OCR Interpretation

The Rock Island Argus and daily union. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1920-1923, December 04, 1920, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053933/1920-12-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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mouK IBlj AND -ARG-US. r; ; ;
i";-'- -yv- t AND DAILY UNION. , - - ,
HSTH YEAR NQ. 42. mocttmiMiuiiBwiu . SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1920. SIXTEEN PAGES. united uuto wi PRICE FIVE CENTS.
juilbviiJlsuyUfei . Ik) UJJuvu is ) l!UiUisU ui)lslrl!IJl2jyto
' f .,,.. f ' ' -. ,, , - ' ' ' t . . . . n
jOrganiiation to Make
-!aught Upon Con
gress for Aid.
2? FmWent CharlM . Barrett
Jl?'(Miunl Board of Firm Or-
Blf mWMVU w
right, W20, by United Press.)
Prs Staff Correspondent.)
fubington, Dec. 4. More than
WOO farmers banded together
ittt National Board of Farm or-
Wtloni now are preparing for
tin in congress to get legisla
te protect the consumer and
T from being victimized fey
mlatira and profiteers in food,
lent Charles S. Barrett of the
announced today. .
jtren muion iarmers now are
to tell their products at the
price in history in proportion
production costs, said tfarrett.
100.000,000 consumers are pay-
Am klchest nnce in nistorv lor
Wt ume nroducts. Billions 01
Mtfi of profit thus is going into j cattle at
k pockets of the speculator and
Mfltmen. I
Mthatrst step in the drive-for
bttcure legislation the farmers,
Wtlttt' said, are organizing , a
wry-wide public relations com
mie to coordinate the common
mm of farmer and consumer.
Til committee, to be developed
fmr the direction of the National
diiI of Farm organizations, will
(tide representatives ot the Na-
C Consumers' league and the
roup, as well as farmers, ac
tu to oresent Dlans.
I Ik tinners' program for protec
f tttitlation begins with amend-
1W to the anti-trust laws to per
il turners' cooperative societies
gate in ' interstate business.
Jraajl many of the" cooperative
wtkt farmers plan to sell di-
10 th consumer.
, Caa Be Prosecuted.
k. ...... i
rated, the cooperative socie-
can make a big and permanent
it in the high cost ot living." . .
I'ader the direction of the nation-
board attempts are now being
fa to organize cooperative soci
m in every section ot the United
la addition to getting food direct
i the consumer the societies en-
Dto farmers to buy supplies whole
f, thereby increasing the agri
Itural efficiency.
pd" said Barrett, "increased et
pty for the farmer practically
Senator Backs Legislation
to End All "Blackboard
Washington, Dec 4. (By United
Press.) Asserting gambling in
train ia the chief reason for the
slump In prices of farm products.
Senator Capper of Kansas today
declared there Is "a train ram
blers' conspiracy to bilk the people
and farmers oat of hundreds of
millions of dollars "
With his statement Capper made
public the bill he will introduce in
the senate Monday to break up
grain; gambling by imposing a tax
of 10 per cent on deals in grain fu
tures, except when actual delivery
is contemplated.
"This bill," said Capper, "will
stop all gambling in wheat, corn,
cotton, and will eliminate 'black
board marketing' of all kinds. It
will put out of business the thou
sands of wire houses and bucket
shops operating In every city of the
United States.
. "The Chicago board of trade as
now conducted is the world s great
est gambling institution. More
wheat was sold In Chicago in Octo
ber than was raised in the United
States -this year. 'This year's corn
crop was sold 1 times in Chicago
before a bushel of corn had reach
ed the markets. About 1- per cent
of the trading done in futures rep
resents bona fide transactions for
actual delivery.
Farmer Is Goat"
"Because a lot of gamblers find
it convenient to bet on the daily
quotations, the farmer who has
been forced to sell his hogs and
a loss while meat still
Intervention to Halt Big
Price .Drop Would In
jure Consumers.
Mrs. Muriel MacSwiney
Welcomed By Thou
sands in New York.
(Special to The Argus.)
Washington, D. C, Dec. 4. Prac-
New York, Dec. 4. Mrs. Muriel
MacSwiney, widow of the ' lord
mayor of Cork, who died on a han
ger strike in London's Brixton pris
on, stepped down the gangplank
from the big grey liner Celtic this
morning, landing here on her long
journey to testify before the Com-
jmittee of One Hundred investigat
ing conditions in Ireland. Her sister-in-law.
Miss Mary MacSwiney,
accomnanleri her.
A small flotilla of tugboats and I rress.j nunorio meyrreaon.
South American Republic
Ceases Participation
in Assembly.
Geneva, Dec. 4. (Associated
Walkout Entails Expense
of $1,000,000 Troop.
Save Lives.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
(Copyright, 1920, by United Press.)
Williamson. W. Va, Dec. 4. The
issue of unionism or nonunionism in
the coal industry of America is be
ing fought out in Mingo county.
"We believe Mingo county is the
key to the situation in the fight be
tween the open shop and union
ism," said Harry Olmstead. presi
dent of the Williamson Coal Oper-
the ators' association.
I other small craft swarmed down j Argentine foreign minister, today
handed Paul Hymans, president of
the League of Nations assembly, a
the visitors. These five, he said, 1 C!ally announced the withdrawal of general strike was called last fall.
applications. The p:iss holders j assembly
the Argentine delegation from the
Whether this meant that
sells at war prices, is again made
the goat. The farmer has already ,
lost more than a billion dollars by
the bear raid on the board of the consumer has not felt the drop
trade. "Sin prices materially because so
"The speculators, both in wheat manv retailers have naturally
and cotton, know when the farm- en0ugh sought to get rid of their
era must sell and they take advan
tage ot it to rob them annually."
All grain and cotton producers
and dealers. Capper said, will sup
port this bill, which will be intro
duced in the house of Representa
tives by Representative Tiacher of
The senate and house agricultur-
goods at prices somewhere near
their original cost.
Nobody in the government blames
'the retailer for his human desire
to get back what he paid for goods
on his shelves, but at the same
time officials point to the strike
that the consumer himself initiat-
al committees continued their Joint ! ed against high prices. For months
people nave oeen reiusing 10 ouy
until prices came down to reason
able levels. Government officials
conference today . on measures of
relief for farmers. Representatives
of cotton growers were to be heard.
Leads Other States in ?i amber
Men Who Left Baggage nd
Hustled to Good Old V. 8.
New York. Dec. 4. Illinois leads
ithe states in the number of Ameri
can expeditionary force members so
eager to return home that they left
their baggage behind In France or
Hoboken, N. J., the K-ights of Co
lumbus reported last night in an
nouncing the completion of their
work in restoring lost baggage. Of
the 100,000 pieces for which the or
ganization had aided the govern
ment to find owners in the past 18
mcnths, more than 4,000 were sent
to Illinois. , ,
were Mrs. Oswald Garrison Villard,
hostess to the visitors while in this
country; Mrs- Alfred E. Smith, wife
of Governor Smith; Mrs. John F.
Hyian, wife of Mayor Hylan; Mrs.
Rosa Downing of Washington and
Mrs. Jame3 Walsh, representative
of Irish societies in this city.
Thousands of Irish sympathizers,
wearing crepe bands around their
arms in mourning for the late lord
tically every class of busfness or ; the to qnarantine to.
. v " "ipany the Celt into the harbor,
been nit by the drop in prices nas ; rie,n. nf
appealed U the government at . awi only fiye passes t0 women rep-' letter announcing that the Argen
Washington for aid in some form resentatives of Irish organizations I tine delegation had ceased its. par
or other. And while proposals for , in ,nU -,, tn n throil,h thB j ticipation in the league.
relief are being urged upon con- b insoection lines to meet The letter, it later developed, offl
Bivas miuugu uiv yviiviA. .uuu
ence of the various business groups
affected, the executive branch of
the government has taken a deter
mined position, namely, that inter
vention by the government to stop
the fall in prices means k mainte
nance of the high cost of living.
The government view i? that
business of all kinds has been
warned' repeatedly since the armi
stice that a crash in high prices
was coming sooner or later and
that caution should be exercised.
Those who refused to heed the ad
monition and have been holding
their goods for higher prices ignor
ing the downward; march of prices
are suffering the consequences.
Opinion in government, circles in
clines to the view that in most
commodities the bottom has been
reached in the price curve, but that
"If we should lose, other non
union fields would be endangered:
A nation-wide victory for the Unit
ed Mine w orkers would mean in
Premier Negotiates With
Irish Leaders of Revolt
for Peace. 1 1
London, Dec. 4. (United Press.)
Argentina was withdrawing alto
gether from the league, was not ap
parent. Will Germany Come In I
, Geneva, Dec. 4. (United Press )
All independent nations of the
dustrial chaos In the coal fields and j Quiet negotiations are in pro
ultimate government control. It ; gress between representatives of
was the open shop fields which kept 1 Premier Lloyd George and of the
the country from freezing vfhen the ! Sinn Feiners with the object of
bringing about peace in Ireland, it
was reported here today.
Lloyd George was described as
"feeling out" the Sinn Feiners in an
effort to ascertain whether it
would be possible to hold confer-
But we think we have already won
A few weeks at the most will see
conditions thoroughly stabilized."
The United Mine workers appar
ently have accepted the operators
Victorious "Red" Army
Reigns Supreme at ,
. Nation's Capital.
London, Dec 4 Russian so
viet troops captured Erlvan, the
Armenian capital, on Thursday,
and Armenia has declared itself'
a soviet republic It is asserted
in a wireless dispatch received .
from Moscow today. The
troops of the old Armeulan gov v
eminent have placed themselves
at the disposal of the soviet
administration, (he dispatch dc.
"Aberbaijan," the message adds,
"has voluntarily renounced the dU- ,
puted provinces of Zangemar, NaU
hiolievan, Anne-N'agorny and Kar
abagh, which have been handed
world which desire to remain out ' quarters are prepared to "carry on"
of the League of Nations will have indefinitely. The strike to date, in
challenge, for they already have ' ences with leaders. So far, the re-
held 'out six months and with the port had it, the prime minister has j over to soviet Armenia.
backing of their international head-1 not acutally met any of the rebel Control InebolL
leaders and the whole affair is en
tirely unofficial. If it is found im-i
to make a specific declaration of i addition to costing the miners a possible to reach a common ground ;
that attitude or they will be voted
in as members, under a motion sub-
mayor, who died after a hunger mitted to the league assembly to-
stnRe, assemoiea ai uie qock w i day by Argentina
cheer the Irish, visiters.
Editor of "Commerce and Finance"
Predicts Prosperity Immedi
iate Belief Coming.
Nantucket Shoal Relief Lightship
Tom Adrift In 90-Mile Gale
Beaches New Bedford.
ys spells decreased prices for
Da at the same time. Increased
,rltrB and harvpat nnil nrices
"P. has been the experience ot
nnr. His onlv recourse.
Ptfttore, ia to market more wisely
W wimtoats the middleman and
. .L , ... r
Ul I( tlmnts fimr-ttrtna nf tho
man and by encouraging the
WOtt t.l An likooiiu.
T department of agriculture
J 'ittowred that a majority of
J,W0,00t) farmers of the country
are forced to dispose of the
7 Ueir crops in the fall, im
Mly after harvest and months
'wane of consumption. That
;r"M Prices paid the farmer
wosta prices paid to the spec
w au4 cold storage man who
""leu food is low and plentiful.
lt reZDftdv vrhifh ll i,rn Da.s-a. AM a a ' riajt A TYtA Van.
-f "ivu wall K1C 1I1C UU31UU. UICMO..
fjw higher prices and the con- tucket shoal relief lightship arrived
Wwer nrlrpa ia ,n.i.,i i . kiau, UaHamI thla mnrninv. Her
hy th farmer throughout ; commander reported his ship had
'Jr- To market his produce ! been torn adrift by a 90-mile gale
"J the farmer must have ad- that swept over the shoals Thurs-
credit Another step in the day night. He had been trying to
ive program therefore will ! make some port since. .
J wmand that congress inves-! Vessels which passed close to hor
wop banking to determine I lonely position in the open sea,
larm.r. ... . . t .o Bn.,ikaa,t nf C.nliatv hp.lfl
a" vntiifkt renorted bv rad.o that
Other ... -j ! they could not see her daring the
9w laws tn h. j . j . night. Wireless reports for informa-
s . n, ,i oi tion of tae whereabouts or the noat-
' outlined by Barrett, in- . hom ,.. nnraerous. Efforts
. 1 to reach the shio itself by radio fail-
W..V?,arter,n and en-led. but it was explained that her
wireless apparatus had been out of
commission for several days..
think the Christmas shopping Willi
naturally - neip oui me retailer
clearing his shelves for new - pur
chases after the first of the year.
Cost to Come Down.
In order to do business next year,
buying is expected to be resumed
after New Year's with intensity yet
with conservatism. Manufacturers
who have bad orders canceled be
cause retailers were holding their
goods in a vain effort to -compel the
consumer to buy are expected to
adjust their prices to fit the new
conditions and the prediction here
is that the cost of living will come
down eveu more in the first months
of 1921 than ever before.
While there is sympathy for the
farmer,-there is no disposition to
help him maintain the price of
wheat any more than there is to
assist the retailer in keeping up
the prices of his wares. Sugges
tions of a farmers' strike were
frowned upon by the government
when they were first made and
there is a feeling among responsible
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 4. (United
Press). Economic waste was term
ed the cloud which is preceding the
rainbow in the financial heavens
of America in an address by Theo
dore H. Price, editor of Commerce
and Finance, New York city, be
fore the City club of Cleveland twl
Should the motion prevail it
would probably result in Germany
becoming a member.
Geneva, Dec. 4. Associated
Press.) Argentina's delegation to
the assembly of the League of Na
tions did not appear during the first
hour of today's meeting.
Honorio Pueyrredon, head of the
million dollars in wages and the of discussion the matter will be
operators even more millions in quietly dropped, it is expected, and
lost tonnage, has exacted a toll of a ; no official announcement or intima
score of lives. tion concerning it will be forthcom-
Both operators and strikers be- ing.
lieve the presence of federal troops The quiet situation in Ireland dur-
will prevent further bloodshed,
which is officially deplored by all
SO Shots Fired.
Despite this, it was reported to
the sheriff's office todav
delegation, refused to deny that j shots were fired from the mountains , mne"
Argentina was withdrawing from
But as there can be no rainbow
without a cloud. Price said, the
phenomena is perfectly natural.
Price furthermore predicted an im
mediate appearance of the rainbow . had characterized them last night
. . . ' v . . a . - j... .
tn pruspcruv.
Chief among the economic waste
the league.
"I can not discuss the matter at
thiB time," he said to the Associated
Press at his hotel.
The Argentine representatives
were in conference when Senor
Pueyrredon was seen today. The
Argentine foreign minister declared
he would probably go to the as
sembly meeting later, but up until
noon he had not appeared.
The fact that Senor Pueyrredon
dtd not . attend today's meeting
caused suppressed excitement in
the assembly, especially among
South Americans. His refusal to
deny reports that Argentina would
withdraw from the league, after he
ing the last few days may be attrib
utable to the fact that the Sinn
Feiners are awaiting . the outcome
of the "feeling out" process, or to
the fact that most of the belligerent
that 50 ! leaaers nave Deen rounaeu up iu uie
great anve upon tne
Thiireav niht intn mino in miips! rebel organization which was
north of here. No casualties were I launched shortly after the assassi
nation of 16 British officers in Dub-
(Continued on Page Four).
emu oi ...v
C I? buy direct f"m the
G?' regulation of the meat
ai wausrrv
increased appropriations
agricultural department,
i divi8ions "udying
oa. effective legislation,"
tommiUn,. ... . .
P-VWed" ,.', .an.a
BhnHi, """on on laoei-
C"1 designating character of
at, e:UIizers- ls. drugs
fatami wearmB apparel;
fcan7.: "l ,ne Sradual
Ntrf h. pront8 ,ax" "P-
Imhi 7 c u'"onai rev
Jd to meet the exoenses
WT?.1 immigration w.
k American standards of
.ln.i... .
Protect farm-
. u.rure as all other
Marion, Ohio. Somewhere two
yeggs are congratulating each other
on their find ot several thousand
dollars' worth of oil stock in a
safe here.. The owner placed the
value of the stock at $1.25.
Rome, Ga When Fred Kelly at
tempted to dodge what he thought
was a dog In the road he hit it and
found that it was a 'possum. He
had a sack ot "taters" in the car.
Oh, boy!
Denver. The' goatsBilly and
Nanny were being held tn jail here
after they stopped automobile!
traffic by charging every car that
came their way.
A Free Booklet On
How to Use
This homemade stone Is a
handy material to use about
the place in the odd jobs of
building and repair.
If the smortar is falling out
from between the bricks of
your house, giving it a ragged
and run-down appearance, re
pair , it with concrete. If
there is mud in the driveway
to your garage, make a con
crete path. Put a permanent
floor in your basement, per-'
manent steps at your, front
door, permanent posts at your '
gate. If you are a farmer
make your watering troughs,
feeding floors, silos, of con
crete. -
We offer you a free booklet
that tells how any man may
mix his own concrete and use
it Cemcat, sand and water
are the ingredients and can
be procured anywhere. They
are cheap.
You ought to know the
handy tricks of mixing and
applying them. Send today
to our Washington Informa
tion Bureau for its concrete
recipes. , . .
Frederic J. Haskin, Direc
tor, The Rock Island
Argus Information Bu
reau. Washington, D. C.
I enclose herewith two
cents In stamps for re
turn postage on a free
copy of "How to Use Concrete."
Name .
Street .
State ..
Price classified the "waste of cap
ital that results from keeping eight
billions of gold tied up in idleness
as bank reserves."
'Our federal reserve banks alone
hold two billions of gold as a re
serve," he said. "If it were in cir
culation it would earn at least $100,
000,000 a year in interest,, to say
nothing of the stimulous to busi
ness it would furnish."
Regarding the waste of material.
Price said that the waste of raw
material in American industry av
erages fully 30 per cent
"And as to the labor element,"
he added, "we have a long way to
go before we can even glimpse the
addition to our wealth that would
result from the intelligent utiliza
tion of American, labor.
"Of our waste of transportation.
we ought to be ashamed. I know
of a certain article that makes four
journeys between New England and
the middle west in the court of
its fabrication. Doubtless there are
many others."
National Association of Colored
Pmple Protests Against South
ern Disfranehlseinent.
New Tork, Dec 4. Investigation
of alleged "violent, illegal and un
constitutional disfranchisement of
colored people in southern states,'
loosing lowara reduction or con
gressional representation in
as false, was believed to be due to
a communication he had received
from the Argentine government this
morning. '
George Nicoll Barnes of Great
Britain was prepared today to ask
the council of the league to account
for its failure to use its good of
fices in an endeavor to keep the
Russian bolshevik! and the Poles
from fighting last summer. ' -
Methods to be pursued regarding
amendments to the covenant of the!
league will probably come before
the assembly for a final ruling next
Monday. ;
Francisco Garcia valdernon, tne
Peruvian minister to France, ar
rived yesterday to replace Dr. Mar
iano H- Cornejo as Peruvian dele
gate to the assembly of the league.
To Eliminate Article X.
An amendment to the covenant ot
the League ot Nations, eliminating
article X, the most mooted section
of the pact, was introduced in the
assembly of. the league today by
Charles 3. Doherty, Canadian min
ister of justice. The amendment
will probably be referred to the
committee on amendments.
Ther ar now 28 men here fac- Great internment camps have
ing trial on charges of murder. Five I Deen constructed in various parts
are in jail, the other 23 are at lib-! of Ireland and many of the Sinn
erty on bail Fein leaders will spend their Chnst-
Sheritf Blankenship, who con-! mas holidays behind the barbed
eludes his four-year term Jan. liire netting with sentries with
next, is decidedly unpopular with ! f"d bayonets watching them. The
the operators. "They got it in forifirst batch of. Sinn Feiners destined
me because they couldn't buy me or ; fr internment has arrived at Camp
my deputies " the sheriff explained.; Ballygialar, County Down. accord
Captain TT'V: Mulliken was cut j MS a dispatch received today,
exercising two bloodhounds when I The court-martial of Countess
engaged him in conversation. These Markiewicsz, the Sinn Fein woman
dogs, he said; had helped hunt member of parliament, has been
down more than a dozen men on concluded at Dublin and decision
the Kentucky side, who were charg- reserved. She is accused of organ
ed with shooting across the river jizing and directing a branch of the
into mines. Sinn Fein Boy Scouts.
Williamson and the surrounding The attitude of the government
counties appear so peaceful now it toward the Sinn Feiners was be-
looks as if the soldiers didn t be- lieved to bave been set forth by Lloyd
Constantinople, Dec. 4. (Associ
ated Press.) Control of Ineboli, a
seaport on the Asia Minor coast ot
the Black sea, has been assumed
by the Itussian bolsheviki. accord
ing to a report reaching this city.
Confirmed at Moscow.
London. Dec. 4. (United Press.)
Armenia has been declared a so
viet republic, a wireless messaga
from Moscow declared today.
President Wilson has Just under-
I taken to mediate between the Ar
I meninns and the forces of Mus
i tapba Kemal, Turkish leader.
Ministers Surprised at British AN
litude Constan'Jne May Join
'Army at Smyrna,"
long there. Townspeople, especial
ly the girls, fraternize with the
troops. . The doughboys are princi
pally engaged now with cleaning
up the streets and public grounds.
Jack Flagg, who says he is a cof
fin salesman from Roanoke, Va., ar
rived here today and declared he
came in anticipation of doing a
rushing business as a result of the
federal troops having been called
in. He declared he was going to
stick aiound until something hap-j
pened and that he could supply cas
kets at very attractive rates.
Illinois Coal Miners Contribute $2
000 to Commemorate Former
International Leader.
Springfield, 111., Dec. 4. Coal
miners in Illinois have voted to con
tribute $25,000 toward the erection
such ! f a memorial to their former inter-
states as provided for in the 14th j national president John Mitchell,
amendment to the constitution, was According to figures just announced
urged upon the house committee on j hy official tellers they gave a plu
the census by the National AsBo-'rality of approximately 1,500 to the
ciaiion tor the Advancement of 1 tza.wv proposal.
Colored People in a letter to Rep-1 The memorial will be erected at
resentative Isaac Siegel, chairman i Scranton, Pa., where Mr. Mitchell
ot the committee, made public to-; Is buried. The vote as recorded fol-
day. lows:
James W, Johnson, secretary of i For a $6,000 contribution, 3,352;
the organization, who aimed the for $10,000. 1.794: for 115.000. 1.031:
tetter, requested that representa
tives of the association, "ia behalf
of 12,000.000 negroes7 of the United
States," be allowed to appear be
fore the committee In Washington
next week to present facts.
Shanghai, China, Dec. 4. Ames
sage received here from Kankow
reports 60 persons have been kill
ed In the mntlny of Chinese troops
at I -Chang, a treaty port In Hu
Pea province.
London, Dec 4. The Finnish
parliament ratified the peace treaty
with soviet Russia by a large ma
jority, says a dispatch to the Cen
tral News from llclrinefors.
tor $20,000, 670,
and for $25,000.
George in his speech at the Con
stitutional club.
"We must first defeat the murder
gang and make Ireland a worthy
partner in our empire," he said.
"Irish brutalities are worse than
those of the Turk."
Republican Leaders at Congress
Session to Open Monday
Will Fight Old Laws.
Washington, Dec. 4. (United
Press). Republican house leaders
today decided to attempt to repeal
all war legislation as one of the
first acts of the short session of
congress opening next Monday.
Suspension of all immigration
until a comprehensive and restric
tive law can be passed was placed
second on the legislative program.
The decision to act on these two
proposals was reached by ths
house steering committee.
Athens, Dec. 4. (United Press )
On the eve of the plebescite whic.i
will be held tomorrow to dechlu
whether the Greek people waut
Constantine as king, the cabinet
went into session today to consider
the allied note, which declare!
against his return to the throne.
It was understood the firm tuna
of the note surprised the Gree's
ministers who had expected tha
British would influence the Frencil
against any real opposition to Con
stantino's retuA. The principal ob
ject of the note, it was believed, waj
to influence the Greek voters tj
cast their ballots against Con-,
stantine tomorrow.
It was rumored today that if Con
stantine returns to the throne ha
will go to Smyrna at once and as
sume command of the army there.
Premier Georce RhaU'.s, in an i'i-
terview, said the government wi'.l
not demobilize a single soldier but
that it needs funds t) conlinuo iu
campaign in Asia Minor.
Prohibition Director Holds I p 50,-
000 Worth of -Booze" Enroute
to Kew York.'
Holland Walker Arested at Decatur,
Confesses Crime to Authorities.
Lexington, Ky., Dec. 4. Two
trucks loaded with whisky valued
at $50,000, enroute from a disUllery
at Versailles, Ky., to New York,
have been held up here by State
Prohobition Director Paul Wil
liams, pending, he said, an investi
gation and infoi'maton from the
New York director as to legality of
transportation permits displayed
by the truck drivers. The liquor,
it was said, was purchased by a
New York wholesaler.
Washington I!as Reached Limit ef
Concessions to Allied and
Associated Powers. '
Fond du Lac, Wis.. Dec. 4.
"Brownie of Lynnwood," '4-year-cld
Guernsey cow owned by the Gor
ium farm, has completed a year's
official test with a record of pro-
Washington, Dec. 4. Assoc'ated'
Press.) The American government
has about reached the limit of con
cessions It is willing to make to lii
allied and associated powers wiiU
regard to the disposition of the fo--mer
German cables, it was made
known today by one of the Amer
ican comm'ssioners to the interna
tional communications conference,
now in session here. The commis-
said tbe negotiations ha 1
ducinir S31.07 pounds of butter fat.
.,J..1a. 1 fine nnnnd. nf f SlOUer
butter This record is believed to! been dragging for some time w.U
rank her first In Wisconsin among out any immediate indication th.it
Guernseys of her age and. second an agreement would be reached.
in the United States.
Generally fair tonight and Sun
day. Slightly cooler tonight with
the lowest temperature about freew
ill., Dec. 4. (United ing. Somewhat wanner Sunday.
Rolland Walker, 31,' Htgnest yesieraay, ou; lowest lasi
PrMi 1
with the murder ' night 41.
of his 83-year-old grandmother, Mrs. Wind velocity at 7 a.m.. miles Chicago. Dec. 4. (United Press !
Marv j Walker. Thursday after-! per hour. The 15-months-old child of John
noon, was arrested here today, ro-i rraciiHiauuu uours, .- and Mary Sleticka slept quietly ia
lice say he confessed to the killing. Mnch. j : his crib while the father cut Mrs.
Mrs. Walker was shot twice in the i 12 m. 7 p.m. 7 a.m. J sieticka's1 throat with a razor and
oacK ana was iounu iymg kjum : jcmci. iuuuj then killed himself in the same
Baby Sleeps Quietly in Crib as Fa
ther Slashes "JUmma's"
Throat With Razor.
th bed In her home here. Not un- : Dry bulb temp.. . 59
til tile body was taken to the under- :Wet bulb temp... 53
taking parlors was it discovered j Relative humid... 68
death was not due to natural causes.
Dixon, III., Dec. 4. Thomas Ben
der. 17, had both legs amputated
when he fell nnder a C, B. & Q
freight train which he was trying
to board near Polo this morning. .
River stage, 2.4;
24 hours.
63 41
52 40
96 95
change last
River Forecast.
manner. Mrs. Sleticka's mothetr
in-law found the couple dead ; in.
bed. She said they had quarreled.
Washington, Dec. 4. (By Unite!
mess.) The interstate commerce
A Blight rising stage in the Mis-1 commission today modified the
sisfippi will prevail from Clinton j rules requiring capacity loading ot
J. M. SUERIER, Meteorologist
freight cars carrying grain.
roads will file new tariffs.

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