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fABE BIOMT. tiik ottaw i i;i i: 1 1; vnrcR-jorKNATJ. THURSDAY, JULY 29, W2. FREE TRADER - JOURNAL AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER 115 West Main Street Published Kery Afternoon Except Sutnlay. FltKK TRADER-JOURNAL PRINTING CO Publisher I W II OSMAN BdltOf Hinl General Maii.iKcr Q. H. WOOLBIRT.. Itanafiui Editor Member of the Associated Press. TERMS: Pally. 001 voar In advance, by carrier Dully nun vtar in advance, by mull, oi.tslde la Ball lot) Daily! out yuar lb advance b) mall, In La Salla Count) Dfiiy! par weak, by carrier Tim associated Preai i escluai.Jy entitled t" Ibe use for republication of all new! I dispatch. r. dlt. -l to it or n..t 0 rwl.e credited to this paper tt.i alao local nawi published herein. Knit-red us second lass unit t t March 21 Ws, III, under the Art of (irti.!-r ' I'.'U EVERETT TRUE MVG TC IN"lCmOPT ,$6.00 . .so 4.00 . .10 1 HOi .it t: VMrScM. sce; run ' ' - - , -v 'I I 1 HURSDAY, JULY 20, LET'S GO! s American Legi In- IK 11, IS ll1 institute 'ii in titt.' lt Saturday, fuly i you in? 1 'i the 1,11-11 w"( ' are 1 greatest patriotic institution in the a yet availed himscli oi thai pri privilege becomes a greater asset t t , there w ill be little need oi ur paign : but the men wh are now i that he is missing much ii he de when In-- greatest regrei m1I post of the Legion in practically everj commumt) m one of tlif posts is working f r the welfare ol ex-ei community; there are i posts, all linked toget nam nal institution, and everj post ol the menci might) big asset to its home town, for it is i an men who went away to war and looked back on me from a new viewpoint and came back from the dus and the mud of the battlefields with an appreciation America and "with a dream and a h gh desire oi fenci forever from decay and building them higher and 1 generation yet t come.v This American Lgioh. is: the citizen-soldiery o gamzed t r the g i oi America. fr..m a tentative idea into the ffTeati public. It is organized throughout all America and the possessions over seas and In the domains of our great allies in the W fid war and wherever the fighting youth of America have wandered since the war. It is the greatest representative organization ot the citizenry of America. It is made up of men who served America in war, and that war called all eitiens alike; thus it i- committed to ho Class, no party, no private interests, but its membership has been, built up on the broad common ground of America citizenship alone. T he Legion at present embraces in it- membership but one man in four of those eligible. me in every four is working for the bene fit of the oilier three. Are you the one. or are you one of the three who is reaping now or will some day reap tin benefits oi the labor of the one? For the Legion is working daily, hourly for the 1 of every ex service man, regardless of whether he is a memljer or not. Here arc a few things the Legion has done and ts doing: As one writer j nit - it, "Nobody in America will now deny the hitter and damnable neglect encountered directly after the war by those men broken in war and by their dependent- and by the wives and children of those who died ill the war for America. This is not an accusa tion! it is a statement of fact." The generous and careless American people after the w ar was over made liberal appropriations for the care of the soldiers and their dependent- and then re-ted their consciences in the belief that all was well. I'm they forgol the problems of inef ficiency, inadequacy of working fi rce and the confusion and red tape in the working out of the soldiers' relief. It was the American Le gion who faced the problem and for three vears fought the fiidu ir the wives and children of the dead, f the Veterans' Bureau of the United sible to no man hut the President him- miscellaneous, packed extra re T3KNI THCE9 vvO C2t SOAlfiTVuG - c?eo! pir-jp som Topic TO TALK. AVXT i TWiS CHA WfcT. AW ,ar?cVJr STUPF YOVj'? AUAtAYS P'LLlMfi Tcj Vouf FCMOS tii North ( t liblti eaatera ttuva i Old lOIIII.I It LARGE POST it, Irla'i L ve iNurela, I3.8IM Irilnia Irian i obblera, 4,7M 65 teudy; Idaho tacked CROWD S AT MORTEM MARSEILLES NEWS MARY MAC ARTHUR Office over Stttr Theatre. Office, BI.u k 176 Phones House, Black 35 Irthday Party, ii.n ii - Nt it.itii,. oi I mrm ii.n u s ,-i ii.iiik. hi MMpiei - ,,. n I o r a orn o a tti r v r.,,n" '"iu u ,mui" w-,,r i-i-i UIolAol U LAI lii..irj'ria " Picnicking Totj.iy. I Tu I vernal lil Htimla) ichool ir picnic todaj in lv Way it ii Mi- Willi. it. i l.iuni. Mrs yyalter Scotl and Mis Kate Olnon were in,. nui'Mt s Mis s,lia I'll 0C KMF.N ASSEMBLED RMS TO GET TIPS ON TUB! R lueephlne lleffi I m Heneea wai 1 1 1 , nnn trnm lemaelvea by 0l town, lint. Picnic at Ivy Gardens. M.iin Street (llrla held nlm tile In tit,. In Wa (lardeni last nlehf '"I wliirh aam tlnndml l., Mil.,. .... uc niuma i i lun OT SIAIt I. IS. ufuiiui nu i una CUKf, Wflicn !IH more Of the fir I rvOIDT LMTHt.ccn nw . I I I I t II Itl t' II I ill till' Ut'BI : r" ' rhe children amuaed 0N oan nK n me canal. Th8 roa.ting 0, wene wa3 , I(M """ "i ant introduct on to the In I 1 1 t in I U . . M t . . . .. . .t I I . . .. .I.U.u "', "'""" iMr wicnea, potato aalad, plckloa, alvea. Cular bovines. laat nllit. and hot. atronj coffee which with tl.-h . Mr Mls 1 ' Bheckel and cream rurnlahed by Mra Jatnra Mel daughter Ula ot Tarre Haute, in Intlre made a Una aupper tor the hui Uarge crowdi ot Intereated itock I 'lin8' v'sio,', at th I of :,.ry crowd. i Mr ami Mis Willi- Bhaver Ol .'alr Thn vivl'a ,1 ,i ,,,.,ii ,.i ' ' reaterdaj wltm ed the poet Th ,,.,, ... ,.,. LJ?J rte.K5 """ . ""u': , i r.i isiin ii' I-. ...... .... Hi.' rIMr who were ready tor home and took them to their deatlnation in w. R. c Ladlaa Have Bio Time h,s "",k r''i; ;" certainly appre- rerj pleaaanl imclal afternoon cte1 k""lM"KS Pari ol Mr. is apem yeaterday bj gome fifteen T'"11"0' ufor , add a" 'v-"',' mien ol Hi. Relief coroa ai IhorL . " " - . .ww"' me of li-s Doltv Klemlna on Mi i.iiiii. ,niiiii nii'in.ii ii,, ,. i ,, i i i ., nil iian iiiiH si, anil , rn Churchill will ipend their afternoon k'. .. . ...... . . ... . . ,"ini.i., ;i . Will III . II lar teata iaat week were ahlp Dr M K Blanchard waa a Chicago ,, ,,, , ,, .0 tm Dlornlng ..,, "u,cn ' ' N" w,th ntlni oi the paaaenger this morning. , , , .' '" ",,x " red o ttucel Brmlua Naretty ami Mary Ceruttl muM - iii-i" . ik.ii inavea w aou to us uainij appear were Morrli vlaltora lasi eve in an. ! noon at . o cioca ance, iim k Ice en am ami pi. niy of it-ndlii The poal mortemi yeaterdaj were alee hot coffee with real cream to inducted at i hr-- different centers uae and after dinner mints to fold inimiiuui iii.. rouutn Tit i.i-i o operailona on n tii.. government I K Pour nnimala caiue Hull. ma tins ,, nitit' tubercu l.tini noin.'ii nun a Hall 1 1 1 1 1 ualk on- tlcrable ol an effoi I uttawa San, I a Ii iiiii, at- Itli In, 'in tlrst low the picnic supper, mad Nor- lightful close to the aften t "he second The guests of tii.. corps , Mtea i William Blaie Reede, trained nurse, of Otta ' i enter a- at the hwi were slaughtered there The lant , poal mortem as conducted nt the I farm ol Auguat Martin In Cedar .... Enjoy ncf- Point i rhere was a I'.m.l attendance at innlu slunalit n Ivv W;H Kanlvlls last 11 Ik ll r TH Of ih" four animals slaughtered only one was condemned, and the others were paased by the reterinar Ian for meat, after tit'. .i-. ;is,mI parts had 1 1 ri'imivi'il dancing Hour was In elegant n ti"ti ami tim i rum! enjoyed ti letvea until a late hour WHEAT SCORES SLIGHT GAIN THiS MORNING GRAIN furnished bj G W, K'rtiy. manggar Jardlner H Van Ness ft ( a , memberi 'hler.Ro Board of Tt a.i,.. thlr.; ft xji ifolonejr r.uii'llnc i ,.,,s,. Xh ease i- not fotiml to be general, the government lnsp i t.r may remove tii. diseased ;.art and pass the remain der tor eating purposes. in making the ih,s! mortenu Mr. Auspurger explained that analysis showed that -T per cenl ot all tin children who ar. suffering of tuber culosis i ida) have contracted the ii acic piiADniAAi rrno Horxo uuHnumm run GRAND RIDGE MISS WINIFREC YOCUM r.cii-r?gpond(nt Buys Mmott Home. indusky baa pun based tlte it home i.ii tii,. corner of n.d Bluff Btreet, ami win HKt'H o.iii the latter pan ot i" .i Handusky has been on the Murphy farm, just north of and i G Kilin t takes possea nf this land, and will moire his famllj mii a as Mr Sandusky vacataa the premises, New Daughter. Mrs Marlon Claaaon, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Sherman Fleming ot Woodside farm, ! w .-n here atad Ottawa, welcomed tha arrival ol daughter tin- morning al Ryburn hos ltal. ii will ii- remembered that her ! you ti;; huaband a- killed I t-w months ago in an automobile accl di nt a Rocktord is to stamp out th,. tuoerculosls tht the goveri it. Buys Car of Annus. Bmmett Carney of the north prai rie ha- purchased two carloads of r.PflDHP niinPR'Q QnMQ black p.. ll Amu. tattle for his farm. ULUIIUL UUULII J UUI1U . I ' ll ie who ar.. slaughters and M Duder of Streator filed It is euti mr fai liki- this that makes tak. fronl rank in tha ii petition in the Probate Court this Cash fc!.irK"ts. losl tl" t1;.. . i iidi ji.ii i in j.,, . r, (, the diseased i c, 0rge K-1 malnder used Orond RIdg Tha animala I of Qeorge i tVashington and split that bureai itirteen great divisions of the 1. hility of relict to every man, w t of tin' orid war. For four ve ent of sen'ice men and has sncc int. lie ili It Wl a tn ui tai 1, to re of the disabled and fought It ft ireed the establishment States under t 1 1 head respt self and cut the red tape ii f. nirteen I i s isit ms fi ir the State- and brought the po am! child ill distress as a res has fought for the employ in placing over 400,000 ex-service men m positions where tr face the world again men who had served America in h walked the street- in vain search for work that they might Ii local i'i-t has placed every unemployed ex-service man uh. phrd t't.r work, regardles 1 r in ,t. It has w 1 irked depk irable lack i In fspil abled, a condititm resultant from the itnpreparedness of the United States u meet the ininicn-e problem. Et ha- pu-lied through and ad aneed hundreds of righteovts claims of veterans and their depend ents, hurrying them so thai l.enetits might be had while moat needed It exercised a powerful influence in the passage nf the National Ik fense Act of 1920, which calls for a "three party army" consisting of (1) a main body of regular soldiers, (2) a national guard maintained under Federal supervision, and (3) an organized reserve of volunteer officers and men, to be trained by the Federal government. It is fight ing lawlessness and ignorance and is giving it- time and efforts to the Boy Scouts and every like movement for the benefil of the vottth oi America. It- members are working for the Americanization of the alien immigrant and for the development of American citizenship in it- truest and highest sense. There are a few, hut not one-tenth nf the tint's the Legion ha- done and i- doing. The organization i- a purely beneficial one, composed of live young men working for a common good, and gets results. The ereat object of the membership drive is tn get the outstanding (I,..,.,, r, ., ,i,,. t .t. , ,. .... 8 " funii- hi me men engiDie to nieinlier-liiii into the ran all many work for the common g 1 a- they did for their c defense. The result of this campaign should be that not alon four is working fur the common good but that practically ei service man will he a member of tin- Legion now. Aside 1 honorable discharge from the service, the requirements fo bership are small and the money consideration insignificant an an cx service man you are eligible. As ; btlu 3ZC ti dhrda Eri Provisions. .1 82 M higher. 1,029 is ordinary rati . Receipt" Estimated. I -I I RUCKRIGEL'S ELtvATOR. II ii. tubercular t. st. Ised. Tin' animal the packers. To it into fertiliier 01 it is not badly dii !il for n l reacta are the . Its value money on is ttn'n ; the naim be either 1 2 ' :" used for ' 1,m" 1 'r ,. ,....! mi , ! gt .306 red under ead parts permitted k 1 mill r. aged 17. and th Duder, aged 15, of Th boys are the sons DiKli r of Grand Rid te, t alleged thai the boys !; of life Insuranct nt.-iii l. if. policy be id In their father vol I nt r. tiit'im ni.'ti hi t, I In tlie sum ittcle of the pa. k- I f-r.s I otic i Urn MEXICANS ABANDON AMERICAN PLANT appraised value, provtd amount la not over $ro tortfaja wim ...I animals ami 125 for Knol Washington, Junr iaed th, th,- Cortes mi com United States. Demolish Old House. Th,- old Blagle bouae, corner of Union and Pearl streets, Is i-in turn down to nivo plan, to a hand some bungalow, to be built by s H. Montgomery. Undergoes the Knife. Allan Sheiton, who was badly i rush til in a paper mat him' several months ago, underwent an operation yester day, it Blue acting as Burgeon, in which a piece of bone was taken from the nasal passages, hoping iy this tn ashpit in the absorption ot ri. is or tumor- forming there, Mrs Joe Massrn and Olfst. Shartlo, drove to Jollel this forenoon to call on frlenda In that city, Mr Qeorge Mattry of Chicago la visiting today ai the home of Mr. foe M.tssro, on Young 89, Mexican re- Vguada camp of and Mrs tiv iii the Tarn- Street xAen ri'iiitin Sundav holdins the Drop "n , rtv and forty American employes la expected today to rtsti at the reek, to for 1G.00A pesos ransom, withdrew on home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Mush- Mi Mush a recent bride ,6J WALLACE GRAIN MARKET. rad- i Whlti Vl'llll Li vestock. ! era and th i.'il th purt' l animate, Mor.. tests win ho mad Salle county animals neat aeieriutne wnetner tney are tree from Monday without damage or injury to j ro. tuhoretilosis. ihe employes but with threats to ro- Mrs. Charley Muslim of Strotor, ir. uapnrgr explained that the turn. Consul shaw at Tamplco today after a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. in s from tubercular animal.: In the J advised the state department. Joe Massro, win continue hor jour- United States 1ms been M0,OOA,O0O. Mexico City, June 229. -(A, P.) - i ney to New York, where sin- is ko i Last year, he declared, that of 8,-leaping from his bandit kidnappers af-jlng to attend the wedding of her 179,000 cattle which wt-ro siauchtor- t.-r four 'lays of captivity, A Bruce son. ed under government iiiHrtion, L78,r I Bislaaki, former head of the Amerl-I Oho were found to be tubercular and- can departmenl ot justices Investiga- The Golf Tourney. 33,328 were condemned as unfit for Mon bureau lias returned to Mexico. I ai the golf tournament, held in eating purposes City. Streator yesterday; A. PhJHimore ami Of 37,702,1)00 Iiiirs slaughtered In' M. .1 Oemberlihg and Oscar Kroehn- he same time he said 4,695,000 were COLORADO MINERS 'r represented the Marsatawa eoun- round to be victims of tuberculosis TUDCC OUACTC "v contfi8tant8 were di- ind 64,838 were unfit for eating pur- WRfcCK I rlntt oHAr I O vtdeil off after the qualifying round, j poses, Blghl men to a flight. Phllllmore ami Farm Adviser I. 9 Brooks went to Denver, Col., June SW.- Two mine Kroebnke qualified In the fourth Chicago this morning to be present tipples were burned, one coal mine flight and were matched against each for the slaughter of the remaining flooded and two railway bridges other, Oemberllng also qualified In thirty-one La Salle county animals burned In the Colorado coal fields In the fourth Hlht, and was matched pronnounced tubercular at laat Bowlder and Huerfano counties, ! against Mr. WerU of Deer Park. 10,000; iheep, 14,000, Potatoes reci Ipts, tio can; total Unit lan a, Oklahoma and Arkansi r,ll-s triumphs, No. l. W.R0 Texas sacked Irish cobbler (2.25 iwt; Alabama sacked Spauldii roso. So. I, $l.'.i0-2 cwt: l.oulsiiit Backed long whltear, $1.60-1.73 cm week'a tests. mi :s, mat antrv's been popular. ( Khers contend, and a REFUSE TO CLOSE OPERATING MINES Springfield, June 29.- Permits of the miners' union under which cer tain mini's arc operating will not be rescinded according to decision of the Illinois district executive hoard of the United Mine Workers which closed Its widely separated parts of the state, Kroehnke beat Phllllmore two up last night, State Adjutant. General) and one to play, and Mr, Werta heat Hemrock announced. lOemberllng five up and four to play. y ui LESS TOURING AND MORE BUSINESS. ii. i , ... Mine iuis peer) a in.tieeal.Ic falling nfT miniiier nt automobile tourists raltim is any year since touring ha r 1 I f 1 tnce reasons tor ineir claims, meeting were todav to oerralt them ui' ready cash with many is the primary cause that to attend the conference at Washing om entering on the long trips; that those people who mping sites arc not on the roads this year tor long j trnT '''rvrrrt.t rock island sleuth n are It s favorable than last year, nut rather that . mure inclined to look upon this mode of travel as KILLED BY BANDIT , . . .i .t t.: iry anci are restricting ineir expenses uiuug una the railroad and uteatmhtn lines arc offering special fr tn-t- who last season were content wi i tin autorri ibile seats. But the auto is here t stay. It has passed successfully the period inducements t.. traveler.. Inuiino t,, win 1iach some of the trattie that m last year in the was lost durinir the war and these mav have secured some of the tmr- . : i . i i 1 i ' . I ' 1 i , ...,. , - ornntnls ,,tr,.r,.,t i ,i,.. n. . - . "lv ''""l"' M ami excursionists who a-t season were content with ? 1 nie is mieot other cites accord- , ,r,v-, , ,- L-i iiil' to renurts rerrivwl Tf,,j.,., ..i .,. , - , . ' 11 Mnrnia hrsl from automobile sea . vv,s Minig mgnways nave com mented .tn the comnarative erarrhv , -:. c. , . . ! rife to why this should be so in ,1, lf L 1', r, '"'v": has mstrated its ability td ndnce time and distanced conditions. One theory advanced is thai the hea i ; n,n""ni and bring distant pleasures within the reach oi per Spring tendered the hitrhwavs i,,-,,-,,', -,ii' ; . ,:t2 du,nnF ,lu' M,"s f '""derate means. Its practical side is also being developed volutSe of travel 1, , ' ; . ' : n ?lAe' thr. tith trucks nml tractors, bv which the rural produce? is brought ' i , i i tvi .'Mill l III 1 'I i l"i I. If. 1'. DointS mure n,mlf.r... 1 .1 c . .. , V iaiU , lilt-. cIom f ' a,,u WI,Jre me close ot the ,,m there cUsse I', i rla, 111.. Jure . Alfred Qlffi Ittn k Island railroad l-t ctlve, i- di frtiin bullet wounds Inflicted by u) nnknowtn gunman who opened fire on him in the ratlroa I yards Qlfford re turned the Are, but his assailant escaped r contat t with the urban consumer, thus benefitting both UTICA NEWS on Page 4 f i Ivy Way Garden Amusement Park Special attraction for Saturday Night, July 1st Shimumcks' Streator Orchestra Sunday Night, July 2nd Seelig'8 Seven Syin opators Orchestra, of Prineeton pood time promised. Watch for further special announcements for July 4th