Don't forget
TMs is for You.
Do you want to save 20 cents on every Dol
lar s worth of Suits and Overcoats? We nve
you a discount of 20 per cent on a suit or over
coat, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
1-5 Off. 1-5 Off. 1-5 Off.
This is about 40 per cent less
than any Clothier will sell em.
Think of it, 20 per cent discount
in December, the largest and
best stock to select from.
Opening of "Kriss Kringle's Grotto"
This Week. Christmas is Close at Hand.
fur r-ln we hate lnen planning ami arran
!:; fr this festive occasion. No time or niom-y
h:- iMt-n saved, but the arrangement have Im-cii
Tuiiuf a latish hanl in order to make thU
"IH-nin one f the most attractive ami enjoyable
""'a'iiini f the year. In making our arrange
ments the children in particular have been given ,
- ial attention, mnl wo hereby extend a most
hearty invitation to our little friend to vttnw
itli "th.-ir mothers anil visit "Kris Kringle's
Tlie entire store ha leen elalioratelj ileeorate.l
for this occasion, anil now presents a Imwer of
beaut v, fresh from the artist' hands.
Our Greeting is Christmas Bargains.
Thee in man I kov nr dnlrahlc thev are
Miabii.. There is a timet.) buy it's now. There
i a place to buy it's at the Boston Store. Kin
a tery little money will do wonders in purchasing
prpwnts for yonr friends.
Come to Our Opening.
Von will be pleasantly surprised; surprised at
the splendid assortment: surprised at the superior
iialities; surprised at the low prices. We have
new novelties in nice, but inexpensive goods.
We have uieer'and more expensive goods, ranging
in price as high as von care to go FOIl LITTLE
No one is so old. no one is so young., but what
lilting and pleasing gifts may be found in abun
dance. The virtue in values: the beauty in well
ehosen goods; the power in low prices make of
store the best place to do your Christmas chipping.
Books, Books, Books!
Books by all the popular authors. Works by
Bulwer. Lew Wallace, Dickens. .Scott. Slinke-sM-are.
Hawthorne. Longfellow. E. P. Roe. Drnm
nioiid. Holmes. Lyall. Cooperi Mark Twain, Pres.
eott. Itosa M. "ary and Many others. Books of
novels, historical, children's storr hooks. Christ
mas eards, and BIBLES OF ALL KINDS.
Toj-s, Toys, Toys!
Iron. wood, tin and rubber toys of cverv de-
.: 11.. 11. ...........
scriiiou. f;uic, .uriui engines.
skates and hundreds of others, for which space
fails ns to mention.
Art novelties, basket, metal goods, china, plush
goods, music, silverware, jewelry, linen sets, ta
ble covers, etc., etc.
It Is
Expected to Pass
Tariff Bill.
veyed that fue administration is rather
disappointed at tbe manner in which
Minister ill is has thus far conducted his
n is evident that the state department Our Minister to Hawaii Sends
. Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices.
The Forrgoieg, Of Coarse, Applying Only
to the Boom Delay lit Reporting the
Bill (MMtCMialUM Celling Beady
Itolph Hollos tha Oratory m Hawaii
Willis Rather Disappoints the Admlnie
tratioa by Talkius N'atioaal 'ite.
Washington, Dec 6. The gathering of
tbe members of congress offered an op
portunity to get at the real scntiimut
o' the Democratic members on the new
tariff bill which has been presented by the
majority of the committee on and means.
There are of course members o the Loose
who are not satisfied with tbe b.ll and
who will no doubt vote for some c'aanges,
yat it is apparent from the way they talk if
tbe bill should come W a vote In its pres
ent form it would pass with few dissent
ing members among the Democrats.
It seems to be not so much the question
of the rates as 1 lie ret t lenient of the whole
question that the majority of the Demo
cratic members are most-interested in. A
member of the Democratic majority of
the committee indicated that even if it
should be necessary to apply tbe cloture
rule it was very likely that the Democrats
wouid put the bill through without very
much debate. It would, of course, be
necessary for the Democrats to have be
lli cd them a quorum of the house in favor
iif the bill. It now looks as tuough there
would not be much difficulty in securing
such a quorum.
Not in Sara a Ilarry to Begin.
But t he bill will uot be reported to the
Louse right away. The wars and means
cummiitee has decided not to take it up in
the committee uctil next Monday. 'When
tbe committee takes it np there will be a
general discussion cf its provisions and
the Republicans may decide to offer
amendments. The Democrats of the
oinmiUee have been consulting, and
while no agreement has been reached
there seems to be a tacit understanding I
ti n: the bill, even if reported liefore the I
holidays, will not now be -called up for
consideration until after the holiday re
cess. The Kepuhlicaus feel that they
Lave won a victory in securing the time
asked to coushler the bilL They have
liccu furnished wiil ail the tables aad com
parisous with the McKinley law and will
probibly have several meetiucs lietween
now and Monday to consider what action
they wiil take.
More Ketintalrs or Deficit.
The committee has maJe comparisons
and estimate which show that the de
f.dencics created by the Wilson bill will
lie about f(i.OW,(xX) a year. This is in ad
dition to the deficiency uow existing, but
the estimates are that the differences in
the rcvennes tinder the new bill each year
will be ft0,MU,t!un and it is to make up
this amount that tbe committee will
dirt ct itself in the preparation of increases
of internal revi-nue taxes. Hetween now
ncd next Monday the maj.iritv mem
bers c! the committee will prepare a meas
ure for' making up the deficit, I'arties
at Chicago have wired their members of
congress that l.i cents tax on a pack of
playing cards will reduc-the consuniplica
t)D per cent.
The Senate Will Get ken dr.
. Voorhees, chairman of the senate (innnce
committee, proposes to beiu forthwith to
hold t'aily meetings of the majority to
discuss the tariff and get ready to con
sider the Wilson bill as soon as it comes
from the house. Tuere was no opposition
to this coil -'se. The Ilnpnlilican members
ashed whether pel-sous interested ill
changes in the tariff, whether for or
against, would be given an opporl unity to
lie beard. The reply to this query was
that wl ere there was good reason for
granting a would be given; that
while the committee desired to get the bill
out of tbe way in the interest of business
as soon as possible no interest should be
denied a in axing when there were evident
ly good grounds for tbe request.
Be Has a Rannin; Argument That Is a
Little 11. t Lively.
WASEIXCTOS, Dec 6 The senate soon
got "onto" the Hawaiian imbroglio. As
soon as routine business was disposed of
Dolpb took the floor and criticised the ad
ministration's stand in the matter. Dur
ing tbe couise of the speech Vest, asked
Dolpb whether he was arguing in favor of
the olicy on the part of this govern tueut
of securing tbe Hawaiian ishmds and hold
ing them as a colony under hat is knowu
in Europe as the continental system. Dolph
replied that he favored the annexation of
the islands; the giving to them of a suita
ble government, nnd the exercising of con
trol over tt.eiu. The most that the
United States govemmcut could do," con
tinued Dolph, "if it did not care to annex
the islatds. is to withdraw its support of
I the provisional government aud allow it to
Gray inquired whether the present
Hawaiian government was a republic.
"It comes as near to that as anything
else." replied Dolpa.
.liowneir does it come to it P asked
Gray. "1 am not goioc to discuss that,"
replied D.Mph. "It is a government es
tablished by the people, it is not a uiou-
archy; that is certain."
"It is not a republic; that is certain.
aid Gray.
bite of Louisiana, asked by how many
people tbe present government was es
tablished. As many as ever established
any government there," replied Dolpu.
That Hoaolala Interview JCat rieaalag to
His Caleb.
WasiiisgtoS, Dsc . The state depart
ment was evidently already informed of
the news from Honolulu "to far as it con
veyed tbe intention of Minister Willis to
take no farther steps towards carrying out
his instructions until he should hear fur
ther from tbe departsaeaA. Cat ao far as
it conveyed the publie atte ranee ha Hono
lulu by tbe minister of. kis fatten lions it
kTl was pews to the dopailiMt. to tbe presi-
li t dent, sad ta
lMiBtinisf aboer
Ineda) tbe news that Minister Willis bad
determined to defer tbe carrying out of
u 9 iiiMik, 'j.. ,m.i. !: iiiu ajeartl fur
ther trout his (.uverumeiiu I' is also a
fiiir presumption that the reveuae cmter
Ccrtvin, that has sailed f6r San Francisco,
carries lo him the further instructions for
which he asks, and it is highly probable
also thtt tbe uew instructions are a repe
tition of the eld.
for Instructions.
State Bauk Men Ilisapno'iited.
Washinotox, Dec, 6. Tbe bouse bank
ing and currency committee had quite a
spirited meetiug. During the discussion
it was developed that there was consid
erable disappointment among those favor
ing tbe repeal of the stale bank tax be
cause the president said nothing on this
subject in bis message. Nevertheless the
committee decided to go on with con
sideration of some bill for repealing the.
tax and will meet Friday for that pur
pose. A Bill of Interest to Bock Island.
Washington, Dec C Senator Cullom is
niaklbg an effort to secure the location of
a testing machine for tension and com
pression for governmental aud industrial
uses at the Kjck Islaud, Ills., arsenal, and
has introduced in the seuate a bill appro
priating &50,UU0 for the purchase ot the
Tired ot Ouiciul Life.
WASHINGTON, Dec 6. Michael A. Ja
cobs, of Wisconsin, chief cUrk of the gen
eral land office, has tendered his resigna
tion to the secretary ot the iuterior, pie
ferring private lo official life. Mi-. Ja
cobs will resume the cashicrship of the
Beaver Dam, Wis.. National bunk.
Numinatiou 1 hut Was Left Over.
WasuTNutuS, Dec. 6. The president
sent the following nominations to the sen
ate: To bo consul of the United Suites
(Tailed of con til niation at the last session)
Newton B. Ash by, ot Xowa, at Dublin,
Ireland. John S. i'roctor, ot Kentucky, to
be civil service commissioner.
I'uvciliug (be Shield's statue.
Washington, Dc C The lliiaois dele
gation in congre?s held a meetiug to make
arrangements for the unveiliug of the
Shield's statue which, will take place this
a.'ternoou iu Statnary hail.
Batch I'rru Acti-Optiou.
Washington, IK-c. C Chairman Hatch,
of the house agriculture committee, says
be wiil certainly present aud press mo
nnti-cptiou bill in the house this session.
Gov. Lcactling Ea a Fellow I'ecliugTnat
Slakes Miai Klu.l.
Kansas ClTf.Dec. a The Star's Topeka,
special says: Governor Lsweiling replying
to newspaper criticism o his circular to
tbe boards of police commissioners said to
a reporter: 1 here is nothing in the icir-
cular to cause any alarm in the public
mind, or to justify -newspaper criticism of
my motives. Tue circular was inspired
simply by natural humanity. It is no
crime to be without visible means cf sup-
povt. 1 was in that condition once in
lo in Chicago. 1 was uo thief, hut 1 was
a "tramp" in the presen.. acceptation cf
tbe term, and had i been picked up by the
polici I could not have found honest work
the next day.
"My circular only npplies to men whose
sin is their enforced idleness. For that
class tbe work pilu shall be abolished iu
Kausas so long as i tun governor. Mcu
who commit offenses iigaiust society are
not protected by the circular. Tin re is no
anarchy iu the sentiment or inspiration of
the circular, and no fair-minded man will
so construe it. Many Kansas cities have
their jails full o 'tramps,' aud my action
was intended to step the practice uf ar
resting meu on the empty giouud of beiug
without.visible means of support."
The Woman in the Conhtin Case
Under Discussion.
Chicago, Dec. C The jury in the Cougb
lin case haviug been completed the lirst
thing that looked like a begiuuing of the
case was a request by the defense that
Mrs. Andrew Foy be not allowed to testify
on the ground that the testimony she was
expected to give egainst Couc.bliu would
iucriminate ber husbaud. The motion
precipitated an argument t.iat may not be
coucludeu today aud the
iuteresting, as Foy is not
fact will be the ground upou which tbe
stale will resist the motion.
The latest sensation iu the case is the
st.-itemeut that Kev. Father Scaulan, of
this city, wili go .on the stand and testify
tiiat Patrick O'Stillivai, at Juliet shortly
before bis deat h, conlessed to Fat ber Scaa
luu all he-tvuew of the Ciouiu murder, lay
ing the crime heavily ou Cougli'.in's shoul
ders. It is claimed by those responsible
for the story that Father Scanlan visited I
O su'.livaa simply as a friend, i.ot as a
Finds a Slate of Things That Ms Was Not
I'repared I'or and Contingencies lht
His Instructions Did Not Cover No
Change to Take riars Until lie Hears
from Washington, Whirli Will Not He
for Weeks Antiexers l'leased.
Tor.T TownsKNP, Wash., Dec. . The
barke-itine Klickitat, Captain Cutler, ar
rived from Honolulu with advices to Nov.
Si), four days after the steamer Alameda
sailed from San Francisco. In au inter
view published in The Evening Star, Min
ister Willis is reported to Lave said: "You
are authorized ta stale that no change
ia the present situation will take place for
several weeks. I brought with me certain
instructions from the United States gov
ernment ou the Hawaiian situation, but
since my nrrival contingencies have arisen.
about which the L'uiled States govern
ment nor myself were aware when I left
Washington. I have thought best to
submit these matter to Washington be
fore proceeding further to carry out my
original instructions. No one need fear
trouble aud no lawlessness will be per
mitted." Will I'eare and Order.
Continuing, -Miuister Willis said: "I
mean that until the time comes for me to
carry cut r.iy instructions ti.e peace and
good order of this commuui: y will lie kept
undisturbed iu the interest of humauiiy;
that any attempt made be any person or
persons to make trouble will be promptly
checked and punished. Vou may put the
matter more plainly and say that even
if the prcvisional government discharged
all its troops today no lawlessness would
be allowed far cue moment nnder the
present situation of iCairs. The whole
Hawaiian question is now in abeyance,
and nothing that newspapers can say or
do will alter the statement one iota. I
make this statement ou my own responsi
bility nnd in hojie that it w ill allay pres
ent excitement. Xo one need fear any
trouble and no lawlessness wiil be ir-
Pleases tbe Annexationists.
Tbe statement gave the annexationists
much satisfaction aud the royalists were
much displeased. Oa account of the many
rumors current of thecoutemplated action
of the queen's supporters the provisional
government found it necessary tokeeptwo
couipauies of soldiers under arms for sev
eral nights aftertbe Alametla sailed. After
the statement rumors l.-egau to fly about
that the queen's supporters would tituke a
f.ually rally ia her behalf. The crew j of
the t'nited Slates uiei:- f-war Philadel
phia and Adams were heid in readiness to
be landed oa a moment's notice. The
queen's advocate came out next day with
a denial cf Willis interview, saying be
was mi-quoted aud by inference gave en
couragement to the iuea that Willis bad
or would receive aa imperative order to
restore the queen.
What He Savs Abont the Contingencies ot
W hich Willis sneaks.
San Fkasusco, Dec C Hawaiian Con
sul Wilder, when he read the news which
arrived from Honolulu, via Port Town
send, was greatly pleased. When asked
whnt unexpected contingencies Minister
Willis had found in Honolulu, he said: '
"1 think he found that the men compos
ing the provisional government in Hawaii
were high litiuded, law-abiding citizens,
instead of lilibusterers, such as he had
beeu led lo believe them to be. The liens
will have great effect ou the people of tbe
United Stales," continued Consul Wilder,
"and I hope the administration will be
forced by popular opinion to change Us
view on the Hawaiian questiou. Presi
dent Cleveland's stateineut in h:smessas:a
to congress that he had received uo defi
nite uews from Willis is corroliorated ly
what Minister Willis has said ill tbe inter
view published in the Hawaiian papers."
Twenty-six Perish by tlV
ing of a British Sr
i - -
A Frightful Crime in ALT
ThisMonunff. I"
Another Mysterious .
Departure from 'Fru .
Five Thousand Dollar Ci
. Burglary, in Iowa., .
llmiiLAXD Ugitt. JtaM Da-
The Uritish ship, Jason, wu mc
near here this morning. Twvmfj, .
lives arc lost. ' v;'S-
A Frlghlf al Criase. : t
HiKMiNuiiAM, Ala., Dep.
Lucy Wright was robbed and i
dored in her homa this morninj, 1
her body burned to a criap. :" ',
Aaotber Mjrsteriosn 1
San- Fkancisco, Dec 6- The U. C
ship. Ranger, reported at Hon Z "'
and for a secret tnp. It U belier,
ber destination is Honolalo.-
Foar Clltedtaaail
Albany, X. Y., Dec. 6 e:"
cium light tank exploded in tbe I
ples line oflice this morning, fcC '.j.
four men. ..
Citv f Mexico, Dec . CtU
Nava, paymaster ot the army, StV
vided this morning, tie wasaneatry
defaulter. -
A axS.OOO Bobbery. .
Immanola, Iowa, Dec 6--BCrr
k- Miller's jewelry safe ; was blowm
open this morning, and (i,000 l
cured. -i :
Barbers latcraaUaaal Laaea
Cincinnati. Uec 6.-The aixtk
couvtiition of the Jonrnej
International union begaa Its
with about one hundred aad fifty
gates present. J. E. Meyer. I as lm I
iu tiis auaress saia tnat ftoKng tae e .
tions toje consiaerea
labor and the clcsing of ahopa oa I
The barbers' union now I
of r.ovut
Saved the Trala by Tmm latoaasa. ' .
i n jsuiuii, xjec . u ia iearoam laaVf
attempt was made at Soatk Far. 1" , :
on the Pennsylvania railway, f wiatfcf i' i'
Cincinnati aud bt- Louia exfaass, ) -switch
lock bad been brokea aad t
switch thrown open, bat fortaaataty t .
was discovered by a traek-walkaa C
minutes before the train waedae. , ry -.""...
Saih-d on a Secret Mission.
Sas FaANflstxi. Dec 6 The United
States revenue cutter Corwin sailed short- t March IS.
ly before miduight. Her Oestma'.iou is
secret, but it is supposed she is going to
Honolulu with instructions forMiuister
Willis. It is reported that oue of the
sailors ontheCorwin has been bribed to
decision will be ! take dispatches from Minister 1 hurston
on trial, winch 't0 President Dole. Tbe captain of the
lorwia reiuseu ta take letters lrom (.-ou-sul
Wilder, spying be did uot know wbera
be was going.
Diabolical Attempt tm rslsaa. '
Chicago, Dec C Wiiiiasa Sollivaa ar
George Johnson went iuto i. B. Ryas, j '
saloon aud found faint asleep. They yv ,
ceeded to drop poison - into .his aaoaLa ' ;
orertorob hiuu Tbe fioisoa fell ant i
cu:a and woke huu and both thai
urcls were arrested.
Off oa a Loac fiales
Nlw Yolk, Dec 6. The Caited
revenue cutter Grant, which iaofflar -ft'i
U,-tX) mile cruise. She has stores to fcY
six montiis, asd is bused for K t Jtwm '
tisea Her eventual destioatioa at (eat
work in tbe 2iorth Pacific aad Par
sound. A rapid fire battery of the Br(
hroeder type bas just beea pat aha
of lier. Among the ports ia her tliaar
K:o. Mie 1U be due at San Wr,
The Uttnaaa
OlTlMWA, Dec C Sarah Sax, that'
tim of Jahcsoa, the man hanged haajL '
pronounced ont f danger. A CbieaOv
tective is ia tbe city working ap avhw-
agKinst, me moo leaders. Tba
ot the child encourages the Swedish a
miiiee to prosecute t heir parpoaa ta k.
tue mob leaders to trial. .
I p aud Kills
A Locomotive Hoiler Itlows
Three Mrs.
Kokt Woktii, Tex , Dec. . Xear East
laud a west-bound Texas and Pacific
freight engiue attached to tweuty cars.
going down bill eighteen miles au hour.
confessor, nnd therefore the rule Hi?ainr ,spioaeu, instantly killing l-.cgiaeer
bt travini: the secrets of the confessional i Cbarles Kiliott, Fireman lie
docs uot bold. It is also reiioi'tcil tiiat
O'builivan's coufession
s;ory of Mrs. I'oy.
' Frank Sfpence, biukeiiian. The body cf
agrees with the ! t-Holt was picked up JIM yards from the
i place of the explosinu in a horribly man-
I gled condition, while the bodies o( Jtenv-
ers and spence were picket! up 3J0 yards
Iroui the track iu the opposite direction.
The Solatiea. - v i
"Bridget, what was that load as.
heard in yonr room last aiirjatl 1
sotuethiiig fall? .
Nut that I knows on. ma'am. I"
it's ni'-self 3e heard fall asleep. Tell
I'm a beavr slenv-r 1VniV
H?it-y LrOM of MAm btot'li.
Slsi m; K i KLDt Ills., Dec C The state
linais rtf 1 1 Vs ntCifV rltnilli.kittiir tlmattils.
...... . ,1 wajwr ankissvaa wy m itragu,
mitiea na eiguvu annual report to tue . ..... ,.ST Mi ,w ,.
governor. The principal cattle diseases 'j..n ;.i...
Uealt with by the board were anthrax and i , . , k . vT
actinomycosis. Tbe history cf the out, th" 1 ?ntyI,to: ta kllUt
break of anthrax in Wayne, Clay, Ed- J , Hon. K C. W !luamson, mayor of
wards. White and Hamilton counties is of 11,15 ova;h M,nr. notorious
great interest. The statistics of tbe uior- . - uoouiaiu. .-u,i, spring me
tality. extending from June 15 to Oct. 15, 1' "B1 :a,ler arrested tor gambling.
slinv thnt. II Kl linNM atwl mil m r. Hi " r.v-i-,j iwiwru luc liur
tie. 230 hogs and twenty sheen died of this f0?8" whicil. Ue C!rr'ed out by arming biui-
uisease, entailing a loss upon the owners
of some IvO.lOO. j
testltatioa at Lra Mountain, aiiesw
Iison Mountain, Dec 6. The result of
the canvass as to the condition of the des
titute miners in this city is that lot fami
lies, or about 800 persous, are found to be
in actual want. In many instances chil
dren were found with scarcely any cover,
ing on tbem. One hundred barrels of
flour are expected here from Menominee.
Baron tie Kabdaa killed Lieutenant Has-
abis cabinet Tsm were mi I Ferrand, France,
abowtlsat fears mat aoas I protect his arile's boaor, and a jury has
self with a heavy bludgeou and waylaying
Williamson, beat him to death. He was
iu rested.
Lehigh Valley etrike.
Jeeset City. X. J., Dec 6. Everything
is quiet in the Lehigh Valley freight yards
at Comminpawpa, the passenger trains
have beeu sent on schedule time and the
iucoiuiug trains are also arriving on time.
Six freight trains arrived over tbe road
and several freight tr.iius are expected to
arrive. .
Tbe chances are that the iVrtcr ministry
in France will go to smash very soon. Ths
deputies at doing their best with that