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FREE TRADE R JOURNAL AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER fa OTTAWA FREE Tit A 1)1 It WEATHER Increasing cloudiness, Established Mini. OTTAWA JOUItNAL I Mahlclli , IMHO follOWtd by showers Tuesday, Not . much J) I 2hanue in temnratur. I r VOLUME ; -no. 150. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, MONDAY, MAY 'J'J, lU'J'J. I O'CLOCK EDITION, PR1CB, TWO CENTS 2 U. S. WOMEN AMONG 98 DEAD IN SEA CRASH fa ICE CREAM CAMOUFLAGE FOR MOONSHINE TRADE i LEZDsTv Tr unions enjoined AND DEPUTIES OWNER IS ARRESTED SHERIFF VISITS NORTHERN END OF COUNTY IOH LIQUOR VIO LATIONS -- FINOS TWO GAL LONS OF CORN WHISKEY. Two miiidiiH iif moonshine wore un earthed by two deputies from the herllTi office Saturdaj night In the lee cream parlor of A. i e Marco in Leland. The search warrant which made poHaible the raid and a warrant for pe Marco'a arrest was secured hj Prealdenl Harry H Wall of the Leland Bank, who Is al o an alder mail, rtir ill., mid Do Marco, w ho i Italian was brought to Ottawa and locked ill till' i ountv i. ill nvnr Ihn weak-end. Ho Is alleged to have ad milted to the officers thai he has boon ui IIhik' moonahin The lean ii as condi Hi putles Campbell ami i r moonablno was found in i 'i un of the Ice cream parh live men were In i he plaei o hen the officers arrivi d, none of them were caught i of drinking moonshine Da .Mann la annul SB vna ho rear ibout business ilthough tlir ai t Leland for (tree years, coming from "tnkley. Humors have reached the sheriffs (,nir, to tl (feet thai De Marco was asknd to leave Hlnklti because he was running a place of ibuslnoss which the other oltisens of lilnkloy did not ap- i rove at. The warrants for the prisoner wei necttrod before Justlco of the Peac A A I'll. II. i,l Mcln.rn.y Brought From Prison, i Mill Mcloerney, former Streatorlte win. is accused of Innim.- faknn nn In the Leonora Bank robbery, was brought from tho State' Penltontiaryl where ho is Bervinc a torm to tho! county fall late Saturday by Sheriff C s. Ayers, and Deputies Charles Campbell and David Porter Mclncr- noy was placed In the county jail with his brother Dan, who Is held a prls- oner there pending a hearing on June on a charge of robbing tho lug house The Indictment against the two brothers and Chester Nolai who is now serving h term In th Federal prison, was returned by th October grand jury last year. mil Mclnerney was convicted i Freeporl several months ago Of an a tempted robbery of an old couple I that eitv. and was sentenced to sorv a term in the state penitentiary. Da was apprehended In Galeshurg an has since been a nrlHoner in the I. Salle County lall awaiting a hearing. His trial will come un on June H.I Attorneys i hale Moralin and I. 'I Rrowne have been retained to defend day morning, May 24, him. and mi Bruce Townshl . Friday morning, May 21 SPRINGFIELD GIRL mi,, ". ' WEDS WM. BRADFORD MlM Sarah While, a popular SprlnR hng to hear the petition Held Rlrl. ami William A. Bradford, I an employe of the Chlci eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. s. It Bra1- Fire Brick company for ford of this city rago late Satun pig to wnrd ri c hen- Saturday i Bradford wenl in an apartmon been prepared f Rogers Park. The bride is i girt. Tie- groon in Ottawa, Hi yodng mon fron poas during the very wide circle Mr Bradford the Bell Teleph past six years Held office untl when he wa I 1 1 rago oflii e of I b an Important r1 lice. 'o married n tfternoon, a hi their fi mlng, Mr, and Mrt ght to housekeeping which had already their occupancy In I I fl I friends here been employed b: company for the j vas tn the Spring I i) ';S' winter, i HEAVY TOMBSTONE FALLS ON BOY'S LEG ;:; ,;, Edward Brimm, 11-year-old son of the depot at Garfield early In th Mr. and Mm. Robert Brimm, -ii Bastlspring of 1921, from the railroad sta- Canol street, had his left leg frac-1 tion at Garfield, Tl dore Meece and turcl just helou the knee yesterday I Arthur Yodas are also charged w ith afternoon ahout o'clock at the homo I the theft of his grandfather. E. B. Mull, on East Pf'eney is represented by Attornej Superior street, when a lare granite j C, K. Straw n of Streatoi . who (he tombstone fell en ins lev. lie waalcturt appointed to defend him States taken to the ' it y hospital this tnoni-j Attorno; Kelly Ifl prosecuting the inc. where th' fracture v. as reduced j case. by Br, B, K. Palmer. - The boy climbed nn top of th torn Conscience Bothers Them. and it became unbalanced and fel' r.,,n falls upon the unjnst sa over The tails leg was . aught un -I as n, Jcsl m . 0Bjtt1rt no, dci neath t Nemhl.or. of the Mull frlt(ltltlg family ran to hi- aid and BUOCe"d 1 ' Iii moving the stone enough to 1 A "M I"1 c 1U him out. 'i ion lencn. FROM un tump !1U STREATOR PLANT COURT ISSUES ORDER RESTRICT ING GLASS EMPLOYES FROM I N T LH FE FJI NG WITH MEN OR I BUILDINGS OF WESTERN GLASS CO. Judge Eldredgo in lie- circuit court Saturday afternoon granted an In junction prohibiting the members of federal Union No. 15,034 and their sympathizers from in any way mo- western Glass Co, of Streator. The Injunction also prohibited the dofen-l " dantH in Hit' hill urhlnh mil fil..,l Bl- day from interfering with the mm. paDy 111 ttny raannor "r 1 '" ketp ""' !:ir,," from " ''I ti n 1 1 1 r an slum id ndants In the i son, James i i x Doug Henders and James Mi f the coinnai S'mpkins, Ahlglcr .Ii employes Tin w. Tlniii fewlon. Jot Hodgerson, Henry VYTggott, Chs Hoffnor, William Brown and Ja Buloy None of the defendants appei n court, nn( the granting of thi lunctlon was hoi contosted De) n Shay win rcDrosontod glass company, explained the tion to the jur it, taking the m sary legal steps in sot ure the Inj ,Thc fondants had a n n "' "" 1 Riv- tion '" '"' "I'poriuniiy in ne present, t ; action it they 80, Reck Hears Tax Objee " 11 1 ""' onjecuons to mc 1921 taxcs' u'n' neartl before Judge Re( '" bounty Court this morn- 1 K' railroads who ha.l nil ec ,ons "' ""' hot,fled "' bank-Penalf '" Attornej I. lions to their assessments hat ml their oi Stronti man of I.; The C. -sentcd by lornev W Railroad w V .1 I Vork C Chicago - Alton am Railroad. in tho oiher real estati will be heard Wednes the I v. & Complain r th for injuries The nlalntl breaking the first and second flngei 'n,,. evidence was hoard today Mr. Carroll, but tho verdict will handed down from the Chicago oil ""' , Gur Rcpor Feeney On Trial. ti,,, trial of Edward Feeney, who fallei to appear last Monday when n waB ,.;,u, opened In the circuit Coui-t this afternoon. Feeney minutes In starting, The slight de lay caused a ripple of excitement to pass around the court room. 0, GLOVER. 37, IS A VICTIM OF FORMER WELL KNOWN OTTAWA YOUNG MAN DIES AT CRANlTE CITY FOLLOWING INFECTION BODY TO BE BROUGHT HER FOR BURIAL. I tcrday afternoon al his i Qraniti City, III., after a sh I of Beptli pn innSonia. Mr G horn in this city on Pebrua , and was raised In Ottawa, i In ime here until fn years In mm to Granite City, ime of his death .' t i in- time oi n is ueatn m r. Glover was holding an Important position v iih tin American Steel Co., at Gran ite City, The decedent was a son of Clarence c Glove,- of Gal.-shutT. a former (. tawa resident. His mother, Mis Eva C. Glover passed away man.- years ago In Ottawa, Mr, Glover was educated In the Ot- tawa Public Schools and Township Migr acnooi. ne was very Ottawa and his passing has great deal of genuine regi ipular In ! auscd a i n Ills marriage o Mist FarnBWorth occurod In thi with one son Richard, a Mr Glover was the as engineer In Ottawa in 191 dsn witli tin- United Stati in. It d Mi ph Tl II he I, arrh In o tawa for burial, arriving u-if Wed neaday morning. Interment will be made in tho Summit View cemetery . Mrs. Ettic M. H.impson. Mrs. Bttie M, Hnmpson. wife of Jo- soph A. Hampson and a lifelong real- lent of this cit-,. passed awaj this morning about ll o clock at the famllv : i , JOSEPH SEPTIC PNEUMONIA ANTI TOBAC DRI V home, ""- Van Buren street, follow-' mad- an exhaustive research Into lh( Ins; a lingering illness of heart trouble effects of tobacco on the human sys which existed since i.-c. 82 last. I tern Edison, he declared, would nol Mrs. Ttampson, although ill for thai 1 employ a single man In his shop ol length of time, was not confined to ln-r fi.Wifl workmen who was addicted to Of her ailment, hut hail always man. aged to be around. News of lu-r death will come as a trenl shock to her many friends, who little realized that she was soon ta I pess away. Her friends knew he aide disposition. She was 'i devi member of the Episcopal church his city and until the time shi taken ill she took an active pari the social affairs of the churt h. in ire. Having been horn iv ottaw pent practlcaly all ot it.-r year WHAT DOES HE MEAN, "BROTHER!" " 5HAKE j ' & Crane of Oruah tnd Bert Crane i gements have b N( b., a I ii E LAUNCHED IN CITY BY REV. FINNELL CAMPAIGN LEADER IN ILLINOIS FIGHT AGAINST MLLE. NICO TINE ADDRESSES LARGE AU DIENCE AT PRESBYTERIAN i CHURCH. , j The first Presb) t. rian church was j filled last niiii when a public servlci was held under the auspices of th" Church federation. The congregation was one of the largest eve.- to gather in the ediliee to attend a Sunday even inn service. The meeting was prt sided over l Attorney I'. O Uorge ;,, 0f the Ottawa Church F at,on' An illustrated lecture showlnj harm of tohnem on the hnmnn , i, . ,i i... i;,., v-;,.,,n in Pinnoll of the No Tobacco League of Ii America, i Mrs. Jam- Capsel. t. Rev. Flnnell chose for the subject si iot .is address -The Little Brown fiod ami I lis w hit imps." He proi ed to o be an Interesting speaker ami de-la lighted his hearer.- last night, as h- tl has his chatliaUdUH and lectures au diences on numerour occasions. n Ot-baoco. His pictures Bhowod man. defects which, he claimed, were caused hj tobacco, and especially by cigarettes h,. told in detail the result of th, i Investigations i ducted bj a comml j toe of 100 composed of Thomas Edi i son, Burhanl Bun and the lend i ,,, , , ,, , : , , , ,.,.,..,... .1, i ing scientists ot tie- country, uh B& Allowed $109. Edward loch, h La Salle 1.01 , was "he P. J, , w it rt to dh ii Til - J 1 ""iik'i Am s re no, ilnor, Bgr 'I I c,,ii fore at il'de-l I awarded i 1109 rerdh Maclejewksl in tho daj when an reed $300 suit brn ght by t hi- father Th adore mi tn the child. The little boy was struck by th defendant1! auto whiv crossing I March. I E TRAMPS $4000 FIRE LOSS AT BELLROSE PLANT 5AND COMPANY BARN RAZED THIS MORNING BY MYSTERIOUS BI.AZE DEPARTMENT UNABLE TO SAVE BUILDING. nro et un pposed lo I tally destroy rose sand pi nisiiiK a In 000. The h I n used : t I aw: appn recently had been converted Into a tore house and barn, Tho dames were first discovered!! tbout 9:30 o'clock by Arthur mint,)! imployed by tho Bellrose company as i chauffi nr. Mr. Imme was working ' ti he plant and Un- fire summoned. But h. I ere was n ot ltents of tl u the flame: liii" or which they gucceedi d In rapi is. six wheeled scrap. a number of dump boxi a .vugons, were burned with BLAM FOR building overnight and had eareb-s-h thrown a cigarette stub Into some pari of the building, which started a slow, smolderitta blaie The Bellrose flm placed the damage at approximate!' f 1,000, covered by Insurance, kj in A D A 1 1 n 1 1 A RPWOI T ntynunuuun uur vh, 1 NIPPED BY MARINES Vicarau f mover landtag the dts . ;,.d e, nmenl troops, several sol- being wounded. m representations from thi lean minister, John K Ramer Marriage Licenses Belglln, Bloomlna rem. Blooniin.i VESSELS COLLIDE OFF BREST PORT DURING DENSE FOG Brest, May 22. (By the A. P.) Ninety sight persons are missing and 242 were saved of hose who were on board the British steamship I Egypt when it was sunk I CADC L'DflM AIITfV the island of Ushant lliiu iium nuiu it lii WOMAN IS KILLED M'NABB SCHOOL CHIEF'S WIFC FATALLY INJURED LAST NIGHT IN ACCIDENT ON VERMILLION RIVER HILL AT LOWELL. Mrs. s. 8, Coddington, aged f7 years, wlfo of tho superintendent f the McNabh high achool, Is dead as a result of injuries received when Bhe jumped from an auto which was back ing down the hill al the Vermillion river mar Lowell, shortly after 6 o'clock last night. .Mrs Coddingtou, Torgenson, had been spending a few hours at I leer Park, and were return Ing home w hen the tragedy occurred The auto was being driven by Mr. I Torgenson. The pat ty left the park about ! o'clock, planning to return home through Lowell. As the car started to make tin- hill just south of the Vermillion river at the Low ell bridge, tin- transmission rod broke, causing the machine to hail, down the hill. Mr. and Mrs. Coddington, who were in tie- rear seat, both jump ed. Mrs-. Torgenson attempted to jump but her husband grabbed her and held iii t he car. had leaped uninjured from the ear. ran around lie- auto, and found Ills wile lying in a pool of hlood. un conscious. She had s(riie her head on a big stou.-. which had fractured skull Mr. and Mrs. Torgenso-n !i net! leave surviving her husband I 111 the in niiug 111 s-in' ll" u;ls 1 the star (til company three brothi r d di gree Mason. hreo ' BURCH JURY. 7 TO 5 FOR ACQUITTAL. FAIL TO ARRIVE AT VERDICT d by .Ii ve totfa ... i it Sal t (oi LEGION MEMBERS TO HOLD DADS NIGHT out STALLED on Saturday niglrt by a collision with the French steamer ' Seine acceding to the latest official , figures. ions inoae missing were two lean women, Mrs. M. L Sibley ii islble that Borne of the niiH1) oay have been picked up by tho iship Cap Iracon in addition to brought here by the Seine. The Iracon was nine mile- from tho - ami replied to the distress According to the e yptfs purser the ship floated onlj twenty-nine minutes after her plates were crush ed in In tie- Seine. The Egypt, bo declared was not moving al the time of the accident, lyins. to on account oi the dense fog ami Bounding her Suddenly there came the warning Shriek of tin- siren on the Seine and the latter loomed un out of the fog and darkness and struck Hie l-Vypt amidships. With the crash there came a terrible confusion on the stricken vessel, Four or live boats were all thai could la- lowered be cause of the list of tin- vessel and many persons jumped overboard fear Ing lo In- drawn (low) with the Egypt. There was no one on hoard when the vessel took her final plunge, Hie pur ser believed, lie estimated that fif teea paaaengera, thir'.y white onleers and flftj lasears of the crew were Were American Missionaries, i M. L. Sibley am! Miss V M Boyar the American women who are missing from the British steamship Egypt, sunk off tie- coast of France with missionaries bound for India who had been in this i it recently. Mrs. Sib ley. a. member of tin- staff of the American board of commissioners for Ion Urn missions, has relatives In Toledo, Ohio. Mis- Boyer, who for merly made her home at Aspinwall, Pa., was uoinu out as a teacher in a ionai - children and others iii south Inrtin MrR Sihlev M. & F. BANI rjpsppyirM. A nw A MPC ICES .0YES i T Burton Leamy, - ARIETY SHOWER ON MISS J0SIE KELLY i STATE ACTS TO SAVE MINES OF ILLINOIS 0 tl op' '..t-ITS l dating -