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PAGE EIGHT. ti ik oi r vw v ? : r r i , vnrn-.ioi m n w V. I INESOAV. MAY S, 1922. FREE TRADER - JOURNAL AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER 115 Wrst Main Street Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday, rRBS TRADBrWOURNAL PRINTINQ CO Publlsheri Wi Hi OSMAN. Editor ami General Managei EVERETT TRUE O h. WOOLBBRT Member of the Associated Press. TERMS: Dally, one year In ait v unre. by carrier Dully, orii yeur In advance, by mall OUtflde La Salle Dully, one year In advance b) mall, In l a Salle 1 n"ily. par ureek, by carrier,. Thp Associated Preai la exclusivel) entitled to thi of all mwi dlipatcbea credited to it oi not olbcrwUi c ami also loral newi published herein Entered u aacond daai matter March 2S, 1980, at t!i wa, ill , under the Act of Octobi r S, mi;. Managing Kilitor fr, oi fseS M Cr i , V M A M i ifnce at Ott NtONffilLABl ,r,-.:.4. ' rUA V F.-NESDAY. MAY 19:2. NEED CONSERVATION NEARER HOME The Union League club of Chicago last week had a their program an eight state discussion oi fore.-tn forestatiu-.i. : and turning them over ti the white, with improvements restrict in: is, and now the plea 1 1 1 aid iru isci and Lakes associati the purp se of making a great natural park some 8,8 . u gin forest in the north central part oi thai tate, which c purchased for $300,000. Hail oi the money liti alreadj ! and the balance is sought to come fn m , opular smltscripti the la-t t'eu years can well realize the ties n 1 iht 01 .-re- is said t" be ii" tincr stretch 1 r forest in the middle wes tract. It value h the piiluic will ne vastly greater tna afnouul required for its purchase. It will be not onlj oi practical value t" the thousands who will le able to nse it but an inspiration to the wltole cause ol foresi c nser ati forestation, The plan for it- purchase is the c nception 1 public spirited citizens of Wisconsin. It deserves the the public spirited citiens of adjacent states." But "ii the subject of conservation and the devotion laud tracts t public uses Illinois has work al ng this line 1 be done at once nearer home. When the Starved lv ck : property was acquired it was necessary in order t" get the tn cut its . utliiies as closely as possible in 1 rder that tin portant I eauty spots and hist' rical points and unusual nam tii uis michl lie nreserved. Vf in r additions have l)een time t time as it was found portions of canyons had been omitted ' ' from the original purchases. Since the lines of the park have hern well defined and roads laid out it is now apparent to the most mper rah her ficial observer that other adjacent tract-, especially some covered , ' uti ' ' , with timber, must be added if the beauties 1 1 the park arc to be pn 1 ihi t 1 served. Unless acquired at once, these will be cut over for nine!1; '' props and strips bordering the driveways denuded and the beauties I but the of the canyon drive in particular destroyed and many f the other urely picturesque features of the park badlj damaged. These tracts "Jj could n w he Obtained at a Fair figure, but unless bought iow their juij i attractive features will be destroyed and too late the state will lind 5 B,1 itself with a drive of natural beauty on one side with a barren waste mi the other. The property included in the nark also needs 'squar rSitun ing up and some snght auuitu us to prevent the erection ing buildings and the opening up of clay and coal mil s , - mriar I . A - - . - Ml !iiM!ii y hxZ rwr , - .. ; l IMarseilles News Office Phone, Black 17G. MARY MACARTHUR Office over Still- Thi .itre. a? m House Phone, Black 35. ' rt,'r- Mrs. Van Hoorebehe Hostess 1 Hon The following OOmpriaed the par- lunetlon Indeed The Utrua club 1 laat ovenlug Mr Edward Murphy, Mrs Edward Riven Mra ;o the home ol Mra K C Van Hooro Oromberg, Mra, Harry Brawn, Mm !,! '"' "'' boke, with Mm Hliiiiehe TetilofT an (inline I'hllllmoro, Mrs Agnoa O'Nell I oiiul mlniater aaaiatam boateaa, uml daughter Margaret, Mra, Laura nil klmls ror took ing were .n abundance of cut Itawgra added Bichardaon, and Mrs Mary Cart. ,.. thotiKh owing tn the featlve touch to the pleaaani roohia, Notice to Public "' "" committee In ami made an obvloua subjeel tor talk Too staple idii Dairy m again iu e were no dupllcatea, with itrangera even, under tho operation of J C, Bchroeder II ithered nl the paraon- The buatneax ol the evening as after May 1 1 wish to Uiank you tur ( fternoou oatenafbl) the completion ol arrangements for thi pa 1 petronage and hope to regain v'd Meetimi Bui after dunce the latter pari "i the month, hew once, which it, t!,,. proeeoila which to be used Do Your Sowing Shopping , ver, brief one, thu real for the charitable work ol the club, Al the Pythian Klr e nftern 1 waa made ap Paint) refr ihmonta wen paaaed, Gi-'t Your Pies, Cakes and iii' iclrla chatted ol fancy work Mni oth t good things for your Buh itumlnum in' and and neweai mm of doing pretty day dinner al the Pythian sinier?.' ft'en admired and placed pleeea ol embroidery er crochet, and cooked food tub' Saturday nlgbl hen, :i committee paaaed axehanged newa of nbaent friendi, sol " inee arnicn in'i'ii pro the evening ituaaed rapldl) and pleai the women aettl d .1 wn untlj to all Uhford have Inst Judge Nicliolson III Police Maglatrate Nlcholaon is re uie, 1 to he confined to his home by Crescent Sliut Down QmtTsews Probate Court T TIC A Dody Taken to Sti r ll r. he.iv of Prnnk Mason, wht , Mondaj evi nlug, waa ator y. t, rtlaj for burial I oday's Markets TODAY'S MARKET ON UP GRADE AT OPENING GRAIN oloney Bul'i'li C. sti 1 shut iit A Bept Ipp Kst KkIiIId Mori' death tecchl Thoa Bfandhern et at Bat .Mi the Agnea Qelger r charged with bal- id ance due IS37.11 Bat Rinaldo Van- mi, aa em Kst Nels A Nelson - Anna K Lehr Alice i- Gebhard Wllmer Becker App Bill In A Wld Bel App Kst Arthur Seymoir, Pinal Bettliinenl Kst ieot Kst Btfa U'..i,f7.r Mr and Mra. R 1 white. Mr and Inv App K(t Krank Meatak. ra .1 White Bnd children and gupp pjnti ord Bat Sett-Est is Lucille in 1 were Ottawa Kus,,,.P Z,;)1llk. Admratn Bll ,tes Klein Andrew Mr and Mrs Qeorge Marietta of, Hebel bond 19 adj June term. orris, formerb resldenta of this I Qre ggt Clarence Orabow at al i lost their- eight-month "id daugh-jTima to acci eitended to Nov term, r luai evening j Acct in. RBpt App- Kat fbua J. Mr Oharlea Daggett, Sr. arrived Kelly et al dn allwd (or t nto same mie this afternoon from abort via- rate ns present, la Chicago Acct ft Bepl Kst James Port -oh- Prank McCormlck waa an Ottawa Jectiona sustti. today, Acct and Kepi App Kst John Hart dist ord. 1 t Waiter s Sheedy. Sens Pool Room for $6,0C0 Will Bat Robert Bell to Blltabath Kdward Mehaaael proprietor of the Mdj per bond $3,000 on filing bond r th(, .M,, , Main :f'' " - nld out that business to I Claim Allwd Ea' David BneUIng , ..... l , Dan Hastiaii ;:...t'o. Proof nf Heirship Kst John 0 Ami's W I Hlbba apptd t: A L will ht ,t nf Rrr Iff! ! I t ivi shin bjUten undt r adv. ,, ..' " '.. . line jas w Stevetson Time to acct t adt il to Vi.y term, hussel will net enter an) Al.,.; A K,.pt A)1, yly,i y ror a while, but will K1,, cons allwd $1S John V Shany cation from active work. K,t Herman beta. Itlt U'-:ca D. of I. petn proo ,,, will Kst Jjhanna itton from the Daughters of I Graham set May is at 10. nenl to I tn a laal evening Proof of Heirship Kst Johauca a meeting of that organise Qraham. Snpp Pinal Ord Kst Sett Ks: Jotio ronalderation of thi Wedron at ii rders tne pari :losel state lia too uiueli invested in the Starved Rock State Park t" allow it to be ruined for the sake of saving the few il"llars which w uld lie nccetjsary to pri teel what we now have to sav nothing of enhanc iu; the general beauty f the place. teruay s inii.-h uie-feru, rtign scnooi. Mrs. Robidi, and son Adolph Will -Eat ohn C Amea to M nerta R Amea et al per bond 360,00t adj June term. Acct and Bept Eat Prank Olivetti cont to May 13. Mr and Mrs Roy Benson of Hullo Claim Allwd Bat Anton Juvanclc ent Sunday here with relatlvea. 8 C Wood $200. VI I Miriam Wright of Chicago vis Acct and Kept App Bat Hoy Miller. , , .,.:,,, ilerc Sunday Admratn Bat Harnej Rowley to ir and Mrs lohii Hansen of N'evv-' Owen Anderson bond 3C0 adj July k railed on friends here Sunday, j t, rl11- Mr. and Mrs. Marian McCaffery of Mi Circuit Caurt THE BETTER INVESTMENT Particularly small investors in securities those ulv have e managed to gel a hundred dollars or two ahead which they want to Chicago, Maj ut to i irk" are anxit his to get their d 'liars si 1 invested as t-1 yield l'f".'1 'Ms. ' ; u the greatest returns with the least possible risk. Now that interest Jv '" .' . rates are coming down, they are anxious to secure safe and 8 per round whit cent lmiiils while they are still to be had. Some buy such b mds at ' s,'"k'"' " a premium, which in effect reduces the interest rate, and some are he3di l barri even led to invest in lxnds of doubtful security, attracted by the high $6.30-6.75, No $ invested in tne nope 01 gaining m or nr interest, uet us as cago Tribune says : "Doubtless it is the part of wisdom t" secure the highest yield possible o nsistenl with safety anil to secure this yield over a term of years when, in all probability, lower rates will obtain. It is, however, the part of folly to sacrifice safety of principal in order to gain one or te points 1 1 interest to jeopardize $loo invested in the hope of gaining $1 or $2 or interest. I.e us as sume, however, that the investor is purchasing only high interest bearing bonds of unquestioned safety. The question arises whether it is better to invest in such bonds or t put the same amount oi mortey into bonds bearing a lower interest rate, but which can be tiurchased at a discount that will make the actual ield approximately ..hit. RUCKRIGEL'8 ELEVATOR. No. 2 white Mary's hospital, Buffering fro broken ankle, returned to lur hen on Tuesday, much Improve! Mr. ai 1 Mra, I fharlea Watts Poultry. Previsions. WALLACE GRAIN MARK CT. Jl.l these trom I tica w 'Fall of Babylor' al the La Salle th d Mrs. .1 Limache of Plainfleld were callers here Sunday 1 afternoon 1 22837 Sullivan vs Sullvan stricken Mr and Mrs. ('has. Strong and j from docket, daughters, Charlotte and Marjorle ol 20906 Cedar Pt Lt Co vs Village of Earlvllle spent Sunday at the Benson I c,.,iar Point dlsmd for want of home. pros. Miss Mae Alexander of Earlvllle 20989 111 Val & N Ry Co vs Swain visile,) her parents here Sunday. same. J, Pratl and family of Serena call- 20999 Mataon vs I .G 1 B Co same, ed on relatives here Sunday after- 20961 Tide vs Maker stricken from noon 1 docket for want of jns with lv to reinstate. Shabbona Park Wins 124. 20837 Pub Serv Oo vi Pub Serv Coil Mrs Frank Tin- Wedron Whiles played their Co dlsmd for want if pros. "wtian Ellsa- Brat game of baseball this season at 20849 Ottawa Brewg Co vs Kirchen Holcman Shatibona park last Sunday after- berg mo for coat allwd. wi re aniens ' noon. Shabbona Park winning the 20871 Shaw vs Ilnwn samo as itt' nib d tie 1 (,'ame by a seore ol 12-4, Next Sun- d No, 3 whit No, I whlti Rev. L P. i'as-ei la recovering from teams are evenly matched, so it .33Vs a very badly Bpratnrd knee, and not . promises to be a belter game than 3271 a sprained ankle, aa was erroneously I last Sunday's. stated in yeaieTuaya paper, I Mrs. Lena Pratt of Ottawa visited Reoair Sidewalks. ' hi r sister, Mrs, P. W. Lansing, over Idewalks on Canal street tin the week end. some much needed repairs nn a. Alexander was an Ottawa and Tn. -day. the hollo caer Monday, eing iiiii . in and tn 1 inieKs , tjus Orace Scott has purchased a n even!) and hew boarding new ,asi, touring car. iv Wedron will plav the Norway Jameson vs pwir n.uj?u am at Sulphur I.iek springs, These from docket for waa of pros. r073 lownselld vs Biliei oreei- appVg master's rept f sale. il Tl the .same. "In the case of a iv ncallable IkjikI bearing, lei us sac, - per cent and a bond ol equal maturity hearing 5 lK'r cent and sold al a price tu yield 7 per cent on the purchase price, there is probably little choice- ' f course assuming equality of safety. But given the same choice between two callable bonds and a different aspect arises which is vvorthy.of serious consideration. High grade Ixmds bearing a high interest rate which are callable obviously will be called as the money rates go lower and the holder of such bonds will then have his hinds tn reinvest at a time when hijh yield ii" longer can he ob tained, The opportunity to secure a high yield through the purchase of low interest bearing bonds at a discount will lie gone and he will have to content himself with the purchase "i such 1" nds probably at par or higher and accept the lower rate of income from his in vestment.' TAKE BODY OF MISSING ; MUSICAL COMEDY unnaIM rnnta nivrri otad DVCCCC AVAAV ! vvuivu.'iM rnuivi nivcn; omn rHooLo hmhi Wall Street. Ni DOG LEADS SEARCHERS TO DEAD MASTER'S BODY Injured Hand. 26946 Ella Kibble vs Sidney Kibble divorce hrg & decree, it E Lar kin solr. 25946 Martha Sclinitt vs Thos Schmitt divorce telly & Kelly solr. 22337 Mecok vs storka death of corapt suggested F P Follett ad mi'-; of est substituted as party eompt. lsTiii Bierly vs BarHw- orders up pvg receivers report. em bad It e hand to I Mr. stuar low days, County Court Final Exams. The schopl children will take their final examinations Thursday and Fri day of this week and the graduation exercises will be held at the church Wednesday evening, May 24. An op- 1117:; pno vs Benson daft recog in t eretta entitled "The Lost Comet," sum of 600 with sureties. : will be presented under the direction 11 mil' lure Est Catherine E Hughes ! Miss Bemlce Curtis rept of iuh tax appsr appvd. ails moved contrarily. M he:a lest of the spi me point. Livestock. Mas 3. lead Horse Slough three miles away.1 Mr. an lonroy who had been missing since vtiargarel shot twiee. The police loilay wie w ithoul 1 lews. GEN. 'ANDREWS BURIED IN ARLINGTON I Mr Lloyd P( arson, Miss Walsh ami Charles Flynn ti j ' hose from I 'tica who at Way party In Ottawa on Mot- l Mi. Arthur Roath spent ind Tuesday al their farm tab a. win, h is occupied by Prentice and Milton Mc ere La Salle callers on Tuea- I, yes- Washington, May '' Another C r I so r.ule from France Joined Amerii holce ' unknown hero in Arlington cemel n. tains. of Daughter l'imi pound avera ; 1 heavy hnliher.s Rockford, 111., May S, The body of New York. May ::. Ada Jones, the sab s . 210 to 2W) pt a woman believed to be that of Mrs. I musical comedy actress, died In I to ! ::.": qualltj V Lillian Olson Anderson who mysteti- Rocky Mont. N. ('.. last night. Bhe Cattle, 1 is I oualy disappeftred from her home here j was 44, and had been on the stage sheep. 1 pt April IB. was taken from the Ftork I ahniii ..tiiv vonrs. This v.-ar she rtver nnar Roscoe this morning. Thewas ai the head of her own stock BEVERIDGE LEADING H ritod i" th' ftalhoiiUoa heft, is simi records. ' NEW IN INDIANA lar to that worn 07 Mrs Anderson nil the day she left bone. Coroner ITi'd C. Olson, has cone to the scene Mrs. Anderson is his sister. The Ml . ! . . . . , , I .. t J ...... ' ' - , " ' I 'I I , , II .1 , 11,1, i I 1 ' 1 ,1 V , fl DQU ill- , ,, ... A. McAndrewa, chief of ati of the A. B. P.. limine all the tys of Its fighting was held In the Reiving vault with full military; mors A squadron of calvary and; Life Handicap. Tt MfMisittg how many banana oUn at ii;, ( rooms li n last evening, when a number cam down on the C, o. P. to spend tho evening. After the regular buelaesa ne- ling nrogn ilvi euchre and bunco i were played, Mrs 1 lehardaon of Mar- a ,,, , scortei, ni- . ., ., wmkm war college where n naa rested in H .. . . . IBtate. bunco nrii V ., , .i....' then ' niyed by all, aft r hlcn light rnfreahmonta re nrved. T'""" present trom Maraelllei wi re: Mrs. Orntntierg, Mrs William INDIANA TRIMMED 3 TO 1 BY NIPP0NS India Hunaarian Melodies. I' The Drrblan melodtea are aol n 1 3,"Hi prccinti in the st te had - Ui ' r i !"1 '' ,,; Brown Mad Impressive. Hungarian smuts, on ' unofficially tabulated former 8enator Toklo. May 3. The Nasi 1 n univer- " " nar 1 1 ti. Mrs. U NWI am u. ,.n...r i t t...u- irltaUM .tid in. Albert 1. Bcverldg, was leading Sena Kiti baseball t- am today defeated the , ian r. Mist Margaret O'Nell, am t.i n- Ti,..',- miiv ii, rwn. tor Harry s. Kea for the reoubli, in Indiana university team 3 t p tings are senttereit over Su four time, but both rhythms and tho; .. ,VI1.M .... , .... , pi I eel. .io. iiivu uiuu.. I tii.e charge continual!, .New 98,601. In a ' xlis "ary arr ime with Ki'io anlverslty played yea i,v the imiiana nine wa defeated j Try Uie free Trader-iournai Want Adi to L I Fe wiivk Besuita Everybody Going! WHERE? PYTHIAN FAIR Coliseum Theater May Uh, 5th and 6th Admission. 10c nin e Tlt kel lor Enlfre Evening, 50c CHANGE 0E VAUDEVILLE EVERY EVENING V