Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, DECEMDER 3Q, 1922. THE OTTAW A FREE TltADKU - .JOUKN AL. paqi rtva ANDREW ANDERSON Local Wmw AUTO TURNS I Mitu l.iifi.llii V 1 1 ... I ... .,it.( Iirnllu... ' I ESTATE TO WIDOW AND TEN CHILDREN SLNEXA MAN'S PROPERTY TO BE ADMINISTRATED AS NO WILL COULD BE FOUND FOLLOWING HIS DEMISE. 'i lie willow anil ten children and BntndckildtaO of tin- late Amlivw An ill run, wTki died al liin home In Sen ecu mi December 28, will Inherit bis ll'O.UOO estate, an he died without situ; a will. The willow, Mrs. Ber tha Anderson died u petition in the urobule court today, asking that she be appointed to tdmihiater the est- talc lintcii the testator! holdings time ot his death as real estate 8Mb at the wort h Worth The Bertha l&.oofl and personal property l&.OOO. petition listed .Mrs. . SeaVertaon, Olga Anderson, O. Twalt, J. Ander B. Ander- jOscar N. Anderson, Martha son, n. A Anderson, Alma son, Rosetta Anderabn, Arthur An derson, Donald Anderson and Harold Mnderson, the testator's children and grand children as the heirs. Mrs. Wintering Given $950. A jury iu the prohate court late yesterday, awarded Mrs. BHIzAbetri Viiiierllnp a WSO verdict in the ac tlon she 'brought to collect a claim anaiuMt the estate of her mother-in- law, in elate Mrs. Pauline Wi merlin;.;. . The ftuouat M t tie claim sued on was M 1.149. i j Mrs. Wluteftng aliened that she nrd tor her late mother-in-law from Atursst 8, Ift20 to March 2, 1922, The members of tho jury who .awarded tlie verdii't were JameS C6l llson, William Buckley. Henry Wal- decker, James Dunlap, H, C. Morrell , and William Brunnlci. The. i ic went on trial before Judge ,lteok yesterday morning, and contth ii'd thruout the afternoon. The ver (ltd being rsftohed late in the after noon. Posts Criminal Call. State's Attorney H. F. Kelly this at ternoon posted a calendar of criminal V'nses which will go on trial in the circuit court on January 15. The first trial on the list was that of John M -Bride of Ottawa, charged with as sault with a deadly weapon. The sec ond case is that of W. 0. Bosselman of Utica, who is charged with a simi liar offense. The third and last case OttWthe calendar Is that Of Tom Onlrda, charged with Jittlo girl. Close Kinder Trial. JMdence In the RUlt brought by tlfr Kinder heirs against the ba Sails Count Carl r a Coal Co,, and the SptUUhb sen Hejflrr Zinc Co.. w:--couclurfi d vestertiay afternoon? The cast' hns hocn on trinl before .ludce Kldredte In the t'ircull Court for throe weeks More than a Bcore of witnesses bare I n called to toi stand. One attacking a Miss Loreita Vaughey and brother Alex of Marseilles attended Hie dsns in this city last evening. William Reilll, William Horde, U McN'amara. Leo Downs. Walter Smith Ted Woiierinaii, Herbert Lansor and William Delhi were among tho many from Btreator who attended the dunce at the armory last evening. Misses Teas Salmon and L-oul Bedford of La Salle spent last even inn i" this city. Pflter ami Kd ClailVJ Of i,u Salic were Ottawa visitors hist evening, I William Spencer, Walter Tummel, KUSSOH Calloway and Art Schmidt of I Marseilles attended the dance ie this city last evening. .Miss Isahellc llnlett. a former teacher in the Ottawa Township High school is spendinfl New Year's with Mrs. Qeorge it. Woods, on Post street, l)r. and Mrs. C HeighWSy, '-7 Marcy, are the parents of a bahy hoy, horn at the hospital al noon today. Mr. and Mrs. Dan J, Hurke, in De Leon street arc the parents of 6 daugh ter, born at the Glty Hospital last night Walter Coleman, of Ls Salle, attend ed the dance in this city last evening. Ambrose COBgrove, ot Utlco, was an Ottawa visitor last evening, Robert ChalOti Of Marseilles, attend ed the danc. in this city last evening, Miss Doris Qulnn, Of Streator. was the guest of Ottawa friends last even ing, Crank Jukle, of Wyomipg, arrived In this city yesterday to spend a toy? weeks visiting relatives and friend Mrs. Gertrude Jackson, of La Snlie. Is spending the day in this city with friends. Peter Broschled, tflc dance at the lnK. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hurke. of 114 DeLeOU street are the proud parent of a haby hoy. born this morning at the city hospital, Mrs Herbert Brannon, of Peoria, Is spending the week-end visiting her parent :, Mr. and Mrs. John K. "tfuch ner, of K. Ottawa. Miss Grace Darwood. of Streator. was an Ottawa vlsito:' last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Jaiohson. of Ser ena, are spending the week-end visit ing the former's parents in this city. Att'y and Mrs .1. .1. Conway and son, Nelson, left today for Chicago where they will Spend the week-end vfatlAg With friends. I'll. yd Jacokson is spending the day Visiting friends in Serena. Mr-;, Joseph Aliny, of Utlea, Spent yesterday shopping in this city. Mir.. Marie Horde and .losephne Corrigan of Streator were Ottawa vis itors last evi ning. Jcstph Meters, William Degnan and Rdward Kuhn of Seneca amended the dance i'i this city last evening. Adams and William Hcrnur.g arc spendiilg the day in Chicago on burinoM. 'TITLE, PINNING THREE BENEATH IT; FOF D THAT KILLCD FHtD Wll. HELM LAST MONDAY PILES IN TO DITCH AND OCCUPANTS HAVE MIRACULOUS ESCAPE FROM DEATH. TRIO HURT IN TRAIN AND AUTO COLLISION REMAIN IN HOSPITAL DETENTION HUM E CLASSIFIED ADS (OR BALE Hood, Qlean coal, $' factory, now cylinder, new nanta Wherever needed. Looks like newt M Regular price 13.r..0O. Hell litis oa.- Three local peopl id serious Injury minor hurts as the ear the same inai bine down and killed Pn d ( garrnwiy escap intl ell received result of a Kurd thai kmakeii . W illi, lm on Uhrixtmsa night, turning turtle on the . Bluomfhgtno road t ro nillivi south at ' itvilt ' ' ' " elf ck la:' night. The car, which was owned and uii.ea ny Wiiitum i.'. Boss man, Malnl jtrei" second bend denier was badly wrecked and Botrmah'n wife and' ceived minor bruises. i n I ; ' .0, linen to her . with a h id gash on her j cut on her i Ight arm. In d si sral had bruises i (f ribs are ! el lei i l to Mr, Boxeman received i l ist besides sever;-! i ait Reports from the bedsides of the Ihrec victims of last Thursday morn Ing'S railway accident, were none too encouraging this morning. The uc- idem happened when the "Q" pas senger KtrtiiK a Maxwell ear driven i.V C. II. Calhoun and resulted, u h now feared iu the fatal injury to Theodore Meyers and less serious In jury to .Mr. Calhoun and (irnnt Mey ors. Theodore Meyers falls, it was said, to respond to any treatment, remain ing semi uncgnacloUS ami tho doctors attending him now fear he is suffer ing of a fractured skull. Today, it was said, his condition reached the crisis and all will depend nu how he pulls thru Unit period. Grant Meyers, with broken ankle, may he a cripple for life due to the mangled condition Of 1 his foot. II may he found DOcesssrj to amputate the tool according to hospital author itles. C. B. Calhoun, tin' least injured of the trio, has heeu iu a da.e the accident. His condition no Improvement or no change w one. MATRON TO REIN ton lUti delivered. or -I3a-K. Ceo. Thomas. Vhom i for Ninety overhauled, tory. Dollars. still in Not used since era to from fac- HEALTH IMPAIRED MRS. FOSTER, "MOTHER" TO CHIL DREN AT COUNTY INSTITUTION FORCED TO TAKE LONC NEED ED REST STARTS VACATION TODAY. Suffering Itoni a nervous bleak down, Mrs. Carey Foster, the superin tendent of the La Salle OoU&ty De tention Home, WES forced to leave tho institution today, and go to the honte of her sister, in Streator. to re- since QupSfate, Mrs. foster has been under aiows FOB SALE condition. S3I-R, piano in bargain, DM) class Phone T. II. KAriNKLL. U Tel. College Building. Dance to Fairbanks' Wlsconsiu or chestra, Armory C, Ottawa, Decem ber 2th. Come lo union do no Mth, University Armory (. Of Wisconsin , Ottawa, Dec. FOR ItKNT -Tuo "Cori liouso; first door last of Ottawu HIrJi 8choql :i.''.i (. immediate possession. Key first door east at Miss June Coles' or call 'HS-W. T, It. FABBEIU HOUiSK FOR SAl.H OR HUNT All improvements. Possession the first id the year HNGHL'fl store phone tii, Residence Phone or2 X. FUBN1TUBK and Housalljsjd tinods For Sale, cheap. You can see them nights or up to noon. KNURL'S. 716 Pearl street, Phone 6620C. FOB BALE- Hood and ra Bator covers, also radiators for al! mode! Fords, Alcohol, CO CtB.! live pallon lots. .'". cents, no watt r. Storage batteries lo. BUy a turner timer, (oil protector Hotter light appliance, Springs $1.50. We have all sizes tires and tubes. Ford pirts. We have lowest prices 'iguring quality. EDW, HA Ni: Si !M LI CO.. Inc. lor the ot Peru, attended Armory last evei smmi .on i krs. Bon home today h- fd end s Hi r son ri and a COUple he e'setiired a sprutde'l " i Ktu' braises. Ml . BOX m i travelitg ut u and was Ju-t b ad home c w lo. n r Just his g HOLD NIGHT SESSION the care of physician lor some time and has been ContOUlplating leaving lo lake a rest as soon as a successor could he secured to take her place. TO SPEED CLOSE OF i ill clared that in- v;.., nsatlcrate r 't of peed in front' of the Vat , .rout" rrom btreatori hoi don d to feed u tht COUNTY COURT CASE trj and ad engine bad I', rlt spent ye r:l of th or t o The clo torni -i wi morning. : lengbthy i Tlu suit Worth nop Scttlf A scttlei sujt broup School ho; sterdam t' was today occupied itin days, n argument ; BtSfB d at ;i o' .! gave evidence th e ciair tin inr 'to iht Men ellt il h dotn H. S. Suit. las been made i the Mendots rd against the New isualty Co.. and tin settled and dismiss li the IBgll v A in action d. Th" Casualty company insured the new school building, against delay: in com- pteiton. i ne inuidinn. was not anisu ed on the specified time. The action called fpr $12, 'mi debt and $2.0,000 damages. The terms or the settlement have not been made nublic. The suit was waged in the l.a Salle County Circuit Court and was di missed h? Judge Kldredge today. FIRST 0'REA TKIMi, CHURCH. William S. Whitiitt, Minister in tSna Mi spent h Kd. II Ottawa Martj the gU( oning. Cam I veil 111 h Word ban: rtnid BcllUlte of I evening i" this city i Sale n' i : Str itor was on last evening. ii ot Spring Vatley was tttnwa friend.; last ev- not heeu hitting right during the t i p. Me eye hw klove or coat must! h mt'i'i th" g!"i lever (or th machine started off wltn s roar and its rate of few inUofi an hour iu-. i leased to the speed limit in a brief time. Before b u!d net control ofi the carit headed for the left side qf the road and was in the, flitch. The ear turned turtle, oing over ou the right side. .i , tree oei upaei a were pinned ( oi '( tli auto but fortunately Mr. Bozeman made is way f ut and was id- to h.elp hi; wdfe and son from the reck ago. Attempts hv BoZeman I to flag a car ver futil lays of a it hold-ups, tr tlntj over the he bit : help some o e iu '.i to. when Mrs. BoceoVbn i flag a ride icyre SUCCeiln I and tin trio were brought i Ottawa. I All three Were taken to their home I where Dr. J: H. Edgeoomb was sum ; eioni d to attend them. ! The wrechd car was towed tf Ot tawa by the Conde Motor company and it is at their garage. The car is sure a "jinx" M the Pord knoekei down Fred Wi!hr!m with such force Monday night th it he succhmhed in the lifisiiital BH the result of the ac cident while last night it near in- nivted eerious fejurles or deatli on Its occupants. And the worse of it all t't e two mishap- happened at abodt tl." same time and just four days wwrt JUDGE MILLS TESTIMONY FOID TRIAL AND JURY HEAR I.N HORNUNG-CO. AFTER SUPPER ' for in tin trfata arr c utopv !e. Ha tt. mptft was nu t lg to .eve- . 1 t . :1 HOPE TO GET VERDICT TODAY. A night sessiou was held in the county court last night, to complete the testimony In the Maurice Cofoid potemBy case, rn order that the trial might bo concluded during 1982. Cn til a quarter of ten. Witnesses 'Acre examined. Two important witnesses were the father of the defendant and the half sister of the complainant. Tln lat ter. Mrs. George Nagle. tosiilied In behalf of the complainant, Miss Mil dred Hornung, and the former testi fied in favor of his son. closing arguments were started this morning, the attorneys summing up the evidence which had been pre sented in an effort of Miss Hornung to prove that Cofoid was the father Of tier eighteen months old. ihahy daughter. Cofoid has made a strong effort to free himself of this respon sibility and to prove that he is abso lutely innocent of this charge. The case went on trial before Judge it D. Mills and a jury of eleven men 1 Wednesday. In the closing areuments today all four of the lawyers. A. K. Butters ami L.Oi Browne for the de fense and A. H. Shay and B. H. Tool for the complainant, spoke. She became iil last night, anil her Physician advised her to leave at one''. without further delay. A yar ugo Mrs. Foster tend her resignation at the home, du ill health, hut was persuaded by the members of the board lo remain on. Her illness will ho the source of much regret on the part of all her friends. Bite has been al the home for the past two ears, and has made One of th" most efficient superintendent's ever in a local institution. Under her management the expenses of the up keep ot the home have decreased un til there is now a big balance in the Detention Hum" fund. Not only has her county work been marked with very efficient business management, but her extreme kind- ness U1 the children and her affection for them, has been tho source of much gratification to all who came in con tact with her work. In leaving the homo today, Mrs Foster stated that she would ask the board to act on her old resignation, and that she would not return again, as It would take a long time for l er to recover her health. OBTAIN NO TRACE OF DEAD MAN'S KIN Attempts (o find Stanley MEN-MEN If you ere loosing uur manly strength and are nervous, despondent. Weak, run down, or Natter frpm BP i natural lo.-ses. we war! lo mail you I our book entitled "Perfect Manhood,"! it'. Heal Meaning i ml how to Attain ii, n'.i uook upucriocn Mevtou,nue a restorative tonic that coats .van red ! nothing if not relieved, of benefitted, to Write today to Cumberland Chemical Co.. 484 Bery Block, Nashville, Team Bible fitudy. There will be a MMe s' the home of Mrs .' .1. Illinois avenue. Tnesda: 2 o'clock. Bev. Lnwler charge of the study ly class at itomch ift.-rnoon will have Card of Thank, and Mrs. Bd. McCull hetehv ;ln- CAN USE a low more pond salesmen to soli our guaranteed shoes direct ircin (actary. Cur men average llf-"- 'i dollars daily References requir ed. K.-V Shoe Co., Mutual BJdg., Chi cago, 111. 8ALKSLAiIE9-Sdll to .v; j r.'us(! to hrui e. Three houraV work I d. Ms Is netting inay noiaan 140 per week, For snpplioa, etc.. Itckwick Ifg. Co., Fort Wayne. !nd. I Mr. hereby wishes to extend their icere appreciation am! fhanltT to tho various organisations ami icdlviduam lor their splendid and self safrith ing j work In making the Christmas Beef I son a merry and enjoyable one for the inmates In tho County Home. I MB. and MBS. FD. McCALL, Superintendent and Matron of La Sail" County Home. INVEST AT HOME One of the items that hold back. Ottawa's progress ii expressed ' in tho old saying "Fields are green, faraway;'' most anybody of plausible conversation and proa lerous appearance can coffin here and Ut.O pway tho surplus money of msay; just promise big veturr.e. never nl-sd history or xp -.rieaco; Jnst tell v:hii Ve.r.l Hf-intorH JHt DaII TMr-. 'OplUSkSS, ln,nl, .,,,,1 nthnna hono ,!.,,, T ,i 11 FOB SAKE A f, room house, stable and shods on tract more thsn ono acre, excellent land with fruit set out and some hearing tree, 3 blocks from good school, So. Ottawa, worth ?3,300. Will take less for all cash. W. B. Pusey, Centray Life flldg.. Ottawa, 111. SUOP Complete dinning room set Almost new. Less than half price. Ooodfroy's OrcK'ory. Camp Xo. 3, W. W. of A. will hold their regular meeting Monday even ing. January 1st, at which tlrSe the officers for tho ensuing yeir will be installed. Also arrangements will 1 made at this meeting for the big County Class adoption, which will be held in Ottawa, Friday evening, Jan. 19th. Let there tie a good attendance regardless of New Year's Day. W. S. Myers, Clerk. iti v of I'liutmc this City ed Ct for the done nil Cigar hr d her o. c i in-eck- 1 I'eckluim who mornhig ut hi 1 lie. lis. Mr. Beck ; Oltaw .1 resident ; e he was employ- eh ol this La it v. Jacksonville. 111., Dec. M thirds of the business buBdirie on the south side of the public square iVero 111 ruins her today, an estimated loss of 1200,00 as a result ot tire o. unknown origin early today. "Too Slow" For Her Telling the conn that be got his 'wife thru 11 rnntmmnnlal siteniMi .,,,,1 ...... ...... .. ,'...'.. ill. (1 ,,v .' , l,II r.t .-pent Urt that she deserted him later, saying : that ho was "too slow" for her, Fred ; King ol Peru, secured a divorce from I Lela King in the circuit court this ' afternoon. 1 Twi found dead in a house near King and Hamilton's factory yesterday morn ing, have so far proved futile. Telegrams sent to Haverhill, Mass., where Stanley is thought to be living, have not been answered. Stanley was. living in Haverhill on Dec. 10 accord-, ing to a letter and wanted his brother j to come and spend Christmas with him. A telegram was sent to the police of that city asking them to locate the ; brother so he can make known his: desires for the brother's burial. 14 FURNITURE CO. MEN HELD FOR THEFT: Chicago, Dec. 30.- Fourteen cm ployes of the Hartmau Furniture Conic oany were under arrest today, charg ed with surreptitiously removing $25,000 worth of furniture from the firm's warehouse. ell ffire a tale unioal about Columbian West Coast Vettoer, Southern Mutual, some tils, and hunuri-ds of others which should make investors ause. There are good things at homa I have some. T. B. FAKRFLL, Tel. (J4S-W. FOfii BALE A Thor washing machine Just thoroughly overhauled at the Notice Tuesday steady Circle will meet at tho home of Miss Louise Gruve. January ?nd, at 2:30. Given $425.01 Judrjment. A judgment of 1428.01 was render ed In the County Court yesterday in a suit brought by the Hercules Powdr Co., against Carl M. Gottfried and the ("resent BUlcia Co., upon default of the defendant. The judgment was ren dered by Judge B. Harry Reck, and an execution was ordered issued, up on default. LAST TIMES TONIGHT RPHEU Morning Subject, " Special Worship , . The Portal Period" Solo. Miss Mercer. 10:45 of a New Lucille TONIGHT LIONEL BARRYMORE in "BOOMERANG BILL" A crook story written by Jack Boyle and acted by a cast that makes the picture live. AL ST. JOHN in "THE WINDOW TRIMMER" SUNDAY ETHEL CLAYTON m "HER OWN MONEY" It's a long way from Eden to your home. Eve never had to Adam never had to worry aoout clotncs or household expenses. HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY dig down for that weekly allowance. BUT TODAY IT'S DIFFERENT To our many friends and patrons We Wish You all A Happy and Prosperous New Year HENTRICH MUSIC HOUSE Exclusive Victor Service With MILTON SILLS AND FLORENCE VIDOR Also Movie Chats and The Mystery Box Shows at 7:00 and 8:45 Prices 25c-3Sc; Children 10c TOMORROW 5 - BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS - 5 I Beaded "TINTS & TONES 99 with HEN R MARGO SELB1NI & GROVINI JACK POLK ISHIKAWA BROS. lapan X i iled lam 1 Equilibrists T I In wishing our many Customers and Friends A Very Happy New and Pros perous New Year, we take this oppor tunity of thanking you one and all for the very liberal patronage extended to us during 1 922 TiUCEYSROS. OTTAWA ffiPSmi TONIGHT BUCK JONES In "WEST OF M CHICAGO His latest. Also a 2-reeI comedy SUNDAY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY WESLEY (FRECKLES) BARRY IN "PENROD" By Booth Tarkington, in 8 big reels Here's the one picture with the appeal to all ages, that takes you back to boyhood days and makes you laugh as much as the kids in the next seat, or the twenty-year-olds way in the dark corner. Matinee 3:00; Prices 33c-44c; Children 10c Night 7:15 and 8:45; Prices 44c-55c T ; jj MONDAY, NEW YEARS COMPLETE CHANGE OF VAUDEVILLE "Youth & Melody" Featuring CARL SHAW and LO LORA1NE and SYNCOPATED BAND LOUIS LONDON JOE MELVIN MILTON POLLOCK & CO. In Geo. Ade's Comedy Satire "Speaking to Father" MATINEE 3:00 NIGHT 7:15 and 8:45 PRICES Matinee 33c-44c , Children 10c. Night 44c-55c if