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FRIDAY, GCPTEMBEn 8, 1022. PACE TWO. VTHU OTTAWA PUKE TUAQKIUfOUKNAL. U FOLLETTE LEAD; IN SENATE RACE IS NEAR 200,000 MARK WET8 JOIN WITH SENATOR IN CLAIMING ilC VICTORY IN WIS CONSIN AT LAST TUESDAY'S PRIMARY ELECTION. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 8--(By U Associated Press.) Senator Robert If, iFollette continued to Increase lils majority over William A. Ganfield lor the Republican United states sena torial nomination as belated returns dribbed in from country districts I day, the total majority for Wisconsin' senior senator having neared the 2QO, 00 figure based on returns from 218 precincts out of 2,f23 in the rtate, Senator LaFollette carried every other member of his ticket to an overwhelm ing victory. Gov. John J. Blaine's majority over his two opponents is not far from 350,000, reckoned on returns from I'.-1 216 precincts. Blaine's vote for these was" 291,945: that of Morgan 132.6S2, und-McHenry, 15,730. An official count, it is expected, will he required to settle the nomination' lor Congress on the Republican ticket In the Ninth district. This race ap-i pari very close. Only 98 votes sepa rate Qeorge J. Schneider and Judge Henry Praass, of Green Bay. The vote j Irom 2.18 precincts out of 24;! gives Schneider 1K.670 and Graass 16.572. I Tbe balance of the LaFollette ticket helow governor have majorities rang ing .from 17,000 for state treasun r to bppfpximately 100,000 for the candi date for lieutenant governor. Tho Democratic vote was so small that little attention was paid to enu merating. It is thought this vote will not he known until the official canvass is made by the secretary of state. Nevada Vote Close. Reno. Nov., Sept. 7. The Republic- hn nomination for United States i Ba ilor is the only result In doubt in the ..evada primaries held Tuesday. Tab-, Illations today showed that Charles S. i ("handler of Ely is leading Congress man Samuel S. Arentz by 178 votes, with only a few unimportant precincts In Isolated sections to hear from. On the Democratic ticket, James G. Serugham, of Reno, was nominated for governor and Charles S. Richards, of Keno, for congress, there being but jtwo Democratic contests. On the Republican ticket the con tested nominations were won by John Jli. Miller, of Hawthorne for governor fend A. Grant Miller, ol Reno, for COD tress. Nature-Painted Grata, The greecest gratia In the world Is fcvhat visitors say of the lawns lu IVti ver, after they find oat that the einer-Rld-green velvety appearance Is not borne batons pskUS of gardeners to fool tourists, but Is due to thjaetlun of tile mineral aits In the soli. Tho regular meeting of the Wom an' Christian Temperance Union wa held yesterday afternoon at ll0 o'clock in the Sunday school rooJHi of tho Baptist church Fifteen mem hers mere present, and following the regular business meeting officers for the ( i.t year re elected. A summary of tout ear's work was made and work for the coming JMSar was planned. Business concerning the dining room tent which they will J have at the county fair next wt-ek was also discussed. The following otlic ms w re elected; President -Mrs. Pruella Warrick. Vce presidents: Methodist church--Mrs. C If, foil Kpworth Methodist church Mr -. Btta Cross. Baptist church Mrs. Ben Pithburn. ! CongroStttional church -Mrs. Geortv Hartshorn. Triuitv Lutheran church Mrs. Ida . Prulaad. Illinois Avenue Kvangellcal church -Mrs. Fred Hanna. MtdteOII Street Kvallgellcnl chUTCb Mrs. II. A. Kramer. Presbyterian church Mrs. Anna I Saltzmr-n. Recording and correspondine secre tary --Mrs. C. B Herrick. Treasurer Mrs. Kdith Bowerma. ter. Mr. and Mrs. George Lewi enter tained tho ladies of the Philathea class of the First M. K. church and their husbands, at their home in I'ti ca township last evening. Thirty; guests were preseut and spent a very delightful evening. At 6 o'clock a de-: licious picnic supper was served on, the lawn, which was illuminated by; Japanese lanterns. Mr. Lewis was the host, assisted by Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. William Conger. Mrs. Sadie Dimmlck and Mrs. Ota Thrush. Following the supper the guests enjoyed a social time, and about an hour before leaving were served, lemonade, iced tfc. wa termelon and Buffalo Rock peaches. At 10 p. m. the guests all departed,1 having had a very enjoyable time, and carrying with them a large wa termelon, which had been given toj them as favors. .p ff ; Miss Margaret Jennett of Streator. who is to marry Richard Dunn Jr.. of Chicago, formerly of this tity, on I Sept. 16. was the guest of honor on Wednesday evening at a party gtfWB by Mrs. Edna Conilskey-Dwyer and her sister. Miss Marcella C'omiskey, at the former's home in this city. With the exception of three Ottawa girls, the guests were all from Strea tor. Bridge was the diversion of the evening and Miss Marie Kelly of this city was given a deck of cards In a leather case as first prize and in turn presented it to the bride-to-be. Miss Jennett was also given a dainty silk vanity case by the hostesses. Miss Jennett has been the honored guest at a large number of parties, and many more have been piai Two parties will be gtven in Ibis city in M week in her honor and Miss Mar, Corcoran of Streator will ulso enter tain next week. Miss Josephine Bowernmster enter tained with a wlennle roast at Ulini Benob last night com pllineiitury to Miss Myrtle Staddcli. who Is to soon become the bride of w. F. Maker, A very delightful 'Veiling was spent by the miests boating and bathing, and a delicious supper was prepared over a lire and served. Miss Stadden is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stadden. of Wash ington street. !r Pllber is the son oi Mr. ami Mrs. F. K. Fisher. Of Jollet Tlie former la the superinten dent ni' the C O. i P. rallwuy. f Twenty nine young ladies, all em ployee of the Central Life lnsuran. e Company of this city, enjoyed a de licious t',::!u o'clock chicken dinner at the Lowell Road house, west of Otta wa. 1st evening. The trip was made In one of the yellow busses, owned by the Ulini Bus Company, of this city, leaving Ottawa at 5 o'clock. The ride was very enjoyable, and the driv er stopped on the top of Dimmiek hill to demonstrate to the girls that the hill is no hazardous as people think. Following the dinner the girls spent the evening at music and dancing, re turning home about 9:30. Newark "Old Colony." The expression "Ulu Colony" was originally applied to tluit Pt of Itaaaacknaetta included within the lim its of tin- Plymouth colony, but after wards ueed to designate the entire state, in 1003, the Plymouth ami Mas mcbusetts Bay colonies, which, for Utany years, had been independent of each other, were united in one pro vtnCO , bearing the name of Massachusetts. I Mtaa Mark' A laager who has spent the !' st tour weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Juajger, I returned to s.ioux uity, lowa, wnere si,,' will again take up her duties in the u v Junior nigh school. mi-. Lyla Harreatad ami two child ren o: Mount Verium, So. I 'a Kola, is vlaltini her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C prewick and other relativea lu-re. Mr. and .Mrs. 0. V Williams and fiH of Oak Park, .pent Sunday and Monday here with Mrs. Belle Williami, ('. ( Hoga and I). I.. Miller attend ed the Hogg sale at Morris Tui'mI.i.. Mr. Harold Lttnae was a bustn I i;t : in Chtengo last Wednesday, lira, Alex Thorn son and two child ren, returned to her home in Cleg born, lowa, after a six weeks' oiias- ;i;it Visit Willi her mother, Mrs Jol I Line Oonrtyighl and the I'M. Laraou and Win Courtrlghl tamlliea. Mr an d Mrs. Paul W under and two sous of Juliet, visited his sistw Mrs. (liarry Pace Part ol last week. Mr. am! Mrs. J. R, Williams, Percy and Hazel Williams and Mr. Joe n;i ,-en ot Chicago, were entertained ut the home ot Mr. Williams' sifter .Mrs. Christina Johnson over the week ( mi. Misses Hattie Johnson and Susie Peterson, Mrs. John Hanson and Mrs. .1 K. Waite attended the social at Millhrook. Saturday evening. Miss Myrtle Trend of Chicago, was the guest of Miss Hael Osmond over the week i nd, Mrs. Sarah Neb spent Thursday and H, K.'Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Prlikett, Mr ' anil Mrs. Alii" 1'iiekett and family,-! Mi. and Mrs. Chas. Prickett and ilr. , anfl Mrs. Will Prickett and (hildren motored to Sycamore Siindny, Where the) spent the day with Mrs. Lewis Prtckett'a ulster ami family. Mr. and Bra, Lloyd Knipp, .Mr. Belle Williams and Miss Mart" Munson together with Mr. and Mrs. 0, Williams and son Lee, of Oak Park, spent Labor Day a; Dear Park. Mi (Menu Cleveland of CbJoai ' apent the week-end with bis mother ,n,i sistei'N Mrs. Jennie Sweet l.i'ml land Mi'.-' Jessie Cleveland. Mr. and Mr- I, i.ravely, Mr. .N. C Gravely, Miss Letty Uruvely and mis Martin HexteU of Borkvllle, I motored to Paxton Saturday and re mained until Monday visiting rela tives. Rev, and Mrs. Qjerhard PeCeraon ami two children of ftosholt, Wis, arrive. I here tin- week to attend the 71ai anniversary ol the Lisbon buth eran church and wnne nere win oe the guests ol his parents, Uev. and Mrs. n. o. Peterson, Mr Will Marks ol' l'ore.,t Park, and Mr- bus I akin ol' Kllsworth. lowa. pent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. llrewnk. on of Chicago, I FYlday w ith Mrs. First Cnelish Military Bands. The I'u si MtUltnr) bund was heard In Sngiond lii 1785. The duke of York Bun of Q ge III. Imported a band of twelve Herman musicians with three neiois, and established tbi'iil lis the I.;. nd ot H e Coldstream Guards. Othej regiments then formed bands on abut lar lines. Thu Degrees continued to form part of the bands until ttw year IS88. iAY FEVER If you can't ' get owi", ease the cttscks with Vapop.ub Oner 17 Million Jan Uivi Ytarty Saturday pecials Boys Shirts Ladies' Vests 59c 10 c Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs 5c School Hose Here's a good value in (jlass Fumhlers, i 6 for 25c Seh r i ool t lose p ur 25c Ladies' Aprons Men's Unionsuits 90c 69c Boys' Unionsuits 49c Men's Shirts 69c Ladies' Brown Hose JQ Ladies' Silk Hose Men s Hose, 1 A all colors AvFC Pure Thread OQ Silk Hose HOC Fruit Jar Lids, O A per dozen Jvl I'arowax, 13c tb , 2 lbs. i 25c Children Creepers 50c Everwear Hosiery Fruit J. ir Rubbers, O per dozen OV Fresh Candy, Try Some Today HARBOLD S 5c to 50c Store MMSM EARL 0. DICKERS, Manager 121 Main Street Branch 170 Ottawa Phone orders grven prompt attention. WE DELIVER, CALL 46 FOR SATURDAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 9th EXTRA SPECIAL Great American Flour 49 lb. Cotton Rags $1.89 24i lb. Cotton Bags 95c '(Every bag guaranteed) Now you can get Pure, Delicious, Appetizing m EXTRA SPECIAL Quaker Brand Bulk Roiled Oats, 5 lbs., 19c. pon't be misled by a cheap price on inferior quality groceries offered by 'some merchants. We sell only nationally advertis ed brands with an absolute money back guarantee. lleinz's Pork and Beans, Fresh Baked Lemon Cook- per can, 11c. ies, 2 11 is. 31c. Hire's Root Beer Extract, Amboy .Milk. 3 tall cans, ' bottle, i;c. for 25c. Michigan Navy Beans, 3 Baker's Prem. Chocolate, lbs., 33c. 2 bars, 35c f 1 1 1 IGreat American Coffee, 32c Fancy Pure Bulk Cocoa, per lb., 3 lbs., 95c. 2 lbs., 25c. Good Luck Jar Rubbers. 3 Seeded or Seedless Rais- dozen, 25c. Lns, 22c pkg. Swat-the-Fly Vampire, 2 Jdlo, any assortment, 3 Pkgs., i'5c pkgs., 29c. Lux Soap Flakes, 3 pkgs., Tarowax for canning, 3 29C- lbs., 29c. SHOP EARLY AND GET Till- BARGAINS. c R E A M E L L O I C E C R E A M Genuine CREAMELLO carbonated Mm from any of the following CREAMELLO DEALERS OTTAWA Weiss Druq Shoo Corbus Drug Store Abe Gray South Ottawa Drug Store John Corrican Hess Bakery Frank Brown, Allen Park. Verona & Sons Geo. Pagakis MARSEILLES E. G. Gardner Frank Mushro SENECA M. J. McGettrick Louis Scarini WEDBON F. W. Lanstng SERENA Ed. Mclnturf C R E A M E L L 0 I C E C R E A M Tell your dealer to please reserve for you CREAMELLO SPECIAL BRICK this Saturday and Sunday FOR THIS WEEK WE OFFER HONEY FRUIT SALAD "the very best by palate test 50c qt. We pay cash for Butter and Eggs Pure Ingredients, carefully compounded, in lli most sanitary and Modern ice cream fac tory in this part of tho country make CREAMELLO the ice cream favorite of discriminating people. Insist on the genuine. CREAMELLO MADE ONLY BY Ottawa Products Company - Ottawa, 111. .Note: Dealer should wrile or telephone their requirements I Honest Weight True Advertising Quality Markets Everywhere Lowest Prices MEAT PRICES SMASHED Specials All Day Saturday 17c 3c STEER BEEF -Boneless Rib Roast, Rolled, Genuine Rib, lb BOILING BEEF Lear, tender, lt TENDER BEEF Steak, lb PLATE BOILING BEEF Young, Baby Beef, ib......;. A HAMBURGER Fresh Chopped Beef, lb YOUNG PIG PORK PORK LOIN Roast, lb. PORK SHOULDER Cuts, Roasts, lb'..... PORK BUTTS Chicago Style, lb. FRESH LINK Sausage, lb. PORK CHOPS End Cuts, Jb . NATIVE VEAL SALE Veal Chops, fancy, lb VEAL SHOULDER Roast, lb!..... VEAL LOIN Roast or Chops, lb VEAL ROAST -Breast, ib.....: LIBERTY NUT Butterine, lb. ..... .. . . . RENDERED LARD Our best, lb FRANKFURTS Bologna, SMOKED HAMS - Picnic Hams, Sugar Cured, lb ; A NO. 1 REGULAR HAMS Sugar Cured and smoked, lb ' PORK BUTTS 9c 5c 10c 16c 9c 121c 14c 14c 121c 20c 8c 18c Ilk 12k 121c 22c )RK BUTTS OA Fancy Sugar Cured and Smoked, J 20c lb BACON Hetzel's Fancy Breakfast Bacon, lb BACON SQUARES Sugar Cured, lb Illllllliillllllll!