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OTTAWA FREE I '?AIMK - .JOLKN AL. rAfli rrvft 6EX RATIO 109.1 TO AGAINST 104 TO 100 FOR EIMTIRS POPULATION OF THE UNITtJ STATES. Mrs, Silas Tiuyor of BtMttOD, S. P., '' J CENSUS SHOWS MEN DOINGS OF THE DUFFS A Night Out BY ALLMAN EXCEED WOMEN ON' iliiTI F TM ll i TME OFFICE OR AllTTLEWmLE.V ' 0 I'M LATER THAN I H Zll,. S ' HAVE HAD TO SIT OUT THERE AND IRflrniOAII FA !1 Al P 1 f.i.Aijmc ihoujht i-o be-i suppose Wffl .. 1 freeze to death -voo are alwavs AMERICAN FARMS. I. cr;;i5 I JkP ll.'i.T U) 111 II Jl. .Mill !'() IT, l IM lOiein IIOI'Il P')M- t Tim (lupin mont if coniiiiorco iiii noggcme that. neeoNting to tho four teenth decennial eunmis, the 3l,GH,26!) farm dweller emimcr: i I as of .Ian. 1, 192f, were er, Up d :;i eordltl I I HOX and age fin follov Males, 18, 4M,33K; females, 14,117,831. Under 10 ywu-;' f ago, 8,188,070; 10 to 20 years, 7.S24, I'd; 21 years and over, iri.6ri2.093. -The farm population com prises all perilous iicti:;'.lly ailtinc their Im'i on twins, rogardle whether ongnged In agriculture, t i gather with, farm lahorci'ti and tin " famliU'i living elsewhere than on farm, but not living in Incorporated places. The sex ratio for the farm populi ton in 1920 whs 109 I males to 101 female, as against a ratio of 104 to loo for the entire population Of the UuJtod Stale,:. In every state c scepl three West Virginia, Wyoming and Arizona the ratio of null to femu!, I was higher for tho farm population than for the total population, despite the. fact that the foreign born element, ln which the males considerably out number the fomaleo, is found mainly in the cities. Thin mean , thai tarter numbers of women than of men are leaving the f.-. tin:- in search ot more lucrative fields Of endeavor. Basl of the Mississippi river the liiuli for any state r that for Wisconsin., while til,; lowest, Ion., appOS rs for South CluroHna. West of fh' Mir.slsslppl tn corresponding ratio ranged from IH',4 for Nevada to I OS: 7 for Louisiana. In general, the ratios 1 are higher In the went than in the ! north and hitfjicr in the north than In the south. Of the total farm population. 26.7 per cent wire under 10 years of ag", 21.7 per rent between lit and 21 ycr. of age. and 4!'..', per cent were 21 jreaTl of ago and over. Th d correa pending porcaatogM tor the entire population of tho United Stutes wre 21.". IOT find 57.0. respectively. Thus tin f.nri po pohltion Incluih s n relatively large proportion of perooni under the ago of 21 and B relatively Knia'l proportion of persons 21 years of ace and over. Tbl-i dilT( rence in ag' distribution 's duS i'l large part to ihe fact that tho majority of pan OAS who leave the form to tuke up their' residence else where bavo rocched or pi.ssed the age Of It. Moreover, the foreign born pop. illation, which 1:, found in th" cities, consist:', in laiv;, part of per sons past the a.e of 21. The largest proportions Of children and youth in the farm popul; tion are shown for the BOUtben utate;: and the lowest for the. New England states, New York. New Jersey i.iiii Callfcrnla. GRAND RAPIDS .Miss Nellie Kubn, wlio Is to marry WlUlan Mullen of Kami Hiilge on Sunday, was the guest of honor at a pretty party given Sunday et the home Of her parents, Mr and Mrs. K. II. Kulin. Mrs. N. H. Galloway and Mrs. Thomas Kuhn were hostesses. The guests included seven! y-fivo f:i,'iuls of the bride-to-be. WSS prettily decorated in CLASSIFIED SECTION 99 white crepe paper and chrsauthe mums. Krom the light in tile center j WANTED Buyer of each room were suspended white The house wedding bells, vellow- nnil afternoon, there ... . ' J I WANTED I FOR SALE HOUSES for good (room hou:;o, centrally located; $7,00 to $1,000 down, balance on easy terms. W. B. PUSEY. Oeatra Life Bldg. SIPS 1 1,1 II. IIW :. n V , AlKWyt&.&zp- '"- mtFsmms: mm iii i i i i i ill i v, isr&Bm '. bssji W Whpn von start thinkinp- of a Pitt for vonr I brother or your son think of our holiday bar- i gains in Radio sets and supplies. I Every part of this popular instrument we sell E can be relied on to give faultless service. 1 Oiir nrirps Trip thf mrmt rpQcnnoWpvnM Tjnll firv? . CONDE MOTOR SUPPLY CO. 1 Phone 600 1 ES E. WARD Discuss the NEW CONSTITUTION at the GA YETY THEATRE ec. 4, 1922 CHARL PR0PR0SE! J9 Tonight (Monda at 8 o 'clock Learn what the New Constitution really does provide for by one who knows Ladies Especially Invited No Admission Fee WANTED One bowling alley. QLESRKS Start $13." monthly; ex penses paid; specimen' examination Questions tree, columbus insti tute, Columbus, Ohio. being fifteen tables Bunco was the dlversionO of the filled with players. Miss Helen Mc- Cormick received ;i set of mixing bowls for first prise and Mrs. Landers was consoled with a measuring cup. : IJoth prizes were presented to Miss Kuhn. At the close of the last game the guests remained seated at the small i tables and were served with a deiic-j lous luiuh, ((insisting of chicken, salad, psrkerhouB rolls, pickles, olives. rose and lily Ice (ream, nuts and ' c.indy. Miss Reglna O'Donnell, Miss! Esther McCormick, m Iss Vernla wale ey.Miss Klor(uue O'Neill. Miss Florence Ott and Miss Loretta i Mullen assisted In the serving. After lunch trumpets were heard and two small boys, Norval (ialloway Jr., and Gregory Kuhn, appeared on ' the scene drawing after them, a small: 'OR SALE Small farms white crib filled with gifts which were iu, 40, so acres pin boy; Boat Club Apply at Iloat club. WANTED Two young men or high school hoys for roomers with pri vate family. Inquire in peraon at T19 Webster St. WANTKD-"Laborers; steady work; permanent 1 4o cents per hour, in attire THE BAKU ( LAV co., Strestor, 111. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KOR SALK Large 7 .com house, In good location; newly decorated; bathroom; electric lights; $.1,500. (i room bouse, West Ottawa; toilut; gas; $1,050. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. KOR SALE S room house, Center Ot tawa; hardwood floors throughout; 2 fireplaces; rery large bathroom; fur naces; $6,ono. one-half cash. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. KOR SALE Fine home; 7 room house; bath, pantry, .etc.; modern conveniences! in good condition; hot water henting; bargain for quick sale. Call 578L. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR Hours. 9-12 a. m., 1-4 p. m. Licensed by Illinois Bute Board of Health Room 211-12 Valonev Buildlne near Ot- W. B. PUSEY, Centra! Life Bldg. FOR RENT KOR RENT 1 Gil-acre farm, southeast of Wedron. Ineuire of JULIA JOHNSON, Newpik. III., Box 64. presented to the bride-to-be. The presents included aluminum, pyrex. silverware, cut glass, linen, and other pri tty articles for the new home. Out of town guests were: Mrs. C. Hanley, of Utlca, Mrs. Carl Varley and Mrs. Bert Johnson, both of Marseilles. Mrs. Arthur Kuhn and Mrs. Reuben Missal, all of Kernan. The Get Together Club will meet j with Mrs. Frank Lehr. on Fridav, Dec. 1. Miss Nellie Wakey and brother; Lloyd Miss Ruth Loreng of Streator, and Messrs Bill Lotz and Leslie Kont, fOK cmJUK izu-acre dairy I arm. near both of Rarm Ridge, motored to Cham- city; substantial Li me, barn's, cr.'tw paign Saturday. The latter two re- ,'hlcken houses and outbuildings; es I turned Sunday, fhn former three re- tablislied business; an Ideal place for mainlng until Monday. a man and two or three suns; onl Mrs. Margaret Hagie, of Ottawa, .need about $4,0t0 ca.-Ii; It's the dalrv FOR KENT Eight room house, 22b Washington St.; furnace, bath, gas and eleetricitv. Inqulio 1111 Pest St. Telephone MMf. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -7 room house; bathroom, furnace, laundry, barn and garage; In iirst-class condition; 5,S00. Also J room, two-story bouse; furnace, I bath; very large lot; 14,500. 3 room hout-e; hot wafer heat; all hardwood j floors; laundry; barn; $7,200. All in South Ottawa. Have many more bet ter bargains than these. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE New brick 6 room bunga- tow; modern; in first-class condi tion; $5,800. Also 6 room house; fur nace, bath, gas, laundry; ?3,800. room house; oak and enamel wood work; hardwood floors; very large front porch; newly painted and deco rated; J6.000. All In Wert Ottawa. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. THERON L. LENA M. Warrick & Warrick chiropractors. Palmer School Graduates. Ottawa, 111. Offlco Phone 1008, v Hours: 10-12, 2-5.. Rooms 212-14 Central Life Building- Public Sale Calender FRED WESTPHAL. 212 miles south of Hampson's store in Deer Park township, 8'2 miles west of Grand Ridge, 5 miles north of Let' nore, on the Mrs. Jacob Ott farm Stock, Farm Tools, Household Goods. TUESDAY, DEC. 5, 1922. JOHN OTT. Eight miles west of Grand. Ridge, eight miles southeast of Utica, one mile south and one-half mile wett of Hampson's store. MONDAY, DEC. 11, 1922. Stock, Machinery and Houmehedd Goods. SHORTHORN SALE. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1922, at 1 o'clock. OTTAWA FAIR GROUNDS. was a guest Monday, of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Oit. Mrs. William Nagle spent Saturday G. A niuht in Ottawa, the guest of Miss; swa Marjorle Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson and daughter, of Marseilles, were Sunday I viei, ,,t ttin U,.rv (Iff hn,n WOMEN ORGANIZE NATIONAL TRACK ASSN. farmer that makes the money in thej. Units; don't let this opportunity pass CROW DEN, Armory Block, Ot 111. KOR SALE, NOT KOR KENT My new seven-room dwelling; a modern home; heat, light, hot and cold water; everything up to date. Terms: Half cash, balance on time if desired. FRED S. PRIGHARD, 617 State St.. Ottawa. 111. Was elected president of the nssoia- Mamaroneck, N. Y.. Dee. 4. The tion, and Mrs. Winifred Merrill, head National Wowen's Track Athletics as- of Oakesmere school here, wag chosen BOciation was organized Saturday at honorary president, a meeting of representatives of i schools and colleges for women from1 1 many parts o the country. Its pur pose will bo to control all luterscholas I tic and Intercollegiate sports for girls ; and women. Dr. Harry E. Stewart of New Haven, I Conn., coach of the American team, : which competed last August In the first women's Olympic meet, at Paris, KOR SALE 7 room cottage; bath. gas, electric lights; $2,800, Also 5 room cottage; hardwood floors; fur nace, hath, gas, laundry; $5,000. 7 room house; hot water heat; coal used In 192'U for heating and cooking coat $50; bath, lino electric fixtures, gas, laundry; Lirge barn; will b sold at a bargain. All in East Ottawa. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. Felt He Wasn't Wanted. My young son bad been telling me ehout an occasion on whl h he Lad felt greatly wound up by savin,;: "Mother, 1 never felt so unnecessary In all my life," Chicago Tribune. We Denver Buv Direct Phone 1 130 Consumers Wholesale Grocers 209 West Main Street Ottawa, 111. SPECIALS--TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY--SPECIALS; JELLO All Flavors, each. ........... JI MEDIUM RED ALASKA SALMON- QUAKER OATS Large size .' SOLID PACK PUMPKIN-2 large cans 23c KIRK'S WHITE FLAKE SOAP - 10bars 45c KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP 10 bars 53c GOOD SIZE TOILET PAPER, 7 rolls 25c SANTA CLAUS PRUNES 3 lbs 4 POTATOES Wisconsin Round Whites, 2 29c CRISCO All si-es, psr lb 21c FOR SALE 6 room pebble dash cot tage, West Ottawa; bathroom, fur nace, hardwood floors; very large iaundry; $3,900, less than half cash. C room cottage; hardwood floors; laundry; $4,000. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. KOR SALE 7 room dwelling. South Ottawa; large lot; hardwood floors, fireplace, bathroom, furnace, laundry; in first-class condition. 8 room dwelling; bathroom, hot water heat; hardwood floors; laundry, garage. These places, if sold Immediately, can ha bought for $1,000 less than a year ago. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. HARLIE C. ROGERS. 5 miles south, fjf mile east of Ue laiid, 6' 2 miles west of Sheridan, on the north boundary road of Serena township. Stock and Machinery. TUESDAY, DEC. 19, 1922. HERMAN AND ED MARTIN. Sunnyside Farm, two miles north west of Ottawa, on Brewery Hill road. Stock and Farm Tools. WEDN ESDAY, DEC. 20. 1922. REAL ESTATE Geo. A. Crowdcn Real Estate Ojlbway Lots. Farm Bargains 304-305 Armory Block Ottawa III. KOR SALE One of the finest new residences, with spacious land scaped grounds, in this part ot Illi nois: absolutely modern and up to date; see me fit once if interested. W. n. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg. FOR SALE A medium sized resi dence, with all the modern Improve ments, including sun parlor and sleep ing porch: also an up-to-date parage; all on a splendid lot; conveniently lo cated and proper distance from busi ness center, school, church and car lines; must be seen to be appreciated. W. B. PUSEY. Central Lite Bldg., Ottawa. FOR SALE Cottage, five rooms and bath: furnace, lights and gas; cen trally located; $2,100. W. B. PUSEY. Central Life Building. r FOR SALE Kive room and bath cot tage, Centrally located, having fur nace, electric ligrts, gas, city and cis tern water; price cut from $2. ."00 to $2,100; a bargain. W. B. PUSEY, Central Life Blug., Ottawa. MISCELLANEOUS TIME TABLES CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY l OTTAWA, ILL. Effective Sept. 10th, 1922. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa stay tion for Marseilles, Seneca. Morris. Mlnooka, Rockdale and Joliet, 111., la a. m. a-g5:00, b3:50, b7:65 b9:65, bll:55. In p. m.: bl:65, b3:ol, b5:55. b7:55. blO:00. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa Sta tion for Utlca, La Sallb, Peru, Spring Valley, Ladd, DePue, Bureau, Prince ton in a. m.: c5:65, Q.f7:lQ, d8:6o, c9:65, cll:55. In p. m.: fl:5&, U-M, fa: 55, c3:55, c7:56, dl0:00. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa, ata tlon for Grand Ridge, McKinley Park and Streator in a. m : 5:65, 7: SI, 9:55, 11:55. In p. as.:' 1:15, l:Si, 5:55, 8:00, 11:00. a Morris. b Joliet. c Princeton. d Ladd. f La Salle. g Daily except Sundays and holl- I INVESTMENT - I have any part ofjaas. $2,0u,i ten-) ear 7 per cent first mort- -D?m7 eSCept Safurdays' , , . ' and holidays, gage gold notes, taken in exchsnga iDaiiy except Saturday, lor Property, feu "' have $10o nrj pSftturday's Sundays and holiaays hii muiinutj at pal. lut.icoi luuyuua ; nnlv : ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND BAV Jan. la and July 15. Tel. 64S-W. T. R. FARRELL. FARM LOANS - on leans undev $100 per acre; Sa on loans of $12", per acre, and reasonable commis sion. In reply give number of acres and value per acre. SAVINGS BANK OP KEWANKE. 111. i Rather, Profit by Them. I We should not dwell too deeply on I the past full of mistakes, recrets, and might-have beens. By so doing the ' mind grows l!mp sn.1 dfMgrtfed.- Exchange. MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM :, A. M. TO 11:S5 P. M TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO. Via Joliet, III., and Chicago A Mlet Electric Railway. Effective Dec. 11th, 1922. Round Trip $2.70 One Way $1.50 Return trip limited to ten day.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICE. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CAR AT LOW RATEfc