Newspaper Page Text
IS WEONKIDAY. JULY 11 1982. I I I E OTTAWA 1 RKETH VDEII-JOl UNAL Newark DOINGS OF THE DUFFS A Hard Day of Pleasure BY ALLMAN '41 . I I I I ' ' . I It THIS l Q0K0 Urti A H cp I'i' t RMHT Vk'l l (,( up A WEI.U.VJF. HAOA VES. ITIIIMK I COOLP NU fc HAV OF H ' NVUW Oi'ALlFY A3 A ' 'H rOH t 1.1 MIA OP hi r?r anp 6EE THr. Wi ni "FPI I'l. vii w Mr ir iid Johnston pai the Bieel r Mr. 'Robert MuiMiy Hi Vorkrll . evartlidayi jam weak mid attended Miu I'fluu Petareon anil Mita Charlotte Llll) ol hicafto, W .Monday nlghi here with ihu lormor'a imtl PARTHCR AMD look rWlBK IN 1 Hfc. IN Hi I" ' BiGtiisT rmp7 im ihr ?F CCXJi?.B WF. HA! a, VopoI.t' WOi?LD' . TO HAVH COFFEE 0 par i n i . . -j rS. I fMTHROOCM I CAM BUILD A -4 r-.. I I lit:.. Mi ji iiil .Mj I. Mj Ami Mniiv.ill hi Hi it bia i later, Ilia. M I' I'llelMllll Ottawa, vi:. N Anderson r it i n - j j-7 .,, mm 7 ! in IflR zrj '. ram? wfji wo n ) . rr- C- -r uSS) b W.r ., WIM i Mi 1 V: ovct llir llll Mi Kn ii i onov.ui I'l nil ii Ell) ii i mi 0 iiii. iii attar in la and Rfhtei . Mr uud Mm i mil Johuton, Moudas iilu'il mi l Hii' I'iMlilii. .ii -. LIUbie Scoflold in Uirorjt Wednesday on business for ibu Mi BOlO TI lephoiii- coniruuy. ii n. I'lii'i huh, Ever out hull, i i'i loraou Mr .mil Mir mi. i froiriotti iiii Wudposdn) mi .i luolor trip to Soulti I ' i lilt. iniH'i' i, , Mr: v. lu i iUc will visit I'l l i.u.l Mill I i Hi i Mi rim. iin,i TuniJjwd,, Mra.l Martha Sukuii'uu, Mla iUJvi Oiaon awl Mrs. tlajomu Tunti.uui motored in Join i I ant SV'gtMtaaatiai Mr. Tool ;n' ul Milwaukee, Wlf J .mi' and Jui-k fkviBSlP and Mr ('baa Bcoggln ol VorkvJIIa. spent Tbursdaj ni tin.' liuiin oi Di' ujd All Ij F. ll I UOUlilll .Mm luu and .in ii ii Vim Btiaktrh ra luiii'il i'i their home m Aurora Thursday ii I III ii v daw. vInII with Mi. LotUa i "uii'i'ii and Ufa- Ornia Himlmr. Mrs. NaiUo Nadaa, Mia. Wn, t.lcllHo ,111(1 Utile UllUtjhlel Janice, ul Morris, win' lulling on folatlvea in bourn UTaduoaday nornini itiiv. i tut Mis. i. r MTirrlngton are p-miing a weofc with bla brother- and wife at Dea I'laincs. Mr. Hnlii'it Koaka, Misses Alma am I M in,i Kosfca mill Mlai iDarh no Miller win' Aurora visitors Thin., dm afternoon. Mlaa Marie B Munaon waa a nnal nohs visitor in Yorkvllle Friday not alng, Re ti llortvedl ol Ottawa, al landed toe uneral ot Mra, Ueorgi Johnson al iieimar Friday. Mr mid Mrs. Ilnou Sh- tvi land ol PeBuau Papni.- Minn-, arrived bare Idll week and will tftgtl Mfi lhffO I. 'iid'!, parents. Mr. and .Mrs. George I Johnston. TMb made thai trip in their mix bine. .vli I Lettie Conyiton, Mra. Qrrlo Dunbar. Mlkaea lv Brew ink mid tart ly QMfiey motored to Aunoiau Thurs day II I'll' llll II 111 Quite ii number (rout here attended the mutual oi afra. Qeurge Johnson! at lielniar, Friday afternoon Mr. .mil Mi- Epoch OlSOJQ and two children ol Chicago aoonj t li' week end here with Mr. Oigeffa oareiua. Mr. and Mrs. H, K Olaen. Mrs. Emma Redfleld returned laal Friday ayenlnj froni two week'a vialt Mtii hnr ndtcet Mrs. B. v Spring, in Chicago. BKUUkMLLD John Maher mid Harry Ki Hv ol Ottawa wi'i-- callara bere IMturday i alter uovn. A large n maker ot Brookfleld friends attondad the tum tul oi Mra. bihen siiiucr.v, whioh waa held In Seneca Krntny tnoruing. t taude Roae ol MtaaaiUaa i pnti-. iiiK ii tew days here ftt the home of I Ills uiirlu. Unset Kose. Mr. uiiii Mrs. Henry BesUiian ol oitawii wi'iv callers heri Saturday mtel'liudli. Misses lilla am! Ethel S( hroeder of fclKiu siient the Kourth here at Lhi; home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Juhn SchioedtT. Master Kennedy Cosa oi Metulota is sneiuliim a few days hen ul the and Imme. of his uraiiiluureuts, Mr. Mrs. PjUtt Keunody. and family. Byron Uaae was a Seuqcn caller on Saturda-y. Mrs, Uouise Jentanaon and In ot her l-'ruuk Brtfel of lollel are spending relatives and few day here with friends. Mrs. Flu n Id in Dttnn and OlflcuKo Heights siient the son pf Kourth here with relatives. Mr .ind Al i s. Neal Eager hud ns guests on Sunday. Mr. and Mi Hur ry Jdbflsdtl ol Aiiioni. Mr. and Mrs. Olr Bngi,;r and daughter Thelma of Grand PtigQ. Koresf Benson and Clarence Qage were I tf geneca on Wednesday even infc. The Mj ti llvg homostead wis sold at puWtlc aiietioii on Saturday to W. A.JBmvea of Seneca, iha pur chase irH being 30, 25 per acre. Mrs. JoB.eph Rbgah of Verpna en tertained a number Of relatives and friends Sunday evening in honor of the birthday oi her mother. Mrs 101 len Malhniey oi Seneca. About Bfty were present. A line repast was Berved dn the lawn and a line time WOJ3 hud by ell. -V!:'. and Mrs. T. J. Dunn and datightesc, Marie. Luella Mini Anna: Mr. and Mrs. William P, Dunn and eon Joseph; Mr. and Ed&ar T, Sheedy and daughter, othy. were those present from place. M ra. Dor this Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mail callers on Mr: and Mrs. Kdwa er Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Dlcke were fmniiy were callers hare Tburaday evening. The funeral of the late Mrs Ellen Stattery was held at St. Patrick's lunch In Seneca at in o'clock Friday ntornlng, Burial was made n Mt Calvary cemetery Mrs. Slattery. ;i well known womun. passed at In r home, corner of Main and lUnlon streets, at in o'clock Wednesday morning, after an illness which had extended over aighl nioulhs. She had been confined to her bed most the time Kor Severn! days her con dition was very serious and death had been expected, Th" deceased, whose maiden name was BUen Mn- hsliey. was horn Jan. 14. 185:',. in Vienna township, Orumly county. She lived in that vicinity until her marriage to the bite .lmnes Slattery in 1 S7R. The collide wen- married at St. Patrick's church in Seneca. They lived on a farm until seventeen years ago when they mined to Seneca where Mrs. giattery has since re sided. She j-i survived by nix chil dren: Mrs. Alyce C. Kelly. Mrs. An im May Higgius. Thoma J. Slattery, TTy if 1 MflCgpecito itattary, all "f BnoqB. Mra, Harrj Wettergel ol Richmond, ill., ami John v. Biattory r Chlca Ko she la alao ahrrlvod iy one sis ter. Mr- Anna Smith of Ottnwt, and lour brothara, Thomaa llnhglTay ol Marton. Ind.; Bdwaad MahaJIay, or Spriikneld, III ; Januw and William Mahane) . ol Klnawan, IH Mrs BUM t. i v during in.' f-ii" lived In Seneca mad" many friends there, Uer illiiisri had been I 1"HK '""' '"" h1"' was vny patleni Beternl times her condition "a thonghl aarlotta, bul . .irir time Hhe rallied. She l-aves many frlcnda throughout the country u aotl aa la Si a oca a h r grel h r pi. . ring Theodore ri on Oi Kin mmi v;i I buain'eai alii r hi ra Baturdaj aftei noon. Mra, Wen Carey, Mn Mayme ( HiiLhlin ami Air. and Mrs. James Carey and daughter Anna Marl Seneca waea eailiiul on frlendi Urookflcld Sunday or III rREF.DOM i-v il l el:i and ' IBllly have n turned home from a thrcp week: i. it with rail iti.' i in mi Kprnb Win conain. Miss Varna Paterae ol Dixon I gueat al he Areni ;i home. Mrs. Loula QonhMUn mal baby riattahti r ol Walnut visited at the StocUey hone Friday and Satur day. Of C (' I.aury was a Tonlca ' la Itor laal l''rid.iy Mans Olson la a patienl in Ryburn hoanltal , Ho recently underwenl an operation ami is getting along nicely ii this writing. S. W. i.aury haa returned to hi home in St, Upuia after a vi-it with rolatlVeH here. Mr. and Mrs Prank Parr ot Sheri dan visited at the Prank Jones home a few days recently. Ke"p in mind tin- lawn Bpclal al iha Jed Kember heme grlday evening) July 11. i'i," the benefit of the Bend ( iieterv Ire ireiiui ai d cake will lie BefVe.ll lor L!.'i iiMlls. A good program will he given. All are itivi ted. Tho in ma bureau will i t with Miss Ethi I Cox Wednesday, July W. Ajl are cordially invited to attend, "The FouB paia" entertainers of Sheridan will give a program at tie community house Thursday evening, July 2 These young men come highly reconjuneaded. Bverybody come and spend an enjoyahle even Ing. Mahel mid Robert Rood of Oak Park are guests at the Charles Pool Imme. ilidph Stobi, Hi'"' three year old WOOD SEPARATOR STORAGE BATTERY An Underpriced Battery The CW Battery (Wood Separator) has quality plates, selected cedar wood separators. Built right, of all new, high-grade materials. Easily the 6esf low priced battery you can buy ! Sizes to fit all cars. Battery and Electrical Service Station 217 Main St. Ottawa Representing Willard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and W Batteries (WOOD SEPARATORS) - 5 ' 1 II WW" . ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING aon ol Ol&f Stohl pf Ottawa, , k.llu I , ,,l , I',., fa waa .(.in i i ti. .... . ai the U'lnilus home Klind'iy The i .1 m ... , ..... ... ,i... , o n, hum nun in iiii- ii. ii n ,ii. 'i in. little follow III unable to e jst .. I.... .1 I I l 11,1 UK. 11,1 I'l' ll' u Mrs Bva Blue lx a gUWI at I In Frank Pntik home near Dayton, Mr, mid Mrs. Oscar Albert son anr noun'cc the blnth ol a dadghtur at their home July 11. tlomar Port r La Mar. Mo., visit- d .it the KejUogg heme several days re tly. Mn Bryan Iflnkson and daughter Marjotie went to Chicago Sunday,! fO a Visir itll relative:. Mr and MM, Oaoar Oifemn ami Mr. Edwtnaon vlilted Norway rain- im H Suudav. There win he ipoclal musical pro. gram in tie Hardlnp nark July 16 at S p. in., with a sermon by the pan tor. Large crowds are attending those outdoor services, ACCUSES WIFE OF BFING BIGAMIST La Salle, ill., .'i ioi': of Mm idllii I and swem OUl and Mrs. Rudolph street The warrant at for bbjamy huahund for ma (ii'ndolii claims t Schappa, then A Ogleaby, at Ottq .i,n Hid djtyi .Indue Kognig bul Ii did not approve of the marring woujd not allow ili in to live ie; lie state;' thai be went to Mar. to Work 00 til" tnw W' ItlTWir !ler lllei ,'in,; later learned thai hla wife rcmarrle m Ithout securing a divorce, Tin- cose waa set tor laal Satfirda In the office of indue a. hi Toung, im as coal Ihued until July is. Done at Home. Tailor's ml: "HII lakh ynr mens lire and give you Hts." No yon Won't' our wife does that.- Boston Bvenlnii 'i'ran -i-iipi. 11 -Plate 115.83 Other sizes at slightly higher price. 7saJ UTe Free WANTED. , .......... ,c ,.,,.,,,,., Adl-.N I S U AN I KH By large muau l .. l.,r. ...II ..I, . , , I ...II I .. , ,. I - " " experience roijulrcd; f?o Lumplca. MADISON Mll.l.s. 505 Broadway, Ni w York Clt. YvANTKD Middle aged woman r i iu:i ii iih iiiiid preferred, to do general housework, Photo Otica 807. BAtJCSMK.V, AUKNTS - Advertise, sell candy to atotekocpirs; big pgy; experience not neceasarjj, cxiv CO., T-':t Walnut st . I'hii dolphia, I'a. WANTED Small furnished cotiago. rr.sonablo rent; will k-iee for l vein-, can bIvo rafi i cah. Address (i. A., care Free Trader-JJoarnai WANTED Up to dale ooUage, Batl or youth Ottawa. W U PU8KV. Ctntral Llfo Bldg. FOR RUNT. I'lii! RBNT Tho Thomas Vox house, house with furnace, (lectric a No plumbing. .VU in good order Tel. 648-W, T. 11. BARBELL, FOR RENT Six-room, onc-ator Cottage at. 8 7 Second SI lights, wi ii, ,nc plumbing painted: Imnicclute poasi : I I per lirrrtlttrl iTereticcs. T. B. PARRIivL, Ti Oil -V'. ' Collcte Building. TOR RBNT I Second 'St J cistern. $12 ! onces. ',t root) cottggo, 81 1 Eloctri lights, well, oo per bonth. Refer T. I. FARRELL. TOR BENT preferred. I'uiiii led room: Call t" Y. TOR RENT N'eit little four room i cottage, SH (ioond St.. ImHJe diate poaacsain ; last temtni bnoj m I ouJ of rent; hope to RSt a bettor, ana : this time, BO please g!vo references and time to line tln-m up T. I!. IfARRELL, Tel. (ilS-W. College Bldg. FOR RENT Seven room house; new ly decorated; moderate rent; 717 East Superior St. J. 0. HARRIS ft i SON", 129 West Main St. Phono 857-W. r'oit RENT -Modern rooms; centrally located. Phone 367-K FOR RENT Second story apartment of tho P'dtier residence, all modern,, but unfurnished, corner of Chestnut una rouini streets, inquire oi ireu'i it. telephone '.'SI-Ij., or Mi; Zellers, N. Clinton street. Xlun).! REAL ESTATE. fOR BALE 1 room bungalow with ROOMS TO UK NT Several parties larco front porch, hot wafer heat,1 ,! u;ih ""' rooms lo rent, fine bath room, large barnj two lota, One a single furnished room. oe two $1,600.00; an 8 room modern house.:''','"" kitchenette and hath. Tele with Klnm-ori su-i uarlnr. In ;imtf,r Of, tawa; large lot. $,000,00. Qer- trade Harris KOR S.! I Tn acres Improvi d fa nn land, 'i, mile Salle County, 111 Intiire of MR! AH I iT, Kiirlvilk Bouth of Salter, i.i lol -. I'or part Icularji HERMAN BUCK-111. FOR SALE Small tracts of laial. 2 t i I acrcii. coirvenlent to Ottawa; fit!.' prices, W. B. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa, 111. FOIt BALE- due; fine Improve- j ments; South Ottawa. Also ll acres. I Also lino residence jiroperty, cottage and 8 room house, .North Side; very reasonable In price. W. 11. PUBEY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa. III. rmt ALE Cm stock and $2 per need; pie and creel eight hen achinery isand seventy ranch In Mon cxe: all fem e.i and ty of water In w etta ; school house o-i 1 of horses and ill 6 Itb the land; t d very low priced. ARRELL, College Building, cross ii spring land; farm n T. I '.. Tel. U4s-V. Marriage in Poland. The average man isn't overjoyed to learn thai Willi his wife he is aniiir-! Ing a largo following et in-laws. Bujj in Poland it i- different. In the mar-' rUge riintmct the nnia does not in quire what s girl's Mirtia is, but how taaay rplatives she has, as eai h nael la relied UJXitl fur 'H. ii bl iml BBuajHil i:- d,h n lo ajasajoat a match, through her i rent J V . ula .1 . U Jill I ' Trader-Journal's FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES for Sale One Port roadster ai. one Maxwell tun truck. .1. A. Mil i.i it, prop. Dajy'a Mills. Kit sa'.i-; One unall truck wagon, with platform ; apr1ngi can he used Ingle of double. Alao a beavy single harneaa, brnaa mounted. 'i i . it i .!:- MKYBR8, blaoksmlth shop, Mndlaon St. AUTO SUPPLIES Automobile Owneri Von will gel U tn in prr cent, mors miles per gallon by hkIhr Bnperlof Qasollne Vapqrtaers. Prloi (1.60. lrea trlid. I'rovlnK is oonvinclng. l'oti brUga inlorniatlon and cuts. Kla'.e make and model, r MONTGOMBRT, i r'"n Ave., Superior, Wis. aienuiaciurer ana uutrioutor, HOUSES . .. MONEY Never was there ;l hotter opportunity for lending mom y than now. Seven per cenl . groat, unite comforting, quite plea ant. Why don't you (.-it yours cul while you i cwi? l offer ffnf security a d I do,! wan you o take I 11 your own bunker fulli In approvq it. T ii PARREl i Tel 648-W College Buildinj TOR BALE- One ot the Bttflat new residences with spacious land- capcri grounds, In this part of Illinois; I . I. .... A ... J. A . . . aiisijiiiieiy nioiicrn ana up to aaie; sec me al once If Interested, W. B, BUSEY, Ci Dtral Ufe lildg. FOR room, pebble dash cot tag:?. West Ottawa; bathroom, fur Dace, hardwood floors! very large laundry; ;i,'JO0, less than half cash. And t; room cottage; hardwood floors; laundry; M.Q00. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. WANTBD-A-I have several customers want ill!- small, complete house I. Finest kind of tenant! and bi si credit. What have yon to rent? T. B, I'AUKKI.f., Tel 618-W. College Bldg. TOR BALE We have I strictly hiub- grade player piano. In a beautiful case, that we will sell lor half pi h e. W e also have a good used piano that I we will Bell for 135. Easy terms on both ol these bargains. Address CABLE I'lAN') CO., 215 .North Ottawa St-i JolJot, 111. i run amj& so acre!;; minnicrt drive of Ottawa; nil under cultiva tion; B00 down, 1M)0 Jan. t, I9ti3, $5,000 Jan. i, 1924, balance ten years, at 6 per cenl. W. B. PUSEY, Central I.ifo Bldg., Ottawa. 111. Pouo or eaii ami i win give you tueir numbers nod name T. B. KA.HHELL. FOR SALE -Large 7 room house, In good location; newly decorated; bathroom; electric lights; $.3,600. ti room hoime, West Ottawa; toUV, Kns; IL650. MISS GERTRUDE 1 1 A H 1 IS. SEVEN PER KNT I offer icy .'.Hide Rrsl mortgage notes draw in Seven per cent for ten years, own haulier will not withhold hi TOttr 'e- proval him. to you I yoiJ submit the mailer to wan! the privilege of talking bout t In in . May l? T. B. HARRELL, Tel, M8-W. College Building FOR BALE S room house, ("enter Ot.- tawa; hardwood floors throughout; 2 tireplnces; very larpe bathroom; fur nace; 6,000, one halt cash. MISS GERTRUDE IIAKIUS. FOR BALE A beautiful location for a residence on small farm, between 2,'. and 30 acres, one mile from Otta wa, en the scenic highway und com prising ine ni amuses oi coai. sann, gravel, timber aiiu some land to cui tlvate. Apply to U . Ii. PUSSY, i Life Ri le-. Ottawa, III. FINI!: HOMK FOR SALE 7 room boupe, bath, pantry, etc. Modern ronvenlences. In good condition. Hot water heatinx. Bargains for latch sain fall S7S-T, FOR RBNT A nice two-story frame dwelling. T-'i East Superior St.; all IM good order: furnire. tras. electa, lights, v , ii and rlstarau bnmfdlate tfos i ion; reforen " ; $?'.'. Tel vb-A. T. u. rARRW.1. L MOUSES FOIt 8AI.HJ--7 room house, bath room furnace, laundry, ham and KArnice. In first clans condition. $&, 6t,0 Also, 7 room, two stery house, furnace, hath, very lartte lot, $4,60. H room house, hot water heat, all hard 1 wood floor, laundry, barn, 17.200. All 1 In Moutb Ottawa. Have nmny more. better harKaliis thau ibeae. Mlsa ier , trudo Harris. fort SAI,B New brh k 0 room hunsa low, modern, In first class condl tlon, $S(8Q0; also G room bouaa fur- nsef, hath, nas, laundry, $,K00; and r room houwi, oak and enamel wood work, hardwood floors, very larxa rout porch, newly painted ami dec- I "rated, $B,onu ; all In West Ottawa MIkh Gertrude Harris. lt)B 8AUB 7 rmim cottage, hath, gas. electric lights, I2.S00; also S room cottage, hardwood floors, fur nace, hath, caa, laundry, $5.(1(10; and 7 room house, hot water heat, oal used in J !20 for beating an dcooking cost $f)6.oe; hath, fine electric fli tores, gas, laundry, lante barn; will he sold a. a bargain. All In Eaat Ot- tawa. Miss Gertrude Harrla. ,,()R BALE-StricUy modern 7 room, ,,,,,,,, ,, om. DBrn, 75 i , , , . , . .. , . :.. " front. Abundance ol trull of illl Ii'.' l,OOIl ll" ' 1 I ' II for cash. Phono Hlack 171, Mar- sellies. WANTED The address of William ii. Thompson, owner of Lpl "i. Block Hess'1 second addition to Qttuwa. I .im reasonably certain be la no! mayor ol Chicago. Tel 648-W. T. B, FARRELL. TOR SALE 7 room dwclllnf?, Soiih Ottawa; lar;o lot! hardwood floors, flraplaco, bathroom, furnace, laundry, In first class condition. Also S room dwelling; bathroom, hot water heat, hardwood doors, laundry, garage. These places, if sold Immediately, can be bought for $ 1 .0(io lew than a year ago. Miss GERTRUDE HARRIS, i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DAUY CHICKS--America's greatest iarm breeds; Wnite Leghorns, R. I. Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks; big, huaky ohlcks that live and gr-ow; write lor April, May and June dellvoiy TWIN ACRE POULTRY FARM, Sher idan, 111. FOR sank Koenlg's single corot Rhode Island reds hatching egga from good laying strain. $1.26 per 15 V. V. KOfflNIO, Phone 420-Y. MISCELLANEOUS. PENSltTNg for service dm in: -p, mh-Plillipplpo war. act of June 5, IB0. Consult MILO B, STEVENS & CO., Attys., B0-G3 Went Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Bstah 1804 VVK START vor in the i andy maMi" bhalnesa at home, bp small room anywhere, furnishing overytlilng, anrl buy your candy; u&perloncc nunece.! sary; rood pay; men, women. Hocsi' OP CANOV MAKERS, 719 alniU St., ! Philadelphia, Pa. MAONETO, QENER VTOR A N ') i st vit'ri-:it smijvii'i-: STATION skea of sya- rlnnillna nnrlc fm ..11 , lenuine i tenia, n holnHaln or rel:iil carry radio supplies. OTTAWA TIUC CO.. -Ml South Clint Phone 982, .1 ; i;mt;i;t siiok REPAIR work DONE people nreor shoes twice as loiiK these (lavs as they used to. Mod km machinery, as Ii installed in ri simp, has change it so thai yon can have your old shoes made over almost as good ns new. We do high class shoe repair work at reasonable price.;. Work done while you wait. Charles nvw ki.u s. 800 La Salle i'.t.. Under Stanton's. V. g, HAYNF., the Harneaa and T, Man -LaWO mow ers cleaned and adjusted, 81, sharpenad, ("OM on IN AND BET OCR K! I Warm Home Furnaces." A. HARDTEN, Phone 81T-W. 114 Fast Main St Breed of Irish Lion. UaMM ate hreil In i ofltaeianM more sncoeasfullv In the DttUli KiMihiglcaJ i odenn thin any at hero rise la the world. Professional Cardo I HI how L. UNA tt, Warrick & VfVanick CHIROPRACTORa rainier rkihool (iranuates Ottawa. Ul Office I'hons moH. it... Phnne lilt) a Hours: 10 12. 2 5. 7 8. Room 2K-14 Central IM i Dn dint. Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR Hours: a. m., I I n. m. Incensed by Illinois State Hoard oi Health Room '.'II n Malonev HulMIn UPHOLSTERING AND RENOVATING Parlor Furniture. Cooches, Daven. ports and Chairs upholstered and re paired. Peathcrbeds and pillows renovated and marie Into sanitary mattresses. Phone 837-X or tend o GEORGE BAUCHLE 1519-1523 W. Main 8t. Geo. A. Crowden Real Estate OJIbway Lots. Farm Bargains 30-1-305 Armorv Block Ottawa. III. CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY OTTAWA, ILL. I Eifective May 7, 1922. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Marseilles, Seneca, Morris, Minopka, Rockdale and Jollet, HI., la a. in. a-g6:00, bB:60, b-h6:35, b7:65, b9:55i bll:-S6. In p. ul: bi:5B. b-h 2:65, b3:65, bh4:56, bB:55, b7;5S, 1)1(1:00. WESTBOUND. W( itbound cars leave (Mtswa sta, tlon for Utlca, La SalK,. I'er't, Spring Valley, I, add. DePue, Bureau, Prince ton in a. in.: cV5;. g-f7:in, d8;60. Traiararj2B! :...... h dl0:66, cl 1 1 56, in p. in.: U:66, I d2:55, c-13:65, c-nil:25, d4:66, C6;65, I d-liG:"i5, c?:66, dl0:00. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa sta- I tin for Grand Ridge. McKlnley Park : and Strcator in a. m : 5:5i, 7:55, SI 55, li:66. In p. ro.: 1:65, 3:55, I 5:55, 8:0(1. II :00. a-Morris. 4 i b -Joliet. c - Princetetl. S d Lada. I f La FaJ'.e. -4 g Dally except Sundava and holl- ! days. h Sundays and holidays only. k Daily except Saturdays, Bundaya and holiday i. I i tally except Saturday. m Saturday only. p Saturday's Sundays and holldaya only ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SAVE MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM 6:40 A. M. TO 11:35 P, M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO. Via Joliet, III . and Chicago A Jollet Electric Railway. Round Trip $3.00 One Way $1.85 (Return trip limited to ten days.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICE. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CAR8 AT LOW RATES. RAIL AND WATER EXCURSION. ai (I)ailv including Sundays.) TO IN ria. Chllllcothe, Hcnrj. Effective June 12. Wi. via Peru, Illinois and La Salle and Peoria Packet lines. Round Trip $2.25 One Way $1.25 Stop off at Starved Rock State Park pi rmitted. Boat leaves Peru. 111., southbound, 1:34 p. m.; Peoria, northbound. 7:30 a. m. Weekdays; 8 30 a. m Sundays. Cheerful Thought. "The N iiiimat) the den list a he prepared for as aaj tractioo.- OctOBW , i