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fa FREE TRADER-JOURNAL f OTTAWA FREE TRADER WEATHER 1 might J Established 1H40. Gene-ally fair tor OTTAWA JOUHNAL I'd Thursday; cooler Established IHHO. Thursday. J AND OTTAWA F'AIR DEALER VOLUME ; -NO. UH). OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY JULY 12, 198B, I O'CLOCK EDITION, PB10E, TWO CENTS 1 DEAD: 12 DEATEN DY DENNISON, TEX..STRIKERS AVERS MAKES RICH HAUL IN RAID FOR MOONSHINE SEIZES 200 GALLONS OF GRAIN MASH AND HUGE STILL OWNER ARRESTED SHERIFF IN QUEST FOR COUN TVS SOURCE OF HOOTCH SUP PLY RUNS UPON MASTER OUT TIT IN BASEMENT OF PERU MAN'S HOME. The largest tlll ever token by the sheriff in ;i moonshine raid since the eighteenth amendment we nt Into ef feet; was obtained la Peru yesterday, when the home ot Martin Orbechow- ski. 1418 PrOtpeCl avenue, was searched for evidence o( rlolatlon of If search and leisure laws, t illow ing the raid, during, which BhcrlR Ayrrs seised almost six gallons of moonshine and destroyed abonl MM gallons of Brain mash, Orhechowskl was Informed to consider hhnself un der arrest, niui to report in Ottawa Frhitv morning tor a hearing in the unit y court. Th" still was in operation in the basement when Sheriff Ayera reach ed the Orhecbowski home. The sher iff stated tods thai he believed the still would turn out at least a gal Ion of mgonshlne an hour. The still was loaded in the back df the sher iffs tourinK car. and brought to Ot laws When the officer srrjved al the residence Orhedhowbkl avowed he had neither Moonshine nor any whiskey making apparatus, and was not guilty of vlolatlw th Barch and SeiSUre laws. Sheriff Avers decided to around a lilt for himself, A l0,,l; h,, started down in the basemen) where the still wHH In operation, the Peru vian changed his story and admitted he was making moonshine, bui ex plained hut he was distilling it t" run on his leg. which was badly af fected with the rheumatism. The officer continued on down in the basement, where he found a still of liquor gaily cooking on tho stove, while a steady stream ran through the cooler. He found the place all equipped with modern apparatus, with a patent cooler, containing How ins 'water, liquor koSS with patent fattcets which operated with a key. and WO gallons of grain mash in four fifty gallon barrels, A brace was placed from the top of the still to the ioist in the iioor. which prevent ed the lid from raising off the cook ing piash. A small stove furnished heat for rooking the mixture. The booze nnd si ill w ere loaded in thp auto and brought to Ottawa, as evidence against f tl'hochowski. and some kerosene was poun d in the mash to render ii unfit tor use. The defendant is married and has a large family of children, who were all al homo when he raid was made. The sheriff visited the Orhechow skl Innne after rumors had reached his office that the search and seiz ure law was being violated there, Liquor Fed To Fishes. Five pints of liquor, which has been seized from drunks When they were arrested by the local police was pour ed In the city aewer this morning, nnd Was later Imbibed h the Rah of the Illinois river. The ceremony of emptying the booze down a street Fewer, occurred early today In front of tho police station on Clinton st. Chief Of Police Ben Ford and 11 couple of firemen intended to the t ...nnivhu. tl,e lienor In tb J presence of Justice of the Peat Qaorge Koenig. tjnhke the usual emptying of con fiscated liduor. the ceremony occur red Unheralded, and was only wit nessed bv a few of the neighbors in the vicinity of tin- police station. The thirsty few who usually assemble for such ceremonies were not present to stand by hungrylly t watch the proceedings. Pleads Guiltf Charles Piumo of Streator pleaded gtttlty to the unlawful possession of, liquor in the county court today and: was fined $1H0 and costs, An infor-1 Wtion was filed in the county court just before the hearing which cbarg ed that on July V I'anno unlawfully possessed intoxicating liquor. Judge Reek after hearinE 'he idea assessed1 p nne of $inn Mains! the man. which hp paid in open court MARRIAGE LICENSES. Alfred K. Bunce. Jo! let, 24: res M nutthfcg, Ottawa. M. Roy Wiholm. Ottawa, legal: Naomi Renson. Ottawa, legal. Fran-Pearl E E SIDE PAVING CASE CONCLUDE TESTIMONY IN THl COUNTY COURT ATTACK ON COSTS OF IMPROVEMENT CITY PRESENTS ITS DEFENSE OF AS SESSMENT ROLL. The objet tore to the North Ottav ivIiik rented their s ye tcrdav ;i" noon and tie- city started proeont- : Hi it t Ir evidence in an offort to show he Improvemi nt deriVed from rem nl ould be of more bene; the proper! v oi North Ottawa I tjtff n tin ces I would be The first witness called to the its id for the city was city ( lerk W. W Curtis, lie was aaked to offer certain city records In vldchee and ocoupl d the witness chair for only a few mln- Following Mr. mil William Jam I laon, the real estate ma i. waa called j to the stand. He t itlfn d thai. In bis j opinion, In property of North Ottawa n mid double in valm alter tho, pave-1 mi nt was put In. t'nimty Superintendent of Highway " .. ...... 1, ...1... ... ,i..,f f..t ! vwiq, hi int in ill, t- 1 1 1 1 I I I ii I "I li ' . tho objectors on Tuejday, was ngatn called to the stand, Be t . -t f ed as to in' i.sun mi nt.- of the l.i Salle CounM Fair association. Attorney W. I. Hlhbs objected lu the nssi smoiit i I :ip faff rounds. ,..,i,lnn II... . ,!,. ........... ,1.1 !,, lUBIWIIII 111. II Hl'7 lV-U U,l Rlf I,' tde we t ninety-live few ot mock WhSSJ they had BOld this' property to the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncr railroad. Mr. Farnsworth tOKlfiM that he h id meat ur d thl property i and found thai ten fi at pf j ninety-five feel of block G the was i : La Ball) clued by the fi nee i f tin County Fair assoclrtmn. Mr, Furnaworth was th at 's to occupy the tan l hi last wit- i 'ore court adjourned for thi dj reconvened again thi yesterday, fl morning with very lit'le chance of bi lift before some Mm: tomorro Lorenco Li land, preel'!i concludes of tli First National Bank, and Jama I Cat.lin, first vice nn Idonl ot the ml Bank, and N'l Itional City Bank, were bpth called tt the stand yostarday afternoon befon the objectors rested tholr caro. Botl Mil these me. i are ccmplainanta In th I procc ding, an I oaeh was called t' ;i!uatiims on property In the Hi give val 1 tricl. i Them I estate istand I Fanclli a m 11 known real j iter, was also called to the give testimony for the oh Joctors. He ghvq property valuations in North Ottawa. John Sharp, another North Ottawa I property owner, waa also asked cor icerning valuations of property, j William Sonntii::. local photographer i and resident of North Ottawa, who cir culated a petition tnr the changing i l'i the North Ottawa paving ordinance from asphall to briclt, was also called to the stand. At: effort wa made by the objectors to titestlon Sojantag to I see if he w as employed by a brick I company to circulate these petitions,-1 but the attorneys for the city object-"! j to th" questions, and tho court sus tained the objections. I A recess was taken after court was called to order this morning, until i the attorneys for the city could e. ; certain testimony wfjtten up, The ' testimony tor the city was conolud ! ed this afternoon. This afternoon the attorneys for both the city and the objectors 'agreed to waive oral arguments and w me wnuen argunrenw, iu ase Was then continued until Friday morning to give tin- lawyers an op portunity to prepare their arguments. ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Misses Nellie and Mary Hart eii- tertained with a variety shower, list I evening, at their home. iHT Chest nut itreet, complimentary to Miss' I Frances Dunn, who on Aug. 1(1 will; become the bride of John Hart. The! fBr , was verv attractively dec-1 orated in garden Mowers, and the: guests enjoyed a very social evening. The brido-to ho was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gilts. Five, tables of bridge were played, in us i : and dancing furnished part of the en-j lefts lantern for the evening. Late In the evening a dainty luncheon was served bv the hostesses Holding Breath Health Test. Holding your breath Is to a opr. lain Helen! a te-t of your health. Normally, adults should be Bide to bold IhN for from M SO seconds. OBJECTORS CLOS EM IN NORTH BoV.' My FaVoPiTe? now watch MAK6 5HOBT of This THREE CASES TAKEN FROM J. P. COURTS TO HIGHER TRIBUNAL JUDGMENTS RENDERED AGAINST DEFENDANTS IN CIVIL SUITS BEFORE JUSTICES OF PEACE ARE APPEALED TO CIRCUIT COURT. Xhrae appeal from the justice this morning, in the verdicts rev ases iwcre carrtea to the circuit court an effort to have rsed In the higher tribunal. One of these was brought by Un American Rolling mills against the Ottawa B6dy Co. On June 2 the case was heard In Justice Koenic's court and a verdict Of $15u and costs was rendered in favor of the plaint ill . The defendant took an appeal. A suit for wages was brought by Vincent J. Blazius against Charles (. Jones of Marseilles. The case was heard before Justice of the I'eace Koenig on June t, and a verdict of $120 wages and $:.'." attorney's tees rendered in favor of the plaintiff. An appeal was taken by the defendant.' John ft. Ward also sued James F.j Ryan for wages which he alleged, were due him. A verdict of 1278.70 1 for wages due and $21.90 for money loaned the defendant was returned in favor of -he plaintiff. This case was also appealed. Appeal Pope Estate Order. A motion to amend the account and report in Hie estate of the late Milton Pope, was made in the circuit court yesterday. The amendment provided for the striking out of all, attorneys' fees. The motion was made by Attorney E. II. Pool, the lawyer for the estate. Judge Kldredgo granted the motion, after which At torney Russell o. Hanson, who repre sented Russell Lee, the principal heir f the estate, asked an appeal to the circuit court. Tiie account and report of the es tate was carried from the probate court to tile circuit court after Judge Mills refused to allow all the attor neys and executors fees asked. Dismiss Alimony Charge. The action brought by Mis. Mar tha Wilson iu an effort to have her husband. Miu'vin Wlffson, punished for contempt of court for the alleged failure to pay her alimony, was dis missed for want of prosecution to day. HARD ROAD EMPLOYE DIES AT HOSPITAL Heath last night clafined Elmer Johnston of Morris., who had been a I Patient at Ryburn hospital for s'wrtli days, due to a general breakdown. Mr. Johnston, who .i- employed , a workman on the hard roads was :' inovi-d to the hospital when hi- ror.-J dition became so serious that gkll'eJl care was needed : ve hi.- Ilf ris this morning where it will be ' For Once He Got All the Cake Food, Me work ADMITS TAKING MILK ROUTE CASH: GOES TO CO. JAIL FOR 30 DAYS Smith Cole, who was arrested last eek. and is reported to have ton- le88etl having taken milk collections . hich belonged to his employer, Em tv Norem, proprietor of a South Ot tawa dairy, was sentenced to serve a thirty days' sentence ill the county jail, and to pay a fine of $1,00 and costs by Judge Heel, in the county court late yesterday, Cole appeared I in court and pleaded guilty to the charge of petli lareeiy before receiv ing the sentence. An Information agilnsl Cole was i tiled in the county court by State's Attorney Harry F. Kelly yesterday afternoon. This Information alleged that on June 2!), the defendant took $14.50 which belonged to Mr. Norem. Arrangements were nade for holding the bearing Immediately after the In- 1 formation was tiled. I Coin started serving his sentence at once. He had been out on bond from the time of his preliminary hearing until yesti rday. At the preliminary hearing be was hell to the grand jury, but the county prosecutors pre ferred to handle his sase in the coun ty court. ; n KINER CHILDREN COMMITTED TO HOME Mildred and Roseilu Klnor, and 7 year old daughters o and Mrs. Nellie Kim r, were dependent in lie (amnty bou morning, and ordered commit the county detention home by I'.. Harry Reck. Tin- mother children. Mr,-.. Nellie Klnor, to secure (heir custody, but thi after hearing the evidence, i them committed to the de home, where they were sent the 6 Fred found rt tins id to fudge temporary order sovi when the Aurora ai them to Ottawa, aft-1 their mother had de thai city. Mrs. Kiuer is courl that sin' m ver desert but that she left then al we horitie it wat rted t' hlldr in Aurora and was I pi there. i.Miss l.aunia A.USI :n testified she received a letter from the nation officer in Mendota asking about the Kimr children. She .d that the probation officer ,-t he mother of the j.ttle girls had sorted them in that city. Miss sent saiil the authorities In Aii sent the little girls to Ottawa S they learned they had formerly I In the detention heme here tha: stat sted de All s rora hen ieen The children w in I he deten- Times before from Aurora, 'her secured tion Jiome here t,vo they were sent hT6 Both times their mi their release. The father of tte not been located In' ma formerly employ tlohal Plate Co. lo little girls ottre time, ed at the has He Na- Thoughts Ater Cupid knock- the, I A great man in bis ' the same kind of dl '-ei Forty. 'ot "f genius, letters, w riles - 'he rest of '"uviiio cm mil. 1 rrfw I - V 13 "WSDPV- He Wanted I BOY BANDIT SHOT UP COP AND DURING PERU YOUTH STAGE DUEL ATTEMPT TO ROB SALOON HIGHWAYMAN IN HOSPITAL WOUNDED. SERIOUSLY l.a Salle, Jul man Meyer, a: 7:: Eighth stre t 12. -ed 17 I, l.a ( apodal) who livi Salle, wus tter s at shot thru the abdomen shortly after clock this morning by I'olh Ryan, after he is alleged to havi 1 o - man behl i up the Qapinskl soil drink parlor on East First street. Ryan claims that the boy fired two shots at him when attl tnpted to arrest, him. and if was not until alter this that he used his gun. Meyer is. a natient at St. Marv'n l,"s,ihlK whore he was .mediately alter tin- shooting, and it is said tnat he will recover without any ill effects from the shooting. Funk Kruswickl, the bar tender at the Oaplnskl soil drink paglor, claims that shortly after 1 o'clock young Meyer entered the side door of the building, and held him up. KrUBWlckl claims that he ran out the from d of the building, and down the street where be summoned Officer Ityan. who was nearby. it i- claltped thai tha boy took between $12 and $13 from the cash register, and was leaving the build ing by the site door when Kruswicki returned with thy policeman Ryan allege! that when he started at the boy, he Hred two shots. The officer alleges lhat h" then drew his fin and Qisckarged it. Striking Meyer in the side of the abdomen The bullet penetrated thru the body, and came out thru the back. Mover was taken at. once to St.. I Mary's hospital. It was thought for a lime his condition was critical, but today he showed signs or Intnrove men! and the attending physician said hi WOUlu recover. ILLINOIS TO VOTE ON BEER AND WINE Chicago. July 12.- A -late wide ret erendpm in Illinois nn light wines and beer sentiment virtually assurred at the Nov. Mber election according to Anton J. Cermak, Chicago alder man and the chairman of the commit tee in ( barge of gathering signatures for the petition to put the question on tho ballot Mo..- than 'imi.OOO signa tures have dee,, obtained, alderman Cermak said. Only 300,001 are re 001 HOLDING SOFT DRINK PARLOR quired. U. S. MARSHALS ARE TAKEN FROM SHOPS AND THEN FLOGGED Dallas, Texas, July Pike, said to be a railway llii i wounded and PEACE TERMS OFFER. First moves to bring peace in the railway strike were formally launched today. Tentative propos als considered In the preliminary justment of the differences between conferences to bring about an ad justment of the diferences between the shopn.en and the railway executives include the following: That the railroads abolish con tract system of farming out work to contractors. That certain working rules governing overtime pay be modi' fled. That the shopmen be given an other hearing on the wage issue. That the railroads agree to estab lish boards of adjustments to hear all disputes, except those involving wages. -1 ENVOYS 01 SOVIET LEADER SAYS COMMUN ISTS ARE AGAINST MAKING PROMISES ON PROPERTY COM PENSATION WITHOUT ASSUR ANCES OF CREDIT. The Hague. July 12 (A.P.) conferencq with representative--Soviet Russia lu re broke down 1 o'clock this afternoon without rho of at ap-J parent hope of further meeting. .Maxim Litvinoff of the Russian delegation, said on having the con ference chamber that further meet ings wen- unlikely as the non-Russians insisted on the Russians mak ing promises with regard to proper ty compensation and giving guaran tees whic h wen- impossible until the Russians knew what credit! and loans would be gn M. I. il vim idded that the peace pact would hold for one month after the last meeting. In the 'conference session today President Patyn, alter hearing the Russian explanation concerning the restoration or confiscated foreign property, announced that no useful purpose would be served in contin uing the discussion. Sir Philip) Lloyd Graeme of Great Britain said he would consult bis colleagues as to whether any good could be Served by a further meet ing of the subcommittee on proper ty. M. Litvinoff declared that Graeme, M. Alphand of France and other of the non-Russian representatives hud insisted on beginning work just where the QenOS conference began and by tl mam whic until what tiles. made progress impossible ling over old straw and de replies from the Russians, no they could not possibly make the other powers told them would he done financially by powers toward Russian restore- tion. "We cannot say bow long it will take to restore Russia until we know what our resoun OS will lie." he in sisted. DRUNK. PINCHED. GOOD MAWNIN." JEDGE: $10 urn ?r Ii w ere arraigned be Koenig. Each wai 08ta One paid hli Jml tiie lin inn secured his freedom, and tin as sent to the county jail ti it his line. OVERHEATED MOTOR CAUSES FIRE ALARM A fire at 3: tills i ison meat harried call wa- made by the department yesterday afternoon :.v. to tin- basement of the Cor IniK -tore on La Salle and Mad--tieets When the Hre depart- arrive,!, they found nothing hut the an nv. rh. 't"d motor thai elevator No damage was runs ! done. HAGUE CONFERENCE RUSSIA BREAKS DOWN JIT 1 2. --One man I, W. employe was seriously w i dozen others, some ot them Deputy United States Marshals, on guard at the M. K. & T. shops at Dennison, were kidnaped and taken to the woods and beaten by a mob of 1,000 early today, according to reports re ceived at the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railway's general ofllcea here. The report said the mob composed oi strikers and strike sympathizers all e( railway guards ami em ployes in an Isolated section near tho Missouri. Oklahoma and (iillf railway shops at Dennison. "Railway guards were kidnaped, Whlaked away in automobiles to tho river bottoms Where they were beat on." said Qeneral Manager McOee, of the U.i K. i T. here. "All I can say is that a mob of about 1,000 wild men broke lose and attack ed railway employes," Mr. Mcfieo said. "Unlest there are troops In Denni son before night there will be more bloodshed.' No definite r ply to the shopmen's strike settlement proposals was given Chairman Hooper of th i railroad labor board by representatives of the rall- v executives i't a noon conferunco today The i gecutfves said they would ndtify Mr. Hooper of their answer later. Peace Terms Exchanged. Chicago, July 12. A program for solution of the railway shopmen's strike was drawn up today by Chair man Boopt r of the labor board, after conferences with leaders of tin- shop men, and was submitted to represen tatives of the railway exeenttred from four sections of the country at noon today. Chairman Hooper's program which is said hi represent the minimum ac ceptable to the striking shopmen Is to be carried again to the shopmen's leaders late today with the com ments and counter proposals of tho executives. B, M Jewell and others of tho shopmen's! leaders were in eonfer ence with Chairman Hooper for sev eral hours last night io sum up tho strikers' demands which have been talked over since Sunday. President Harding's intervention in the strike through his proclama ting calling portatton an as bearing pedant eve Washington anticipation A telepho for W. I.. three labor was said by lor protection ot trans d the mail- was accepted nuch significance and ex s were turned toward and the labor hoard in of tin t her developments. ie call from Washington McMenimen one of the members of the hoard, th" Chicago Tribune to have conn from the 'president. The telephone operator tii" Tribune said, called the newspaper iu all effort to locate Mr McMenimen. Invitations to attend today's "Big Four" peace conference were sent to tiie following: chairman of tl Association and T. Hewitt Cuyler, Railway Executive her rail executives? president of the L o c emotive Lee, president of of Railroad Train- rtson. president of Warren Brother! Enginee the Bro Stoin of W i Hi 'iln d of Firemen and Shepard, president Fngineim I.. F. "id of Railway Con 10. Cash 6C, president nen Union of North ductors Of the and T. Injunctions Are Issued. Addit lonal strikers Iron operators wi roads. New appea lo the Gover nessess dnd Boyle, or Ni Union Paciti in the strike Duty Rockford, Inquiry from for a stated junctions terferlng granted restraining vith railway to several for troops were made s of Mississippi Ten BXaSi while Governor la. was asked by the 'or state intervention I. as Vegas Protect Law. f il Replying to an New York newspaper t as to his program ins in operation in onding the efforts of bs government in this ; governor sterling tc for nun the mil I'nit" tion. in tin lid: "My plain duty under my oath of : office and the la w s of Illinois as I i HnhMtva if i fo emnliiv slli-h form as may be at my command to pre serve peace and Order and to prevent violence and protect life and proper ty wherever the same may be en danger d. Stale troops for this pur- I pose hive been ordered to Clinton ' and Bloomingtoa." U S Plans Drast c Move. Washington. July 12. Tho Presi dent Harding's proclamation directtnR all persons to refrain from all inter ference with lawful efforts to main- I tain Interstate transportation and (Cent i --ic.l on Page 5, Col. I.. 1