Newspaper Page Text
THE OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JUHiNAL. TUMOAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1922. PAGE FIVI DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Tom Get Bawled Out BY ALLMAN 7T f TOM, WAIT A MINUTE. i 60 DOWN WITH VOU- VOUNGMAN, I'VE BEEN 5HE SHOULO HAVElSaE SLAPPED YOU (?IGHT IN THE FACE - -IT WOULD HAVE. L WATCHING VOO - CROWDING UP TO THAT VOUNSLAOV- i WANT TO 00 SOME SHOPPING I'VE SEEN VoUR TYPE BEFORE - THEY OUGHT V. THIS MOMINil nV-To LOCK YOU UPJ -Ji SERVED YOU RIGHT! 3 -Tirn TIP8 TO THE RADIOIST Umik Ntwlln, mi Eskimo In bii tarty twenties, in radio optrator of i narked ability In Alaska. Dealers are :: Ming business hy testing nut each del nolo, imlng II lei receive iivim- fbotr own Intrant. i.nUi' ifw, !.. hoi began I" worry aboal tut that loti by n people because of tbfl I urt of nulio programs' a x"ng write oontpowd .inn- ii route to Europe and wiii it by ratlin from mldecean fur publication. Kach note wu mdlcttod by name, n "ml, re, do, in sharp, iol harp, ote." (Ire it 111 till IMX ill the Prealdlo, sun Francisco, la to be ao,ulppcd e Ith i radio v I n ntor, Which udl lorfl In mi ultra tt headquarters ulirn any one yallt "Ural" into It, At a Chautauqua ran earl t OMatWi v Kn i large tadteuet was m ttrrlfled by thtinder storm received by radio from great dlttance nmi amplified by the apparatus, timr they rushed from tbe teat, only to Dnd the moon shining and no signs of a storm, gome ef tho Ore Intarance companies are demanding thti niitlo (limits ho Inspected and otrtlfleatea of tpproved wiring be obtained. Hotseatori t radio heme outBta would do well in 1 1 in t nelt pollclea are not tffected by the Inatallatlon of their equipment. n f the greal uses of nuiio in the fiinirc ni be the tend iiu of day and night letter Ibroad The low mtea thai will be poaalble will make inch com nunlcatloni feaatble and eco nomical and reduce Ihe time aeceaaafy for transacting trunt oeaaalc butlnees to thai or imni liaea, Governmenl officials bava ve ioii broadcasting by private ontfiti m the Canal Zone and Pttwuna, tbe latter having grant ed iili ruin of wireleaa com munlcatlon the Carted States, nioutaads of pngreaalve "iti ri'nv of aoth placet have pro tested and offered to pay nil gggjetriet Involved, but without IVSIlltS. Today's Wise Word. "An education tor individuality should Include in a large way the geotbil iicauty pf poetry of thing; Uk essential order of history of tilings, tin' ultimate nil yes or the religion oi thinu's; and, la childhood taril;ularly, the eternal yon and nay or the realit) of things." Pallas Lore Sharp. REMEDY jm y FOR THE aeuEF OF i Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITISI -SOLO EVERYWHERE- THFDP 1. L ... A ONE ,, Let the people know your wants through the Free Trader-Journal's "Classified Section" read these "ads" yourself, they are money savers. Phone 118. Scene From "THE TEMPORARY HUSBAND GAYETY THEATRE, TONIGHT T.p. When the girl keepa on calling your (attention to whal n lovely ring the moon tins, grab your hat and go home, Richmond Tlmea-1 Hipotch. "I Got Real Mail when 1 Lost My Setting Hen," writes Mrs. Ilanna, N.J. 'Wlim I well inln our lm anil f-niwl my hot (Hirr dead I so' real iti.k1. ini- pukin of H t. Snan kilW sit Og rate, rullrv nben ibouW u e Rat.Snp." Comiii ciltfs. no mninc. ' trom'lcadrj!'. rhrrr-i2i". rrirc-.. 'jc.05c.S1 Jj. ji Suld and gu.irantceil by S. S. Pearson's Sons. S. S. Pearson's Sons. Chic SPECIALS FOR Tuesday and Wednesday PORK-QUALITY FOOD is costly at any price that's why thinking peo ple make this store their headquarters. Qualities are always right and anyone who shops here regularly will tell you that. OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH. j i LARD, in pails 5 and 1 0 lb. pails. 9c LARD, Pure leaf, rendered, per lb. lie BACON, Squares. A square deal ..... 10c STEAKS. Tender to day, per lb. . . ... . . 8c SPARE RIBS, Fresh today, per lb. . . . 10c BUTTERINE, Oak brand, per lb. . . . 15c OYSTERS, large selects, per qinrt . 50c "Th- Cleanest Market in Town" CHICAGO BUTCHERS PACKING HOUSE MARKET CO. 223 Main Street - Ottawa, III. j$jsj$jsjjtjdWfcss)s)t We reserve the right at the Future Nitrogen Consumption. n ikis been estimated thai In I9S0 there will ! n total consumption of 488 000 t"ii- ot Inorganic nitrogen in 1 1 1 i countrj . REAL ESTATE Geo. A. Crowden Real Estate OJIbway Lots. Farm Bargains 304-305 Armory Block Ottawa III. Micners BUTTER, Fresh churned creamery BEEF Roast, good quality, per lb. ...j 42c s 7c VEAL, Steaks, any cut, per lb. . 12 VEAL Stew, per pound 5c VEAL Roast, any cut, per lb. t. . . 10c LAMB Chops, spring lamb. 12 c at. LAMB, Stew, per pound 5c I to limit Quantity. Tk A 1 8 LEGAL NOTICES. FINE FARM IN DAYTON TOWN SHIP TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION StaNt of Illinois, 'oncty of La Salle ss. La Stile. County Circuit Cou't. In tin; Mattot of the First Trust Com pany of Ottawa, lllinoi;'. vs. Russi 11 W, Leo, in Chancery, No, 26,iro. By Virtue of a trust imposed upon the First Trust Company of Ottawa, Illinois, in and by the last will and testament Of Milton POO, deceased, th" utidorsiiiiiod, the First Trust Com pany ot Ottawa, Illinois, on Friday, Doc. S, A. D. l'J22. at the hour of onc tliirty o'clock in the afternoon of said J day. iit th,' dvotlinfr limi'-n , ,t..i rn the premises herina.'ti r described, in Dayton Township, will toll at public auction, to the highest and best bid- r, the farm known as Tilt: MILTON POPE FARM located In Dayton Town ship, nontttalni two hundred and twelve ( 21-) acres, more or less, de scribed as follows, to-wit: The north' oust quarter (N, B, ',i and the north fifty-two (N. r.2) acres of the .south hair is. v,) of section eighteen ns), township thlrty-foor (34) north, ranee four (1). e.i:;t of the Third Principal Meridian. In the County of U ISallo and State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent of the purchase price Shall be paid in cash at time of sale; the balance of said purchase price hall be paid upon confirmation of said sal by the Circuit Court of La Salle County. Illinois, and deliver? of jdeed by the trustee, in the following manner: Not lees than of the I purchase price, in addition to the i initial payment of 10, shall be paid in cash, and the remaining 06 of said purchase price can, at the option of the purchaser, be paid in promis sory notes of the purchaser, due five years after date thereof with interest at the rate of .". r per annum, all of Which said promissory notes shall be Secured by t lirst mortgage in the nature of a trust deed on said real es tate so sold. ESach of said notes shall contain a provision that the maker nay pay 600.00, or any multiple thereof, two years after date and thereafter on any interest bearing date, upon fmir.R thirty days' written notice of such payment to the trus tee. Said premises will be sold free and clear of general taxes for tho year 11122, but subject, however, to the pay ment of 1328.00 for the fall plowing now done, the fall wheat SAwn and manure hauled upen said premises, said payment to bo made in cash on the day of sale. 1'urchaaer to have possession March 1, 1923. This sale Is made subject to the ap proval of aud confirmation by the Cir cuit Court of La Salle County, Illi nois. Datod at Ottawa, Illinois, this 10th day of November, A. l. 1982, THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of Milton Pope, deceased. HARRY O. COOK. Auctioneer. WOODWARD, HIBBS tc POOD, Solicitors. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order and decree of the Circuit Court or La Salle County, Illinois, entorod at the June term, 'A. D. 1922, of said Court, to wlt, on the 19th day of July, 1922, I chall on Wednesday, November 29th, 1922, between the hours ot 10 o'clock in the forencon and o o'clock in the sitornoon to-wit, at 2 o'clock p. m.i of st'id day, at the dwelling house, lo cated on lots S end 9 in block one. (1), Clark's Addition to North Utica, sell at public vendue, the following de scribed real, Lot s three (3), lour (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12) and thirteen (13), all in block one (D In Clark's Addition to North Utlca, In the Village of Utica, County of La Salle and State of Illinois. Sc.ld premises will be DOld free and clear of the taxes for 1922, payable in the spring of 1923, and subject to the. possession of the respective ten ants now occupying above described ' premises. Terms of Sale Twenty per cent of ; the purchase price caph in hand on the day of sale, the helance thereof i upon the approval of the report and confirmation of said sale by the Court and the delivery of a deed therefor. GEORGE IC REYNOLDS, Truatee under the last will and testa ment of Mary J. Norton, deceased. ELMER E. ROBERTS, Attorney for Trustee. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that there will bo a meeting of the stock-' holders of the First National Bank of Ottawa, Illinois, on the Second (2ttG.l Tuesday In the month of January r itl at the hour of Two (2) o'clock p. m. i i dd day for the purpose of electing not leas than seven (7) nor more than eleven (11) Directors for the ensuing year; the exact number to be decide.) at the meeting. OSCAR HAEBERLE, Cashier Ottawa, Illinois, November 14. 1922 NOTICK. Al! knoulng themselves Indebted to LAWRENCE SCANLA, CLOTHIER are urged to make payment at th store now corseted by C J Stickier COMPANY. CLASSIFIED SECT WANTED Wanted- To rent a small farm of 10 to 20 acres. Address G. E. W., care Free Trader-Journal. WANTED TO RENT A five-room house. In good condition; electrii IlKhts and city water preferred. Call 1059-K. WANTED Buyer for good G-room bOUSO, centrally located; $000 to $l,00n down, balance on easv terms. W. B. PUS BY. Central Life Bldg. WANTED Two young men or hig'i school boys for roomers with pri vate family. Inquire in perron at 719 Webster St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Small farms near Ot tawa; 10, 20 40, 80 acrcg. W. B. PPSEY, Central Life Bldg. FOR SALE 'A tare chance for some one who wants to run a soft drink parlor and live in four rooms in rear, or could be used for any kind of a store or lunch room; North La Salle St.; $11,(100; very easv terms. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRKLL. FOR SALE A few shares common stock uf the J. E. Portor Company. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FAB REEL. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE rK SA LK i ZU-aere dairy farm, near city; substantial home, barns, cribe chicken houses and outbuildings; os tablisbed business; nn ideal place for a man and two or three sons; onlj need about $4,000 cah; It's the dairj farmer that makes the money in these times; don't let this opportunity pass G. A. CROWDEN. Armory Block. Ot tawa. Ill FOR SALE, NOT FOR RENT" My new soven-room dwelling; i modern home; heat, light, hot and cold water; everything up to date. Terms: Half cash, balance on time If desired. FRED S. PRI CHARD, 617 State St.. Ottawa. 111. FOR SALE Cot r,ixl'oiiTfacin.i "west on Bhtbbona St.; one of the most desirable building spots In East Ot tawa. W. F. WBBSE, offlco of Central Life Ins. Co. FOR RENT FOR RENT Large furnished house on Congress St., East Side; one year lease; owner wishes to spend year in California; reasonable rent; refer ences required; unusual opportunity. Tel. 848-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR" KEN T G o o d sales room.' 20xS0 feet, in alley west of Oelger's gro cery etoro; formerly KeJm's billiard hall; moderate rent; you can have long lease if desired; entrance from Main St. also; an excellent room for many purposes; 200 feet from court house. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR RENT ROOMS WANTED Two. thne or four fur nished rooms by young couple about to be married; another young couple and baby; both desruble tenants; will take what we can get if at all accept able; will jay full market rate. T. R. FARRELL. MISCELLANEOUS INVESTMENT 1 have any part of $2,000 ten-year 7 per cent first mort gage gold notes, taken in exchange lor property. You can have $100 or any multiple at par. Interest coupons Jan. 16 and July 15. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. AUTO SUPPLIES "Your Auto Needs" Buy them at Sanders'. Alcohol-Glyc. non-freeze solu tion, in gallon cans $ .75 Ford heaters l.W Register type head n, til cars. 6.f6 Spotlights ..$2.50 and 2.75 Radiator covers at Hood covers also Windshield wipers Ford honeycomb radiators.. .. on 00 50 M 30x3 Vi Mason cords 10.95 MsSft Braender cords 11.45 SANDERS 229 West Main St. Phone 169. y v FOR SALE HOUSES OR SALE Large 1 room house, U good location; newl7 decorsteA bathroom, electric lights; $3,600. C room house. West Ottawa; toUei (Mi $1,660. MISS OERTRITDB HAflMA FOR SALE -The tine, modern dwell ing, 1815 West Jefferson St.; 14,200; let me show It to you. Tel. 848-W. T. B. FARREI.L. FOR SAL 8 room nouse, Center Ot tawa; hardwood floors throughout I fireplaces; very laire bathroom; tui lace; $6,000. one-half cash. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS FINE HO MB FOR BALE 7 room house, bath, pantry, etc. Modern conveniences. In good condition. Hot water heating. Bargains for mirk nalA Call :.? !. FOR SALE -7 room bouse, bath room furnace, laundry, bsro anu srage tn first clans condition $5. 100 Also, 7 room, two story houBe. ."urnace. bath, very large lot, $4,500 - room kouae, hot water heat, al) hard ood floor, laundry, barn, $7,200. All in South Ottawa Have many more. .iter bargain than these Miss Gr ruds Harrt rOR 8 ALB-New rtck room knnga low. modern. In first class condl tlon. $5,300: also 6 room house fur Qaco, tath, gas laundry, $3.S00; and ' roon, bourn oak and anamel wood vork bard wood floors ory large Vont porch, newly oatuted and dec irated $6.00(1 all tn West OtUwa Was Gertrude Harris "OR 3 ALB 1 roon ootta bath gas electric lights $2,800: also 6 i-oom cottage hardwood floors for iac bath gas laundry $5 000 and 7 room house hot water heat cos' ised in 1920 for heatlnp an dcooklnn ofit 166 00; bath One electric fix 'iires Kas laundry 'ame barn will ie sold a a bargain ill In Bast 0 w Wis Geitrud Harris "'OR SAI.Fv 6 room pebble dash tw r.ago, West Ottawa; bathroom, fui aco, hardwood floors, very larf sundry ? 900 lee? than half cab lad 6 room cottage hardwood ioo- sundry; $4,000. WIRS CFRTRTTOK HARRIS FOR SALE A fine two-story frame dwelling in East Ottawa; built about ten years; modern in all things; a bargain at $fi,70O and easy terms. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE 7 room dwelling. Soatb Ottawa; large lot; hardwood floors, fireplace, bathroom, furnace, laundry, la first class condition. Also 8 room dwelllug; bathroom, hot water heat, nardwood floors, laundry, garage. These places, if sold Immediately, can be ought for $1,000 less than a year ago MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS FOR SALE One ol the finest new residences, with spacious land- caped grounds. In this part of Illinois; absolutely modern and up to date; see me at once If interested. W. B. PtJSEY. Central Life Bid. FOR SALE A dandy seven-room house on Phelps St.; cellar, cement walks, gas, city water, toilet; $8,200, subject to $140 paving assessments; very desirable. Tel. 848-W. T. B, FARRELL. FOR SALE a mwram sized resi dence, with all the modern improve ment:;, Including sun parlor and sleep ing porch; also an up-tc-date garage; all on a splendid lot; conveniently lo cated and proper distance from busi ness center, school, church and car lines; must be seen to be appreciated W. B. PUSBT, Central Life Bldg.. Ottawa FOR SALE Cottage, five rooms and bath; furnace, llthts and gas; cen trally located; $2.1 on. W. B. PUSEY. Central Life Building. FOR SALE Five room and bath cot tage, centrally located, having fur naee. electric ligrts, gas. city and cis tern water; price cut from $2,500 to $2,100; a bargain. W. B. PUSEY. Central Life Plug.. Ottawa. FOR SALE The Patrick Murphy home at 1101 West Jackson St.: this is a good, strong house, a fine lot, and, although repairs are needed,-It is! a valuable propertv; priced low. Tel. 618-W. T. B. FARRELL. xt -ZZl-TT I PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR Boors: 9-12 a. m., 1-4 p. m. licensed by Illinois state Board el Health Room J11-12 Wnlonnr nnllnTna THERON L. LENA M. Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTORS. Palmer School Graduates. OtUwa, 111. Office Phone 1008, Hours: 10-12, 2-5.. Rooms 212-14 Central Life Bulldlaa. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE One of the finest dwell ings in East Ottawa Is now offered for sale; every modern convenience; very unusual chance; come In and let's talk It over. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE A fine small house, 1517 West Madison; just right for young couple just starting; large lot; cement walks; fine cellar with cement floor; priced low, $1,300. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE House and Bmall lot St corner of Superior and Fulton SOS ', four rooms; artesian well, gas, electr'.c Hghta; $2,ooo. Tel. 61S-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE One of tho finest build ing lots in South Ottawa, together with ten thousand building tile on lot, ready to build with; $1,S00 for lot and tile; subject to paving. This will in crease In value rapidly. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE Two story frame, shingle roof dwelling, 712 West Jackson 8t.; lot 32x110 feet; five rooms on first floor, three above; furnace and bath; garage; cement floor in cellar; some hardwood floors; cement walks Inside and out; a snap at $3,800; owner in tired of so large a house. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE A good nome at 1749 Guion St.; kitchen, dining room, liv ing room, two bed rooms on lowor floor; two bed rooms and bath up stairs; furnace; all conveniences; $2,400, subject to paving assessments; owner leaving city; very good value; call for furtlier details. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. TIME TABLES CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY OTTAWA, ILL. Effective Sept. 10th, 1922, EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Marseilles, Seneca, Morris, Minooka, Rockdale and Joliet, 111., it a. m. a-g5:00, bo:50. b7:G5 b9:65, Ml: 55. In p. ra.: bl:65, b3:5l, b5:55, b7:55. bl0:00. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars lewva Ottawa tta tlon for Utlca, La SalR., Peru, Spring Valley, Ladd, DePue, Bvrean, Prince ton In a. m.: o6:ifi, (rf7:10, d8:60, c9:65, cll:55. In p. m.: fl:5S, d4:55, f 5 : 55. c3:56, c7:56, dl0:00. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa at tlon for Grand Ridge, McKlnley Park and Streator In a. m : 6:55, 7:6, 9:55, 11:55. In p. as.: 1:16, 3:68, 5:55, 8:00, 11:00. a Morris. b Joliet. c Princeton. d Ladd. f La SfaJle. g Dally except Sundays and holi days. k Dally except Saturdays, Saadaya and holidays. 1 Daily except Saturday, p Saturday's Sundays and holtomyt onlv ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SATE MONEY TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM 1:4 A. M. TO 11:35 P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO. Via Joliet, III., and Chicago A JaUet Electric Railway. Round Trip $3.00 One Way XM Return trip limited to ten days.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICB. HXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CAM AT LOW RATE.