Newspaper Page Text
i 1 1 AOt rOUA THE OTTAWA FT? ETC TIlADFTrt-.TOTlRNAL. SATURDAY, JULV 8, 1922. MAN SUBSCRIBERS Y BUY TICKETS FOR Arrest of MenCharged 'With Theft of Postal . Millions 1922 GHAUTAU QUA 1030 RESERVATIONS MADE IN PRE A8SEMBLY SALES, THUS ASSUR ING 8UCCESS OF AUG. 21-28 MEETING8. Tickets for the 1922 Ottawa Chan tainpia are now ready for sale anil can be obtained from the treasurer of the Chautauqua association John 0. Schumacher. The Chautauqua will be held from August 81 to Attguat 28. A very good program has been arranged for the session, which )nmi Ises to be ono of the most successful Cbautamjuas ever held In Ottawa. A large number of guarantors have pledged Hiemselves to be responsible for the sale of 10;!0 season tickets, which will help iu paying the ex penses for the Chautauqua. These guarantors have promised to soil or purchase blocks of five, ten or more tickets. The list Of guarantors are as ful lows: J. A. Andrews, B. 0. Berfe, Edit!) Bowennaater, Mrs. Joseph S. Baker. Mrs. BUM Basore, Mrs. John Barr, Charles Beck. F. C. Beetti f 111 Belknap, 0. B. Beacon, Mrs. w. H. Barnard. J. A. Blacklev. Baptist Brotherhood, Baptist young People's Union. Ainoha Baptist Sunday school class, I'lus I'ltna Claaa, Mrs. Thomas Bragg. Mj-s L C. Brand, Ella and Ida Brlgg, Mrs. John Cisco, Seymour (Marl. Adam Clan-. Jr., Mrs. Fred Claus, William Colwdl. Congregation nl Girls' Guild. Ben. C Cooper. Mrs (1 T. Crawford. Mr. W. A. Crosinr, Flora II. Cullen, Jani. s Barfing. Mrs (.'. A. Dawell. C. G. Bennis, George c. Runaway, Btta Dunaway, William D. Duncan. Mrs. BR lagan, Mra Charlea Bella, A. O. Ksmond, Oakley W. Ksmond, Mary E. Chapter Ordei of Kastem Star. Mrs. BlltabeUl Fanisworth, George C. Fetter, first National Bank, Mrs. Ben Fishburn, William C. Flick. Frank F. Punk, G. A. n., Joseph W. Gay. G. J. Glelm, Louise Grove, George O. Grover. George Haight, Carrie Louise Bahn, Vera B. Ham, M. M. Hartshorn, Mrs. G. H. Hassley, Mrs. F. A. Hath, a, Mrs. S. K. Hertzner. Cora F. Hertz ner, Mrs. Susie Highland, Rector C. Hltt.. Mrs. Ellen Hodgson, Mrs. J. J. Hornung, Mrs. Achsa Irwin. J. A. G. Club, E. S. Jacobs. , Miss Callie Jencks, Mrs. E. P. Johnson. Adelaide Jones. Helen Jorstad, Fred S. Keeler, Mrs. 0. E. Knapp, B. E. LaDue, John Lansing, La Salle County Farm Bur eau, W. 11. Lawrence. B. F. Lawhr, Mrs. E. Iegner, Margaret Leland, C. R. Lucas, L. M. Lucey, C. C. Mi Lvov, Dora S. Megaffln, Mrs. E. 55. Mercer, Mrs. E. G. Miller, F. E. Miller. Mrs. Albert Moniot, A. O. Mortvedt, Pearl Mottaz, National City Bank, John It. Norcm, Ottawa Chapter War Mothers, Ottawa Chamber of Commerce, Otta wa Commandry. Mrs. J. W. Parks, Petaca Camp Fire Girls, Mrs. Em ma Pool, Mrs. C. E. Pratt. Presbyter Ian Sunday school, Presbyterian Men's (Mass, W. E. Prirhard. Pru dential Insurance Co., Harry Pusey, Mamie Ray, Reddick's Library, Da vid Refior. Mrs. Charles Roberts, Mrs. J. B. Saltzman, M. H. Sawyer, Fred Scherer, Jr., Albert Schoch. J. G. Schumacher. William Scott, Louise K Shuler, Willie Sinkler. Mrs. James Snarr, Mrs. W. H. Stadden. C. W. stewart Mrs. M. Stiefel, Betta L. Stonebraker, Elizabeth Stout, Mary E. Strait, B. E. Strait, Tacoma Camp a badlv wounded with loon has I" Id llml lllli. lull lor i sei. Her; a factory i n serve I'll places. j The employonuml director In each urbanization Iiuh a com-1 i-lete h t mi all Jobs avallablu tori wounded men , Finding some-thing that buUs tho applicant, he glvai the man a card I in ti iployer, and tho soldier Is taken on The duartton of his Job depends Upon his good, but Geniian employer! have been very generous ami tiie men an gar to succeed. The dl lablad man Is given prac l.i, ill. Hie MUUe salary as tin. man who It normal, There Is thus no temptation to an employer to be I "patriotic' by giving a lot of wound- i d sol, l:. .-s work at a lower wage. Evils of Betting; exclusive of Bor figures are Inter- v . - .u-., 1,.,,..-, vi. Inil. a ,if, flu, I. riil.rit' lli'lir.. In Ihe v..rl, rtf .w.ttl ....lilu.rl., i m miev cities throughout the nation In the past year in the arrest of Charles Lambert Charles occurring in Jn Nw York- .p0Hcc say J100.000 Is part of the 11,000,000 let takti; from u. Vow 1'ork mail truck last October. ',Lc(t to right,jDetCtlva Stcpat. Lambert, Detective Kilcy. Huns. DutMiUva O'Bclati and Bntoe. I As Brandenburg. , liu. is tj pteel, the i eating. There are ."'' regional i. Ilices iii the IproTtBCfl There are mora than 84,. j 000 wounded toldlera, of whom W I 000 hao been cla -sltreil us badly wounded, Of these, all but con are at work. Fire Girls, II. C. TiOford. T. F. Thomp son Rexford A. Tompkins. Mrs. Sam Tot el. Jr. Mvra L. Townsend. Pan sy Tinker. United Evangelical Bun day School. William O- Cpshaw, I top inn Club of Kpworth M. K Church, Merrilla Varland. John F. Votu kx. M. S Waller. Clementine Walter. Mrs. W Watt-, t.eorg" i"i ' -. . . . . i-i.i. , i 1 1 r ( Mali), I'.. I.. o WW e. 11 li- Whitsitt. W. W. Wilder. Mrs. Welsh got. Woman's Relief Germany's Prosperity A Delusion (Official publication.) Report of the condition of MERCHANTS & FARMERS TRUST ' SAVINGS BANK. ICN ttl ' al Ottawa. Stale i f lllliuiis, I I the close of boslnsen on the 80th davj I of June, t!i2, as made to the Auditor or Finnic Accounts m the Stale oi llliiu ; l, pursuant to law. Resources. 1 I cans DO real estate i- r? - - a .... Nv. v-V .,...... ,. Says Cansul Cfn-ral L.-no. Wheeh Ham s Maude Corps IDYL GLEN Route 1. s mothjer I to rery Oermafl Co a orW war. In ated and itnpovcr-1 a hele the I'lliti'll and wealthy, has 1 Lee Arnold, carrier on his vacation. HI substituting. iiihn Latimer of Marseilles Mrs. Sallie Williamsons new bVOga low last weeK. A large c rowd attended tin aiutan maalnc at Mrs. dole's PBd The annual boalness meeting was hel.l The officers for the coiiiin- wired aection Electa ad: Mrs. faHectn I. J. Atid-r-.-rnico Bole, Anderson s:,ent r's mother. Mrs. vear were elect Hoie. president: M: tOB, vice president se. retary and treaau Mr. and Mrs. M. J Bunday with the hut Fern Hayer. Frances Haver is visiting her cou sin, Helen Farley, In Leland. Clinton Rodgcrs of Maiueno spent Sunday here Mrs. Electa Hoie and Tlernice were Sheridan callers Monday. Albert Martin of Roanoke spent I over the Fourth with his daughter.' Mrs. Silas Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Olasoon audi Delmar wen- In Ottawa Mo-n'ay. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Williamson. Charlotte and a.Mrtin. were in Otta wa Monday. A large crowd attended the L. D. j S. picnic ai Otto Knutson's grove thej Fourth. Mrs. .Tncob Olson of Sheridan is 1 visiting her sister. Mrs. Electa Hoie. Krnest WiBiameon m hvcaresting his winter wheat. City's Average Need of Water. American hyo'-aullc englneera in plana. for a water supply under the present conditions, calculate noon the basis Of a daily consumption of 100 gallons per capita, with provisions to meet an Increased demand in the near future. For ordinary domestic pur puses the FeOjUireroenta average twen ty gallons per capita. KARL Berlin. June 2.- caedad In glrtng a soldier disabled in thin Bermany, del lahedi has aucceed Stat. s. vii tare u failed. Not only has Gtrmauy systematic ally proceeded to pay money, train for work and find jobs for the dis abled, but it has provided financial compensation tor dependents of men who were slain. with characteristic thoroughneei the Germans have worked out a reg ular scale of compensation. Wounded men are examined by government doctors and are grade. I according to the amount of labor uf Helen Cy they have lost. For example, a soldier who lost -0 per cent or less of his working effi ciency, owing to his war wi-unds, gets "!'' marks a months If he has no children; SO if one child; SS if two; "" for three children; up to 181 for eight children. The government realizes the men cannot live on this grant. But he cause it is so poor and there are millions who draw these payments it can't make them any larger in amount. So it does a much bettor thing: It tries to get, and in a large percent age of cases succeeds In getting. Jobs for disabled soldiers and for war wld-l ows. A department of the government nominally has this in charge, but the work is really done by an organ ization that has become government al, hut which in the beginning was niado up of patriotic volunteers. Its head is Joachim von Wlnter fcldt, who is land director of the province of Brandenburg. Himself an officer, ho Is an unusual type of Prussian autocrat in that he has real Sympathy for the common soldier. Early in the war he concerned him self with the future of the wounded. He perfected an organisation for Brandenburg which has since been copied in every province in Her 111 any. All these organizations havo been l i (la) Loans on collateral security (lb) Other loans del Overdrafts it) C. S. government in veatw nts (3) I Mher bonds a u d st"cks (41 Banking house, furni ture and hxtures (5) Due from bank-, cash and ether cash re sources (T. x, 9). . . tther resources i !'.' i . 5,781.00 70,883 '42,882 1 -293 " 1,200.00 42,031 Chums hot Sidney yVetnburg, London, a halfpenny he couldn't j;et inside u milk can. He won Bat he couldn't get out until hos pital Mirgcons lu'.d "amputated" the can. and sou re other Total re Capital Surplus ( Time dep sourci a Liabilities. tock (II.... I f J Iti di IM,874.:0 7,::i !.!': .,l.o71.s.S7.i.2 . $ 150,000.01 I '..on 320,119.3; 588,768.25 M'otai resources Liabilities. I. Capital stock (II Surplus i :. I Undivided pro-it (na (3) 4. Time deposits, i K: i .". Demand depo it-- (4b), s. Re rve accounts (6) . 71,742.04 M r,.;-::, si ? 25,000.00 15,000.00 1 1,118,08 135.578.vC 270,896.41 10.42 Forty were present Inrlutllng Mrs. John Brodbeck and lluughler and Kev and Mrs W IV Blodgeil. Mr and MrMS, B. C. Spei r and famll) ami Mr, ami Mrs. Dorr Summer man and lapdlv attended tin Spen r reunion held at CautioiU home near Dayton, largo crowd form thin vicinity iponl Ihe iiiii.Ii at Moe'fc. limber ami also at the Knutson timber, where various games im lading ball game between the married and rlugle men. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Bosworth ato dinner the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Will Grove. MUa Beaale Larson left for Iowa Thursday morning for a two weeks' isit In Iowa. Mia Anna Tin of Marseilles, spent a few dayi Ibis week at the Grove home, Mlaaea (Mara Gumm and Feruo Spencer spatM Wednesday night at Dot Zimmerman's and Thursday ami Friday with their aunt. Mia Eu gene Klelnmaier ami family. Miss Helen Bryant Is spending it lew days with her aunt, Mrs. Ed, Benckandorf near Btreator. M he Ladlei ' Aid mel at the oburch Thuradaj afternoon instead ot at the Drove home as was auuouuced on ac count of the serious Illness 01 Mrs. .. .1. Grovo. Mi. ami Mn. Frank Ihtttenhaver and amlly Horn Kentlandi Indiana, after isliinu the past wick with Mr. ami Mi . Bus. Huttenhaver and Mr. ami Mrs Howard Olmsteai! and family left Friday morning on their , way to ineir new norne in uraajoni making the trip by auto. Bi ii adi ot the w. E. boring tan llj will be glad to hear their son Mar ie A Irge crowd from this vlcinliv seriously sick for some time. The tanners are very busy with making hay and harvesting the wheat and early oats. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Luring made i business trip to Ottawa Thursday, l. ovine i th ever v wounded ii head report soldier BOl- I taken of his combined into one. over which Von w interfi hit presides. ""in each province there is a net workwork. so no badly wounded sol dier has to go far to repi rt his case andhis needs. Alter the local and pi Qnartefg have consider made in the case of who applies for aid. the dler is sent to Berlin. Here a full record is life and his mwds. lie is reexamined by a doctor whose main job is to find out just what the man can really do best ill the way of work. After this, with his report card in his hand, lie is sent to tho employ ment director, whose business it is to find him a job as near home as possible. i By law every bunim ss which hires more than 20 persons must give em ployment in two in r rent of its jobs to badly wounded soldiers. Thus a; fartory with "0 to 50 employee as Total liabiUtl Al. F. Si hoi Merchants logs Bank. Jt.oTI 'resident of the Farmers Trust & S.n lo solemn!) swear that the above statement Is true to the bout of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above cot respond with the Items and amounts shown in the n port made to tho Auditor of Public Accounts. State of Illinois, pursuant to law. AL. F. s HOCH, President State of Illinois. County of La Sail as. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .".th day of Jul v. 1922 . LESTER MAIERHOfER, (Seal) Notary Public. Total liabilities 1437,733.81 j I. B, l-:. Child era, Cashier of th j I'tica Sito it mk. do solemn!) sweat that the above statement la true to the besi of my Knowledge ami belief, and thai the it' ma and amounts shown above correspond with tnt items and amounts shown In the re port made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, state of Illinois, pursuant to law. E. K. CHILDER8, Cashier. State ot Illinois, County of La Sail - rs. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th dav of July, 1922. M. F. PRENTICE, (Seal) Notarv Public NORTH PRAIRIE TtTPfying Visions in Dreams. DreatlM about rain or water are often Bigni of irritation of the mucous membranes, ami the dreamer should ! Hot be surprised to wake up with n sore throat, should yon dream of people s..erul limes their norma! sl.e, It Is an Infallible etgn that the liver is affected; while it has been noticed thai when 'he dreams are of pain In any partlculur par' of the bady there lb something wrong with that part. On Big Scale. The Yellowstone remains the larg est of our national parka and conta'na tin- greatest variety ef iceolc W lersl Everything within If more than 'J. (kmiikn) acres it .on a gigantic scale Distances are Civt; canyons are of terrifying depth; mountains (bwer to monatToua heights, The geysers, the "paint pots," the hoi springs, are of aevec-ending lnttresl in tourists. Official puhlh Report of the co UTICA ST A T t" located at (Jtlca, st.i at the close of liusiin day of June. 1922, a Auditor of PttOlie Act Doition oi BANK. to of HIP s on the : , m oie to mints of ,8110.957.50 17,190.24 4au.:; 99.450.0(1 State of Illinois, pursuant to law. Resources. !. Ixians on real" na) 1'. Loans on collateral sf ourity (lb) ::. Other loans i let 4. Ovcdrafts 11 ('. s govt rhtnianl Invest manta (" 'i. Other bonds and stock: Ml 22,000.00 1 family 7. Banking bona , furniture The and fixtures i ". lo.oiio.on I -;.., 9, Dse from banka, cash at the Fn d Baeberle, ol several days visiting Frank Fewell's horn Special meeting o eau was held with Blodgetl I'riday utter forms made. Miss Berne Bpencer Saturday evening afti week with Mrs. W. Marseilles. Mis., Besaie Larsi Saturday plant with and Alice Kike. Mr. ami Mrs. Waiier Anderson and baby viaited Sunday with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Like and fam ily spent Sunday with Kner lake and family. Miss (Mara Oumm, of Iowa, visited from Saturday till Wednesday with Ottawa, ..pent at clarence ami the Home Ilur dra. Warren niHirt and three r returned home or spending the E, Spencer in on spent over Mia e i Blaie hnr aunt. Mi annua I. L. C. C. . B. C. reunion fiarbei fa Parr hum spenci Mr. and and held urth. I CASH PAID FOR POULTRY EGGS BUTTER CREAM Steer & Olson OUawa Produce Market , f afffaaafiiKataBaBBn jk aaaaaaaaaaaan SlSj.SU. . , I ' . We W elcome The Smallest Depositors Baps Statement of the condition of The First National Bank of Ottawa, Illinois At the close of business. June 30, 1922. t) M XL. I i . T .. RJBSOURCES. Loans and Discounts. Bonds. Securities, etc 12,400,039,48 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 150,000.00 Other, V. S. Bonds 384260.00 Banking House, furniture and Fixtures S5.88S.43 Other Ileal Estate Owned 1M2L60 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago 10,500.00 War Certificates I,67l.u0 United States Revenue Stamps W0.00 Cash Due From Reserve and Other Banks $223,428.44 Due from U. S. Treasurer 7,600.00 Currency, Coin and Cash Items 111,088.10 il2,011.54 :;.I12,:12.") LIABILITIES. Capital 150,000.00 Surplus L'im.nno.nn Undivided I'oHts !).fi88.58 National Bank Notes outstanding 14800.00 Deposltg J.v.Ml.slM.ST $3,412,392.95 jaBsaEMBFnsag aaaaart s rr.rnmt Here is a banking institution where everyone is received in the same cordial spirit regardless of whether his account amounts "lo one dollar or $100,000.00. We want the good will of everybody and therefore we deem it good business to treat everybody courteously and to show no favoritism. The spirit of this large finan cial institution from President to office boy is democratic. I his is the bank of the open door, where traditional bank formality and cold impersonal service are replaced by warm, helpful, human, personal attention and co-operation. Special Depository for Government Funds. United States Depository for Postal Savings SI Will Start An Account With The OFFICERS. LORENZO LF.LAND, President. EDWAIll) C. SWIFT, Vice -President CHARLB8 K. HOOK, Vice President. OSCAR HAFBFRLF, Cashier. FRKI) A. HERDING, Asst. Cashier, EDWIN J. ('ASSIl)Y, Asst. Cashier. JOSEni at, DEARY, Asst. Caaater. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OTTAWA, ILLINOIS DIRECTORS. LORENZO LELAND, President. ' EDWARD C. SWIFT. Attorney at Law. CHARLES B. HOOK, Vice-President. CLARENCE GRIGGS, Utofney at Law. LAWRENCE M LTjCEY, Merchant. ALBERT B. (ill. MAN, Manufacturer. W. NKVOV BTRAWN, Fanner. FRED A. GERDING, Asat Cashier. EDWIN I. CASSIDV. Asst. CaO. OSCAR BAEBERLE, Cashier