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CE TRADERS 0 U KNAL WEATHER OTTAWA FREE TRADER Established 1840 Rain tonight' win. OTTAWA JOURNAL day. emit Inued cooli Established IHHO AND OTTAWA PAIR DEALER VOLUM i: ; -no. I2J. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 11MS2. I ('( LOCK EDITION. PRICE, TWO CENTS ACCEPT JURORS TRY GOVERNOR 1' I 1; I ii.i ms " mm TO OUSTED PASTOR RETURNS TO LA SALLE: IS ATTACKED WHICH IS TOSSING WHICH? CROWD FORMS OUTSIDE CHURCH TO WAIT FOR REV. SIMMONS AT II Ml II nn DU 1 PRESIDENT HARDING ROTIUA TRIES 10 PREACH HAS BAD ACCIDENT SPONSOR OF ANTI CATHOLIC AD NATIONS EXECUTIVE, SWITCHED DRESS MANHANDLED AFTER LEAVING EVIDLNCE BEARS SCRATCH OVER EYE WHERE BLOW WS STRUCK. TO GOVERNMENT CRAFT AT LAST MOMENT, WAS NOT ON BOARD STEAMER TWO IN J U RED IN DECK CRASH. J Cincinnati, Ohio, April 27. It is re ported here a portion of th" toiler deck of the Island Queen, one i,a Baile, III., April 87 (8p lal.) Fanned to white boat by tho at tempt l r i urn to hi- Conner pulpit of Rev, W. I!. Simmons, ousted La Palle BaptiRt preacher, sraottlderh"r teotlnml against the preacher broke out anew last uiuht a ml resulted In the Clergyman'! being roughl) han of the steamers in the flotilla convey died by a crowd estimated at From ing President Hardmg to Point Pleas t to three hundred Irate per one. ,nt nB(, couaosetj near New Rich The attack on Rev Simmons, which ' ' occurred (n Hunt ol the Baptist mond' 0hl0' church, Whither he had gone to dfl The American Telephone and Telf- liTer a lernion, was the culmination graph company here reported that the Of a growing sentimettl against hltO Cayuga, with President Harding Oil 'A 1 Q ,,nr.Ci i ' n - beard, docked at Point Pleasant a. M. Brick son, n sell-styled ex-moni. f" vmn delivered a lecture in which he ar 2:28 p. tn. At that time the Island ralgucd the llotnan Catholic chufch, Queen was reported to he passing its priests and members of th Bister ciairmor.tville. midway between New uood i. Pastor Struck by One Man. Last night's affair, according to the police was participated in bj a crowd Point Pleasant, Ohio, April 27. Two that filled the sidewalk In front of the I were injured aim. ml the Island Queeu, church, where it waited the exodus one ol the flotilla carrying visitors of Rev Simmons from tin edifice. A to the Grant celebration, wjten the fo few trlends who had remained loyal ward portion of the third d to the minister were In an autdtnoblte ., . the ; oat was passing which was held in road Ire sa to rush mohd, Ohio, A half in if him to a place of salet) in event u m alter Hit. ttaal era ah prahahiM pre. Richmond and Point Pleasant. ill V ' STATE TENDERS FOUR OTHERS TO SMALL'S COUNSEL Waukegan, April 27. With four jurors for the trial of Governor Small selected and sworn in, a new venire of 100 was called for today, when I work ot picking the sec ond panel was started. Only sixty-two of the new venire the third hundred called since the trial opened Monday could be found and judge Edwards excused twi iti Ave Ol these for various reus- PORT WORTH STARTS SEARCH FOE SIXTY UIAI OIlS le to do him ho. lily Vented the tftron reached for ti-e era joined in the two an us cat ifaroph mi CONGRESS MOST ACT BFFORE M M TTAWA HA MORE Ralph Daily, for the state resumed questioning of four more prospective iuron whom he had tentatively seat ed last night, The four are, Karl Washburn, .Norman Green, Fred Holm ami CharleB Olsen. Mr, Daily chal li nged Mr, Usen after he had failed to define "accounting" on the educs DE NTS CHANCE TO HUNT FOR til ial test, , Prank Straight, of Highland Park, their people lost in BUD-L , .1S number eight seat. rhe state accepted him and tendered , ; ,ur to the defense. Counsel for ! o govei u"i ' 1 lib 'I Mr. Straight liter develo Ing he had a fixed opin on on the guilt or innocense of Oov irnor Small. Charles Porver of Wau kegan, replaced hlra and the exam Inatlon was resumed. The defense used ii' educational test for the tirst work took the lead in the situation ; ,.. ,,, n ., ,.,.,, to get rid of Holm lu re today. Belief that the crest had WD0 down on the definition of egation," earl" today after a decided drop was, ,,,.,.. "negotiable instru- uied s" several terms, clear Pork creek. Judge Bklwarda denied the chal- Trinity River Recedes. lenge for ranse and Attorney Ileau- Kt. Worth. Tex., April 27. Trinity I beln thru used the Qrai of his per river was well within its banks thtS'l emptories to oust the juror. MISSING IN FLOOD RECEDING WATERS GIVE RESI DE N OVERFLOW OF TRINITYj ItlVER. Si arch tor the siMv or more dead or missing in Fort Worth suit of the Mood and rccons morning, the v,n to escape MAY BE OBSTRUCT IEW COMPLICATIONS ARE THROWN IN WW OF EARLY CONSTRUCTION OF FOX RIVER BRIDGE IN OTTAWA. BILLS PRE SENTED IN BOTH HOUSES. TRUCK TRIES TO BUMP TROLLEY OFF TRACK A leaded Iri Intro- a bridge over t he ox river on Main street. At the same time tor Wi B McKinley set in m a movement to have the United th i ) l a it i mpt w t harm. Souie bm the clorgMnnn. others joined In th- ... demonstrnllonj and before Rev. Sim , i mons could be Imt Into the waiting i-i car he was badly Jostled. Some wit- n ess es claim ho was struck by one in man. ami as evidence of the treat- i, meat is said to carry a deep scratch v. over his l -tt eye where a gtancint; u, blow left iis mark on his face. While the excitement was at Its ( peak the friends g Rev, Simmons a managed to gel him Into the ear and It leaped from the curb and raced u madly ft'nm the scene The minister was hurried over to PerUi where he called at the police station and !" manded protection from pursuers In ' Other ears, who are said to have fol lowed htfn In his Bight across the two towns. The I'eru police offered him shelter until the excitemenl had died di.Avn and he could lifld a In tter plai e for concealment. Jeers and Hisses. A.S the automobile sped avay jeers and hisses arose from tho crowds lin iiiK the walk near the church and there were bMes ot "Qel him," hut be yond the one or two autos thai look up the pursuit few attempted to follow the 'retreating machine carrying the pastor and bi friends. Was Ousted by Church. Rev. Simmons' n turn to La Salle, after a several weeks' absence from the city, did not become generally known until earlier in the week. Tin : word whs sent out that the preach i r Intended to occupy his old pulpit, from which he had been discharged by tho church trustees, last night, fw cause, of feeling against him as a re sult of bis admission that he sub scribed to all the alleged ex monk said of the Catholic church it did not take long for a Crowd to form to make .1 demonstration against his return to the city, from which he fled shortly after EJrlckson'a appearance In 1 a Salle. Itev. Simmons, up to about a week ago, st&yed away from l.a Salle, but Is said to have come back about a week ago to pack up his household goods in preparation tor leaving t , take another charge, In explaining his reasons for bring injr Krickson to lecture in l.a Sa'le Rev, Simmons -aid he wanted a Kir! member of his congregation to uivf up the idea of marrying a Cathol'a young man and Joining bis church Held Public Indignation Meeting. On March 24, the Sunday follow I nt; 1 the Krickson appearance, a public In i licemen were v llnaflnn imntinfl? attended In I'rot the lime after I estants and Catholic was held at ninht. and escorted him to the Perul , which resolutions were adopted call- police station The maj asp APUADH Drnn'COIVi iim upon the church to oust its pas- ne8rs ,,, prevail upon the crowd IV! r,. HUnMnU nCwUVCnlRltJI BapS fe? m,d ' af tTt Rev! IN CAPITAL HOSPITAL Rev. Simmons' dismissal. From that j Simmons was hit while he was he- time on until last Bight tilings rati ,,,,. two police officers, who were B. f- Acliard. who underwent an smoothly ami it was thought the mat : ...j,,.. ,,, protect him. operation in a Washington, n c . ter had blown over and was forgot- hospital last Thursday, is recovering ten by the city's population. sheriff Called. ! nicely. Mr. Achard was taken 111 Professor Mounce Resigns. I gnerf ,y, ra received a call las! ,u" we.'ks ago, while on the train Professor Mounee. te;,,-i,.r nf 1 hem-1 nh, n'orn)ng him of the trouble. : en route to Washington, The train istry and physics in the li Salle-Pern ,,(, rlsh,,, ,,, San,. IH-pntieS was stopped and a physician sen! HiBh school, who was said to have ,,,m ky-,,,-,, frailer and Charles for. He was taken on Into Washing been one of the central figure in the , ..iml.,:i n an auto. When the ,mav ton Mr. Ac hard recovered from the controversy and an intimate friend ot tet of officer' reac hed there they went attack and was preparing to start for Rev. Simmons, today tendered hi- a, ()IU.(. ,,( . ,.h,ir,.h ,,, found alt home when he was again stricken, resignation to members of the school qa(0 xhey made tour ol the The secoai time he was so ill that board. His resummon ras lmme-c,ty but b that time everything had Mrs. Ac hard had to he. summoned diately nted. quited down, go the partv returned V m.m Ottawa. Re is no well oa ,f,a7w. --3- ... ... oitawa. line roan to recoverv. Peoria. April 2'. BTShOp f the Pooria dlocose, today iirnnr i AVtRAbt ! if his boll OSES THAN li CITY Bach side have now used one per mpti 1 v. p; i' 1 lung of Lake Zurich, inner pi'opi ic lor o saloon in Chi- ago, pi adi 'i a fixed opinion and was ipuon Apoointf P vising ni the rati BUT THEY ARE USED TO GROW yards ailing t! FOOD AND FLOWEHS. NOT TO yel unaffected, hi toot rise would t hem under wati 1 Industrial pi ml 1 THROW STONES AT OR LEAVE CURTAINS UP AT NIGHT. lave mon March 22 I 27 Bishop Ed miind M. Dunne of the Peoria diocese 1 today announced that Cardinal Oas- , , . . , hna nt 1 inoms greenhouse t nrri nnnnl scm r.-t 1 si. lie. nas oi- 1 ftclaliy Informed him of the appoint- square feet of space under glass than mont hv Tone Plus XI. March 27, anv other state In the union, and Ot- n congross yesterday , Monslgnor Henry a O'Kelly, J taw., ttas more greenhouse space than city of Ottawa and. ()f Streator, 111., to be domestic P1- m08( clMeg mmy tlmeg hr.r 8izei Ac ty he permitted to. of his holiness. Lording to the recent census report, over the Fox river on ; Illinois was recorded as having 19,626,- 091 square feed of space under glass. A canvass of the Ottawa greenhouses MAY QUIT JOBS AT WILLImou incu, "s l 000 sctuare feel under Klass. Kansas City, Kas.. April 27 Men M ,,. U)Ur p,orlst company the have, the right to unit work when ereenhouses which are devoted solely io the raising of flowers and plants cover 2f).o00 square feet, At tho irs, At tor had heel) U. S. COURT SAYS MEN foreman, lonnerly a ph switch, when the auto snppi ting againsl tho rear vestibule INSURANCE BROKER LEAPS TO HIS DEATH Chicago, April 27. A man believed to have been .lames W. Knott, an iu- lle was dead before A new ruling making i' neci tor any municipality, Individua porath n or state td obtain a 1 to iiuilii a bridge over an Inti stream, caused an unexpected In tin preparations for bulldit nit In motion at 01 through congress at re would be ho delay ti and the state is w inuire Into their r rmanenl in fect are On .Ti ivered by 1 1920. 1 64,1500 squar rnmont stntb 1 than onehal Bi corns Bark In Play water had n -li United Mine Workers of Amen- ,,f the total area under Klass cit tna Several Drr greenhouses of the United States m,revenorl i in live states -Illinois. Ohio, New '"' ' ' York, Pennsylvania and Massachu- . setl ,,1......:. 1 1 tUr, bamh l-,r-', -.t touni .1 C'US w OTTAWA MERCHANTS tX by a 228.1 feet. The I other four states are Ohio, l,397,18; ' s 11 New York, 1,29,62: : "s 1 ' 16.923.02. and Massa- ' 'Is, ai i ordli OTHERS TAKE I 266 MILE HIKE CHICAGOflN TALKS TO 1 W. I" li if the Retail Mc it will be put thru th( ), afterno tarls in Wisconsin. , ., lore tha n a small , square feel : Pennsvlvanii chusetts. 12,930,029. Statistic on Flowers. During the year 191S Illinois sob! hi .isit relatfvi Remarkable Cc : nndrnce. women df St .Tolllishtir Both have lit Whose names Initial. liCKltl Willi Vt, me ind etl ti hate K who drew has praoti ,, prints and all ;, -I, they will !e moment. Qeorge K. Bun ins for the bridi FREE STATE TROOPS CAPTURE IRISH TOWN ! :', y from nearby greennouses ror inc l trade. Many of the choice les of certain brands of Bower ch an- raised here are also shippec $2,500,000 POSTAL THIEVES NABBED IN N.Y. 'tl eel neat ion received THIEF STEi hv regulars w;is i ..ts at the time tl FRANK FINMERTY BUYS TRUMB0 HOME OWN PRIVATE FORD EIGHT WOMEN ARRESTED ;, ': AS COAL MINE RIOTERS ' , .i.eilil W cro house at thd ce was taken ipliue to m- of polic 27. Bfghl ! a number In l itis were a at Kay eight miles MARRIAGE licenses. Ml d INSPECTOR WILSON IN MAYO BROS." HOSPITAL Plumbing Inspector William and hi- wife left last evening Chester, Minn., where he will ' a course of treatment at the Brothers' hospital. SEATTLE GCTS NEXT ii i T F'-t CoMy Error. If we 1 1 1 llvs ever srsln p bel oi Id do better In some) tvin avoiding the mistake, for In stance, of trying to make our wife's r.-' . .' 1 irm the nst I m tl . Ohio Stun Mayor reter man and Iwo po