Newspaper Page Text
THE AUG!) a THURSDAY. DECEMHER 7, 1893. CITY CHAT. Pkj ynt water rent. rrt CiImrWprk. , V Berlin Record It--nr. . Ttf Whr medicated Hip SmmI Rmn i'" holiday T r. 1U our crockery at the Colon.. u7 ' tUrt row t!ed N" fyf Due at ImIic hall Saturday Lovetr bome-mnJ candica at Krcll . A Math'-. vi-i f,, A MMflii. Call and Pl' ilNplaf of 4r.d fruit. Dr. Jmr t'ix:il of Reynold, wan . fa the city t..!av. Andrew ptinaliNon of Rnrat, wan la the rit r ti!ny. For iloiN. anl fane? good go to W. TMji & k Don't fori't th da nee at Roctte'a kail Saturday nl;;ht. Ify.mirr lut n Record flour, you will hav n other. ftMiafor W. F. of Tar lor KM?'. wan in town today. This Amu' nt lo cant, per wwk Come within the reach of rn''i fr dried fruit, where a larp' aorlnient ran l fonnd. iio to W. Trrfi A C. ami pt a ticket on th" three lovely ilolla. I.lord A Stewart received another legant new lot of fnrs thU morning pork. tnlrrloins leaf lartl. pig feot anil trimming at tlilmorc'd pork houe. Tut Intl. Amu down t lOrrM per week. Tlt trailing lailj of tbr triCttie. Herman Eckrrmnn kno arrrpffn! tMinitlon ia Wright Greenwalt ahoo t'rr. Mi I lone Curti ha returned from a pleaant .ait to friend at Pt. JlHt. Mo. Mr. Gen. Hoffman I nMc to t about, after a aevtro a.week. "leg with ton grtp. The ntnj of water at the Rook Inland lrile at noon was 6.6 ), the tempera turn - ' L'ovd A Stewart ha dome choice rape. jilt received, which arc going at inittotn prices. Count Clerk Kohter U Ivlng nick at lii home in Moliiie, with aa at tack of tb gripi"). The Ltvington hand give an en tertainment at Wiggcr'a hall. Daren- port, Suturuaj evening. Talk alHut line rhocnlateo. Krell A Hath hnntlle onlr lUnm that took premium at the Worlil' fair. Tiik Akji eitlerition lit 1 growing tUiljr it 1 the het adver S tixinff medium in the three citic. Ak tour rteighlKrr if he read Titr. Anot . If he ttiM'A not. tell him what he U Uing at ! rent per week. City r.nfflneer W". A. Harlinj ha moved hi olllce to that f.rnierlT oc cupied by Weld A Morse. Ilufonl block. There I joy In the home of Mr. and Mr. Peter lleverling. and all over inn arrirai oi a new uaruer in iiieir home. Don't fall to tee the hnrgain on the & and to-rent counter at the Eaatern fair, Sl)7 and 2U)tf Fourth atanne. CJeorge Frnnkland. formerly of Credit llnml. ami well known in the trUcitie. died in (Tlm-lnnati Tuemlay morning. Three lore! dotl to le river away l W. Tref A Co. A ticket irlven every purchaser of fIV worth or pNNiN. Fifty more new aulcrihera were alded to Tiik Attain enlrription liMta yi.Hterdny. Ten cent a week catche them an. Why do your own baking, when Von can bur nnch lovelv rake at Krell A MatiiV. ami at price thai will nurprie you Walker Whiteside appear at liar per' theatre next Monday night in Othello. and a tliornng'kly artitie performance I ainred. Very latest. Seo onr very narrow nnare-tiNt welt ithoe. ptit.'nt tin. at (3. Tha band.omet shoe for the , prlc ever offered. The Ilotnn. A. Allardtee of Chicago, will he in the eity next week. All par lien wib- lnr piano tnneii leave order at Woodvatt . 1717 Seeondaveaue. John Welghte. of lllark !!4k towaahip. I.ronght in the flmt wolf aealp n(. the eea.on yeteMav. it waa that of fnll-gmwa wolf, and Nr. Welglo was awarded with tbe oai v. In a WriMnz f,r Tiik lAii.r A. or at 10 rent per week, tow are get ting more for yowr money than In t iit lainimpiii you can make. Travel over the Rock Inland veterdav n. i, - " - mi root - orth. M; aonth. 6C4; total. 1J11. .i.inj-.iufin. woo; ouin, 644; total. William Srhmicl and Mr. Mary E. firinncll. of South Height, were married at the residence et Super- Urta!M! Iv Iter. V. W. Morrell at lat evening. Special offering of ladies' all anlid itongola shot s, oiiera and rniiare too. Patent tip, which we shall aell at f 1.61; equal to anr t2 ahoe in the rhr. The Itoaton. If yon want to Hre a mrtr. and wish In serve the daintiest refresh. ment. ami have rvcrrthing nice. e sure and have Krell A Math supplv everything for you. " For tl.ftt) we guarantee to save von ST cent a mir on misses' line on- goia square-heel. enare-too patent tip shiH : worth '.. Theso are new good and styles. The Ito-ton. Mr. and Mrs. AUtert Owen desire to express their gratitude to friends and neighbors for kindness and svm- pathy in their late lN-reavemei.t. and to the former teachers and school mate of their son. for iK'atitiful floral tribute. Tho finance committee of tbe lNnrd of ncrlor of llm k Island county, romHsed of Supervisors Wilson. Twnoonmaker, i'ralle. llritton and I'eterson. met this afternoon for the purpose of auditing the books of tho count v ollicers There are to lie two eclipses of the sun and two of I lie moon in IM!U. but none of thi tn w ill In- isible hen, un less we may exNct the merest begin ning oi a partial eclipse of the moon. whieb will commence just as the lat ter sinks In-low the horizon in the morning. John lioodc, f Writnn Junction. Iowa, son of Samuel (loodc. i.fc An dalusia, is in UiM-k Island, and will probably liecomc a buyer on Market . I ii a re. in whiidi event he will move his family here, lie has a life of ex-in-ricncr in grain, stock and produce lu:ness. anil be aks his friends throughout the county to give him a trial, and he assures them lie w ill do well by them. Mr.'s head quarters will le at the city scale building. A GOLDEN SHOWER. ' Awarded Highest Ilonora At tft World's Fair. DEI. . v . - 1 CCmIiCaD ltt nsracr made -CrrCmmm m linM PawAsi. Put The tlrovrrrr ef tU Itlff Ilnra Mine Leaves a Fortune tn a Mine maker. r.itri. k Hyanof this town, a shoemai rr, single. year of oje. ltas received notice of tlie dettth of hi brother in Chi rawt. l'v l:U death he U the only iieir. It was early in 1MU that James Ityun, tbn a r a:is m.m. left Milford in com pany vrith IUclutrd Qninlun naJ with btuidri'dM of other xreitt to the golden gnto to ntlt tle-ir fortune iu the golJ fieMs of California. They retiKiiue.l there forsereral years, lint tho miue they wirkel in. nlthonh rich in err, was far from healthy aft 1 was arti(jr.larly ld for the eyes, ro nmrh so that yonuc Ilyan's eyes wero afTectd nnd he w ns forced to conic east to have tiicm attended to, fur ho was 1.1 ukt blind. Vouurf liyan recovere:! his siglit after a few years, but the cast was rr.ther tame for him, r.ud uzsiu :n vent west. Hi secund trip was to Colonwio. The sliver fever bnd jrwt broken out, and Leudvilio xms not known. Itenver w;in a town of few houses xrhi-n James livaii arrived tliem with a companion. TIk-j-wt not l;njr pMHis-ftin before they stmek a mine that pnvl a great find. They S..M U for Ci.nh. This was tho first bi money tiiat Hrnn ever made, althonsh it wo but n small ntnnnnt ns cirtir,irt'l with kit lie afterward luaile in tlie miniuic worl.L Ho reuiuine-.l int a short timo ia I)en r, when, in coniny with hiJ partner, ihey went to t'tiili, wiiere thr-y prosjiect ed for nearly n year, but were only snc crssfnl in p ttiuz small I'm Is. They were all aliont to bid UUili pnxliiy wIh-u they stmek trace of nilver. tho oro proving the finest tle-y cvr nu t with. Tim s a:n vn fo!liweI nnd proved lietter tliaa tliey ert-r dreametl they would sec Tiiis vro;i l;o:li T tiinn tlm TUiff Horn ailvor luluo that tliey cold for f t.tNfti.Mia. The money waa equally divided W tween the partners. The money market always bad a ehnnu fur Ityun, nnd lie loot a (Treat dcul ainon-? the Imlls and brain in ChicnS'.. More than ouco ho was tii,litlyf)Oeeteil by old man Ilntch iusou. Who was tn his prime in Hume days. lint the hidden treasure beyond the Reckhnt had charms clso for him tliat he rmld not ovvrosni', and after losing what to many a iivn vould lie called a (Pm1 sixed fi rtnno he r !nrnl to Ins old love of aJveutnre and priMTting. Aautn be rove! aucn-esful and Im canto tlie owner of several mineatitut brottght him immense wealth. Mr. Krnn does not know tho esa-t atuoant of lus IrrotlnT's wealth, nor will be for a few days to come. Mr. Percy Hhva of Ik-nver is to buve charge of set tling np the estate. Milford Cor. Ltsv ton Globe. Advertise tMt ffm. 49. LM scrvil fnr t the pott.aV at IWi Ulaae, iu wc . tm: Imm.II Otemry Mr A Atmin, brist ii? r. k B .sr klr - A llrT. nr. E A SJJIr. rW rtxrrr.SK waa. n as r-r-li n tm-aa', Hf0 X Yr e Kr 4 a H a. Tl as ft.- in.. Tr Um Ir ma. aef r".UBd. rrank I'MriuJal as r. r-H Cola , M efr a tr, t r V-eelsMl. T eearl . II IN I lusm'l W a -. r arlMMi. Nr Xan bnrtM KutC Car tao, mm wiar.Aiira wt. LAST nrs. Tal aisaun aWlver. Icllcia aaaM at a-lr-tleHrl as1 aaaibcr. A FREAK OF NATURE" It Is a Calf With Twa Reads aad 81a Feet, a-Ml Alles-haar Has It. AHetrbany bas a momtroaity. It ia in theshnjicof a newly born calf. It is a freai of nature that the tnuscnm man xvonld be after it this morning if it were till alive. Dot the calf is dead. It died shortly nfUr it was Txmtl. The calf had two perfectly well developed heads, six leys and two tails, and is a curiosity that attracted all Alleghany that knew about it yesterday afternoon. Tho calf's mother was tbe property of Herman Jacob, a dairyman, residing at 277 Madison avenue, Alleghany. Ho was obliged to kill the cow before the calf was bom. After the calf died Mr. Jacob decided tc stall tbe bide and keep it as a curiosity. So far as tlie heads and front part of tlie monstrosity are concerned, tho calf is shaped and proportioned normally, bnt at the fhonldcra tho "double calf" is merged into one, with a perfectly formed bind port, with the exception of the two well furuicd biils of eqnul size and pro portion. Within tho calf there were found to lw two htoiuachs, one set of bowels and one i:r of lungs. Pitta bars Dispatch. Zola as Tr'roaee awl (nn-. While in London M. Zola was inter viewed by tho correspondent of the Co logne Oaxette on tho relations ltetween France and Oenuany. M. Zola said: "Though I am not exactly a politician I can assure yon of one thins, and that is that no one in France desires, war. In no circumstances s'unll wo take tho offensive, but if we are attacked, well and good. 1 do not wish to deny the ex istence of the i.lca of revenge, but there U a great difference between cherishing an idea and mtting it into practice, Yoa cannot give me the name of a French statesman of the present day who is cacr for war. We lwve no mil itary larry nud iio general, who can claim the right to cover hiuiHclf with tlie laurels of war. We have 1econie more democratic, bivrijvr and more s-4ceuble in our views. Hie condition, however. iu wuich Fmnce Iivis is, I coufta, any thing bnt cn ideal uuv.n rtsliwse Iliinars t ar a lttatMta. Cibhop Aiimt, th" head of the (ierm.m Roman CVtiiolic i.ii:i.n in South Shan tung, has b'n liotioretl by the emperor or thiiia Tt-jtli the liht Mao button (third cIiikv). .Tids distinction hns been conferral uion him in cousiileration of iiU merit ;irn -us s.rvi-es iu preserviug concord ts-tweeii native Curit :aa and non-C'hrisTuius. With the exception of the old Jesuit minsioiuries this houor has lsi-n con ferred, s far ns i.s known, ou only two other missionaries namely, tho hito bbliopof Peking. Mxr. Tayliabuo. and Pert! Favicr. who received this decora tion ftr their services ir. counectioa with the tranfc r of tl Id Pi itJitig cathedral at iVkins. North China News, Fired by Sua ud Water, Investigation jirovi-s that tllo recent firo in tho trirln' houio at 11-ii'iteail, UusUuid, was cau.-n-l by the suit, whose ray were so strongly f-used by a wa ter but ila on on iudia rubluT mackintosh tutoiuitcllic jrarnit.'Dt. Loudon Truth. Since the conrjuest there have beea SI wars between England and France. In the las t war. between ltHKI au.l 181i. it is estimated the total dehtrnctiou of hu auiu life amounted to l.-'OO.iM). Jntelhgence Column. URtOt IN NEED? k if vor Wnt inoiMr Wsnt a rk Want trantrn. Wan: a :tmT Wnt a sMiui'lon want t fent nnm oi a iwrvart cH Waul to pall a farm Want In Mil a btMi-r XVnt In rxehsnpr nMI'llur Want Ir wU Ivnis. hold rnnt W ant mwu.iif mms iww Wan lo -ll ,.r iraair ffr et.rihtnc Wsnt lo n.d custoatrr tir aiirthtaK t XK TI1KE CXILI VN'. TIHK HAlI T AI(Ot PKI.IVEKKU AT TOO r-wvTj wwai h it i. prr ireea. rl-t AI.K- W.i ion piiTJI tToVKS AM a h ft cotl Iu r, cntrl i rw. Apeli at lb-cc ttLArr:i-A ;i. Kow r.KNEKAi. iiiti'.r. jv k; a u-l Leaps! caus. Apfj ml Hit) FOU sMtT-Te PWKU.IMI I.ATF.I T tKT. cuin; mt Sr., Kn ll. r irtTlhinl aerucad bii a-rraia firrru It iti:n-of ) W. Sla-wart. -IIONKT T. I4IAN OX faITriTw'IrT 'I Be. wtrl. .:ti ,ck1., )., .y and all aniuv oi TBiaa. ).. .one, tt,tid c- aar. i nnn 'A"-, intekbt HI WV nm 34 wlre Imisw.s. Ir fork I -I-Ml; ur, tf ,cr jcar oa lac lt e-t- mm 1 1 - a i-iiaontc'. A us a sno n AA go OS A A fi K N O OH II P II e II A A R K w fft Aa II A A M ST M ft fli ansa ii aaa ti a k o o a II A AM N a l OS H ll a A M km uoo ass New Scale Kimball, Hallet & Davis. And Emerson. Mall Organs. Iostra cents sold on easy time pa j menu. 'Violins and arcor3 oa at half price. At BOWLBVS, 48I6 Stcond At. A Bis roaNl Ctrl. A collector of rarities at Keokuk, la- is tbe owner of an insole made for the) hoes of the young Rainbow (Mo.) giant ess. At the time these shoes were made in the spring of 1801 the girl was only 17 years old, but even then she had a foot that would make "Big Foot Janu ary of Ohio envious. The insole is 15$ inches long and 5 broad. fit Louis Rt pnVao. ii mi icons Baths of all kinds, including Turkish, plain, shampoo, elec tric, electro-thermal, etc., may bo obtained at the Sanitarium Bath Koonis. on tho first floor of the Harper House. ROOMS OPEN. For Ladies From 9 a. m. to 12 m. on week days. For Jen tlenien From 6 a.m. to 7:30 a. m., and from 2 p. m. to 9 p. ni. on week days. On Sundays the rooms will tie open from 6 a. m. to 11 a. m. for Gentlemen only. Klectric and Klvotro-thermal baths may bo obtained at any time during business hours. Urninasiuni connected with bath rooms. TRY waM s Iledicatea Soss THE ONLY SKIN CL UE AM riealinc Soap. Sm M M M M J SI M M M M M M MM M M at at MM M ono o o o o o ooo MR KX N K H H N M a. w Ha a T T i It RRRR K R R K !!lf ii r a II HRBR II K II R II R R K U B K XKKTi nRRR bud. 1 livr n 5 S iTn n S C 5 ! o K o - PB a a O 8 MM t af: FECIAL. Dress Goods. DAVID DON, -MALM I- .SSS-TTTT OO V 2 T O a V ' S.SS T a V V KR RSSS8 T OO V ;EKSSSS,, hi Barpt 10:) silk head rests for 25 cents. reach new figures, new designs. 10 pieces silk velvet for 19c. per yard worth 50c. 10 pieces 50-inch broadcloth $1.12 l-2c per yard former price $1.50 per yard. Also Id lines of dress goods at a 25 per cent reduction. Blankets. Onr prices are ,, and it feels like sn.,w. :,.! ,.,,,' days w ill com,.. ,;,.t y arc showing li(.sf ,.,., goods that will do y..., , Elegant line of l.:!..,!!.. r, 1,;, f just received. T85uTra.lo is brUk. Cloaks. c arc selling , !:lKs and w e are making prices. ,iu,. and see. Riverside Oaks, Riverside Ranges Riversido Cooking Stoves, (iarland Hani Coal Stoves. Tbe best asor:m:nt or Stove in the city. tUs ll7Maeaa4 At. MCINTIRE BROS. 1709 and 1709J Second avenue. Spot Cash. We Undersell everybody on everything. Come and see. The Columbia 1728 Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND. Always hungry for more trade. No trouble to show goods. vcli& cum act U. We want to get acquainted n ith ym. Finest Stock of Toys. Special Crockery Sale. 100 pieces dinner set. Iiest Stafford senil preelain decorations worth $13, nt $7.50. l'N pieces lct'hina dinner set at fr..7., cheap at f2fi. llinner set awarded highest honors at World's fair. Homer Losighcr's celebrated ware at $9.6'.). . Turkey platters 15c. Turkey platters 2Sc. Turkey platters S."c. Turkey platters (extra large), 75c. 5-inch decorated piates.Mic. C-inch decorated plates Coc. 7-inch decorated plates 75c. - Hand tea cups and tanccrs Sl)e. 5- inch white granite plates, or set 25c. 6- inch white granite alaiiiK. jkt sot, Silc. 7- inch white granite plates, per f-et, S5. Household Furnishings. 5- inch stove pipe 12c. 6- inch elbows c. 12-jnart galvanized jnils VM: Nit. 1 galvanized tubs 41c. Hat and cent rack 7c. t 'oat rack (wire) 5c. No, 8 wash boiler HSc. -Fancy Hall Lamps $1.69. Far lor stand lamps at bankrupt prices. Having purchased 32 barrels of stand lamps at bankrupt prices, I am able to save ;t. per cent in that line. Large Stock of Dolls. Large Assortment of Toys. 1 Gents' Underwear. Men's natural shirts and drawers, heavv. Sic. Men's heavy rihliod shirts and drawers ' at CM; worth"!. 25. Men's line all-wool shirts and drawers at $1.5'). compare with any (2.50 garment in the three cities. Plush Goods. Stock never so large and never so low. Work Uoxes, llic and np. Collar and cuff boxes. 87c anil np. Hamlkerchief boxes, 37c and up. Manicure sets. 78c and up. Toilet sets, C)e aud up. Shaving sets, lSc and up. Smoking sets, 7Sc and up. Positively, rock-bottoiu prices. Japanese cut baskets, 2c. Dell cabs. 25c and up. Children's dolls anl caps. 25c each. Itosc bowls ami baskets, l'Jc and up. Kitchen Necessities. lloasting pan, large enough for a 20 jmuiikI turkey, 7(c. Patent Hour sifter 12c. Pudding pan ic up. Tea strainers 2c. Cravy strainers 3c. Nutmeg graters lc. Coffee boilers 15c. Te;l kettles, copHT bottom, 45c. . Underwear. Ladies balbriggan ribbed union suits heavy weight, and ladies' heavy natural wove shirts and pants, 75 cents. Ladies tine ribbed wool shirts and pants. I will guarantee can't be touched l,v anv dealer in the three cities for the pria-e. v. Call and see them. Xmas Cards. The finest ever shown. Gloves and Mittens. Ladies wool mitts 12e. Child's 4c. P.oy'6 leather faced wool mitts 25c. Gent's lined gloves 45c. tient's Angoria gloves 30c to 75c. Ladies Mocha kid gloves, flna-st mail.', tl.35. 5-hook Foster lacing, real kid '.. Men's buck driving 'gloves, unlined. Tie to 9Sc. Chenelle Porticrs. A large and handsome line at t:.l." to f 1.5S a pair. Chenelle stan l cover 7S dado friii Lace Curtains At cost to close out the stock only a few pair left. Iron toy wagons 78c and up. We l ad in low prices in this line. Choicest Stock of Dolls. F. G. YOUNG, Proprietor. SlTItriUSINC KAKCA1XS IN JMEX'S AND HOYS' SUITS and 0 VERCOA TS. AT THE DEPENDABLE ONE PRICE. No matter hat Prices others quote, we always do better. All Goods marked in Plain and the Fairest Figures. Ow.inj; to the depression in the Money market, wc have had some unusual opportunities of making pur chases which, with Spot Cash, we were prompt in taking advantage of and are now jnaking busi ness "hum" with the irresistible force of the MANY BARGAINS we are offering. QUALITY MKN'S ik MUX'S KCITS WE CAN ! MKX'S PANTS SKLLINU KXt KI.I KM OVEKCOATS the 3 98 75c LXPKKW V..WI v 2 88 BEST 6 53 WE WILL ! ! 90c 1 AT 3'J. 2 9 w . . - 7 5D i 00 i'Jc DUBABI1ITY 3 75 OOI ; . ' 10 00 WE AEE ! ! ! 125 TRICKS 75.- 3 9S ENOUGH' . 12-ftO -. GIVING Upwards. is. r 4 65 THEN 15 00 the KNEE PANTS. TO PLUSH 6 5!) M. &K CIIILDKEN'S HIGGKST 13c CVPS FIRST 7 50 is . , v , , bLITS. VALUE lc RUSH 75c 85,1 T,,e r .. j; v7?0- - rR 22c THEM t 0; ASD K8 PLACE - 98c YOUR S5c FROM 125 12 00 WW 1 38 .MONEY. 5Jc OUR 1 50 GREATEST 15 00 YOUR ' 1 68 TABLES IMPORTANCE. 16 60 TRADING JJW ' IMMENSE BARGAINS IN SHOES. Nothing e can say is as convincing as the goods and prices themselves. We therefore request an opportunity of an honest test to prove the sincerity of every claim. .;: , JML- . ' & US.. I . Largest Shoe and Clothing Stores in Rock Island County. EtoilSC4 8coadTtt. niAt.aT p-, ?tnrav1 Amm L lift irt Tl'-lit) th fft J,aaTi m any other aaw z C2i narrxra Jen w tnsrtaa. artaiTasar,