst and is also an accOtnpU-bad the first village ua to become an Incerpo- The charter for Tonica Dec. 'J6. 186. CrottJ the aceottd village to bO Uoataat third. North i fourth and Karlviilt fth. Bast Wenona received vill -. paper if Ini irporatioo hit. the off dais Par T. Inii i corr 111 foi: . btained t! M.i '. W08. nnlfr la which the cities and . n hrad tluir papers of in r.tion and the dates on which charters were granted are as city. UttV Pe;u. s lie city . Maodota, city . Afarseilles, city Streator, city . Drlesby. city Ineorroi .. July II, . . . . Feb. 5. , . ..Tune 2$, ...Feb. It, ...Feb 21. ...April 6. Auk. 5, Tontca, village Dec ( rotty. village Lo8tant, village North Utica, village . Karlville, village "Leland village Dana, village RiUtland, village Kangley, village .... village .... illage . Grand Ridge, village iLeonore, village . . . . Millington. village . . aCedar Point, village East Wenona. village is:." iv. is; igi 1ST' 191. 26, IS V 16, lRf' 16. 186." . iKansom, Bhi . in, ,iiiii .Feb Feb. ..March 1 ...March S . . . .Oct. S ....Sept. : . . .Aug. 1 Feb. : Aug. nnl Ian. 14. 1S9' pi i I 28, is." May 3, 185.1 Oet. 3, W07 May 7, 190;: 18G1 8iS 187. 187 18S' . is' whn a Wotnan's Mean, i i B essinjs cf Clvlliiation. Bdivia Is an uncivilised place, Tho pr..,.f is that In ine parts the na (tree scoop up oil out of the !; ' In , i t rounded b) gnragi - and untrj clubSi Among These Precent. "The big pet noes are always found nt tha top of the beep," remarked the succeskfol man. "i'-ut if it wasnt for the rest of us there tvouldn't be any ii-an." replied the unsuccessful one Won t nn ie ii'it oi i a in in and findings tiw earotpul you; even I, good to yourself, and don'; harry -.iiir soul over your own blunders and mistakes. Aon C Sweet. Tells Husband by Tread. A Japanese woman can tell her h'i b nd's approa h by- the sound his Most Oifl 11 " sldcAvnik. foreach piece of vvoou in the Reel or Ids saDe has its !ie';i!nr lmber pitch. Cindsrs In the Eyr. lenai three tlnje around th irrn- aslddle-nctd golfer than to be inked " unn ",l,,r "" i,v tiu. voting ladt ho is watching aim minuted debrla enai up b the explo-1 ,vf ((( wnrtnet be Intends tj anitf gave ris,. .luring three years or Uu, ggthaa-a leuruamaut I Sim ". Ileus beauty! iIunm si.u in Canada and oth-i ' "" it pans ,if North America In Novam ut r, isot, lieu K ; mihj jjrnuu, - - rvenor narawarc INDIA TIRES AND TUBES High Quality Low Price The Misused Period. Church BWiouncvmetii In ArkansMi Herbert I louelK w ill sing nest Sunday t the Presbyterian i hurch al tha mom service. "Oh, Lord, Have Mercy ia - -Rostoj. Tnnaclrlpt Difference in Diamonds. amp. ! A diamond known as n "brilliant t has S8 facets, a rose diamond is Uub fiiieted only on the top and has u Mat base. MB TONIGHT Edna Murphy and Johnnie Walker in The " Jolt 99 A play that takes you threugh the labyrinth of crime. Also a New Century Comedy TOMORROW AND MONDAY "BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER" With James Kirkwood, Wesley Barry. Pat O'Malley, Marjorle Daw and others. Hundreds of Indians and scouts in conflict. Great fron. tier scenes. Custer's last stand, etc., enacted in this wonderful story. Adults 20c, Children 5c Night 7: 15 and 8:45 5 Acts v A u D E V I L L E HANAKO JAPS "Novelty Entertainers" THE STERLINGS HANLEY & HOWARD BOB JULES FISHER & LLOYD "Two Shades of Burnt Cork" HARRY HOLDEN & COMPANY in "Fooling Father" By Royden P. Utley 5 Acts V A U D E V I L L E INCOME TAX RETURNS MUST BE FILED BY MARCH 15th For the convenience of our patrons we have arranged with MR. AXEL HEIBERG to again have charge of our Income Tax Department. Beginning Wednes day, F ebruary I 5th, Mr. Heiberg will be at this bank to assist in preparing returns. This service is available without charge. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK of Ottawa, 111, Since 1865 No Prestige for Groom. Men pel all the rough slams, even I 'in the dictionary. -Groom'! is defined ns "one wno taaes care or noise-. ir who els married. But a bride Is Jusi ii bride, and isn't advertised any where ns anytnmg less compumen tary. Philadelphia Retail Ledger. That is one of the It Begins with Abraham Lincoln illT1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii I MILLIARD GARAGE I f i FlVSt VirtUQS. I -1 WmMKm Saving Monev g Ings account. It Big- nn "i nanus, amnitlons, R s E tii':'1 mti pei everam all J 5 won' 5 liarai terl itics thai em- j 5 P' appri elate. A Bavlngs j Zk mt Is nol only a good j 5 b, but it Is B J s Lend bualneas Invest-K " R 'it. Decide today not to de p i OTTAWA BANKING f m m . mi. i i . t & TRUST CO. I HMMHT Income Tax Service Mr. Joseph G. Dingle, certified public accountant will be at this bank from Feb. 1 5 to March 1 5. He will be pleased to assist you in filing your return. His service will be free during the business hours of this bank. MILLIARD GARAGE Wc have been with you a long time Reason We know how to manage a Garage. . OFFICERS Lorenzo Inland, President. I Oscar Haeberie, Tash. ..... ,, . , ' Pre,! A. Carding, Asst. fash g K. V. Swift, Vice President. K()wjn (.a8si(y As,t. Chs- Charles K. Hook, Vice Pres. ; .Joseph II, deary, Asst. Casl Tl lTI A SAFE BANK FOR YOUR SAVINGS