Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY. APRIL 87, 1922. I REACH MILLIONS, JOHNSON ALLEGES .SOUTH DAKOTA RCI'UOUCAN CLAIMS TO HAVI UNCOVERED PLOT THAT SWINDLED GOVERN MEN T OUT OF HUGE SUMS ON DUPLICATE ISSUES. Washington, April 1 I Ion a ol dollars ol duple 1st in the united kttati ii mi iiw Boor ol the by Qepresentatlvo Johui on. South Dakota, Otfh tut i r will proi i 1 bla c Probaby mil nip bond i i'x ii was ctiarg' Houm today mi. Republic III dOI Hill' Mi ll!!' HI lull. Ill' asserted, Prompt denial of the obarge was made by high treasury officials, amp nsmjiti'd Investigation ii Secretary Motion ot the bureejl ot engraving .... : diagiosed tha re was do truth In reports of circulation mi a counterfeit ifoverntq Challenging the J Ropresi ntath e VV I lemocral Ic mi mbet banking committee, calculati l in can ie large scale ol i at nOi unties. ohnson statement Ingo, Arkansas, hi tin- House as ertpd It was uneaaineas In the country and that In Mr. Johnson should ho ran hark it up D Mr Wingo expre "ii investigation wo Secretarj Mellon! ii lllll lllll lll-IO'X .' maki' it Mill OSS the truth sed bejiel id show t hat denying "reck in 6 il duplil ati to if,, people.' charge as to at ipurlouS Becurl .1 w. McCarter iKl As a basis for his leged circulation ol i ties, Mr Johnson i aid assistant regl 'i rar ol ini' tin' Wilson adi cured information in duties w bich t on litis the treasury dur inlstratlon, "se Itie bOUKO Of li d htm thai thi p Pad been enormous i ament bond i whl I'd by the bureau printing and hud duplication I Ii had Ii", ill I'm print IK .'Hid Kb his i think Mr, Mefmrl right attitude whi n be matti r first to u disfni cratic senator from my property on i nl d the aaslsant secretary of t ih. tin present! d ulnhed l). i, itc and matti r i" Ih' ,e n Mr .1 ilia, "ii i ontinued "He was qulckl) Informed at thai time bj the former administration that nothing was wrong, thai then1 should be no Investigation and that he should keep bl i mouth sh his position. "Mr Mi Carter, who had i lOBI oped was wlio had devjeh the duplicates, it administration fads to memb r the exisli in e nl Oisi haiv d bj hi lireselil me thii- ,' for ol . onma ss. I think a man who look adminis that attitude in tne former ; tratloil was ill adt isi d " Johnson Investigates. "I took all of thi; down to the department ol justice nr.. in 1821 nft. r W" had tried ii way to secure action from the administration." "You tra hot tirln - ii to th tion pt St rretary Mi lion ?" M r nskei f earls every former atteh VViogo -I did not," Mr, ,i "1 liroui'hi it to th" depart ne 'ir ol Justice it. iiiighi to h.iv,' gone.' "IKi you have Inft T-t'itioh von can base tliat minions of dupll printed?" Mr Wingo Sever, Sheets of plied, if the think ate honils i pressed him Numbers, n typewrit! of numbers "I t ink down sevei sheets, single spaced, i dupllcat" bonds, and bo nfng Hi'". "an higher th issued." Mr. Johnson si run tell how many wet The gentleman frdn t.i was furnished a li-t Wingo assi rted. "Has dnctej an investigation n lie Ration Is true? ' "l am satisfii d there sa)il Mr. Johnson. n of run inda !' them," Mr he i"" mu n find if th'1 truth In It," The Wondeiful Sale on Mcponset rugi coverings ende Saturd usual values offered t Neponset and other floor iv. April 29. Lu ll these unusual g is. Clearing -ale Ti LEADER PUR. Af RUG '0. The Doctor's Prcrorj.Ttive. cter (;! agonized patient rushes "Good Lord, man ! I ton'l yell tinit - nt least wall until I tell where you are suffering." La (Pails). in) like you jtre NOWD WORK WIT Because Lytiia E. Finkhanrs Vegetable Cotr.pourid Re stored My Health HorrasH, N. Y. but there didn't ae. "1 wns in had he-ilih in to he any one thing I the mailer with me. I was tired uit all lover i Kno tt was an et- rt for me to move. 1 1 was irritable and icouictnoi RieepTitgnia iind had trouble with Irtiv bowels and at tt& peri ids. It seemed I that nearly everyone I around me knew of your medicine and wanted me to try it,. so at last l t ok l.ydia E. Plnkhtam's vegetabw Com bofund TaMets and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine and improved every day. 1 do all my own work now except the washing and do it with ease. 1 c m a,--romplihh as much in a day now as it would have taken me n week to do last winter and I try to pet every one I know to take your medicine to build them up. You are" welcome to use thii letter as a testimonial if you like."- Mr. Ciias. Dakeu. 21 Spencer Ave., Hornell, N.Y. In almost every neighborhood there are women who know of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. They know because they have taken it and have been buiped. Why don't you give it u trial ? BOND FRAUD V MY H EASE r 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 m mm D l Hi ill 1 BLACK CAT HALTS GREYHOUND RACE Mlnnfl! I'lii . April 17. A iilMh ml caused ;i 1 1. 1 ii fif in i ii i 1 1 1 one (la J-i-, nt "' the greyhound pact meet being o lucted hero sy the Miami Kennels 'lull mill tha (low N"v aw chasing a ww meananlcal rabbit. A small slfti Irleal trolley la laid In tii i eonter ol tin course and al 1 1 - In ginning r aj raco u stuffed rabbit, mounted an the 1 trolley, Is started The bunny Is given In started from i in- t a i n From ii few yardi start ' and the greyhounds released, at a i, ;ii do their utmost in steli i; . u w yards beyond the Mulsh the bll dui ks into u (rap door while A tin i Ii' imp nri' cjoi hi ax tin v line, The. (tugs for Be weeks bad ohaaedj the rabhll when an Inquiring black cat i wandered onto the course, One of the Judges in save the kitty from rough handling b tha hounds, did 100 yardH in ten seconds flat and captured hei The cat wis released behind the grand stand with a warning and it was, believed she would stay nut. She ill 1 The first race i ot und the sinned rabbit was mali down the course with the in full tilt- after It. At tin P way and lug a streak gr vhonnds post mark- Ing a Igteenth of n mile tblng b igan t'i lianiii'ii. hi' ciiv ii r,r thn troll, v flew Into the air and bunny came to a limit. Bis greyhounds pounced upon It, The rat, disregarding the warning, had wandered onto the track .mam and had climbed onto a rafter under the trolley oaslng tor a siesta, The swiftly moving bunny struck her and Jammed the mechanism, The management Issued rain checks to the spectators, sent tor several car penters in repair damages, raided a taxi-dermiat's shop for another stuffed rabbit, and the races were resumed He best day. ANTI-MOONSHINERS COMMITTEE SUCCESS linliiil shim rs' success, Magle, i mfttee 1 Minn. ' igllahce U'cordlng St Lou I rin III : I ti iiiih i is to Hherifl Prank l, count v . Tii" com Iven the acid test during Its two mouths' exiatance am rejiorts I'mm hulrbanks, a small set tlemenl in North 1 1 n hi; coun ty, Indicate that moonshine actlvltiei bs ve bi en i imped out there. 1 1" roinmmee a a organized Sunda) att t noon late In Januat J a group of mothers and father' thi fori Bl country Residents of n townships, aroused by the death i father of ;i large family who t his own Mi.' during a drinking o an by tin t with stterjfl Vingii and organ the committee. At the time the action was taken the moonshine traffic was said o be running rampant in this wooded re u-inn. in fact, only a i a days before deputy sheriffs visited the community aimed with warrants lor the arrest of II all' IIS III nsbiners, but e arrest. w ' n Ni sill pel her to ma tici nr. the illicit traffic has been i u ; ed completely, since every mem of the committee w a s authorized eport rases of moonshining and necessary complaints to the Jus of the peace wlio was empowered to hold court and si nfeiire 'J iiis committee, organ ljd ated in the face of admltti tiiat certain "had men" wi violators, and oper d threats it t, Magle while nt its plan ut without iplished Its of action, a single pillpose ill has act in en i itive in i Iscouraging liquor manufacture. INDIANA WOMAN KILLED BY ASSASSIN Victoria, B, C, April 27. Grief Stricken ever Did violent death of his w ii . the ictlra of an assassin's hull, : rI Shanghai, William J. Synder of lira lil, Indiana, had arrived lo re today on (ho liner W 'nati hee. Mrs. Synder was shot down by a bul let intended for Gen, Tanaka former Japanese minister or war, fired by a member of a Korean hand. WRAPS WRAPPY COATS Sizes 16 to 44 Any Spring Style You May Desire $6.95 '" $16.95 The materiols are Bolivia, Normandy, Veld Where The (row ds Go 208 West Main Street THE OTTAWA FREE TJIAOEJWOURNAL. BRITISH PREMIER 1R IS PROBABLE APPEALS TO AMERICA NOT TO HOLD ALOOF FROM EUROPE BEOS HELP FOR RUSSIA AND GERMANY. Genoa, April :'7. i A. I' i Premier Lloyd George drew an alarmed pic ture hi Europe last night In address Ing the British and American press representatives be said the object ai uunbi difficult! ace. ,as In wlili Ii (dear w ere up Hill pniit lea Ol II it-n ne compared Europi r.H iai lava, whii b, i ( . u i was seeking u 'i ins adjuatmepl wus in seething ke tin' earth's proper level, lull of peril Id' emphasized thai Europe must 1 take gni ranee of hungry Russia, Which would Hupped by an nngrj Qermaay, "The world must recognise the fact," he aid thai Russia ami Ger many omblned contain over two thirds of the people of Europe, Their will be heard, and the Russo-Germaa treaty is the tirst warning of it" Want U. S. nt Conference Al that llic prom there Baltic Of III' danger frontier Black s he cited line from, a, lnclud-1 in, I'oiish rhich had! i, aerepieu. I "I wisli Ann Pics ! explained. "Some . want America for pose. This is not ; America because peculiar authority; ! nesa gives her the was here," be people Hunk we some seiiish pur true. We want she exercises a her very aloof right tO speak, exercise an in- i "Ann rics could . Urn m e no other command, Bhe en free and disentangl pi i t Ige v. hii h i mni llu end' 111 pic ill ill country mid come led ami wit could here the ill ume Iroin In t he would w it ii i ii" von e ni peace. "liiii America Is nol here; so rope mu I do her be i to boIvi Bli the problems In In p own way." Mr, Lloyd George gave it as hit opinion thai the disorganisation o I urope would affect tl nt in world, Including the United states Ho was amazed at the people who ig no red th i portentous tact taclnt Europe today. Unless Europe reor gantsed, in other words, unless the Cenon conference succeeded In a r- i an); ing a pact Of peace, he was) confident that in Ins own life, oer-j tulnl) men tn th nt. life of the younger pr Europi wmild again in hL; t . mu lilt o If ion. Gi the panne' must i pin il in the war." he ur triumph will not last OUT victory develops Into vengeance will follow, irmany's action which world war was followed be just and equitable I forever i oppress j just at ' started by veni "We i and shew I Europe is stri not ngth. o must realise on good terms and that "ising which we must e had hoped that the iai war menat the end , but unless Europe's solved there is no as orce has given way to d of tin brute fore problems are SU ranee thai I right.'' The British the press to Will and t'ello world. "You are h instruct, to Bi world's tuure obstacles whh to use your i the solution 0 full of menaw imier Bolemniy till patience, hip throughout urged L'O'llI the he col led, "to and I of the tfl ute to gum sts It ild I any but in are are in tn luence to difficulties way help villi ll 'ry tiie Free Trader-Journal Wan! Ads WARNS U.S.ANOTHER NEW WRAP IS HERE! fiSjf . if T MaL Camel's Hair, fine Twills and Tricotines SEE THE IMG DISPLAY IN SHOW WINDOWS FEDERAL RESERVE HAS DONE GREAT SERVICE roledo, Ohio. Federal Raservi Stall's had done world and whh April 27, That the system of the United i 1 1 sal service to the a (let idling factor in winning the war f( tin' stntemeni madt the allies was s ps to hankers representing the Toledo Clearing i ion ie association by John lalcob Am Old, or the Hank ol Italy, Mr, Arnold, who renreaenta bla In stitution in its foreign service in this country said in pan i "Previous to the ireei ssgr Euro pean bankers looked upon the hank lug system of the United states as a ratin-r Incomplete affair, but since the establishment ol the Federal ne serve system the completeness ol your hanking system is recognised by all the gnat hankers of the world Especially are the London bankers ap preciative of lis raakeup and results i it 'as achieved sinee iis beginning, " ...nold said lie believed the country v as well on tli" way to permanent recovery from the effects of the war, i He sgld t In great need was produc tion in tin famished countries of Ku hope. The vanquished should be sold i raw materials and their manufactur ed articles bought In miler for them ' ( pay their debts, he declared, con tinuing thai there can he no perma nent business prosperity until foreign I trade relations are mi n iirm basis.1 CALIFORNIA PLAY TOO WILD SAY CENSORS San Prani hico, April L'T -"Wild birds" the year's prise play of Bis Greek theatre players of the univer sity nt' California Is too wild for San FrancISCO audiences. This is the ver dict of the police censor after Ave nights' production following Its pre sen tatlon before audiences at the college own. The controversy following its production at Berkely Into which I'n shlent David P. Barrows has been drawn is b dleved to have prompted tin police order for its withdrawal. "The play dealt too loosely with fam '.as the by the only i xplanation iensor. Han To and the play was wide contest be scene is in mid brutal man on a girl from ati or' therch Is the authoi si lected after a stal tween students. T.I west w In l lives a farm, lie adopta a pliaiiai A boy who iped from a reform school appears and bi Boved from pursuers by the farmer, who forces the youth to w ork tor blm. Line awakens the girl and boy but thej are refused permission to marry. They run away, are caught and re turned to the farm. n discovery that ' the girl is expecting motherhood, the I fuller beats Ihe hoy to death, The girl then kills herself by Jumping into a well. DOUG FAIRBANKS IN ti inrr ri ti.r-T-r-r-nr MK tt MU5it I ttr55 Agi urn pit Muek at th in Douglas Fairbanks has tri- d. In his lat st dim, The Three teers," which opened Gayety theater tor ; yesterday a four day engagement, Mr. Palrbanks proved that he is i very inch an actor. As a story of real drama anc astounding intrigue, with mirth pro VOking moments, "The Three Muske teers" achieves a place decidedly Its own. Baaed on Alexander Dumas' world-famous novel which deals with (" historv at France in the early seventeenth century, the photoplay embodies all of the romantic adven ture injected into that stirring tale by the celebrated French author, and it also accentuates the high points, stamping them with an indelible im print on the memory. Douglas Fairbanks in the part of D'Artagnsn, greatest swordsman in ail ranee, gives an interpretation that forever establishes him as one of the greatest screen actors of all time Hhile he does many hazardous smuts in this picture, he is by no means ; ii rely a fence-leaping, house-climbing jumping Jack. His dueal with Berna jr.ux, the cardinal's greatest i words man, is one of the most thrilling and intense pieces of action ever shown on tn i screen. CAPES SPORT COATS Sizes 16 to 1 44 A Complete Collection of New Wraps $6.95 $16.95 Shawsheen, vne. I'noVrsHI Ml Ottawa. 111. THE NINTH NATIONA TRADE MEET ASMS EOR PROSPERITY PURPOSE OF CONVENTION WHICH WILL BE HELD MAY 10 WILL BE THE PLACING OF AMERICAN PROSPERITY ON PERMANENT BASIS. t Philadelphia The purpose this year oi ihe Ninth National Foreign Trade convention to be held here May in to 12, will he the placing of America prosperity on a permanent hauls by stimulating and expanding the coun-l try's foreign trade, announcement has been Iliad' hv Officials in charge of Ihe program. One important policy to he advo cated, they said, IS that so far as pos-1 slide, foreign loans shall be condition-: al upon all or a treat part of their proceeds being spent f of American goods. Indications are that t the purchase delegates of shippers and I attend the manufacturers, banker business men. who w mi et ini? will number mon large number of thi r than 2. nun are expect- (ii from foreign countries as well asi from all parts of the United States. Among the speakers are Julius IT. Barnes, chairman, during the war. of the I'nited Slates Qralu corporation and Charles M MUChnlC, vire-presl-j i, in of the Alie rican Locomotive sales corporation, of New York. Mr. Barnes' address will deal with a prac tical method for putting surplus gold to work and thai of Mr. Mucbnic will In on the factor Of depreciated rur- rency In compel it ion. William J, Conlen, of Philadelphia, a recognised expert on maritime law, has been selected to discuss the mer chant marine as on international proh problem, and the European exchange situation win be handled by F. I, Kent vice-president ot the Bankers' Trust company. New York. James a. Fain ii, president of the t'uited States stotl corporation, will outline a for eign trails policy for Americans, Other speakers slid their tonics are: : T p Adler, New York, desirable changes In letters of credit; I. If ,1 Browne, Western RSloctrlc company, mule poets in foreign credit granting; 1 M ii. Hopkins, Grand Kaplds, Mich., a practical method of protecting credits at low cost; Wilherl Ward. New Yoik. Uniform commercial credit Instruments; W, H. Stevenson. I'itts burgh, dependence of our inland wa terways; Cantalq William II StaytonJ Baltimore, the carriers' responsibility for loss end damage in ocean transput vital points of Insurance policies; tatlon; w H. LaBoy&eaux, New York, Stanley : Flogg, Jr., Philadelphia, letl-1 sons of the last year in export sales I promotion: J, W- Mason. American surety company; bonded service as a selling argument; William Menkel, New York, essentials Of a market sur vey. ('. J. Warren, foreign Bales man- TWEED SUITS Myriads of Chic Suits are here ready for your choosing. Many very interesting style features are in evidence. Tweeds are im mensely popular for outing and summer wear; take advantage of our An latesl We li about dresst Lot 1 , 1 11 -Js Mi ' Lot Up 1 . S. & H. Green Trading Stamps given j i net of tin Renting! I pany, New ork, wl in Europe under ii ion typewriter com tell of conditions the head of market ' conditions abroad, while p do st. Phalle, president of the American Polish Chamber of Commerce and in dustry and vlre presldeiit ill charge of sales of the Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia, is to describe conditions In South America The "Troubles Hour" of the conven tion will be devoted to a discussion ol foreign credits, bended by .1 H. "Pre- goe, New York, secretary of the Na tional Association of Credit Men. OHIO MAN WANTS RADIO TEACHERS I Cincinnati, Ohio, one of the most I novel suggestions for tile use of the 1 radiophone is advanced by James i risk a member of the Cincinnati Board of Bducatton. Mr, Plsk says that he would substitute the radio phone for teachers. He also declares that be is in earnest about his plan 1 anil has requested details from an electrical engineer. Plsk says further ; that under his plan each of the 48,000 school children In this city would be I furnished with i receiving se! and thai the lessons would be broadcasted at certain hours of the day from a cen tral station. The children, he said, would go to the school buildings but once a week for furl he instruction. He declares the plan would entail a saving of bundreda of thousands al year to taxpayers. GAYETY ill DOUGLAS FAIRBANK W jlThe Three Musketeers ' jr Shows Start 2 & 7 Adults 55c-. Children 28c Spec. Kiddies' Matinee Saturday. Special Prices low prices now. Tweed suits thai sold for $15.00 Tweed suits iluit sold for $22.50 Tweed suits thai sold for $24.50 Tweed suiis that sold for $29.50 tonn now rlv $10.00 $15.00 $16.34 $19.67 torn lv now . . . , formerly now . . . . formerly now . . . . New Silk Blouses Irresistable showing of all the styles in high grade silk dresses, ive BTrouoctI in two eraud lots h1 L50 classy Up- -lo-dati Silk to $29. aresses 50 now that formerly $14.98 2 Silk tO $o!. dresses 50 now bat formerly $19.98 SPEC A L IN OUR We have bought of the guaranteed Electric Irons just hou'cwife needs. Also, the Rid Jid a quantity Enterprise what eveiy folding wiggle. ironing rdide the reg !S for the Ie is $3.98. Wo offer yt Iron and Rid complete for $6.95 .Pen and IC1 in ; PAQ THREt, - notice OF PUBLICATION C HANCERY. J RLltr of Illinois. L Salle County -ait! 1 onrt. To ' .lurid In the Circuit Term, A. n. 11122. Martha 8chmitt vs. Thomas Srhmltt, la chancery. Divorce. Q n. No. 23945. Affidavit of non-residence of ThomsJ Schmitt, aiiow defendant havlnw beat, filed ii the I lerk'S ottlce of the Clr. i ult Court of said County, notice is? tin refore in retry Riven to the suhl mm resident defendant that the coin- plslnant tiled her bill of complaint in, said Court, In the Chancery side there, of, on the LBtfa dej of April, U122, bJm that thereupon a Summons Issued one of said Court ulu u in nld suit t now pending, returnable on the st ond Monday In the month (if JoBSj next, as is by law required. Now, unfeeu yon, the said non-resident de. fendanl above named, Thomun Hcbmltt, shall personally he and ap pear before mid circuit court, on thu' lijsi day of the next term thereof tr he hidden at Ottawa, In and for thu said County on the second Monday in June next, ami plead, answer or de mur to said complainant's btll of com plaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and a deer eel entered against yon according to tha prayer 01 said bill, aver ot said JOHN 1, V Ottawa. Illinois. ITZBMAN, Clerk. April 19th, 1912. H 1:1. l.v KKi.i.Y. Oompt's Sol. NOW Playing! illk sold sold BASEMENT V'. -1 p ith Every Cash Purchase J