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1FREE TR ADfe R JOURNAL OTTAWA FREE TRADER Established 1840 WITHER Probable showers and hunder storms tonight. .a. !(.,' OTTAWA JOURNAL i Established 1880. J AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER ' . 0 VOLUME ;--N. 832 OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, W KPN USD AY AlKiL'ST 30, 1028, I O'CLOCK EDITION, PRICE TWO CENTS JAP BATTLESHIP SUNK: 300 LIVES LOST TWO INJURED CRASH UN CARS COLLIDE HEAD ON BOTH BEING BADLY WRECKED TAKEN 10 HOSPITAL OTTAWA AUTOMOBILES FIGURE IN SERIOUS COLLISION SOUTH WEST OF UTICA WOMAN THROWN THRU WIND SHIELD. Two nutos win- almost totally wrei ked at 1 o'clock last nlghi OH the concrete road, west of the I'tlca highway, ami A. II. Williams, proprietor of the (Jolted Boot Bbop, ! Ill tills a 1 1 '. ,'llld Ills Will' Were HOIII seriously f n j u r-i in a bead on oollts- loll of u Ford 0OUP6 belonging to tin' Firestone Tire Co., and Mr. Williams'; Stevens touring car. Mr Williams had an artery In tin Mill' of IliM la.v (ill, twelve SltCllcV being taken to close the ahralson In I Ills face an, I head caused by I broken wind shield. Mrs. Williams thrown to the concrete pavement thru the wind shield, and was badiy cut ou the head and leg. Pour stitches were needed to close the scalp wound. Junior Williams, the Hire year old son of the couple, was asleep In the hack neat and escaped un- injured. In the Firestone car. ('. H. Har- Uaorge fcjeyerson, a constable, stepped, grove, the manager of the solid tire oBto the running board and told Fltz .1. partinent for this district. and gerald ha had legal papers to serve on. '.' Dunn, both of this city, were him. At this time he said, liosselman riding The auto la said to hare turn stepped up to the car and told Sever ed over on its side and totally wreck- ' to Mad the papers, ed. EXMib men escape,, with only a Backed Away From Tram. t,-w minor bruises and cuts. Fitsgerald toM Bosselman and Sev- Mr. and Mrs. Williams and their1?" B", "n "," cr Sl' "p fnlld . . i i i , i : . back away from an approaching train. baby were pfcked up by passing an- m , to at. and taken to the Peoples hos- Bosselman, the complainant; pitaJ in Pert, Mis. Williams was g drew a revolver from his pock unconscious for a time and wlK be , .,,, ho, u( Mn. e toad to the hospital tor several fratM the right hand aide of the hood days. Her husband was able to on , car Fitzgerald produced the leave this morning. 'bullet, his wife savs she found in the The Williams auto was left stand- of tne car morning .,, turn. lug by the side of the road during the ,,,) jt ov,,r fn attorney Kelly, night. While it was left there, rob- Fitzgerald then said he called Sher bet's stripped the auto of every ac- jff Avers to arrest Bosselman. cessory, which added to the damage , Under cross-examination when ask-' received in the smash up and left tin pd If he believed Hosseltnan tried to! car practically worthless. ! Vc f I ! him he said he was confident Mrs. Williams, who was in the Boaaelman shot to kill. He also stated' front seat, was hurled through the that he could see what looked to be a wind shield, received many bad cuts Run in Bosselman's righi hand side and severe bruises. Mr. i Williams pockel when liosselman got onto the' remained In an uptight position, alt-1 machine, ting behind the Wheel, hut was CUt Son Takes Stand. by tbu wind shield. He jumped from the car and ran to his wife's assist ance, finding her unconscious in the road. The men in the other car wero practically uninjured. A number of passing motorists stop ped to render aid to the couple, EV erett Frahor ami Eugene Brown plac ed them in their auto, and rushed them into Peru, to the People's hos pital, where Dr. L. Ii. Rldelston was called to attend them. Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been living during the summer at the Starved Rock state park, and were en route home after spending the evening in La Salle, with friends. The thieves who stripped the auto, also got an expensive fall hat be longing to Mrs. Williams, which was left in the back of the car. A mil liner had ordered the hat sent from New York City, for .Mrs. Williams and delivered It late yesterday. The two cars were stopped some distance apart, and were both thrown up against an embankment at, thOi side of tho road The t'onde wrecker from Ottawa' was sent out for the Firestone car. and the Williams auto was towed into the ITtica garage for repairs. i Sedan and Truck Meet. A Ford sedan belonging to Krv George P. Flu;; of Wenona and a truck 1 belonging to the Public Service com pany of this city figured in a collision on the hard road east of town about tJ o'clock last evening. BOtfa W( re trav eling slowly and did not correctly i sti- 1 m Me tin distance between them.; fcfaich rcauHed In the two coming to gether. None of the occupants of the! truck nor the oar were injured. Th" front axle of the Ford was badly bent but no damage was done to the truck. ' HERRIN RIOTERS TO TESTIFY FOR STATE Marion. Jib Aug. 30. Attorney Co n eral Bruoage thi afternoon stated h hi lleved a lnitnhfv of persons to he in dieted by the special grand jury inves tlfatini" the ll arin mine aaasaacn would tum -tat v evidence. Mr fious could be obtained. IN AUTO PAVED ROAD UTICA SHOOTING IS CONTINUED AFTER EVIDENCE IS HEARD TRIANGLE CASE. IN WHICH EX AND PRESENT HUSBANDS PLAYED PROMINENT PART. UP FOR TRIAL BEFORE JUSTICE KOENIG. The trial of Walter (!. liosselman, BX- mayor, of 1 ilea, charged with assault and attempt to kill Howard tiger Bid, ol Utlca, on the afternoon of the Mth at ahoiit 4:10, was commenced 'Yesterday afternoon in the court of I Judge Koenlg. O. w. Hoberg attor ney for liosselman while Stale's Attor nej Ham Kelly prosecuted the case ami was continued until next Saturday morning. Fitzgerald is the present hus band of Bosselman's former wife. nuwuru i' ii Ki'i a in. me compiaiiu witness, was the lirst to be callei' the stand. He teatlfled that on libv Saturday afternoon he and his stepson. Deltnar Bosselman, (a son of the defen dant), were returning from La Salle about I o'clock Saturday afternoon. They stopped at the poatofflce and Del tnar went In for the mail. Deluier: returned and got in the machine, ai Paige, said to belong to Bosselman. They proceeded up the street towards the railroad and were aboul one bun-: dred feet from the tracks when uetmer liossoimnn n-year-nin son told a story similar to that of Fitzger- aid, only he staled that when his fath er Rot on the machine he thought his intentions were to take him from his mot her anil send him to Sunday school.' Delmer also stated that he could see : bis father was very angry. I George Severson, a painter by trade, wlm was working nearby was next called to the stand. He stated that , on the afternoon of the shooting he .saw Bosselman near the Rock Island station before the shooting then, he said, he saw Fitzgerald coming up the street. He declared he bad been elect-1 ed a constable for thp last two years and had a replevin papers to serve on I Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald. Severson j 'then gOl on the running hoard of the I car to serve the papers when he was about to pull the papers from his pocket Boaaelman came up and said to read the papers. Fitzgerald then said, "get off until I hack out of here,"; as we Rot off Fitzgerald hacked up1 about seventy-live feet when Bossoj. man pulled a Run and fired at the ma- chine Night Policeman Testifies. Chas. Watts, night police of TJtlca, testified he was standing about 150 feet from Dosselman when he heard a shot as he turned he saw llosselman's arm pointing at an angle of 45 degret s hut could see no gun. Sheriff Avers wns the last witness called and stated that Walter Hossel man was made a special deputy at his own request the day before the shoot ing. Judge Koenig then continued the trial until Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Claim Anti-Divorce Pact. From sources close to the liossel man Fitzgerald tangle it is claimed that the machine for which replevin writs were issued, was Dossel man's property and continued in the present Mrs. Fitzgerald's possession under an agreement arranged prior to her di vorce from the special deputy sheriff. which provided that she have all th" personal effects in their home until such time as she remarried. Ilossel- nian alleging that her marriage to Fitzgerald forfeited to him the auto mobile and whatever other property he desired, claimed the machine and ordered writs of replevin for its re turn. In reciting his troubles to the au- thoi ities Bosst-liiian lusted he did THE TOMORROW IRKS CLOSE OF THURSDAY P. M. HALF HOLIDAYS ALL STORES AND BUSINESS HOUSES WILL OBSERVE LABOR DAY AND ARE TO CLOSE ONE AFTERNOON OF FAIR. Th business houses of I, a Sallo county, will observe their hist Thurs day half holiday of the 1922 season tomorrow-. (During the summer months, all Hie business houses in the county have locked their doors each Thursday afternoon promptly at 12 o'clock. After tomorrow, the stores remain open throughout the entire week. The all day closing on next Mon day, for a Labor Day holiday, will be observed throughout the county. Ar rangements for an all day closing on Labor Day, were made by the committee who arranged the Thurs day afternoon closing schedule lasl May. Ottawa business houses will take a half holiday not enjoyed by the rest of the county on Sept, 18, when they will close at IS o'clock for offi cial Ottawa day at the county fair. Tltls holiday falls on Wednesday, The summer closing program has been held to throughout the entire county, with the exception of a few ice cream parlors, it is said. The weekly half holidays have proven to be a great boon to all who have en oyed them, and the closing program will undoubtedly be repeated again next summer. Many panics, outings, and base ball games have been enjoyed during the summer months that except for the Thursday closing, would bavej had to he -wiped off the recreation j program of the merchants. proles-; tonal men and their employes, who , were aneotea by the closing program.! KIWAiNIS CLUB TO RESUME MEETINGS Meetings of the Kiwanis Club, which JI,;U.J f..- the u.mimor vn. I cation period, will be resumed again'1'' on Thursday. September 7. Members! of the club have been asked to write i or phone the secretary or the Ifeaa- urere of the club stating whether this j meeting shall be an open session for the ladies of the club or shall be for j members only. ' not shoot at Fitzgerald but said he .al- ...1 ha -1 ..11..I1I I.-if 7CT,r:ilfl in.-,, 1,11, wio-ii -' .,,",,,,1 , tt-n k" r--,,., imf from the 1 --- :j 1 h., nnk- "mil- III VllUi ft". i. 01.., ...... j to frighten the man who lias sue eed - ed him in the ail. etions of his former wife. He denied anv intent on hla part to kill 01 even injure his rival. BUSY MAN'S NEWSPAPER FORD RETURNS FROM TRIP TO FLORIDA chief Ben Pord Has returned to Ot tawu after spending a few weeks In Miami Fla.. where he attempted to ob tain tin release of viloo Mary Kuk, an alien, from a mix-up shl became in volved in when sin tried to enter this iOUntry with:. 'it propor credentials, ford went there on the pl a of John Kuk. a West Ottnwr storekeeper and a&d brother of tile v oman. While Ford has not as et obtained perrais&lon for the girl to enter the United states, in a lew day.: Miami officials be clear id up lowsd to conn brother. F rd cald i' authorities at math r, ami it KM' release i.i expected us Ford was told b that tlv matter would liortly and the girl al to OttTvWa to lief was hard work to get Miami to consider the is a lucky tiling that it i vi u now on lcr way I country, Miss, back Kuk i to the MEET HERE DURING WEEK OF SEPT. 11 -16 WILL FIX SALARIES FOR INCOM ING OFFICIALS TO BE ELECT ED IN NOVEMBER AND HEAR REPORT ON COUNTY T. B. SANI TARIUM. A report of the recent investigation of the La Salle County TuberculotS Sanitarium which was made by a committee of supervisors. will he given at the September mfe""?M me ooaru. I lie bbbbiuu m '",. on the afternoon of Tuesday. Septem-j her 12. and will be a live day dura-! turn. Among the business scheduled to brought up before the solons will of the salaries and j,,. ,, fixing clerk hire i be elected for tie- county omciaia to at the November election. The salary will be fixed county physician, county and a attorney 1 and town nhvakdans elected. . Th 'lection of n J'"'''- for eiicll ti l 111 entvthree grand of court, and the paration of a jury list and the SUPERVISORS DUE TO selection of petit iurora will be made. sate, who iwoome, r, . , ,, . The reports of the matron of the started on a run to the bank believing detention home, and the superintend- it was being robbed, ent of the count) farm, are also As the three men neared the post scheduled to I,, made at this meet- ofli. e the Robbers w ithin fired at them in thru the windows. Dr. Overfield fell TlM annual appropriations for the with a but in one lung. Cnder cover .,.,.,.. i .. .nri the annrovnl of the pistol lire the bandits rushed of the road and bridge levies will b. made. ei,- 2 Rail Guards Slam. Augusta, fla . Aug. oil. K. M j ., , . 1 -uster and Reedy Booth, we e shot jand killed today while ''iiarding the (Southern Roll. "! hops here. The jassailauts escaped. REPUBLICANS WILL HOLD POW WOW Ai PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE, OFFICE SEEKERS AND MEN PROMINENT IN RANKS OF PAR TY TO ATTEND SHABBONA PARK PICNIC. Precinct, committeemen, candidates for election at the tall primaries and a few staunch members of the Re publican party will gather at Shah bona park tomorrow' afternoon for a big pow wow. while the meeting Will be primarily held lor the purpose of making arrangements for the cam paign preceeding the fall election, a social time and get acquainted meet ing is expected by all thoso who will attend. Every member of the county central committee has been notified to he present and has been informed that, they can invite one friend who is prominent in republican political cir cles. The candidates who carried off the honors at the spring primary have also been notified to be present. The precinct committeemen will hold a business meeting In the after noon, and a big genera! session will be hold for till the guests, when plans ; will be made for putting the republic an nominees across the line at the election on November 7. I At ti o'clock a big meat fry will he held, and a supper, consisting of beef I steak and all the trimmings will be served. The trip to and from the park, which is north of Ottawa, will he made by auto. BANDITS SHOOT OGLE CO. BANKER-DOCTOR Itockford, 111. Aug. 30.- Four bandit -in on unauccet sful attempt to rob the Fori don. Ogb- cocnty. poatofAoa early this morning shot and prcbabiy fatally wounded Dr. ,w w Ovornetd, physi cian and preekU nt of the Foretton l 'ommcrclaj state Bank. The robbers escaped in an uutomo bile Dr. Overfield was leaving his office at about 3 o'clock when he Heard the explosion ol the nitroglycerine the nations eie iibihb !"'-'" out of the postotttce and ned. The postoflos safe door was blown open hut no funds were obtained. Ma'nane Licenses. Frank Pietntaki, La Salle, M Ignatius Slaihowiak, La Salb sephine Hafko, Piermont, O, : Stella Bakalaski, Peru, 19. Jo- tS; CRUISER LOST IN TYPHOON; NONE OF CREW RESCUED Tokio, Aug. 30. The Japanese cruiser Niitaka, 3,420 tons, went down in a typhoon off the Kamchatka coast, August 26, with virtually all hands, according to a pidi ciiCDCPTcn nc confirmecl advice re- UIIAL OUOlLUltU Ul ceived by the admiralty. FIRING HOUSE TO BE GIVEN SANITY QUIZ KATHERINE TROYER, PATHETIC VICTIM OF DELUSIONS, WILL BE TESTED BY COMMISSION OF DOCTORS IN JUDGE RECK'S COURT. Katharine Trover, the ir year old girl who is suspected of having set tire to the home of her moth r, Mrs. Margaret Troyer, at IS:!:! Da Salle street, on Monday night at midnight, will be subjected to a sanity test be fore Judge Reck on Friday. The girl, who was found twelve hours af ter the lire, wandering around I'tica, clad in her brother's clothing, will be held in detention until the t inn the bearing. Investigation of the blaze, was of a m.vsl erious origin. yesterday alter Katlierme wa The girl Informed the authorities that all she could remember was u blaze which led thee, to iVol that she hail 1 n in the Bra. The fact1 that she was dad in her brother's Clothing, rather than in her night clothes When last seen before the lire, did not bad the authorities to b lleve thai she had been awakened bj the flames, and she then Red to ulety. In case a eommission of physicians at the court hearing pronounces Kath arine irrational, further Investlgft' of the lire will probably not be re sumed. If she is found to be in her right mind, the state lire marshal will probably he called in by the lo cal authorities to aid theni in work ing on the ease. Katharine spent the evening before the life, playing with a group of children across the street from her home. When she returned she com- plained of a violent headache. She retired, and was seen to be sound asleep, when the mother looked into her room before retiring. She was not seen from that time, until the officers found her in Utica. Under Nurse's Care. Ka.herine was taken to .he La Salle County Sanitarium at 3 o'clock ves- terday afternoon. From that time un til morning she maintained a stoical: silence, which the attendants were' unable to determine was due to irra tionality or to sulkiness, She was under the constant care of 'Miss Helen Woodin, a trained nurse, who was taken to the home with her.; 'After being given a bath, and hav- lttg the traces of travel removed from her, the girl was put to bed where she remained throughout the night. Locked in Room. During the night she and Miss Wood- j in w ere locked in their rooms, tho j nurse occupying one adjoining that In which Katharine slept. This was! done to keep the girl from getting away or from annoying any of th" obi people at the home. During the night she slept soundly, falling into a sleep id' youth and ap parent exhaustion, and sleeping until a late hour this morning. She accepted her supper and ate heartily. After that she again lapsed! into a very quiet mood. Several of her relatives visited her at the county home, and remained w Ith her for a time. Infatuated With Teacher. Last week Katharine attended HTe teachers' institute, and was greatly Im press wnn ine meeting, sue seem ou lascinaien wnn miss (:. l.oui -e Adams, of De Kalb, who conducted one I of the sectional meetings. It is sup- nosed she was trvinir to reach Mlaa Adam yesterday, as she Informed ' .1. juiesen, no appreneuueii per ill i m a, mat sne was trying to reach al teacher she knew in D. Kalb ANTHRACITE STRIKE lip! n inn lATIlrtlT "MM i.iiiii '.lioi: ill liimiu,,, n,o NEAR ADJUSTMENT;. t- in chc.rge by the sheriff from . I Mcl.e.itisbor today and escorted trout Washington, spokesmen for tors and miner 'on early today Aug HO. - When I the anthracite OfkSNM ; unions left Washing-i after an all night con-1 fefenco. the onl) obstacle :,i prevent resumption of 'idlietioti Was -.aid to h oer the length of time tin. . .i' ti! w ould run. remaining hard coal a dispute WKA 9 con- Tne naval report said that Dractial- J ly none of her crew of 300 was aav- ed. ordt 'The destroyer red to the scene Maki has been of the disaster. The Mytka la a second class cruiser j of ::,l0 tons displacement, It was .launched in 1901, Kamchatka la a town on the east coast of the penin sula of Kamchatka in the southwest region of the Bering sea. Rescue 13 From Itatia. Santiago, Chile, Aug. 30. latest Wireli ss reports from the cruiser Chac abuco are to the effect that only thir teen pi rsons of the :vjl aboard thai steamship Italia wire rescue when tha vessel sank off Coquimbo yesterday. The ChacabUCO is rushing the sur vivors to Coiiuimho, where crowds line the mole awaiting their arrival. "Pinched" By U. S. Warrior. San Diego, Calif., Aug 30 Th Chilean steamship (lata, reported sunlc figured in a sensational international incident nearly thirty years ago wheal the vessel was overhauled far down the Pacific coast and returned by the CSS Charleston, later wrecked In th of gulf of Mexico. Two days after clear- iing from San Diego, the Itata was Which charged with having violated neutral halted lty laws, and orders were Issued by found I the UpitQd States navy department r ""' commander of the Charleston, nCnora In fhe San Diego harbor to pursue aim return tne itata nere. ! President Balmaceda. of Chile, on learning of the action of the United Slates ordered the cruiser Asmeralda to proceed north to meet the Itata and convoy the steamship to Santia go. For days the peoples of the two nations were in suspense as wireless was unknown at that time and hostili ties were feared in the event of a clash between the Charlon and F.iu meralda. Nearly one week after the Itata i lea red from San Diego the ship was overhauled by the Charleston and a detachment of officers and sailers from the latter was placed mi board the Chilean ship for the return trip to San Diego. Later the Ksmoralda put in an appearance and the Charleston was cleared for battle but the Chileans made no demonstration and soon head ed about for Santiago. The Itata was brought to San Diego, and following long proceedings in tho I 'nit i d States courts the owners of the ship were required to pay a heavy fine. . COUNTY LEGION TO FIGHT FOR BONUS Representatives from every Ameri can Legion post in the county gath ered at Legion Hall in this city last night to perfect a county-wide organi sation, tornv d lor the purpose of stai Ins a o sage of meastirt imp th nt tlgn to work for the pas o Illinois compensation the November election vos of seventeen posts ndance, Thomas O'Meara of thU ct ai president of the oi- The complete list of Oitf- Represontatl were in atte Attorney city was eh ganiaation. eel'S follows: Chairman Thomi O'Meara, Otta w a. So. retary-treai irer - Ralph 1.. Con- Streator. trd Fe K. s. Black, hen. Ottawa; Men CUf. lot; Hi ei . Streator; F a. Burg real, Tonlca, and II. Hundt, ram. A county organization was formed two ago, but the association soon died out, end the different dtifco were merely banded together through the state organisation The organiza tlon la f night - as In reality only a re organization of the phi county unit. The Illinois compensation measure Ms to tv uhiuit'd to a referendum to Nov. ;. ALLEGED HOLDUP IS TAKEN FROM JAIL Rrymond Shew, who v.cs arrested at Loetanl several weeks ago, charged ...:.t. kliM the county jail to the j. il in that city. Bbaw 1 ( barged With having jninpe i his bond in McLcaaaboro. He h. been placed cnder arrest on a char of v if" rbandonment. The officer trout Mei- snsboi Informed the lacel ivatsy ritioa th t Shaw M an aJU and that tilu priaCMTI real name W Davis,