OCR Interpretation

The Rock Island Argus and daily union. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1920-1923, April 14, 1920, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053933/1920-04-14/ed-1/seq-2/

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- , . 'v ' ' ' " . ' ' " - ' ' " ' '.-1 " " " ' , - ' '
at VttmCtf f XStMto
fa aia of anmasa war
" tr nULr Architects' association
1 Jt srselacat Oner tula at tha
rsrwfoft oonureui eioo. when
i XV I FiHilftft, arofaasor is the
NH or ftTCWtwtn of tha TJni
of miMb, ftMrMMd the
naftlat. It-was tha flrtt tlms that
tfc tn-eUr archltacts have nude
Mr cfort t obtain a cooperative
spirit bstwasa the training school
sea tha svefcUaete to the fleld of
their work. Asa It wo the first
Use that the wires of the club
momfconi were Invited to attend
their dinner mooting!. It is expect
ea that both bow rent arte will
pmo their worth.
' prof. Proviso outlined the work
of the department is which he woe
Mfagea. sw otaoosts betes enroll
od. He poke of too tysUra of co-
ooeracios esiotiai Between ininoii
natvereKv sad If other school! of
erchltectare la this, eonntry; de
scribed the " IWaote aarveratty
architectural library, sad
slsed the aeed of one or two Tears
tat a practicing oflee before award-
ng a stadent the anlrerstty degree.
Prof. ProYino was tnpressed by the
trl-dty fleld and the opaortanltiee
offered by the locality to yoaac
Cents Cbslrsiss
Olof Z. Cerrin. president of the
m-Cttr Architects' esse
presided as toaetmaeter and called
for (sternal speeches by Ifembers
Barrows, Krose, Hon and Temple.
roll call showed that the tri
cities is the working sold of grad-
rrom nearly all the large
architectaral colleges of the coon
try. the majority being from the
University of Illinois.
Personal Points
Mr. and Mrs. Hack Crawford of
1607 Twelfth arenas, left today for
Cedar Rapids, where they will re
main for the next low days.
Bt Anthony's hospital board at
Ha meeting yesterday noon, voted
to become affiliated with the Illi
nois - State Hospital association
and thus receive the benefits and
nrrffleces derived by any organi
sation that is a pan of the state
The revised constitution was not
ted for adorttoa yesterday PLAYS MUSIC OF
bat will be submitted by the coa-
stttotltraal wimmlttt at the next
meeting in May. The hospital
board tor a number or years nas
been functioning under aa obso
lete oonatitution. At the comple
tion of the new hospital annex the
fnUowtn were amiointea as a
enmntttaa to draw an a renseor
constitution and present it to the
board: Drs. A. N. Mueller. F. H.
First, Louis Ostrom and A. E. Wil
liams. ,
Mrs, Lacretla Wilson.
Funeral services for Mrs. Lncre
tia Wilson, who died at the some
of her daughter, Mrs.. George U
Van Pelt, 727 Ninth street, early
yesterday morning, will be held
from the Knox chapel at S p. m.
tomorrow. The Rev. W. O. Ogle
Tee, pastor of the South Park Pres
byterian church, will officiate. In
terment will be made in Chippian
nock cemetery.
R. I. Clean Towel Service. Phone
& L 24U.
Tri-City Cowei Scpply company.
Davenport M4.
Tag rftn flmt
sJefTf Mw
New Silk Glove, a Full Lino For Spring;
New 2-claip, 8 and 4
cUisp silk gloves; novel
ty wriits, tucked wrists,
embroidered and ruf-,
fled wrists, etc., $2.75
down to $1.63 pair.
New tricot and Milan
ese 2-clasp silk gloves,
Paris Point stitching,
some 5-row, some 8
row: $2.00 down to
$1.00 pair.
New long silk gloves,
plain or embroidered,
self or" contrast stitch
ing, 8 qualities: $3.50,
$3.00 and $2.50 pair.
Ladies' pure silk thread boot hoae,
worth $1X0; all sizes, black and col
ors; $1.00 a pair; 2 pairs to eaeli.
Dress Skirts, Cheap
Economical women find these pop
lin dress sldrts well worth the atten
tion they are getting. Prices range
$7.60, $5.00 and $3.98.
Here Are Three Racks Full of Silk
Pettkoatst "
The sheen of fine silks shines from
every one of these petticoats. Change
able st So, flowered silks, plain silks,
silks of erery color. - Prices range
$10.C3, $10.00, $S.50, $7.50, $543
and $3.00.
New 40-inch Blouse Silks i
Bfmiipl fwl A nTwrtfammidilm 1b pussy
Wtusws, snse as ehiaes and georgsttca; HMeially
prlseli tt.ST yard.
Gingham Presses for $13.50:
Gingham dresses are one of our
best selling items. They ought to be.
You can't buy a dress of any other
kind for the same money, that is as
becoming, lasts as long or does better
service while it lasts.
See these gingham dresses at
$13.50, $10.53, $3.50, $7.50, $5.98.
And gingham house dresses, plen
ty of them, at $3.50.
Two Unusual Values in New Spring Waists:
New spring waists of good crepe de chine, beautifully embroidered in
contrasting silk, all sizes: $8.98.
' New fine voile waists, some tailored, some lace trimmed, some embroid
ery trimmed: $8.50. 'v' .
Nobody Could Resist the Charm of the Infants' Department:
Obw, ssrHsssMs HttI tuihsa
gss I to S years; nam
with aa sanvsiosraf Iraniy" ea
the yak saws with euchsi ssom
win ssjaty rawektaf freed some
with slasvej ssrhet
With eeawastms
bars a very largs variety sf these
llttls srissss, an ef thsm bsssM
Isst fall befors the heavy rise is
wo sre uBSt tbeat aaeerdiaslri
smq, sa.es, fs,ss SIM, sajs,
et.se, it.o sal stst,
WhM tnmm sr HMs ssts fresi
ts ftarsi mssth'of towns aM
sni are so sals st from M.M 4wa
u si.se.
Ms need far the S-te-s-year old
ts as bsssaesaed.
Kqulslts Bttle white pique and
white inab spring ana1 m mater
wash hats, sahssUered In eslersi
St-SS to TSa,
Alas Uttls straw bats, S1.S0 down
to .
Some Worth-While Prices in Curtain Goods, 3d Floor:
White curtain scrim, 27 Inches and
33 inches wide, plain banding edge,
fancy open work border) some with
two-inch lace edge; worth 30c yarn
for ZZt yard.
- WUtecurUte scrim trttK fancy col
ored borders, 27 inches wide, very
pretty and appropriate for summer
cottages: 23c yard.
New filet and Nottingham curtain
nets, white and ecru, 40 Inches wide
at T3, C9c, C3e, $1.10 and $1.25
One lot pretty drapery cretonnes,
30 inch and 33 inch widths. These will
make very good trimmings for your
summer cottages at a low price: 36c
A wide variety of fancy colored
drapery marquUettes, 3S inches wide:
C3c, 70c and C3c yard.
Away back last Sep
tember Mr. Kilmer
placed an order for a
considerable quantity of
ladies spring oxford
pretty, snappy, atylfci
f ootwesr, made up with
the popular Lrj heel,
brown or black. '
Tonwrrow, tie first
lot, all sizes, will go on
fsale. If basest now we
would have to sell them
: for at least $7.50; as it
; is, we say $43 pair.
Grecerlee, Thursday:
- ( JStMt Crnantry Better sofiA edter grocerres,
wse poamaf jamaf to eeca for 63c.
W. J. C" rvnaaswef JEZStt Mm smm to
esscsV ior X3c
fJsm se-s, XTHo Sv
ahemnnTawe. .
sPwflri TenvM wPs- PMsautoetasT
k4aak. '
fresh sweet satatees, thrss
toll sea.
Vssllsaf. SSo esa,
ISe Isr.
Hie proceeds from the concert to
be given by the noted pianist, Eric
Leidzen, at the Salvation army
headquarters, Twenty-first street
and Fifth avenue, at 8 o'clock this
evening, will go toward the pur
chase of band instruments for the
local corps.
The Rock Island Salvation Army
corns, under the leadership of Cap
tain Martin Watner. although of re
cent advent to Rock Island, have
performed noteworthy work here,
especially In help to the unfortunate
during the past winter. The corps
has been without hand instru
ments and now desires to purchase
them for use In conducting their
They have been able to secure
Mr, Leidzen of New York city, well
known there as piano Instructor
and concert artist, to play his pro
gram of famous Salvation Army
songs in concert here this evening.
The musician will appear In Moline,
under the auspices of the Moline
eorps, for the remainder of the
week, including next Sunday.
Mr. Leldien studied In Denmark
under the best Instructors. He has
ef late been devoting his time to
the rendering of Salvation Army !
programs in various cities from I
coast to eoast. One of the features
of his program will be the -playing
of the piano and cornet simultane
ously. He somes here from Chicago, and
Will go from here to St. Paul,
Minn., for several concerts.
v?' U V -v
Sale of
Ball Gloves, Bats and Balls at 25
33i discount
Now is your chance to fit yourself out for
the season.
227 Eighteenth St.
We rent vacuum cleaners. Free
delivery service, Leithner-Welshar,
181J Third avenue. Phone R. I.
Elks and Their Friends
Are invited to attend the
Card Partv tomorrow afternoon and the
Tomorrow Evening, given, by the Ladv Elks at
the Elks' Hall.
Card Party, 25c Dancing Party $1 per couple
Proceeds wil be used to finish paying fur
furnishing Hospital room -
SSBaaaaenMsavsaarBaaaaBBBV' 1 eaasB
For the
WS HEN you choose your luggage here
you're selecting from America's best
makes. We, feature Likly all leather bags
and suit cases for men and women at $15 to
$50, others as low as $2.50. And Mendel's
farnnus trunks at $7.50 to $40. Newest
model tyardrobe trunks for men and
women at $35 to ?6o.
The After -Easter Discount Sale
' At The Bee Hive
Offers two Remarkable
Groups of Dresses at
9 $33.75
Right now with the Spring
season just fairly started you
may choose from a splendid
assortment of higher quality
garments at price reductions
ordinarily found only in the
mid -summer sales.
Dresses of taffeta, georg
ette, satin, serges, and trico
tines in a splendid variety of
styles, and with sizes so well
assorted that one may make
selections with utmost satis-faction.
JVC Look for these special val-
a w a
oes m ine display wmaows.
20 Reduction on All Other Better
Dresses Coats and Suits'
Hundreds of Hats in This
After-Easter Sale
Reduced to $5 and $7.50
T eaMfi's most popular styles aad shadea tnclad
tsg Mack &&ta la yontalQl modes and hats for the
matronly woman.
Flower, feather and ribbon trimmed.-
Reduced to $3.75, $5, $7 SO
Sailors aad ether smart ready-to-wears In many dif
ferent shaves and sizes. Some. In solid colors and
'-blacks, othara with colored facings or In contrasting
Special at $2.00
Another M groan of those desirable black hat shapes
to choose from at this low price, ever so many styles
sjmI the watass the heat we've had to otter this season
The Bee Hive Davenport,
and Friday
Cor. 7th Ave. 12th St. Rock Island
Men's athletic or ribbed
worth $1.50, special, per
unionsuits, QQ
suit yoc
Boys' athletic or rib
bed unionsuits, worth
$1.25, special for; two
days at
Men's ribbed shirts
or drawers, worth
$1.00, special per garment
Ladies,' fine ribbed
unionsuits, worth
$1.39, special, per suit
G i r 1 s' unionsuits,
worth $1.00, special,
per suit
Silk poplins, all col
ors, worth $2.25,
special, nC
per yard . P A 0
Men's 20c work hose,
all colors' and sizes,
tw? 29 c
443 J
We. are agents for White Lily Flour, guaranteed
to give satisfaction or money ' fcO Q
CjSjS w
refunded, special, 49 lb. sack
Winesap or Jonathon Apples,
2 lbs. for
Cooking Apples,
S lbs. for
4 lbs. Goocb'S Best Pancake
4 lbs. Gooch's Best Buckwheat
1 quart can Scudders
Maple Syrup
I pint can Scudder's
Maple Syrup
1 gallon can Scudder's
Maple Syrup
S lbs. McLaughlin
4 large cans
Armour's Milk
So. S cans Wleomlo Sweet Potatoes
! for
1.00k Out Toilet Paper,
C for . : .
' , J
:A Iff
- -
-15c Our Leader 1

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