iuaaw . road to j feaurfNloaer ruI C Tewssala Geti Svsjp. 0r ( Beard, Tkaft AIL i , ; ; A: bridges of Coal township are In urgent need fmmit; and bow rands for this f J'ut to be obtained is the j0oa agitating the mind of Wil m Paul, road commissioner of qs Taller. ' jr. Paul appeared before the kjtii a' supervisors yesterday and gnawd npon the pitiful condition (fibs highways under his care, the Msttt of heavy traffic between the ggH'Snd the cities. He received ,.11 encouragement from the Cars on the question of financial ill. The supervisors are not lack H )n moral support, all admitting ait lomcthing ought to be done to ake the route more passable, but Nialoa prevailed that some means er (ban the country treasury timid be employed to finance the IMBed repairs. v Csal vTasttns fsme. ' I Valises Treichler, commissioner if highways for the county, also sidressed the board in oehalf of tat Coal Valley roads. He pointed Ml that the mines have proven of treat benefit to the cities, especi ally daring the coal crieis of last year, and that the people should he willing to pay a little toward the lBproverjnt. of the road; faU AaKjU by ' taa laces JMt fAOveoMM of the heavily load- wet tn. tha It VU mtrwmmtmA tu. . . 1 f1 ? ? totM1 on alTcoal be collected by the city of Molina at the Rock river hrldga to be tamed Into a rand tor the upkeep Commissioner Pawl states that the bridges 'are la dire need of strengthening. Fact la, he inform ed the board, most of the bridges in the township were condemned several years ago and that some thing most be done Immediately if accidents are to be avoided. inDNIOUT 1IAS3 TO BE CELEBliATED IN CATHOLIC CIIUECH TVEOTT-FIVE YEARS AGO I TWArpt Files of 1SSS Dr. HALEY ' ' PHOTO OF DR. B A1ET Midnla-ht mfcaa will h nl.Krai at the Catholic churches in the city n xnruuui morning. Tnia will be the second tim in mm wan that midnight inaaa has been held. '"i innstmas tne custom being re vived at the local churches. Mid night mass wall also be observed ia Davenport churches according to a decision reached at a meeting of the doa.Il err of na.vim.nnrt TM. will fca the first time since 1100 that the solemn rites nave been performed in Davenport at Christmas time.' The maaa Wilt twain at 11 n'rlnrlr midnight, lasting until 2 o'clock in ine morning. ' At si. JOsepn 8 UIUD- ollc church mass frill be held again at 6. 8, S and 10 o'clock on Christ mas morning. Dec. t Farmer" Run , IK. wrestler, was in the city from hU eoeaXrv hom at Hi Bnk i today. - .i ,. , The foarth annual ball of Chap 1554, M. W. A., was given last even ing at Odd Fellow.' hall, ahnnl u. entv-five cosples being In attend ance. a music was famished by Blotters orchestra and at midnight sapper was served in the dining Dec. C Last evening at St. Mary's Catholic church was cele brated the marriage of John L. Llt Ug of this city and Miss Aggie V. licParlaad of Davenport Misses Margaret Dart and Sue Denkmaaa are in Chicago... Dec t The Sunday school an nex of Broadway Presbyterian church was formally dedicated yes terday, impressive ceremonies at tending the occasion in which sis ter congregations Joined in rejoic ing over the Improvement Dee. 10 It was a message laden with glad tidings of great Joy, the dispatch which bore to . The Argus last evening from Springfield the news that Rock Island county had won the site for the location of the western insane hospital. It had been a long contest in which the county had stood squarely on its merits and It is a victory in which we should all rejoice with equal fervor and enthtt'staam. It is like the court boose, a subject in which the entire county, its good name and its pride are Involved. , Dec. 11 After the Jubilation at the Rdck Island house last evening over 'the news of the location of the westers insane hospital at Rock Island a number of tri-city news paper men dropped into The 'Argus office and the subject of a tri-city press club came up incidental to a general discussion of th friendly spirit that should prevail among all interested in the promotion of the common interests of the tri -cities. "While it was not deemed prudent to take action until all the papers were consulted, the feeling of those present representing the majority of the papers was unanimously in favor of the revival of the snbjeet Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Kenfield wel comed a daughter at their Chicago home Monday. All the news an the time The Argus. r . ST RAISE v FOUR DILLIOli OF DOLLARS (Continued from Page One.) to have an increase in tales and of ! course members of congress will be pressed by local interests to protest against any taxes that pnt a burden on the influential bust, ness men in their respective com-, munities. So if the tax question is viewed through local eyes, the treasury department will be under! constant bombardment not . only 1 under this administration but the next one as well. If the question is examines through national eyes, the total amount paid by the Amer ican people will be seen as less than any previous year. Is Fear Billions Enough! Is four billions, . however, the minimum amount on which . . the government can get along? Re publican leaders say they can J Jour billions 'shows that one and knock a billion dollars ont of esti-1 one.third billions go to pay inter mates submitted by the treasury est on Liberty bonds and other for the coming year. But the treat- i public debt. Another billion is ary rails attention as- did Preui-' wanted by the military establish dent Wilson to the congressional, ment which includes plans tor such habit of making appropriations out i things. as universal military train of revolving funds. More than Sling and the maintenance of a fair billion dollars was spent last year sized army to cost, $638,000,003. in that way after the estimates , Th railroads will cost in Tne had been pared down by a billion ' neighborhood , of a billion dollars dollars. Probably the adoption of and it used to cost the government a budget system and the making of . Just a billion dollars to run in pre all appropriations directly will i War days. At that the government cure .this - fault in government will face a deficit on outstanding finance but until it comes con-l debts. Pruning government de gress may be in the position of tak-' partment estimates will help some ing a billion dollars off a list of, but it is not believed the general paper estimates and of finding the total that must be raised by taxa same billion eventually on a list of tion will be sufficiently reduced to expenditures. j be felt by the public at large to To get relief from taxation it (matter whether Mr. Houston's will be necessary not merely to re. ! plans or those of the next admin dnce the estimate but. to prevent ' istration are adopted. For in a nut indirect ; appropriations. More-'shell, some individuals may fare over, an analysis of how Secretary ! far better and others worse the Houston made up his budget of simply because that is the amount r 1 1 I 7 x o O H P If nIAYRPn El KODAK FINISHING pfc 1 Ovt Specialty. Bjthest Grade of Woa: ia the Middle west Moderate Prices and ' Quick Service. SEWD FO COMPLETE PSXCE LIST fr EXPERT CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING. WE CALL FOR I AN6 DELIVEft. - TEL. R. I. 716 . Will Be In ROCK ISLAND At the Harper House , Sunday, Dec. 12 Hours 11 a. m. to S o. m. ., '.. I' Monday, Dec 13 ;. I ; Hours i 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. CkrMk Diseases of Men, Women if ut Children are Succesiullj I Treated as follows iNo money required) : stomach, Liver, Kidney, Eye, Ear, Kost and Throat, Catarru, Leg Ul ctrt, Abdominal Diseases, Varicose Veins. Deafnesa. Hard Hearing. Rheumatism, Neuritis, Neuralgia, 8kin Diseases, Ailments peculiar to women, Ailments peculiar to Men, Children's Diseases. We do tot treat acute diseases. ' t Kictej or Bladder Trouble: Bring a small bottle of urine along for chemical analysis:, . -1 loer Eyes: If yur eyes are fail mg, same will be tested in a thor oughly efficient manner and advice given accordingly. Glasses are properly fitted where necessary. 1 Avoid Unnecessary Operations: Most operations can be avoided. Beware oi the knife that is used promiscnously without thought of the dangers, the miseries, the hard ships that entail. Most of the cases f tonsils, would-be adenoids, ul rs, sppedicitis, and other chronic ailments will yield to honest, Judtc oas and intelligent m:dical treat ment under competent hands. Dr. Halej's Beferences: (1) Nine years in general practice of regular tdicine; (2) Ten years in special giacuce or cliromc diseases; t3) Li eosed (by examination) tp practice sdicine and surgery in the state of Illinois, by the state board of r!01' ( Twenty years' residence Illinois; (5) Ten years' perma nent location, city of Peoria; (6) ronner president, city board of Jsalth. belvidare. 111.; (7) Vis- surrounding towns for the last wa years ; (S) Local and county Huk reference cheerfully given to anyone. MSATIOXFoJiSULTATION , ADVICE FEtE. "'"'"lorr: You are given s oroogh examination FBEE 0? uUftbE. No matter if you have " treated belore and failed to Jt well it might be of value to JJM the case before giving up all No overcharge ia made, do we do our work gratis. How J!lr' 1i? EXA1OA1I0X, tm iiJ1310!, A"U ADVICE IS iJbOUTlLY HiEE. No man ia w vaor to receive treatment Health: No anl ia mn,a plchlr 2ken-nothtng m the world so "jr o us all. No money can buy rt is shared alike by rich and poor. all uiese worldly treasures, Jjwng u so rich as health. Get on u right road to recovery let ry alone. tMm Delay delays are danger 2 nd may rob us of all that is sar and dear to us. Aa ounce of ention la worth a pound of T- smile and the world smiles y you Dpoom and you gloom it jane. Diamonds and. gold may --. out health shines above all. nt or call . IS fI A Merry Xmas and A Happy New Year "-. ' ' ' : ' ; ' I Is Assured Every on 2 Who Enrolls in Our mm slims Mil will be about aamh as Mr. Houston suggest the government must have e jpt ito' bitls rt - - v- - y:-HoorfsMi! Sarsa Makes Focd Taste Good Creates an nppetl aids digestion, purifies the blood, and thus relieves tcrof ula. catarrh, the pains and aches of rheumatism and gives atrenrth to the whole system. Nearly fO years' phenomenal sales tell the story of the great merit and urrras of Hood's Samaoarllla, " It ! Just the medicine you neednew. Hood's Pills help fine eathartiet THE BEST GIFT OF ALL A DIAMOND RING TEN MONTHS TO PAY Special values at Easy Terms 4tmm at aa aia Aaaa ans dOAA d MUU 3)15U iUU 3Z5U . AjUU m. $15 down, 120 Down 130 Down $40 Down $50 Down $60 Down t;-i $1.50 week $2 week $3 week $4 week $5 week $6 week Buy Xmas Gifts the Easy Way. Start now and don't delay. Come in and select your Gifts tomorrow. We Save You Money. A Little Farther But It Pays. Otto Juhl JEWELER 1804 Third Avenue Safety BMg. . For 1921 WHICH IS NOW OPEN EVERYBODY-Old and Young-IS INVITED to JOIN Deposit 25c, 50c, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00 and Up Weekly The first deposit makes you a member No FinesNo FeesNo Losses 4 Interest Paid And you will save enough by Christmas to buy presents and enjoy the festiv ities without stint or inconvenience. Rock Island Savings Bank Northeast Comer 3rd Ave. and 18th St, Rock Island, ID. Established 1890 .D.E.E. HALEY, Md, 2! Specialut Diseases t Men, Weawa sai o'nrA!ijw uvi if m BUICK aite'ifasst e) Jii W flZ 4f!lfl MS I V Twtmr Otr-Txiy Tim. l"PW li I ft cKlli flffl 8 H A A. iwdriwovhniH tm ut -Jtl3t v rial ill ,1 u7jrant tw ot-rm iiM. gnOWER and dependability Buick principles characterize the new Buick Nineteen Twenty One Serieg as they have distinguished Buick cars for two decades. Added to the service value of the new Buick models is a distinctive beauty of body lines and appointments. Amon j professional men, the new Buick Large Four Passenger Coupe is especially popular because of its everyday useful ness for business and leisure hours. Reinforcing Buick reliability is Author ized. Buick Service, nation-wide in extent. Prices of the New Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series 17 INI 1M( 2HI WA ItVI 40 Rock Island-Moline Buick Company 1919 4th Ave , Rock Ulaud . Phone R.L 2634 J. H. Bmhong at Plow City Garago Phone Mo.ine 852 WHETJ BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM 3p c