Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1922. THE OTTAWA FREE TH ADEH-.TOURNAE. lAOt THNlt Ml S PEARL BENSON BECOMES BRIO EOF ATTY. ROY WILHELM D A U C H T T R OF MR. AND MRS. OLE BENSON AND POPULAR YOUNG LAWYER PLIGHT TROTHS THIS AFTERNOON. , rector "f Trin aImmii iblrtj noil Intimate were In attend Tha wfiMInc of Mi I'. .hi Nnmiil Benabn and Attorney Roy Wlthalm took place HiIh aftsrnoon at 4 o'clock ut i lit- bottle oi the bride, 311 Outbrle treat, The ceremony ;ih performed by In A o Mortvedl Itj Lutheran church, rflatlvea and the frifiuiM tif the couple. woe, The iirhic ami ifoom entered the living room unattended, ax m. ii. 0, Boris, a cousin ol the bride! played iin Lohengrin wedding march, The) tmk their placet before a imnk of kIikIIiiII and ferns, where the rarvlce whs read. The living room ami the remainder of the bouie was prettily deoo rated with rosea, ferns ami gar den HuWtTK. During the service Mrs. Karl Ben Ion hiiiik, MUntll" and "At Dawning." The iiridi1 wore h gown of white canton crepe trimmed In point lace, Her veil ol tulle was bold In place with orange blossoms, After the ceremony a reception was held, followed by a wedding dinner, Several nf the friends of the bride as xiMteii in the dining room, Mr. Wfjhelm and his bride win leave this evening tor Macatawa, Mich.) where they will spend a several weeks' honeymoon. The bride's trav eling suit is of blue tncotlne, With this she will wear a blue canton crepe hat. Upon their return to Ottawa tin- You no street win go to housekeeping at 1316 West Lafayette street, In a i ie Mr. Wllhelm recently purchased tor his bride. Both the bride and uroom are well known In Ottawa and are very popular in the(r large circle of friends, Tin bride is the youngest daughter of Kx It' iireM-nlativ () B. Iti'iison. Nile was educated in the Ottawa township hinh School and for one year took a nurse's training course at Ryburn Memorial hospital. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wllhelm. of West Madison Street. He received his education in tin- Ottawa township high school and was graduated from the Kent Iaw School in Chicago, He was admitted to the bar in 1920 and now has his office tn the Central Lite Insurance Co. During the war he served in the United states army. 'i he out of town guests who were here to attend the wedding were .Mr and Mrs. M. I) White, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walker, of U i! liams. Iowa, and Mr. anil Mrs. II. D Sampson, of Chicago, Gutting-Runge. A pretty church wedding occurred at 1 o'clock today at the Zlon Evan nelicnl Lutheran church in this city, when Miss Pranctp Margaretha !ut ting, daughter of Qeorge A. Qutting, 711 West Madison street, became the bride of Alfred Henry Itimne. of Joliet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Runge, of Frankfort. Rev. H. H. Hartman, rer tor oi .ion church, officiated. As the bridal party entered the church, Miss Kninia Bruramel played the Mendelssohn wedding march. Dur ing the service Miss Forence Hitter sang, "At Dawning," and "I Love You Truly." Miss Marie Cutting, a sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor and Ar thur Lambreoht, of Frankfort, an Inti mate friend of Mr. Runge, served rr best man. The bride wore a white canton crepe gown and a long tulle veil, which wms draped into a wreath that her mother hail worn at her wedding. Her bouqUet was a large shower of white rose buds and valley lilies. Her only jewels were a string of pearls, which were a wedding gift from the groom. Miss Marie Cutting wore an orchid colored organdie gown and a large pic ture hat of white canton crepe. She wore a corsage bouquet of pink rose buds. Following the service at the church a reception was held at the home of the bride, and a luncheon was served to twenty live of the nearest relatives Fink ami white decorations were used turnout the house. (lowers of the two shinies being used to carry out the color scheme. Mr. and Mrs. Runge left this after noon for u honeymoon trip to Wiscon sin. The bride's traveling outfit was a green and white pebelette gown with a white hat. From Wisconsin they will go to Joliet and make their home at 115 Irene street. The bride is a popular Ottawa girl. She attended the Ottawa township high school and was graduated from Brown's Buainness College in this city. Since finishing school she has been keeping house for her father. She has a very large circle of friends in (Rtawa. Mr. Runge went to Joliet from Frankfort, three years ago. He Is em ployed In the office of the Tuberoid Co., in that city, and has a very large circle of acquaintances there. The out of town guests who attend ed the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Runge. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. bcaTBtieB Rev. J T Mueller and wife, for merly Of Ottawa, but now of st Louis, are the guests of Ottawa friends for a short time. They are en route to Omaha and Denver, where they will attend a church convention Hev. Mueiier is now a member of the faculty of Concordia college at ut, .mils. Raymond Anderson, a deputy In ths office of Circuit clerk John wltseman Is enjoying his annual two weeks vacation Misses Rlla Similiter and Anna Warren spent yesterday In Morris. Misses Nellie and .luiv Leonard ,f Btreator, spent last evening in this city. Dr Mother of Serena was an Otta- s i s laltor today, Attorney James J Conway will leave tonight for Charles City, Iowa, a here he will spend several days on tusiness, Mr and Mrs Jerome llealon of were Ottawa visitors yeater 1 DEAD, 12 BEATEN BY DENISON, TEX., MOB (Continued from Page it 4enofii day. Miss Anna pending the Ives in this Los Angeles, muled bv lie! Nagle who has I ii past month with rein city returned today to Calif, she was accom sisier Miss Kninia Spent 1. M. Mallhews of Stiealor yesterday in this city. John '. Daley left this afternoon lor Hoi hell; ( ailed there by the b ath of his brot her in law . A. II Poole, Miss Albe Casey of Aurora, who baa been visiting friends in this city for the past number of days, went to streator yeaterday to spend a few lays With friends Jack Tellus of Chicago, spent yes terday in this city. Harold Sherman of Chicago, spent yeaterday in this city. J. M Fai n II of Marseilles was ai Ottawa visitor yeaterday, Mrs, lAhite and daughter Beta of Utlca spent yesterday in this city. Harry Tucker of hlcagg spent yes terday in this city on business. Miss Ethel Prulaad of Serena open! yesterday In this city. Miss Mildred Dwyer of this Clt) ll pending a lew days with friends in Chicago. Ike Van Loon of Streator spent yes terday in Ottawa MISS Mildred Savage of Streato- was an Ottawa iaior restflfday. j Lensan of Peru spent yesterdat in Ottawa I.. J White is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from bis duties at Mn bank in Qraad Ridga Chris Wetland of Joliet spent t day in Ottawa on business Andv Cummins of Peru spent yes terday in this city on business Pete Brennan of La Salle called mi ni law a friends last evening. SAYS PSYCHOLOGY IS RACTICALLY NEW STUD In his address on the "Power of Suggestion" Rev. D. B. Ashton at the Kiwanls luncheon yesterday noon, ad vanced some Interesting ideas. He de clared pbysehology was comparatively a new study, at least by many peo ple, and that it was becoming more ami more a subject of investigation II is a power for both good and evil. W in n handled by a strong-minded, unscrupulous man the power of siig gestion accomplished much harm. Many people were never able to make a success of life because when In their youth, or in the formative pe riod of their characters, it was strong y suggested to them by ignorant, In competent parents that they never mid amount to anything. The smut people might have become notable for ability If the power of suggestion had been applied to them fairly. Psychology is a favorite study of Rev. Ashton and he talked convincing ly on the subject. Miss Sadie Kenny sang two solos charmingly. She de lighted her hearers. Arrangements were made for the charter presenta tion to the Ottawa Kiwanis club on Friday evening, July 21. Delegations from Joliet, Aurora and Chicago are expected to attend. the currying or the United Btstei mails, stood as the administration's last word in the railway shopmen's Strike, indications came from sever hi quarters that should the procla inatlon not be heeded strong action Is contemplate,! liy the government. Unchanged at Aurora. Aurora, 111., July 12, Then was lit lb-1 bangs hi ie today iii ths rail ihou mens slilke situation, Tie strlkei aid over 1,800 were still out, and Shop Official! said about twenty returned to work, making about now In the shops. One Killed at Denm.on, Tex. Dennlson, Texas. July 1.' One man i- reported to have been shot serious-I ly and several others beaten in rail ' road ibopsroen strike disorders here early today. C. S. A. Trains to Operate. Blooming ton, in, Jul. 13, Mem aVrs of the lour big brotherhoods who yesterday voted not to handle tralui out ol the ChlOBgO and Alton yards us long as troops are on duty In re today rescinded their action. Tin y accept 'd the plan proposed by Colonel utbert son, commanding the One Hundred! ami Thirtieth Infantry, whereby BCiT ta III entrain i I and exits will be ib l pated for train crews, with special guards on duty to honor their paWital As a res lit freight traffic will be re eumcd on the Alton this afternoon. AM passenger trains operated la t night and toda) Last night pa-a d quietly, with only twin or three sin,i Bred, ail by nervous guardsmen, SLEUTH WATCHED WIFE;; HE SECURES DIVORCE, Ben Dreabacb, manager of the Buehler Butcher shop, in La Salle, s.- 1 cured a divorce from Mrs Eleanor I Dreabach In the circuit court today. Dreabacb. In securing the decree tes tified that he employed a detective to watch his wife, and that on July K. the dele, live located her ai the Ran j dolph hotel in Chicago, in company Oi a man. Dresback named Olen Moore as co-l respondent. Mr. Deabach alleged that the deter live phoned him when In- located Mrs. Dreabach, and that he sent his attor ney to Chicago, The attorney made arrangements for an immediate n Min e hearing. The Dresbgch bill was filed today, usl a leu minutes before the hear ing. Mm. Dresbgch was not in court, but tiled an appearance consenting to an Immediate hearing. The only other witness besides the complain ant who testified was Ed. Ohl, of La Salle. The complainant testified that he anil the defendant were mar ried on November 12, 1913, STATE OFFERS $1000 REWARD FOR HERRIN COAL MINEKILLINGS Chicago, July L Attorney OOO eral BrundUgC today Offered a reward of $1,11110 for liifoi uiallon leading to the arrest ami conviction of the per sous who committed murder and as saull in connection with the strike of the coal miners in Williamson coun ty. I The appeal was particularly direct-, I'd lo the citizens of Williamson county, who the attorney general Maid: would be protected 111 every way for any assistance the may give. Communications will be deemed confidential ami all who offer assis tance will be protected by the State In every way, Mr. Ilnindagc said. All pel sous who know the facts are re quired by law to disclose them. All who fail to make disclosures of theft knowledge before August I. IMS, will upon discovery be prosecuted as as sessor It's alter Ihe fact." .59 INCHES OF RAIN FALL THIS MORNING When Prof, c. J Markhus, the offl- Clal weather observer for the city of Ottawa, examined 1 - i . s rain gauge today, he found that early this morning 168 of an inch of rain fell In the elty of Ottawa. The shower Which came in a large degree rather unexpectedly, was greatly welcomed In spite of tin- 1 78 Inches of water which fell on Monday night and lie ,uti of an Inch of rain which fell on Monday morning. The rain has been absorbed by the ground and Is proving Oi great benefit to gardens, (arm crops and even lawns Kach of the tin show ers has started by gentle sprinkles, which open the 1 irface of the ground rather than beating it down hard, and causing the water to drain into Hie sewers. The long dry spell, during which line mm h debris has Jjlown In the sewers, has caused several street drains to become clogged up. and the children in these neighborhoods nave had great sport wading along curb Ings where drains are stopped. CITY HOSPITAL NOTES A baby boy was born this morning tc Mr. and Mrs Ohaivs N'ickle. a daughter was born to Mr. and Mis Prank Pancher last night. Marion ,.m Norman of Phelpi s'ns't entered thS hospital this morn ilk for minor operations Mrs .1. v white of Marseilles, who bad her iiuisiis removed yesterday, was discharged from the hospital this morning, Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends and lelgbOTS tor their sympathy and kind assistance In our lute sorrow. MKS. tHCORGK HKWWNill II AND PAM 1LV CLASSIFIED ADS. three miles south of Ottawa, SAM tot in. jit phone B4W Sanders Auto Parts Co. Pgrta for all cars. kdison. mason. HYDRO-TORON Tires and Tubes 129 West Main st. Phone M, I l. l L.... ..I.. I... .... - I I - j. b,ii 1-0111 k.oii ruins on roan ne bween Sulphur Lick Springs an I Ottawa, Sunday night Please notify tins office. SOMETHING NEW. CHOCO-ICK COLD DOG CENTS. New Colonial Shop. Lcamv ti Santucci. ltunge and son and Arthur Lambrecht, all of Frankfort. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. ltunge, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruesch and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Smith and chil dren of Joliet, "UNICUM" Real Human Hair Nets Cap or Fringe, Single or Dou ble The largest and strongest Human Hair Net 2 for 25c Sold exclusively at Ed.W.R.Vogt's Mid-Season Sale Some Real Bargains four choice of any Men's 1'alin Beach or Silk Mohair Suits $11.39 For Sale. itVe want your trade In tires, tubes and supplies, as we carry the largest complete stock. No other house in the county can compete with us. And tins and 'iibes. we kiKM'k em dead. Vi 11 can SCO prici-s advertised, hut wb i! it conns to real tires and real prices we have them Don't buy until you see us on all cords and fabric.!, all sizes. EDW. HAYNR SUPPLY CO., INO Notice. All barber shops will be closed all (Ut) I'liuivtlay, July 13, NOTII'K There will be a regular btMdnm meeting of the Americau Legion Auxiliary Thursday evening a' x o clock. Ice Cream Social Thursday, July 1:1, at Zlon Lutheran Ii mill, (iiveii by a group ol mem bars "i the Walther League Brer' body web nine. SOMETHING NEW. CHOt JO-ICG cold doc 5 CENTS. New Colonial Shop. Loamy & Santucci. Divorce Among Birds. Contrary to general belief, the limine wren frequently is divorced from his mate during the season, says an ornl Ihnloglst. Some wrens return year Htter year with 'he same mates, while others are discovered with different Suite 1, MONKY TO LOAN ON FARMS . per cent on loans under $1i per acre, 1; per c ut on loans of ilL.'. DM apre, and n isoii.ible commission In reply give number of acres ami valuo Iprr acre SAVINGS HANK oF KE WANEK, Kewanee. Illinois. WONTS UiANTF.D B) large inanu lacturer to sell advertised brand linn's shirts dlnrt to wearer; no OSp j ital or experience required; tree sjim- pii 1 madison mills. 506 Brood : way. New York City. MATTRESSES CLEANED AND madk OVER Sanitary feather mattresses made from (nather beds ami pillow,; work guaranteed, QEX) BAUCHLE, 1519 and 152 ; West .Main 1 St. Phone 837-X. WE wash, POLISH AND ORfCASK cars, ami we do it right Next tllinr, come and see us. , j DON OK MOTOR SUPPLY CO. SOMETHING NEW. CHOCO-ICE cold hoc S CENTS, New Colonial Shop. Leamy & Santucci. WANTED Man with car to sell best low priced cord tire made; $no pe wieii ami expenses. WOLFE 'I'll;.: CO.. 880 Canal. Benton Harbor. Mid . POR RENT Pasture, with runnlnc 1 water, will hold ton head of cattle; They are GOOD, 1Qt Buy thiiCigartttt and Savt Money Values up to $16.50 Men's Union Suits, halbrig- gan and poms knits 69c Hoys' Sport Blouses, Qi 90c value Of C Good Quality Mine Charabray Work A Shirts . . r OlC Elghl pairs 20c Socks, all $1.00 Children's Wash Suits, value up to $2.25, dj-l 1Q choice pll colors Base Ball Thursday Afternoon Famous Chicagos vs Ottawa Cubs Dick Kerr, pitching for Chicago FAIR GROUNDS OTTAWA 3p. m. 75c including tax and Grand Stand Box Seats, Reserved, on sale at Duncan's Drug Store TONIGHT "The Wild Goose" A society drama based on the novel by Gouveneur Morris. MARY MAC LAREN and NORMAN KERRY Thursday, Friday, Saturday HAROLD LLOYD "A SAILOR - MADE MAN" Lite abroad a gloom destroyer on an ocean of laughs. A tour real scream. MACK SENNETT COMEDY Adults 20c Children 10c Wanted:- I want to buy a modern house in South Ottawa for $5,500.00. What have you? My charge for selling is 2 1-2 per cent of the sale price and is paid by the seller. Phone 648-W. T. B. FARRELL College Bldg. METZGER'S OTTAWA ILL The Young Ladies Society Will entertain with an ICE CREAM SOCIAL For the benefit of St. Francis Church, tonight on the church lawn. Public is cordially invited. In case of rain, will he held Thursda) ceninir WASH Dress SKIRTS $1 .49 X Tomorrow 8 a. m. to 12 m. This is absolutely the best bar gain ever offered in Ottawa on wash skirts. 1 hev ard all WOOLTEX, pre-shrunk and with the best of tailoring. The regular prices arc from 5.50 to $12.50. Tomorrow morning we offer you your choice for $1.49. We advise you lo come early. Tmetzger s j OTTAyj.lLL The Store That Sells Quality Merchandise. They Couldn't Know BACK in 1 8 1 8 the greatest newspaper of the day de clared that the world had reached the limit of human expansion. It even went further, saying that there weren't enough supplies in the world to support further growth of population. The mind of 1818 couldn't conceive of the miracles that human ingenuity would perform during the twentieth century. It couldn't imagine the wonders that would be wrought by new agricultural methods and modern manu facturing genius. It was ignorant of transportation as we know it, or the progressive sales methods of today. It could not see the vital part that would be played by advertising. , Even today there are some who fail to realize what an important factor advertising has become. Advertising is as much a part of today's life as electricity, antiseptic surgery or automobiles. It keeps us up-to-date on the many things we need in order to live profitable, happy and useful lives. It presents for our approval articles of all kinds and for all purposes. The requirements of each member of the family are met by advertised offers of good merchandise of proved value. The advertisements save time, money and effort for those who read them and follow their guidance. They are practical guarantees of satisfaction. Don't lay aside this paper without reading the advertisements afe