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SATURDAY. FEBRUARY II, 19a AGE EIGHT. OTTAWA FRKI. TUADER-JOURNAL. i FREE TRADER - JOURNAL AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER 115 West Main Street Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday. KllKK TUAiiKUJoi UNAL I'KiM'iM. CO Publlsheri W II. osman Editor find Queral Manager 0. H. WOOLBBBT Managing Lditor Member of the Associated Press. TERMS: Dally, one year In advance, by carrier . 16.00 Dally, one year In advance, by mall, o i Ide Im ...... 4.50 Dally, one year In advance, by mail. !:. Dally, per week, by cairtST "The Associated Praia is exclusive)) of all new dispatches credited tu it or end alHO loial news published bereln. Entered aB stooud class msttt r Mar , 111., under tbe Act of October 3, 1917 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 192:. WHY NOT HEX!' NOT KNOCK As u;i t have Urn expected, the letter oi the nigh school board and faculty t" students ami parents has called forth some adverse criticism. The letter said nowhere thai it applied I Students or parents, and. in fact, stated that it did not: but r was nothing therein contained which could 11 l lie read with bench t, if only f od fur thought, 1 an) parent of a Ih i r girl o school age. Specific charges in known cases would "stir up" unduly and would greatly harm anj lxi r girl in ol ed . the condition is widespread, rat i onl in this high school bui in high .schools throughout the country, the Ixiard and faculty did the . thing by handling -the matter as thej did. It is the dut parent to "take stock" and find out if the criticisms ap to her or to the children under his or her c ntrol. One reply to the letter appears in today's I;rf.i "radi Tot rnaI. in another column. The writer is entitled to his in i in general, but si me of the uunnalilied statements made are ulterlv without foundation and are unjust. Made as the are ; truths, they may be accepted as admitted facts bj some whi ilo care to investigate. What possible foundation can there be for the statement. "The present todaj parentship naisi be superior I 1 thai in the past"? It is either an extretnel) egotistical statemenl and m insult to his own parents, or he was very unfortunate in his fore liears. The statement that "the successful work in the high school depends directly on the morale and sch ol fellowship and deal taught and instilled by the faculty and the superintendent," is that of the class of parents who ;ire largely responsible f r the condition. Hiey would shjrk the proper m- r.d training of their children the teachers in public schools and casl upon them the odium it thctr children go wrong. Teachers ma) have an influence, bi . the ;noral training and hih ideals should be taught in the h me. W hy the larse number of nuoil fail to carrv in the letter, and anyone who has given the matter much sew us it tention knows that the letter understated rather than enlarged upon the facts. 'l lu- statement thai lie nresent other absolute misstatement oi fact. Anyone who know-; anything about the makeup oi the board the gentlemen who compose it knows how utterly absurd such a -tatemeni must be. Because th hoard fighl their battles among themselves and arrive at decision; h which they all stand, and because they work in harmony fi r th good of the school, many pei le win arc always looking for frictlOl and trouble conclude one master mind dominate- the whole hoard A large pan i f their gootl work is thai thej don. t air their disagree ments in public but decide as a whole what is needed ami work t that end. The implied objection to military training, the uniform, dis cipline, etc., is best answered by the great physical impri vement 11 the scholars during the pas! few years. The greatest educators o! the countrv favi r them all: they may noi be wise, but they fool jjix d many people. If the conditn n mentioned affected Ottawa alone, mere imgnt be some ground for singling out the Ottawa teachers and superin j tendent for criticism, bui the condition unfortunately is one which ;s larowlv nffevaleni and widesinvad. Thev are fiehtitlB the same battle in ChicaRo. Cleveland, Danville and mam i titer cities, and all I are calling upon parents to aid in as the letter is accept real a 1 ood be accompished. CALLING IN VICTORY BONDS. The Secretary of the Treasury, acting within hi issued a call for the redemption of the Victory bom and three-fourths per cent, interest. I issued by the government after the close soon fi llowed by a second series lieanng tour and a quarter per c interest. Of the first series there are alxiui $4f)0,0OO,000 otttsta ing on which the final installment of interest will be payable J 15th. It is on ( r before that date that the treasury department quires that the bonds shall he presented for redemption, or il presented all interest will cease on thai date. I hey intended to run until May, 1923, but the gt vernment the riht tO redeem at its pleasure, which privilege is ti cised. The commercial value of the ictory lionds, Til-riv honds which nreceded them, has !vn vancing from away below par until now fi. th issues ol the bonds have arrived at sHghtly above, par. The holders of tl tv bonds, however, must still experience a loss in case the to sell them, for at no time since the people so generously si for them in "doing their bit" to meet the exigencies oi the v the Liberty honds been worth the full amount that was them. But, like the Victory honds, which likewise suffered a de- day may put n preciation, they will ultimately be jyorth their mil face value. ' Tt is very probable that the second series of ictory horn's, the ltl. , ,,, .., 41i's. will sot 11 be called in. for they, too, are hack al par and the persoi utlvnm government will most likelv decide tluit it will he better for the na- nwsl ,! duty, tional treasury to redeem jem, Secretary Mellon of the treasury 1 Department is quoted as having said, in connection with the redemp tion of the first scries, that the action is taken in connection With i T1(, wiir ... the treasury's progragfl for the refinancing of $6,500,000,000 ol literal Anglli short dated debts outstanding. J'hli'v' " ' It was the appeal to the common people to subscribe for these wnnd it? Liberty and Victory bonds that aroused the populace to the highest V.,. redueed plane of patriotism. The sulwcriptions were ample to meet the de- with interim -ind ni:inv laborin:' men and women, in their desire to help w"b 11 l-i-' ,in. UnrmntA (li mrawv nun uii;i "' nienls. t avine the maximum rate of interest knowing thai they were: sacrificing the difference between that which thev were O inuclled to WtV and what thev would receive from the ".overnment. Sonic of them, perhaps the greater maipritv, saw an opoortunitv to invesi jn I safe pronosition which would finally repay them all thev paid ut f"' poKsttbly a small premium besides. The lesson in saving was a good one and possibly of greater I 1,00 .10 eutltlwO i i u for republics u DOI otherwlai credited to tbli ; : lt2i the iv .V - their w ork was Mill .n! unci hoard i- a one man board i- an- the work ol improvement ( Inh -it in armg tnret firsi bonds 1 thev were e were the the war, an tnaiiv steadily aa- ict rv e Libef- 'u wbi.-li lo lii.'ibc their 'i'l t.a SB ' Co intj EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO. iLJiErwII e f "' f NOT XT k?Ap. 04 N'T SC6P THAT frT'"'-- I ffVMf ; .i:h s0 V 1 f iA Pol d rsi Hr Today's MAY WHEAT HITS NEW '-1 GH REC0R the breaks there good support, July at 11.174 to H.U May dropped a shiTilf an hour after the opening, as did July, lint held to narrow limits, Corn was "4c to c up at the start and held to within narrow limits dttf to show some strength. Oats started a shade hither and held this (luring early dealings. Liberty Bonds. fourth i 1 1 s bid; victor 96.20; victory 4s, lOft.10. ' Potatoes. 'eb. 11. Potati C gnip, whit eked, II. cwt; Minn. ZLXZnZS Lcki I ! 1 point in to yestt rday's a v eragi O.i ns-llcht, 1! i many "Alloy. .111 n tich aw." h the coniMM Id il- a pi vi .. 11 i:nire or 1111 is , tircorditnce Uons 1 u iirdlng : ted on ; the : "ir a.. if it I illy dropwl '' pronoun. ,, tlu ., ,! " tt'" '" value in the depreci return to pa . i It . . . ... . . mm I 'i on scvurilV, Wliltll, i'c the period ut Lr :r hum. IvM ivM I MPAT 5 tHfe Max rem is I e . . . m '1 IT A L'J c . J v. TlCvS Got a rcsht I To SNOfsC M I MY 3c2.cP ii L It - M7 WMY a III ; - . -T Markets GRAIN . . manager . members taird Boo: Prav i Ilith. Lo 1.31 1.17 1,18 Corn- Jin.-, .1-", C.isti Markets. mixed mixed yellow yellow .54- .ai) -.54 - No. 4 yellow No. 1 white white No. white No. :', white No. - while .38tf ,85 :!:'. WALLACE GRAIN MARKET. No, - white No. :! while No. 4 white .3 1 Vi .:0 vi .29 Vl .Ah A' . 1 1 .It .43 .43 4 white ICEL'S ELEVATOR. Oats .:;u .44 V. .141! .43 V .hili .l.'ij A'lVi , 1 thii Brenkfnsl puts on a pound 1 lu sir, which iimn. We average, lev (ten- op lo it ituln br. Magnetizing Steel. sin is put into stec by Induction from some ot or by electric ncttgR. If steel is in iMiirhl Into .tin- d ,,, . ,., , . , .....-11-, 11 ,,-, ,,,,,-s muii-M,. w 1 1. j 11 'a touched or stroked with one end of the tnugnel it retains this magnet- 1 j -v er meilKHl 01 muKiienzing Mrs. sn 11a rvrwva w .'ims wm , s,vt, eucre. Mrs. George Hallett WOO is to wrap the sUmjI in a coll of wire, Bills were Ottawa visitors on Wed-)rat prile for ;,dieS. while Mrs. Hay- throuftfa n-hlth o passed an electric j oesday evening. ward was awarded the consolation.! current. The steel irradually amlL,5'8" 1'r.mces Sykes and Mrs W. Xr,,! ('ox won first lor the gentlemao ' sttwlj k - mctism. twrticular- M,;,,n'u'v wu' ! R Ottawa and Wffltarara Keller second. At the i ly It U hean-d I.. high temperature Moml conclusion of cards refreshments j ' ,,r s s,,i iii'.ehanletll treat- ! ' were served, after which dancing Was U mi WK.i, " , tf o Jtiii" etc He'pcd by Oiffi.-u'ties. enjoyed for a time. Ralph Sutton and " '' ' ' " w ; hai been sold ! 1 1 "a h I "t8 Hertha Rogers furnished the j - -th-l... ..u mL-i. ,1 1 music. Urn 1 . 1 1 a If; as ,,it,,niv uectl Stated, Will maturity arrive: Marseilles Office Phona, Black 17. m i .t '. . MARD! GRAS CROWD ENJOYS RARE U tiidm niiT mm lug apace, the fairylike maidens do Louise Young, Beth OberholUcr, cended and Joined itii the young CurUa Klllelea and Chaster BparlM ..,,TrrT fvfnt of social ladi In beautiful series of dances have been senl to Peoria to ;i greatCoT event or 8uv,iai- ,ghted all bbserveri V, P. C, U. rally which commences season in Marseilles at Unong dancers were this afternoon und contiiHgM through TRACTS MORE THAN 2.000 VIS- HggffVSffV ITORS. WHv, TUHN OUT TO One exhrnltions of fane) toe District Encampment. danclna noi often seen ' dlstrlcl convention of the mi help raise funds for the nf MS j , h. atoti of caiiipmenl oi Odd Peilowi of U community nurse. Seneca ".is t" be noted, and Justin Balle count) will be held her on 8a Jaeger and George Walsh of Ottawa, urdaj ol next k. The degree stu'i with William Cordon aa accompanist, Morris iii confer the Hocond ilc . . . . Ma were to be remembered, irree, for which Marseilles Iiuh idas ' .' Johnson's orchestra, which had ad 'of ten candidates, Other lodgoa will 1 ""S' which ,jyong ,,, kj regular number, fur bring several, so ilu-ru will be a dm was Riven under tbe au picas of tae Q(ine mllHji. during the evening, a large class for the occanlon. local u ii Cross for the communit) well a for the dancing, uiKhl nil tli" (lain flour of tii' National Biscuit i :niia:iv tu w box factory, The Immense building was linlitcd '..mi haMMttanl to nrrnl th mvrlatln il electric lights A shrond of fos . bwi pi down the valley just us the poo : pie gathered or the big show, and In a measure obscured tbe lighting of' i feci of the great building. But aa tin I midst rwep) and eddied around the I great factory, tii" enormous bulk w .1 . j magnified by the hose like a mam moth monolith, while along the front i 01 tbe building ran the deep waters j of the head ran', just dlscernable through the uk. giving a wierd effeii : to the whole scene. The driveway from Main street to the factory had been dragged and lov Ii lied down so thai the cinder road was as level as a pavement. Bverythlng ' was In like manner prepared, for the accommodation ol the expected crowd, 100m being made to park cars alotix the south side of the head race aad along Main street from Bluff street to th? rive:- bridge A placard nost 'ti on Main stie t runni ;ted iliivpr nn tu pi lies in river n had he. .iti.ill of hp tit wa- ,r ,.;.. than realized I: is certain thai morrs than 2,000 people a , 1 nnaomhiaH in th,. iiuaIum snce room when the show com - inencea, na mure came in up to 10, when a few b san to leave. But at no time was the room Oiled bo that hundreds mote could not have bee.', readil) at commodated. The inside of the main floor was beautifully decorated in red, whin. . :. "ii and yello The big pillars had fully bung from the coiling to pillar.,, while red shaded electric lights gleam ed through the decoration;', giving a tested and fitted by me means aaua tairylike appearance to the mammoth faction to you. Dr. w. C. Gilbert, at the fae UTICA 1 Baptist Church Notes. The rt. v. p. u. hold a bttsine. meeting and social at the chun rooms Friday evening, which Wl largely attended. A line lunch wi Six delegates will be appointed, to ko to Ottawa Monday vening where they will attend the Sunday school conference, and banquet held at the Presbyterian church on that held Sun- Regular services will be day morning and evening in charge of the pastor, Rev, Caaael, and Sunday i school services, and the bible class j will meet at the BBjne time, in the morning, To Hold Hard Times Party. Ported to have been one -of the most enjoyable held In a lung tune. A tea The Royal Nelghbora will hold a ,. , importance was the roll call, nam lime party 111 me luyauc worK- rs hall cn the evening of Feb. 1 1, and lunch will be served. Wormhals' orchestra will furnish the music, and everybody is welcome, and assured ,l k"(M1 "iHB. Local mote... Miss Verne Hess returned to her home in North Utica Wednesday iif- ter a number of days' stay at the home of her aunt. Mrs. Frank Pear- been quiti but is ; now improving, j John Corbln was on our streets Wednesday for the first time In quite a while, having been quite ill With i the flu. Louie Larson of Ottawa, well known is having a line mission porch built on his Inline. Swanson Bros, of UtiCS doing the work. Elmer Ames la now employed at the George Reynolds home. Warren Hallett has recover from a recent illness. Ed Smith has aeeepted the posl- t t i 1 .ti as traveling salesman for Luther . Ki)()l u-irvh I, were given a farewell Accuff, representing the 1'tica Du- party Thursday evening in Bibbs' hail . h1 o.,.. Ilia torrit,,rv l..l, ...... ... . ... . . .. . ee-. ui.iiii i.u,,.,i.. -s. ... .. ,.vi,.iiileil throuu'licut tile state. Stanley Bdrcomb w-as a business caller in Ottawa Thursday. p. 1 1 1 11 1 ,fiuin ii:ii. oi""- ' ' ' it p'" , 1 ...... u m I ere is re.ti achievement DUncttlthM show wliat vu are." AIM MARY MACARTHUR Office over Star Theater. tor) for moving paper from room to room were canopied with colored bunt im, and teatooned itii rope 01 co nred paper to make charloti nn'.i tin tableaux were enacted Theie were filled wltli beautifully coatumod iris .mil drawn by teami ot fane) dreKHed boya, and H parade started from one corner of the room and con tinned around the open apace reserved inr the dancing, the children ilnglns ai the) moved along Arrlvina al tin- center of the danc- 'l li. Iti .l Crnss limit i was a cai. teria where the evening rlna stie. t Qirla had hom tancy drinks ol all kinds, ind popcorn. made cand Stuffed dal i. n ol naddi. - for sale on candy. The National iiismit company had the-a various klndi I crackers, cook for sale or on exhibition, The workers all wore various col' ored smocks with sashes and caps. Too mueh praise cannot he uivell to the management who arranged and put through this greatesl exhibition ever elven under one roof in this city. Also the officers and employea of the National Biscuit company are to i-- "iVell , "'iilt for tlllr enOITS to UbUII the management In making this a sm cess. The management cannot tell yet how much has been realized from tip show, bat sl.000 appears to be ah sal he fltruri . Marseilles Wins 'Em Both. The basketball game between the Marseilles and Morris High school teams was nailed off in the nlgJ sell 10I tvm hot eveailli!. Ill" ursi me on tip 1 und teams the two BChOOla and result n a score ot 1 , to 1 1 in lav p of MaraeiUea. The second game on I the Drocram was between the tir -t 1 team resulting -i to iu iui ui South Sic;e Coal. 16.60 per tn in two ton lots or imn 17S rier ton .or SinKlS tons . ...i .... ih kill BVir nr., nun del'verv Vlume Black No. 6. Maniifrtrturpra' Cotl Co It's a Shame To let sour eyes ki wii. n iney are in need of help so badly. Vour eye Ir'ug store every Wednoa- Bianchard' dav. 1 GRAND RIDGE MISS WINIFHEC YOCUM Correspondent Edjoy Holiday. Pupils of the public and hih school enjoyed a real holiday vacation Fri day due to the fact that Prof. McLeod and the nthnr members of the facU.1- n , ,. BtitUte The kiddies had a real day of pleasure if one is to Judge by the number engaged In playing marbles most a tha day' et 1 ogemer v-iuo ivieeis. The Get Together club met Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Adolph Noaek. northeast of town while the meeting was not as large ly attended as has some, it was re- when the members answered by tell ing a story and needless to say was j greatly enjoyed. Music on the vie-1 trola completed the program. Mrs. Noack served her guests a delicious luncheon. This popular organization will meet anaiii In two weeks, Feb. L.:; .,, t. home of Mrs. Arthur Reese. Mrs. Claud Jerue Entertains, Aits. Jerue entertained at dinner Tuesday, her guests being Mrs. r j nest Crawford and little daughter, Jane, and Mrs. Walter Kami and daughter Marjorie. , fleorge Skinner called on Deer' Pi rh friends Thursday. Frank and Bd Dutllnger attended public sale at I. add Tuesday, wheri they also renewed many old acquain- j taances. At last the destination of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wakey, who are on their honeymoon has been learned. Hold Farewell Party. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ttayward, who , will move to Deer Park townshin ny menioers 01 ine 1,00a vv 111 cum am. their families. About sixty were in -t tendance. Tlie first half of the eveii- iii.'. Was devoted to playing progre: Miss Crumrine Onerated On. Miss Maud t'rnmrine () West Main .. OMi.r nt xir h -.i j lj;uu CrtjaUtao, accompanied by her News .mnS-W kXVV-l Uou.c Phone, Black 35. Historical Society, As ll, Manllua-Rutland Townahir Hlatortcal toclet) Iiuh no connlttetj on oxeuaex it meuim that everMuem- ber abould be aun to attend t-5rtgu lar maetlnf of that botlj .Monduy. Peb, 13, at 8:80 p. m, It's tlio legal (lay In tltta state tor tbe obaervanog of coin's birthday and InciAenta la the life i' Illinois greateal man w ill ro due attenUon. Y. P. c. U. Rally. Local (Notes. Carrie Knickerbocker und lira. Frank Davidson wile Chicago attend- : ants iai evening n the festlvlUea of the Mardl Oraa I P. T. Neil and Miss Maude Myeis 01 Kenoana, wis . came jresieraay to I"' here for the Mardl tints. -U1 r m .-sprniK vuiiey m visiting his slater, Mrs Mayme Mu Thomas ll.ndy. tateman ut Malti street for the Rock island, has been I transferred to Aurora street chuhcmes. Baptist. Ber e ai nnd 7:f p m sunua ; m. n. r. v n. meets ai 0 10 1 m Prayer meetihg DRI IIUUJ HI i 1' III. i.e.. i.nein,- Mggert, pastot 1 Catholic, Mas at s o'clock in st Josephs church At 10 1 m. In st Mary's church In Grand Rapids township Father O'Langhlln, pastor. Science Service ai 11a.m. Sunday echo-.1 01 1 '. in I no nan over ivi ocnnKt s j.-...-,,., pvui Trinity Lutheran. "" - school at 10 ... m. Rev. B. lUcbter, pastor. Ir Sunday i inuel uutneran. ...i ai Hi a. m. Rev, Ii r. Kaagi tx n. pastor. Universal la Church school opens at 10 o'cloca. i I'reachmc at II a. Ill lunior Y. I'. ('. to p m Senior Y P. C. I . 3 ) ; P- m, ReeV ) A. Barton, pastor. i . it. -., .1 Church i chool at 10 a. m. Preach- neat ning Ben i o'clock. Methodist. Sunday school at io a. m Churcn nt 11 a. m. Bpworth leaguo at 6 p. m. itev. v . i ibuuio, pastor. 1 1 1 M 1 1 r. left for 1 hieago on Tuesday, where at 8 o'clock Friday morning she underwent an operation at St. Jo seph's hospital for a watery tumor on the kidney. Education in Toys. Building 1. bu i, s have helped many a buy find bis chosen vocation. A set of building blocks is claimed to bavaj been the Inspiration of one ot' our blggesl engineers totlaj finding him sell. All sorts of mechanical toys, not 1 essarll' tbe extiensive kind and preferably a product that your boy himself can Invent, will help wonder fully in training htm to find his uutursl lie -1111111 buis. Hooch Foe Mrs. Elista Abbie Barlow Is a can didate for constable of Mattapolsett, M i: ; She says there are too many stilts In that bailiwick aild promises to raid them single-handed If elect ed. Five men seek the same Qfflt p j 1 1