THE ARGUSrTJlUIlSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1893. - I l 1- . . ... It O Tnihw r-tfthaeB..a4TBajts .MM a. rTtiaater. taUnt. btt. , Win, :1". as Ml:taBK 1 ". '; ) , X tun '"'-f" - Hetars -lilll M ...... P". Pr im 11 . I -4w Uw JH e, I biraln laaalia. ., " I Iwit MHlMHIBiH a. .... U 4 V. am I ar'aiam 1 1 !W MR :ilpa t MM I ae Et-.H'mm : .-U:mpa Mam :pbb hv. pm ! ftMNmn H-wan anas " : V pai : Aaa. tlrtnpa. : int "!!. Baa 1 a H' si .' I a . A ai-em ... Ft wwii a, BBea ! eK" jfp4 P "' . at Waal, lsr.rar. .'Miy.aareBa A alters daily. iiy. i;"i'"" r. Ikftranae, J gt. 1 A wa.-!. asanas aad small . f P. BIT . ril:lM mTCmi r 4 wra " a. Fan! pa.rier in ii iIm mm rs ad MaTHa ras"" Wia.m IN." Cf :imh t ft e.i I p : ia a t aa. a r. ihm gviH A nwiin Innate, law. TaeatHitrw. r'rst wt a cat t 1. 1. U. w. iioiase. acea. Tut!". te.S A antra. Cettae eaara-... . 7 "te a. a a. a rk Fail It? H 4 ...,.yjU'lB ... 4 a . PlOTS tI.A!ll PkuRI RAH-WAt-DS r imNi aad Tlil& atraet. V. raw .. Arsat. Twai. ie I fSTVaii aifw... T " ftM AaaaatM..M. I .. .1 i BOWJ'''',. ftftiM M'xrrti f Ml ii.itrtK raar i -alf awn. J..llnniiusUn.'Pht A Paa.Amt. rwiM.'irV."V.'.".'.U"! M 4l ri-ll an am 4 Mi amUll;l4 m t-Lrav Vl ttavraanrt. B4r. ........ .......... i hT fa " M.. ':! ma ' Ilia a i M pia ht .4- MtW. m hlt:cia AnifHrann'R currim Bmarnif ta C4aa HMaan'. BfKKI BOOTS TO 1UM Etst, Couth and Southeast. I'an :tl am t. na HiHrai At.OrWa. rot HB Ma a-irr pat ftr.Ta umi :an pat M :4 m ft pi faaaj J.aJ. '' pa. l:nat T:1 m l!ai TMaai n to : a, 'H pal T :SMa tIHa at win Na .. Bait p aat-t.4 laaaa aaaaf at a. ...... ..m.i vaalaaaawtt.. ' law f m.... .M. St :::: iv. JT" : V .'tMa: .a &.! amaaat raatta:a. at aatl 1 1M a. . Laaa. Paatla arm a. at. an4 T MpH mm Maaa Nlaa tMf.rn.mt4 J" A tl MM taa aP Mwnf ttiadar , AJaaaaMflWIraiM aRlf Mat capart Caiaa VmOawt?MrM ttpfaat kata gnck T"aaaa raatta. aata aitaauaaa. taaaajMaaaatatatlaotatat aaggai' (Mcaxi aaaaaa (at m., Aaeaa.. a. ta aai aaa pai .. luPKa a.tai TlaMa ! .apa Am awaat. a ylaaa. ( f sa99aall Af lfttM..,Mm..M.... T.iu ia 1.4 pto "pwltaaK I.W pai .vtuBiVow. p.miciava iimtiiliafcrt, aa'.TM.Att Scoria. Sorvic3 f id- Winter f 2 ir. Commando? October 2&I. the jrrrat Bork J.Una rouU Jnanifrat! dilT throng tonrl.t car line br Iwacn Cblcajfi and Los JlnplM. via Cbtoirn. aorit j.iana ran in to Kan an . City nnl Ft. Worth, an.l tkrnr h tL Tax a. raciiie to Kl Iaao anl Sonthtra PaciOio to Lna Antics. BETTER TET. Arrangement nan Lwn concInIoU to run tlii car on to San Franciitco . by tbl. anntbt'rn route, which is an socllent one In winter i-a.ion. Ko 'BMmber. tbt. car leave Chicago 11 at 6 p. ni. bjr tb great Rot k lalaanl mate. Tho aboT mentioned tonriat line la la addition to tbf fatcllt nary lee from Chicago, uTa and Taaradaf via Uuck Inland roate. Cmt m Rio Grande and Sootbern raa3 thr.tgb Pueblo, Salt Lake, llm and baa Franeiaco to Lot I Aa Low rate and excellent aerrlce. ZTU4 with tbe font time made bjr r-xatJjfera oa these tonrl.t can. f a than aa they dcacret verjr pillar. j tocaoa ticket agent eaa ffirt aa io rate., and remember l-jj s!aaa ticket are accepted oa ciratsa.".' "!ra tot fH particnlara, ' -ra CzaAJTiAR. g. t. A.. n.l Or.I..Chieaco I TAKE FLEASAHT .lia aa aaatir a. ha. Iitantitovi p eae PROyZSJIOTTAL CARDS. ATTOItKEYil. E. FARM ENTER. lTTn?r!fT AT LV-oOc la Xltckan 1 I jro-waa- Hk JACKSON ft IXUaST. tTTORtrT! AT l.W-,eir. In rrk t'taatt 1 Satial rMk Pti'4t'K. U.. I!in.l. 14. a. a. pa-ia (T. c.uLstp. SWEENEY WALKER. iTmt k r A" r w cuk at !.- M IVm,'. ai'a hl-a-a, Hnrk !pliA III. CHAHLI 8 J. 8 EARL". ATP"Rar ATi.AW-T.roAi. rrs!E. -r . all .! -nrl a'trn'rl t iMeAt tnT a KMk 1-Uil Imui. (Hkti I'ual titans .-k. McENIRY e McENlRY. j AlT.lllf KY AT I.Al4t maary oft gmT PTurt-jr. bi rnilrrlin frf. iv ra, MltrlwU A LrtaY-, ? ankirtk onie In iMviofflca 8. W. ODELL, ATTOK X FT AT LA T Farsicrl of Inn Tljma at rtarinir '0 imm two frtrv with Ida rt af a a a mag a k.i trlkn af Muiim . 1a bow atwa4 at MAca la lk ,ajlariaa fcaiiiX f. mm a, .1 MotUML rinuciA.xs. DR. ASAY. PUT CIAS AND M-Rr.KO -Third Arena.. Tlrp' ca ! lira. n k Ui n.i. 1:1. (Hllra Ikmr: ma. m. lata m., ! to 1 p si, and at arnnt. J. lLtlHWba.h,M D O.. K.IUrth,M.r. DRS. BARTII Ac HOLLO WBUSH PlITftlflANA ami UJK'iH -IWf Mtt'il t. 'lch-pbonpton MaaiitrtKc Ttl VM at. - 1 I'm ormt j. ran: Or. Bartti lr, i!n)1awhnan tc IP a. at. I if in t a. av tlotaaj s to tv.T DR. CHAS.M ROBINSON. CYC, EAR. SK. AiTKOAT OXI.T . a. cwBiivun HMMiiht. i4 a. i eu IAVESluKT, 1A. tall aa: t la 4 Pis. R. H FEARCE. ltTI-T- ilia BjttcAciiaVLyadB- Taaa avatar. HAWTHORNE, & 81LYI3. ttM TtsTala I71rcacd avcaac. ovar Krall a) aiata'B. DRS BICKLE & BCHOEMAEER. DtXTAl. SrWf;SN jsurkul! at l.rpdVa iMih. Naat4l. Ilaa. atapatew EDWARD L.HAMMATT. lamms.'r. iin. t.ii. in. 'omep uom. 41. MlialxUai.jat-kail.liBS. GEO. P. ETAVDttBAR. I ttl."l!Tt( T ne aa ntat.g'.ma-Mt fo all ' J fcyaia a.M. t.ti BLaaTua enr officeih. W. A. DARLING. Cm exjixtsK- Mr!Tl A Lrodo block Tak. Slrtatnr. Is Ufe WorHr LiviDg?; That Dva-iaAa Vpnu Tutr nealib. MONROE'S TONIC vTUI eata aa aat kp yt? an; I. Par aa'. a turner Ilntiaa rkanaary. SAVED! LABOR. TIME, MONET SOAP. Use It jour oirn way. il It th beet Soap made For VI ashing llachiae aa. MAOK BT a:::n & mzizi. 11 af IV a V. f l?le.OM f ion ia acrrcn. lSJl?5vJJsn'a2im, " . pi aWAtTiSll7,t?5rrrr'" awatefelT. In fm-t t" ht)' hT thia M mm an Mama uatnM . i.wrtu i iu.x. x. AHTI-T7ASHB0ARD Cettlac Metal at tUu SaU af a)le) Day oPa th. Rca afa Rlrar. Extravagant stories arc told about the wealth of gold sprinkled throughout the Snako tirer country in Idaho. Asa gen eral thing tbs gold fa very fine, the pat ticlos bohig cf so light weight as to be elnrive. Save when worked on a largo scale, it is difScult to make good wagea in recovering the gold. Xmnerous bars along the river would trove profitable could water bo commanded for alnicing or hydraulic purpose. An adequate sup ply is liard to obtain on account of the :iittntl gradual fall of the stream and tlio level character of the outlying lauds. To overcome this lack of tratcr, as well as inrora sufficient damping ground, a big f mating gmld fcaving dredge has been constructed and i now at work on the Il:.ho lank of the Snake river, about 10 iiiili-s nbovo Payette. It is a stTn whtvl Aatbnat propcllodby team. SubstontiAlly constructed. 65 f t long tnd 22 feet wide, it is equipped with a S5 hfirsepiiwiT marine ennne and lx.i!.T and julajtotl in every way for navi gating Idaho's Kraat waterway. With a slight alteration it could be transformed into a .toaui dreile and used to ecotp tip sand and gravel fn-ia the bottom of the stream. That lias never been at tna;teL As in the past, operations cro now coiiCik d to working kirn out of tiio btl or channel of t lie river. The method pnr?ned is to anchor alonicsiJa one of these gravel dopoiits and by the use of scrnrr8 U-ing tlie material to bo han dled within the retich i.f the gold wa-sh-imr machinery with which the craft is r.ssd. The gravel U soikijxhI tip liy Ln:rkets attachttl to an endlcas chain. Yhere ere 48 of these receptacles oa a belt CO feet in length, ami each lias a ca- ac"!ty cf r.lwat 2J onuds of dirt, which is delivered into a hopper. This is also an ap:..tor, and tho roccss emidoyed m.-.y ba di-scrilioil as a fctcr.tu rocker, with the csceptiun that it has an end motion inrtea:! of ono sidewise. The guM is caught oa eoppur plates with qTiH'ksilver. Tlio tailings are carried off in .-laice boxes by tha forco of n stream of water if 15.1 mineral inches, supplied by a China pump, ran by the tugiae which drives all tho other machinery. The gravel is worked so thoroughly that no gold escapes ia tho tailings that are dumped iut j tho river. An average cf 100 tons of gravel is daily hanu.ed, r.nd fur this work tureelneu nro eaijiloyed an engineer, ouo to work the scrajHT and another who phovela t'no dirt into a piie so that the buckets can scoop cx a lull load. The lar r.ov lieir.g worted covers cn area of 10 to Vt r.cres. The gold ia oa tip or close to the rarfacc and will not pay to handle to a preater depth than 1 foot to IS inches. This shows a value of 1 1 to 3 cents a an. A cleruinp Li ude every n'ght, a:id the average of tha runs for the first three days was vctt tory to Tborntua Williams, the owner of the craft. Hesnyshccie.-t.Jto take out upward of flWadny r.n long as he worts, which will lio r.n'vil cold weather sot ia. When he has gone over thj l:rr which now encagr. hi v.-ili tackle another. HeK-ua Indexes JetiL " ( CADEVS WHITE HAIP.ED ANGEL. Khe rarrhaara a IaO:I; Carriaca to Rp plare liia Itt;rtra 11). If there ev-r was n lnckr cabby, it is Richard Jlcftowan, who fr Id" years has stood Lesid" his cab at the Stitten Is land ferry r.t stri ct g-ither-itig pvtenp-rs and fares. lie and tho cab had stood thert ia idl sorta of weatb ir, bat the cab sr?r-red mere than tho man in apjx-nraiice. Whenever ilcCiuwan saw an old lady with white hiiTand a l)enii,nant face come fr,m the ferrybaaHe, hi knew that he wonld have a fare. She didn't appear very often, bat she always sought out McGow.m. haa'ling him a bill in p.ty ment end n fusing to the rlmaav. A couple of mouths ago slio told him Lis cab was getting old and rusty aai ho should have a better one. The cabman replied tiuit it would aud ho could not afford so much money. One day the white haired woman told him to drive her to a carriage manufactory. Tliey mai.p several trips of tliat kind. Then the lauy. who is Mrs. Frances J. Shaw, the philanthropist, told tho as tonished Mcttowaa that rho was looking for a carriiige for him. bat could not find one that was suitable, and that ho I tad better buy it for himself. It t jolt him a whole month to find what he want ed. N ow McGowan has the finest coupe alxrat South ferry, and be is one of the happiest men in Kew York. New York World. ' Mtalctoa Vplrltrd in;. The skeleton of a woman which was unearthed in an unfrequented spot in tho outskirts of the ciiy has been stol. n. It was left lyin-j on the ground pending the coroner's inqnest and has m-stenously disarpeared. Another skeleton of a woman was found near the sanio spot yesterday, buried a few inches under grouniL Old timers say that the ground where theao skeletons have been fonnd is where the victims of cholera were buried in 18C7. They were buried hur riedly, the graves were not marked, and no work waa done on the graves mora than to get the boxes out of sight Saa Antonio (Tex.) Dispatch. Crnrral Sickles Vmy Vate. ' A crutch voted for tha Chinese bill re cently. It waa carried down the aisle by a page and passed between the tell ers, counting "one more in the afiimtv tive, Mr. Speaker." The crutch was the proxy of General Daniel E. Sickles, who sat in hit seat and smiled as be saw how he could save himself much trouble ia the future. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Kaviaabta ttallaea. A cablegram says that the Russian military commissi on baa completed sat isfactory teats of the cavigable balloon at Warsaw. It is made on the Treda system. It nee against strong atmos pheric pressure, was steered successfully against the wind, was propelled ia any cWted direction ajid descended without That VTai tke Way the Cornetatoae of the Etatea latattd CharcU Waa Laid. ' The laying of a comerstono at night It the novel dght that was witnessed at Stapleton, N. Y., theother evening, when the construction of tho new First Pres byterian church waa formally inaugu rated amid the glare of torches and elec tric lights. , The First Presbyterian church of Sta pleton is one of the wealthiest aud most fashiousble ccsgrogations on Statea Is land, but it has hitherto wtirsjnped in a sicall an 1 Bnpreteatious ediSce. Recent ly it decided to erect a new and hand socio church, to. ctx-t a large sum of money, r.nd tho members hit ypon the novel plaa of laying th j cornenstoua at ni.Tht to make tho occasion memorable.. Electric lights strung wero from dif fereat points and ia such a manner as to throw tho fall glara directly on tho spot where the comerstono was placed. As tho illumiiialion, however, was hardly ftroiig eaong'a to road by, a nuailc r of people stool alut the oUriaJin? clergy men holding pine torches, thus enabling the services to le cartied oat without hitch. Owing to the novelty c.t the idea of Living a cornerstone at flight, thcro was a largo attendance at tho ceremony, prominent society ieoplo from all tarts cf the island bcinjr present. New York Commercial Advertiser. LEGAL ttAft t-F-.ttV SOIII'R. STATU OP ILLINOIS, I bifibuniiirmt. i lr Il.rcrruit court of nil! limk Uland cooity ln rhano ry. IVat-irck, Jr., (.'nnic'.ia N. Cnruaiork.t'ar. lin.i (.nirit.! t. WIliiaiiiK 1 1. J trtward It. .lu p-.'U.Jr .BAiue luttY two arr cf ha Inrt aill and ' in nt of n Willirin', tf .i-rd; M. Jrrvt- Van Vl.'ck. Chrito.hiT f. Ilra.1l-T, Gei.-e N. Keunrdr an1 A Ir.-il A. Horn ir 1U1 latter two aro it cntor. of the la-t ill ar-d !' Mm. r.lor J . It ot n. di craw d: Inart P Kowl.-r. a he i sdn.i:ii:raior wi h the ar.lsntrxitlf ftirr.rin F. t'oxaiork. d.ctawU; I ar"'.in N Allif ti. iheononi.miai"ountv in the Mrtruw Him Aran, i at ion. the lli.uw. of ft ti.Ml tr.!. Ji:l:(,ivr. Julia N. (VturlU .r n, llflrn U I'orjl lock, Aii' onwiork, S ttsnrl I.. Com-'oc, Kathi-I ISox n. Thomaa K. 1 atrcron. hditn I'ul tcrw. art l orr. l s. Ij,ve, . rit-rrtit'it-. To pa-d ahove famed na.lier. d. fcoduit mil cv r? oi c of tbea: 1 on .i d rack o y n are hc-rihrnoiidrd that t'no aiKivr ent tl. d nit f now tirtmin in ...:.l nmi. court In and lr the countT of U ck U'uiid. iu Ihfl ttr of Illinois, and lb ii anmrnon- b-.. Ih- n 4 a. m:ni you me ow, 11 ul roil .ha I Mjr- a ' trbsnrd apix-xr hef. ro the ':d conn on ilie Srat day of the rxt trm ilicn-f to l.e holden in the cotir non-e in the r!i of of hnrk l.!i.l in wfaid llock Inland eonn'T. itn the flrt Vondny of 4 np.rv e t, 'o which ti " ean-t pl-re ihr i t ni:nninn ta tnwie reiiirnhie. a. d -xrept. ilt a.l, anawer or orniur to the bill of rou.p'au.t imiJ lih .1. ! hat the tame will ne lat.n f cru fejed a.-aiust yoo, and d.-cr.-e c. Urt-d r r ord inal r. l and at rnek If'nnd, Uiin i's, ttis Sihh day of Norrmscr, A. I. Is:. - OtoKult W. GA r.l K. t lork of r nid Tojrt. IICXBT Cci tip. CoT.plainani'p Sjllc tur. 1-HAsrr.RV orit :. STATU VF lul.tJtnta: I a-WTt lALAMD CotTSTT. I ' To t e Jnrtiarj term A. D. 10U e'renit court. In cnanccrr: Wary Tr.ttlc. ecmplaintit. v. J. hn T11 tlci Itr.ynt tn'tlr. III ma Tnt'Je. Iptac Tpitlc, hhanorTntile, k ary V!I. Lyia " Tntt!e I'aivin r. Tnltlr, II. W. Tutt e, Alva L. Tatix.. t 1. ipiiie. in- n.tantn hcira at law 0 nm r. u :.r. a?aeceanec, the uu nn'. .. hfira at law of J.din M. inttie, de- ii-an-ii. we uikuowti nTa-t law r l 4lti u ntt.r. drceait. tl nnkmdrn h.r at law of "" i iinte. a.-rva-ni. tbe unknoon oierof the followri; hin-a tu town-i lp Mvrnerti ,17) orth r-Bi-e tao Hi. weal of the fourth prircipo trK m .aid county of Hock 1-Luid, ucKrih d .follow.: Traeaa t-tf of the rnTfir-t-t qnirr:. r of per. injiwiniT..!. tTii.eM.tat.ra. on arrve: aa nine a oi j-i uni.i.1 akiM-a in the tio-ilie at qnartar of Ihr quarter of md per fni. u n-tavrt a. Io lowr : Ikui tnp at tk rmu r f( .aid e. t ..11, running th nc ..n:h nn the half ertion .inr. laurtem chaia and tilnetythiee I pita ill 'JOr ia); 'braca ai plx r ina and irrt-r 1 lu,ka v-4". h; thence norm foorUrn cha -o.i nin iT-tbree link. t4 to elial; Oiriea raitaixctu:natid fonyix link. C-M ek to ihr p n e f taii n i.-. Alpitiw w. ai iwentr rvtNS fonietkr .SI-IO) f aid nnrthra-t qaan.T. of ran! o:tthept qaMrter arc'Mm. bnuiidtl a foiloav: Urgitniinc at a m n' .-t for tfc -oilh- e-t corner af aaxl t orlitipt q prw of . 14 utfiettq arrritifn. otnin tb'm3 orth lf.rU.n.u.t aviiat thai.. lk.", cnM: 'h.Tre mat an Hie h If .rrtirn 1 a- thincn and 40 4-10 rha ra .U'h'-liu cat; Oience .0.1 th tilo. t cn and u-iorhSina itil'VltMchr) !tn.nce on i.'hta er'lon line thirteen ann 4HH-Ui rhama 1 IS4 I Ochj.11 ai to theplac of, con t Inin' ti ic-e. m rc or g. ; rJeV- dtnta To all he 'ive nsm. 4 ic eniant -. ineiudi-ir the .lv e named nnknown t-ir l-Uw. and the unkrown a lie rof t c phnre oVw nbed landp, Y01. and of tea a ll takeioti r tha- Mary In tie, the plane tan ed romplnlT.nm. ba thia day a , d In raid conn h. r aniena. d t II f rnm plaint atrmnaivou -or the 1 a I i n of aai 1 nda and a.aiimo.ent of dower an1 hrBitaieat tk rin to her. tua a anmmon, in rlnnrerr h. h,en ! ue1 tben-in am cat r. nda'it. Willi.m T. tile and II. W Tnttle. t'lTs I.-d to tbe ah. riff of Cook euanTT. p'atv of UiMla. to exrtT'iV': lb t a anra roota la cha c r I a hfn la-ard tl.crvin acafnal all tie other named drft-nrlm a, it xcept de ti n-l mt Jiijr In' l -i directxl to the aher.ff of an.! cnn:y of !- la ar:.1. to t xtr i' . b th of aa d anmmonanre re'n:nihle to tho January te-m A. I. IMtl. of th- circuit toirt of asij ronnty of K. c l-iand, to be rr.un anl b .ld u at beenrt honae. In Iheci'jr of tick la and. in raid connir of ork Irian.:. on li t 0tt X.rminjr of J-tinary '. a ak ck lime and p arc yoa. rod each ! yoa. will appt.r, and plead, tnawrror demur lo mid b' l. iiock abni, IlliL-o. foT-taHer. 81, 11. UtvOIKiE W. l Mil I.E. flerfc of paid C mrl Jack r A tlCRrr. Sol c'.lora for complain ta. t.X f.t I rOKM KOTiCR. rrt.ltacf Lcnira WoUrnhatfft rAVtrmtS-M' ' Th anriarairi.ra hariBfutm apiwniedeaeea. fa of the iapt will u d teaiauiA-nt of laiaa Wolirnhanpt. ta'.e of the coimry of Kork lalai.d. tat.- at Itl'r.ois. atccarrd. trrehy irir.a noor ,ha' tnj will appear b.:fore th county court of Bork lalaad county, at the ojlee of the clerk of ainnourt, hi tur dtp of Kork latand, at Ike Pcb luiff Una. oa the 6 rat Notidav la Frbraary aeu u which time all pctaon. h itinit claim, ac&inst paid aata'.e arc notified and raqneeted to attend fac tbe purpose cf kariua the aame adjaated. All irraonp tBifrnted to paid estate are requested to aake ttrmrdtatr raymtrl to the nndcr-kraed. fated th M dar NorrniW, A. O. 1393. IAIIV WOl.l.FMIAfJPr. AM KEW WoLLfc.NUAl PT. Kxacttvoi. Kf. kE. C9TATK aat E. Br plrtnrof .a order and d.'Creiaof tbe ronntp court, of Ktt k .plaad connty. stale or Illinrda, atane on me tnnioa ri tua BBojersipard, ttwraa Sthiir!cr. adtainistrator el tiaa eaaue of Hatty C. Niaon. drcrased. leare to pr-; th tea- ssnate of fold ntel aard at tk- f ovravber term, A. D. i.a, of aaid court, to-wft: ,tta lh 1Kb tla of ...ailar A. D1HBX, I shall oa the His. d. tf Decmher Ccx . at tbe boir taTlo'aluai In the aflemooB of a. id Cay, aeli a' oalilar, at Ike tNanhdonr of tbe c- art upoacla ibv Ctrof Keck l-laiid. In aald roan'y, to 1 ha b ehest and brat Hdder for ash In han.l .1' lb. t ', litl. and inirrrat wk ca tba . Id Harry C Kasrajt, deceaa d. had at tbt time of bla acah. and all tha fower and hoax Mead nrhta Kif Uar Nroa. aa widow of Harry C. Ma p. drtetaed. In a dia law followluf di acrihed real -aU'c -I'natal la thac axutj of ttock laiaol. aad s a a of', m-tii: Lot ai nir ttrec (3i, la Vrouka Cfth (S)sd dilloa tithe city of H k laland. paid prrmlpe will be Bold subject the 1 aa of two certain lior y rn, one of wnirh la rrcurJed nt bonk a of Moriva a, on pace at, and Ike otf erta Book fa of Mo-Warrw.o pagi 1 a, hi iha w ooidrt'. oloa af said e.atr. Dattd Ibis Slat day of Nore'raVr. A. T . TBst CoNKlt.CllPiailB'. Admlitpr rator of tap aatsta of U-rry V. Kasoa, Jactuoai Heasr, aVnaracja. I I UERIT ACKOViLEDGED Cy the Slaters of Mercy. nae KickmrKio JadUa lmrllea rnatad ta a laralaabla at a Famom Mow . Ksrskusd rrtMantory School. Tattle ITas ta Always 1"cotm1 to bo Bvaefldal. The Sisters of Jlcrry who conduct V.'.o St. Augustine's Preparatory Board ing School at II art ford. Conn., write that thcT find the Kichapoo Indian lcmedics invaluablo to them ia caring for the health of the scholars under their charge!. "Kick apoolndianSagw.!, Klckapoo Indian OilandKxh.-poo In?iaa Cough Cure" they say, hava bfea used hero with the most gratifying results. Thete 4$impl rcpkcttV of Ihe Indian race de crte the pontile rccognitlfn, and tbt. ir use is always beneficial." The Klckapoo Indian Remedies, Kiekopoo Indian CougkCxre, Kickapoo Indicn Oil, Kichapoo Indian Salve, Siciapoa Indian i "orat Killer and KICKAPOO INDIA SACWA, The Grandest Itcmcdy of the Universe. For the Stomacli, Liver and Kidneys, SOLD 13Y ALL Dr.CCGISTS. IKSURANCJt. A. D. HUESING. Real Estate- AND -Insurance Agent- Reprcaeals, anions other Ume-:riJ and arel known firs Insurance Companies, the following: Tfoyal Insurance Coapany, of England. Wcachctcr Fire lua. Coin pan y, of N. V. tluflitlo Uerman U,s. c. nipany, Unffalo, N. T. ftnehextrr (itnnan Ins. Co.. iW.htMer, N. V. Cittiena' lug Co.. of Plttsbor. Ta. fun Fire umne, Vtiian Ins. Co-, of Califnixta. Hnrity Ins. i w Uavrn, Tonn. M-.Iai.uaee Mccuanics Ins. Co., K is Uerman Fire Ins. Crv, at Peoria.111. OEice Cor 18th St. and 2d Ave. . Rock Island. Ill E3tabli&hed 1368. "THE OLD RELIABLE." HAYES ft ClaEAVELAIil) OBKERAI. ice n He; retcnUcg over 40 Million Dollars of Cash assets Fire . : Life. Tornado. Accident, Marine, : . . Employer's List 111 ty INSURANCE. Bonds of Suretyship. OFFlCE-Brct-atta. block Stock Ia'.aad. Ilia. par1 aerar. war rates: they will interest yotu J M. BUFORD, General . . . Insurance Agent The old Fire and Time-tried Companies h-pteeented. Losses Promptly Paid. a' aa low as any reliahie aomnany raa afford Yoar 1'atronacc la aolictted. BASES. THE UOLXNl!. STATE SAVINGS BAUK. Holine, ILL Ot&ca Cornet Fifteen tk rtreat and Third Aso,' CAPITAL $100,000.00. Saseecds tbe Molrne Sarin rp Lata, flu pnlapil isat s um vmm :& is mwi Organlacd nader Stc. Laws. Oca from t a. au to a aa.. and Wednesday aad . Saturday aighta frcaiTtodpm Paxmssmrti, - . rwidaat H. 4. Ata. ao.Tpt, . . TloP-rrraidaBt I. F. uaasswar, Caabtar aiatcroaa: Porter Skinner. W. W. Wells, C. A. Rose, H. A. Atnswurta. . H. aVtwarda. W. B. Adama, Andrew Fnbera; , c. F. Bamaaway. ItTram Dariiiis. Western, Id vest ments 0UARANTXKD REAL ESTATE LOANS t..- . '. n - t J-.,.- v.: ti suae for pnsata part lea la tSa aardaa By iboC of tbo -waat by tke Orchard State Bank of OttCUARB, VKBRABKA. a. W. Paa. Fiwldaaa. J. 8. Dab CBBhwr. .' UlYEXSCXd. Milckall Lynda, Baakara. . r. awouaaaa, caaajar awes: lauaa na lets a C. Carter, M. D. r Oaftls Snap. Wkalaaala Greets. Our Purpose In ii to ?t e7eryb3dj who Lnjs clothine-that'a all u tvt. i .i t . i . ... . . man kind her About know that that tha flnaal anas rlianau) I p--3-.rully Inrited to call and mo the latest in patkm9 and atylei, In fall and winter wdar. j. B. ZIMMER, Call ai d leare yonr order vtar 6Ln?ir Opprsmt Rarpkr Hoitsk; J. T. DIXON Meiichant Tailob And Dealer in Men's Fine Woolens. 1706 8econd Avenue. CONRAD SCHNEIDER DIAUSK W GROCERIES, PROVISIONS a Flour, Etc. rner.none 1098. 231 Twentieth stieet. Fifth Avenue Pharmacy. H0RST VOiN K0ECKRITZ, Analytic ail Iwiiis Piiaiiacisi Is roar located ia hit new Luildinir at the corner of F.fth tveuae and Tttentyahird street. C. J. IV. CCHREITJER, Contractor and Builder, 1W1 lis Fecnb avesoe., Reaidenca tU Fonrtb avenae. Flan, aad apeciocatioi,. fnraUhed on all elaaara of rork:also acent for Wiiler. Fatenlltaid, b'uuia aibida.somctliin, now. etylian and desirable bi.ibii ROCK ISLAND TU. 'JOHN KONOSK5T, Carpenter and Builder, OFFICE. XO: 2821 SIXTH AVENUE. 8hop qn Vine ?tree,r , . 7 . . JIOCK ISLAND. IL A. BLACKHALL, Kanufactnrcr of all kinds af BOOTS- AND 8BOE8 i Gent Fine Shoe, a Spec laity. Erpairtng doce neatly and prom,tly. A 'hare of Tour patronage respcctfoUy rolicltcd. E0B(.E KCHxF aiK. Proprietor. MOl Second Arena. Comer of Slnrastk 8trart. . Oppoalta Harper. Tbealre, The choicest Wine. Liouors. Free l-atieh Beer Ua CHAS. DaOItflVAGCLBP, FrapTHnoror of tbe Brady atreat ' aVd ktcda of Cat Flower, coaetaatlf oa hand. tarren Hnupea Oae Mock frost Central ptrk. tha lamtt lv t. F. tioSKSPI 8LD. ROSENFIELD BROS, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Steam Gas fitters. House Heatintf and Sanitary Plumbino;. Basement Rock Island Sat. Hank. G. Buosoir. M. J. P..KEt HUDSON & PARKER, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, 411 kinda of Carpentering promptly attended to. EatimataM fursisbed when desired. Shop cor First ard r4Tent6nth st. Rock Island DUUCiiri'G RU The taroack tnot acUoa rea at this Scko 4 Is periScd by aura tbaa HO dlternt B aslag their SlkdeaiSj 112 and f 14 Bast Second Sttvet, DAVENPORT, IOWA. T SEIYERS & CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS AU Eincls ot Carpenter Work Done. iiti Advertising our fill suitin rWatsia, arjfj a- 1618 Second Avenue, Koch Isltnd, 111! Beer and Cigars always on Him kaadwncha. FMlahrdoa SSort Natiaa. loam Flow or Store l Brady street, Dapann-rt. Ia. Toa Koatann.u BnVErjPORT ANDEFON. BOCB tSXAJiO 4