Newspaper Page Text
iiJU on aw v uia: i ii aii;i -,ioi uinau PAGE 3EVE -A. - . SATUUDAY, DIGIMIEH 30, TROY GROVE Miaa iidi'ii Hni'Mi. oi Monmouth, wu a weak-end (.iit'si Hi Mlm Mora Joan BUlbra. Mr. Mar Wlllnliay ipent aeveval diiys ImI week with bar daughter. Mi Jacob Vog'el, at Mendota, The Boo t'lnii w;is entertained laat Thursday afternoon ai the i'ottenger home, i Dliniaii U. .Mrs. Verp Murka, pi Wine, i the r.u i st of here mother, Mra, Martha Jlldtok. Mr. mid Mra, ChM. siird dud the Miaaea Maude and Mildred stunt. o( Aurora, spent Qhriatmaa with Mr, and Mra, Nad short. Cmi, Hiiitii mid family, oi Peru, were dinner guagtfl of Mr and Mra, B. ; frireeu, on Chrtltmaa day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tnhler and daughters were dinner guosti pf Mra. TegiW'a Hlxtcr, in Up S:t i ! . , on Chri i uina Day. Mr. urui Mra, Clarence Woodan are apendlnx the holidaya with relatlraa In Ottawa. The ChrUtmai oxerclaea given al the hall hy the pupil of the aehool, on last KYlday afternoon were well at tended and i aood prOiirotn w is gift b, Herman and Miss Mary Blaenheuer, of CbcatO, mid MIm Anna, of Mln oftk, spent Christmas with tlJlr father, Mr. N. Rnsenhauef. Mtag Lola Krausso and Edward Kvnns, of Mehdota, ware dinner gneati Of Mr. and Mrs. povl Krleser, on Tile ; day. Mr. and Mr;. Karl (lephard and Minn, of Chicago, were gueata of Rev. and Mth. K. (i. Clark, Sunday and Christ mas Day. Oscar Hnnpon was down from Au rora to upend CliritUmas with his pgr-i-hts, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. (ilen Kleinfllter were Rucsts of the lattir's mother, Mrs. John Lamps, of Mendota, Christinas Pay. t Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kldnfelter and fha.t. Dana, of Walthunt, attended Christmas exercises at the No, 0 church Sunday evening. Miss Margaret SHtara ami Robert Sttaro are home frort Lake Forest to spend the holidays with their father, Kev. Angus Slllars. Pfenning Welch, who has boen si, 1; for iQme time, taken to the Coun ty ilome, at Ottawa, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Qhrtgtofferaon and Mrs. Amies Oflmour and .son, Harlan, Were Christmas guesta of Mr. ami Mrs. William I'hrJstofr ergon, in Ophir. Mrs. Lyie Hoicomh entertained her father, nionther and sister, of Streator, on Christmas Day. Mrs. Cora Wills, of Davenport, Iowa, is pt'iidiug the holidays with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Dierwecbter. S. J. McKeever is -pending the holi days at his home in Marseilles. The box. for olivet Institute, at Chi cago, will he aent next week. Any others having clothing or shoes to send will please bring them to the Manse the first of the Week, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Woods, ot Chi cago, and Mrs, Peter Kleinfelter and son..lolii:, and Mrs. Florence Haefner and children, of Mehdota, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kleinfelter Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Ell Heaaenberger and Hon. of Triumph, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark and Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Heaaenberger, of Walthani and Mr. and Mrs. Ruin hart ami children, of La Salle, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bl wood Harris. nMr. and Mrs. Lou Hickok and chil den, of Cherry, spent Christinas e in ins with Mis. Martha Hickok. Glen Kleinfelter marketed his earn last week. ():i Christmas Kve the young people of the church tang Christmas Carols, whleh were enjoyed hy the entire com munity. At the joint installation held last. Wejlhosday evening tin- following offi cers were installed: Prndehtia Chapter No. Mrs. Chas. Black Worthy Matron.' Raymond W. Jones Worthy Patron. Irs. K. It. Johnson - -A. Matron. Jrs. Otto Zorn Secretary. Miss Bstjier Dierwecbter Treaa, Mrs. D. Kdgcomb, -lr. -Conductress. Mrs. D. Bdgcomb, Jr. Conductress. Mrs. Henry Dierwecbter A. Con ductress. jvTrs. L. Tweed Chaplin. Mra Hurt Crane Marshall. Mrs. W. B. Bdgcomb Organist, ; Miss EMie Crane Ruth Mrs.Arthur Wylie - Adah. Mrs. IT. D. Short Esther. Miss Uiura Hess-Martha. Miss Aletha Crane Electa. Mrs. C. Wilkius -Warder. Chas. Wilkins- Sentinel. Bhiloh Lodge N'o. ;;J7. CUajs. Black -W. M. Jfobart Peters -S. W. Join, Slater -J. W. Ida, (left Secretary. John Aitken , Treasurer. Hugh Jackson S. D. Floyd Crane J. D. Claude Marks -a. S. Bert Crane - J. S. Chas. AVilk Ins -Tvler. Chas. Willshay -Marshall. FARM RIDGE. 'i. iiuu mb. cuiuuna rreeze ana i. i si 1 1 ,i n iu uuws one uay thereof, on the 9th da- of December, the past week. t!22, and that thereupon a Summons Mr. William Rockwood of Grand la'fUcd but Ot paid Court, wherein said Ridge was ;l business transactor in suit la now pending, returnable on the Streator Friday. secbnd Monday In the month of Jan- Mrs. Claude Jerue and son were narji A, D. 1823, as is by lav. required, callers In Grand Ridge recently at the Now. uftleSfl you. the said uou-realdent former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. defendants above named, frank Palmers. Cooper, Frand Cooper, Elmer Cooper. Mrs. A. F. Mills and daughters Enteral Cc per. Emerald Cooper, Re were recent, county seat callers. ; bedCa Cooper, and Bebbcca Cooper, Ex- Among the Christmas i hoppers in eeutrlx of the lost will of Edwin -1 Streator on Wednesday were Mrs. Cooper, ileceneed, sdiall personally Everett Hodgson and Mrs. llatti and appear before raid Circuit Court. Hodgson. on the Bret day of the next term Mrs. William Saute Jr. and son thereof, to be bolden at Ottawa, In and shopped in the county seat last week. Jor the aaid county, on the second Ir. Hook of Grand Ridge was iui Monday in January, A. i. 19-28, and Streator Monday. ! plead, answer or demur to said com- Mr. atid Mrs. William Crumerine plalntant's bill of complaint, the same titofored to town Friday. and the matters and tbinga therein Mrs. JohfUion of Ottawa yisited her charged and stated Will bo taken tffl parents eerently and got acquainted coafes'sed, and a decree entered With her new sifters. i KELLY & KELLY. Compt'a Sola. AIts. Kennedy has returned to her against you according to the prayer home in Streator after n visit with oi said bill. her daughter. Mrs. Fred Feck. JOHN L. WITBESfAN, Clerk. Little Harriett Doty has been quite Ottawa, Illinois, December 9, 192. lit, but reports that come to us say sho is somewhat better. Master James Naughton entertain- NOTICE Or PUBUICATION ed his friend Martin Yocuni recent- CHANCERY, lv. State of nitnots, .r, Salle County as. Lon Derkard transacted business in the RidKe Weilnesday. Walter Foglo, has returned from Chicago where ho attended a apecial horse sale. , Arthur J. Yocum waa a buainesa DOINGS OF THE QUFFS 4 HELLO THERE. WILBUR IT 5 A tranaactor Iq Grand Rldga the iirsf of the ireek, Mm, wniiam liocke la much Im proved niter a few day's llloeu, Mr. and MrH. Frank Moore and tniuiren motored to Streator one day of the past week. Miss Ada Pottle was in the villa;-.,1 Tuesday wbero alio visited at friends. William and George Dnder spent Christ ina.-i Day at their Rrandfatbor Duder'a In streator. Mr. and Mtr. Qeorge Wollenhanpte aro rejoicing over the arrival of twin daughters who made their appearance Dee. LM-t. reports are that mother and bablea are gottiOg nlons nicely. B, P, Wakey who resides east of the Ridge was a county seat buaiaaaa man Wednesday. Wilbur Skinner spent Sunday with Utlca friends. John (ilehn and daughter, Miss Gladys wera Streator ahoppera Satur day afternoon. Chester Skinner was a recent visi tor in Utica. , Rev. Norman B. Qnigg was a dinner guest Sunda) a fcMr, and Mrs. oneyi Howe.:. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Skinner wero' Chriatmaa ahoppera in the county seat. Mrs. Toney Weber entertained relatives to dinner recently. Mrs. Arthur J. Yoiuni and sister-in-law, .Miss Vo(um of Grand Kidge, ware In La Salle, recently where they did shopping. -Mr. and Mrs. Mullen entertained ai reral relatlvea to dinner Christmas Day, a v;ry pleasant time was had by all present. The supper and bazaar held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F'red I'ecks in aid of the Farm Ridge St. Andrews Bpiacopal church proved a success socially and -financially . The ladles feel well paid for their work and the neat sum realized will go to the Epiaoopal church fund. Joe Wheatland was a business transactor in Streator one afternoon the past week. Mrs. Henry Hess of the village Shopped in Ottawa Thursday, lion Packard butchered Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vo.-um and fa mil v spent Monday at Mrs. M, 0. Hodg son's in the village. Mr. and MrR. Locke entertained Mr. and Mra, Mullen recently. Miss Belle Ixieke was a holiday shopper In Streator. Airs. Matel Crawford. Mrs. Btttan and daughter, all of Grand Midge, were Streator ahoppera Saturday. William and George Dialer attend ed the Christmas party at the Bpiaco pal parish hall in Streator Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. (i. 0. Crumerlne en tertained at a family dinner Chriat maa Day. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION CHANCERY. Stgtg of Illinois. La Salle County ss. In the Circuit Court. To January Term, A. I. I!l23. Elizabeth Rebecc Cooper vs. Behecoa Cooper, Cooper a ; Bxeoutrii el th last will of Edward Cooper, de ceased; Minnie .Tone?, John Cooper. Frank Cooper. Frand Cooper. Elmer Cooper, Bhneral Cooper, Emerald Cooper. Robert Holland, .loh.r Hol land, Ella Holland. Margaret H. Klrkputriek, (ieorce W. Holland. William A. Holland and Emma E. Dougherty. In Chancery. Oen. No. 28398. Affid;.-lt of non-residence of Fran, Coopet, Frand Cooper, Elmer Cooper. Enteral Cooper. Emerald Cooper, Rebecca Cooper, and Rebecca Cooper, Executrix of the las will of Edward 'o,)rinr, deceased (im ploaded with the above defendanta, MirmlC .lues, et al.) haying been Pled In the Clerk's office of the Cir cuit Court of said county, notice is meretoro nereoy given to the aii non-resident defendants that the com - pi.-inant tiled her bill of complaint in oil COUrl In tho Chancery side In tho Circuit Court. To January Term. A. D. 1923. Minnie Joues vs. Rcberi-a Cooper, Re becca Cooper, as SxCCtttrix of the last will of Edward Cooper, dc ceased; John C. Cooper, Frank J K I 1 V In h 1-,-m'B m ! m J 1 If ii i : w i i la ia i t , HELLO.TOVI, 5AV I WAS OVER AND TOOK A GLAMT AT THAT NEW HOUSE OF VOURt! TOPAV- CEE, IT'i? riOME JOIMTJ' I'J.L tiAV ! CLASS TO VOO OLD TIME C- WILL, I'M IT MAS VOUR AD-JO -, i i worr HAVE TO TB4R IT DO'j) J VERY NIFTY HuT- Public Sale Calender ED. DIAMOND Tour nrH onr.-h-.lf mttM nnrth n i.a Salle, four miles north of tjeru. Nua mil net nf i .-:h n .outh of Dimrnick station i',d one-h.-jlf mtje west r,f Midway station. Stock and Machinery VVr-ONCSDAY, JAN. 8, 1923. ARTHUR SCHAKER, SR. Ifoj miles we'-t and two nvleo north of Ottawa and three mlle north and '."roe milec cast ofAHIcn knovvn aa the t.oulo Schomas farm. Stock, Machinery, Houieho'd. WEONi&OAY, JAN. 3, 1021. meo BARBER. Ooe m(l east of Sheridan, Known s the John North tarm. Stock, Machinery and Household Goods. TKUfUDAf, JANUARY 4, 1323. at 10:30 o'clock. Charles spohr. Pour miles west and one and three carter miles north of Grjjnd Ridge d s x mile3 southwest of Ottawa iret- miles east of Deer Park store, ;ix miles rcrtheast of Ueonore. Stcck and Machinery. THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1923. WALTER ANDERSON Five milec north and two miles west of Gttswa, uix miles west of Wedron. 'our miles south and one mile east o Prairie Center, and one m;le north of the Wallace Hall. Stock and Machinery. TUESDAY. JAN. 9. 1923. MRS. JENNIE HUS3. Four miles west and three-quarters of a mile south cf Grand Ridr. five miles ncrtheast ef Leoncre, Ciret miles Southeast ef Deer Parjc store a,id eight ni!le3 sou'.hwect of Ottawr. Stock, Machinery and Housthold Goods. THURSDAY. JAM. 18. 1323. NELS A. FRULAND. r,,, miles south and one mile east of OUawa.. Illinois.. . Known as the W. B. PricJiartl farm. Stock a-id Farm Tcols. MONDAY. JANUARY 22. 1923 ('coper, Frond Cooper, Elni.r Cooper, enteral Cooper, Bnterald Cooper, Robert Holland, John Hoi land, Ella Holland Margaret H. Klrkpatrtoki George w. Holland, William A. Holland ar.d Emma E. Dougherty, in Chancery, lliil to Set Aislde Will. (ion. No. 203S7. Aflldavit of non-residence of Frank ooper, Fraud Cooper, Elmer Cooper, Cmeral Cooler, Kmerald Cooper, tdbebea Cooper, and Rebeeci Cooper, Executrl.'c of the lant Wfil of Kdward Cooper, dOKeanod tlm pleaded with the above defendants, John C Cooper, et al.) havjng been Sled In the Clerk's offlco of the Cir- i cult Court of said county, netice Is 'it, rel'ore hereby aivon to the said J non-resident defendants that the com Plaihant Bled her bill of complaint in u'rl Court. Ul the Chftnoafy fide thereof, on the I'th day of December, i :22. and that thereupon a Summons iBi Hed out. of said Court, wherein auid suit N now ponding, returna,btt on te second Monda in the month of Jan uary, A. I). 1023, aa is by law required, Now, ttnlesa you, the aald non-resident defo'tdacta above named, Frank Ooopor, Frand Cooper, Elmer Cooper, Kmeral Cooper, Emerald Cooper, Re becca Cooper, mid Rebooca Cooper, ICx ejOtttriX of the last will of Edward Cooper, deceased, :;hall personally be and appear before raid Circuit Court, on the first day of the next, term tUeyriif, to be holder, at Ottawa, in and for the county, on the second Monday In January, A D. HZS, and plead, unev-er or demur to aaid com i piaintant a djr of complaint, tne same 1 and the matters and things tin rein I charged and stated will be taken a." i coutVvaed, and a decree entered against yi.u aocordln, to the prayer lot said dim. JOHN L. WiTZEMAN. Clerk. Ottawa, lUiaola, December 9, 1922: KELLY v KELLY. Compt'a Sols NOTICE Batata of George P. Blow, dee ised, Xotice is hereby given that the Un dersigned, Administrators of the fate of Cieorge P. Plow, late of Es the county of La Salle and State of riois, deceased, will appear before Uli the I'rODate t oui t ot said Counts on the first. Monday (being the fifth day) of Match, 1923, at. the Probate Court. Room, In oitawa. in said County, when and where all persons having claims or demands against said estate are notified to attend and pre sent the same in writing for adjust ment. Dated the 22nd day of iDecctnber, A. D. 1922. ADELH M. BLOW. OEOR&K WALLER, BLOW, 'Administrators. BANNER GAME. SAYS STREATOR OF APAKS Streator, 111.. Dee. 29. Plans are well under way and everything is in readiness for the banner game nt the vnar when tho Apak Triangles ef Ot- - ,awa snap into th running with the SwappingDays I'LL OAY Vou'RE A Rr.AL PORT AT THAT .4ivt VaUR W1HE A GLAV new house and lot for a little christmas present just a ' LITTLE MASON'S GREETINGS voo'Rt. BmUMfc The MARKET FOR THE MARRIED MEN da C FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ITUt E1AJLJ& !nwlj farms Ifiwa, JO io, 80 aeivH nnar Ot- V. B PCSKY. Centra! l.lf. M'lt SAI.K Oak nr.d hlckorj wood, Sawed ar.d ,pHt to :t anv furnace or ' ire. Vj WHIT1-, I'hniie 9019 S KXH 8ALB A building lot; pavd Street! gaa, water and sewer piped! in; 11,000, with 0 per cent discount for cash Also U other lots" In South Ottawa; off th puvlus; $200 each, or 2Jj(H) for the entire' tract. W. B. HUBBY, Central I Ah' Illdg , Ottawa, Illinois Koii SALE One of the finest resi dences in Ottawa1! I.iTge ?nf BJJiJ barn; splendid location; $12,000; lib eral disccuat for all or half oaah. w. B. PUSEY, Central l.lfe Ilid;;., tilth floor. Ottawa, 111. coit SALK-on- oJLtbp hgat cased tops efer niad'for e. Kord car, makes a regular UBan out of your oid ear. Call and Bee it at il. G. KRUSE'ri, corner Clinton and Janlcson sts. . .. FOR SAIK Floral baiKeth for paint ed leaves and weeds. May be oh i talned by inquiring at 826 Mulberry 1 St or Phone B74-K. FOR RENT FOR RENT Eight rooms, furnace and bath, 422 Congress St.; 'i of "double'' house: newly decorated; good order; immediate possession; house is not for salo; tenant may have long lease if desired; will not rent tor less than nno year; rent $-10; key at 417 Pearl St. Tel. 648-W', T R FARI1ELL. FO!t RENT The "Mattocks'' house. 122 1'earl St., East .Side; eight rooms, furnace, bath, garage, cement flor in cellar, hard wood floors on lower floor; lart'e lot On bank of Fox river; property worth $8.0o0; $60; Immediate posKesslon; refeteuce etrtctlj required; .eek a tenant who wantH to stay noma y tare ; don't want in rent tj transient or t'cipororj ms! d- nts. Tel. fiis v t ) FAItB I't.T, i-'Cl toil-' RENT -Newly rooms; g,-,s, T. decorated flat trie Itch's, f! GODFREY. FOR RENT -A Una apartment, entire lOArOr floor of two story- house on iorth Side; large Jotible parlors, as line as any in Ottawa; dining room, kitchen, two bed rooms, hall; netv hanptood Poors throughout, find th v orU beautiful; new eompletei bath; new decorations everywhere, and the. are superb; , hot water heat, using oil for fuel; garage; largo lot; fine tree-, etc.; owner just spent ?4,f,00 in re pairs, decorations and betterments; t beautiful homo for responsible tenant Tel C48-W. T. B. FAKRKLL. Streator All-Stars on tho Y. M. C. A. floor New Year's afternoon. A galaxy of basketball heroes are representing this city in the clash of the season and much is expected of tho locals as they take the floor With- the county seaters. Ot tawa predicts a snap for their tias ket hangers while local fans are looking forward to a walk-away for tne streator quintet, in all however, the game will be one of unusual Inter1'! .uid many have planned on w itnesaiejg the ' former high school stars iu action. The team as th -y will take the floor has not yet. been announced but ail urn feel assured that It will be the best that tho city rotild ask for. .A prac tice game will be staged this eve ning to work off the "kinks'" and get the form of play intact. Seats will he placed on sale, today and a! ready there is a great demand for the "ducats." ILLINOIS ZINCS SPRING SURPRISE Peru. 111., Dee. 20. The Illinoia p"lloii one of the bigtV-:i ;.ini priacs cf the baaketball season when they Invaded McNahb and whipped the Cardinals on their home tteor. The zinc makers were given the ver dict by ,-i score of 20 15. Tho showing of the Zinc's one as a distinct surprise in view of the reputation the Cardinals have gain ed as one of the strongest lives in central Illinois. Their defeat, was tho first of Urn season and the first time in four years that tlBrave iost on their home floor with' the extiihi- tion game with strong travelitts aid- fila. i oh couRde dip vou tsive a swell chance i'd have of forgetting .her on christmas UORlS A CHRISTMAS PREbENT? YOU 007 I 4 JL lm WANTED FWANTHD Buyer tor ood Soom I 8ALft- room houe, Center Oi f bOfiae, ixuiUiUlT located; $200 fw tawai hardwood floorm throughout; 1 I -.000 down, balance on easy terms. t fireplaces; V(?r' large bathroom; fur B vv H I'l'SKY. fvntiai Uf.. ii,ik naceBi $0,900, one-bait cash. WANTED bowling On. alloy. pin boy ; Apply at liuaf Hoat Club elnt). WANtMIJ -Tv,o young mey or hih sihool bo for rooiii'iru with url :ate famil.N Inquire In peraon at 7 lit Webster St WANTED I want to buy live to ten acres of land on which fliers is a atir hole or old gravel bed or of ftorno kind; will pj.y market rates. Tel 648-W T M. KAURKI.Ij. WANTED Laborora, at Marquette Cement Mfg. Co.; conatruetloD work; all winter wo;!c Apply WOU-DEN-AElEn CO., at Oclesbv. Ill W ANTED - I want to buy a onMtory bouse of live or six rooms, in South Ottawa; must bo modern and fairly well locate,!; expect to pay market i rates; no premium; don't expect any 'snap or "harpain"; just want to buy a good one at reasonable price. Tel. i;-l,vW, T. H. FARHELL. ! MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Clean, carefree occupation that pays. Oar short, practical course has made thOUSAndi independent. Wo. can help you. Write today. MOLEIt BARBER COIXKGB, 106 S. Wells St., Chicago. WANTED Housekeeper. Small fam ily in Ottawa. Good wages. Ad dress "M" care of Free Trador-Jour-nal. WANTED One waitress and one dishwasher. Apply in person nt New Andan ReetauranL MISCELLANEOUS INVEST M h N T 1 tiavo any par; of $2,000 ten-year 7 per cent first mort gage gold notes, taken in exchange for property. You can have ?500 or any multiple at par. Interest coupon Jan. 15 and July 15. Tel 648-W, T B FARRKLL. THE VULCAN DETINN1NG CO., Streator. 111., can offer employment to a few of the following: Firemen, 45 cents. Handymen. 16 cents. Laborers, 40 cents. Application!) received daily S a. m. to 5 p. m. at the works oflice north west of the city. TOR INVESTMENT I offer any part. even hundreds, of $:!,oco first mort gage. 7 per cent gold notes, for face and interest accrued to date. This Is an Item, taken In exchange for prop erty, from a person for whom I have previously purchased these notes; beat security, hue rate of Income. 7 per cenL is going fast; you will noon be Slad to get 5 T'-l. fil's-tv- T B PARRFL!. EXCHANGE --Who will exchange house and lot in Ottawa for 160 acted of land io Texa:-, appraised at t.-o per acre? TV '-V,' T. B. FAR RET A j FARM LOAN on loans under l00 per acre; S& on loans of tl25 per acre, and reasonable eommls 4on. lr. reply give number of acres inl vslim per acre. SAVINGS UANh OF KFWANKK. Kpwuneo III W E HAVE SOME FCRNITURE LEFT to sell yet. You ran see it any day up to IZ o'clock and evenings from 8rf0 to 0. .Morris Baget 6!t Pearl St. Phone 662-X, FOR SALEREAL ESTATE FOP SALE 120-acre dairy f. rpi, near city; substantial home, hrns, cribti, chicken bonnes and OUtbuildiAge; ei- tabllahed bnslneaa: an (deal place ?-r a man and two or three sotin; nee.l about $1,000 ca -h; ii 'a the dairy farmer tbat makes the SWae? a tbeae time; don't let this o,iri rtunit.y pasi G. A. CROWDLN, Armory Block. Ot mwa. Ill COR BALK, NOT (COB REST My new fieveu-toom dwelling; a modern home; heaf, !l?ht. hot and cold at"r; everything Up to date. Temu?: Half cash, balance on tune If desired. I"RKI) S. PRICHARO, fi17 Staff St Oltnwo, HI t'K HALL Large 7 room house, tf Bood location; newly decorated, bathroom; electric light: : 3"00. c room bouse, West Ottawa; toilet; i l.o.iu. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS ' BY i i did WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER FOR KNOW DORKS t OR SA!.E--HOUSLS MI9H (iKHTHl'ItK HARRIS, POR 8A1 K Pine home; 7 room honae, bath pantry, etc.; modern conveniences; in good condition; hot water heal lut'. bargain tor qulok sale. Call r,78-I,. : KOIt BALE 7 room Jionse; bathroom, furnace, laundry, barn and garage; in first-class condition; $B,800. Also ; 7 room, two-story house; lurnace, bath; very lan;e lot; $4,f,00. 3 room house) hot water heat; all hardwood floors; laundry; barn; $7,200. All in South Ottawa. Have many more but ter bargains than theso. MIES GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALENew brick 6 room bunga low; modern! in Rrst;class condi tion; $5,300. Also 'j room house; fur Ogee, bath, gaa, laundry; $3,800. 7 room house; oak and enamel wood work; bard wood floors; very large front porch; newly painted and deco rated; $6,000. All in West Ottawa. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE 7 room cottage; bath. gaa, electric lights'; J2.S00. Also 6' room cottage; hardwood floors; fur nace bath, gas. laundry; $.',nOi). 7 room house; hot water heat; coal used In 1920 for beating and cooking cost f. 0 ; bath, lino electric fixtures, gas, laundry; large barn; will be sold at a bnrgain. All in East Ottawa. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS KX)B SALIv -5 room pebble dash cot Cage Weal Ottawa; bathroom, fur itSce, bardWoQd floors; very large lautidry; f;'.,;)()0. li than half cash, d room cottage; hardwood iloorv, iauiidry; 4,000. MISS GBRTRUDS HARRIS, FOR SALE- -T room dwelling, South !ta,va, large lot; hardwood Boore, fireplace bathroom, furnace, tancHry; Id i rst-elasf. condition. 8 room duelling; bathroom, ho;, water beat; hardwood floors; lnunury, garjwe. 'i'hfse placea, if aold lmmedi,j,!ily can be bought for li.uoo lead ttiun a ..ear ago. HISS tJ-BRTRLTlE HARRIS. 01 HAJJ-:-.V medium .sized riwl- dence, with all the mod ra Improve j mutitti InOlndiag kuo parlor aod sleep ing porch; also an up-todato garage; , .ill on a epieudtd lot; conveniently v cgted 'ind proper distance from bunt j'V center, aehool, ohurch aod car tltl . muit bo seen to bo appreciated. vv. b Pliant, Central Utt- Bids., Ottawa I'Oh SALE Cottage, tive rooms and bath: furnace, linhtrt and gaa; cen trally located; $2,100. W. B. J'USKV Central Life Uululiiiif. KOK SALIC A dandy, Sn heme on I West JefTorKoii st.; complete; "!.-"0. Please come In and look over the dope on tills one; it'n good. Tel. ClfiiWi. r B. PARRELL. fOIl SALE A large lir.t of houses or. all sides of Ottawa; many aro bir Salns; many are quoted very low. in deed. They h'svo served to house many ol Ottawa' ; be; t families in the ptfat Why should they not serve you" tien if Btay are nc.l the "latest" d; atga of arciiitectuve. they are might1 good homes, and many n young pottptv hoald ba glad tO buy them, uhcther they think so or not. Owa your own home. The;: make it 0 gpQi as you can. Tel. 61S-W. T. I!. r'AItUKLL. FOB SALE A bouso and lot on Wal nut St., just north oi' VVr;.t .k-ffersr.r Pt.. No. S15 Walnut St.; five rOOtffr dott-natairS, three up; electric lightij City Water in yard. cir,t rn water it; kitchen; rents S22 per month; ML sacrifice; owner lives in another cit-: Ioolt It over and make offer. -J1L1 r ' ,,i!,ir-1'1- LOST LOST A Milhurn hub cap. Finder please leave at this ufJlco or phone n:;a-L. Reward. LOST Rock Martin Fur wrap. lft in Island d"rot creinK of Dec Reward for return. Fhono 1 1 1T-K. ssifif n wy VP JL ft JL JL - ALLMAN l Don't know net - SHE HAS EXCHANGED IT THREE TIMES NOW AND IS STILL UMDEC1PED! I PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. C. A. Clean CHIROPRACTOR iioara i: a. m., ) 4 p. m. I rtued t.i nilnolf State Board HeaUfe tiMin J11-1I Ualoney ImOdlus HERON L LENA M Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTORS. M Palmer School Graduates Ottawa, 111 ithef- Pbont loos. ' Hours: 10-12. 2-5.. Room- 212-14 Central Life Rulidlna" H. R. DUCKWORTH PROP. DALY'S FEED MILL HAV-TOLAY Egg Mash BAILED HAY AND STRAW Cracked corn Scratch Feed First quality products at moderate prices PHONE 53B-W J. P. Shepherd, D. C. Palmer Gradate CHIROPRACTOR Over People's Trust & Savlnga Sank and Woclworth'a Store Hours 10 to 12, 2 t 3, 7 to 8 Sat. Eve. 7 to 9 REAL ESTATE Geo. A. Crowden Real Estate Ojibwav Lota. Ptrm Bargalna S04-3G6 Armory Block Ottawa in TIME TABLES CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY 0 OTTAWA, I5JL Effective Sept 10th, 1822, EASTBOUNO. Eaatbound cars lea'se (Htawa at! li uiv ,inseiiie,i. ienea hopm MinocLa Rockdale and JOllet, IB., a. m. a-f?.):O0, b3:fO, fc7:55 b9: Ml 56. la p. m.: tlliaS, H.'!: to., b, ;.je, blv : 00. wuKui)t oar? teiv Ottawa Hon for I'tlca, Sail.. Peru, 8prl Valley, Ladd, OeCue, Breau, Prtaft ton in a. m.: ta:Sf, yf7:10, dS:E c;, c 1 1 : 50. In p. ra.: Qtl d4:65, f5 : 55, c. : f.G. c7:CI, dlO.Oflt SOUTHCOUND. soutboound uars mave Ottawa ta ion for Grand Kidge, MclCialov Park tm sircutor in a m : 5:65, I i r'ft ll:6,i In P at fig, 8:00. 11 '10 'io 64 Morris. f ! h- Jollet. 1 e Prtndatrit g i Ladd, f, t U ?Ule. gDail except Snudaya and holf , dan. 1 k Dally except Saturdays, Sondartf and holidaya. i 1- irtily except Saturday. g p--Saturday's Sundayg and boliaaya only ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND 8AVf MONEY. TICKET OFt-TCS OPEN FROM A M TO 11:35 P. U TICKET FARE3 TO CHICAGO. Via Jollet, III., and Chicago A Jollet Electric Railway Effective Dec. 11th. 1522. a I Round Trip $2.70 One Way $1.50 Return trip limited to ten daye.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICE. J 5XRRESS HANDLED ON ALL CAR AT LOW RATEik