Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO. WLDNCSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1922. THIS OTTAWA iffKKK THAJ)KIt.JOURN4tt no fc-e a i i 1 1 I 1 i f i i k ft I I 1 i BULGARIAN PREMIER FORESEES GENERAL EUROPEAN STRIFE HAS FURNISHED EUROPE WITH NO LITTLE AMUSEMENT BY THE UNCEREMONIOUS AND DE- ' FIANT WAY HE HAS TREATED KING BORIS. Sofln, Hulmiria, Aug, W. Alexan der Stanihotilisky, since Ills advent to power as Bulgaria's peasant ft premier, has been furnishing Europe with no little aniuseeinnt by Hi-' un ceremonious anil dehunt way be has been treating King Horis, ami by Iiis Indifferent attitude toward tin' ever present question of reparations. Not long ago he told the Kinn if he did not dn the bidding of the mass s, h Blight tind himself without a throne and In the midst of a republic, lie added a warning that young Borrls must not keep his eye on both sides of the fence; that he could n hU support only to one party, and that party the group in power. The stalwart Agrarian loader also has given voice to equally novel ex i, , uressions on various Questions of the , day. "My enemies . t.h.' King to throw he says, "asked me over. But t)iat would ,iot be In conformity with they constituti .mil usage. And then do not know the King. 1 have him and watermelon on Ice Following well trained. 1 treat him like a son.!tle dinner a business meeting v i 1 have been teaching him politics tori held and Interesting talks given by three years, and he is quite devoted Ky. R. Foster. Al F. Behocb, 1 15. Sn to me. We are going to amalgamate , the Agrarians. Radicals and Social Democrats for the elections of IM4, unlses I am assassinated in the mean time. t "I like the Bulgarian Communists. " "Gtamhoulisky declares, "because they support me without any engagement on my pari, which is convenient for me. The Communists are practical people, and they will shortly become a nartv tit to govern. They are fur- getting their principles more ami ; more, and they know how to accom-; iiss viaxy Roberts gave ihr.t piano niodate themselves to circumstances. Lumbers, Miss Marie Schmidt tan? They know how to talk so as to four 8o0,i anil Harry Posey conclud please people." IJ the pro-ram with three piano BO TH". Premier says he does not caret ns Refreshments were served bv a snap about reparations' "Repara- Qig hostess, tions are humbug. My connections; ... ... .5. abroad are much stronger and more un j L j ,.ix ului Ml... yVilcos en numerous than were those of King tertalned with B birthday dinner y - Ferdinand. Ferdinand knew only , u .,, j,;U(.r s tiome In West crowned heads of no Importance, I Ottawa complimentary to Mrs. Frode vhile I am on intimate terms with ri(.ka Kummer. The occasion was the ruling politicians of the whole Ua esgraUeth birthday of the guest of World. There is no danger. Nobody , lun)(,,.; Karv autumn flowers wen will touch Bulgaria. I have got .,, . ,i,.,,;.,..,tw 1 dt.,.. ... I promises. And then we have come to an understanding with Kristo . IRakovski, Commissary in the Vkrair.e. The Soviets will not aban don us." M. Stambulisky has voiced a warn- -lug as to the future. "Even should lore long. Russia is persistently! preparing a debacle which is In eviuibie. We shall plunge into this upheaval too. and something is sure to ceme out of it. Wait and see." TWO NATIONAL PLATE EMPLOYES INJURED Two employes, Thos. Koskoi and (Cleman Sonsetti of the National Plate GlaBS company, were cut by fallins Klass yesterday. Konkoi was cut on the arm but after Dr. Hatheway dressed his wounds was able to leave the hospital whether both were taken for treatment. Sonsetti, the more aeriously hurl, of the two, was kept in the, hospital. He was also hurt .about the arms, on 60 Saved! Work Guaranteed! eClSSORS AND SHEARS f f- SHARPENED IOC ' Double Edge Safety Blades y r Sharpened, per do-:en OO 'Single Edge Safety Blades f Sharpened, per donen OiiC Razors honed and stropped or each OOC I Service Stations: E. S. Woolbert 214 Madison St S. S. Pearsons Sons 223 W. Madison Stree Refior Hdw. Co.-,.. 117 W. Main St -Jordan Hdw. Co 119 W. Main St All Ottawa Drug Store. Marseilles: C. P. Trowbridge, Drugs. Blanchard Pharmacy. Seneca. Ellis & Rooney, Hardware. Ottawa Tool Edging Co., Not Inc. W. J. Klncheloe C. Waldanburfl Blue steel with safetv CI o I o 2 e $10.50 Pi 25 CAL. BLUE STEEL ARMY AUTOMATIC PRICE dy r A Convenient to Carry t$f )U All our guns shoot Standard American Ammunition. All guns guaranteed new. SEND NO MONEY Write your nane and address plainly, send it to us and we will forward you one of these automatics. Pay Postman on arrival. Examine automatic carefully and if not satisfactory just return it and get your MONEY BACK. F. H. BROOKS, Inc. 330 S. THIRD STREET EVANSVILLE, IND. Pease mention this paper in replying. Send for our Catalogue 'I lie rorlotv columns la:t nmht vcrtently made raft rence to an "Bilks' M ond animal cbnclaA e" at Stat ed Hock state park Thursday bight The affair, the .second part) given by ' w. Hen to the Bush Ueaguers, has no refi rence the Ktiu as b body. Tic guests of the occasion win ie the rummy i mud, i side issvo" at tHa Rlks' Home. Invitations to the din ner and party afterward have been mailed out to tli,. Bushell and b) the number of response i .ng returned to Mr, Hess there v ill be MO per cent attendance oi the liu iior i rt on having b his time lis Mr, ie-s' gui its. : An interesting! meeting was held last evening by the C, l of A. .it the K. ('. home on La Salle i tree' About thirty members of the charity commit tee were present and special business wa transacted) .;. .;. .;. An enjoyable time was had by the Bible class of Hi Madison Street Bvancelical church at ,i meeting held last evening :.t the homo of Mrs ' H. Hasaley, 1546 Ottawa avenue. Twele guests were present Poll6w log the regular business meeting a so cial hour was enjoyed, followed by re freshment . The Map'ist Hrotherhood enjoyed i 7 o'clock dinner served last evening at the Baptist COUrch, Over forty-flvi members were in attendance ami par took of the following menu: Roe il beef, manned potatoes, brown gravy.! baktil in-er . bread, butter, coffe ;lIm - Twenty-two members of the Ami tear Musical dub attended the meet ling held yesterday rtttambon at die home of Mrs, Morey Roberta) (16 Guthrie street It was presidents' day, land an Interesting masting was held, at which time a general discussion of topics of inter set to members and work for the coming yoor was plan ned. In the latter part of the after- Iloon an t.Uj()yjibe program was given served at noon, followed by an 'n-i formal so ial aftrrncon. Those pres ent were Mcsdames Kummer, 11. Hermes. H. W'eigand. Hoftmaii. Den ninger, Frisch. Loeffler, Brbiks and 6. Ssaiera. UlOllLIi:-, UUIIII III'' .1 1 111 '. .-.llli. i. i successful meeting was U'dd at the Masonic Temple last (-veiling by th Mary E. Chapter No. L'TO Kastern Star. Over 100 members were in attend ance. Follow ing the business meet ing four candidates were Initiated, after v: number present hich r- freshments served, from out of town were ' A ISO The regulpr weekly luncheon of the Rotary clrh was held at the New American restaurant at noon today. Forty-five memben were in attend ance. Following the lutictiooa a busi ness mef-ting was held. 55 tEv A 1 1 -SOLD EVERYWHERE- I i Phone 277-X 64a Hffifeflllvvv S : ?J5 : ' COiE cnvWAY-EVERY DAT have you prove it to your self. - , n( B I O'Kuia'sFamotn j' I rncea at Jpo.D, DiacK or lan 1 Ian Kauilibrists. F'eoria. S i i Hassan's Arabian E. CLAUS & SONS Since 1863 0 lllIMIIIHHMH IIMI "MM III II I I ! Hill il I Military Automatics A mans gun, built for hard service, 32 or 38 caliber. Shoots 9 attachment. LESS THAN HALF PRE-WAR PRICES 32 or 38 caliber was $25, now Ml ILLINOIS BONUS WILL RAISE TAXES BUT TRIFLE BOND ISSUE UP FOR VOTE MEANS BUT ONE AND ONE TENTH MILLS MORE. IS LEGION CLAIM. Eloomlngton, 111.. Sept. M, Oscar I H. Carlstrom bl Aledo. 111., one of thd tive members ot the Illinois tax com mission, and executive board M ember of the American lsgiflUi repotted to William K, McCauley, department commander, that the payment of the Illinois bonus, which is depi-ntfcui' sbon a vote of the people November! 7. will Increase the state rate of t.iva tie i whhh is now 4,"i mills, only onei and line tent it mills. His figures are baaed upon a total as? ssed valuation of property in Ill inois g.201,008, I. The bond issue proposed is B8,000.' ooo. For the retirement of these bonds in l!0 years, assuming the in teres! on the bonds will be 5 per cent, M Carlstrom said the present state ral' ol 15 mills would be Increased Lerjion Posts in Campaign. LettiOB posts throughout the state have been urged by Commander Me-. Cauley to exert their utmost energy in the campaign for the Illinois i onus. At a recent meeting of the executive committee of the Legion at. state headquarters here, senior Vice Commander Schick of Chicago, urged, a referendum of all Leglonnalties in Illinois, asking what per cent of their ( ompensation or bonus they would be willing to eive to the Legion in1 Illinois, to carry on its work. Mr. j Schick proposed That in the belief,! be said, that it would remove the ob- jection of some former service men t.i the proposed bond issue, A part of this contribution, Mr. 1 Schick suggested, might he used in I the care and maintenance of children; of veterans at the home at Normal.) lit, This plan probably will lie con-j 1 idered at the department convention' at Kock Island. Beptember 25 ami ".'.;. Beside procuring contributions from the bonus that may be paid in' Illinois, for the home at Normal, the ( Legion intends to have a lobbyist at1 the next general assembly, to direct . ttention to the need of the home: lor an appropriation. EXFECT UNNAMED BABY CASE TO END TOMORROW South Bend. Ind.. Sept. 20. Debate over the admissibility of testimony of Prof. John Tiernan regarding the' marital relations of himself and wife, we 3 resumed when hearings were tak-j en up today in the cast? of Mrs. Augusta Tiernan. wife of the pro- jected to a merciless ero-s examina ! fessor, who charges Harry Poulin with ; tion, the witness collapsed, but on the' paternity of her ton month old lmK revived " Was able to continue. ' -t-JiM ! niMnvliMtl ;ho ntnnH firm ritiil rot'us- I ju.u. Testimony of Mrs. Tiernan. which was corroborated by her husband, was to the eiTect that the couple hail discontinued maris 1 relations sever al month, prior n the beginnig of the kielg' d affair oetWeen Mrs. Tier nan and Poulin. Yesterdays 1, earing taken up for the Most part with the testimony of Mrs. Tiernan. was replete with sen sational incidents. At one point, when defense counsel hinted at the possibility of Mrs. Tiernan's second chi'.d having a father other than the shots. 9 S 2 So a $10.50 We would say Edmunds Foot Fitter3 arc I M4m 'J. J M. (lie finest -hoes in the world, but we S3 would rather fit a pair on your feet and I ;'& jh Let S Go! J Pattern Dfc'pU Pleasi Address, end Pattern to lb Cts. enclosed. ii ...................... ii Postofflcsj UJM Statu ii DRESS WITH NKW AND ORACKFl'L LINKS Figured voile would be aUrai The drop yoke or live is the new for this j outhful tissues style. and the fulness of the waist por- tions makes this style becoming to slender figures. The Pattern U cut In 0 Bises: 04, 36, 'ii, 4'J, iZ and 4i Inches bits'. Uie.l-urt . d"'s yard width of A inch sue requires of Inch material. The the skirt a; the fuot is 2 : yards. Pattern receipt of ma;.- ; laC ill to any a silver or ddress oa stamps. professor, the plaintiff arose from the chair and with tears streaming down her face shrieked: 'Iion't try to say anything like that. It is not true." Three times during the period in which Mrs. Tiernan was being sub- . euo change a single Instant t her ljfovy of the affair With POulln. CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS Headache INDIGESTION Stomach Trouble -a -SOLD EVERYWHERE- the 1 r Acrobats, Thrill ing Auto Polo, Aut.i Riirrs ana msny other- -the grcetv.t list of FREE Siv.-.-. anrlAclsat anyFair. on, i cursion campi'i i . 4 1 i-i-tt-n-i I1IIIMMHU I 3a .' mm ' m - PEORIA'S iwlirf nlii r"iQ 1' .TMinhpiTr i l.nMijy ever haj. Free Amusements by the score VICTIMS OF MINE BEING RAISED TO SURFACE THHEE BODIES REACH TOP OF AKGONAUT AFTER TEDIOUS TASK OF HAULING THEM FROM BOWELS OF THE EARTH. JaHfton, l-al . Sept Three bodies from the Were brought to the Kenned) mine today. . 20. 1 A Argonaul P.) mile sulfate of thi These llrst to the surface dead to be brought w ere: Maurli e Clan Stelaman, tti. It, I. eon and Qeo, ByrM . engineer of Ptckard, district mining the United states bu- reati ol mines, again today led the resetters Into the Argonaut. Qas was drptwn out of the mine ami fresh air forced in before the carrying out of the bodies started. Kaeh body was wrapped in canvas, loaded on B skip and pulled up by compressed air power to the 4.2en loot level and then taken through the hole to the Kennedy mine for removal to the top. I he laborious process took about two liours for each of the bodies, Behind the third bulkhead on the 1,360 foot-level of the Argonaut th forty-seven dead lie, many without clothing, which had been stuffed into the bulkheads in an effort to seal tin mselves against gas. Care was taken by the working crew 10 preserve marks of Identifica tion. This admittedly was dtfflculf as tie" metal tags carried by the men were in most cases removed with their clothing;. Thi' date of the inquest has not been set by Mrs. Lots Better. the n ner. The bodies will be viewed by a coroner's jury, which then will adjourn to a. later date. Details of burial have not been ar ranged. Approximately tWedty-eight of the dead were Catholics. Father Michael Kearney of Jackson was un certain as to the arrangements (or burial of those of that faith. Coffins for half of the victims are in Jackson and caskets for the re H EADACHES or N ttmr-ie :ralin, iandb3 rub forehead, c'i of head with V a p o Rub Ovi 'JVV. jj.-i : rei4 EXPERT TUNING Saves and Improves the Piano Havc your piano tuned before fall term of music begins. Your teacher will advise it, the (Please remember that I am a graduate from the lamest and lost school of piano tuning in the world.) All Work Guaranteed MYRL J. HANSON First Ave. Na tional Fall Have a bushel of fun Central West s biggest and ii ultural and live stock exposition. eplembcr 2'1 to October 7. DISASTER MICKS See priie winning rattle, swine, horses and poultry (ompeting for surcpstakes and j0,O00.OOc;isIi monev. Exhibits of fairn machinery , cooking, nrcdlework. Babyjhow with Governor Len Small cup as first prize. A iorn big fairs National Implement and Vehicle Snow, I ractor Show, Swjne Show, Automobile Show, Peoria District 't 1 1 v t :r- ILL llN rates on railroads. Free tourist Come any ayj every ""i .'rounds. Fgfcmoat of all fall fairs rim now HMO load to the best outing yuur Peoria's National FaJI Exposition. in. under are coming from San Fran cisco. San Francisco. Sept. 20. Thirteen checks, each covering tour weeks' 1 compensation are to be mailed to' widow. s of miners who perished in the1 Argonaut disaster, it was announced todaj bj Claude W. Fellows, mauag or ot the state industrial compensa tion hoard. Checks will he mailed to the dependents of the remaining mine victims as soon as the extent of their dependency has been estab llslied. The total compensation win exceed $100,000 The Argonaul 0f Betala paid the Victims' dependents on a twenty four hour basis for the whole time that the men were entomb ed. AUGUST RAINFALL LOWEST IN 25 YEARS Rainfall In Illinois during August was the lowest in a quarter oentury, according to a weather summary of tin month issued by Clarence J. i; ot. government meteorologist at Springfield. At four places, Alex ander, Morris. Paw Paw and Kock lord, the precipitat ion was the lowest lt record. The temperatujfi conditions wore not linUBUati according to Mr. Boot, but an unusual amount of clear wen' her prevailed. The summary tateil in part: "Home localities suffered tor mois ture in July, and the rainfall of An lusi was general!) Inadequate, Dpr Ing the Brat two decides mosl areas received less than one itu ii. and many places practically none Com made good to excellent progress gen erall) In the northern division, hut in the Centnl and southern divisions its condition varied greatly, depend- llll! oil the DlOtStUre received Much Oi it was damaged by the dry weath i r, coi 1 from th. st. ."Kb. hut fall c'owmg vai delayed by 'he hard, dry condition of the soil Pastures were burned or short as a rule. "The precipatlon was below noif ma at ail hut three stations, the de ficiency being as much as three inches in places, in the extreme northern rountiea ami at a few sta tions elsewhere the totals ware leas than they ranged up t. font inches." IT PUTS YOU BACK ON THE JOB SOONER OSTEOPATHY An Osteopath must have a high school education, a four year college training in all medical subjects, AND a thorough study of the SPINE a possible source of trouble. "SEE AN OSTEOPATH" Ottawa Osteopathic Association I'uhlicitv Hunan Motor Trucks Extend Food Supply Radius 50 Miles IJ ERI3KRT HOOVER says: "The motor truck has given every town an extended radius of food supply by some 50 miles, and thereby protects such vita! matters as milk and perishables." Formerly 10 miles was as far as the farmer could profitably haul his produce. The increasing number of motor trucks on the farm is making the farmer more and more independent of other forms of transportation. It is extending a primary market five times, giving the farmer greater security and doing much to insure him the full profit from his crops and produce. E. E. La Schum, Superintendent of Equipment of the American Railway Express Company, says that while the average mileage of trucks is about 40 miles per day, they are capable of making 100 miles without undue strain. This means that in every truck there are 60 unused daily transportation miles, which can be used when emergency calls. The farmers of the 10 states served by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) own 4fi,582 trucks. These represent unused, potential trans portation of 2,794,920 miles per day Cjuite enough to make the farmer feel reasonably inde pendent and to make the city dweller secure. The value of these trucks to their owners, and to the community, depends upon an ample supply of gasoline and oils, instantly available when needed. The Standard Oil Company (Indiana), recognizing its duty to the public, has organized its distribut ing facilities to a point where only a complete breakdown of public utilities can prevent its supplying these trucks with oil and gasolin needed, no matter in what corner of the 10 stated they may be. ' I In the cycle of service to which the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is committed, the truck plays just as important a part as the automobile and the tractor. j This entire organization is working as one man, to perfect a complete service, and to maintain this service at such a maximum of efficiency that no piece of automotive machinery in th Middle West need ever be delayed a single moment of usefulness through lack of suitable petroleum products. Standard Oil Company (Indiana) ' 910 S. Michigan 2S97 ARGONAUT RECALLS CHERRY DISASTER ChloagDi B'i)t. !.o. 'riu- allure to rescue tin- Imprisoned ArKAnnnt miners alive Recalls tin- Frantto ami disastrous sfforti of tnlnerl and cltlsena to save tin- men and i"vs who perished in the OhftrWr; 111 . mine disaster, Nm kfl inoi. ami tin- rescue nllyc of ;w'--.iiy im nilu en who I'oniainud entn 'i l In an ubandoned cbamber tor slgal iluys iietors being brought to the sur- lace. A total "f 586 men wer wm-kliiK in tin- cherry mine when it caught iitc, kitting IN, THE INDEPENDENT WOMAN Is one ot th,- brightest jewels which ndorni our modern, economical lys t- iii Hut loo often thlsl Indapendenco Ii gained si the cosl of health, and the wage-earning woman strugglei thru her duties, u prey to nervotiHneis, backache ami dsspondsncy, Dosi nut her Independence then become mors of a liurden than 11 Joy? Lydia B, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped many such women to regain their lest In life, ami will help many more. rev fflsaa Ave., Chjcagq Im