Newspaper Page Text
W'iDNCCIjAY. AUGUST 3?, PAOI TIVE. in THE OTTAWA rrtEKTltA1)RH-J01 UVAIi FARM RIDGE Mlaa :.lrN.'il ( tii"M'n- Kin iit tvw days recently at W. Antrum's. Frank Moore motored lo Bregtor Saturday Miss itmli VVergen has returned tu hit homo In ' Otter Creek attea g vii' 11 ;ii tlici Arthur Itofeihaygh borne here. Mm Wallace Watts of Smith 01 1 it wa township entertelnod tin' mla rtonarv. society at her home reoenl ly. Clarence Cramrlne surprised 11 i h relatives peat ill11 vUIffe u h t weak when in' londetl vary unexpectedly ii'ini Maw York; 1 1 trip BUlHa by ajr plana; it win be remembered in' wus one oj ii"' three who made the sue 1 r nil ti'li by ah' ami bach in Noma, A) iiga it's reported Miss Snrah Crnw(oro wild Is Willi her sjsier. Mrs. Elliott, III Kankakee, is not no WH, Thin la regret in her many friends hers. Mr. und Mr Jay Nuughtoii enter talned relatlfi I from Ottawa lust wet K. 1 lira, Black from Grand Ridge spent c day t!.' peal week at har son's, Mr a, iiiiny Meaa ol Uia rkifa was ai itrtatoi hopper iinusiiav uiorniuf Mr Naughton ami Mm. Nugle .f"uk , w iIih'mIji.v wiiii Dear (Park 1 ehuh eg, ur Btoue called m lira powers' I h in t ol tli' w-'i'k. ihr" Gertrude Locke baa returned from a irtait with Dear Park friends. TIRES VWiy iln 04 sell igtfinan) tlDet utit, tubag? aii.Hi- pre under hoJI every one conaiderfiig iuaiti. we Ho not buy Hum that ar made cheap to scii cheap. v know a cheap tire ta a dcur tire It takes extra .mi quality tlrea to run an tmncst Kiiarantec Out. When you buy from us if i Ilka puttlug wiut sii'.iDKs ill ; unncl lank, Money to il)' la too aegrca ami hard to get and 1 011 cantaDl aftnnl to run chames mi poof buya. V ;ir not jiwp dealera nor do ate buy Jipp tires. You buy Hie bigkeat grade tirea tli 11 carry bosaal guarvmtaaa from mm and yon will lie more than pleas ed rtith mileage anil .servii'e. That's wo iii something I'i'iceb on cMra ipiality X.imiii mile tirc.s: ::t) x X ;ro x Z $?.6; :;j x :'.; .11:. ."an -A x i:t; -z x : 116.60: ' " ami 3.4 x ' $Kk?-. Nowhere else Mi oil gei good tires at such I low prices. i !J f inB I fere are 8,000 mile guaranteed Mrea: M x $ .": M x i $7.00; 32 x :;'j i'.l x $11.50 ; 32 x I 614: 38 x t ill: 4 4 14: U I Jlajifl; :;.", x '. 4; "." x I tSfi ' 7m fsell Millar Qordi :, x 4'i:, with tube tloT&a. and 2S X 3 tiles 17.60. "I) 32 x ; 1 Cords $11.6.0 and $2l; 112.60; tva $i6.fy? X 4 J I 1 Wind Shield (MuKs $3; Wind Shield-:, the better kit'd $15, f'oid StDia;;e Hattery, 1 mouth's gna'nn tee S ta ; 1 ias-'olliie' Cailges SI; feml er. per set, Sit; Wheels, the l.esl. r.'i'; Tool Bote's $1.99; Rtinhfag i ' - DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Home Wa StiiHn the Same Place But BY ALLMAN 1 I BBT.-r- , I 1 I ( I THINK THIS rCOili' " " VJE HAD BE E Kl ) I f SSifStSi! - 1 AUTHETIME WE WERU DOOR AND LET M. ' IS OUI? HOUSE mil 1 AWAVKOR .If KiaW2!Sl-2 J AWAV- IT'rf hlKE J THE HEAT OUT? J" 0UT YOU CAN HARDLY) . j . AR6 ! 1 I-HOO SE 16 fTUFF Y , AN OVEM OUT HERE.' k ' j1 I ' ii Hoard Luggage Carriera $1.45; Spot. Lights $!; Tire Carriers $2,110-; Top Covering! ami Bide Curtains; ! mountable Wheeie, pgr snt Auto I'alnls, all colors; inra, Hit' beat lo tin Horni M.W; Klngatod Carburet Teatara 7.ri'. borne haual )iaH $1.3C Bloycloa Tli 1 1 Pluga, for Fowls Peerleai Radia buy, $14; RaguTar I'nni H6rna fl.10; us $t.7f; flattery Ligbta ?L'..riii: K Mufflera $1.86; $1.90; (Champion nil , regular $1 plun; Front springs, hlgheal grade, $1.50; Aprons and Qunnlng Hoards; Hear Hiiba i.:ih; Prpnl Huba $!.; Piatona, all ilxea, per ael $1.60 each, eomplete; Axles $1 40; Radius Itnds $1.60; Running Boart Bupporta $8; Roller Hearings, complete for fronl win-els $4.54); 14-ln. Nickel Ragle wings for Radiator $1; Parking Lamps, all kinds; Head Lights, p'er pair $4. Spare Km, is. 1'lnnr Mais and sedan mats; Rellnera; Tlmera, com idete Mo; Heavy i nmn Timer Wire:, beat made, 80c; Carbon Remover !5c; Motor Ufa, to Clean ynnr radia tor and engine to ifop over beating $1 ; Tire Testers BSC We have thousands of things yon need and we carry complete line ol guaranteed Card pacta. Come and see lis ;..t we are lip nhove the hih rents, buy direct from factory, sav ing middlemen's profits, We are here in stay and to hack tip what we sell. EDW. HAYNE SUPPLY CO., INC South of Ottawa Banking and Trust Co., Upstairs CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble - -GOLD EVERYWHERE- "What's the News" WI ll.N ( lolnmbus and caravels New World, the first quesion shore was, "What's the news?" That's always the question of paramount importance. Years ago folks asked it of the post rider, the soldier re turned from the wars, the man who had been down to the Settlements, or the neighbor back from the general store. Today, you find the answer in your newspaper. 1 hrough the newspapers the news of the world and of the com munity quickly becomes public knowledge. And re member this it takes two kinds of news to make a modern paper complete. , MH The first tells of happenings near and far of fires, sports, elections, accidents, marriages, deaths, great men, great events. , The second tells of things you eat, wear and use things you buy, things being sold to your friends and neighbors. This news is advertising. . It s just as important to keep up-to-date on the adver tising in this paper as it is to r ;d about what's doing in the world of events. Advertising is an essential news service. It is distinctly to your advantage to be guided by it. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REAL ESTATE. ews. FOR HALE -7 room bungalow wltUj Iui,;h front .porch, hot water keat, I Sue batk room, large barn; two lots, $4,500.00; an 8 room uioiern bousa, with KtuaHed nun parlor, in Ceiiuur Ot tawa; lare lot, S8,0t;0 00. Mlas (tor trude Harrla. FX)B SAl.K- lidacre dairy Imi'iii, near city; lUbatantial home, barns, crlha, chicken houst 1 and outbulldinga; ;--tablished buslneaa; an ideal place for a man and two or three soils: only need BbtWt $4,000 cash; It's the dairy ; farmer that makes the money In these I time .; don't let this opportunity pass. C. A. CROWDED Armory Block, Ot j tawa. in. FOR SALIC -A medium sized real 1 dence, with all the modern imprnv ! m ni including sun parlor and sleep ling porch; also an up-to-date garage; jail nn a splendid lot; conveniently lo I cited and proper distance from busi ness center, school, church and cnr linos; must be seen to be appreciated W. II. ITSKY, Coutral Lite Midi;.. Ottawa. FOR sali: Clinton St. My Hi realda Mt t ice at 1122 DRA1LE. FOR BALE A five, 00m country home, over one acre, with garden, fruit, befiutlful lawn and fine shade tri es, chicken house, etc ; on a ha"d road, one mile from Ottawa; low price und easv terms. W. R. lM'SKY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa. returned six mted from from THe Free HOUSES FOR BALD One or the Bogat new residences.' With gpgcloug land Caped grounds, In this part of Illinois; ale mutely modern and up l:, dale; set me at once if interests i. W. IJ. 1TSKV. Central Life Blilg. for BALE Three practically new, modern houses, ranging from $6,200 to $7,000, West and South Ottawa Also several smal' country tdaces close to town. W. H. Pl'SKY, Central Life Hldg.. Ottawa, FOR BALB-80 acres: 2S mlmrtea' uiua ui uuawa, uu ouuer cuuiva-, Hon; $,U0 down, $1,000 Jan. 1, 1988, $r.000 Jan. 1, 1924, balance ten years, at a per cent. W. B. I'USEY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa. IU. J HONEY Yea, the same old reliable! kind you have had for 40 years,! from your nm notiey man" A. Mot j ta,. Pure, M an anted and net weight 80 Hi. can. $8.00; lo lb. pall, $1.60; r. Hi. pail, x-.. Phque Utioal 966. Also to be had at the following address: Mottaz a Sons Qrooory. I 287 W. Madison St.; Weiler' eery. 100 Jollet St., North Side Roseler, $11 2d Avenue, South (Jro-1 Hrg i aide r1 ' I Mrs. E. Dolder, 629 Christie St. Side: Mrs. T. Tompson, 417 2d Ave..1,1 South side. Mrs. Ceo. Lehrllpg, 916 W. Mmlison St., West Side. UtloQ customers, call at Farmer's Store. ihe the Trader - Journal's FOR RENT. KOIt UKNT Seven room house; new ly decorated; moderate rent; 717 East Supeilor St. J. O. HARRIS At SON. 129 We. t Main St. Phone BC7-W. FOR UKNT Two large front rooms .strictly modern. 1121 J'aui st ' Phone 1133. FOB RENT- One suite of rooms, one bedr n a it I, convenience." Call it I (Kl7 'o1-! St. or phone Y. FOR UKNT fnvette St. Oarage Phone IMS West La-i-X. I'OH UKNT -.Modern r'-oms; centrally JS!SS2Ji!I waimtfo waxtkI) Job in battery shop by competent baattef y man. Addresa ROY dial. Triumph, III. WANTED By a young vate room with bath; or West Side prcferri d. M, are Free Trader-Jou lady, a pti close to town Address BOX mil. WANTtvu journe ood ,on 1 tor WW DALY, I'lione aeulca. man painter; b the right man. Black 13, Mar- WANTED Second girla and ptactlca; nurses; good pay. BELLeVHK 1,1 A 'L' U A N' I T 4 I) I I 1 I 1 I.. , C J ,.A I,, I .ill, M , 1.1,1 I.I I,, I II 1.1 I ""-'g'"- LABORERS W ANTFD Apply at lie Service Shop on .Mill St., B, 111., re, niv for work; 40 cents hour. P.ib- 7 : "0 per WANTED ompetent girl to do sec ond wOrg. Apply bv phone 18, MRS. JAMES CATMN. WANTED TO Bl'Y Harber shop and pool room In small town or Btriatl . hop in city, Address l. w. h., cat this ofllae. WANTED Middle i'ed woman nr woman with child preferred, to do general housework, rhone mica so. WANTED A house; givy location and price in answering this ad. Ad on No. ), (arc of free-Trader. ANTED Mill Jill v' TO B I : tor Y A 818 t roll top de a Salle St. k. WANTED TO RENT A live room house, in good condition; electric H(;lit': and city water preferred. Call 105S-K. v AOTO SUPPLIES Automobile Owners You will get 20 to 40 per cent mora miles tier gallon by using Superior Gasoline Vaporizers. Price $1.80. Free trial. Proving is convincing. Postal brluga Information and cuts. Sta'.e make and model. L. L. MONTGOMERY, 1916 Banks Ave., Superior, Wh Manufacturer and Distributor Sanders Auto Parts Co. Parts for all cars. EDISON, MASON, 11YOKO-TOKON Tires and Tubes. 229 West Main St. Phone '8, IIAYNE, THE HARNESS AND TIKE MAN. will buy your hides and wool. Special low prices on fly nets, trunks and suitcases. MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY per cc TO l.oN ON FARMS it on loans under $imi per er cent on loans of $i.", per reasonable commission. In e number of acres and value SAVINGS BANK OF KK kewauee. Illinois. ANT FOR SALE Complete household fur installed in flVe-roOOfe eeu trally locatoO apni tinenl, IncJfudittg lease for 30 month-; terms if desired. Address 1' 0. Box 2'6, FOR SALI book) ase houj ' bold . i- Furniture; dining , bed (hairs, dishes ir.ticles, Phone 267-Y lllle. and FOK SALE 8 grape- ; plaCe el pears, Cpncori dera it oik e. I 'boll- 794 Y. GEORGE BAUCHL8, I'pholsterer. Phone 8',17-X. All kinds of 01 ttri";ses from the tin est grades of hair mattresses to tb" ctn.ip".t grades ol excelflor mat tressoa made over, renovated, repaired or refilled. Advanced Through Centuries. Seven centuries age Britsin couM not clothe herself; imiay she riethea Btere ihan halt the woiht voib itie produce ul hei cotton piuo und her frooj 1 auus. HOUSES h'OH BAJUB i.a : ge 7 room bouse. In good location; newly decorateii; but broom; electric lights; $.;,000. 6 room house, West Ottawa; toltei, gun; $i,M0. MISS GERTRUDE liAHIMS HJii BALB8 room uouse, Center Ui- n..... . k....l..w, A,. ...... KP.,nhrt,,t. """- "u" ' ,r s ft ,' 1 Brop,Se"v1 very fff" ba4lrowin; tUf' MISS OERTRITDE HARHIS. KOR SALE A beautiful location for a residence on small farm, between K and 30 acres, one mile from Ottu wu, on the acenlc highway and com prising the advantages of coal, sand, gravel, timber and some land to cul tlvate. Apply to W. B. PHSEY, Central Life Bldft.. Ottawa. IB. FINE HOME FOR 3ALE-7 room bouse, bath, pantry, etc. Modern conveniences. In good condition. Hot water heating. Bargains for tulck sale. Call 67K-L. FOR SALE room nouse, bath room furnace, laundry, bsrn and parage. In first class condition, $5,- ' 6G0. Also, 7 room, two story house, furnace, bath, very lurge lot, $4,aU0. 8 room bouse, hot water heat, all bard ' wooit door, laundry, barn, $7,200. All in South Ottawa. Have many More, better bargains than theae. Miss (ier , trude HarrU. FOR SAIE ew oric e room suuna low, modern, in first ciuss condl thin, $6,300; also G room bouse fur aace, butb, gus, laundry, $:i.S0O; and t room house, oak. and euamui wo,d work, bard wood floors, very large rout porch, newly painted and dec orated, $6.00M; all In West Ottawa. Mius Corf rude Harris. FUR INVESTMENT Many of HtV cm, tomers took pleasure en Juh lotb in clipping Hieir Uitereel coupoul from tho Davis Steim r Co.'s mortgage notea ' sold them; 7r; unit hue security and long term loans are not easily obtained. I have a fov left, I recommend them as rood; Bond for u&e, T. I). KAUHIiLI,, Tel, 648-W, CoUege Hldg. FOR BALE '( room cottage, hath, gae, electric lU:hta, $11,800; also t room Cottage, hardwood floors, Tur ol. o, hath, gas, laundry, fa,000 and 7 room house, hot water heat, coal used m for hoaUng an dcooklug cost (iiti.Ot); batb, flue electric fix tures, gae, laundry, large barn; will be sold a, a bargain, All in Eaat ot tawa. Mian Gertrude Harris. FOR SALE Strictly modern 7 room residence and one largo barn. 75 foot lot front. Abundance of fruit of all kinds. Good location. Will sell for cash. Phone Black 174, Mar seilles. FOR SALE S room, pebble dash cot tago. West Ottawa; bathroom, fur nace, hardwood floors; very large laundry; $. , less than half cash. ABd 0 room cottage; hardwood floors; laundry; $4,000. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE 7 room dwelling, SoJtb Ottawa; large lot; hardwood floors, fireplace, bathroom, furnace, laundry, la first das- condition. Also 8 room dwelling; bathroom, hot water heat, hardwood floors, laundry, garage. These placet, If sold Immediately, caa be iotight for $1,000 leas than a year ago MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. Professional Cards i Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR Hours: $-12 . m., 1-4 p. m. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard ot Health Room 211-12 Malone.v Building Geo. A. Crowden Real Estate Ojlbway Lots. Farm Bargalna 304-30S Armory Block Ottawa. III. FOR QUICK UESILTS FSK IT! EE THADKR OI'RNAL WANT ADL4 THE THERON L. UINA Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTORS. Palmer School Oradaatei Ottawa. Ul. Office Phone 1008, Res. Phone 1119 T Hours: HM2. 2-5. 7-1. doom 219-14 Central Life alldlag. IVIagneto - Generator -Starter Experts ALL WORK GUARANTEED Ottawa Electric Co. Foot of Clinton St., Phone 982 CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY 'mam. OTTAWA, ILL. Effective May 7, 132. EASTBOUNO. Blaitbound curs leave Ottawa eta Uon for Marseilles, Heneoo. Morrla, Mlnooka, Rockdale and Jollet, HI., iu a, m. ag5:00, br.;C0, b-n6:36, h7;t8, b9:,5ai ML55, In p. m : bl:Gti, hit :':.r.a. h:i;r,i,, b-h4:&r, li&:&5, b7:6l, hl0:()0. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for lllicu, La Sallt, Peru, Hprlu0 Valley, i.add, DePue, Bureau, Prince ton In u. in.: efi:6f, gf7:lo, d8;b0, c9:55, h -dlo:.".G, cll:.',C. In p. m.: fl;6ft, d2:6S, el.'!: CO, c-m4:2S, d4:G&, c6;664 d-h4):56, c7;56, dlo:00. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion tor Grand Itidge, McKlnley Pallt and Slreator In a. m ; (, 7:G6, B:B6, E : 65, ll:6&. In p. 1 66, 3 ub. 8 00, 11:00. Morrla. Jollet. Prlncetok, Ladd. La aafle. u I. c d f Daily except Bundays and knit- days h Sundays and holidays only, k Dally except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. lT)aily except Saturday, m Saturday only. : p Saturday's Sundays and holiday! I only i ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SAVM MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM 0:4(1 A. M. TO ti;M P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO. Via Jollet, III., and Chicago A Jollet Electric Railway. Round Trip $3.00 One Way $1.85 (Return trip limited to ten days.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICE. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CARf AT LOW RATES. RAIL AND WATER EXCURSION, (Daily Includiug Sundays.) TO Ptoria, riiillicoUio, Henry., j Effective June 12, 1922, via Peru, Illinois and La Salle and Peoria Packet lines. Round Trip $2.25 One Way $1.15 Stop off at Starved Rock State Park permitted. Heat l- aves Pern, 111., Bouthbouad, 2:30 p. m : Peoria, northbound, 7:3f a. iu. weekdays; 8:30 a. m. Sundays. The Free Tra ifer Journal AND FAIR DEALER. 116 Wfst Mam Street. I Kit TRADER-JOURNAL PMi.CO. Publisher. NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES S. C. Theis Company. K Fifth Ave. ( I IICA4JO REPRESENTATIVES 3. r. Theis i ompany, Ml Monaduocc Block. MINNEAPOLIS REPRESENTATIVE, s. c. Tbeta Ootnpas) ?0fi Lincoln Bid. The Free Ti ader Journal may be found b the ne depots of Wheeler ... m.,1 Kneis:,l Brothers and Pylel i igsr fctore. 'lltr i i i I i i I i i i a f a