Newspaper Page Text
FRiOAVi AUGUST 4, I8IJ. THE OTTAW A FRlifc Tit A DKB-JOUUN AL. PAGE SEVEN. GRAND RAPIDS Mr " Kni Bturtalhwl a num. her of youna, pepple al n dinner mfif party VWiiiuv-ui.iv In tumor or h niece, .Miss Edna Kuhtl, who win ui' thai n) 16 vents old A thn e-couriin dinQsj i m "I'itii ;ii noon, cover in inn lit ill tor liftmen yueeta Mrs 0, ! Kuiin. 1 1 . guaai o honor"! mother, helped lira Ifuhn, aiit dinner rh ij m oi 1 Jusl o(B nul for u foj ride, ami in Miiur manner found tftnuiaalvi , . t MeKintty I'uik This ,ih tiir real mrprixe rr aftia Kdun, for here were (went) frlenda watting to Iter, Daw lug ami ejgmea were enjoyed until im in ike afternoon when a two-course lone-he n wfcs served. There eru fuui uinili tables with f-i.i "iii-HtH 01 I .ll'll ((hie I . I ol'.lMl.nM foi both the lurch, mi aVnA liriin r were pink ainl 1 white own to I iv,. blrthluy rtjfcfs. Mi : Kuhn waej tfce reclpteht of man) pretty tittle ejjts, Tin dinner must-! wart fflasea I u ell a and Mnrggiet Ragle Mili;,i and Bather MeCVmlch, I jUatna I'rr-t.n I mi CdtdjM, iiessi.' i rial Katie Kuln from near A ' . r n 1 1 I leu. Aiillionv mi. I Flnley Ki'hn an I Mra parson ..-id dauvitp r (vlfelne, all in. in (Mtiwa. n i i Mra, o. K, Kbhn a,nd ion Claranee fend daughter Mary Kargar I iv John cieim la entertaining her father, Mr Hoffman, from Kankak?e in . pita wedg, flu' Gel Togt fher dub and the Key- atotftn cdaaa of tin- M. IS. church held ! u farewell party In tin form of a moon light nlcnle ut McKinley Park Friday1 evanlu. Th'" affair was m 1 1 1 for Mr anil Mia. F A llrailli v, who will j move to t'owiac in tin- near future. Etlfty-flve Were prdaent. Tin'v were members at the Hun, tbir husband' .nul familial) ami members of the Bun day school claas. Ice cream and ckk w. M anted, Mlapee fflorence ctt. Kth-i Oourley i' Oornell ami Mill on ami Harold Os borne of sin itrtr attended th'' Mi kpaie picnic at Starved Rock Thura day afternoon ami evenjne;. MImh Edna ll.wiif spent the week and with h r couhIii Mis Ella Bev- Ington, boar Maraalllea, Thosi who Oaefeted Mr eonk for th)reBhi r aal JS, P. Wakey and daugh' Krirlc of Farm Rjdgr i ; broeder and daushtet nlin Qlolnt were Mrs. Miaa Ada Intra, Dena athrino of I :itn a l or i's. Peter Bchlaireter called on hr (Inughler, Mts Loula Dulian, MoneTa) iiss Ollvo Lota of Burlington, Iowa, nux a raconl must of her brother, Rimer Lota, an I u ItB. Mr. and Mra Thotnaa Knlin and family and Mr and ills. K 1!. Kill". ami daughter Nellie were Sunday via iiors at the I'rank Myera home, hear Kinimnh li ESva Peterson and brothers of Ottawa acc visiting th"ir father, Rufus Peferaon, this Week. Mr-. Kail Wakey entertained at din mi Friday Mrs Karl England ami datuAter wiva. Mra. Reek and daugh ler of Aurora and Kfaaea Cora and tittii1 Seheerer of Qrand Ridge. MUn Bthal Otturley of Cornell spent ihf week end at the HeMfJt f)tf home, i itile Jean Johason of Marielllee was a guast thwo. it being the home tit her grandparent. Mrs. JuJla Dlttman home of n r daukhtei Visited at MM Loeffli the ' l;H t)ttnwa, last wek. Air. and Mrs. John Qletm and s Doimer and Mr Hoffman of Kan. Honest Weight BUEHLER BROS r Quality No One To Blame But Yourself If you only get 12 or 14 ounces to the pound if you hade where they do business that way. We are glad to say our motto is 16 ounces to the pound and it always will be. Every man employed by Buehler Bros, are instructed by Buehler's to give 16 ounces to the pound and sell goods only as advertised. Here we have many bargains for Saturday sale. Our Veal, Beef, Pork, and Mutton cannot be beat for quality, the price is so low that surely you cannot afford to pass up this if you want to save money. ana sale First August Sale Saturday, the 5th Hamburger Fresh made, th 10c Sirloin Steak Cut from youny steer heel, lb 14c Pet Roast Young, tender. lbs. for this sale, 500 5c lb Rib Roast f youiig beef, lb. . . 12k Genuine Round Steak Cut from fancy beef, fb 14c Boiling Beef Plate, lb 5c DOINGS OF THE pH.VJILBUR ! I THlKlK ITTS , A r kee called at Hi K. c. Wukay home Sunday eveuthg. mIsm Mary McCormlck of Ottatwa la Vltltln at the I'M MiCormieU lnnne, .Mrs Hi. 'its ami on Itolii'i't am! daughter toith of Chicago. Mrs. Her Pert Bunjdy ond son Dan, Mftater Me, lln Carter, Mrs. .lumt:. Cunltflte and daughter Ruth, and Mrs. Tnorton ; Bowen and son. all of Btreator. wero i Friday guecta at the Harry Mann-' hptne, i Mrs. iioss Wakey is entertaining a friend, Miss Lxta Hall of Sheridan, th's week. She came Prtday ami wont io tli! Walter Hayward home Wednes day tn spend a ft v days. Miss Molly MoCormlck and guest, j Miss Mary McCorthiCk, assisted th"; J, Nagle lades cook tor th.reshera i Tuesday. Mrs. I I'-na Rchrooder and daugbtet Catherine am! VJISH Dorothy liudi-r. all of Striator; Mrs. Rosa Wakey and ui'st, Miss i oia. Hall of Sheridan, were visitor at the K. P. Wakey home Monday . Mrs. Karl Wakey entertained IheJ Wcinien's Porejayi Missionary Society 1 of (he M. F. church Tm adgy afternoon. ' Because of the busy season not a verv i Itidke Your Own: lal P. D. Q. Yon !lfl oa dly ::i W:S at homo n full quarcetf m atronjfesl bfilfU!Hh for 35c. enough t kill i million bedbugSi roaches, flcu .m.l a n i. This recipe will u it burn, rol Qr stain i lothlog, and is entirely cflfferUUt from any Oth if formula wc L:.jv of, OS tliiH will kill the ejjs. Fro. mu ,.f yuui' ill ugif ist a Kc pSagSffvaf Ipukl Rurili Quitul f l q.'thaii you will O I li CtkMiiCAl erpa-fly t.l rM HtttSU. Koutitttlu a., 1 liMreitina oi .iy uMtssssd ctttbl i.ivvi ', l.iiilu-il'l fur fie iiHky dovilt to tuiai. with tll r.. ':l UM ( f . W ...1 t' . aiiM t' " - mskta rivo ualLam P. D u n bS parctMted .a iMlvd u.ui, JuLU, iuiuiU fwriu. COItBUS DRUG STORE "- -i- .'iUS- t irfTfc,.- - "r : , I MARKFTS EVERYWHERE Low Prices Corned Beef Sugar Cured, lb 5c Veal Chops Fancy Ribs, lb 12k Veal Roast Breast, lb 6c Pork Roast Shoulder cuts, lb 10c Pork Butts I nnej lb . lean. 16c Golmar Butterine Nones better, lb 16c DUFFS f Aw- IT'S A3 WARM ( AS MUSH' VOU'Vr AVNHIUE IM A LITTLE CLASSIFIED j iarge ihiiiiIki' erese pros eat. Mier one regjii us i r business meeting a social hoar njoyod, after which the hostdsa Served a sumptuous iepaat. How New Verkera Usa "i "eltpbona There are tlmn l,5()ii,00ti itlo phone calls ii tlii In Vork city; KEEPING WU.I. An tfi Tabid (a vceatabl eetlent ) t.kin at nifht will hflp keep you well, by toning and strenctheninc your di Chips off the Old Block Nf JUNIORS- LUlIu Otie-itiird iftfttlar I'utu, M.iJc of thti ajfiiw IngrftttlCDtA, thctl i iniy Ci tiled hut . L.ildf oi True Advertising Service Rendered Lard Our best, Ilk Boiled Ham Sliced, lb 30c Smoked Butts F ancy, lb 18c Frankfurts Fresh made, t lb lie Link Sausage 1 rcah made, jftl lb la2C Round Steak Shoulder Round, lb. . . Ill iC .na oauiu, Wilbur Makes IT IS MICE UTTfil VCft.BUTVOU BFEM IN ; DON'T WANT Tt 6TAV IM TOO lokg! The Free LOST. lost A diamond lavalllere, possibly at StgCVgd Hock, Th'irsday; valued as a keepsake, Finder please address Bog rui. Mendota, in. Liberal re- I wanl for return. WANTED. WOMEN AGENTS Turn spare time into money hy selling BHOLL'S waterproof speftas, specialties; big proflta, SHOLL RUBBBH I'UOlKTTS, -7es North Western Ave., ChtcaKO - j WANTED Mlddle-e woman with child j general housework. woman preferred, to do 'hulie I'tiea 107. WANTED house, in lights and i 1069-K. TO REJJT live room good condition; electcw ity water preferred. Call 1 WAN! Washings to do at niv I.AKA SEVICK, north of home. i Qolf elul WANTED An established Institution, located hi financial Chicuco. wislie I ii local r prescnlatlve to a itsl I in establishing i liable eltizetift; ;;ary; unlimited clientele of good, re i Xpel'ielK e ,ot lie market; rood stand ord and saleable; work requlroa per Bonal aolicitation ; references rH.pii' ed; only men of character and in1'!.! live need nindy; (soiapnsty ion slrietly commission basis, Jlh liberal draw ing account to begmners; If sucoegs- a loniiection may ttad wi mi ex nt salary. Km- detailed informs- addret MR. MARTIN, S3d Trl- RuildlriK, ChcaEQ HI. REAL ESTATE. 'OH BALE 7 room buugalo nito larse front puren, not wbtor heat, flue balk room, largo burn; two lota, 14,600.00; an U room modern hou, Willi i'iunri-,1 uuo parlor, lu ' cuter Ot tawa; largd lot, $tS,00O.IIU. JUtsa Uar truda Harris. FOI! SALS Small trapta of land, 2 to 4 aires, convenient to Ottawa; fair ! prices. W. II. PUSEY, Central Lire I Bldg., Ottawa, 111. FOR SALE A five-room country home, over one acre, with garden, fruit, beautiful lawn ami tine shade trees, chicken house, etc.; os a hard road, one mile from Ottawa; low price and easy terms. Y. D 1'1'SIOY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa. FOR SALE Three practically new. modern houses, ranging from $5,200 to $7.00(1, West and Sonlh Ottawa. Also several small country places close to town. V. 1!. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ! Sealed bids will be receivPd for the! construction of the pavement of parts of Joliet street and other streets in I tbe north pari of the City of Ottawa, by the Council ol the City of Ottawa, until the 2th day of August, A. I). 922, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in.. at the city offices in the Central Mfc Building in said City of Oltawa. Pli noiw. at which tune and dace said bids will In1 publically opened. It is estimated that there will he about tlu.' following amounts of work to be dohe and materials to he fur nished : 31.437 en. yd; 43, 40 lln. 'ft. bined curb and ti.l7n lln. fi. complete. "7,3K0 sq. yds da tlon. "i7,3.Si sq, yds ."7,38n aq. yd tuent. .".7,3811 aq. yd Said Injproi ol excavation. iement concrete coni (utter complete. :enient eoncn te curb cement com retc fouu- sand for cushion. . vitrified brick pava of asphalt tiller, men! ajhall be con- Btrycted ami the ordianci made in accordance itii providing for the aaona mil the mans, olats, plans ami spccin cations fur the ,anie on lile in tho el lice of the City Clerk. Proposals in isl lie made on blank") furnished l.y aid Council anil in Com- pi fa UCe with the instructions thereto! attached, which can he had on appll ration to tic Cit Clerk, and must be accompanied i v cash or by check pay able to the ordei ol lb" Mayor, in hi olt'u ial capacity, certiflfd hy a re sponsible bauK for an amount of not less than ten pel celil tin',) of the 'ggregate of Pe proposal. The contract., i shall be paid In bond" I.e. ui, : tie tale of alx per ei I ( 0' . ) per annum. No bid iii i" received unleaavtho party offerinp "II furnish evidence that he ha lie in aaary laciliti. ability and pocunisry rescurces to fu' 1 rF rv. a Bold Start r COME ON, DOR 1 6 I'M GETTlffe A CHllL.J VOU'VB HAD ENouijM! 1 Trader-Journal's ADVERTISING AUTO SUPPLIES Automobile Owner You will get 20 to 40 per cent mors miles per gallon by using Superior Gasoline Vaporisers. Price J1.60. Free trial. Proving is convincing. Postal brings information and cuts. Sta.e make and model. L. L MONTGOMKTtY, 1916 Banks Ave., Superior, Wte.. Manufacturer and Distributor. 'Sanders Auto Parts Co Parts lor all cars. EtUS'CiN, MASON. HYDRO70RDN Tires and lubes. J9 yfest Main St. i'hone 'O'.l. KAYNE. THE IIAKNKSS AND TI.E MAN, will bay your hides and wool, j Special low piii es on Ity nets, tiiinks ! and Miitrasi g. I i ni! SALE A good Dodgt in EOQd condition, at very j fnqulra al this unlce or call road ter, low price, 179-X. HOUSEb l''olt SALE A tine, golptj, prosperous baking business i . offered for aalo at laas than its value-, jui t tin- thine for a youtUj baker or two younK men, or married man witb a family. T. B. PARRf.f.l., Tel. BlS W. College Qld. FoR sai.F one i,r the finest n. w resldi iiccs, wlLal( spacious land 'aped ( rounds, in llils part of Illinois, absolute) modem and up to dale; tit: me at once ir interested, W. B. PUSEY, Central Life llldg. FOR SALE 4 have several line, old fashioned, btautiful large home for rale; beautiful locations; rldicu lously low price:.; youth is prunu to tie a caii to graudfathpr's plans under the asaumptioq or in ing "modern " Sell you the result of the old genii, men's efforts. Interested? T. I!. FA It UK 1. 1., Tel. G484V. College lildg. FOR SALE C room, pebble dash cot tage, Went Ottawa; bathroom, fur naco, hardwood floors; very large laundry; less than half cash. And 6 room cottage; hardwood Booa; laundry; $4,000. MISS GKRTRCDE 1URB1S FOR SACK Two line building lots 'n Fast Ottawa; on Chapel St., corner of Orleans, facing Fox river; on cor ner north of Joe Pearson's and Itch Smith's; cement walks all around; no one can ever build north or west' (1,400 each, and a snap. Ka."t Ot tawa, lots are getting scarcer an! higher. T. I!. FAR RE 1. 1,. Tel. 04K-Y. College Bldg. FOR SALE 80 acres; 2.r minutes' drive of Ottawa; all under cultiva tion; 00 down, f 1,000 Jan. 1, 1943, $6,000 Jan. 1, 1024, balance ten years, at a per cent. W. B. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa. BL FOR SALE Two line bunding lota op Congress St., just east ol Andy or bits' home; each; $l.; for one, iL'.tino for two; the owner his moved away from Ottawa. There is no liner building lot in Ottawa. ! don't cheat on it. want you to buy bccause.if 1s I want to lind h. mimic tu build 'P. B. V ARRELL, College T. l. 648-W. lib MISCELLANEOUS. MAKE FXTiRiA MONEY evenings; al. aO lately reliaUle; s. lid t(VQ dim, '; for samples and iuiorniation. MA- RIONKTTK CO.. New Vork City. 166 West lsth S' 'ill the conditions of the contract ami exi cut. the work, should the contract be awarded to him Holders will examine the ordlnanci maps, plats, plan . ipeclflcattona and also the locality in which said work is to b done and jndce for them ehe; all of the condition, ami circiiui staiici i aUe ting the co .t and nature ut the work. The Council reserves the right to re je.t any ami all bids, as authorlz-d by law Dated at Ottawa, Dlinola, this i-,t day of Angu t. A. D 1982. G EUROS V. B WEEK:! Mayor of the Itj of Ottawa. Illinois W. W i BR VIS, City Clerk ot the City of Ottawa, Illinois. COME I TEl.L . -.1. ;. .V-;-t FOR 8ALE 1 MISCELLANEOUS BABY CHICKS America's greatest farm breeds; White Leghorns, It, 1. Rrtds, Barred Plymouth Rocks; bis, husky chicks that live and grow; -write for April. May and June (lellveiy. TWIN ACRK POULTRY FARM, Sher idan. 111. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Sevon-room bouse; new Iv decorated; moderate rent; 71. Kast Superior St. .'. O. MAURIS & SON, l-'J Weal Main St. Plume 'J.V-W. FOR RENT Modern r'oms; centrally located. Phone K. HOU6E8 FOR SALK Large 7 room Iioubo, In good location; newly decorated; bathroom; el(ctrlc lights; 3,600, ti room house, West Ottawa; toUel, gas; I1.8W. Miss dERTRUDB HARRIS. FOR SALE Three houses owned l.y estate Of Tlllle Clans. en, diseased, will be BOldj one, No. U (Irldley place, fi.iitHI; one corner lackBOO and ( .m il Bui., 13,800; one at 614 Second Ave, $2,&H0. T. P.. FAHRFI.R. Tel 84W, ( ollcy-' Bldi' FOR SALE H lonm house, ( enter Ut tawa; hardwood Boors tliroughout, "& tin places; very larfa bathroom; fur nace; ti,o0O, one hair cash. MISS Q-ERT EtUDE HARRIS. cor sark a beaytlful location foi a residence on ninal! farm, betweeii BS and 80 aires, ouo mile from Otta wa, on tin, aoenlfl highway and com prising ttie advantages of coal, Band, gravel, timber anu uino land to cul tlvate. Apply to W I). PUSEY, Central Life Bhlg., Ottawa. 111. room FINE HOME FOR SALfcJ bouse, bath, pantry, etc. Modern ronvuuluncea. In good condition. Hot water heating. Hargalns for (nick sale. Call 678-L. FOR HALE -7 room Uouho, batb room furnace, lauudry, bsni and garage, In first class condition, 5, 660. Also, 7 room, two atery housa. I furnace, batb, very large lot, $4,500. S room kouBe, hot water heat, all naru wood floor, laundry, barn, $7,200. All In South Ottawa. Have many wore. bargains tkan tfceae. Mr.'s Oar trurlo Harris FOR SALE New .irlck 6 room bunga low, modern. In first class condl tlon. $,300; also 6 room house fur- fiace, bath, gas. laundry, 3,M)0; and , t room house, oak and enamel wood- work, hardwood floors, very large front porch, newly painted and dec j orated. $6,000; all In West Ottawa. illss Gertrude Harris FOR INVESTMENT Many of to customers tool.; pleasure on Julv 16th Iii clipping their Interest coupons from the Davis-Steiner Co.'s tirs mortgage notes I sold them; and tine security and long term loans are not easily obtained. 1 have a fe.v I left, i recommend tuem as good; aoqd lor jui'. T. B. PARR ELL, T. l. Cis-W. College Bldg. FOR SALE 7 room cottage, bath, gas. electric lights, $2,800; also i room cottage, hardwood floors, fur nace, bath. gas. tawdry, $5, Out); And 7 room house, hot water heat, coal used in 1920 for heating an dcooking cost $58 00; bath, fine electric tlx tures, gas, laundry, larne barn; will he sold a a bargain. All In East Ot tawa. Miss Qertruda Harris. FOR SALE Strictly modern 7 room residence and one large barn. 75, foot lot front. Abundaaea of fruit q! all kinda. Good location. Will sell for caBb. Phone Black 174, Mar nellies. FOR SALE 7 room dwelling, Soalti j Oltawa; Ure lot; floors, I flreplaca, bathroom, furnace, laundry , lla Drat claaa coadltloai a;so s room dwelling, bathroom, r ji I water heat, buiitwuod Ooors, laumii), .arago lb. places. If sold Immedlalcly, chu bo .light for $I.UU0 les than a rear aga miss UKHTKUUki hakkis Excellent Advice The best BdVicf halidnl out in ..ti;' time "So live that t.ii Wos ask t.. haw It kept ..ut of th patatag BlidjjtpCIX Post. BY ALLMAN ON IM NOW VOU- I'M Professional Cards THERON L. VENA U Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTORS. Palmer BcOool Gradnatea Ottawa. Ill Office Phone 1008. Res. Phon 1110 F Hours: 10-12. 2-5. 7-1. Room 212-U Central Lit ttnlldinfc Or. C. A. Blean chiropr'actofi Honrs: 0-12 a. m., 1-4 p. m. Licensed by Illinois State Board Ol Health Room L'I I F! Muloney Building Geo. A. Crowden Real Estate Ojlbway Lots. Farm Bargains 304-305 Armory Block Ottawa. III. CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY OTTAWA, ILL. FfttcU e May 7, !?;. r A'VI BOUND. Rastbouod cars leave Ottawa sta tion ror M.n-.eiiics, Seneca, Morris, Mlnooka, ReckHtale and Joliet, 111 , In i in .i K5 nn, b."..r.n. b in; .'if). 1,7: 68. 1)9: hi I :.'.!:. In lc in.: bl-r.O. b h 2 : Di,. b.'l: hi,, b-b4:66, bB:65, 07:66, bl6:00, WF STBOUND. Westbound oars leave Ottawa sta tion for Dtlca, I, a Sails Peru, liprjnf VaROy, l .add, PePue, Bureau, Prince 'on m a. m.: c6:65, g f7:lo, d:l.o, e9;&B, h-dl();6t, ell: SB. In p. m.: tV.U. d2:65, c-13:5B, c-u:2fi, d4;i6, 6:fc5, j d hG: 56. c7:5B, dl0:00. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound ears leave Ottawa sta tion for Grand Ridge. McKlnlev Park and 9: Of B.Bi a Btreator in a. m -. c:&c 7:66, 2:66, 11:65. In p. 8:00, 11:00. Morris. in 1:66, b Juliet, c Prince tea. d Ladd. fLa ffJte. g--L)aUy except days. h Sundays and Sundays aM hoii- bolldays only. k -Daily except Saturdays, Sunday and holidays. I- Daily except Saturday, m Saturday only. Saturday s Sundays and holldaya I oiiiy ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SAV1S MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM 6:48 A. M. TO 11:35 F. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO. Via Joliet, III., and Chicago & Joliet Electric Railway. Round Trip $3.00 One Way $1.85 1 (Return trip limited to tea days.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICE. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CARS AT LOW RATES. RAIL AND WATER EXCURSION. (Daily Including Sundays.) TO Peoria, Chlllicothe, Henry. 1 Effective June 12, 112. via Peru, Illinois arid l.u Halle and I Peoria Packet lines. i Round Trip $2.25 One Way $1.25 Stop off at Started Rock Slate Park permitted. Boat haves Peru, 111. southbound, 2:3(1 p. m : Peoria, northbound, 7:30 a m. weekday : x 3fl a. m. Suudam. The Free Tratler AND TAIR DEALTR. 1 1 ti Wet Mam Street. FREE T8AMI Publisher. NEW YORK REPRFSKNTATIVFs' S. C. Tkeia i aiiNiny, 868 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO RK PRESENT ATI VES, j S, i Theis t ompatay, sut atonadnoaji Block. ttlNNRAPOUS REPRESENTATIVE. Theis Company, 70S Lincoln Bid. The Free Tradei -Join maj oBi found al the new a depots of Chester .'. :.ta. Kneussl Brotgara aaa piii Cijtar Stcre.