Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 19??. Till: OTTAV s WM TRADER-fTOUHNAL. BORNGASSER 11 pcaIRle6 ! LAST TESTAMENT OF CONTE ST ?M flvFR UNTIL TOMORROW Mm. Miki Etantucol, who bM been Visiting in Chicago '"' lew j i-t uuya, ii. I- ii iiirni'ii in iiiin ciij mi- i.iiiiiiii iiniiii'ii iii"4 returned 1 from a bualneaa trip in Chicago Mr and mix Kdmund Morrow of I Heneca ipeni yeaterday in Ottawa Mis w 1 i i in hi MeKee of ii BaJle 1 ' tended the aprlng pageant at 1 lit arm ; irv list evening H. M. KELLY. ONE OF ATTORNEYS Mi s M..M11- Gl.mcv of UtlCfl spent FOR DEFENSE, rORCED TO BE ,v"'"" '"j" J Mrs I' J, u M 11 1 It v of Seneca spoilt in attendance at Chicago yeatardaj afternoon In this olty. court today trial is DE- Oharlea Reynold of 1a BaJlo ipent I Avcn evening with frienda in this city. LAYED' Martin Banderaon r Chicago tranH . acted buatoeaa in Ottawa today. Sum Cox hi Maraelllea spent Inst i a continuance from laal night an- evening with frienda in this city, in tomorrow mis taken In the Born ' ,: Baker of Chicago in in Ottawa IMS-. i r trial, ulm li Is heiug huard "" l",,,l''"is '"'"' . ni Ward ol Btreator apanti in the circull court, u 11 M Kelly, I1S, evening in thla city, one r Hi.- attorney for the defenaa r IU i,-. Redmond Dwyor, for had ii appear in a Chicago courl mi merlj of Maraelllea, moved to this city buniueaa today. I yesterday, where the) will make their Ueorgc r v ii sou . sice preaidenl future home. n iiic i.ii 8allu National bank, which Richard Dunn baa returned from is located I" a building owned by the Peoria, alter apendlng tbq last fjw testator In La BaJlp, was tin. laMtdftyi in tills city, witnaaa ogjled in the ntand beforo Wllklnaon lias returned to thla tlti' adjournment yeaterda) He i it ' y after spending tha lust few daya of his bualneaa relation with the I ln 3icao, late Mrs Catherine Bornireiasr whmta I Rudolph Relgel of this city is ipend MONUMENT MAKER ii tin. conatrvutor for ber rather, Randl Hanson Tha petition allege1 thai Mr aHnaoq naa been confined to tlif boapltal t Kankakee alnca Feb. U, 1916, wban in' .wis given a bear inn in the i.a Balls county probate oourt ami ton iui Incompetent by u commlation of two phyalciana. Mlaa Hanaon ii t her father a eatata us valued at $1,000 Brother In lirland an Heir. a brother in Ireland ami a m pie w at Ward island, N. Y . win Inherit the eatata of tha late Torrance Kee- WILL OF LATE JAMES ALBERT nan of La Salle who died April 23, GOVERNMENT HALTS Too Late To Classify The Wonderful Nepontet m Neponael ruga and other Hoof L1U rDAl T TO U I L V I (1,111 in. iii. I,... run unwim iniuuic ni , .". overlnga enda Saturday, April IB. Uft FILED OR PROBATE Waahington, April 27. The machin ery of k v i'ii iiic ii t wan bslttd today by oxecutiv order of Preaidenl Hard" lng in brder that tbouaanda of federal amployei ami officials in common with l A i , I 1 in t-i- Apartments. USK ii ual value offered on theai unusual goods, Clearing suie. THE LEA 1 1 Kit K'.'K. ti RUQ CO. visitors ami tne cuiienry oi wasning , iiui jS Uuw i . v - ton might do honor to the memory of 1980 Bcrlppa-Booth. Ilka ntw VRS Quitl a four Inner have taken advantage of our used " car bargains, but due to the popularity Ferttngl. oi Btudebaker can we are oiwaya get Will not be reaponaible fur any tlngj other cam in. iuyhe are havr debts contracted by anyone other tbad "i l Hi.- c;ir '.mi '.Mint. II. rr- is n iur. myaelf O. .1. I'llltlST.MANN. 7fi0. m Qen. Ulyi (iiani ill llu- ihilii SUMMERS LEFT ALL PROPERTY TO WIDOW IN WILL MADE PUB LIC TODAY. tioti of tbi' bronco n In th iccordJng to hla win which was died 1 Botanic tardena on the centennarv a II. 160. m Btudebaker Big six, like oca win iu r gran have s.t abidi of her life. Other witii terday i ere Slefcler of . tha will oi th llltr a ! US Mcmlota tin' latter yean William Btaley of Decatur, The will of th- late Jamea Albert Bummera, well known former Ottawa monument worker, who died recently al his hoi Hi Clinton street. bus been riled lor probata Mr sum tnera lefl all bis property, both real and personal, to bis widow, Mrs Roseannah Bummers, The will was druwn Dec, SB, l l . and was wit- i. spent for ma neaaed by Edward Bveretl Mull and I of the testator' Ann' Carolina Mull. The petition fixing the value of th eatata has not been entered on tii ci urt recorda us yet Conservator for Father. A pi tltioii has been f i 1 t In the pro- Isluml hale COUrl hv Miss Ora Hanson of this city axkln lor pi ohiili' l mlii v 'I I drawn tint day befoi Ul tttll ami WUS w iliii'SKi il hv Attorney I mamnrlo.1 T. N. Haakina and Beaale Milam C, hen. 1'respi c iiwyi'i is iiaini'ii us executor. 'I'lio petition Hated the decedent's holdings as two lots in BallOi worth Sj000, arid caab on deposit in a La Balle liuuk worth 800, 'i'lio win specifies thut not mora than $i.ri shall be spent for the burl' ui lot when Hie hoiiy of the testa tor shall hi- placed ami that ISO shall s fur tho repose il. a brother, lOwen Keenan, of wily farmoyle, County Roacmmon land, shall receive 11,600 1918 Hoi' i i vi. roadster; just ba1 N H overhaul Job put on it; $t."iii. Several others, tiuu up. Terms ay he arranged on some of these if aired. MLDBR'S OARAGE, locument waa I the birth ol the kii ui Union soldier Mr. Keenan a and orealdenl ,i the same time the s were being held M Hardlni was purtlcl- ,i cut lur in simiiin exercises at foinl Pleasant, Ohio, the birthplace of the WANTED Competent girl for gen Union leader. A hah holiday was era I housework, .Mils. I. A m aikk granted to nil federal employes the HOFER, 301 Chriatle St Phone 895-Y, nubile schools were cloaed the city - bedecked in tiis ami bunting, and BALE One-ton Republic truck; men ami women were marshalb d from ml sec, inns ol the country to form an impressive parade in hom age to the memory of Qen Grant, vice nresidi ni Coolldae and Secretary Weeks were on the program for the ly principal addresses while chief 'ns re- tice Tuft ami all associate Justices of . ' the supreme court members of con- III i ui tak condition! a bargain if LEVERIOH'8 QARAOB, II ml I nit BALE A line-room cottage; an. dene Also inn top buggy, It quire BOO Douglas St. Phone I77K. Tin- residue of the estate is to k k reHs, and other high officials or th. to u nephew. Hugh Keenan, of Ward government were present. i The unveiling was by Prlnceaa an Tin- petition was tiled by it xecu- tacutene, (.Meat granddaugnter t tie i). me. a neighbor who knew her dUriAg file I. liter vial's of her III'' All of the witnesses told of their acquaintance with th" testator, tes tifying for the defense. Sues to Enjoin Mine. Mrs Agnes Harding of Btreator till d a petition In the Circuit Court today Keeking an injunction which iltlni: In this city today. William Walsh of Marseilles Is Spending the day in this city. Charles MoConnell of this city spent witnessed llS evening in Marseilles. Miss Ef uia- .,.P,-,i Thnmnann nf B!nr1. II i ntrnator to h.-r. e owns Hum Thomas from pum ami tliKiditiK land belong! Mrs Harding claims Ilia twenty-nine acres of fertllt soil lying mxt to some property on which Be mka is operating his mine She claim, that Thoma i Is also operating a mine on the property adjoining Beroka's, For two year, -he allegesL the two in ii h ive In i'ii pumping water into a lake that I- pail natural anil part ar tlflclal, This water, she alleges, then drains oil Over her land and has Ooded live acres ol bt r property. She alleges that she has alnsidy suffered a 18,000 property loss from the water and that her land will ho ruined if the opera tors are not com pelled to step the practice. Mm. (fording claims that her land was drained hy tile ami that the water from the mines which has flood ed her property has stopped up the drain. The petition asks that th" defend ants ne summoned into court to an swer the charges of the complainant Sues for 00. A $r.uft assumpsit Bill! Was started 111 the circuit COUrl t "lav hv W. A. Hi iiie was an Ottawa snooper yestcr- Sam Mallet of UtlCS spent last even lng In this city. Mason Burke ot Ohio Is in Ottawa today on bualneaa. Mrs J, i. O'Brien f Seneca spent yeaterday afternoon in this city. Oswald K easel bach of Mendol upon I yesterdu) afternoon In this city. J. P Bunnlbrn of Chicago trans acted business In this city yesterday Mr ami Mrs Howard Kohrt ami daughter r-f Marseilles spent yester day with friends in this city. Bmmett Douglas of Marsi dies sp nt yesterday in this city with friends Eugene Sehaefer of ( enter Ottawa motored to Btreator yesterday. Mr. ami Mrs. Royce Rowe of Chi i ago are Visiting at the home ol Ii letter's parents. Mr. and Mrs Bd,W'rd Jacobs, ami her sister, .Mrs. Stephen Patterson, on Ottawa avenue. Norman Cooke of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. David Ccok, on Chap el street and transacted Ibuslness here yesterday. c. I' Qardner and Qeorge Jacobs oi Mendota transacted business in Ottawa today. Attorney Al Clapsaddle of Leland v as an ( Ittawa visitor today. M! Helen Barton was in Ottawa Ini'av en rt Uto to her home in I.a : "" after a v isit in Oeneva. Mr. and Mrs. Kloyd C. I.everette and little son. who have been making their home on Ottawa avenue for the nast year, have gone to Milwaukee, Mil- vv men hand allotted t OTTAWA MAN LEAVES o make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman draff, 519 West Center street, are the proud parents of a baby son horn this morn ing at Rybum hospital. Robert C. Marten of West Ottawa whs a Chicago passenger this morn lng where h" will spend the day on $53 000 ESTATE Francis Shanley of Joliet has re- turned to bis home) in that city utter The will of th.- ate Lewis K. Parish spending the past number of daya of this city, a former resident of Slier- Visiting with friends ami relatives in Idan, who died fell. 18, was riled fur Ottawa. probate this afternoon. .Mr. Parish Mrs. August Wendel has returned left an estate value, at 123,000 and to her home in this city from De- Conaleting of 200 acrt a Of land valued trolt, where she was called hy the nt 148,000 and personal properly worth illness and death of her grandson, 16,000. Chester Haughey. By the terms of his will a monu- Miss Hazel Meckeiistock has return nient not to exceed 1500 in value will ed to Chicago, where she g attend- be erected over his grave. His per inn the Moody Bible Institute, after a aonal estate will in divided in equal visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. shares between his brother, Isaac C. (!. A. Meckeiistock. on West Main Parish of Peabody, Kan., and Mar- street. garet J. Parish Of Ottawa, his sister. His sister Margaret receives his' . ... . h real estate for her lifetime, after Original "A No. 1.' which ii Is to be dlvld equa' The term "A N"' 1 orljnt,d shares between Lester L Parish, Oc- " symbol used In tl lassincatlon of tawa; Charles E, Parish. Grand Is- wooden Nhlpi b I loyd's Maritime In land; Qeorge B. Parish, Springfield: surance nssoctution. It denoted ihut Henry F, Parish, Tulsa, Okla.. and the bull and iqulpmenl of the ship in Edna Parish Miner of Peabody, Kan Question were In '.'"."i condition. KatJncc 3:00 Sighi 7:15 and s:, No Advance in Prices "THAT'S MY HORSE" WITH ALICE SHER The Musical Coined) Slars of "srNY sun: oi bro ADWAV IN "TifE TALE OF A LONESOME SPINE" AND A BIG SHOW HOMING WEDNESDAY, MAY S, I. and 8th MARY PICKFORD IN LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY that she he appoint- tor. C C Itwyer General Orant C'oinmercial Punting... I .etterheacta I'.nvelopes Billheads invoices Stit'emcnts ( iilling Cards Wedding Announce ments, or Invitations Programs Circulars Sale Bills Booklets Posters Streamers Factory Forms Will be given our most careful atten tion, both as to Qual itv, Quantity and "Delivery when Promised." Free Trader - Journal Printing Company 4 4 We 're as close to you as your telephone CON CCiM MEMBERS ORDERED TO REPORT Bpringfleld, April 7 Notice by telegraph was served on abaenl mem ber of the conatltutlonal convention this mornlns it waa announced from the tha - iy Delogate Hamill of Chi. cago that unless they put in appear ame or sent valid oxcuaea by tomor row the aergeant at arms will he sent alter them. Tonight May McAvoy i 'A Virginia Courtship' with a special supporting cast Pli nty ol adventure and mystery and a finish thai bring! you up standing. AIM the latest Pox News. Tomorrow Buck Jones in "Riding With Death" A story of the Texas Hangers; als a special Pi iday comedy. t T W 1 1 1 X. 1 S TO ' no need to put off ordering that job of stationery be cause you haven't time to run over to the Free Trader-Journal. Just phone us you want to place the orders "need it in a hurry, too" and our representative will call pronto. And we'll deliver your work when promised, too. Right over" Friday and Saturday in boil- 25c Ladies' Fine Qauge Vests in hod Ice style. V neck and wiun Bleeve reKUlur and out Blues, OC infant tain vw Men's and Infants' Hi 10c Rubens Vrappera,OR . t. 5, (5, each faOC Children's Pin Cordovan llosi (lailKi pair Black or PTlor Matches. f large 25c Ladies' Black, Cordovan or White 25c boxes for an foot Clothi s Lines, 25c 25c iHose, out size, pair Peterman's Hd Bug Destroyer, per can 15c and 25c "Thank you we're there. an( iiniiiiiii jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill! The Magic Carpet YOU could sit on the fabled carpet of Bagdad and view the world. In the whisk of an eyelash it would i rry you any place you wanted to go. All you had to do was wish. v ADVERTISING is a sort of magic carpet. Read it and in the twinkling of an eye you can review the merchandise of the world, pictured and displayed for your benefit. You can pick up this paper and in fifteen minutes know what ihe different shops are offering in the way of fabrics, patterns, varieties and qualities of almost anything you want. ' 5 f 1 II WIS The advertisements introduce you to the latest styles the newest comforts for the home the best of the world's inventions. They tell you how to buy, where to buy and when to buy. They keep you posted on things necessary to feed and clothe you and your family and make you comfortable and happy. Read the advertisements as a matter of KDUC Al ION. Read them to keep abreast of progress. Go To Church and Pray l have delivered to you the proof that prayer will net yo the desired iresults. Now it is up to you to prove it to yourself, Go to church, say fyour prayer, then stop in al tl Id high school building, of which even the walls are supposed to he saturated with' knowledge. It is right around then, where there are a few churches, which makes me t .link there are .many pious people living who are not working tor selfish motives alone. Pick out tho woolens and the atyle you want and let me lake your measure, after which you will be convinced yourself that you have a real BUtt and that you Will be out Of the shadow. will also :et the best overall lor tne money, witu wuwn I of the same material for patches, hia-.. wmcn win irvice ol two vim WOU1U OUJ some place ei.,e. There yo vou Ki t a half yai allow you to get th lyle pleasingly you can have your cap oi tne same material as your suit, for economy you can gel an extra pair oi trousers, wuicu Will save you buying another suit. RH 1 ' To he III I I j Ottawa Overall Works OLD HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING I. KATZ FARL & BAKER MILLINERS The Very Latent Canton Crepe HATS Felt Hats In Trimmed and Plain Models Rapidly spreads the word of Earl & Baker's finer and newer millinery--and women insistent upon rare interpretations will assure dly plan to see all these distinctive modes. Read the advertisements regularly E&B HATS METZGER'5 OTTAWA ILL E&B HATS The Store Thai Sells Qnalit) Merehaadtae.