Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY, MAY 2?, 1922. THE OTTAWA VBEE TRADER-JOURNAL. PAGE Five HOM E BUREAU honBdcB MIHER HERE FDR ANNUAL MEETING homo ni Mr Uaefko'ii linler, Mm, Victor iiiiiiii Iim. Pete 01 bod ni Benaoa, wm an n lawn vliltor last evening Walter Clsuiion of Btroator ipenl lust nvnnlns uiiii trlarida in iliin cltv. i I I I .1.11.. . ., I' ill I 1 h miKuuKMiiu in -...". wi ftn( U(),lll( Defenoaugh of tawa, ipenl last evening in U Si gtrealor were Ottawa caller yeater Rev, Vincent Qrlflln of Peoria, via day Ited in Ottawa yeaterday, Lealle Coffin of Beneca apenl lust Miss Blanche RJcharda of Oblcago, evening in ilils city. Rpanl tiii' week-end vviih her parents A ii Plnlen of Btreator waa an Mr, inn! Mrs Joaepb Rlcharda In 'Ottawa visitor last evening, South Ottitwa, William DegtlBi) ni' Beneca apenl in rr Mil n m,mf .a HToU Krl- of IVrn, sp.-nt lasi 'vi-ninu with CiLmmIh In.tWa City ill r.i HELD June 14 , hnw. i Miss Helena Stelnbach of Chicago Ui .. , u ... , . ,, . apenl the weak end vlaiting her ilk .Missi s Marie Smith ol Ufl Salli' ami . ,. . Btella Warren of tills city, motored ! , 2"; . , e , , , I 1 Qeorga Qenaeke of Btreator apent organization BEGINS fifth I ... ' , .. ' , , InBt evening in this city. " "i1" 1 1 I'ill Limn an. I Hen Hlsiki- or Mar- ii iimls in this 1 1 v yeaterday, mIHm ntiin Aibn antiinia Miss Alice Roey apenl laM evening Miss Margaret Coagrove left Sat in i-a Balle; lurday for her home in Chicago after . ... iiii'uuiib i j i i.a nunc i Knimeu uougiaa i Marseilles, was spending a week in Ottawa vlaftlng County Home Bureau will bo hold in w Ottawa visitor yesterday, I at the home of her aunt Mrs Matthew. thisiii on jUne ii n , Wllkerson I Mr. ami Mrs ii Ward Conde of Kurscheld In Weal Ottawa from thi Unlverslh oi oitmi win in-1 M"''L ""' I'mmi parents or ihib ivinuue iievuraas ui uiinm a uauy gin born al the city hospital apeni me weea onu visiting ner mum yesterday, er Mrs. Alice Devereuux in South' DELAYED PARADE AND TRACK MEET DU TOMORROW SI With Mica V"i KERSON OF TH E STATE UNIVK.RSITY PRE8IMNG YEAH. POSTPONED "CROWNING OF BOY" WILL GIVE OTTAWA HARE TREAT. WHEN 1600 YOUTHS MARCH IN REVIEW THROUGH STREETS. By hi&Q CAJtROLL, Been tary Chamber of Commerce, lint tin' im el ini in Ottawa to Tin day's program will open wltl moving picture ol the IJnlvor It) 1 Mr. and Mrs. C Cobble and daugh- 11 tor Arlene of Peru, visited friends in i ittawa. Dr am! Mn rollowrd b) tin reports of this nltjf yeaterday, his ofllcer:i and standing com I Vir. and Mrs Cal Hughes of Karl mittnt W hile the but Inesi year i tarts on .inl) i. Iht Home Bureau work pro gram starts on Jan I The Ural of this conaing Jhtlj will see the I f n -nlng i f the tit'th j ar of 1 1 - bureau The ailvlsory council of il rgar tuition, which is composed of tin dl rectory of each towojihip In thn county ami the i xecutlvfl Ifourd, meel i In October to plan lite coming year's WoVk. Tht rrafne Bureau ui 1st r, M I Zelrna Monroe, ban pn pared tli fat lowlng on tin- plan or work a oul Hot it at la. t October's mi i ting "The plan of work determine'.! tha" lntiiiii!' should be the major project lor i tils .war, and that every third month ' f the adviser's titne would ! villi- were Ottawa visitors yesterday Frank Hop of Chicago visited fi lends in this cjty yeaterday, T w Burrows ami family motored to Bl Loids yesterday, Mr. ami Mrs. A, B. Calkins of Otta wa Avenue motored to Tontca for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Fred itoot today, Vir and Mrs il Wart! Conde of 'I ho ta w ,i meet, udon, have make Vtollhl Heather man Is smiling on nt i. ni tin- boys' parade and track scheduled for tomorrow after la. all lined up ami tin- details been carefully worked oul to it bigger and belter than it have been last Friday. accommodations for tlx overflow ol traveler! and tourists in the city over weak ends und liming tin- varlou summer holidjkyg Leal 'year over! MO tourists were taken ogre ol In one week, outside of tha hotels, With tin' hard from Chicago there Ik every reason to believe Unit many more people will stop here this year than ever before ami Ottawa eannm afford to lei any parson leave here ior lack oi housing accommodations, it is up io the cltlsena to take these travelers in ami with last years ox pel'ience uheai! of us, it is safe to assure the people thai these tourists rue clean honest home loving folks like themselves ami thai no one Is running a chance of contaminating their health or Jeopardising their peace ami prosperity. The Informa tion required by the Chamber of Commerce is the number of people that can he accommodated, the mini her of rooms, the lions, Ok iii facilities, locative1 ami telephone number, Advertise Camping Site. The organisation has purchased fifteen metal signboards advertising Allen park as a fl for tourists. The he distributed along highways leading to ASSIGN SPEAKERS FOR EXERCISES IN SCHOOLS OF CITY G. A. R., W . R, C. AND AMERICAN LEGION WILL LEAD PROGRAMS OF MEMORIAL DAY PATRIOTIC CEREMONIES. Ueuerul i H Or. mi - birthday, it has been recommended by the commend' els ill (Mil I of the (i. A. It. ot ill -United Stales and of tills Htute that proper attention he given to the Kiori liiation ol the smites of our lule l.iciitctiitiii lien,. nil U. S. Grunt. CLASSIFIED ADS. should do very iiim to the City, camping ground road siiis win the imiiortant Ottawa ami to attract visitors mi ami mis. loin Keinlrn K utiil Wosl Main I. are the proud parents, son v rank motored to Memioia yes an unusually fine baby daughter, terday. born last nlghl al the Illinois Valley I Ray Miller and Smiiii Cole or this I Hospital. The little niil has been city were La Salle visitors last even named Vlralhia Marlam Ing, Charles E, Vloure went to ClllengO Dick Wagner of Jollet spent Bun-1 this morning to Irive o now Hudson I:i v with friends In this city, BUtO hack to Ottawa Mrs. Lloyd Pearson and Margarel Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schorer and Wei.ii of riica were Ottawa shop son VV1rtanl) and Pugone iJiiiliiis, pers Saturday, motored to Aurora yesterday. Miss itose Kerwln of (Mica, was an Palmer Lawborg of Princeton, Ottawa shopper Saturday, spent Bunday with friends in this Miss Catherine O'Donnell of this city. cU spent yesterday In Chicago. William Lewis of this city spent Charlea Reynolds returned to Chi-Sunday In Aurora, devoted to meeting with the project i cago after spending the week-end Tom FergiWon of this city, spent leaders anof planning the work, bo that with friends. In this city. ye-t-day h Utica. tiiev might take charge tf the twjl ilm BJnon, 5ohn McCarthy, Wal William Unman spin yesterday In I meetings, la her ubsence The plan ter Lindeman, Umil Deisch Dan Mendotu. also pro iii,-1 thai since clothing was Haley, James O'Meara, Charlea stick-: Vlberl Lempke Fsrl Harrison.; I o be the rrtbjor projeel that tin cloth lien-and Owen Vox attended the ball i; Fltanatrick and Eugene Schaefer Ing speplallsl front the college be oh game in Mendotn yesterdajr, of tliis city, spent yesterday in Btrea- tallied for use ni the q project leader Mr and Mrs. ay Maylo and Misses i, r training scboolH Tl. Jan ur cotirsi !5eta White and Oenevleve McLaugb Mr and Mrs Herman Zimmerman In clothing provided for thi followln? lln attended the ball name in Men-jnnd children, Margarel and Vincent lersotin or st4becta for dtscutfslon dota yesterday. niotored tn Chicago yeaterday. ' January Making of drqi forms, Charies Kllnk of this city motor ! iiss Marie Enebo of thi-i city.l "February Llnj an'd design In led to Channahon vesterdaq. Lopent yesterday In Morris. dr ss. or correct posture, shoes and Jutnes Dunn of this city, spenl Sun ' rjjng Orantham of MnrseH'es was: corseting, day itii relatives in Jollet, ; Oftawn cnllefl last evening, ".March Coldr n drc Taylor Wjlhulm of this city, spent . Chief of Police Ben Ford, has re-' "A fi! iMilllnery, yesterday In Chicago. turned to duty after "pending n vara- "M 1 'se of the dress form, or Miss Loretta Gllligan of La Balle, tlbh in Chfcago and Cedor Rapids, a. use of one pattern for more than one visited friends in this city yesterday.! .Ss Launia Aussem was a Lincoln garment, Mss Rene Dottier of this city, spent visitor on Saturday. -JuneAlteration of commercial the week-end with friends In Joliet. , patterns. gd White of Spring Valley, called .,,.. July Fitting and election ol com ,, Ottawa friends yesterday, ENJOY CHRIST CHURCH menial patterns : Kll Rarreti of Strealor was the CDCrm cn.MP CCDWIPC "Augusl ITse of the one piece pal KUesl of Ottawa friends Sunday. OrtLIAL oUIMu otHVILt t-m for children's garments1. "September Use of the one piece pattern for adults arments "t)( t'hi r lr'"h ctlon ol textiles. "November i 1 December Kcor gani : il loii no el log, "Th" honjt iaiijiu,i mi nt work ha been condaoted iolons two lines 1 1 i . year I rf ua t'i l tiil tnc Ol th I ur vey of fhf rural bqmrf hj the local home management chfllnni i Kour liumli hand LMII II was i what mode pllam man;' being uryey cgiil w. n i! hi an rei.'u teii. The survey : for the purpose of showing entigfl i f rural Uomi s have i ati-r in them, Insl le toilets, lectrlcnl equlpmenl and ap The odo r type Of hone i nt work is work thai Is rled on In eat'i unll durlnn the month. Even home management chairman received ten homi demon- ll; stratum curd-, or cards lhal an) worn "i an could take and experiment in her own kitchen, proving to her ell th amount of lime she could save h propi r arrangement of her work audi' eeuipmf tn. In addition to these three projects several of the units havop henn Inlere ti l in thi stlldi of civics Slid h.nve. ta Itpn it lip With fifteen min' di mission ol each unit meeting, "N. w pr il'lcms to face as tile Home Bureau grows: "With tli beginning of the liftii year of the Home Bureau It seems that tie ri an manv important pna le W'Ullam Thompson of Karlville was an Ottawa visitor yesterday. The sons.- service given at Christ c.n p Can-, Herbert Carr, and Bplscopal church yeaterday' afternoon Claude Van Hoorebeko of Marseilles, irndcr the direction of jiMss Anita 1 .. re Ottawa vi- iters yesterday. i Baldwin was a trcii tn the fair ImI . I'i'-il Sehupp of Morris, visited witbreonareRatlon ffiho'htlrended, Thcih lr. , Lrlends In this cfty yesterday, assisted bj a number o' iiddlllonaf Ii-;s Marion Tliotnpsoii ami BUI voc i'ists. was al Us bf'M and th"ir j Hugbcfl of Karlville, motored io ihis numbers were rriosl sslsfaefory in; city yesterday. every ways The roIos by Mrs. Ou$J l.awretice White Of this city spent i Ma v. Mi's I leu-land and Miss Su yesterday with friends in I.a Salle. sapne Woodward wire raee treats and Mr and Mrs, Henry Yentt, Mr. ami lies lUfuliy rendered. The numbers Mrs, Louis Claefke and children. Mar-ihv (ji irge Rood of St renter shewed car. t ami Louis, motored to Chicago 1 1 hat gentleman possessed a beautiful were they spent the weekend at the voice which DttaWo people would like io hear ofteaer, Pred Beem's singing i ;i''.;i- a pleasure and yrsterdaj have n scil out have proved of W" nn efCTPtlon The only instr i- henefll to the woman. Erom Janu- meetal number on, tht prograni was n min iniv tl... r., in. v,o,.. ,,e.i. i.l will ! violin Solo liv Ma.t"r William .1.1 1 1 it out to the food COUlr- "n,u lim i of a number of the audience tor a vi ry ere titanic pi rrormance. The aiti moon's program was large- January Meat canning hints, February Poultry hints; inculi in I'm mat ion and of sin ill dded to bv William Tydeman, or ;,.iii-t. and the Excellent work and gred taste rf Sam W, Raymond :;.s violin c "conipaniat. It is to be hoped thai the choir will providi Bimllar Sunday afternoon services during the coming summer. CHAPLIN'S MOTHER From the way the boys have been preparing for thi event, it is evi dent that the Community will he well Mid for the investment they are mak ing and the trouble they are going tq to put it cn rijjht. The business anuses ami the newspapers, public spirited men ami women have given generously and the crooning of their efforts will come in the appreciation lhal will be shown by the boys from I lie various schools in town as they march in the parade, down the street, and i serf their maximum efforts In trying to win the prizes that have been assigned for the various races. Every hoy In town is looking forward to this event as being the biggest tiling he ban ever heard of. The mothers of these hoys can tell you strange stories ot nibbing liniment on son joints, of their desire for physi cal exercise; how easy it is to get the boys io bed early ami how par ticular they are in regard to the Mud of loud tiny must eat; all this in preparation tor the ureal marathon Of Ottawa. Cadets as "Generals." The special details from the high school cadets will go to each paroch ial and grade school in town tomor row aftarnoon at l o'clock and each boy is required to report to school before They line line up and march to their respective positions around Washington square, where the parade will forrp and be ready to start down La Salle street promptly at 2 p. m Hefltrich's hand will take tin- lead and will be followed by the bjgh schoi I cadets and boy scouts, in uniform. Each school will be headed by their respective officers and a Auk hearer. Bill Pearson and his drum corps will be In the center of the parade, which will place them hetwei 11 Washington and St. Coluin ba's. There have hen many esti mates made as to the number Of boys in (Ittawa and while it cannot be stated how many will be In the parade, it is safe to say that it will be at least four blocks long and the estimate of 1,600 will not ! far off. Want List of Rooms. Following the custom established last year, the Chamber of Commerce will begin immediately ti prepare a list of homes in the city of people who ara willing to provide sleeping CROWNING OF VIRGIN A. PRETTY CEREMONY One of the most impressive cere monies uver conducted at Si Colum ba church occurred lust night at 7:30 O'clock when beautiful services were w ith the crowning n, More (ban four the pupils of SI. and St. Xavlers the processional main aisle of o'clock. held in connection Of the blessed vlrg hundred children, Qolumba Bchool Aoaaemy rormeo ihe Which passed down (he the church just at ":'M The processional was headed by the altar hoys, walking four abreast sing Ing a processional hymn A bearer carried a floral cross made largely of '! of the valley. The girl W" white gowns ami veils, and each ear ned a bOUQUl t which were placed on the altar. Attended by all the smallest girls in the school, little Miss Jane Pegley. marched as crown bearer, carrying the crown of the virgin on a while satin pillow. Miss Bthel Fegley a ow n hearer and a mem ar's graduating class of aoademy crelwnedl the I iter of the ci her of this ye s-1 Xavler virgin. During tl music was Attn- the ie service unusually pretty furnished by t lie choir. ceremony ol crowning an Inspiring sermon was preached by I Rev, Vincent (irilTin of Peoria of St. ! Mary's Cathedral. He spoke to the children who were assembled on the life of the virgin and the inspiration she has always been to the world. A behedlctlon followed the sermon. Dean T. E. Madden and ltev. Michael Tracy of St. Colutnba parish were asalatad Wy Revjj Lawrence Hackett of St. Patrick parish and Rev, Casimir iMiller of St. Francis parish. TOM WATSON OFFERS TO FIGHT COLLEAGUE Washington, May appointments in Georgia Po iturl itmi ii ;i exchange in the senator Watson stale, ami semit do, a republican office committee business was minutes aftei enate today bel ween democrat of that ir Phlpps of Colora member of the post w Ith the re; alt thai disrupted for several which tbe two senators took their controven dor with the Qeor.gic personal bombat. into the corrl lenator offering Public and sectarian schools or ot tawa Willi ii dd snenlal Memorial day rtrrclseq P'rlda afternoon, according to a: lounci incuts made to la I y I W Bn wer of tht local :. A It posl Si iters from the ranks f the civi. : war veterans world war veterans an I Woman's Relief Corps have been as Ignod attt mi the various schools and addii .s the scholars, Assign ment; made this morning for tlie vi: i h us Bf hools follow ; Sneakers Assiqned. ri. a aut view I nther Colli W 1! unnlfffham, Roy Wllhelm. I Ittliwa High Bel) ml R. C, Ionian. In 0. A. Karr. st Columbs Parochial Bchool and Convent W, E, Prlchard, John Fi ehan. Lincoln School I) I! BnoW, Rl lie i Fool. Columbus s. hoi l J. '. Ebersol, E, il Van Scholck. Jefft rson School E, il strait. .1 P. Alv"y. Washington School John F. dill, K, R Bradford, Sha boons Rchool I. M Chamberlain, Emmett Kelly, McKinley Bchool William Joncks, Taylor Wilhi !m st Patrick's Bchool- A T. Tress, Thomas O'Meara. st Francl' School David 1orrlauJi , .lames O'Meara. Relief Con- r.oeakrrs. Tin membt ra of Seth Karl Relief Corps detailed to visit the adiools by Mrs. Frances 1'rarcc. president, are as follows: Pleasant View Luther College Irene Hnwley, Qsther Galley, Minnie Washeman, MeKlnlev School Mrs Fill, Maud Hill. Mis. Stevens. II Il1i School Mrs. Butterfleld, Mrs Daisy O'Neill, .Mrs. Mattie BalT, SI. Cclumba School Mrs Peltier. Miss Murphv, Mrs Scanr.ell. st Patrick's School Mrs. iRioamstein, Mrs. - Brcll, Mrs Mlntilo Bcherer, St. Francis' School - Mrs. WallCllng, Mrs. Fred Scln rer. Mrs. Mutter. Jefferson School Mrs Banning, Mrs. Lena Smith, Mrs. Place. Columbus School ..Mrs Levy, Mrs. On gg. Mrs. Armstrong. Shahhona School Mrs. Farnswortl Mrs. Baker, Mrs Thompson. Washington School Mrs Hrewer, Mn. Pi not, Mrs. Stlefel. Lincoln School Mrs. Kilgore, Mrs, Fowler, Mrs. Widnu r. This being (the centennial year of "UNICUM" Real Human Hair Nets Cap or Fringe, Single or Dou ble The largest and strongest I tuman I air Net 2 for 25c Sold exclusively at KHt Singer sewing machine, in a i condition; price $12. v 1 1 vm x or address 119 Weat Jackson St. Km BALE Cheap, West t antral Minnesota farm; good l!4o ane farm, :(.. miles from Norcross, Minn, giaal mark' t lun on main Hue 0. N. Ry.i six room house, fair barn, gran ary, hog riouae, poultry douti , Hue How ing well, grove, ric h black loam soil, all tillable; a h'g bargain, at 178 per acre, on eas terms. Write fur more particulars and leaflet describ ing Traverse County. TRAVERSE LAND OMPANY, Wbcaton, Minn. KOH SALE Small tracts of land, X to I acres, convenient to Ottawa; fair prices. W H PUSEY, Central Life B!dg Ottawa. Ill TOR BALE Ont ot the finest new residences, with spacious land caped minimis, in this part of Illinois; St) ' lutely modern and up to date; see me at once If interested W. H PUSEY, Central Lite Bid. FOR HALF Six room house; electric lights, gas, city water, garage and chTcken house; strawberries, fruil trees and grapes; priced reasonably, Inquire 500 Elm St. or call 818-Y, FOR KKN'T Completely fnrniihed tl vi i room house; can have posees slon at once; references required. Call 628-L or x4!t-K. SWIFT TREASURER ON STAND IN SMALL TRIAL Waukegan, May 22. The trial of oyernor small entered into its fifth week today with W. W. Sherman, as sistant treasurer of Swift & Co., again on the stand. Ralph Dttdy for the state, read Into the record a number of notes for 1500,000 each ami two for $:tui),0ue each Issued by Swift & Co. Fourteen notes totalling $6,600,000 were read and then passed around the jury box. They all bore six to einht and one fourtb per cent interest. The state claims not more than two per cent was paid the sate. Mr. Daily asked Mr, Sherman about missing records of his company covering two periods ill IIHS and 1919-20, The witness said he hud been unable to And the pages from his records (or the perloda in Iplest ion. lion hicks. .March midget your canning an ways of preparing vegetables. "April Time tables for plant it: I I ! I is aid tuberous rooted plant Bll lotins on beautify ins thi farm yard. "May Destroy Insects In the vegc t garden preparation -i IMMIGRATION CHIEFS iTil" SSS'aB, ON TRAIL OF CHARLEY ii seems to me thai the funda . , i, ....... ,,,.,i.i,, Mi ii Tiiust be more lie ntals that underlie the real lionu Ul III Mil' ....... ...Q ...... - j aid more emphasised. The median makers problem have hardy been les of home making or housekeeping touched upon, For Instance, a worn Washington. May 28. Immigration naV(. i n over emphasized not on4y j sn's civic duty to her family and to j authorities me Investigating the con in our Home Bureau but in all home her community Is certainly a problem ditions of which Hannah Chaplin, the economics In public schools, as well for every home maker, whether sin aged shell-shocked mother of Charley as In colleges. wishes to or not. The problem i f I Chaplin and Sidney Ohap'.in, a brother Tins nlan of work also provided I cblld training has scarcely been con they allowed to stay in the United the 0ther projects be carried sldered in connection with home maK along as home demonstration or home j Ing duties. Cnconscloussly we havi ami reported al tlie tnrterenc awepieq n iu huhb mm mini . Consexjuently, al every unit woman incomes a mother she wll inciting there has been tune aevoieu . snow now io lbrh cm ui uei uuu rts from th" following cnair area, me reui nusmess oi un nous projects meetings to repor men : States Mrs. Chaplin was mentally deranged during one of the lirst Her man Oreo raid:'- over London. Her son wished her to come to Califor nia at the close Of the war to receive treatment. She was given permission to ctiler the country for one year, lmt i.'imit health home manage- noid that is. conducting tne nome i . . i ...i i . 'Cl... ..lli.e ;i buslltessl iU- e vvav Ills sclircolv been . , A mi nt ami ruiai aiaiwum, . . - - , , , : nas never leu . . . ... .....i :.. . I.. .... ..I '11,., ,1.,,.. t ,,l nro e,ts that have men euipnasi.eo ..m.-,. uuuvi u . .e during the year have I n loud and real community ii. ...... n&nrtDnnient. The food Work part the home I . I iianitlul throneh the local a problem that has too long been d i t',0,1 ehatrmail in each community, mailt. In October, when the women , to many, ami not engaged, It was the! Information is sent oul from the of- plan their program for 1923, it wll ,i, .rv month for Ii r to report on, I" these problems that they will In ICtn it ii s ami thi' lUld take in that is Engaged or Willing to Be. In Olden times If a girl were willing iisiom for her to wear a ring on the In si lin.'ci 1 I the lelt band. It' he and act as local information bureau t. : these problem- that tin y w il! be i ... ul ,., to remnlli single, then she wore her unit. Some of the subjects mat 1 liucretea in ami uibuubbiub. ,. ,, ,, ,VtlU. linger. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in "THE NUT 99 All persons living in Greenvich villaqe are nuts on some subject or other. Add Douglas to the Hat. He was nutty about a girl nut. The girl nut had a nutty idea and Uoug had to help put it across. He did. And the way he did it makes one of the biggest laughing shows Doug Fairbanks ever made. HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY Adultf 20c. Children 10c Shows 1:15-3:00-7:00 and 8:45 COMING LOUIS WILSON, JACK HOLT and CONftAD NAGEL 'THE LOST ROMANCE" METZGER'5 OTTAVA. ILL A MAN who lives in ott-oway; Whose temper WAS all shot-o-way; Willi his razors honed Well sharpened and toned, He wonders he EVER got thoto-way. SAVE YOUR RAZOR BLADES Re-sharpened blades are better than new. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS WITH Corbus Pharmacy, 700 La Salle St. W. D. Duncan, 717 La Salle St. T. E. Gapen & Son, 703 La Salle St. Jordan's Hardware, 119 W. Main St. Kneussl Bros., 611 La Salle St. F. Kneussl, 215 W. Main St. S. S. Pearson's Sons, 223 W. Madison Street. Refior Hardware Co., 117 W. Main St. South Ottawa Drug Store, 504 State Street. Weiss Drug Shop, Nertnev Bldg. Wheeler &. Malo, 709 La Salle St. E. S. Woolbert, 214 W. Madison St. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED By Expert Mechanics 35c doz. double. 30c doz. single edge. Regular Razors 35c each OTECO (Ottawa Tool Edging Co.) TO COOK WITH ;iwfB WEBMB mnmWmmm 11 mam mm 1 All Kinds Of STRAW Hats CLEANED or DYED J W . Expert am - m a Work l.inlies' Mills Dyed any Color. OTTAWA HAT CLEANING SHOP 'i to latorarlNti siiiiin. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Mary Miles Minter In " T I L L I E " A screen adaption of the famous novel and play. Droll yet humor ous, and of intense interest. Also a new ROLIN COMEDY. Coming Wanda Hawley in "The Love Charm" "Going For An Outing?" Going for a picnic? Going for a day or a U-w hours' recreation and resl ? Then TAKE THE YELLOW BUS Ottawa to Starved Rock Over lln hj Waj Trail The scenic picturesque Drive .la cool and refreshing Bus leaving daily downtown at 9:00 A. II, and 2:00 P. m. Sundays, two hour service, starting at B:oo v M. Parties wishing to make special arrangements call Supt. i .1. Dicderlch, Phone 180-Y. I L LIN I BUS CO. i means to employ the cleanest, most sanitary, most efficient and eco nomical method known. Bui notwithstanding the value of i;as for the purpose it demands for the realization of till its advantages the use of Modern Gas Ranges The objeci of manufacturers of them Is tn produce a stove which will give the maximum of results on the minimum expenditure of fuel.. You will be interested in examining the ranges of 1922. They carry improve ments which secure the effects above mentioned, The line at our shop includes the best examples Monthly Payments Public Service Company of Northern Illinois