Newspaper Page Text
OF U RWDIGKS I.IHPARV MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1921. THE OTTAW A VMM TRADER - .JOIJIIN AL. AOE THRCa LODGE OF SORROW IS CONDUCTED FOR DEPARTED B. P. 0. F. OTTAWA ELKS GATHER TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THOSE OF THE BROTHERS WHO HAVE BEEN CALLED BEYOND DURING PAST YEAR. Thf lodfi room at the Kiks' Home wm crowded yesterday sttsntoon WhtB Uw ftDUUal IimIk' hi sorrow" mu tiriii. Thrs mbr i of the or- isnlsatloi, otibi rl Coli . i.-m rence rtoanUa and ei Mayor .limn s k. pr rajl have psassd sway during the ist ymt r The asrvics were emona the moet iinpri'ssivr ever held ;t the organ tsi-1 tlon'a nomi The prayers were of. fared 1j the Iodic chaplain) Thomas O'Moara. A pretty musical program .is rendered b) Ml see Vera k Ham and Sai i. kenn) and George Welsh. The adureee of the afternoon wni ! delivered lis Attorney John iuiiis of i MendoUi anil wan oik- of tin- illicit ever heard at an Klk ' aiemoi lal i ervlses. tor. Dubbe tpoko on "Klk dom,'1 paying a beautiful tribute to 1 1 1 principles upon which the lodge was founded, Be went into the fraternal iplrh watch blhoa together the member of ih organlutlon all over the world, and the integrity, loyalty and other i baracierlatlca Bllca display toward their fellow members, Tribute to the tin leparte i mem beta wuh paid ' Attorney Robert Carr, a. k. Behoch and Btute'i Attor ney Hurry l. Kelly. Mr. (irr BDOke for .Mr. CJolei sfH i 1 1 f: in part "Aitiioni'ii qulel and unassuming, Mrotlii r Cole i man of i aceptlonal ability and of excellent education. He was uDUSuallj well informed end was Interested In current events, and Shove all was n pillion above n proacb, otis ol ihr norr who Is missed most by those who love ri;hi because it 's rikllt If Brbthl r Cole he'ii veil thing to he right h .h for it; if he believed it to be wrong be waa ;:n.ii::si it nml Whik Rttremely affahli ami of kimi disposition it waa Impossible to persuade him l support a movi inert i which be believed to bo wrong. "In liin family is whore his kind na-1 tare wi.h moet evident. The ties thai hound him to his wife and t hililr. n w strengthened as the ycere went by and his children became of an ace RUDleienl for them to r lallse his worth. Personally. have known Brother Ooto for the nasi fifteen years or mine We look bach upon this acquaintance and recall the lovable traits of cbarac ter of ear departed brother." Mr. Behoch delivered a beautiful tri bute lo ex-Mayor Farreil saying In part: "Gathered b re today na brother BHtr, with 6 r families, friends and neighbors, t.j participate In the annual ni'-morial services of our ord: r. if from the solemn ceremonies, the mu sic, and song and the words spoken, each one cf us cannot take home With us fresh Inspiration, new hope and an emest desire for better living, hither thinking ami devotion to humankind, iind endeavor to follow more cloeely in the footsti ps of the lowly N'azarine - who nenutrioa ago trod this earth.; then, this meeting is of no avail. Scripture informs us that 'we are born to die' and tO prepare oursi Ives lor the last day.' and yet how little we hood this warning or even make preparations tor the final summons which is bound to come. It is one, when some one near and dear to us, t or perhaps one of our own family, is! taken uway that we fully realise the true ni'iiniiiK of death. "Evidence of our transition is daily before our cyis, and even nature, the sun and stars Indicate it. As the (lav breks forth with the rising sun. who with his iiiys silvers the ripples of; the rivers, the lakes and the ocean, keep on his daily cours until even tide, when, throwing his golden mantle around him, sinks to rest, and we say. 'Another day has passed away.' "The seasons come r.nd k. Spring time, with lis refreshing showers. which bring forth the grass and leaves, buds and the flowers that till the air With sweet perfume; then sum mer, with its warm sunshine, aiding tht growth of tht grain and fruits for the golden harvest; then autumn, when the leaves begin to turn and fall to enrich Mother Earth, and then conies winter, which covers all with her mantle of snow, nature is dead, and we s:iy. 'Another year has passed ' "Hrother Carroll waa born Marcb 14, 186(1, and lived in this city all of his life with the exception of B few years when he made his temporary resi dence in .Seneca. He was educated in the pubic schools ol Ottawa, and aft r leaving school with his determination his enthusiasm and his ambition started In life's work embarking in the grocery business. That business was not to his liking and he then t n- gaged in Journalistic work and came the advertising manager of Ottawa Journal, which position lilied with entire satisfaction bo the he for twelve years, and many, many Unit he took up his pen and wrote editorial TONIGHT ONE DAY ONLY DAVID POWELL IN "The Spanish Jade" From the play by LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE An unusual Spanish romance filmed n the most beautiful parts of Spain with a 3panish leading woman. In the interest and lor the betterment nl this city ami comiuunio In 1801 lie was elected ill', clerk Of Ottawa, when the speaker .hm otootod as mayor, and In that capacity lie not oni., satisfied the adminkitraUon but the pi ople at large He was a great aid to me in tin public Improvemt nl work then in hand, as gj kept his ear to the ground i ml ascertained the feelings id tin people, and lu evi fj Way possible endeavored to make th" administration a tuooeas, During those two years I barued his good Qualities, and to admire him. "lu ISM he moved in Beneca, in . whore he was honored bj being elect ed mayor of that illy, Serving tro'u IsiiT to ISM. in 1908 be waa against elected city eh rk of Ottawa, w hich position be oc cupied for mar years. He waj then elected mayor of our City, ta vlng for two years, r.nd was honored with re. election for another two yara," Mr. Kelly spoke on Lawrence Scan hiii, saying In part : vjc are assembled lu re today with eyes of reverence and lips of prayet giving testimonial of our lqV lor our brothers who have passed beyond "Today we think of death, tint udnt between the cradle and the grave where existence on earth termi nates and the life ol the soul without the body begins. "You have heard once more the call ing Ol the roll, and among the absent was born here, died here and eontlib I am not going to .--peak in detail of his life. You anon that he was one Of Ottawa -, most loyal suns; that he was born here, ded here ami contrln utttd more than his share to the bit torment of our community. I need not speak of hii service to bis God or his home, because yotf snow thai to be ahm e r. proacb "I will say a fOW wordr. however. about Larry Bosnian, a brother Klk, a brother who always spoke a word of (beer, a brother whose actions be -.poke his pi. due f irii ndablp and fraternal ism. it vu tins spirit of friendship t li,,t brought him to our banquet hall to meet with us witn laughter and ( beer. It was this same friendship that brought him to this hall as ve are to lay with tin time ol Rlkdora ootntlns to the hour of eleven to commemorate the death Of our brothers. "As Kiks and members of an organi sation who lulieve in Qod and the hirafti r use know thai the death ! i .any ScHii'an merely that ti n. i tht ttrst notes from the golden tram pel of death stilled his heart and brought him from the trials and trtbtl- lationa 1 1 earth to tae peace oi in-a .n where be h aid those wonderful words, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' Wie mourn hi loss today, yet our sadness Is a el fish sadnosa, for we known that bis gain was our lo.-s. the loss of a true citizen, ;i true man, a true Klk. one who lived up to the principles of our order, that com mend a man to live in such a way that those who have gone Indole will be proud of him and those who remain after will remember and love him." Miss Mary iforaa has returned to her home ill Chicago after spending Thanksgiving and the week end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horan on Lafayette street. Miss Horan is a teacher of millinery in the Winchell School in Chicago. Mrs C. K BraBhlgnam ami two chil dren have returned to their home in Ottawa after sepmling Thanksgiving and the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Walsh, in flwlght. Notice. Tile Art Popartim at of tin ans club will meet with Mn Boyle Wednesday i veiling, be 7 : 150. B, 0mmlmmmmmmlmmmmi sssjsss ... sssssssai Harold Lloyd in Grandmas Boy His First 5 Part Picture ALSO "THE BATTLE OF JUTLAND" A reproduction of the "reatest sea firht in history ADMISSION Adults 30c Children 10c Local Brief smmnUtt Mr. and Mrs. Charles v. McAllis ter and son have returned to their ho on Washington itreet, .in. r spending Thanksgli Ing Ith in. ndi in Chicago. Misses Sophia ami Margaret Koeh let- have returned to their home In w . i Ottawa after spondini visiting Friends i Chicago Mrs. r k Zeiiers of North Ottawa Is visiting her daughle, Mrs K I, dales in Chicago. Misses Francis Weiitz and Meina McAllister are visiting relatival in Chicago. Mrs. C. c. Connel ami daughter EHIsabeth ol st Paul, Mum , n and Mrs, William Bcalea ami family ami Mr and Mrs. .1 I. 1'olkinghom of Chicago have returned to their homes alter spending the week end with Mrs Joseph Allison on Clay itreet, .Miss Mildred BOSS of Klgin spent tile week end visiting her paronta, Mr and Mrs .1. J, Bote, in ihls rity. State's Attorney II K. Kelly )UH returned home from a trip to Lincoln Neb, Miss Louise PeddiCOrd of Seneca was an Ottawa visitor Saturday, Harold i. anger, wim is attending school in Chicago, spent the week end at his home lu Wesl Ottawa Charles Button, who teaches in Champaign high acrool, ipent the week end with his parents on Chris tie street Mr. and Mrs. Kd Schmidt of l.i Salle spent the woek end visiting rel Htlvi s ami friends in this city. ! Miss Clara Spillanc -nal brotln r P i of Chicago spent the weak -nd v ,tl. their folks on Puperlo? street, i Miss Clan Qerdlng has returned to I Chicago after spending the past Few I days Vlaltlng her rolks in this city. Miss Stella Kelly is confined to her hon ii lefferson street with a slight attack of dlptheria. I Harry Tremper, of Streator, spent jm iterday in this city. Miss Loretta Higgini, of Beneca) wai the guest oi Miss Etosells Welsh, 1 over the week end. Mr, an i losefa Crbnin and two 'sons left yesterday for their home in Hartford ('it;., Inil., after a motor trip to Ottawa, (o spend Thanksgiving with I Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Rabbltt, .mi west Jackson street. John fjoedtner, acted business in of Hendota, trans Ottawa today. Jr., was a La Salle 1 Jerome Rabbit, 1 isitor last night. Miss Carrie Qerbef, of Chicago, Is I visiting relatives and friends In this city. Ray Hiiich, of Marseilles. an Ottawa caller yesterday, i Homer SuddartU left yesterday for Hammond, Ind., where he will make Ihis future home. William laeger, of Marseilles, wan jan Ottawa caller yesterday. The Miss. Eva, Anna and Charlotte Nevins, and Isabel Schoar spent last evening in La Salle. Mrs .7. .Johnson, of Seneca, called on Ottawa friends Saturday. Phillip Bi bOCh has resumed his studies at Hie V. of I. after Spending I he past few days with bis folks in this city. Robert Tierney has returned to Chi cago, after spending the past few days with his mother in Morth Ottawa. Miss Marion Gagel, who is a student nurse at the Columbus hospital, in I Chicago, Is. sending a few days visit 'ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Qagel, of North Columbus street, j The Missse Marie l.ondergan and Irene Halm spent last evening with friends in La Salle. Arnold Olson, of Seneca, visited with Ottawa friends yesterday. SHOWS AT Matinee 1:15 antj 3:00 ; NIGHT 7 -nd 8:4o' HEADS LA SALLE CO. FAIR ASSOCIATION SUCCEEDS SELF AS EXECUTIVE OF EXPOSITION FOR THIR TEENTH CONSECUTIVE TIME NE VOY 8TRAWN RE ELECTED SECRETARY. For the thirteenth II (ieorgo M. Reynolds, ol Utlca, was elected pr I dent of the La Salle county fair as- loclatlon, The election took place Saturday afternoon in the supervi- i room in the court house. Mr Hey nobis tried to havo a successor appointed to take his place, hut hii fellow officers refused to entertain such an idea for a minute, and In listed upon putting him hack for a thirteenth year of service. All of the officers who havo headed the organization during the last year wcre elected for another year of , mi. i . it . . v servn e. mi' i oilipieie iisi Clioseu , Miss Itita Dunn was the guaa) of La Baile friends yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Claude. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. It. .1. Hartkom and Mrs S. Hartkorn motored to Sycamore yestcr day to spend tro- day with friends. Miss Lucille Nevins has returned to Chicago alter spending the weekend with her folk in this city. At. Plink spent yesterday in Prince ton. O. J. Christman and mother. Mrs. Mertha Christina!!, accompanied by Mrs, BHIsabetb Baum, of Morris, spent tin- week-end visiting friends in Jollet. S. Blderidge, of La Salle, spent the day in Ottawa on business. Johfl Carey attended the football noon. Dlnny Dunn transacted buaineas in araeillei yesterday afternoon. .lames O.ToOie and Thomas I'ur geson spent yesterday afternoon in La Salle, attending the football game. Ulen CoatettOi a itudenl at Armour Institute, who spent Hie Thanksgiving holidays in Ottawa has rettir 1 to Chicago. Karl Wendei has returned to school in Chicago after spending the week ijul here. Bdward Spillane, of Chicago, spent Bnndgy in Ottawa at the home of Ms pari nts, on Superior Street. WiUard Qoatelo and Joe Gelger and Philip Behoch, students at the fjnfr rersity of Illinois, have returned to school after spending the Thanksgiv ing holidays hero. r SOAP Swift's Pride 4V2c Classic 5c P. & G. Nantha 5c Fels-Naptha I-5V2C LOS ANGELES 'SAN DIEGO SANTA BARBARA ss. rC mtl0 V j "CATIRISO GORGE Follow the route with your eye. It's the natural route to Southern California direct to the land of flowers and sum mer suns, via the Rock Island Short Line the low altitude route of the golden Slate ; Limited This train, famous for twenty years, gives you a delightful combination of comfort and scenic charm. You see things you sleep well you enjoy well prepared and well served meals "the best on wheels." Newest all-steel Pullmans club-observation car, drawing-room compartment sleeping cars Leave today, arrive Los Angeles 1:10 p. m., San Diego i 50 p. m. third day. Full injertnatwn, rtsmaitons and descriptive booklets upon application to R. A. LYNCH, Bock Island lines "5entv Years of Strvicm" were as follows : President Oeorgi m Reynolds, Utl ca. vice pre id. nt W, ll. Watts, Otta wa. Secretary W. Ne Voy straw n, ot' taw a. Treasurer I I llornung, Ottawa. The number thirteen proved to be quite .1 leal lire of the meeting, for not only w as Mr. Reynolds chosen tor a thirteenth term, but thirteen di rectors Were elected til HeWO three year terms This was one-third of the complete board of directors, th election oi tin Dumber being mad each year for a three year term. The members of tht- board who were se lected Saturday to larva until 1915 were as follows: J. It. .lorsted. Sher idan; It McAten, Serenu ; Charles Knoll, Pall River; Daniel McCarthy. ottawn; Charles drover, Ottawa; .1. C Hall. Sheridan; .1. J. Mctirath, Ot tawa; It M. Antrum. Grand Ithlge; W. II. Palmer. California; T. W. Ks mODd, Utioa; .1. ('. Nicholson, Ver million; Prank Haokman, Mendota; and W. W Wlllsey, Ophir. The SSOOnd week In September WUH chosen as IIih desired lime for thii holding of the 1911 fair, although exact dale could not he ibiided upon until the officers have an opportuni ty to look up and see what fairs uro scheduled to take place on this date. HARDING ORDERS BUDGET REDUCED i Cunt iniied from pagi II sieed of construction on three light cruiaera. Provision Is made in the budget for $L'.". iii pensions; $4.!;,.rti4, o.'.o in world war allowances, and $20.- 199,289 in retirement pay, other items include $41,7(14,550. for rivers and harbors; x:ll,4M),U0O for good roads; 16,719,990 for hospital con struction and facilities for war patients; $j.200,0(i(i for railroads In Alaska. 96,989,108 for the PiUUUna canal; $1 ij.iiMl.tiXll for general law en forcement, lie lulling administration ami snforcamsnt of the national pro hibition and narcotic acts, and the prosecution of war frauds; and $750, 000 for the replacement of worn out portions of the Alaska cable. Conrjress Opens New Session. Washington. Dec. A.- Congress closed Its two weeks' extra session and started it regular session today with an intervening period of only ten minutes. The old session closed at 11:50 o'clock and the new con gress started at noon. The senate met at 10 o'clock and the house at 11. The senate formally dropped the Oyer anli lynching bill and COD finned about 1,700 nomina tions, but that of Pierce Butler, of si. Paul, to be an associate of the su preme court, which wa-s blocked by 9ei tors I.a EtoUette and Senator Norris. About 1,600 nominations made today affected army officers. SOAP Crystal White 4Vsc Rub-No-More 5c Star 8gC Aim. i an Family ,... .5 Vic The Short, Interesting IDaij CLASSIFIED ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY VOIR RENT Bight rooms, rurnaee and bath. T1 Congress St ; ol "double" house; newly deorat.ed guild order; Immediate possession; house is not for sale: teuant may have long lease if desired; will not ienl for I I'lau one M ir; rent 40j kev at 411 pearl Bt Tel. i;is-n . t. it. PaJUUBLL. I'Olt BALB A dandy, line home on West JefTerson St.; oomplotej MitOO. Please come in and look over the cop on this one; It's good. Tel .,iv-.. T. Ii. FA.RRBLL. KOIl S AI.K I want to gel In com-1 muntOStlOfl with some local son of Scandinavia who would like to buy a home near an educational Institution he is proud of, I'. V. L. ('.; 1 offer :i lot l!l)vl;'ll- fl mi., -irtd oio.-leill' let',' frame shingle roof. 8 room down, II and bath up; furnace, cement Moor in Cellar, cemenl walks, garage; a dandy place and a bargain; $H,kiio; easy terms if desired. Tel. t;tS4Ut T. B. PARRBLL. POR INVKSTM KNT I oiler any part. even hundreds, of t,000 first mort gagl . 7 per cent gold notes, for face and interest accrued to date. This is an item, taken In exchange for prop erty, trom a person for whom i have previously purchased these notes: best si i airily, fine rate of income, 7 per cent, is going fast; you will soon be glad to get 1, Tel. 848JWI T ll. PARRBLL. WANTBD- I want to buy live to ten acres of land on which tin re Is a water hole or old gravel bed or water of some kind; will pay market rates. T. i. iit,ji T. B. PARRBLL. 'OR It KNT- - The "Mattoci-s" house, 4L'2 Pearl St.. Baal side; eight rooms, furnace, bath, garage, cement flor In cellar, bard wood lloors on lower floor; large lot on bank of Fox river; property worth 98,000; rent 960i Immediate posseesion ; reference strictly required; seek a tenant who 1 wants to stay some years; don't want I to rent to transient or temporary resi dents. Tel. 648-Wi. T. B. PARRBLL. WANTED- Laborers, at Marquette Cemenl Mfg. Co.; construction vwirk; :. II winter work. Apply WOK-DKN-ALI.KN CO., at Oglesby, 111. ; COAL -Fine burning; no soot or clink- Colder Weather Is Coming Now is the time to build your combination doors. Storm doors in winter Screens doors in summer You never move them Two doors for the cost of one We are the only contractors who make, a specialty of these doors. Tel. 436-K LA SALLE Week of Indoor Streator Encampment Zouaves, Exposition and Carnival At Streator For Six Nights Inclusive December 11th to 1 6th Making a week of amusement Among the many Wonders and Attractions that await you are: Merchant's and Manufacturers' lixhibits Radio Concerts nis?ht. with free demonstrations of this great scientific eac marvel -Dancing in the largest and best dance hall m -Free Band Concerts Gigantic Street Farad county Free Acts And Featuring The Renowned "HOUSE OF A THOUSAND WONDERS There will be a county-wide scramble for six 1923 FORD Automobiles One each night Come and make a collection of souvenirs and other useful articles to be given away by the dozens of exhibitors. Come and dance the six nights away a different orchestra each night. Among them Sweet's of Joliet; Shi minek's, Streator; Rex Floward's Road Orchestra of Pontiac; Murphy's Academy Orchestra of Peoria. STREATOR'S MARDI GRAS AWAITS V0U- In three brick, fire-proof buildings, and steam heated, with a floor space of over 40,000 square feet. The dance hall alone is over 150 feet long and over 50 feet wide. Not a one-hall affair but a week of attractions that have taken over the three big buildings, all clustered to gether. COME ONE COME ALL Come where winter weather is forgotten in the midst of summer pleasures I ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO STREATOR SO I FOLLOW THE RED ARROW SIS best $T; mine run IS.ROj wSliit ed Chips $-1. Cnll 197-K. I. i Lost female collie puppy; 4 months old; bufl color, with white ne ' ami markings; reward, Phone WSMr". POR BALB oak ami hickory wood. awed and pill to 111 an) furnace, or fin place t WHITE, Phone 901941, Notice. The Amateur Musical ( lub win nvt with Mrs. tlus May Tuesday, Dee. , at 1:30 p. in. Notice. Tin. ladies of Christ Kpiscopal Church will hold an tillday meeting t the parish house rldny, Dec. 8. Luncheon will be served at 12: So. Pinal arangementi win bo made for the baseai Which will held at the par ish house Wednesday, Dec, 18, begin ning at 2 o'clock. Hot supper will Lo served from 6:80 to 7. Notice, Rebekahs. The special meeting advertiaigl to he held this evening ban been post poned until ,,dnesila evening, Dec. ti. Hear Margaret Haley Sp"itk cm tie' prop ' ' DOVI constitu tion at the Gayety 'I heater v. sducs day night, Dec. 6, Admission free. Notice. 'I'll, mooting of the 1). A. It will ha held Thursday. Dec. 7, at at the Clifton Hotel. Notice. Tuesday Study Circle will meet With Mrs. (Jus Kneussl Dec. " at 2:::o. Hear Margaret Haley Speak on the proposivl new eontUitll linn at the Oayety Theater Wednes day night, Die. ii. Admission free. The Florence Rebecca Lodge will hold a special meeting Wednesday evening. December 6th., at which time seven candidates will be Initi ated. The Grand Ridge team will do the work and all members are invited to attend, j Notice. Annual betaar and cooled foHl sale will be given by the Ladies' Aid of Trinity Lutheran church Wednesday, Dec. C. afternoon and evening, at the corner of Olover and Uuthrie streets. 99 GUS. E. SCHMIDT Contractor 608 Columbus St. COUNTY'S Frolic and Fnn untiring fun, frolic and 3 the OMAR SAMI and his 9