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The Rock Island Argus and daily union. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1920-1923, October 09, 1922, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

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no:n)AY,siia nocg isLAin) 'ARGU& octoeer 9, 1922.
Im : Sensational Gsimeo
jzgsim Triumph
flM Canty Invaders Nearly
' : yieek.PnMpMU. la last Few
. , Mtaite.
: ..-A-
Pete Stinchcomb Races
37 Yanis toTouchdown;
Sternaman's Toe on Job
: . :
Anderson .
4 Ii u even a battle of lootbaUnarv.v" '"""'""""" tr-
ftat is possible to be play, Rock , ' uj
idnd and Galesburg fought out a Larson C .
II, tie at Douglas park, Satur- Smith .RG
tUf. me gauis ma oue 01 tae
' ktrtest fought affairs ever seen on
- the local lot and the winner was
always in doubt. The Galesburg
tSBch bad the hearts of the Is-
ilanders In their mouths In the last
few minutes of play when- the Sl
eigh boys, deep In Rock Island
territory, opened up withy fowtin
passes, -any of which if successful
Bight-nave won the game.
, 'Hie demon ill luck seemed to be
eimping still on the Crimson and
Cold trail as Captain Hall went on
the lnjuied list with a sprained
neck received at the start of the
.fourth quarter. The Rock Island
leader was removed to the hospi
tal where examination showed that
hfi skull was not injured as first
The invaders scored first when
Kost, left end on the Siwash ma
chine, recovered a fumble of Vlnnr
and raced 45 yards-to the locals'
13-yard line. Alvine, nursing a bum
-rwrist, was sent Into the affray, but
the visitors with the aid of a five-
, ysrd penalty crossed the goal after
the Islanders had held three time
on their one-yard line. They failed
. to make the extra point when a
" place kick failed.
The Islanders came back after
this and went after the Galesburg -era
relentlessly. Viner plunged
through , the line time and time
' again and Anally went over for a
touchdown." The Islanders also
tailed to get the extra point when
1 drop kick failed. '
Whole Line Stars.
, v As usual, the local line was the
;' outstanding feature of the game.
The Galesburg team found the
Rock Island front wall almost in
vulnerable. Captain Hall led the
linemen by playing a great game.
He made tackle after tackle and
do man was safe within 10 yards
' of him. Alvine, who played, al
though injured, when the Islander
goal was in danger in the first
quarter, and when Hall was in
jured, was a tower of strength and
" a veritable tank on offense.
Chambers and Houston both per
formed well at ends and Mager
............. Voss
........... Healey
" K&cfc
............. Jones
A.. Slater
. . . . CI ago, Woenig
. . . . . . Lauer, Usher
donnson, unageiora
, . . . '. ...y Gavin
blacklock RT.
Halas, Hanke : . . . RE . . .
J. Sternaman v. . . .. ....... QB .. .
D. Sternaman LHB . .
Stinchcomb, Lanum . . .RHB. .
Boian, LaFleur. Walauist :FBV. .
louchdowns Stinchcomb, Gavin. "
Points from touchdown Sternaman. '
Goals from field Sternaman. I
Officials Elliott, Ottumwa,, referee; Grogan, Knox
college coach, umpire; Whitlock, Chicago, head liaesman.
Time of quarters 15 minutes! .
Playing -heads-up football from
whistle to whistle and out-fighting
the Independents most of the time,
the Chicago Bears, formerly Sts
ieys, danced away with another of
those victories oyer the Rock Is
land representatives yesterday aft
ernoon at Douglas park in a sen-'
sational contest
The score was 10 to C, and'the
Chicago aggregation owes its mar
gin of victory to the celebrated toe
of Dutch Sternaman, and to the
fieetness of foot of Pete Stinch
comb, whose reputation on the
gridiron extended from coast to
coast when he was making touch
downs for Ohio State university by
out-running the rest of the field.
It was Stinchcomb who really
gave the Bears their chance for
victory and it was Dutch Sterna
man who bolstered up the count by
booUng two goals from placement,
one followed the touchdown and
the second materializing from the
30-yard line for three points.
Runs 57 Yards to Goal.
Stinchcomb tossed . a monkey
wrench into the machinery by dash
ing 37 yards with less than 10 sec
onds to play before the end of the
first half for the touchdown that
meant defeat to Rock Island. That
scared jack rabbit description
stands. He didn't sidestep; he out
ran the field by following perfect
interference to one side and then
That seemed to.be the turning
point ; for the Independents, and
even when Jimmy Conzelman fail
ed to score an extra, point by a
drop kick, hopes remained high.
The? Islanders apparently had the
situation solved and seemed good
for at least another spectacular
march. ' But that's where the
guessing went wrong. True, the
team did try desperately for the
winning marker and came within
15 yards of a second touchdown, in
the last five minutes, but the dash
that featured the touchdown was
gone. The Bears took up where
they had left off in the first half,
and out-fighting, out-charging, sav
ed the day for Chicago.
Lauer and Wenig Star.
Dutch Lauer. Ohe Vifenig, Jimmy
Conzelman and Buck 'Gavin were
the outstanding lights in Rock Is
land's attack. Lauer's ground-gaining
was perhaps the best piece of
individual work of the game. Re
peatedly he smashed the Mine for
substantial gains and showed his
versatility by completing numerous
passes from the expert hand of
Conzelman. Wenig entered the
game near the end of the second
quarter and shortly began to show
that his old cunning in completing
forward passes is- still With him.
Between him and. Lauer with Con
zelman doing the throwing, life was
i made miserable for the Bears'
uraiis ;
Swede" To w Hit Befceol Flay
SlBf Area Baqr With V
. BtOenukcct. "-,.:Vr:
-v---.. . . v ; '
'(Special to The Argus. j
Kewanee, 111., Oct If Coach
SennefTs huskies of Moline engage
nothing more formidable than Ke
wanee in their dash for state cham
pionship honors, then they will at
tain the coveted title without a
struggle. That they will, la a mat
ter of fact, but it is hardly possible
that they-will encounter another
opponent during the present season
from whom they will win with such
seeming ease and grace as they
did from the oranca - and black
eleven Saturday. The score was 93 1
to 0, giving the Moliners a total of
185 points to their opponent's 0 in
the two games this season as they
registered 92 points against Prince
ton a week ago Saturday,
OtleJal paM attendaaee at
yesterday's fool ball gaaae at
Douglas park was 4,719,-aaeort.
lag t aanaueesaeat by Bast
aess Manager Walter Flanhraa .
this oraiaa:. Add appraxi
aaately eadhaUs," those
wfc comprise the tree list, aad
the amaer wh saw Um gssar
was MO. It Is keUeved that
If the day sad dawned fair aad
with less of a tlatrle la the air,
another thoasaad wonM ham
sees added to these igmns.
Tie sears received a
tee ef $300.
Show Great Fl?rhtiu Spirit Against'
Strong; Spripg Talley Miners
(Special Correspondence.) ,
Geneseo, Oct. 9. The . Geneseo
The lopsided count is a fair rep- high school football team lost its
resentation of the brand of foot
ball seen on the Kewanee field Sat-
abruptly cutting around to the oth-i hackfieW tne remainder- of the
er side with all cylinders hitting.
It was a . spectacular dash, and
played as well as the best in an un-i coming as it did with only seconds
familiar tackle position. Collier
nmt Into the game with a bad
- arm and displayed plenty of fight.
However, all of the linemen were
Viner, with his great plunging,
was the star bf the backfieid.
Rinck at his best was no better
than Viner was Saturday and if
Rock Island had another ground
gainer like him it would have all
games on ice. ,
Frakes and Kost were big guns
for Galesburg and gave the Rock
Islanders plenty to think about.
Watson also played a pretty game
at quarter for the .college city
lys. x
First Quarter.
Galesburg won the toss and
elected to receive. It took the
left to play, the spell of the old
Staley jinx settled down- .on the
big Sabbath crowd.
The Independents staged a bril
liant comeback in the third quarter,
getting possession of the ball soon
after the kickoff and marching 70
yards to a touchdown. This march
of the Islanders to overcome odds
brought out the best football shown
by them at any stage of the game.
It was an irresistible onslaught,
line smashes and passes being mix
ed to perfect advantage. But the
sad part of the whole thing was
seeing the team settle back into the
rut that characterized their play
ing in the first half. With full
steam ahead for the Islanders, the
Chicago outfit first faltered and
'then seemed to crumple. Halas
west goal with a strong wind in" its rushed in numerous reserves in a
avor. Reid kicked oft and Rock vain attempt to stem tne aeaaiy
island stopped the receiver in his
tracks. Galesburg made a first
4own on three plays but could not
fain on the next trloand kicked
Oyards to Rock Island. Ramser,
lOrrting the game at fullback, went
.through renter for five yards.
Rock Island 'found the Galesburg
line saft and made their first
flowns with ease. Galesburg stif-
advance. The Independents seem
ingly made the mistake of expect
ing the Bears to stay down in the
face of the changing situation.
Slater Makes Hole.
. The Bears received the kickofT to
game. On one occasion Obe accept
ed a long pass with two or three
bangingito him, bearing him to the
ground even before be had tne ball
tucked safely in his big paws. Thi3
was in the last quarter, and the
play put Rock Island within 15
yards of a winning sajre. Gavin
showed well by his line smashing,
and Lauer, besides his line drives,"
f lade two "exceedingly brilliant re
urns from kickoff.
Pete and Little Joe.
Stinchcomb and little Joe Sterna
man were really the whole show
for the Bears. The younger Sterna
man ran the team from quarter
back with the precision of t. vet
eran, working his star backfieid as
if it were a clock, and himself re
peatedly sliding through the left of
center for gains. Dutch Sterna
man's most outstanding bit toward
victory wasxontributed by his toe.
Rock Island's line played below
its standard during the greater part
of the game. Too often the Bears'
forwards were permitted to seep
through and throw Rock Island
runners for disheartening losses.
Several times Conzelman lost ter-
game with Spring Valley, played
urday afternoon with nearly one there last Saturday, the final score
hundred Moline rooters urging the being 13 to 0. It was a hard fought
maroon and white men on to vie-'game and was won by a team of
tory. Lester Weinroot, the peppery I greater experience wi.h the icky
little cheer leader, was a power In breaks of the game favoring them,
the ranks of the rooters fraternity iCoach Bogue was handicapped by
for the visitors a lack of material with which to
In a word, Moline did all that was keep the men shifted and changed
expected of It and not many Ke- jn substitutions to have- kept the
wanee fans were surprised by the team a9 fresn an agg'essive as
outcome. That the excessive possible. j
weight of the Moliners, averaging. Geneseo made almost as great !
between 10 and 15 points more to gains in total yardage as Spring
the man, would be an important galley ai less than 40 vards difter
factor in favor of the visitors, was ence existed in the totals. The coal
certain. And so It proved. The pg- miners made nine first downs while
erful attack of such sturdy backfieid Geneseo could maie the required
men as Captain Schmidt, TWine yardage but five times. Fumblps,
and Carlson was irresistable and two penalties for offside play by
the diminutive quarterback, Simp- Geneseo and incompleted passes
son, completed a mighty classy were especially Mostly to the home
"Four of a Kind", for any man's team. In spite of these conditions
team. As for the other seven men, the Geneseo punts on an average
they presented a stone-wall defense exceeded those of Spring Valley by
that was impenetrable, besides pre- nearly five yards, llackett iss'aow
senting a brand of speed and dash ing steady improvement in this de
that completely dazzled the home partment of the game,
team. I Spring Valley has a strong for-
TTagered on SO Points. ward line and speedy backfieid men,
Moline backers, who are inclined especially R. Nesti, who plays left
to lay a little dough on their favor- halfback. He is undoubtedly the
ites, -shoved tabout 500 bucks in most valuable player on the team
front of the Kewanee fans, willing Geneseo's line still shows a decided
to lay it that Moline would win by weakness .with the ends requiring
at least 50- points. There were no more attention.'.
takers, so it was evident from the The first half ended with the
start that Kewanee respected the score 3 to 0, Spring Valley scoring
gigantic machine from the - river : on a drop kick. A touchdovn with
town. , -- ,i ' f .vLgual - following and another goal
With 14 touchdowns, comprising from tho field on placement, kick
a total of 84 points, and nine addi- finished the scoring. It was a well
tional points for goals from touch- contested game and, defeat at the
downs, a detailed story of the game hands of the coal miners is not a
would be about as listless a yarn disgrace to the team with so much
as is conceivable. Toline penetrat- Bew material in its ranks as on
ed the Kewanee goal for the first finds in tDe Geneseo lineup. The
time Just three minutes after the Eame was witnessed by a large and
opening of the game when the ball enthusiastic crowd,
was advanced to the five-yard line Spring Valley "Johnstone, re;
on straight football and shoved over Swansor (C), rt; Beechman, rg;
on line bucks. Thereafter, Tolines Eschenbaum, c; J. Doyle, lg; J.
huge form was frequently seen Nest'. 11 : Sorry, le: Franckey, qb;
playing through the light Kswanee Boni?lcci' rnb; R- Nesti' lnb: Deck"
line-for consistent gains. Ieru
Confronted with tremendous1 - Geneseo Gustafson, re; Coun
odds, the Kewaneeans gave a very .try?an,,.rt; Shafer, rg; Atwood (C),
favorable account of themselves ?: Fa'rh?' As; verJ'l.lt' sPece.
and reflected credit upon the fine ?e: . "a,etti. ?b; Schu"t' rhb:
i -
-.1 PH
(Rork Island)
-Pete Sllnrhromb, all-American
halfback from Ohio State
university, was the deciding
factor for the Bears by rnn
i:inf 87 yards for a touchdown
with only seconds left to play
In the first half. Harold
("Dutch") Laner prated his
class under fire by his consist
ent ground gaining for the In
dependents. Xear the end of
the game "Dutch was removed
In an exhausted condition.
, i
The Game, Play by Play
D! 3 G AL'ES 0?
lawa Jsanacys tat New Harca tc
Meet Tab Big- Tea Team
.:V ,;lMV..,.
(NOTE: Ritrht and left directions
describing attack in the running ac
count of the eame are considered ae
from behind the line of acrimmara.
For example: Through left tnkle
means the left tackle of the team oo
offensive) .
Carver kicked off for the Bears
Chicago, Oct. t. Two game .41-1
ractly affecting the champlonshJr
race In the "Big Ten" and i th1a-j
tersecttonal battle betwve , lottfc
and Tale are coning vents out-j
standing In Western Confereaica
football next Saturday, Chicago,
and Northwestern clash on Stagn
Field for their first Tegular confer j
ence game while Minnesota meets!
Indiana at Indianapolis.
. Illinois, the only Big Tea
gation idle last Saturday, plays Bat J
ter at Frhana as a xnrtaln-ralsarl
for the TJlint entry lr the confer-!
mrrrm rlinniirnnll Oct. 21. When! I
Illinois meets Iowa, champions ofl
121. It will be the arst conference
same for both elevens.
Last Saturday's battles With!
teams outside the conference de-!
veloped several important factors
incident to the chase for Big Ten
title honors. Each of .the nine
teams demonstrated defensive!
strength bv holding opponent
scoreless' while oiling up a totatofi
224 noints of their own.
Four of the Big Ten combatants
came through with victories resid
ed as specially significant oti the
future. These were Chicago, Mica,
igan. Wisconsin and Iowa, all will'
nine- decisively. Iowa's 61 to 0
run-away over Knox, of Galesburg,
111.: Michigan's 48 to 0 victory over
case; the 41 to 0 beating handed, to
Carleton by Wisconsin, and the
Maroons' 20 to 0 defeat of Georgia,
were the result of strikingly simi
lar offensive tactics line-smashlnri
Minnesota's 22 to 0 victory
out OJ
nf T-nnm at rfvi t ft.lf far th
l Bean. Lauer hit left tackle for three North Dakota raised hopes in the
) xarus. siater took down the left Mae oi Gopher camp, while the 17 to 0 de
13! L?"."!? ."S'feat of Beloit by Northwestern In
battle with the Maroons.
Indiana, preparing for the Mln
nesota game, had to be content with!
a scoreless tie with DePauw. while!
l. Mernaman wa alopsea lor no earn or Ohio State. Which meets Oberlin
T, i r on the Bears' 44 yard line. Conzelman hit i next Saturday came with a narrowj
Corielman steDDed throush right guard for four jarda. A Victory OI to U, OVer UWO We&H
' . was locompirie. unurunan paaaeu 1 levao.
naiqui re- D iv. . in i. n .i... -1
nliKwl twi Flpur at fullback for the Beara. x u.uuc w.u. "-"JS
tauer hit rifht tackle for four -yards. I over Milllkin, meets Notre Dame,
touchdown. Conzelman's try for goal
j by a dropkick was wide of tho posts.
Score: Bears. T: Bock Island, 0.
Ifealey kicked off to SUochcomb, who
f Hwk lal . -7-vprfi line r" uaua. lu nus Grt-jnm nuc.
and Jim returned the ball to the 45-yard "enr was good for three yards at center
line. GaTin made two through center.
Lauer tailed to gain around
Conzelman caused to Johnwn for Ei
for first down.
C knnn.4. tnr . wur ,3111 I .fttZ n-
(ailed to gain on a cross bu.-k around "J tor seven yard-
riarht end. D. Storriaman intfrceptcd
yai-d line D Sternaman iailed to eain. L""" n 'aU through the other I winners OVerSt Louis by a 26 tO 0
M,r...,rt. "left taokUi. Stinchcomb tuaue' . On the next play Gavin sror-
....1l. tl.rMiiu-h tie Kme side. . J. ii'ir- unu i.wp n?J.wcu iuiu
Sternaman wont thrown center for three Hears on their 25-yard Une. St.ndw6mb
yards. D. Sternaman made five around fip" Sternaman hit rwht
right end. D. Sternaman made live around tackle for four yards. SUnchcsmb
no gain around right end. Conzelman re- '1WJ around lelt end for seven yards. 1.
eeived Bolan s punt on his lS-vard line and Stemamsn Jiade a yard at center as Ume
ran it ba.-k to the 41) yard line. Johnson "" r ibe Quarter. The ball was
hit off left tackle for four yard,. Johnson ln . B"u'5 possessios oo their own 42-
added two throosh the same side Two anl "ne ,-.
pasws to Voss were incomplete and Con. fumm iakikb.
jelman puntid to J. Sternaman on the , ? Sternaman made sut yards at riirht
Bears' 25-yard line. Erps tackled J. Ster- tkle. Healey stopped D. Sternaman for
naman for a loss of oue yard. Slater faln " " attempted repeat. Wal-
ta.:kled. Bolan after a gain of two yanls. , ,
'" - iwTonj nno. uiuKimin lost nnj
yards in an attempt around right end.
Innze.man made two yards through cen
ter. Conzelman lost two yards around
right end. Conzelman punted to Stinch-
Fairfield, Iowa, Oct. 9. Augns-j
tana college suffered its second de
feat of the season here Saturday.
0rr-e'm?n !" two .r?"?9 2rund i succumbine to the terrific attack of
riKin trim. lAinzeinian puniea to suncn- , . . . ,
comb on Bock island s 40 yard line. Voss strong Parsons college eleven
crashed into Stinchcomb. causing the ball , to the tune Of 27 to 0. At HO time
to ooumj lnlo the waiting arms of J-' durum the 40 minutes of play did
stinrhrmb tneni scoring, 30- yards being the closest
S'mer and made a yard. SUmheorab lost which Swedberg'fl men came lO the
opposing goal.
Bolan pud ted out oi boundft on the itears'
44-yard line. Johnson was ftopprd lor
no train. Lauer hit the 1ft t nide for five
yards. A short pass was iiit-omp.fU1. Con
leiniaii'ft attempted drop Iron, midfield
went to one side and ht hind lite line. It
was the Bears' ball 'on tht-ir 2i)-yard lirie.
Stinchcomb made three, iiola.ii hit center
for two yards. Johnson recti vt-u stinch- ;r? wno. " 10 nocK. Js,na the Augustana haTe a chance Of
comb' punt on the Bears 40-yard Une. l-rard line. J. Sternaman went out of ; 5 .1 - liZ
Conzelman Jost 10 yards on & run ..round u soJ ,ara giU n.
loft Ti Cldrnimin L- niu.!;wl 4lnun
na. from Conaelman. D. Sternaman in- ,wrt srds wnen Wcnig tacklcl him.
terfercd with ohnM5n rtccirirs ii unl
nrnrir nf rn,i.h wVofr i Smith, lhb i Ellingsworth, fb.
whn , ,r.i trT' Substitutions Geneseo HumheTt
Z c ;Cv.,h in for Sharer. Charry for Lavery, Du
Sternaman went back to the 30-fard line
k . , n'ir iBinA n Ttn ...' an a"! booted a goal from' placement. J.
yard line for first down, torn made one TTn TV srore: wars. ,
Jonnaon was thrown ' , : , r ' 7 '
oiat-hioca HicKea on 10 nnagvlnra on!
Clean play-and good sportsman
ship marked the play throughout
Not once was there a bit of un-
start the second half, but after in-! ritorr on delayed plays because op
effectual efforts to make yardage,
punted to Conzelman on Rock Is
land's 30-yard line. Captain Jim
fened and Whitfield was forced to reeled off six yards on the return
Wet The Siwashers' could notpsnd from this point the inarch to
lain and booted the pigskin 45 j goal began. Four passes from Con
Jards on fourth down. Viner. now zelman, two to Wenig and two to
at fun for Rock Island, fumbled a Lauer, covered 38 yards. In be
had pass from center and Kost of ! t ween Gavin, Lauer, Bridgeford and
Galesburg recovered, going to theiConzelman carried the ball! for
Islanders' 13-yard line. . Alvine 1 enough distance to put the Island
as offside snii thA local were I era within 14 yards of goal. On
Penalized five yards. Halfer went the play that scored the crowd was
posing tacklers were upon him be
fore he had a chance. Only dur
throush rieht giurd.
! .,, i. ., v. ... '..,!...! oiat-hioca HicKea on in nnagvlora on' u: i u
t - '" "t """ .-'"-Rnck.IlI1n,v. n. n-.l. i SUOI IDIIiaUHUlU BUUWU, ua U1C
: n? "J. " ?"L''.r .pl"! cied to tne Tefi rtde of he SiVd".; thV I clean manner In which the ath
1 BEEiiiii. J . otniiauiiui uiwit.r;uuu m uitgi ..... - " . . . .m
1. r v- . .. r r- ..... t t 1 , nail tfTAaupr. and Laner cu-eumnavir atvl ! itattqa nf hnth t&iimm nlavpd brouirDLS
1908 when it was a serious eon- D . ShafeV Vo'Fairlie "burack ' for tne end if the Quarter.' Bock Wand, "'f rtjrtb "J 10 a"i ,ine- ' commendable remarks from every 1
tenaer ior nrst nonors m me state, ,M . , , ' 1 0; Bears, u. . r i , 1 wr,,t "IUUI,uinno nf tht rno nptatnrs ButCour
. . ' for liiisrafcirin Anrlprnn fnr snpnrp nrnt end for 12 va.rda hs-mrr nrH Ant one in ine ow sue c2Lui a. omtuur
won tnat year by East Aurora. At o r " - V . " i ' " . 1 t 1 J ! second qi artkr.
k JL "i6 i,h,la.med'd the Humbert, Humbert for Cherry, An
hflTlt" Chaa?e m derson for Smith.
LUC iiucuyt tLwyiug luc Bauie CIC1CU
men in the game throughout the
ver for the touchdown. Viner took
th kickoff back IB yards and made
even more on a plunge. He made
thrilled to see Slater take out the
entire -left side of the Bears' line
and Buck Gavin crash . headlong
J aeore more after Reid and KoneTthrough the opening, bowl over the
secondary defense ana somersauii.
over tbs line.
4 made eight yards,
Second Quarter.
Rock Island was mad and play
ag desDeratelv. Konn .recovered
'hat seemed to be an onside kick!
the Galesburg 20-yard' line, but
us referee penalized the Island
J1 15 yards instead. Galesburg
loud nothing but a wall, and
licked. The Crimson lost the ball
J downs and then blocked a
Galttburg punt. Rock Island re
jeered and marched down the
Wd for a touchdown, Viner mak
ft the final gain. They missed a
"op-kick for goal as the half
dosed. ' '
; Thirl Quayter. V
The second halt was a (battle
'th things about even. , Both
'wms tried the forward pass game
&en it seemed that they ceroid do
SOthine thrnnirlii sarh other's line.
ck Island got within scoring dis-
rce when they recovered uaies
?r fumble on the Siwash 13-yard
" The Islanders could not
jake the gain and Anderson with
Jw hum ankle, went in to drop-
The boot was Just a little
In the fourth quarter Galesbnrg
nt into Island territory on two
o&g Daises and tried the aerial
feme to the general discomfort of
e rans. '
The lineups:'
Rock Island Houston, fe: tl-
J"". rt; Ash, rg; Clark, c; Had
lg; Hall, It; Chambers, le;
"Wtfleld, ob; Reid, rh; G. Kons,
: Ramser, fb.
-Galesburg Kost le: Diets. It;
jakes, lg; c. Johnson, c; Schmidt,
Swarts, rt; Hurft, re; Warson,
Ji- Halfer, lh; Sanburg, rt;
gan, fb.
Bubstltutlom; Rock Island VI
BSr fnr T?'.nt .. Alvln.) fnr Hftd. nan.
ing that march of 70 yards to a ' fur periods. They assumed a de-l,
toucnaown am tne kock lsiana line ; ibubi'b uuiae trom Beginning io-t
show its superiority and this was ! end, their principal idea being to
because every last man was charg- noia tne score aown, rather than to
ing and fighting like mad. ; pile it up.
Pass Defense 0. K. With the Moline huskies continu-
Rock Island's defense for passes , inB t0 Put UD tne brand of football
worked well. Early in the game ! lnal tney snowea tne Kewanee fans
the Bears fousd the aerial game to j Saturday, there is little doubt but
tney win come up to ine Thanks
giving date with as creditable a
record as any high school team, in
the state. i
The lineUp: .
Guckert lg; Palmer
Erickkm It,..?. Rysn
Freeman lg Lappin
Ardahl c Griggs
Axene rg Carney
Sundeen rt Miller
Carlmark ......re Kirman
their disadvantage. The Walquist
to Halas Combination completed
only one. and this for 11 yards.
Several others were tried, but each
time blocked or knocked down. At
this .phase of the game the Island
erg stood head and shoulders above
the Chicago contingent
Glossary RK (Returning Kickoff s) j RP (Returning Punts);
LS (Line Smashes); KR (Cad Runs); FP (Forward Passes); LG
fHot Ground): TOT (Totals).
-mr vatravn HIT M
Conzelman yt.....S&
Laner 70
Wen! -
Bridgeford 0
20 25 0 3 71
85 0 0
28 16 21 7 142
0 19 7 m
9 0 41 0 41
4 0 0 0 4
i 77 11 SI SO 805
0 29 5 0 5 49
0 22 62 0 2 92
21 27 9 6 1 5
0 10 0 0 - A 10
0 1. 0 4
0 --O H 0 11
0 12 0 3 9
0 4 0 0 0x4
11 9 228
Grand Totals ... 105
. Memaman H
StlachMmb 2
jf. SterwuaM
Blaa v
La Fnr
Grand Totals .......... IV 21 107 93
First owis Rodrlslnn. ; Bears, 10,
" Passes iursmplrte Rw Island, 8; Bears, 3.
Passes latercepted By Rock Island, 0; by Bears, 3.
Panto Roek lsUnd, 4; Bears, ft. .
PenalOs UUk Island twn for 20 ynrts total; Bears tws for
ward for O. Ko; -N. . Konn for
Clark; Crompton for Ekhotm; An-4
derson for ksju; Amne ior nan;
G Kone for Anderson: Ramser fnr
Woodward! Outlier for Crompton.
GaUesburg.- W Johnson for
Swarts; Wlnttft tor R. John-
bimpson qb Swain
Toline rhb.... Von Tobel
Carlson lhb Taliferro
Schmidt :.fb Nelson
Substitutions: Homer for Erick-.
son, Carlson for Toline, Freeman
for Sundeen, Erickson for Azene.
Touchdowns Toline 4. Simoson
3, Schmidt 6, Carlson 1. Goals from
touchdown: Toline 9.- -
Rerefee: Temple. Galesbnrcr. Urn-
pire, Keith, Galesburg. Head lines
man, Duchinsky. Timers; Connery,
rwewauee: uemi. MOUne. Time of
periods, 15 minutes.
Sterling, ni, Oct 9. Rochelle
was able to count a win over the
Sterling high school football team
Saturday at Rochelle by kicking a
aropkicK aner a touchdown, which
was secured when a Rochelle man
intercepted a local forward pass
and raced to the goal line. Ster
ling made a touchdown by pound
ing holes through the Rochelle
line, but failed to kick goaL The
score was 7 to 6. It was Sterling s
first game. ,
Rock Falls lost to Lyons, la, 18
to 0. The locals tired toward the
end of the game and sensational
Head Linesman Frew of Grinnell
Punts averace Rock Island 33
yards; Galesburg, 35 yards.
Penalties Rock Island. 40 yards)
Galesbnrg. 20 yards.--' ,
First downs Rock Island. 7:1
Galesburg. 7. I Approximately J.000,009 births
Touchdowns 'Rock Island, Vi- occur la tho TJnlted Slates annu-
nlavinaT hv thm Iowa. Imtoi srnriMt
nf hnnrwl. C.r. ...i ., . ' nAnglti.g n.-r Infliptmt llnrlnff' triA
Bridreford repiaerd JonnMn at risht .hrnnrh 'nfr iv.im,. it ! .i , .i t..
halfback. D. Sternaman as downed lor , C 7T..J ' 8aIU':, ." i m...B y
loss of thrpsf yards by S:aUr. Stmihtoinb iurr made three yards
thronsh left '
sons and one on the Augie war-
made etfht yards on a wi.le end run ta.tkle. J. Su-rnaman nicked un the hU 1 riors. ' All of these were for 3-J -lg
around njni enu. ton.man ujok j. on aa apbarently incomplete pass and ran Offside, with the exception Of One
Sternaman. punt on Ko.k isi..,. . Kl,,k lo thc b,.,,,.,. lh m , stinch- , card Denllitv on Parsf.ns for the
yard line Conzelman went around risht mn,D marie two yards. J. Sternaman made 1 "y.Puiy -V. t.-
rim ior i-i jafiii. u.iH-r ioh nevn Jiinia thrP thrOUTh center but nn the niav UBIUJ5 Ul uauu uuchouc
varivu aiuwa,
Every form of attack known ln
football play was used by tne fan-
center for six yards and liM down on
Eears' Sti-yard line. Couaelnian. lOftt a
yard through left tackle. Gavin s!id off
field representatives, and all pro -S i
duced gratifying results to the l'ar- 3
hen three Bears Croue Ihronch on an ivar, ,.ht hnu; ...h . ;.,Ja
end run. Coalman ran the ball 11 yards iS yard9. w.lqulst and Stinchcomb made
around left end. tonzclman pllcd throiiKh rard in ,hree tliM at the line and
va!quisit punted to .. Conselman on the
Bcarft' ,18-yard line. A pass was incom-
nl(:tP. rnnUllAn Inl 1M wnrAm n k. n
right tackle for three yard-.- Lauer male ,he Bear, linemen seeped throuitU on a
1 vnrjiis u.rt 1 1 rx i lpft snil.. I iinwlmun u; i ri. ...
attempted drop kick . blocked and n Uu- iilr,' 40 ,ard line tthe? P Sd the aerial attack lO great ad
Bears received the ball on their own lh- substituted for Laner. D. Sternaman made 1 vantage, completing pass after pass
ttZZ-.mZrZJ: IZZ? 'ZZi l-J, .V? ,u' ntr- 8tin,-n: for substantial gains. The open
tackle. J. Sternaman made down, through "nd I lefTeSd fo, 'tw, yardT Tste" i fie!d and line Plunging, Of
tm and D. I iue pmjreni yixMti
center. WaJquis. renia.-eti hoi an .vt fait
back for ttie Bears. Stmch'omb Hhook off
eeveral tacKltrd ior a cam of "eig-ht ynirt
Walquist pasned to Halas for a giitn of J 1
yards. Ean blot'kcd a ias. WHttiuist
gained a yard on a take pas. Hulas
fumbled a pan from Waiquit after hav
ing1 the bail in his arm. t,:inr rti-eivpti
the punt and ran out of bounds ou Rock
Island's 35-yarJ line after a rctlin. of -')
yards. Wraig- weut in at r?ht cud for
Rock Inland. Lauer hit crnU-r for three
yards. Gavin hit center for three yard.
Conzeimaaa paw? fell to the ffrouud ia
uncovered territory. Stinchcomb made a
fair catn of t'onaoima-ns punt on tlie
Bears' 30 -yard line and Hock la I and was
penalised 13 yards from that point ior al
leged interference with the calch. J.
m an wm gton oed f or
St-m a man made a y;mi a7 time waltO watch, even tO a few AugUSlUia j
1 " 01, rme- followers wbo accompanied ttteiri
"utthinklng and outplaying the
Sternaman slipped throush center for four Ilavpnnort hizh srlinrl ?riddnrt in
yards. Gavin knocked down a pas from ,i n.narim.n,, nt , ,
Walauist. 1. Sternaman enueezed thnjuuh a" oepartnients or Ine game, tne
center and ran to Rock Island s 40 yard FCrappy ( olumbUS Junction aggre-
Une. stinhcoaib hit rijht tackle for three gntion handed the locals their first
yards, stinchcomb followed peric-t in- defeat of the season bv a 19 to 9
terfercnee through left tackle and then - ., ,
ba! to the nsht side of the field under measure., The first half was all ln
full steam and outran the entire Hock f.ivor of the downstate team, while
island team 37 yards for a touchdown, i). (iuring the last sessions the locals
Sternaman kicked from placement for an . , . ., . ,
tra point. Bears. 7: RoVk island, o. tightened and offered the Columbus
Lauer received the ball from Brldce- Junction crew a hard battle.
ford on the kickoff and ran to Ro.-k le- DAVENPORT. C. JUNCTION.
Janus ii-yaru .iik-. i uu was ut w WaMvnlrol
Captain Floyd Hall ofthe Rock
play. Score : Eea rs.
Rvk Island. 0.
Healey kickei oft lor Kock Inland to D. I r - Buhn
who ran the nail r-ack to the'. ...
aierosmafi, wuo ran mc iw kv inc p. ...
14-yard line. 1-a Fleur hit center for Ave 1
yards. Lanum made four ihraiieh -enter. I ICnglebart .
I J. Sternaman sijuirmed throujrh center for Herzherg
Island high school football team is' lor four yar!s R,.k lB.i Phelps . ...
in St. Anthony's hospital suffering land was onvide on the play and Bears i RcksraniT . .
from a badly twisted neck received accepted the penalty of tire yards. La McKeever .
in Saturday's game against Gales- j "L'""-! VilrTJZ two , d. r.SmV
Dnrg. rear iuai xiau s auii s i nr. Slater tack icq u. sternaman aftsx
inlnrnrl h( hwn - rlifisinafpd bv ! rain of one yaM. La F'.eur punted to
X-nv oTnmlnatinTi -He will not he Conzelman on Rnck Island s ."O yard line
-ray examination, tie wiu not pe . b ., returned six r ..,..
able to rejoin the team fterore tn hi, tack c for no rain. Rndecford made
frame With Moline. Oct. 28. ' four lhronirh center. Bears were o!f-io
i- . .. ' - ; on the pla7. Conzc'mfin passed to Wenie
. m . --. . . i for sue yams. Another d&sn. Crnizpliti.ii
to Wrnlj. brought thc n.V.I to -ars' SH-
..R E...
.R T...
..R C.'.:
. .L E...
. .L G . .
..L H..
..R H. .
..r b...
.q n...
team. The line or the ratrfleld
team was impregnable. Again and1
again the Augustana runners would
bit the opposing lipe and equally
as many times would they find a
stone wall defense. The fact that
Augustana carried the pigskin, for
first down but four tirrfes during
the melee, while the Parsons eleven
made a total of 13 first downs.
shows the difference in the two
teams. -,
Augustana is offering no alibis.
The Augie players played one of
the cfeane8t games that any Blue
and Gold athletic representation
ever played, and equally as hard.
They were simply outclassed. . ;
Bendle and Johnson Star. .-r
N The work of Bendle in the baok
field and Johnson at center stood
out most prominently for Augie.
although this is said with no re
flection of any of the other mem
bers of the Augie- team, for lacy
were all in th"re rtivrng everything
they had. Bendle mnde most rf t!.o
gains for, his team, ami Jrnn -. j
urui v a iJW x as j
L. .
... Duncan
.. Harraan
... Philips-play, both on the .lefr.n
. ... M. Orr fense, was more than grr.
. Hanft Linenp and .lf,
. . Woodruff Augustana Wilson, k
.. Overholtjlt; O. Peterson, lg: ir.
Boilinback i Beausang, rg; C. La','.
Substitutions .Davenport: Ras-i dreen, re: Erickson o,):
child. Raker, Hill, White Norr!-jfb; Heider, rhb; BpTif'lc,
trotn. " - , ft PitJuM Laitaon. !
; IBeanchamp. rs; - H-";h.
"-dniYOTTrrn. R"T!l?.nKT ' lie: Msasdan.'lt; 8;-an
ric ii, ,tiiiaii,
i HI
(Special to The Argus.) ' p-Vw. c-'to Srat'dowau "a pass
Oalva, 111., Oft. 9. The GaJVA xtas incomplete. Laner went aj&und left
passed to
TiSkilwa, 36 to 0. 'Galva mests Ke- ed'for a yard and first down. Stinchcomb
G&JUtei XHIKX w,aaV. ; pheason. riib. : ;
yard Ija?- Rock T-as oa i' marrh i ' pC1Bl tr TSe Argus.) i WiKMinucTls. AUKti' I -n .
to a touchdr.wn. Gcnxettun n.inneit off i Sterling, 111., Oct.-9.-Voang Sc-isoa for Df.ausang. Suectnsn ffrr
rirh sraard 1-.:r two yards. Con:ma!i ' rnnl Inr-al rrasffn. hn. ot.il U,-sen Pntm for f!. Tjsnton. '
from a long tour with athletic
shows and fairs.- He has made a
fine showing during the last sum
mer months and Is sow looking for
matches for this winter. ..Ha to a
high school football team defeated Tafti. Conieimaa
TiSkilwa. 36 tO 0. Galva meSiS Ke- ed for . yard and first down, f
wUGalyt. nTt SatardajV. wahMttwweaUsAti
sons -Horton for North, DeKail
Meyer, Huddleson for .Sulliv,"
Balderson for Jordan. WUlson f..
Hicks. ,
Toach downs Jordan I, Bice. I.
Place kick Posiwhajyt JL

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