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. I r BSOAY, MAY 3, 1922. PAOI TWO. TfiKOTTA V I iuU7TU VblW-JOl UN Vi "MUSCLE SHOALS RfvTT ORIGINALLY WERE $f 5g KNOWN AS IKE!. ' WALTI AM fry lu Ti ium,li $b1 n 11 .in. I FROM 1818 UNTIL 788 HISTORIC DATA Of AUTHENTIC CHARAO j TER SHOWS TENNESSEE RIV ER WERE CALLED FOR THIS EDIBLE BIVALVE. i I mlnKham Isnryer and capitalist nod former resident nf thisV'ommunity, parents resltied here and banded down j to liini a wealth ol flRorlcal Infor mation which hf h.m displayed tn si t ;it ii controversy thai - ha j rlwn over the original spoiling of Muscin stumia ... i tQQisela, found In and along the stream, these records appear 1 1 tndl cate. Weakley, "This waa the same mae jit sippt river and iro n tu which in eaiihr days man) tial clisapiicaruiicp ct the ;mis-l fri m th strr;iin as a result ot Hoods and th encroachment ot civilization. win n the government undertook to complete iiu" Musi la Shoal a canal about I8M the ilata in Mr. Wmkl i y their ilumi UlUill Hi " r i:i?ci miiii ii i (tayetj Sunda) evening Texarknna irl Hartshorn, lr VVU- mother, m bom and Mr, (frank has i n callers ui the Joseph Rm in: ive Friday afternoon, I I idaj dinner guests of i r. .1 neat Kinaer, id Mrs Bd Cameron n 8S Smith. Mary Sliortal a irgarei Ruasel ol Ohtca gave aaveral I ('una) were presented with three tin snxaphone, I piece 01 aluminum. 11 rtturiday tori A dainty Innch wai Mrvad, attrr lo bring his which ihe rwinaluder ol tua eventng .ui' - home She wan spent in dancing, lie winter there, Kirn, Heuo "t Ua Mae 1 init ihk the special fcnr parenti Wr and Wre, Walter IhdIm ('onfertuce Bcott, Mr and Mi Leslie Mcflarj autoed Ites ins brotherl 'u la Rose Sumla) and spent the ilaj i'ii newt thai with hti people lulu iiinh grades Mas Ruth f'asey was o Monday inlveratty of I 'hl i :i " at or passenger. BR( OKRELD ii confectionary! ... . Mi 1. Wink irogri siv.t niovi' 11. .1., . li ....I 1 " ; , ' Knlii t'l I1..111 II" MIIMIIt'S- and Mrs, 1 t ,1 Kuiu 1 and turn imnl Bnnda) utternooii .0 John 1 1 1 I IV tl I i'ii entirely re ir and hew shelv I Tiif fonntala ie 11. mil aide Tl Mi 1 Carolyn Ki lirl and S 'iiiI.i.v at the ho sin Mrs All., n nKte K iv Klllelen 'Ape Known ax bunking corn "in ctlonei . Mr, and M iplete line of . sni. la) at th or 1 Htanli l ol Juliet, Charles and Yod ni Baml Kidge, Will and ICdWard Of lOUth of Vtorrin. TO STUDY MARKET CONDITIONS IN EUROPE 1 'hi ago May 1 To gain drat land Information on advancod mothoda of operative marketing with in,, imp,, to ahed further light on the marketing i uuti in thai ronfrtnt American fill no r . ih, ini 1 n an Kami limtiuu Federation liaa commissioned Samuel X'l.iio editor 01 iiio Amcrtan Krul fTmwei' to make extensive studies of this form at marketing aa naed lu Kuglondt Ireland, Sweden, Ktanan, 1 Vorwuy, Denmark and Urmuy n' iMnl Siitnrdn) will leave for Bnglgnd June :i. 1 hope to gatbftr a greul antounl of tnformutlon ilanllng with oto0erntnn a to flnlib I marketing from the countries where daya II waa born and where 11 ion uo Sheed) sp.'iu 1 ""'I1'1' ''""" Mr. Adams. Tu I In ... in. Mi :n mub Sr. hi snafe Wl In Tros fd at dinner Snni rnian. Mr and M ueorge 1 'Hui e a aigni . gimjgj ( r 1 cuts, Mr. ;i .1 ion Clarence au- aad family. ciyn, natiirnay. londolf who has Mat few weeks in tome Thursday, Marseilles Is visit- l.odi'lle is socnt the week ii.,.!- win make a rnpori nti his re- linn to tint executive coimuiitce at Ho' America Furra lluraau Pedtaran apent n,,M ,,,, nu, apocMc problems In which Pr it Is Inti restdtl Hi- will not. how halts, I aver, limit his mfoatigatlon to urv partlculur cominodttlea, inn win stndv Simon O'Donnell o( Seneca is as- Oo-operutlve marketing as an improv slating win 1 r, she.-.h with Ills trac ; "' 3rt' "'' nurketlm: farm prod, tor, .Mas his sarinst work a- Ridga spent Knaer home inilly ui sain il th" !l U. Net Clock With Twenty Dials. A clock In San Diego, Cal.. In.a 20 n. Mr and Mrs Howard dials, and the time of tu or night In iions, Mi- Mary Sheedy, various parts nf the world can be' seen Kutes .in.i daughter Mar-, at a Klanee. The dials also show the Qan ii and Mn Mrs, h. ii Barlviile n .1 Mrs, Jaa tin w. po: session shows, etiRin the nam.' from Mussel ROVemment record and II since. This was not bj by accident, in Mr. Wt Irs William Kinsman tp week with m utii ni iNinsmi George Will well known In and VlCinit) . ill'' A ir i I Ifl ami daughter I da) .'I the "cel. and the date. The Day Brevick clock, whlcli is 21 feel high, la en Karl Mi Caun , ;,,! in v giuss, f'out "i the dials ii win ji iikiiis ,. ., , flllir (l H ( tep " " laniov. ,,.,.. ...,n i ,iii i i. ini ii k'l.lirl hnmi , i'scii nuioiiiallcally. II ik lopaa, aud I tin nnti rl ai nlghl, mid wiuila taken ti Wd.-on Trlumpl RANSOM been growing gradnall) worse until r. ".ortge m .i tneii death claimed him, George is the niesda) evening In second youngest sen of Mr. and Mra irngram was given af-j Dun Williams and for var- the fan- ;' 01 ?!; even-Iiiy nve(j rjrootffleld on the George i dancing "he .i.m Qreen farm, si. nth of Seneca, ll" urnisning tne rauati waa w,, i i ic i by the yonngef peo ple nf this vicinity .mil by all who happened ti come In contai i wHh him. The family moved from here I few years ,-iro and have since jei south of Morris A hunt a --ar ami Shabby Leather Chairs BngMsnsd. ili. il it 6 a m 8unday, I When leather chairs liegln to look the Morris hospital, after abHlib) trj this remedy, Wlpg nil dirt a foa daya Spinal m n j and ilnst from the i hairs and than run i his death ll" was1 with n cloth that has been dipped Into hospital Friday after I white of egg, well Ii eaten. Bub well illli""-- and li.iil; , rlcilll I 1 1 1 - when ,rv ami the leather will im.k like new. Mi lleerman "f Kankakee. Ill .pending fw ''' r"'r m,lt Some Day. The day 'viH come when women will pay no alt. 'lit Ion t styles in dress, ..!. .in exchange Dn thai name day s.i the clams will rone out of iha kuihIs, reur iheinsetves on ibeir hingva and i, ..ik ui Hie niovu, -i'ortlaad Express. ion. Mi W akley poaseaae said was mud i shows r.d eople l 0 the spelling mu: of this map ar matters oi record In the community, he said. Government records, in so far as they are available show, tbe spelling muscle. since .vitiscio Btioaia pecanm a na tional i has ere, it was that tin ni and Indian i - . fhe Woman's Foreign Missionary prise party on Mr. and Mrs Mert Casey, Snnday evening Five hundred was the diversion of t Ti evening. Mi-s Frances Casey won tirst prize a hall aK" Mr Williams was married to Mi-s tiara Nelson of Marslall. I , Heme. Mull Mr, Williams is survived hy I "There's no pine like home, ihsnk his wife and infant son, three weeks heaven," sighed the hen-peeked man, old. his parents. Mr. and Mrs Dan is be locked iii- I tot el room from th Williams, and the lollnwine troth-I ln--ii!e. i'ln-in Life, i iety held their annual thank rarer- pair f ?iik stockings, Bhe playing in : Sunday morning at ten o'clock vr- Mrs Leonard Bruner's place who was "s at thi m. K. Church. unable to attend, w. j. Begum won; tei C ' Stelnharr of Wilmington the gentleman's prize, a pair ot silk i dr.-. Steisharr gave a reading while in behalf ot the club Mr. and Mrs.. Muscle Bboals t. earns iTe J ' WSnerous reports. . intended by army engt name never had b en that it originated from tory "heap his mu icle quired to pull canoes over tbe rap ids in the river. Another story that came from the Indians was that the shoals at that point In the river resembled the bi ceps or muscles on the arm. Corrjr.iing Floor Caven must nei than tin spnii the by the ef Th. oci at legal .limes- atuurt- Uie for Sea lc MeKiniey Park DANCING Every Sunday Even ing. Music by Johnson's 6-piece orchestra dance 9 ; 00 '. m. ijih; a rouii trip. For farther panic ulars call ftgeitt ol C, ( & P. Rv. Card P arts (liven by St. Francis Ho?y Name Society Wed. Evening, May 3rd EBuchfe, BUBOOi Five Hundred Adtnlaaion 25c 1 imam 1 sssaaaansani jmmmmmrjamiimmmBmammmmmmtmmm 1 Doctor no Specialist Piles, Goiter, Skin Diseases and other ailments Every Tuesday and Friday A I the oiiicc ni Dr. BlaBkittnliip Ml lntral Life Baildiaa The Service Specialized Knowledge CRUDE petroleum, the raw material em ployed by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana , is .-o varied in character, that to manufacture products of standard quality, re quires a profound knowledge of petroleum chemistry and the utmost skill in refining. Long experience has proved that the greater the scien tific knowledge employed the more perfect will be the products manufactured. The responsibility for the manufacturing of Standard Oil products is placed upon the shoulders of men trained to recognize the deli cate variance of each complicated operation. This work also is checked carefully by highly trained scientists employed in the laboratories. The Standard Oil Company (Indiana - bases its standards cf manufacture upon the service which its products shall render the consumer. The maintenance of such standards is depend ent upon the technical knowledge of the experts who formulate them. There is no factor in the activities of the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) which yields greater benefit to the consumer, and which is followed more insistently, than that the men who have charge of each process must have highly specialized knowledge of every step in the process under their jurisdiction. This fact is so well established that each divi sion of the manufacturing department has come to be a separate enterprise, and because of this extreme specialization every product coming from the refinery is in effect a primary product. For instance, the department which is respon sible for manufacturing Tolarine and other greases is in charge oi men who have made a profound study of lubricants of this class: men who know intimately every step and every re action which is necessary if these lubricants are to meet the high standards of quality which the laboratories have set. And so it is in even- department of the organ ization. The men in charge of the several de partments are recognized by the industry gen erally as masters of the intricate problems of manufacturing and marketing. It is this fact which has made this Company a leader in its field. Standard Oil Company (Indiana) 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago She Discovered It, Too "After 10 years of hit or miag baking with various other grands of powder I at last discovered that the bitter taste gome times found in hot breads wag caused from alum in cheaper grades of powder. So 1 am now an ardent booster for Royal Baking Powder." Mr$ L A j ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book-It's FREE Royal Baking Powder Co., 130 William St., New York 9 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Arc You Married, in Love Engaged, or Just a "Dud"? W ere you ever iti love before? Who is that pretty girl In the one piece bathing suil whose photo was in your pocket? itid you ever kiss her? Do you ivrr sec br anymore? DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY AFTER MARRYING? Then Get The Dope From WALLACE REID GLORIA SWANSON ELLIOTT DEXTER "DON'T TELL EVERYTHING" IT'S A PARAMONT PICTURE Admission: shows: Adults :; Matinee i:ir and 2:45 Children 10c Night 7:00 and 8:30 2721 a SMMMHBBSasgilSBBMtaMKaBSUSBB--