Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO. ( I I ILLINOIS ERMED I OUTLAW STATE BY Sleeved or Sleeveless? iwvA rm:i 1 1; api GR ND RAPIDS l ! A, Ghost Story MONTANA SENATOR "BLOODY WILLIAMSON COUNTY' BRINGS TIRADE AGAINST COM MONWEALTH. HERRIN MASS-V CRE BITTERLY ARRAIGNED - Washington. P. ('. July 81. The Mate of Illluols will be 'a ItngTI to the nation" and should nrt be entitled to a r't tn M !'"" M less it takes prompt mean: re to punish the perforators ot :tse ki'i ings a'. Herrti:. !..- Meyer Vomj; .!Vj -' da The titsv MbMtr At Burin sJ'i'r i .-i ". "' " :h! "-7-y!kHS . V ..;" I til I.; HI': ' a a.-: v 5 . m A5A "au 5,:: I ' cvc?::Cis.i:iTit. p: ".-VH - r i ' am: i .'. "i .... T'. :-: .Aft m: ' ' "i : " c lXt enac .n .. i It. Tb.m nmrrr ;.. i ?4.- :j i-i .t tvl ' " 1. to (. I"?.:: - i' -W is : i : lire ctfaaty feesaj is ftc:-f if I ti f.-awt: i- " aal i ' - fv"'-""-: : : : ata: - : :.iu: : v-a'.::-:;c!L of. :. ;..-. fcota .eir'. szi ..: .- -with no prvpv af aarste being done to reaeiiy. There i littie roon: tc :u. afeMl lynch Uw in :ce KMtfe a '.on a? this sort o( thinj: is pm Sillied go unpunished in other section. ' i on tinned Meyers. "The: It littl to talk about the atrociti- i Turk upon the Armenians as as such things can happen in country without any apparent ishment. "II this is U go unpunished, derilertion of the officers who gleet their duty will he worse than the commission of the crime itself, and 1 see no indication of any Inten tion on the part of the officials of that county or of the officials of Illinois to mete out any punishment to the perpetrators of this crime. " predicted Saturday the proba bility there would lie no punishment for the offense, and I again predic it. "And if nothing is done to remedy this matter and Vindicate the law. .either by federal or state officials, 1 predict that it is going to create one of the greatest and most powerful Waves of indignation among law abid ing people that this country nan ever known." 1 I J..rd IWarem f M K me. b. m v. l " I til'' Dili: rrtinunlti Uiu Itu I'Vellill u ho w 1 1 ' III! VI irti',r; M Cdira Wot hi avie !. ; tuherc 5 1 ' ' I H '.. ' V ! jr . - . 1 i .Hill H each. i hi I18DAY, JULY 29, 1629 nas imposed upnl) Farm Hurean, ir tiifwrcttJoaii popcori coon coo -V.a a--v :. rrvOt ar.d decide whether voj want your summer v -ut s'.etves. lr ist.l n aliows you to d.xM thU sn r!. Wr and ifru rent of a 1, omas Kali girl born l ong chapteri No. I! A. II. hel.l il evening, the following offloera for Just be(or tbia bdtldtnfi vollapaed In Buffalo . tenant, warned the iv occupant tu net out, la1 aoldier brotbei had warned hei of ike danger, f building and noae wer injured. pending a few weekt I.., dim Wflttengel Uordon Dudgeon i Mis Brrnl e Dudgeon aliiilg on their broth1 ins McKlnley, Mrs Floyd .b':-st.,i an Newark, Mr, Will Don daughters, Joyce and Mi nt Sunday .it Alrue Crovlt N V . Uouiae Utller, NTY I! .Mr. and in v and belie sp CONVICTS ALLEGED BOMB CONSPIRATORS w inning ir High lri--t i II. I were int !, .1 Byrne Longefi illed bj - A: D the the!01 -nil'- ' C!n.s park, aft-t winch tb- gueatt motored R K K A. ll. Levy, Treasurer . P. Siho,h. Secretary w. s. Myera. v ol ii -Walter c. LindenianB P. 8, ll K Kohri R A. r irted 11 Long. M. Sd V Dr. J. A. i arter. M. 2nd V. Dr. C. I'. Vamrtta. daughti Ffagii ' I , n nin 1 tie IM. Ol r. Mr I.euis 'I' Ottaw ;l and l Mars-ii!,- were ellfe Kahn Mi daui mer, Mr id.i v M. 1st V. H, P. Walkiing, Sent. .In A. Wilson. Orfaniit Oacar Si ffert, .1: I .is pun- the I OH MINI SID WAS IN TOWN LAST NIGHT How would you like to have a real pen and Ink picture of Anilv dump, Blade and signed by Sidney Smith, with your name on the picture? It would be pretty nice, wouldn' it'1 One Ottawa, woman today is displaying a genuine one as a souvenir of a visi: to Ottawa of Sidney Smih. who hove into town in "ole" 34S last night The lucky woman Is Mrs. Mnry Han km, mother of Mrs. U M. Harvey of the Clifton hotel. Mrs. Hanlon wn standing at ib counter at the Clifton last night when the famous cartoonist registered. S"e 'Ing hts name, she extended her hand, Congratulations, (lumps." she ex claimed spontaneously. The cartoOh 1st turned and. grasping the hand, laughed merrily. "I guess I'll have to give you g BOtJVenlr' for that." he declared, and. grasping a pen, with a few hasty sketches, drew Andy in the act of call ing -Oh. Min'" dompfeting tie- sketch, he inscribed "To Mrs. Hanlon. to the ley Way Gardens in Marxcilb to dare e. l ... nkMlili lima una ll'l.l hv nc-hnse .itlendinc the La Salle coilirtv j Royal Neighbors punk, held yester 'day at McKlnley park. Over 130 were tn attendance; at noon a delicious j picnic dinner was served and tb- afternoon was spent at dancing, games and races. There were guests from Btreator, Orand Bldge, La Salle, Peru, Lconore and Ottawa. ' Tf Mrs. ft jV Reynold entertained today with an U o'clock bridge party ut her home on the north bluff. Fif teen tallies of bridge were played and a very enjoyable time was had. At 1 o'clock a delieiOUl luncheon was served the guests. The Reynolds home was very prettily decorated ::i a profuion of garden flowers. The members of the Presbyterian church enjoyed an outing at Allen i park today. A general good time was had by all. the afternoon and evening being spent at games and stunts. At 6 o'clock a delicious picnic supper was served e 4) The St. Cecelia court of Catholic Foresters, will hold an ice cream so cial on the lawn, on the corner of Fine arid Superior streets, this even ing, to which the public is invited. ?i '3 The recital given by piano pupils of. Miss Klizabeth Malcolm. Wednesday CAMP ROTARY:?:; I would III gardtng th Seoul -lor iii' Scout, llll md what it I for nee, come .i Boj II. V QS here i HAGUE ENVOYS GET REPORT ON RUSSIA prui A- lum iatei By A. ins ob- publish, a ii, Russia Ottawa died I- i wa i dav old Mrs lived in Orand Raphta before her rbiae Her atatdeti name was Ixn N'.itie Burial erh'-- were held Sal i ' ton and Mr. and Mrs John Ryan Mrs John Olelrti and son Delmar let! Saturday for an extended visit with relatives In Kankakee, 111 Albert and John Loeftler of Ottawi an visiting their grandmother, Mm Julia Dittman. The Keystone eli as of the m e church held a social meeting at the K. P. Wakey h um Tueadaj evening A lorgV crowd was present Blectfl Hl-'iis were placed the efftlfe length of the lawn, and it Was here tba games w re played. A lunt h was .served by Mrs. Wake. Mis Nellie Kuh: Mrs Rwin Re- and Miss Margaret Nagle attend- d til alumnae 'Jmnuuet and dance at ." Xavi r's acaib i:i ir. otta.v,. V- ! (day evening. Mr and Mrs C. falili and famln of Otf.iwa spent Surratny t the Charh Ibuie home. Mr and Mrs. J W. Nn1e and on FeCton and daughter MieBa and Miss Beatrice Nagle attended th gradnnt Ing exercises ;ii St. Xavler'l academy In Ottawa Monday evening, Mh Mrs .1 F. Ruleman and spent Sunday with her a c II Pool, Of F: loin Mar Domtny spent the week end with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. John Holmes, ol Serena. at Serena Saturday evening, given - v. (1 Mrs Bverctt Dudgeon and Mrs Ed- ONE WOMAN AND SIX MEN FOUND GUILTY ON CHARGES OF PLOT TING DYNAMITE OUTRAGES. Mudi, i was row lied after ihtco hours nl deliberations, This conclud ed the nil trial ol tire defendants, till! firs I having b conducted before , Indue John .1 Sullivan lal Kelnu ary and having resulted In disagree, meul "i the jur. rhe defendants.s whose attornev plead ii'i a new trial on July 1, are Mis Rmmu Porter Pipes, former Ij business ugeni ol the South chi cago Waltreases' union. Theodore Vlnd, former!) president of the South (Mile AgO Trade and Labor assembly, Rtnnlej Wulnak, formerly bhafhesH agent ol the meal cutters' union; Ed ward .i Boatman and Orvllle K. itie. Ins, formerly Joint bualneaa agents of the teamsters' union: Prank Ambora III formerly president of the mem cut tors 'union, and Dual Wlrth, formerly business agent of the harteftdera' un ion. T Assistant State's attorneys neorgo K Dormnn nnd Scotl Stewart, Ided hj Detective Sergeants flesbrge Me ICornilek nnd Patrick Collins, prapar wl mid prosecuted the case, against i iiniiiii officials, who wen charg iib being the nrganlters of the reliant ami Employes Union nth Chicago, in May. 191ft, ii mi illately following nrgnnltailoi the ii i. it was alleged, member tan a series of depredations, mafb- hj use of dynamite and stanch nattering of plate gbis win mid thri nts of violence in therance of extortion plots. One of the principal witnesses. Joseph Altmeier, 9213 Commercial avenue, declared that because he ro "i eil sn invitation to min the nnloa. his market was bombed Rich inl H irke and James rtsrnr. ago on charges Hon with the ie ri'iKiirnien S ' 1011 ill--;, ,!,', tnitiv vestnr,l In indue George Kersten's court ofid were sentenced to terms of from one m twenty years In me penitentiary, tin ad llllllll dows labor ' man. v oonspli a jury one to Tb June i officials, yesterday M extort fudge Mar. maximum seven former including a wo- found guilty of and bomb, by ii Kavanaugb's sentence, from Thought fCr the Day v. womnn of fortj ii i, intra. uc age, ullowlng nhvii K'le makes III! CffOli t" luck ' From "Punii la lier cir most i lint in the penitentiary Jtriian Beach. jut reeentty weddfng trip Bfiy in attend very enjoyable received many end refreshme tile hostesses, Claude "i is. in honor ni Mr I There were about .tic apd all spent a afternoon The bride pretty and u-"!' I gifts LOST! The difference between the cost of new and re-sharpened razor blades. ormg them in and receive your REWARD! . 1 1 11 1 1 v siinuav J 60 Saved! Wcrk Cua j SCISSORS AND SHEARS SHARPENED Doable Edge Safety Blades Sharpened, per dc:en I Single Edg? Safety Biads Sharpened, per do:en .... MONTHS OF SUFFERING How a Baltimore Girl Recov ered Her Health Baltimore, Maryland. "For severel months 1 suffered with severe backache 1 ana general w ea k InesiT could not sleep ci raiortaojy at nigta for pains in my back. 1 found your book at heme one day and after reading it be- n at to take Razor ;ach Refl ;ervi( Woilbert Heat sons d Stroppe Stations: . . . .214 lllllimi!!!! 35c .1 ad .0(1 Hi H Mar St compe liberal ent tend Bun ncie imllj unity igh and Mr.. lb . Mr and Mr and Mr. and were Bunda l.ocke home, IDYL GLEN W. Mjdison Street 117 W. Mam St .119 W. Mam Drug, Store. eilles: Drnrjc. icy. ler.a. ney, H ironware. w ii nneia mis ' ol- PVank (Jrarrd R fornii r's Ka'es and OTECO. Tcoi Edging Co J. Kinchc-loe c. , Net Inc. Waldenburc afternoo street, a on the pa 11 vim; Ills Ptl sister ilos e on Poplar s Bloomberg Lillle accom- imi duets table man ise friends Lydis E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Com pound, 1 have had .a ry good results and some of my girl friends an- tuking it now, You may use this letter to help other girl , as th letters in your book I helped me." Rose Waiuneb, 301A Roseland Place, Baltimore, Md. That is the thought so often expressed in Ii ttei recommending i.ydia h. I'mk- I ham's Vegetable Compound. These wo m nknou what they have Buffered", they 'i- crib then ly mp turns and eta te how thi y wei finally made well Just plain ' rni its. but they want other women ; to be helped, Lydia E. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Com pound ii a medicine made from medi cinal roots nnd h rbs, and without drugs, to relieve the .sickness women sw often have, which is indicated by backache, weak feelings, m i vonspess, unJ no urn biti 'ii to get anything done or to go anywhere. It hail In Ipod msfy women. Why not try it'.' of Russia Tli is com j momi let,. and relatives of the pupils Following are those taking par Scherer, Irene Bands, Berniee Fern Conde, Helens Yentzer, c exhaustion ind admitted rer of pur- Th Nftgh eymo bavi ret ari irfted scltb d Mrs fl lm 'V'ir in their hoi n i Willi Bagley, Ida tsertii Louis Bloomberg, Jacobs, Predric Katherine Schere am. Nor Theln Dwyi Kid-ney Smith. ' That i Hanlon is today a woman vied by hr children, her rhy Mi ndeTill ruaint tiren nnd all of her other ac snces. Sidney Smith arrived in shortly before the dinner h"1 put iifi for the night. A friend Iliywell of Chicago, accompanli They took their dinner at th American restauranl ami Tile notel. Those W Ousintafice declared he a fellOW1' and was not all million dollar contract signed. This morning he dep Hloomington. wltere h" will be gui t of honor at a Rotary meeting, Sid traveled in a yellow M armor j auto which a picture , t And) on one side and of Min on the other, it bore i Moek inks old license nnnilier. -is ret lint' ecte In M, ... him. Net tered at his a !- "regulai by lie recent 1 rted f ii One of the laruest and prettiest parties held in Ottawa this year, oc curred yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Charles P. C.landin entertained sixty ladies at the Clifton hotel. The French (lining room where the guests wen- received was beautifully de -orated with large baskets of de.p pink iUailioli, ruses and blue delphon ium. Ferns and palms were placed around the rooms, and In the wind ows Overlooking the river numerous pink shaded lamps were also used in the decorative Idea. The afternoon was spent playing bridge, after which .delicious refreshments were served. Miss Clndys r;!eim was a .shopper Monday. Henry and Frank Gelger Ifannsirk assisted Bill Oetgt hav Monday. I Rlanchard ! ti rsi t and ohlH J fjF ffi W 1 SHREDDED T Mavefs 1-7. and . put WEST SERENA Hil da: ettengel Aurora have son's g ra rn All B timber, nnd a er welc sta St Dr. '). Sunday school will y i In Otto Knut lere will be pro d fi r refreshments tO attend. At il atu lint IllSe I For Acidity or Bile McKinley Park Another OLDTIME DANCE JIM KSHAY K V E June 29th Mfe bj Johnson's KM. Scbroeder will call off for Bquftre Dsncea Host of car sorvii c For furllier piirlinilnrs full 8. A P. aeeni When your stomach is upset Take Heecham'.- Pills aetata splendid tonic to the digestive firpans. They remove acidity and fermentation and excess of bile from the stomach and bowels and promote the secretion of the gastric juices. In thus correcting morbid conditions and stimulat ing the digestive processes Beecham's Pills naturally have an excellent effect upon the general health. If you have lost your ap petite or are suffering from nausea, sick headache, constipation, or giddiness eecham's Sold everywhere in boxee Pills Wc-12 pill 2Sc 40 pills 50c 90 pills Ex-Service Men Ten,Shun Ottawa Post No. 33, American Legion welcomes you to membership, and asks you to join on July 1st. Why Join? DO YOU REALIZE THAT THE LEGION: is recognised b Ogr Government a fhe Official representative nf the men who Served America In the World War'.' is responsible ror placing 1001.011 men In VofcnWonal training; to Sa tldne. and is Bureau. KROMBLb cilVycor;.yjvorcOHOL-WHEAT iii Has fought the di-abied veterans' flghl ii.!.. ...,r Imviiicr .-1 rtnlteil ?t:ites " ri'M'iiiiMiie IVI .-. t ( lias a represent at i ve In every department of the Veterans Bureau to --it 111 L'ctiiii" claims of V ed. rails against the Government sJ Bill let $ress and bus ido, until now Hun hriuf ht the Federal Mo kkpt IT HKKORK CONXIItBSS, In sp it is en the eve f inaetment Has se nred the enactment of state bonus measures In I great many states, from Which the veterans hav already benefited. And are you aware that thru nil the Imit;. hard liuht in behalf of disabled buddies, the Legion has bad to hit the line With only ;i 2.V, enrollment of the servici- men of America, while yon as a non-Legionnaire have stood helplessly by. )o you WANT A STATE ItOM'- IX ILLINOIS? IK Vol' Hi) von will have to WORK for it Powerful financial influences will fight it Intelligent, effective organisation has secured a stats bonus In a great mam states. American fjeglon organisation alone will accom plish that In Illinois, IF WE ARK Tu ort THE BONUS, Join our Poal N11 M and help. Dob't expect 2.V.' nf the rrivioe Bsn In dn all the worl. all the 1 Ime. Carry your own pack! Join Up July First "Feel just fine! That's1 llie way to finish the day's work ! You won't grow old physically or mentally if you eat Kellogg's whole-wheat KRUMBLF-S nature's food that re news strcngtli and "keeps you on your toes"! KRUMBLESwlth the delicious whole wheat flavor for the first time is a complete diet; you can Jive indefinitely on KRUMBLES and whole milk! KRUMBLES balance the devitalized foods you eat daily and make red blood. KRUMBLES contain every element the human body demands ! Children who eat KRUMBLES grow big and BtrORg and rugged nnd arc physically and mentally Ctluipptd to grow into ideal manhood and woman hood, because KRUMDLE3 9Upply the elements that make bone and tissue! Your children should eat KRUMBLES every day! They are j necessity! Buy KRUMBLES at your grocer's! omy viole vJteaf food with a delicious f later f