tiii: Ottawa i ui:i: tkadkh -aui At al
( M
' -r
) il
. A, Quam Writes
From Florida
of the city, tuo tradition tciu us sjtsnded down to 1 thltak would prefer pail
looted m thou b i ot nuick Hand mul was lined uml Ikiuh.
A delightful timo vrsa pent by th(
mm ot las Bool club at toslr rsgulai
weekly stas party hold Saturday a
Ing. SUty luomboirt tore In attend
aiico. Time was open! ta cards, fol
i nrgd v it Crithments.
Tin War Mothers wirj meet In the
legion hall tomorrow ini'inlng lor an
nUd v mooting, A plcmic luncl I - n
will be nerved at noon tor laamberi
and tlioir families. KpIIowIiir the
luncheon the afternoon will he spent
In towing, iuhI at ;t o'clock the regular
iu:iinean nifetiiut will he held All
a letter just come
friiiii Mr and .Mrs .1
Hie III St. AUKUHtllie
M b I QtMJH Steven
t Mr. end Mrs. Quam.
. ill. Mr. (Juiun nyi
I Mr. Steven appears to I
in strength Hlui was ;ust
to my oltke
A. QttAlfl, vho
visitinK Mrs.
dstigbiof of
ho is sarii usly
however, that
lor the decline of railroad develop
ment ami existing shortage of trans
portatiou. C. H. Markham. president
of the Illinois Central railroad, told
ROOk Island, 111., Nov. 20. PcJIfO
raiders. resuming action agalrat the
viei ring here held responsible for
seven tuiinlei ., early veHUftiuv bat
ter, (I down cu trded doom of the Itoek
I Island N'imvi; plant, OWIIOi by iohn
l.neney, now a fugitive from justice.
New York City, Nov. 20. (By the
illation is almost wholly responsible ".embers are reqttoeted to attend
j il J 1 ( ..IIua.i llMnlnn
The Modern Literature C1UB will
meet this evening at the home of
Mrs. Prank Horan, nter ottaua.
.. .. . . ...... i
members of tho Railway Ilusluess as- wl 1 f JThey ieutod what they doscrlbext as a National cemeter) bore, where
soclatlon at the annual dinner here m . ,. "yo D arsenal," Including three-hurt there are twenty-two grove of boys
tonight. I The Tuoaoy Study Circle I powered riflee,; two shotgun and savjwho gave their Uvea In the late
For ten years before the war, he 'J.. Vi. J. ...mi k7 I eral rwoivera ana pist-n World v ir. Lincoln .-it-burK
Ina from a lain oi oneunonla, she
is aide to take short rule- around
the city, gaing to euch an extant
1 that she is beginning a now lecture,
and is In great holies ot being able
I to deliver It in the near ftttufe.
Among other things Mr. QUMB
giVM I very vivid description of
lOmi of the historic places In the
noted city. Following are ex
ults from the loiter:
l"Dea Bro, Sitler:
"This is Armistice Day and 1 have
attended the services hold at the
:30 o'clock at the homo
V. R Puaey. There will i a
Colonial Life" Miss Dun-
on "The struggle
mhi.i ...,iliti.,Ti L-cnf 1 1 , ! i OI .ll
Watt.,. ..,..! ...,,,,.., I tlin nat raliirn Paper on
i .. . i. .i nawav and anotbt
or ine ra uiaoi. uu vuku wuseM, unu . . - ,..
prices and returns earned In. other"" r - " " n n ladlo CIenuP campaign, Lata saturaajf
lines of business were increasing all Duncan MclY'"1'- "" night l-iwr :u- IVd.go 2.".
, , ued lieutenants, was arrested on a
. nrpspnt shortaee of transDorta- ' w l." '"" 1 . .. .... ..-u. merder chcrse lie was held v. it bout
. 7. .. ovui- snrv, liv tno I Jli. i!S OI Hie
the time.
uirie otttfU.ndlug
fact Jregardine
of transporta
tion ia that it has boon met ot the
very beginnlg of a period of business
revival." Markham said.
"fa this respect it creates a eitua
tloii unprecedented In our history
a situation which should cause every
farmer and busiuess man every
railway regulating official, evory P"h
lie inn u. every wage worker, to pause
and reflect seriously.
past periods of business revi
val the increase in freight business
has gone on until it has reached a
point 35 to 150 per cent higher than
ever before. We may well ask our
eclvea whether, with tho railways
finding it difficult to surpass the
freight record of 1920, they can be
OipBcted within a few months or
years to bundle such an increase In
tonnage a I DOfit experience, shows
. . . . t ten ui; ii.-. ....... ...r. .
would only be normal m a perioei oi , , mmktad to Mr?
First M. E. clmrch was held SOCW
, day eveninf: at tbe church. More tban
L'.'.o people partook of the chicken sup
pair ttorvod between a ami 7 o'clock.
Tho menu waa: Creamed chicken, hot
blscuite, mashrtl potatoes, gravy,
cranberry r.auce. cabbage salad, ice
cfoam and cake, and coft'eo.
; .;, i
Mrs. Ada Keiuk' entertained Oatur
dav evening with a birthday nniJty In
honor of Mrs. Kagrui o Jollet. Those
present were Mrs. Mollie Klchelkraut.
Tin raid, rather dramatically staged natch la inscribed in raised letters
before ditylicht, Cams 00 the heels ut on a copper plate about ,i x 0 foot
another fmportggM developmaot in the and i fntttfitri to a holder in the
cemetery, l thought that tins wiu
a very appropriate memorial in a
National cemetery.
"Tho public and High School build
ing is located directly ucross the
street from Mrs Steven's residence.
They employ thirty-elht teachers
and have luOO scholar. The County
oil on Utu loutli
BpiacoBal church
south Hide uf the lit) Plain, and was for
built in 1480 rho Cathollo church
was built in I Then there Is
He Southern Metbodiat chorea, the
'hrlsiit,ii church and MVONl llnd
ohurchei for the colored people.
The bletor) oi St Aiigusttne, or
l'lorlda. could nol be written with
out mentioning the name ot Henry
M. Flagler He t i ; ntsal luouiin
out business man and benefactor.
His greatest work n probably the
building oi the Klorldfl Ksst Coast
railroad, which extendi from Jack
sonville along the entire, oast coast
of Florida, leaving the mainland at
Kvergladei, running lor OjboUJt one
and ten miles from Island to Island
to Key West, then h ferr lioats
that will each carry forty freight or
passenger cars al a time ninety
miles to Piihu Inmlltii! lit llaviintri
harbor, so that cars of freight can be of Intereit, II II now owned by and
londcd in Chicago and shi.ped direct cored for by the St, Augustine His
, to Cuba, or loaded In Uavanna, Cuba, totfcal Society. On exhibition in the
land shipped dlrocl lo Chlcogo, with- building are many old souvenirs of
'out a Shipment being changed from uletorlc interest and value, lu the
the car It was loaded In. Or paisen- .vrd is nu old well, which, as you
gera can enter a PullmOB car in drink of its water, or even look Into
New York and slop out of their I'utl- IhS wall and make a wish, the wish
man in Havana. Cuba, and return etpOOMI to some tine, on the
the same wa. walls of the building la clinging
"in conne. noil wild the Florida llu'' vp-iior is told that he
East Coast railroad Mr Nailer built wa pluck
a chain of eleganl hotels to provide
Of plRH
dlipoilng the dead prisoners,
The City Gate.
"St. AUgUStlna Is surrounded by
water with the exception of a por
tion of the north side. Across this
was dug a deep moat or canal and a
draw bridge constructed and city
lt I ( acted Of stone w hich are
still standing. These i it v gates were
built In IT0St1tT, and were m ole the
only entrance to the city. At night
the daw bridgo was named, ami .it
sundow the gutes closed, and a per
son without the proper password
was barred from entering the city
until sunrise the next morning. To
make ha moot more gffat live, a wall
of logs standing on cud were erected
Inside the moat.
The Oldest House m the U. S.
"This is one of the many placei
"The COQUtOa shell roi'k Ih of
natural formation and in found only
mi the e;ist sons! ot Florida, it is
used bore in all kinds of biiiidiugs.
ami the rushed and diBintugrateil
rook nakea the Unset 'u"i ot tinish
over stucco. It is a light cream in
color, anu In also uaod In making
hard roada, oolng used in oooiipctlon
with tar in a covering ov a- nflfy that
is crush, d Int ' th an i ! anil lu re,
It muki i a , i.'.unj I i'it is almo t
IndeatructuUli and Is ,i cl i .; .d hi r J
to biick pavsment,
The Old Slave Market.
"This building has be, n rebuilt
and standi in a preserved state on
the e.ist end of tbe Plsaa it is now
prlnelply used by tourist - as a place
to gather ami plav checkers and
dominoes, and exchange stories, thus
:: ln ii c lit rat galhering pluce.
"The present post olllee used to be
the Spaulsh governors dWaJUug1,
and was bulli IE LWl, and is still in
a good stnt" of preservation.
"This fa Just a brief sketch of
some of the places of Interest, and I
prove of interest to you
'With kind regards.
J. A. Ql AM "
uenoral revival
Markham said the situation Is due
partly to the coal and shops em
ployes' strikes but added that the
large contributing factor was the
more rapid development of the pro
duction nd commerce of the coun
try than the development of the fa
cilities of the railroads.
"Clearly it is essential to the wel
fare of the country that the railways
shoutd aft rapidly as practicable, put
their existing facilities in good con
dition, and that they Should for some,
years rapidly Improve and expand
their properties." he continued. "The
onlv thine which ever will enable
and cause
bail In connection with the killing of
William C. Gabel. : saloonkeeper, on
the night of Aug. 31.
It was this niurio , which reveale.1 sunt, of Schools has his office in the
some of the ramifications of Rock s. boot buildiug. The school board
Island's vice ring, thta aroused th , niploys a dentist by the year who
lawabidl.-g element to demand a thor-1 has his office in the school building,
ough lnvesttg.Ulim and prosecution. and who e ares Cor the teeth of all
Detective H S. M usher was si nt here the children in the school free of
from Bprlngtteid to direct the attack cost. The Catholic School has about
on underworld forces. an equal numbr of scholars. The
Detective Modier lie-aded local po ' teachers on the CsthoMc schools ill
I lice in y stentiy morning's raid on Florida are required to pass the
tl, ,..i..l tt th,. V.tiL-a niililiiMitliii, tf I .-nn.A An,lnnllnnj C, urn e.trli-
Mrs. Carrie Itoss. Airs, woo jiuum - , wht.n wa PU3p(,nijP,i a few Werks Ilcates as the teachers in the public
let. Mrs. Mollis) ikox. Mrs. Mnrshaii f.)lowjnK lXKnoy8 mm ,w Nsw achoota. Then they d.ave leparate
ilcox, Mrs. Helen i onr.ia. air . M,xk(1 They found 10 aromiaea IschooU for the colored ehildren, who
Cnarles ( onrad. Mrs. rtie r iinoi ; r w0 mpn Thtr,, w,,r,, ;.tn. ;ibout on(Mhiid of the population
Mrs. W. mauuni. ........ ,,,,. ;,,, 4.11K.,,a.. nrriki!.ir in the ..f St Utrnl in.. The stnte school
police, they said, found not only the for deaf and blind is located here
formidable assortment of arms and and they have several hundred
ammunition, but also much documen-1 acholara. They hav One buildings
tary evidence relied upon to aid in ' and a beautiful campus,
proseeutionjs, About the Churches of St. Augustine.
Pedigo, who had been under sur- j "The Flagler Memorial Presbyter
veiiiansi several weeks, was arrested ( Ian liiure h ranks first In size and
when he came to the court house to grandeur, built in 1SS0 by the late
confer with authorities on a minor Henry M. Flagler in memory of his
charge against him. He Is alleged to i deceased daughter. It is of moorish
be one of six men who shot and killed architecture, and the auditorium is
(iabe1. also a power in the under
world, a few miniit"-s after the latter
Uad been seen in conference with pro
hibition agents.
The outbreak directly involving
Looncy came on Oct. 8, when in a day
light stree-t fight John Connor Loon
cy, his son, was killed and another
man seriously wouime i. ine ceiitor,
on a charge of transporting n hit daughter.
automobile from Iowa into till' "The Methodist church was also
nois. no.! soon arter tnis. built bv Haeier, anu is aiso a nian-
St. AuiTUStilie. The!,.. 11 I DilDg yOB 11 I
ground surrounding
sultablo accomodation! for the weal
thy tourists that throng Florida dur
ing the winter months Two of thei
are located at
hotels and the
them need to be seen to bo apprsor
atSd. The Ponce de Leon will accom
odate .'On 'persons and covers four
blocks of ground, including elegant
tropical gardens and grounds. Th
second largest, the Aliazar.
B portion of two blocks, with an over
bead enclosed jassongcT ulcll con
necting the two sections o fthis
hotel, u will accomodate
patrons. These hotels are
leaf, l -milieu hut differ
cut irom our northern placei of hi--torlc
value), and as long as he car
ries this in hit- purse, he will never
out ol fund.. How toriunate.
The Ao.-.staiii Island
"This ilia ml ii light opposite St.
Anguittos, wnd is connected with
the city by a bridge Which is about
a half mile long. On this island is
located the government lighthouse
covers tamer, watch stands about 146 feet
nigh, i he government wirsieaa sta
tion, the Coiiulna stone ciuariies, and
the alligator farm, are also on this
40,1 island. On tliis farm are pens of
lv Kllgators. raining from one day old.
el, limed
Washington. Nov l.s -The usual
i congestion Of mall facilities experi
. need by the po-totlice departiio nt
throughout the country at Christmas
time will be relieved this year in so
far ai the war department can make
its machinery effective. Orders Is
sued today by Major General Davis,
adjutant general of the army, to all
commanding officers of corps areas
directed them to hold all motor ve
hlf lei not actually needed for mili
tary purposes (Of use of the postoi
h B authorities during the holiday
open four months of the year, begin lw ll" P-uesi one, wnicn 1- ciaimsa s- .isou. am ii n-wu several inou-
ning witii December, and l am told!0 ; yesrl old, it la foorteant sood automobiles racb capable of
that the ervlce and scoomodatlom '''' 'SM ami Velfha LOSe pounds. I 'transporting two or three tons of
these hotels 'ire wonderful and I rney Claim ' hav B.OI1IJ aligatrs Oil mall Will 110 placeil leiillMU'aiil.V at
the farm. I hey may De
of Int'reBt.th" service of the postoflice depart-
charged their
Fort Marion,
Same mil,..-
Marco i i
but an lliuois man. I nn-nt.
Irion, Mrs. iide Wilcox ami Jaiss Al
berts. 'Wilcox. An informal social
i A v ..
evening was spent, pia.ing in" iiun-
Mollie Kiehelkraut. Mrs. Mollie w H-
oox. and consolation to Mrs. Helen
Conrad. At 12 o'clock a cafeteria
luncheon was served, and Mrs. Pagan
was presented with, a beautiful gift by
her friends.
Mrs W. M. SUwlden entertained Fri
day evening at her homr on East
Washington street with a dinner party
in honor of Mrs. John ifagan and
daughter Marie Of Jolict and Mr.-. Ada
Mrs. Charles Conrad entertained I
number of friend.'-- Sunday evening at
Jtran imr- aai ULumiBVBn
wnicn ever win enao.e eompllmentarv to Mrs. John
the latlways to carry out, daughter. Miss Marie, who" '
program of expansion i,K,ttn ,rtnA. and relatives In IstS
in the shape of a cross. It is built
Of Coquina stone with marble
columns. Tho Flagler home is In the
same block, which together with its
gardens and parks occupies the
whole block. In the mausoleum, con
nected with the church. In white
marble caskets rests the bodies of
M.-nrv M. Placler. his lirst wife, and
a sumcient program oi expuus.cm . vwltiOg friends and relatives in
to let them earn sufficient net re-IS,.
turn to raise the new capital requir-1 '
ea lor that purpose." T),hn Pagan and daughter,
Ropsat of the rate innking proyis-, .loliet xvore entertained with
tion act would be the most deadly 1
hlow that could be aimed at rail- j
road credit and the nation's goodj
faith and prosperity. Markham said,
adding that it would tend to cause a
chronic shortage of transportation
"m" n" - given during tho past few aaye in
crease of producUon and commerce Jy, i Mrs John Kapai) and ,,.ultrh.
as long as it lasted. tar Marie of Jollet was a delightful
'It is plain to every man who afr..ir v,,stPn!av afternoon at the home
thinks that the wages of labor can o( u; Fvi n Doj-enbttSch. At noon a
be paid, the income the farmer canldin.,,.r was serve)j
get. the profits that can be derived!
from business, depend in the long I n.hl .,-, hshtw. l incited to i,
tcitid the card party to be Riven to-
chop Wiey dipper Saturday evening
at the home of Mrs. Marshall Wfeov i
in Vest Ottawa. About ten guests I
I w ere in attendance. Mrs. Fagan and j
I daughter are visiting in this city.
Among the numerous dinner parties
j hlflcent building, made or the same
1 : material as the Presbyterian Imild-
ins. Mr. Flagler also assisted in
Human Eye Limited. I building tfie Baptlb't ehurt-h. which
The human eye is uaiy rSMb1e of is eTte of the gratti hTilldings of the
tfcefcv'tng ten impressions per seennd. city. The Episcopal Church is locat-
i-qualed by the prices
patrons for the
(Formerly San
"Tho Spaniards began building
this fort in 1060 and finished it in
1780. It cuvers live acres of ground.
It is built of OQOtaa stono. which is
married on the Anastasia Island and
is said to be the best preserved speci
men of military arc hiteeture of its
time ir. the world. The work, to a
great extent, was done by the Indians
who had been captured in battle by
the Spaniards, and they and their
dec-endatits kept In slavory for 64
years. This castle is claimed to
have cost th Spanish government
$30,000,000. Florida wad ceded to
England by Spain in IT53. in 1783
it was receded to Spain, and in
was sold by Spain to the Untied
States for a consideration of 16,000,
000 and on July 12, lSlM, the Stars
and Stripes were floated over the
castle, which was three years after
Illinois became a state.
"In lS3a Lieutant Tuttle had some
stones in the wall of the torture
nhaaifcer removed and secret dun
geon was discovered in which w re
found crumbling human bones. In
one corner of this room is the outline S000000)eOCOC9S000OeiSOOaOOO00
oi a note canou ine ounieite, which IX
Tomorrow for
4 Days
i J "7
Knocking the spots off his big laugh record in
"Peck's Bad Boy." Making a sensation with the
smiles and sobs of "My Boy." To see him is to love him
that's all. A special attraction at regular prices.
... 20c Children
War Tax Included
I Honest Weight
True Advertising
run upon the total amount of pro
duction and commerce that can be
carried on. If the necessities, com-
4.V. v.- - ' .......... . - .,1. V . - '
have is to be increased, we must
increase our total production and
commerce more rapidly than our
population. We have always done
this In America. But nothing could
be more obvious than that the in
crease' in production and commerce
Siiich is vital to the welfare of all
cannot be secured without a cor
ifesponding increase in transporta-
tlon" .-uvst.
Likely to Endure.
, Restaurant keepers iii eonveintioq
predict the passing of the white front
The Crocked cap, however, seenis des
tined for innii.Ttallty. Decatur Her-Id.
h Tribesmen Whistle Messages.
The aborigines inhabiting the Mala?
fenr Islands speak lo etaeh other at a
distance by whistling, the whistlers
being selected for their ability to
wbisile loudly. Thpy mul;e tiiis ibeii
nil row evening by tho Catholic Daugh
ters of America at the K. of C. home.
The proceeds are to go to St. Francis
The regular weekly meeting of the
Zonta club was h-sld at. the N'ew
American restaurant at noon today. A
luncheon was serve! to twenty guests.
Music and singing formed part of the
The Westminster Guild of the
Presbyterian church will hold a meet
ing at the church tonight. At 6:30
o'clock a sapper will be served, and
the remainder Of the evening will be
BpOnt in sewing. All members are ro
quested to cttend.
H. W. Conde will eatertain the m
ployes of the Conde Motor Supply
company of Ottawa and La Salle at a
6:30 o'clock dinner this evening at the
New American restaurant. Covers
will b laid for ten -guests.
Special Coat and Dress Sale
Where Lark Is Unique.
Larks are the only birds Uwl
'ae ther fry.
Consist of a
and patterns,
modes for winter
with fur collars.
big range of styles
the vety newest
Most of them
Markets Everywhere
229 West Madison Street
Lowest Prices
ferndelf Pure Food Goods. Curtice Brothers Table Luxuries
Chase 4 Sanborn's Boston Teas and Coffees
200 pkgs. Roxane Cake Flour. 35c size 25c
Make your Mince and Fruit Cake Now,
200 lbs-, Extra Choice Orange Peel Answers for citron, lb,.. .30c
200 lbs. bulk Raisins, per th 15c
200 cans. Brer Rabbit, Gold Brand. New Orleans Molas6es.
40c Size 25c
Just Tapped, barrel Long Thread Cocoanut, strictly fresh, fb 29c
500 cans Belgium Peas, tiny and very tender, per can ,35c
8 cans for $1,00
500 cans, Imported French String Beans, can 35c, 3 for $1,00
200 cans, Mushroom, pieces and stems, can 35c; 3 cans $1.00
100 cans, Imported Jan Crab Meat, on sale 50c
Gallon or No. 10 tina, Sprague. Warner's Pineapple, sliced,
grated or ttd bits, can $1.00
Large No. 2 cans, Dei Monte Grated Pineapple, can 25c
Florida Oranges, Grimes Golden and Jonathan Ar.i'es, Tokay
Grapes, Thin Skinned Granefruit, 4 for 29c
Spinach. Iceberg Lettuce. Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Celery,
Cabbage, Green Onions, Snanish Onions, Hubbard Snuash.
pen a new charge account by calling No. 128
All Garments to
be Sold at
Decidedly Low
, Vut
Priced from $16.00 to $55.00
Consist of tricotines, serges, satin
crepes and canton crepes, all new
from manufacturer.
Priced from $14.90 to $47.50
Remember Tomorrow Only
We do not carry coats and dresses
in our regular stock and we are
selling this lot at vastly reduced
prices. Come in and see them.
"The Store That s Bigger Than It Looks"
If you consider quality and full weight
our prices are always the lowest; come in
and get some of our native corn fed steer beef.
Once you try our beef you'll sure appreciate
the quality and extremely low price.
Tuesday and Wednesday
Corn fed Steer
Roast, best,
cuts, per tb . .
Sirloin Steak, best
corn fed steer, tb
Boiling Beef,, corn fed
steer, Tb ,
Pork Chops, end
cuts, tb
Pork Loin Roast,
extra fancy, lb
Fresh Side Pork Loin
per tb ....
Genuine Round Steak, corn
fed ateer,
per lb . . . ,
Hamburger, fresh
made, per tb . . .
Corned Beef, sugar
cured, per tb . . .
Link Sausage, fresh
made, lb
Fancy Veal
Chops, per
Fancy Veal Round
Steak, per tb . . .
Fancy Veal Loin
Steak, per tb .
Fresh Hearts,
per tb . .
t' resh Beef Brains,
per tb
Buehler Bros.
Gayety Building
Phone 573-R
W. Madison St.
sssssssssssf 8eecisssiajo4s7