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PAGE TWO. I I 1 1 - I i v A I'KI'JK TU VPKIl-.IOl A I FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1922. TIERNAN'S DECIDE TO SEPARATE FOR A TIME, AT LEAST WIFE WHO ACCUSED IIABFF1 DASHER OF BI.ING HER BABy'l 1 ATHKH, PACKS UP TO U A i M FOR "PARTS UNKNOWN." KoiMh Tin ml, Iid... Sept. '.!!. Mrs. Augusta TiHrman to'dav j-it lnr it i" gpther Iipr warili'ol(f' tiftd tin- clotbliui of-Hvr chililrnii. Ami hm r li' ii" mui.m uway ami fMSMt, M a li"" Ul It'UHl, 111" NCCIIO III llt'f Sl'Il 11 1 It H clandestine love maaUnfs ami iu-. home of her hunliand, sin- gaurched j from attic in basemen) to tbe pla) things ot 'Hahy Hilly" ami tile two Ttarnan cblldran whom Bhe is di ter : mined to taaa with lit-r. TIitc is no Fipii f reconcllllatlon la tii Tiernan household, Mrs, Tiernan anil baby Hilly will leave South Bond us soon us possible after the oottfl 4(ei liilftni the extent of Harry PoullD's futlt, she says Bhe Is njMhM'liit'fi as to where she will no or just when she will leave. If the court finds Harry Poattfl In nocent of beliiK the father of my baby hoy 1 fear that I shall never be abla to stand it," she said. "They don't want me to go to the courtroom Bet urday morning. But I shall be t In l and If the verdict is against me, I lijar tha I shall collapse. 1 know who is the father of my last born baby. Hurry l'oulln must pay and n tney , tall me that he Is not Billy's father. 1 shall prove it in a higher court that he is. "I don't know where I am going, but I shall leave. I'rof. Tiernan wains to place our two children In a school la Chicago. I shall fight to take them with me. I couldn't live wilh a gingle one of them away from me. i John has stood by me wonderfully nml perhaps the trial has brought us more closely together, but he has Naval Officer Would Divorce II err A ,-V ' 1 r .soon. Mr, Craighead of Oswego iimiiiiiim of tim church intension roottnNMa ni Ottawa Presbytery, presiiled at a tln inid iii the Presbyterian church vioniiav ateming, in-. Hoti o tfendott and foin' ol his aftiect were also pie , 'in i iii gave, siealleal ad dresses. Ilev A in' us Sillirs was in Wullliani I '! ii:u MVeniDg and look imrl in : ...... Shuns Fame for Love i, uihur, in i''io WaJtUa in hutnh vtora Jean SiUari irl ices. I as pastor of (he GmtMUN a"tl MiSH also atteiutotl th li ll k .md Mis. Alii wei'e Slllnla . ill. n Klelufe a Altlu tiepb 111 I. a I'm- h ter, mi la oi Ml Inn. Ill mil '. anil Mr '. Par 'I iy and HVo cbll ni CompiOQ were panels oi u Mm. Kliuei Hlmpeoq Hngdu b 1 1 Burr mai k i iu i oi n i in i si., ic ipairing his Improvements ii.n ..iMi rena. I. eo Kb iufelter is barn ami making ola on his farm. Mr, and Mm. Lester Ktstnf elter and I daughter and Mr and Mrs Walter Kellnfeiter of Waltham have return- id from a week's visit with relatives in Chlogga Mr. and Mrs. Bam BCkWartS spent Banday with tin .niter's Barents, Mr, ; ml Mrs. Kd Thorpe, iii Dtmnilcki LELAND Lieutenant Bradford B..rnett. VuiuA -, ,v, : . . t.. haw irldl suit for divorce in the Now Yoik courts Julia Sander n liovo), stage Uauty. She denies she has been svi-ved with any notice. TROY GROVE Mrs. Mary Florence and Huckinl and Mrs. aHrry rec.lof Rocktord rere shaking aanfli ognlzed that, onlv for the purpose of old menas aunaay. daughter N'orris witli proving Jlarry guilty. He has not of fered to forget our past and start life anew, and 1 am in no position to ask him to. "Yes, there is a chance that some thing may happtm that would again united us in that happiness that was ours on our wedding day. But whether or not we separate, I shall go awny aud take my babies to rest from the strain of this ordeal. J shall remain away at least until tin- sei'oml trial. Then 1 shall return. Prof. Tiernan has pledged to stand by me to right eo far ns possible the wrong that. Hai ry Pouliu has placed upon ns. Pool in has paid, through the notoriety and publicity but not enough. He must pay to the very limit, and I shall flglit to the highest court to prove him the father of my boy.' Mrs. Tiernan may go to the home pf her mother in Broaaou, Mich. Al though t;he met a French woman in (Chicago yesterday '.ho invited her to (Visit her indefinitely, Nhe hesitates to mo. 5 "Chicago is so big and noisy. I'd jrather go into the country to re t," she said. 'It's great to get back in the bar the university Tful," said l'rof his nrst day m we lose we ease Saturday it will go to a higher court. We have united to light it to a tinisU that however is the extent of the re ported reconciliation. We haven't di cussed our domestic plans. Hut with the breathing spell we will do so." Harry Poulln was not behind the Collar counter in the Adler store day. I "How do I feel? As well as could j lie expected under the circumstances. This trial has been a terrible shock to! ttie. 1 hope the world will not be too hasty to draw conclusions," Mrs. Pott Jin said. Albert tiealow spent several days last week with his sister at Sibley, and also attended Uie state lair at Springlield. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Short and Mr. and Mrs, .Veil ll. short spent Bunda) in Aurora. Charles Zorn of Morris was in town Kiiday and .Saturday. Airs. Will Barber and ianghter oi Juliet are the guests Of relatives in r.c this week. 'Frank Hallisath and family of We I Brooklyn Spent Sunday with Mr.. Mary Willsham John Uoebel Sr., John Qoeibel Jr. William and Dan (loebel and M5 i. FabeT of Montrose. HI., were in town Thursday of last i md John Qoebel Sr. tore sixty years; ago; siting the scenes of: uie sum. "It's great to get ba Be3S. The boys at 1 Jlreat me fine, wonderl jr ierIlau today after h f the classroom. "If we Wednesday s week. Wlllia wer resident and enjoyed their boyhood. a. f. Hornung of Deer Park n-. ceived eight carloads of cattle this week from South Dakota and expects five carloads more and one carload of horse;: next Week. iMr. and Mis. William Audrows Jr. and children and Mrs. Martha Hick- ;or Florida, where tiny will spend the winter. John Faber Of Mendota was re marking the Starred Hock trail thru tow;; the first of the neck. Mr. and Mrs. Craighead of Oswego wit" guests of Uev. Siliars and I .tin i iy Monday. Mra. and Mrs. Walter Miller of fetioa and Mr and Mrs. I Miller ami children of H.-Ividere wire Sun day guests ot Mr. and Mrs. W . ('. ttrunner. v.. and Ralph Bess returned from nsm Waterloo, la., last Wednesday night George Heraer of niton, la., accom panied them for a two weeks' visit srith friends. The home bureau meets with Mrs.! William Andrews .lr. Kmlay, Sept. If. Mr. an. I Mri. Hugh Jackson Sr. re turned to their home in Modal.-, la..! la t Thursday, accompanied by their son rfogh, and Charles Crape and sis ler Edith, Who will visit at the Jack son home. Rev. K. ft, ( lark or i'li as.ant Valley will hare charge of the chereh of Cod at No, o during the next year, sad expects to niovir his family here Mrs. V. O. Watson was an Karlvilh i all' r Wednesday. The 76th anniversary of the tnigi nal Uutheran Church near Indian Creek, in l.a Sail. Coun'y. now com I prteing tin- Bethany Untheran Church ot St. Peter Church sear Baker, ami the Freedom Bvangelicftl I. utin ran Church, will be observed . September Mttt. September 30th and October (at, Pragrapts Mra be held in tiie three churches mentioned on the above dates. Mrs. M. Harnionson and Miss Moti sie spent over Sunday among rela tives at Shah bona, in .Machinery vns unloaded here Tues day for drilling a in-w water w. II. The well will be drilh-d near the one in use for the water works; system, and when comrleteil will be 'connected tin with a new pump and I DOWer which Will be installed. I .1. L, Whitman spent Wednesday. i with his brother at RarlvtUe. ! .irs .i. Lyons of Milwaukee, wis-1 a former resident m ueiaan, is enjoying a visit among friends. Mrs. Bertha John .on en Wednes day tor Alts iowa. to attend the jwi-ddinh of InT nice Miss Vlvg Cor i neilaon. Attorney C I). Vonng and wife,) Attorney Frank Yount' and family ol .Morris. 111., spent Sunday at the ('. V, Robinson borne, wlni) nols Is barring Tom MeCann, hasoball mid grid star bus dealt another blow to keep ptiilessioliallsm out of Bid I nil iiuiioiic. I'i nfe ,! Innal bnsohiill restllteit the lueUglbtllt) ban mi Met 'nun admit led playing several games in thd 1 1 tank Hills Utsl summer, lie said hei need n v to dnltih his senlon i bar at Illinois, in barrmg Met rdin MtWhef tin 'In atMl ti'.s fit It 'On ill the in ; Tin Hoorgi Huff, HtMetio'dimitor and oiin r verslt) authorities following more the same urooedara as (bay did In iii ' 1 1 i.i 1 1 1 v. i n . the football men last fill lr. In eat, Inr. the neWs t hemsel vex. Mi i :iiii, it was said today probably a ill make a mujor leugue debut next .'ai He was offemd a contract willi the Dot roll American league club at the beginning oi the present season i in cording to reports here. In his ad i in i i nil w hu h ate unde.1 stooii in bave been made with nu attempt t ureal lllfl tacts, Aid 'ana saltl In- ; i la i summer with the Greys of : Aberdeen, s. d., a Sioux Falls team ami lutor at Dead Wood , in the llhick ! Hill- He won throe of Hi" four games pill le d am! piaydd the remainder I of tin- time iii the outfield. The loss of IfeCdhn is considered no I "ii!v a blow to baseball prospects, ai Illinois nasi spring, hut also tit Zuppke's foot ball squad, as McCanu was looked on us u promising perform ml in the mini back lield fills full. ' 1 .... ...... .... t ,..i Im nw.ird Chandl: Miss Coro-I-ce r. od, l.uue i;eC.-.. mn.. - t ,,. Cbr.stv as the most beautiful girl at the Cn.v. rMty of Hbn s has JJ. sworn fame ami a Stage carve,-. . srtl WSd Rolifrt Btwle. Mm. .Hon. Aik, and live with bim in an ObecaM country tuwn. .spending a few days with Iter diiii'-'h-ter, Airs. A. .1. Leaner and lutnily. Forest Wormland made a hind net? trip to Iowa points tliis week. James Dliott has purchased the house at present occupied by F. I) Watson ami f am fly, 1'. H. Whitman, John Whitman and family of Cortland, in . spent Sunday at the bona of ('. F. Ho in i n I family. ANOTHER ILLINI STAR' BARRED BY PRO RECORD jSnsmpiUs!, in., sopt. 2 fA. im -Harking back to tin- fOottAtll ix-enxbd of pijl when nine iBiBi players worn dlsnusllfled lor participating in a pro idb fonal game between Taylorvllls and Carlinvllle, the university of i n i- A SODA LESS WILL HELP CENTENARY BY $2,000,000 YEAR i roil . Mich., Sent. 2c The rube of a drink of soda vwitw each Week from each nam bar of the .Methodist Kin s opal church will more than pay 'for tin- l2,onn,WMi ec-ntennary fund. itishop ll. Hughes of Boston said In an address here tonight. This amount is being sought to fore stall a curtailment of activities both at noma and in foreign fields. "There Is no dramatic and spectacn lur way of doing our work," he sfrid. If ui' wait for magic, r shall wait in vain. Nor can nny of us transfer responsibility, Foot Ball .n iwimiiiiii' -MrMirs'i , -. minm K I!' Bplphi on Wi ny UuiJd dnesday, iber lib Thov Mr at the bt Thoi r.eii. V.. Opening Game of Season West Aurora vs. Ottawa KING FIELD SATURDAY, 2 P. M. Season Tickes $1.50 (Four Games) Pubhc School Pupils $1.00 Single AdlmisBion GOc i'ulilic School Pupils 35c Vrilliam Kd Jtiiiday after Stinging Power of Bees. Only queen bpes and workers have the power to si lug. Tin- drones can not Ming. The stinger is curved, and is carried Sheathed, Jt can be driven Into the flesh for u distance of me (uelflh of an inch. After the point d pel lltffHIl enters there is a Bow is believed that u bee second time because, owing wafil pointing barbs, llie srin in the wound. Thus, the hi a result of its vengeance. Daily Thought. The valiant never taste but once. Shakespeare. .mi. it sting a J back r is left dies US of death ok -were iniiori at tin wards home m Ladd noon. Mrs. Ed Ricedort and son spent sev araj days alst week wilh Mr:;. William I Arndt In Mendota. Mrs. Charles WHlUns nml Uisfll Rthei Rlckok were Uendota shoppers I Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. aMrtin Ohmn nml i daughter of Ophir spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.-. M, Chrlstofferaon. Troy Orove was well repn Bented at the Mendota fair each day ami even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Haywood of Elgin and Mrs. I.oui McDonald of Lone Pine, Neb., were cnllers at. lie II. I,. Foster homo Sun j day afternoon. Mias Kinma Schenipp entertained the 500 club last Wednesday after noon. 3tr. and Mrs. B, L, Adams and son I motored to Itock Kalis on Sunday, j Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hanks, who had J been guests at the Adams home, ar ! companied them to their home in Rock Falls. Dr. and Mrs. J. Turner Hood of Mendota were callPrs at Rev. Sillars' home Monday. Tim ladles of the r.0) club and their husbands gave Dr. nnd Mrs. W. R. I Mclntyre a farewell party at their I home Tuesday erenin. The doctor I and his family expVct to leave soon P ure Pasteurized MLK ATTENTION! PUPILS OF FIRST and SECOND GRADES Your No. 30 Exercise Tablets ai;e in stock now Price 10c each Remember we carry a full line of School supplies at the right price See our extra large sized Tablets and Note Books priced at 5c and 10c each Wheeler & Malo "Watch Us Grow" Served with other liht, simple foods, ::aker for a clear head and a sound jody. It's value to Ihe firowint; child is inestimable. Pure pasteurized miik alone has the elements necessary to sustain life. It is :ar more nourishing and palatable than scores of foods that cost from three to five times as much. DRINK PASTEURIZED MILK Tri-City Dairy Co. OTTAWA t ' '': a) o sfTfg ': !... ttmmmi viu iiiMMMawiNiaawMSMHaw. in in .MwMWMatewaewBSeaMeaMapewfcMaesHS" at mmmmfmmmmmtmmiKmmmmKmmtt iMti:n:illlltll!lllllilllHlllllll!l!ll!i:i!n:ill!!:ilH!li:i:M:!l"iHI!ini'!llll!lllll!l!HHH imillllllilllllllilllilUIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIllHIIIIWDa iiiiiimiiuiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiies JLfuv-.i-unLrLnruv-u-u-t-u- 3H s3 i ii i, it w M irij i ' !illli:::i!llll!i:i:!!!ill!l!l''iii!ii!iiiil!l!ili!ill! Now you can get Pure, Delicious, Appetizing GRAPE Fancy Michigan Con cord Grapes on sale C. B. & Q. Tracks West Main Street S. ABRAHAM c R E A M E L L 0 I C E C R E Genuine carbonated CREAM from any of the following CREAMELLO DEALERS OTTAWA WelSB Drug Shop Corbur, Drug Stns Abe Cray South Ottawa Drug Store John Corrigan Hess Bakery Frank Brown, Allen Park. Verona & Sons Ceo. Pngakls harsi:j!.l:s E. G. Gardner Frank Mushro KEtfKCA M. J. McGettrick Louis Scerini F. W. tiaMJMSj si:hi;na Ed. Melnturf c R E A M E L L O I C E C R E A M m. Tell your dealer to please reserve for you CREAMELLO SPECIAL BRICK this Saturday and Sunday FOR THIS WEEK WE OFFER CHOCOLATE CHOP SUEY 'the very best by palate test Pure Ingredients, carefully compounded. In ho mtwt sanitary and modern Ice cream ractoty i" this pari ol the country nuke ckk.M.0LI,o th Ice cream favorite of discrlttitnaUnS ieople. Insist, on the genuine. CREAMELLO MADE ONLY BY Ottawa Products Company - Ottawa. 111. 'o(i : Dealers should wril or telephone their requirements 50c qt. 4