Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR i VI MONDAY, NOVLMBl-U 0, 1022. Baseball Football Basketball Billiards Golf Horse Racing ijci:: arc tin; o'l iam v inuA: n? ir:u - ,un AURORA BEATS RED ANO HIE IN LAST E FJNAL SESSION RESULTS IN Of FEAT OF OTTAWA AFTf R HARD ' UPHILL FICHT AGAINST MUCH STRONGER FOE SCORE WAS X TO 0 Aurora. II!. Nov. 2ft. ( Special.) Moth balls .ill be brought out and football. stowed liay ut tho liig! nkool .-, jiPT oti.i.'.i v us sfiit eWn in cigfcih consecutive def.ut,. atartia.) al h,ndH the f;ii fiaet Aurcr.i asffroci tlon, Th flnal Boorc. 2l n 0, Whlith ..;'. the K: -I Auroraltc a victory, poveti ihir wav . br tiiflr biff civil war with aa High n,r"Ll'"r,,J ...... . , i ii" . i 1 i ii-.ii i ; . " iiiK A.M; tp tho appropriale cnncdiui ; ol out nllo feativitiei, bnl ). nonitndiitR pul lie war, aiiwlttliif ly ; I ltd I ia thr ceicbralinn .w iiea tbc popp; sludcti band bad liniehed It triuiuiiuil in arc) throuBb tin1 ?-t t. ol city. Tha llKht i;lit warriors I i'1 th.' (lory of tlo' day bjt wraJIoninc- thai -the word walloplaa; the TJIden Ti n hwond-: in the Initial ;;aje to Tin' hivyv.clsbt to'it.'i hotwptn it t'';:ni which a one atrongee, kntw it played accordingly, :ni! another equally as cosnlzanl of it an'der dg position, but refvnlnfi to ad mit It. After making a pair of first downs in the Hrst eeaeion, Ottawa brae 'i i refused the password to thi Kallopinr Johnson r.nd Hurkol, and punio.l tlv ball ut of danger from it (welre yard line. Itut tho Rod and Black was nol t he dollied, and started the gecon I Qiiartor with ruore of dctermlnalioa and K'.- of confidence. Chuck" John Htm vindicated his square Jaw U -n he shtashed. crashed aad dove through th opposing lino for repeated cains, with mkIi yiclouaneta that tn one oa eairion hot Ii he and Leonard Loftan, Ottawa full back, cam.- together in a headofi colli?ifin that lnyed both of j fn'ehi out. Tho Aurora player eQMtUaed In the garnj-. but the vlsiUng catrkw sustain ed a spine injury that may prove awhWKi With a march thai was mad pOsMbVe only "oy pretty interfer' ne tu Kst High full h.iek amashed threogb for time Ibrsl down, and llnally poundjed tnrocRh the vfstttnaj Unit 'for the tl r t teuchdosm. CnXttr dropped back and scored the extra pofnt with a tnatchlca j;oal from plhdcment. It must io said tfuM Pn ornfek'.s interci ptioa of an Ottawa for wdrd pass was one or tbe detemining (actors that .started the local engine to! tea.h Hobinaon'a chm scored twiCft n tne tinal period. . :ien tune with the br.ll cdutchW In thi s$a. k) ts QUARTER of 1 nrins of the husky blonde full back. ! Johnson, liowover. equal credit must Ann Arbor Mich., Nov. W. Mlchl ho g'.v.-n Btirkcy, wheu aftillty to pick jgna's hitherto apetiees genf ijue was hole:; was gratifying; to properafCk, crossed here Saturday in a terrific whose Interference was perfect, ami i clash between fairly even elevens, the hflje opening ability of the Hue. I Wolverine's winning, i to ti. But it '.When the final period opened, East was not until the last two minutes of High had the ball on Ottawa':- twelve- pkiy that the scrappy Bnttgera ptM yard line, a position Hint had been 'over a series of forward passes, carrv Kalnorl by none other than Straight I Rig the ball steadily down the field! football, pins BWket-a twenty yard re-,aiid a short one w itii liaglehi-rger re-: turn of an Dttawc kick. Johnson took ceiving Ii gaw- the .... a from i tho We opening ability of the lino. Madison a chance to tear loo e. ripped through for the seeand marker Cutter booted another placement, :i!i thw score ctood, East Hich, 14; ( tawn. 0. Then to prove that all the punch la not contained in the so-called first! fr1ne i: mimher nt iitlllt.v nlnVAra in. I eluding Pohl. Shaw, PatclskI and Tu lor, wore substituted. Again East High punched the visitors' line. John son varied things by ekirting left end for forty yards, the longest run of the Sf&me, and followed by hurtling over a tangled mass of players tor the third and flnal score of the game. Cutter's attempted place kick hit the cross bar and bounded back. In due considera tion for Ottawa, it must be stated tilt a their list of substitutes became somewhat depleted nor the close of the same and their team was visibly ttVl. They rough! a good fight, but ajWlnst hopeless odds. 4sast High looked good after tji Hint period. Their interfep nee was well nigh perfect -(pretty to watch SAME PRICE for over years ggQuncesforgEJ? Use less of KC BAKING POWDER than of higher priced brands. The government used millions of pounds iKX-KC-KC-rKC-KC i , i la Hi.' ri'siili ntgltM llglon punts. I -.ins good, n nr.'. of plugging: may, nigl I after with ;i tenacity ttkln hi s n I Tin !dn Kdt down well cm mill i wry member of tho loam t Imp i dtftton tor ti kifm tie in ta Kiini' Ottawa ir ver had ,r rhanco In hut v, ore Mi 'iilin- itgl i i,i which k. pi th ocor d i n, Th 'i i Otlawr. Eart PM rj Oeh - High. , re. P, ikri ..i Autratn. BU v u h Kuril,:'. II. g r r, i Johnson r. . i-mhr -n. r, Ik. Rttmi, it. itiler, le. I'lmoM'l, oh, Propernii i, rhh fun-el. ihh. rikiM Quthrti rt. n Ihunuiaii. jb. k ukIicm:-. iliii II fl el h on, rbb, Logon fn 9 C. Johi -OB. II). Gtlnv.a 0 S I 0 0 Kr-i air.h " " o ii " Tw:chUow.f -C, John " I. Ooat after touch Cutter, 1. Ban H , n W , I Arnif.'ru';!or for V. .! v. !' Wt.ltl i lor Armliruster. Shav for Od lochlager PaHckl for PropernJck, rxai For unmet, wtncaier rr.r i .:nn- son. C. Johnion for WInckh r, : bnaon for Iuherty Plw tor (:kli . f I kins for I'ler; p. Pi Irce tor t alKl'.!' A Referee- -Schn ller, Osk Park I'm- pire- Henni-s. hi. n o ntdM -Taylor, Oak Pi rk. I 1 1 Mw - COMES PPOM H03EMANS BEhhMD TO BEAT YANK N'eW Y.ii'.:. Haft SOL- SI. owing :i i.iu..lity :t ii'i .- gnaior tn.ui ii.' gen- . rail' was eiwrMed with, Kdouard llor- .iiiiiiis. the i;. :ji;:n champion, came from l-pii,,l iinii defeated Wetker ("oehran of Ban francisco, 100 to 105 in the afternoon gams .i Ike srorW International bUHaVd championsbip at Hotel Peanaylvaala. Ai tin- e;id of the sixteenth Inning Cochran 1. d 4i ." to '-'fl::. He missed I I the sevan tceotb : n.l it wag hi- last st...; ;is lloremans by a niat"iful di.--play of billlarda weal odd with an on anist! id run or rjnT. Avoragei were net high, the Belgian not.-hing -4 717 ami the American, whftee high run was if3. suttinf L'4 4 i7 ii mi Cnchn i third defeat and put him out oi the ruiminp. I0HN THOMAS WHOLE SHOW AGAINST ILLINi Chicago, Nov. -0. With Johnny Thomas, the human hatterinc ram. and his brother, Harry, rippine and tearing the llUni lin' to pieu s. Chica. go triumphed over Illinois l-fl In tbi sr annual f,ann Salnrdas T'i- M i.m .a , thus remain nndefewtcd In the race for the western conference ship. The rontast was wltnegsed by 32, 'i) persons, the same number that witnessed the Chic,.o- i'ritx .-ion prime. BADGERS CROSS MICH. GOAL FOR FIRST TIME WEST AURORA BEATS MORRIS HIGH 54 TO 12 , " " , . Morris. Ilk, Nov. oO. ..lixins runs, line smashes and forward pass es with even a lesser degree of the usual efficiency, West Aurora admin latered a 54 to IS trimming to the Morris crew Saturday after noon on (he latten grllron. Upwards of "lift yowling fans watched tho Fletcher men deal out the unmerciful spank-1 ing. ii i1 Pocahontas Coal Has been received The only substitute for use in hard coal furnaces M. E. NATTINGER The House of Good Coal CHARITY DANCE Under the auspices of SaiUa Maria Court No. 236, Catholic Daughters of America THURSDAY, NOV. 23 Armory, Ottawa, 111. Hentrich's Ten Piece Orchestra SI. 00 Couple 50c Extra Lady Football Scores v EST. rwcngoj I; Hinux, . Mil higaii, HI; V. laootialn, !. l iwa, l Ohio stut.'. 9, Northwestern, M; Monmouth, 14, Notre Pome, Under, '' Wabash, 85; Chicago v. M. 0. A.. 7 Win. -k i. :i ; K.H1 . rii'i. n. Drake ! i : arhuMtl o. I n 1 1 hti n, B Mb blgan Aggie. Margin i". 6; l Irott, :i. Wtrt Reserve, II; Kenvou. IS, honver u . l(h Colorado Dol . 1 1. Bradley. 21; Lake Poratt, 6. PACIFIC COAST V.."h ton, 12:Staa(ord, 3, Oramn. 10; Oraton au-. 9, California, 111 Hrad IS. Southern California. i; Idaho EAST. i Princston, 1 lie. , n, 3; H i Ptnm .. haul; V Paiili'io'ith. I oli'mln';! 7 pittgbtirgi) 19: W, and .1 . . 1 Rutmn . 17: New Vori V . 0. (;roraeiown I . 19: Bncknell. l:,wroi. Pol U! r.inisns 4 avrmm m. It- Holnl 7 c .... U, IS; Albright, 1 1. I Army, 31; Hates, a. IWIilian: ? :7: unherst, Massachusettt o. .'. II. SOUTH. Auburn, 8: Centre, n. Yii-i-ir.i.' 1. !. . I ' : Was'iinyo'i I .. ", t'.. Ke t". '.v, 6: Alahamn. ft, Vanderbilt, 1J: Qegrgln, o. fi rmessee, is; Bewanee, 7. Maryland, :': Johna Hopkins, 0. Texas L and M.. S4 ! Rli -. 0, Texas. 35; Oklahoma. 7. Florida, ;7; Tulane. t. fleorgta 'i ech., 17; M. Cnrolina Bt Wi t Virginia, 13; Virginia, 0. and STOVE OFFICIAL DIES ON AURORA INKS An Kt nd Bent nam-. ora. 111.. Nov. J -Thomas H. ill, fit. n- ad the tales depart here o th. Ratnbonis-Snrd oru sUivo mntiul'aeturcrs, dropp":'. dead of heart failure en the golf link of the 'I'lrera foi.a. .hib yester.l-' . -'"'" ?r I '". : L' morning. Fnooral arrancenieni- Ii Ing d !.... e i while a st rack carried tor Mrs. William Durkhari of Cincinnati, Ohm. his (laughter, ul. , as m on a m it ring trip at d who-n "i Bjtforts have failed to lo ti . Other r.urvivors or. a -on, Ifyron A. Kendall, and two daughters), Mrs. Claud.- P. Btggga of Uakflfwootf, 'M lo, and Ml I irfa Kendall tit Aurora. JOLIET AND VALLEY BATTLE TO A 0-0 TIE Eor one lour; hoar the Jnliet Sb..l) bonaa and Spring Valley WiW Cats locked horns on Richards Qeid in Jollet yesterday. Both t'-ams fought Ilk" demona and did their best to score but neither could cone close to the other's goal line It wa; just a battle of giants with tho result tho scale was balanced and the score (Ml. Fans who saw the contest were loud in their praise of tiie game many pronouncing it the greatest ever play ed In this locality. Neither team was satisfied over tho result and another game will be played In the near future. Six thou sand people, one of the largest crowds to attend a foothill game in Jollet,: turned out for the big tilt. MEASLES m S3 V may to followed by ssnocs cold troubles; use nigiitly Cost 1 7 Million Jen Used Yearly Saturday i. E PLENTIFUL AS DUCKS MIGRATE JO WINTER" HUNTERS REPORT MANY QUAIL. SOME PRAIRIE CHICKENS AND AN ABUNDANCE OF RAB3IT3 AND SQUIRRELS. Wild dUCka ore tratpefOOt, hunters .hi! the most of them are big, 1 fnt. juicy, birds, coming down from the north. Snow Btortni and cold that in the QthOtas and Mintu' iota is given us t1T' cause of Ike an nuai aatcrntloi at this time. The Illinois river in the bottoms near I'.erh are hfcld to be alive with the birds which Ihive come later this year than usual. The hunter is promised bounti ful s. asou in it is reported there were never Bb many quail as right now. and rabhfts are numerous. The quail leason la open, hut closes Dec. 10. There have been more huntnig !i . . ii .es issui-il than Usual bur the trapping? permits are In majority. Trappers in this neighborhood flgurt on a lioitnt :f.H winter. The Hunting Laws. The -'V.'S huHetin of game lawt 1922 (tor the following proofs .nt Illinois: i) pen .sii.-on .Ian. aqnlrn RnhVI. .v l to I. July 1 to DOC ti eii.ii1 Oil. k (hobwttftel, Nov pi to Dec Iff; aoose. brant Wilaon snipe t gatllnule, black bellied and u. l den plov. rs. yellow lees. SepL 17. to Dec ft rail, other than coot and gatlinule, Bept 1 t Nov. 30, Hitntirg llcenew non-residi nt, 110.5ft; rewfdeni II. Licenses will not he issued to aliens, nor to min ors under 16. without written con Bent of parents or guardian, l - ued by village, city or county clerk Owners. their children and ten ants ;n actual residence may nun daring open B 08 800 on own land vith otit license. Permission required to nuiu on 1 Ball li ftquifeUj rie Etatcfc hunt on la .. ! f another. limits and possession. Ten li tibbits. 12 quails, 'l Diai- blekene, 1 coot, plieasant, Is love. 15 in a'! the black bellied and golden plovers and yellow le-;s. 16 snipe, ir. tt all of coot and gaUihul". c rail bet pjt more tau 2fi n all . f rail.-, corns and gtilfuit' J"' 'lucks. - g -VVsHm n da.J.l" DIP Limit In is-MMo-ifj2jfl0tiirrels. St qu. il. 1 prairie chickens, r. cork pheasants, .32 aov-s, 60 Mack bellied and golden plovers and yellow legs, 50 snipe, 69 coots and gailrifts. CO rail, ;u .lacks. i geese. 10 nratil Sale - Hi teem ra ohlitted. --.--ale ol al. pruteetdd tame kbblta during open 'HMison. prohBiit.-d Export -Export of all protected game; except rabbit, prohibited, ex cept non resident licenses may take fl 01:1 state 50 game birds or animal.; if carried openly for inspection, but not more than two days' limit of mi gratory birds shall be' exported in any one calendar week. m You Are Invited to Her Hon. Ciias. E Woodward Discuss the Merits of the Proposed New Illinois Stare Constitution. An opportunity for every man and woman to obtain the information that will enable them to vote intelligently for the adoption or rejection of the new constitution. Baptist Church, Tonight EIGHT O'CLOCK SEATS FREE t A Standard Last t In Men's Shoes B 1 i ... E. CLAUS & SONS Since 1365 Getting: Even L. onard Stround. termer world's champion rider, gave his brencho a chance Cor revenge on his mechanical rival i:i this brilliant feat of i ip. In one magnlfii -nt l-ap the spirited animal carried bin lidtr over the high touring ear. PRINCETON WHIPS YALE BY 3-0 SCORE 1 Princeton, N. j., Nov. SO.- -Prince-ton Qonted ti: conventions and made a mockery of fate for the Ual time this season Saturday afternoon in .1 feutitlK th heavily favored Yale .mt!it. :; to 0 before a mighty crowd of football enthusiaets Ontruehed, but never outguessed or outgnmcd, the Tiger carried the Yale defensive li. Jore it in olie compelling . riisiiat the star! of the second half, forced the play far down into Yale's territory and then faced by a deter mined defense, ent Smith bneh to the 16-yard line to drop kick the three points which meant victory for Prince ton and defeat tor Yale. MARSEILLES TIGERS DEFEATED BY MORRIS The .Marseilles Tigers, handicapped by a slippery field, went down In de feat yes! ird iy at the hands of the he&yy Morris t. am. The light Mar seilles squad was unable to stop the rushes of Polly Wotpe, Bnger and White and White carried the bjtfl our twice while Eager did the net once, making a Ri-nrc of IM-O. Time and again Patsy Dttgan, aJr hair ba i;. for Marseilles, woul Mar.-, .lie w.. 11!.. not started oiilv t. tion of the tie .11.1 : ! ii lads are unsatisfied of the .Morris game Itea to and will ohalmnt another battle, Wants to Sliare Hit Joy. The man who, after passing yon by for ten years, suddenly greets you by our name ha-n'i been reading nn edi torial en courtesy, He has lust been nominated for sometlilhg, New York Tribune. When a man hnds a last that trtllyfita his foot, he likes to be able to duplicate it in the various styles ie chooses. We make a special effort to make it possible and easy for him to reorder that particular last; wc carry some half-dozen standard lasts every season, iden tical except for new tyle features. Black or Brown, Priced from $3.50 lo $8.50 With the Auto CLAUS LFADS SCHOOL SQUAD TO VICTORY "Eddie" Claus, former high school player, new playing with Northwest ern college at Napervllla, showed his stUfl Saturday when be led his team to I s o victory over the classy Lov ola university team. Eddie goofed one ton. hdown while he sent his team captain over four of them and his half back over for two more. This ended the 1932 football season at Maperrllte which was one of great success. Reports from the upatats oamp have it that Eddl" may ho 1 ap'ain next year. LOCAL BOYS TRIPPED UP AT WESLEYA.l "Ike" Bellrose, 'Fat'' Furmhnls and Bill Zwanxig were not heroes this week end for Illinois Wesleyan when they took iheir tecond h.jating of the season Sai'irdar at the hands of II!! nois college by 11 12-ft count. Ike QHICHESTER S PILLS V-jA ' M .''o.-r'',7',ff!.ti,T.v W v.tiJ ri.. ;:,. r n... r ..... V : vs.- .y r S0ID8V IKI.S' 1. : Ma BY 0HIGGI1 5VtRVVTMt"RF j Jot Few ol us eftew our food enough Hasty meals are harmful, hut Wrigley's stimulates the flow of saliva that helps the stomaeh take care oi Th wrapptTB bats V The LA SALLE WINNER OF CONFERENCE BY UNMARRED RECORD I . K Lfl Salle-Peru high hi hool won the I tine oi chanrplons at the uiinou val ley for i!isi Balurday when they took Bprlng Valley Into camp by a I I ii score ; Pellowa' team has now defeated Ottawa. Strealor and Spring Valley. when ith Lt saiie ..impose the Ills Pour .if the conference. Mortis l inks next hirh having beaten Ot til wu and Spring Valley and still huv , lug a clean slate. Neither lenip has any more rallies scheduled so the : ... . nt rankinr will hawe to stand. Ottawa le t the greatest numNf of : giine-v losing thee while Streator 1 ' ik. even, heating Princeton and : losing to La sail" Princeton has ap ; pi an d in the territory In only one j game and would be picked as 'the weakest team In the conference! ot tawn . u l l be second low with Spring : Valley third While Streator in a III itter of games would rank as high is M uTl-r In .1, matter of opinion they j would be second to Lfl Salle In the showing they made against La, Salle. The per. entnge columns give" . 1.1 Sail nrsl and the. rest of the tennis in rotation. Morns, streator. Sprine, Valley, Ottawu and Princeton. fOBghl hard as did Eat when he jot the chance but the eleven from the 'Illinois college better and prov ed It by the score they ran up. Sunday's "Pro" Results. ' anion. 7: Chicago Cardinals, 0. Chicago Ileus. ::. Rock island. fL Milwaukee, !:;: Oorany Indians, 0. A Greai Gift. If Is a grew I gift, i.ui know thai of being really friendly with .very dlffi people It i- a pity more ot tis htiven'i it To nsModule wiili thi same kind of 1 pie ali I he time it upi i" make .me 'I,-: ;i little naajOhiW' Ulltl ilnli. ilea : wn lion'.:'- ...y Quick Action of Pianist. An esrperl pianist . to cultivate his ee so as to s. . ,.n) nofes or s.jiis iii a iiiUmie, w hili! ids . lingers innke ai leiisi 2.(t(Hi luovemonta in the Su ae space 01' lime FELT HATS CLEANED We di Rebnitd want. an all 1 hem kinds of felt in any shape hats, yon Vy'e sued.' also dye shoes in all biad leather ami or brown. OTTAWA HAT CLEANING SHOP Madison Street Ntxt to the lotcrarban Gtaton Eat less, chew It more and use Wrigley's alter every meal. It keeps teeth white, breath sweet and com- acid mouth. ThU In Wrisley's nm iii-rmint rnrwtns "nins WrlfVy dr ill, hi mi. I lirnottL to jou 1b a new form. Flavor Lasts C81 Wee. t j.- -,,- , a4 IfiriWH Iggg aBMBMSB