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1111:011 w i.'iM.'i.'ru vni:i-.ioi UNAii. PAGE THRU FREE TRADER-JOURNAL'S PAGE OF SPORT N EWS MONDAY, MAY ROTH GETS FOUR PLY DRIVE WITH BASES LOADED OTTAWANS REGISTER r L F V F N HUNS IN INITIAL FHAMI, SEND- ING I'lTCHFH IIOI.I ')!!) ID Till" 8HOWrHr, DEFOHE THF INNING WAS OVER POLLY WOLFF, runmcn o u n e'L y i it, i i i ' ' ' 1 ING HITTFR FOR M EN DO T A. Mendota wan spelled in the find In niiiK win'ii the local soorod eleven I run. Pitcher Holford, who former ; ly pitched several games tor the. rtihago Normal, was forced ab- dmatu before Hi" Innine wa i over, 1 Zaron taking his place The etghti tills that the Cuba collected were solid blows, on'' of whit ii was a i nit iiriv.i by Charley Roth with I bases oaded in tlir firs! Inning. M than S.000 finis, including p lai number (rem this cit) wore at t Kami'. 11 Runs in First Frame To stnt with fourteen mu m fa the ivsn wendota hurlor In the ii inning Wllmeroth, the lit 1 up. given a walk. ilrunduge ilngled ii right field ;inil Quinn reached ii en :m error by Polly Wolfe in ceo! Held. Roth singled Jnto Ii ft fie scoring Wllmeroth and Brundai Qgvanaugh singled scoring liuiii Maggies ddove one btetwi n slu and s.!wn(l ami adored Roth and d anaugh. Pottj singled and Halstc sacrificed into center Held, scorl's. ..Kelly singled Into 1' flelil. scorfM Potts Holford w then yanked anil Zaren took I place VWhrierotn was walked I the second tloie whllo Brunda sjfiglpd Qutnn then popped out Iunes. ltotii (In tin' pill ii left Held for a circuit drive, scorl three men, ahead of homself, Ca' nancli then was thrown ru! ;ii in base. Thai' ended the Brsl half the (list iuniim. Mendota gathierecj two hits in t Initial frame, but tie . were unal to. Bcore. After tb;it iii" locals j ftrjiped along. They didn't have wotk themselves I" death and Mi ttota waa allowed ;i bit m tin Chance to Score in 9th. 'Thi'ir only ehanei) i" score cat in' the eighth Iruilng when they si ceedeil in loading the bases befft .ny outs wert? recordod. Polly '"l former cub center fielder, crush one of Kelly's benders Into lefl lb tiw ii trible. iii -1 after Quinn a .t 1 1 fi Potts had exchange! 'vas then hit 1 ty a 7,an ii waa walked to Muggles in the c lie whipped it honn llaim led hall and1 i, drove i ne r earden. bit! time enough i to catch Wiilfe. If he attempted i&nra Wnlie. however, didn't i;i.,lhv then nn and knocked a r'w foul hulls Bpd liad Kelly worry-j i1 lag a little bit. Once be tapped me nnA 'i hii'li M Hew into the ait J,ist off of the first base liii" b, l .veen1 U, lull till sack and home place. I iTn, ..n.i HnlatnAd both ran for il fend both shouted that they would' take it. As they did they both stop ped in their tracks, waiting for the ither to catch it and the hall plunk-1 od to ,,1,1 mother earth in I he fcr tie null 'llnkd oue to Potts the next time, who peg- ned it tlF Cavanaugh al second, cut-. ting off Zaron. Cavanaugh relayed tlm pill to Halstead al first, nipping Wsley, and getting a double out. j n That was the only chance thai the Mendota squad really had to score. throughout the gam". They got nine) Mis off Kelly, but they were scatter- df so . that the cubs were never In I idknger of being scored on. Four More in Third. i , - In the third inning tne Luns tint- ted clear around for th md tim and got their second group of runs WIlUI Hi'' lta , ff w.i milm did to ii"' I i i Illll , Vli lllfutll j y il on! Hi'' ileiidota 4 ? pf ,!!. i inn !- i I'll VI CZZIjj hii It WHS lill vV'l 1 HE BOX SCOHE OTTAWA W Wllmeroth, if ttr 11 lulage, Sb liltllll. s -. 1 1 MUggleS, of Polls. II RN . . . Halsteud, Hi Kelly, i 1 h mi ii I I I! 3 3 11 0 n 1 (I 1 I 1 g ii 11 11 a 1 11 11 5 l :i 11 l 1 11 n -;, 2 2 2 1 0 l 1 it 10 l M llio I 11 46 im is L'T 18 1 ttb r h pa ' 5 11 l I 11 11 1 n 2 I I! 'I ME.VI IOTA II Peilon, Ii rf .. i I ,,, I 11 I I II; .i it 2 I " " ii ii ii t i i M , i, HI N" r' Town, i f :iii . . I M I I n ii I ii n 1 ' I 1 II 0 , Holford, p 3b rl i n n i i ii 9 i" :1 Srorr by Innings. . . .. 1 1 o t i 120 18 1 , n a a a n 0 0 o o o I Summaries. bases Malstead, Brundago, ! and Wllmeroth; two basei moroth, Roth and Cava ' ,,,. I i,,i. Wolff homo I tb; double plays Porta to ;h to ilalstoad, Wolfe toj , hiia nff Kiiv 'i nti iloi.l Oavanat Kick; ii ford B, Kelly 5, off Kell 4. n ii, ii 12' Rtruch nut bvl 1915, and Jule Uoux, wim crossed tb'! by Zaren 3; 'bases on balls 1Pa are drivers who "n u..iV....,i i ...t t n I have won the ble nrlte ami who are ,ii " i Munson and Tower. Iter Held, Wi tie d and, Rnlli was walked d the bail Into! Muggles s tught cava-. . u naug nil. Quinn scoring.TO nn Roth. Halsteoil ml K ft Held which tb" outfielder ive, retiring tb" CubsjBaker never has participated in a race at the Rpeedwav In the fourth inning tin cored! lb in : In Fine Shape. in olfcthe team was in fin I He gol threel ti the runs. He had fi s credit and got six chances. j i t. first also played weii.j,,, ten putouts at the Initial i lie gol two hits and .con Roth was no doubt the ayer of the day. He got a Irive, a double and a sing!" I time: .i 1., l 1....I 'B a I""" " '""'WHICH Have li.en entered were He- to his credit. 8gned by the veteran engineer with- scnreo nun ei i in- ruMOn tin last f"W years, hut belong ei- lie g,,t two hits out ofjther (a manufacturers or Indlvldu- t bat. Brundaga was Bec-loiii s and tin a chance it nf a half el three asslstf Quinn, Muegb putts all played i goon nan ami r.u ivmy on me uiuuuu i also pitched a good game. He didn't have to work haul because there was no real ., iiisition lor linn, tie ai lowed nine nils, struck out live and walKed "lily two. lie nan nam iocs In the batting. The firs! time up ho drove a terrific single Into loft field, but tl ler caught it. The drive was probably as long as the one ttiat lioth made his home run on The field and then to right field. He Wfl ,t time iii he Hied out to i enter ralked the asl time up. Holford, who started to pilch for Sfendcta, allowed six hits during the Ume he occupied the mound and walked man Karen, who finish-. id tne game, was c.ouieu iui no even dozen drives. He struO. out throe Ottawa men and walked lour. SUZANNE RETAINS GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP Brussels, May ?1. (A.P.)- Mile, Suzanne Lenglen today successfully defended her title to the itiieruation- a hard court tennis championship by defeating Miss Elizabeth Ryan of California, in straight sets, 0 -3, i; 2. fne French girl won in rather easy easy fashion without Inning to extend herself Cochet, 19 year old French star, wonl the singles cflampionshin tor Dodor Fledderman Specialist Skin Diseases, Piles, Goiter, and other ailments Every Tuesday and Friday VI the office of lr. BlMkiBship lit (itiitiil Life BaiMlM THIRTY-TWO RACERS TO PARTICIPATE IN TOUR FORMER WINNERS, ELEV EN WHO HAVE NEVER DRIVEN A CAR IN A SUI) MILE R A 0 F. AND SCVENTFEN OTHERS COMPOSE THE FIELD indlanapoll . (ml,, May 4 Four forroor winners, eleven drivers who i never pilotod a oar in a BOO mile race Mini seventeen others who have on nut i occasions inr the 4 iiio.iMut " r mme '"" Kam' tiled to Btarl in the tenth annual In ternutlonal automobile ran' al the International Motor speedway May ' k ,. Former W"1"6 Tommy Milton, A A. A, champion 121, and winner "f las) year's rce; Howard Wtlcox, winner in 1819; llAlpli DePulma. ill" victor iu I scheduled to pilot mounts again this time. Other Star Drivers. Other star drh is who have en intnst include Jim- tl'led the .) iv Murphy, winner of the 1921 jcrpneh grand prlx; Douglas Hawk of E ngla nd : It tries, who lin- ished second on the last local ra l :.t 1 1 1 1 Muiford. .lui". Klllngbee, dirt champion; It C, imraut. ami K (Cannonball) Baker, transcontl" tiental motorcyi and aiitiimiibile driver. Although an Indianapolis man ami a Veteran autuimibile driver, Woman to Start Car. Km- Hie first time iii the history nf the local course, a woman has nominated a car to start tin- race. She is Mrs Ilarvev of Los Angeles i ANNUAL AUTO DERBY Cavanaugh, who gj)a )a( obtained the services of Jer- .viHi the CubsJry Wonderllch to drive her machine ' hut .,st htm ivhon Hp nnrnhnaarl a it lost bim when ii- purchased a n r tiiiiisi.ll- Hhn hna nut nnnnnnn. I who will be at the wheel if her r qualifies. The machine Is one a lauious racing make and is said Dfl -;ist enough to give real com- petition Louis Clievn let. Ind iana Del is. who i . i, I., if ,,.i 1921, will have a half dozen or more cars entered n the race this year. 1 Twelve ol the thirtV-tWO machines .... . '. . Several of the cars this year wll ire mil Hi,, Mdln i,. I.. ,n,. i.i.,l I eauipmcnt been insta cars with the idea of permitting the mectianician j,S pjt man the COUI HI ! ' w illl Irivers ami their mechanicians lo:t muni of the distance they have trav foci. The radio la expected to over- jorae this difficulty for the pilots. DePalma's Nephew Entered. Peter DePaolo nephew of Ralnh ),l-alma, will be at the wheel of .me inning ne men to iiucs a ens.- one, if Louis Chevrolet's cieai inns. He,1""11"' 'he ball to Kelly, lie didn't is acquainted with the local oval as know no nit. inn tniug ami was a inechanicia.n, but not as a driver, thrown out at rirst, In 1920 ami 1H21 he rede with DePa- VVm" Hilil1 Rellly wasn'i at Irfta Last winter he was given a game? lie was there and don'! moiin! In the Pacific coast races and think thai he didn't place his money Bhowed some of the driving skill of Ottawa before the game. hi famous uncle. Charley Stfeklen was there, too. American, French and British auto- "Stick" walked behind the batter's nn. Idles will compete (ionx will I'bite just before the game started drive one of the two machines he Is and the third baseman nearly took bringing from Franco, while HawkoaUhe commissioner's new, straw lid will pilot Ills English car. Other vet- when be hurled the ball to oralis who have entered include Art home, Kclin. Eddie llearns, Ralph Mul- Polly Wolfe pulled a brodle of an ford. Tom Aley and Joe Thomas, error right off the but when Quinn The present record for the course! poled the pill easily out to center for BOO miles is Sfl.Sl miles per hour. tnai'.e by DePaJlma in 1915. (Last ! Someone Must Save, years's mark Is the next best made. "TUtre Is one kind of money that SI. 12. you can borrow," says a banker. "That Winners of all the BOO mile races Is the klad somebody else has saved.1 HOES o H's really quality thai counts after all. The long wearing quality In C l a u r shoes means a better Bhoe at no greater cost. E. i C LAUS Established 1865 Standings: ' t E; I Phlludelph BoHton Hi .11 9 .:::'i Yrste rd.iy'o Results. Brooklyn, s; Chicago, 4. ( 'Incliinalt, ; N'i a Vnii,. i . Ho Ion. I, SI l.ouls. U Sn ! ii i games m ihodulod. Games Tod.iy. Brooklyn al Chicago, Philadelphia al Pill burgl i'A Vmk ni Cincinnati Boston at SI. I mils. AMERICAN L C A(,l I F Won, Lost. Pe' 'i: vi .i;.",t ,,20 13 ,00d .IB la .514 1.1 it ,4B'l W Urn I g Louis 'n Philadelphia IB Detroit 1.1 BostoB II ;i!6V?!an? Washington Is Chicago 12 Yesterday's Result I". is 19 w ai hington, ; I h N. Vork, B; st I No other garni i sc Games Tod3y' Chicago at Washington, oveland at troll at Phlhi l.iiuls al No ever tun ia Hie local tfack and speed I follow: Year Winner Averag 1911 Ray Harround ... 1912 Joe Dawson WIS Jules Ooux 1914 Rene Thomas .... 1918 Ralph DePalma . I!il!l Howard W11COX . . lido Qaston Chevrolet 11121 Tommy Milton In 1916 the race cul t 74. "ill 78,70 ;(; 92 B9 IT I S'.l i 1 SS llli SS Till S9.62 nilea, Dario Rests winning, There were no races in llMT and 1918 because of the NOTES OF THE GAME. "oui one more name togetner ami t,,e Ottawa rubs will be able to Btep ;l"' "' them, judging from i the terrific slugging pace in yesterday against Mendota. I1"' terrific slugging pace they set. Charley Roth's four ply drive with :; the bases leaded yesteidav gave the) Mendota fans something to talk of .4 and just reminded the Ottawa back- 5 era thai "Chuck" is ready to put In a 0 successful season with the hickory' Stick Cavanaugh at second base sure Pul,ed down tha grounders yesterday and win n i, can," to batUng be show-l ...1 il,.,, H ,.,'i , l,,,i,.l. ' " '" " ; ,'it,'l"', K,'nV Pul ,llm8e,f '"' " """W"" 'umb Mendota got three men on base be Ifore any outs were recorded. He also. evidenced the fact that he can drive the ball almost any unn 111 h 1 to. lt s :1 ,ttc ,y tnal " mlled lloltord out the box in the first several laps Innnig or the Ottawans would still II reeled oil'''"' Slugging the pill. He retired With on,y ono "", after elM runs hl"1 'een scored. He (ben went to third, b"1 ne wa8 t(l" 1:i-v t0 BtoP toT 11 grounder in tne intrt inning and they chased him into right field I ben "ben he came to hat in tne fifth MERIT SONS FOUR STAKE RACES TO FEATURE TURF MFFT HFPF IN IIIIY IIILLI IIUIIL. Ill JUL! If! ENTRIES ARE RECEIVED FOR EARLY CLOSING EVENTS $0,400 IN PRIZES TO BE AWARD ED TO WINNERS. Pour WOO early-closlns nurses wen announced tin. morning tor the bit Ottawa race meeting to be held hen July IS. 19, 'n and 2 all ofW hich will I be featured by straight entrance fees , wrlth deductions of from three ta five I per cent, The purses will be divided i M 25-1S-10 per cent, The classes are 1 2: II and 211 trotting and 2:lii and I 2:12 pacing. All the races will be on IBt I the three-heal plan end more tlfnn 123 loll entries have already been received for in th b takes. "'i Entries for the class events will I close at the Aurora meeting Tuesday, ' .lulv 11. V duable trophies will be awarded to 1 1 1 winners of each race, 'and liberal ca h prizes have been pro vided for drivers and caretakers of w'lniiers, With these events a liver program of class events willprovlde a place for trotters and pacers In every speed division to race In. Such , liberal purt mil coini itions deservi llle keenest Ippriiatloll mi the part I o the horsemen. T clos lie large entry list for the ei lug events assures a largo nun starters in nil -takes. It is peeled thai the local association will have one of he largest entry lists by the time the entries for the class events are closed at Aurora, that ot- I tawa has ever had The association is negotiating with I J. W (bats, prominent eastern horse- tin n to give an exhibition with his fomoua horse Penardo who has a re -i cord of 2:26. Gears Is one of the old- est drivers in the United Slates he- lug 71 years of nv.i at the present I time II" has never before appeared I in Ottawa. I Poilowitii: is the nroaram for the' ,,,,., ,,, De ,,.), ,,,.; OTTAWA PROGRAM Tuesday, July 1 8th. I 160 on i ) -2:28 Trot 2-L':IS Trot IKarlv ( ig. . $Siiii 00 S: 25 Pace 1400.00 1 Wednesday. July 19th. -2: 16 Trot 400.00 2:12 Pace (Early Closing) . .$800.00 2:17 Pace Thursday, July 20th 7 2:b!l Pace V40O.OU 8 2:15 lac t losing) . .18 . f Friday, July 2!st. IU SU I nil fPnrlv Clnsiicl 1800 00 , " ,,. , , ' mom, POOLSi Long Enough. "Did the sar-mujor go tfila ivay, sen-1 If y ; i uon i Kuuiv, i i n , ii u a i . i "Wi J'OU keep ,olir ejl pen. What do you think you're here fur?" "Here for? Two perishing hours I" Calcutta Looker-! in. mod him bj getting a throe base hit a few inning nftpr that, N'evi Smiitii,, tli,. Cul,,: u ill i, prnceton to play the Pi inc. ton tean , ,..,,,,.,1.,.. ,,,,, ,,. , game this year. My Work and Methods Make Sick People Well. Dr. E. Re Perkins EXODONTIST 32d Season SUCCESSFUL CONDUCTION ANAESTHESIA FOR THE PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH A positive relief for suffering hu manity and without the usual had after effects. W mm' ... N.A. . '' Reluctance to pay a few dollars or the Fear of a Dentist has cost thousands of people with bad teeth ninny long years of suffering. Mouth Infection soon means (!on eral Infection, Rheumatism, Heart Troubles, and hundreds of other troubles that take the life out of you and finally causes death fif teen to twenty years before it would if you had kept !ho mouth free from decay and disease I's ually after extracting a lot of bad teeth the patient rapidly recovers his general health. Be.-t proof Ol the; is to ask any of my patients who have had their mouths clea.i d out. 1 offer skin and anaesthetic results that cannot he dupli . I elsewhere, if yours are real bad its all the more reason you Bhould place your case in my bands. My long experience Is your best pro tection. .Next visit - HOTEL OTTAWA MAY 23 OFFICE HOURS 9 TO 1 No other visit till fall LADY ATTENDANT W .Mi V .i WMilk mmmmk UlUtJUNS HtFUSES 10 SEE 2 FAMOUS SONS ifJ MIXUP lilit) . A f( Aid Ibnill-'l i Minn ilMAMY FANS ATTEND GAME AT MENDOTA noon to bc baseball gam len, Jerry I Otta Qebbari smith. i.u. i ardson, Arm l'ri. i. l is Bpyl Dickens, Bet - 1 ' II Bucbni Dan Pitxgen Levy, Walter Parrell, Edv Blckelkraut. I igan, Willian I iarry Funk. I loll man. ,Iol William I cis Reillj Cullen an A .Ta) a . be wor ! blael I nrlnl the st. - This new A sugar-coated "y iiuin deliehtsx" young and old. it "melts in your .lL. uuuia ana me A A HffiBP-MaKxa 'J i . center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth fund throat. There are the other WRIQ&.EY friends to choose from, too; --g-ft M ,4 r fi . - , PTIUII MGER BEATS ! 0 1 M VMI rtnnri . nnnn llllir. FARRELL BROS. IE N 10 INNING TILT FROM CLOSE iRT end or TWO FLUKE : GAME. Mtawa h is 'at c.f to I, w ith was rowd two nth two of a Qnal in to were cjub, However, tne knotted the ig, w In n IToote, . ' m i d a link i' a pitchers' duel Both pitch- mound. The a n i n n n 2 n o n ii n l ! It's toasted. This cific ovira process gives a rare and delightful) quality impossible to duplicate. Guaranteed by B5J5 'iin,'i.n: uiiiM VMW , v.' v. s s y iai ' i v gum in tne -' ' -' t , ... . ?, . .. -v-J , i. . - : ' f . ml lJiCYl IvSTRIKEl . JE M .