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i r R6aY( AUGUST 4, 1322. I HI, Oil aw A BHfiEfrtiADfill?A3NAih rAt IMfttl BRITISH MOVE TO L DEBTS ENDS IN FLAT FAILURE Jazz King Makes $800,000 in 5 Years n ii nr UNITtD STATES TllftNS DLAt' ear to ovEnrunEs made oy LONDON TOR ALL ALLIES TO WIPG THE SLATE CLEAN OK ALL OBLIGATIONS. . WBI hliigton, AilK ilrn.i 1 1 nirni vi icrtlHj uotti i spot! Urcnl The In'ie in rvsd Inforniu! Hi il i in Hut In r ii r i niieii State i i atinol he ilein in Hi uikcolod At (In ".inn time SeniilDi floi'tlll Is Mini U uiil'lililK tlnil III' ; entile will turn n tteuf ear to tin) proposals for ( Hill Inn The trSUHUrj liei.ll tllli'llt utatl in. 'lit was that Oroal Britain's note to her ill btnr natlotiH HUttiKitlng cancellation f the whole interallied IntlebtednW . will iihv.' no effect upon t Ii it- govern meat's policy with referonoe to it-- win credits. The lint the mile win net eddreesed to the i fall id tUatiM uiatrei ii ii diplomatic Impost)! hiiit lei this goverwnorit tn addri lire, it Britain directly. Becreturj Mellon held UWI Orehl Britain has formally acknowledged in i i nlttd studs win' oebl .mil hie. Indicated her wiltlafneas tn pay. Therefore he imhis the American fund Ing commission must continue Its no gotfattoni without regard to drew Britain 'it suggestion. Senator Borah said "There is nothing to Ik gained bj mir oinceiHng this debti in- any pari hi it. ir the gigantic military and arm..- mont programs in isurope are i" con limie. it wronld .'1111111111 In practical tint tn mil aiding and abetting the 1 niiiiin.' up of these greal milltan t'lid armament establishments and thereto) abetting war. if oMcelHtttoe is to he considered t all, it should t" considered In the rati rWl : hhmufiltj ol wotii mie sanity, and no! to enable Uiobi countries to build up mid maiii taip thi..e military cstabllsrimehts. 'Within the last woek the preml 1 1 il mi whal la happen nations bl Burop9i mote terrible na the i.ite war ever pi ace. What not i vi'ti 'n Hy Roy Oilihonu Chloago "Hinw your own Houny, mill blow it heVd!" This wim the advice Hi" 11 lie- 1 eit 'en in Ailriiin. Mieh in I sham jonos i-' years ag6, Jones had k k the n ybrfgs asking the tbrhiQla for n short cai in gruel wealth Today imies owns ;i palatial hnmi mill I, tieei nf automobiles ivnd has "iv. mis mill nil the I moping! . Kith Ami IiIh him If account Melting ho raid that ll keep 11 nek 01 11 ' "Sriitiie.' gays Jones, mil horn 1 moan my To (lie World of timsii what Charlie Chaplin is Ills iilel inline in "lsin( Tlnit's because he's "I lilow in saxophone." Jonas hi to the nini i lorn pi h " ibaldy Hi" iii.. orchi 1 ' ,1 s bint $0,800 BtaUranl tare srs clamor- make 'i v ein s Jones accumulated nini royalties ..mi vt kHigland hits 1 " Keep wiin ey Th v (the ate ertni tructing Chiaefl tllilll even WW. Whal lor'.' Nnl fnl sip they lor'.' T in y are high on! paid the country, A loop hotel here pa) 1 week to play 111 IU I'1 hours kn evening. Phonograph uompanlep Ink for ills services in 1 mill- I'm' tliclil During the lust live mill his saxophone have nver vmmuiao In salary from hi ; iomposltlonn graph record)!. Ami the la.r. king Is only 28. Member! ot h in orchestra grown prosperous with him. Jones Ik n liig Strapping fellow looks entirely unlike a musician, lint how In 1 nil pl r. ' "I'm ptolng to make a million then qultt" he says. "There's no ivorktnc nil vour life. A million nil Uu line ' Jouet goes to work in hli Kpeetall 'le. 1 eii limousine The driver wean 1 mouse colored uniform in match the pplef 'l imine of the car, 1 fleet hai been built ii iiiin to 1 old Jones' aaxophon 1 1 siii.iu niief teacrti performance lopes takes In the town kfltn his a lie .teres spends with tl; prodi' gallt) of "Coal'Oil Johnny" oi ii half tenlury ago, tipping with large denomination, huI method in his madness foi keeps attuned to the spirit of Jam. frequently lie uses his orchestra to raise charitable funds, folks say "King .In.." has n heart iis large as n piano. : .... -X' KT. S - WL. 1 1 .1' , ,1, m b , 1 r ' r -mr hi h.iiiHi " Jt3i -,'.- Vi A)ffiBBK& .1 at counts -3 "r k le.n er iii -uaa,-' . :mmmw jm mm wz- -i . ' , l ie If rlOMP.U K i,K. AUPAt-i , J NIO NAME AMD HIS OOMPAH3 'i'A. A HAVE ALMOST MAOf, fUM 3-" " MX I A MILUONAIftB-. lsPENOaaWv ' I bills Of . .... . Urns he Miirie Kentsef lek ni Olen park, M einlola wn: the Henry Kent- Misses at Mi Wei- ndota of Spring Vnl h her mother, disperse armies; th y are to attack trfttps unhrtflod wtioVe you hate 'I 1 feneesB nofulatlon, to kttl, to main to poison, to moMtato, to burn help le women and children.' Ninr. it this ft the situation, ii if more or lees mi impertinence to thlk about cancelling debt : In the name of ' veiojiyk' . reh "hiliti.tinn. I!' th"-e plans and genomes are to rontlnu . to go orward, we cannot help Euromj by cancelling our debt to KVance, any purl of It, I feel. tbevefOtt . VktA in oilier to inl' test aoybod) wlio is in terestcd in humanity, or the cause of pence, or the restoration of ocoftomh sanity, nil sclnanes for cancelling dobts should be accompanied hy practical plan for dtaaifnameht, ''The Washington conference ad Journed int Fobroary, The seimh ol t in- tJnfted states rirlffied thotreatlMs, I tliink. in April. The treatieH are mt. however, tn bo considered by for eign countrlei. Ami fevOn if they aw r.ititieil DtUmatoly, the epirll of He movement 1ms boon crushed, 11 we cancel thosfe debts it would appear, therefore. Hint il ply lit into till.; scheme of of huge land forces, of rtior more llelils." voniii Blm mnameiits, Wins. ;iml Wines ni completely (.enl nf mill III 'Dry" A inc. referred to 1 ermenteil &i remaining, Lon lliekok purchased Hi" Jacob N'ogei tiiriii near Troy Qrove, Satur day for the stun of ISSO.fiO per tu rn. He will reside there next Bprfng, Mrs Louis Lamps entertained the following ladlea m her home last IVednesday: Mrs H(iRry Ntentaer, Mrs. IiIh Mailoy, Mrs. Melsel, Mrs. Ftahhah Lamps, Mrs. tterman Lamps, Mrs. Jessie Black and Nellie Bllles iiHch They made a dressform tor Mrs. Lamps. Mrs, Charles Smith Of Spring V;il-; ley spent this week with bet dttugh j tor, Mrs. John Pantettburg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lamps and fam ily called mi nr. William Mclntyre Sunday and - pent the real of tin1 day witii Mendota relatives. Mrs. Fred Melsel of Arlington several days tit. the home of r, Mrs. Oscar Bin, .lohn Pantenburg and guest, Mrs. Smith, mnl Misses Bljleebach, visited Sunday evening at the Win. Kngelmmt home, near Churchill. Helen Hlckokis Bpending this week ni the Win. Fitzgerald home near Troy drove. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Wibrhay wore Sunday callers near Cherry. Miss Grace Monroe is Bpending a tew days at Attain Bchwindtittian.'s. Mr. and Mrs. F, Henry of Arlington were delivering midst the first asking 11.46 pe tomatoes. They Boy land's, Claude Brookt tomatoes of the week, P I mix for Iii also visited in mtr He M le large it Tims. suffering with a. lame back. MiSSeS Irene mill are. Bpending this w Fred H earner of Tuesday visitor at ler home Mrs. KM Weldon mnl 1 lon attended tin.1 races IHI week. .Mrs ueorge Condh spent Txtesday w Mrs. John Bcriba, 1 Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Welssehburg fer in Mllllngton and Mrs. Harry Mills )f Ladd Hllll I. en Si'l'lhn Were Sllllllil.V kljnner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Renrj JKeutzer, Mrs. Henn Lyndenmeyer of Peru .spent severnl daVl with her sons, i'Tiink it 1 1 1 1 .loe Mrs Frank Lyndenmeyer has been j iiptilv siek the past week. j Mrs. Lon HlekOk assisted hy the following ladlee, served al B mission ary tea at tier home Thursday : Mis ses ein Neiii. viola Pottlngerand Mrs. .Mm Brady. Tim proceeds were for the Presbyterian society at Ar lington. Mrs. Rosa O'Brien or Kenwanee ppeut tin- past week at the home of Mrs Win O'Brien. Tiie Bastern Star social held at Win. 8 eft home Inst Tuesday night was a success both socially and fi nancially, Over $7n were taken in Win. Bhrlener of La Balle won the angel food cake The proceeds are to go to the Hew Kastern Star home that is being erected at litis time. The family album presented at the Community hall last Friday night, at Arlington hy the Booster class and the Ever Ready wus very well at tended and all were very Well pleased by tile liniipie enl erta i 11 II) '11 1 . The characters were dressed to rep- 1 resent pictures in an old album, The money taken in at the social will he : used to Imy articles for the tennis ' court that lias heen made for the public around Arlington Those from this vicinity at! the Masons' picnic at Starved Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. (Wllshay mnl Mrs. Ceo. Day. Mrs nah McNally, Mrs Hartshorn Mrs. Wilfred Hartshorn. Mrs. Newcomer, Mrs. Frank Crane family and Mrs. Alice I'ottingei son Alfred. J. A. Potter, tin Rawletffh man, made his usual trip along the county line last week. Chas. Pantenburg has commenced threshing in this vicinity, Lust week he threshed in the vicinity of Cher ry. Mrs. Crotsant ami son"--, .lake and Willie, nf cherry, wore Wednesday visitors .at the home her daughter, Mrs. Win. Konlder. Sylvester Bdwardfl returned to (.add after spending (lie past live weeks at Hie Hfckpk home. James Casey of Pern has boon as- indlng Rock ('has. . Han- and Fred tin d mid In dry when n I pel' a at; I 'Mis I. ainps. Inst Hattii etitng 0)81 li Hpenl Funfsinn s.-ilnr-houia. NOVITA LAXATIVE TONIC TABLETS Aie highly beneficiltl in caes of Conctipation, Dkxincss, Biliousness, Siek Headaches', and Disordered Stomach resulting from torpidity of the fiver. They Bet gently on the newels without grfpitigi arousing the liver In ,i healthy action, producing a mild huI positive and stimulating effect, securing :' perfeci evacuationi removing catarrhal anil poisonous secretions from the -.t'unai h anil iHttstlnal trait atld leave no hail effect Upon the system. Having ex pended its remedial powers upon the VarfOUl functions of (he diifrslive organs it leaves behind it no trace of irritation Its action upon the constipated bowels is gentle and natural as well as thorough) while a disordered ami bilious subject is made iet; It insures the escape of bile from the blood, and therein' purifying the vital Fluid, and also Increasing Its aiitrifying qualities. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST I oi tin- genuine paCkhtf? ( Price, "ifli -i hearing above trade-mark ni wrm- to The Novii Co. , .1hW. Randolph St.. Chicago. ItttSsis. i OTECO Milk for your Children WHITE'S TIRE SHOP 602 LA SALLE ST. Quality Is the Cheapest Thing on the Market. It Is the Vjt w Basis of All Economy. If you could person ally inspect dairies and bottling plants and the; whole intricate service you would agree that the only kind you can afford to is Tri City Pasteurized Milk Tri-City Dairy Co. Phone 704 W. Main St. m Central States Exposition Aurora, Illinois, August 18th to 26th Inclusive Racing, Agriculture Show, Live Stock Show Bigge:,i ihinf? of its kind in this part of the State Vaudeville Shows and all kinds of Amusements Electric All The Way Low Round Trip Ticket Fare From All Stations (tT) "J Round trip Ticket Fare (fJ J"7 PsC., O I From Ottawa, 111. $L. J I Via Jolict, anrl Aurora, Plainfield & Joliet Electric Half far:- to children between live and twelve ysn -i of a?e For further inlormation phone agents Chicago, Ottawa & Peoria Railway Co. CHean Often Pleasant 15c 35 30c 35c 60'T S?ved! Work Guaranteed! SCISSORS AND SHEARS SHARPENED Double Ed(je Safety Blades Sharpened, per doi:cn Single Edge Safety Blades Sharpened, per don Raiois honed and stropped each Service Stations: E. S. Woolbert 214 Madison St S. S. Pearsons Sons 223 W. Madison Stree Refior Hdw. Co 117 W. Main St Jordan Hdw. Co 119 W. Main St Ail Ottawa Drug Store. Marseilles: C. R Trowbridge, Drugs. Bianchsrd Pharmacy. Seneca. Ellis A Rooney. Hardware. Ottawa Tool Edging Co.. Not tnc. W. J. Klncheloe C Waldenburg SOc Chlo-E-Dixo Tool 1 1 Special Two lor SOc Wheeler & Ulalo E. LAUS & SONS GOOD SHOES Since 1805 57 Years At Your Service listing a. J, vvikiIi ii deliver Ms grain! in Cherry ttie litint. week, Dr. and Mrs. Pottlnger and family autoad to Piano PiWay, Prank Blllesbac-h and Ployd Pan tenburg returned borne trom Detroit,! where they ilroTe bonis; Home naw Dodge cart. tin' ol these belongs Co Prank, Mr, iiml Mi h. V T. H'Mll' mnl I Mrs Treat and daughter of La Balls spent Wednesday nlghl al tbe Pot- I inner bDttye. I Mr. and Mrs. Brown Munro attend ni the Mason picnic al Btarved lahti fhursda; . Miss .Mire Pottlnger returned trom I ;i few days' stuy with trtands in Whttaton. Mr. mnl Mrs. Clattd Btoofcer ware Bpectaton tit the Mendota races last wtfbk. Mr. mnl Mis. ,ioc syiiii'ck were rt cent ftsttors at the people's imsiiit.-ii wheM they trlstted Albert Bymeck. Ueorge Lamps returned borne Iran Hpending :i tew days at the Henry Pa tera horns, Mr. and Mrs. Albert BchWab ware Bunduy callers at Herman Lamp's home. Mrs. QeoCfta Wiitts returned to liocktord after apendlug h tew days with relatives and friends In iimt vlclnlt) . Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hlckok entertain-1 ed over Bfty ot their friends at aj birthday party in honor ol their iobJ Ogden. Bernbtce rthrtnett returned to Lai Salle after spending several days at the Mahar home, t. ,t. Mahar and daughter Isabella ! attended the Mendots races. Mrs. Plsher anil niece. Miss Rellly, have returned to Lt Porte, la., after a several weeks' stays at the Shea home. Tiip niaiiv Dtirvrsick friends of Mr. inn! Mrs. Walter Bpanswicb will ex tend sympathy to th m in thin their sail hiwr or bereavemwnt in the loss ot their only son Qeorge, who paaseil very sudiii'iiiy t tbelr time Itockford. He was Hkk onh days with fin abcess under his bone, Mr, and Mrs. Kpsns iii." Ki attces Wattsl resided for many years in Dlmraick, ttavlng lived on the Watts and Hale fiirins. Their ion was borti sixteen yenrs ago when they lived on the Bala farm. au .1 v near a few collar S It K The Modern Mother faces problems beyond those of her forbears, she herself mull Be a much more competent person, com bluing In one Individual the duties of nurse, cook, teacKer and ntoral In struetor it is no wonder that many t'onsclenttoua women break under th strain, and thai others ilrai; out t miserable existence; always tired, and et unable to take a day's Vaca tion.. Such women will f)nd thfin selves beueflted and their burdens made easier bj the use of Lydla B. Plnkham'S Vegetable Coaspoand, wbioh mis m.iiie fat stiiii-ritiK Kont ell, Hllll does not fall to relieve llletll. CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble -SOLD EVERYWHERE- STARVED ROCK State Park 40c Round Trip Ticket Fare SiiiiiIhjs Wednesdays Thiirsilnys Sundays and Holidays for all trains) also on Wednes. day tor ttstrj on trail! seheditled out of Ottawa at : ." and 7::.:.; also on nil trains, 10::itl A. K. to H::U V. M., Thurs daj s. DANCING BOATING BATHING RctlirfrlTtg car litnes at llllW I'. M. jast after tbe dance is over iMione Ajrents CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RY. 1 Public Sale OF BUILDINGS 1 vr NO'I K'L' IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the vv-ill. on Monday, August 14th. 1922, at the hour of two o'clock ). m. of said clay, otter ( sale the dwelimg houses and buildings located on lots 6, 7. 8 and 9 in block I in Nor ris' Addition lo the City of Ottawa Said sales will be held at th dwelling houses located on said lots respec tivi l . terms of ?ale. 10 per cent of the pur chase pripft, cash in hand on day of sale; balance thereof be fore removal of buittHrlgi fron premises as hereinafter set forth. Buildings will be sold subject to the lights of the respec tive tenants now therein until statutory notice can be given for possession; purchasers to remove said buildings from premises as soon as vacated. these buildings are those recently purchased by the un dersigned from the estate of the late M. N. Armstrong and are located on Madison. I .eland and Main streets. City of Ot tawa, f or furthei particulars apply to Elmer E. Roberts, secretary of the undersigned. ! 1 ited this 3rd da of August. A. D. 1922. Board of Education, Dist. 141-33-3. Saturday Only CANE GRANULATED SUGAR 5 Pounds For 38c 5 POUNDS TO A CUSTOMER SWIFT'S PRIDE SOAP 5 Bars For 2 1 c