Newspaper Page Text
'1. . ISLAND' ARGUS. ROCK vol xtn BOCK ISLAND. ILL., F&IDAY, DEC2HB211 8, 1833. VERY LATEST STOI.'M SWEPT. ly Winds. t C'iti n Awarded Heavy ! From a Road. j lir Akron Coal Company's Works 1 )cstroycd. Tin' Prvvdent Approves of a Number of Measures. .'iMv !. H. The west roast ,f rn.'land ''"f swept thin m..uin.-. The damage to shipping i I ir.'". amf hfavv.Iiid f life is re- P.rt l.u. in IbniMin wore tv-ii! ilaMi:rf by the gale. Kerelsr tfserellve Aaas-tlnoj T niiir. l"c. The presS-,1,-it approved the joint rosoln ti..ti ivin'erring diplomas iirmn de .i.ii.T-. liventore. expert artisans, t .. : the j'int resolution provid. in.- f"r i he payment of salaries and m,.im' xf additional collectors of interna! revenue, ami the hill to exe diti' tlir Chinese exclusion net. Mac In t'oacrra.. U inv;n. I. C. Ihv. K. In Hi. Imii' tlay Representative Kil-;,.-(. ! T'a. offered a resolution to i.imit t'tuh into the I'tiion. lint the lii', voteil iliiwn. TallKitt. of .irti urn'iina. ffered a hill railing n tin' way nriil means committee ;. r ill.- taritT hill. I4rlir Marer-sor. I'llll W M'illA. Dec. H. Koltcrt A !:ini was nominated by the re pub i;i .m here today to snrcecd the Con. -ni;in O'Neill. The nomination i-i ii;:ilrnt to an election. Awarded Ills Isansage. Jiti.irr. Hi.. iKc. Snnitiel Itar n"'.:. formerly of Hraidwood, was .uMri tu.iHH in a jnry venire r t xt.iy against the C ft A. road fur railroad injuries. laimea f'awl tHal Defrayed. tV.iKrii. O., Ih-e. 8. The ,Urin t 'nal riniany's work here tp burned this morning. Two H'iii.r-. men are thus thrown ont of rniili- ntent. W III Saw Jta. Mark. I'rrn. t Mich.. I 9 Jam Me- ' r. superintendent of the Miruigae limulitr Car work. m;i tbul liL con i.ri l.n nrrurvil a contract to hutU ' in I. r tk Chicago and Xnrthwesteii. t'.I . I This will enable the work. 'i!.ii imvc ia Mia fur some time, to kiwI give cmnloyBtent to Cuu men l. uinBtA or mnra. Ikar.lna ImM la llaaalala. tV A-iiis.,Tii. Xtc. V Mioitrr TUora-t-1.. : a rnuta for Honolulu. Ik-fur tear. In, h ...l.-il na !rCTl.ir7 'fTl. H sHnt on: of the country anil goes "' i 1 1. r Mitfit ration of rtrt'tr tireah .. t tit uue of hi own acrnnl la onler to aie ii I c.iii.uii h a rPTarnta, ttatrl riraat Prmri. HU-.I-e. .-Th Wallinctoa A' t i, a brick bniluins. wa partially ! ly Cra. Tat eonln wra wild cicttftuetit ami one of tbem. Albert .f irtnf Minnew'.a. Jnmpeil from a t:.iri:-t.,r winilnw, aerinnnlr tojnrtujt ;:. Tb Crvtuen prTntJ other f ... n:nf ao anit all wtra reacutit in "O m- tmhlrni la tall A a gat! a. A' '.-t.v ... iKt. 9. Vica J'rriiileot .ti . iiit, a0lj jjm. tjtrvanoo. Senator -.rn anil 1'itlmer. lleprearritWe . r i i. ;r .iii.l ItUL'k.of IllianU. and Illack. ''t t . tlx will iait I ha Auirwvta rxpo- ' : Lett hL Tl.. will Ivare oa !. 4iia niuj WcJoeaJa andThura- j t ti e rkNrUioa. mSSi PUREST m DEST AT LESS TH AM- HALF- WAS A SOFT 3IARK. A Bank Thai Was Left Unguard. ed at Midday. ABOUT 218,000 TAKE BY S0BBE23, Wee. M Uastlah-A M Mlaaa aal 'a4a4 A.x. nZtll J "0,2ber,, lndi,,M'- ta. been routed of cr t:iio ti.. mj - mm.Utd in broai Uyligbt while hnn UrM. of people wera on the atreet, and the roWra .nce,led in Retting away with their, neb booty without lraTin? the alt.flilawf .1... aa .......... c im.( tienjamin How wr I once Informed, anil ,!. . m . work Immediately, but ao far cocloeof rrlisaca baa ban r- train or other meant of Iraving the city ia c-trrfully walcbed. and the onion bope to obtain aoma tanuible tin. r-i.:-. Hot beneee, there wcreo le than fenr aen In the gmiz, ami more. ha t'a.blvr I'lrk. t p a CUIm-I. Caihirr Mvrin Camnbell n.n,in..l the bank, which la in tb beartof ih ciry. until all the emnloroa -- It tbrn, a. ha aunnowd. lirl.-l door of tbc bin tault and left everything In the itMia! ahape Bt the noon recess. It wa Gfieeu ininutea after 18 o'clock when i J lelt. At ten minutes or one be returned, -itoring by the front street dam. it. paaed down the corridor alongside tha rnihiar'a, colUcmra' and other desks and turned to bla left to enter the door open ing hack of thia line of contlnnous desks. As be was about to entrr the door his foot track a chl-ask He picked it up, but ti.ou'ht notinj of the matter as the plumber hml bren in the huildins and bud rtawjied br n h t,,nn,i i- .. . i i bo tbinkinff they had dropped It. au:ivmy "KaaelU a 9Hrm.- Ten minntfa lntr raui.i..M Ilrown cnllt-d his attention to the chiseL Mr. ltrown'a ail.nlrintitt wm . - such an extent that an investigation was tmuirdintcly iiiMtituteil and the men found a rear winuow open, itie linck Uoor un locked ami the door lietween the Oirertors' room and tue coimtinu room mutilated. A ruih vrn. rhpn iimi, f,.r tit wmtt Th. door was as Mr. Campbell left if. They swuuk It bni-k and examined the sate wilbin. A el:mce nhowecl ihnt uiotiev liml been taken, but thev could not frit hnw much. rl 1 1 p tmlim. n.m at finm tin. ; ft ...I and durina the afternoon hnsinest went ou aooiit as usual. o particular ellorr wm made to determiue the exact amount BU Ilia ua) a nal:ince were nirde up. Aad the Itoadte Was SJ 13,000. And then it was develniied that the robbers had secured l.V.rj Tiiere is little doubt but the bank bas been watched for several days, perhaps weeks. If im Lu.Im1 .in Vnptk fir..i.... .f hu.r and has an Immense puts front. ine casnter is iocat?u ies man ten I rot f..n. Ik. Imai h.l 1,1. 1...! - ...1 currency are always in plain sight; from to the directors' room and all over the countinc room, tba vault doors being in plain view. -At the doors aud windows are heavy curtains, bnt these were op at TTSacas. ajr roouery anu every portion in the lanre-eiuniin8 room was fully ex- in., il Mrifh a tlffMlli nf tiiVitile enntiliuaf. ly passing ou either side of the street. MODUS OPERANDI OF THE JOB. atmwa Ta.t ttaaaa Mhasiltl t Ila Left I'agaataVd Tkesc Time. North of the bank and surronnded on three sides by a Rood sized ya-.d is the first National bunk. Two' steps lead np to a wide portico in front of the latter hank and f rum it across Co the north wall of the fir X unmet! bMtikhtiildiugtsan iron fence. As soon as Cashier Campbell was on, of sicht the robbers walked np on the First National's portico, stepped on the feme. Jumped down into the snow, and m-Kle a atraiulit line lor tee rearoi tue bank, latck of which ia a high board fonce. A window was then pried uicn. civina ad mission to tbc directors' room. '1 lie wood aud glass door lietween tuisand the count inu was pried oen and a raid begun an the vault. As stated. Cadiier Campbell thouslit be lacked this, it is now pretty certain that in turning tbe combiuation knob of the middle duor tbe oue depended on at the i,in hour-he did nt turn it far enough to settler tbe tumblers. Hy mere ebance tbe rohl-ers hnpreurd to turn ibis tbe m in.locU the door. This dons. the unlocked eafewas before them. Tbe raid was well punned as is snown oy tue fact that the nibtnrrs touched no money that wouiu oe ai upm "r w" the safe was a counter tray containiufr about V.'- Jot lhl Wl" t jucheiL They connneu tnemseiTea i iui Mfe, which contained in the neighborhood of lii.C. U.lJU beiiur gold. Ot the sold only M.WW was taken. The nat of tbe 13,W stolen was iu paper i 1 fin fk. r ..) tr'. mooev nou. m - ssk was quite a sum in change, but noth ing was touched. Tbc robbers then close! the vault door to itllay suspicion and left bv tbe buck door, which tbey unlocked, leaving tbe rear of tbe building as they Usa Bliproatun. ... . , objecttbatappe." to have been Usei I im made oi ateei, nralrr tour days ago. There is every rem- ... .1 t .Lewaataa tMt-aaaa t Kaft two to btnev tu. iuo i-'i workofpMe-sioiial. ..... . Assistant vaauier - " tat National nan. re , ,h. utter bank. Windows in the borne rive a full view of the window tbrougn bTcb the entrance was pwiued to th. rbedbank. About th. lKmrc4tk rob r ii kin, nnt t nti release do rnTb.ttentioU wW. --bben . wor. rdrcting ewtrancv. umv roenra. ". . . .k.iw .hat some oue r.r-sTlro-.hutu.rUr. PHIC3 DOOMED MEN BAPTIZED. Fits of) TD A BlaL. lJCCa SSrs. - VTTL, boilt for Comto OabanAwa, at Daavitle. Ilia.. Preroas Their Kelifiaas Cewvertioa. Saktillb. Dec. 6. Harvey IVtte and Frank Stiers, sentenced to be hang for the murder of Henry J. Helmick, made a public profession of their religions con vorsiou by being baptized. The ceremony was performed in the woman's room on tbe second Boor of tbe Jail by Rev. S. W. Whitlock of Kimber Methodist church, and Rev. Parker Shields of Grant Street chapel. Harvey Tate's fr.tber, Stiers mother, and a few Immediate relatives were present. As soon as the ministers and relatives left carpenters appeared at tbe jail with tbe scaffold, which they pro ceeded to erect in tbe nrisout-rV A ininir room. It was placed in Position and tha eons satisfactorily tested by a sack of sand. every liart of tbe machine nrorked to perfection. I'ate and Stiers are confined in the crazy room in the second floor of tbe jail, not twenty feet from tha ml. fold. During the two hours that it took to erer; the HcaiTold the condemned tnea kept tune to tbe blows of the hammers hy siokiur tbe airs of old Myle religious hymns and sentimental ballads. As tbe room is small t here will be vrrv few vis itor at the execution. COLUMBIAN MUSEUM." Work of Installing the Kshlbiuia Ike t'iaa Arts llolbting. Ciiicaoo, Dec. 8 Over ciOuO.000 worth of World's fair cxV.inits have been do nated to tiie Coin ti. hi;, n mnsenin. and tbe work of instuiling them in their tempor ary abiding place iu the art gallery of the Fine Arts building at Jackson park has been commenced. Additional douations of exhibits of an intcreslinc character have been tnnde bv Great li:it.iin, Gt rmatv. Japan and the Donegal enc tie people. The forestry ex hibit of Illinois in t ho Mate Imililincr lm also been given to the museum. Airent of tbe muaeum have iiurchaaed tW).iH)0 worth ot furniture trom the exposition company for use in the museum. The Lake !Minre Railroad con.nsnv has do- nateil 6,000 l nres of exposition slock to themuseun:. Other enmributors were J. K. Arnisl.y, J. 1,. Mt-Keever. M. Horn & Co., ai d Kciirzette Williams. The stock contributed up iu the present time is val- ueu at e7l.7J I. ltrpublic.a Alviso,y Coutmittaa. W.ii;m;ton, Dec. 8. Seaator Sherman as chnirman of the senate Republican cau cus bus announced the membership of the Republican advisory committee of tbe senate which is to cunsUt of Senators Allison, Hale. Aliirich, Cuilora, Dolph, Al:iulerbn, nshburn. Ouav and Dubois. Tne dut ies of the committee are indicated by us tin me. They are to he of tbe same nature as tbe duties of tbe Democratic steering committee, though the Republic an members oLi.i-t to thut, ilesiguation. ltia understoou thut the Republican of the senate are preparing for an aggressive tight iu tbe senate and that tbe appoint ment ot this committee ia the tirsl step towards organization for it. Iftsfaalter Axworthy Head. Cleveland, Dec. &- Thomas Axworthy, tbe defaulting treasurer of this citv, died Hamilton. Out., of Dright'a diaease. Ax worthy left Cleveland iu September, goiug from here to .cw York, as be said, to pay the interest on city ItomK He carried with him a sactielful of money. Vben be failed to return it was discovered tuat be was a defaulter in tbe sum of over Ms'.). He was traced to England, and in lindou the attorneys of nis nonasmen torceu mm to a sclllemeut. by tbe terms of which all his pcrsoual Toi?rty and real otate in this city was turned over. He then returned to Can ada, where be hns since resided. Ttw Crvstal sudga Miaa l ira. HA7.F.LTOS. I'a., Dec b. The fire in the Crystal Ridge mice is now raging furious ly. The timbers have nearly all been de stroyed and tbe slope has closed for a con siderable distance. General Manager Frank l'ardee, Adam Most and Foreman Mnnfort were seriously burned while making an examination of the interior. These three men were slanding over a burning mass of coal when a large quant ity ot water was turned on and tnev were 1 burued and scalded severely. The colliery will be destroyed if tbe coal crumble too much on the slope. IXroke tba Skull of Lunatic. PAKKF.Ksnt ua, V. Va.. Dec, 8. A stranger wakened Roger Scffeu, a farmer near here, at S o'clock in tbe morning, ou the pretext that be was" seeking his mother. SclTeu refused him admittance. Tbe stranger waited outside five hours ud finally broke iu tbe door and entered. JSeffen broke his skull with a blow from tbe gun. He died from his injur ies. His name as be gave il is William A loo to Jones of San Francisco. He was evidently a lunatic, but Mr. cteffen sup posed he was a roblier. Peaceable Negro Lynched. LtTTLE Rock. D. a News is received hereof t'je lynching ot Henry Freem-ood, colored, by a mob of white men near Cherry Valley, Cress county. Sunday morning. Tbe victim was a peaceable negro whom no charge of lawlessness bad ever been preferred. Daring the excitement the leader lost his mask aud be was rec ognised by Greenwood's wife. Dob Wil son was tbc man. He was arrested andre fused ImLC - Haw H. Will Banish Poverty. .New Yowl, D.-c 8. At the session of thia general executive board, K. ot Iu., General Master Workman Sovereign made a speech in wbicb he said that tbe order would bring tbe producer in reach of tbe consumer .elect all public o Slice rs, take away tbe veto power, establish the "initiative and referendum.'' and "thus give to tbe world an industrial system menaced by uo cramp at one end and princely dude at the other." AatatlMsr Aeansalnatieo. Birmingham, Ahv, Dec. Whitt Fort en berry was assassinated at Centre, Chero kee county, Gilbert C. Prickett ta accused of tbe crime. Forteu berry hud driven him. from a bouse at Gadsden, aad be swore vengeance. Tbe dead body ot Chrtsuaa Hartwicx. a anttdtaiMClrtage. wa found hangia, to a hook to aw cdosat of his room m here It ELECT1UC FLASHES Case Involving a Matter of Por trait Printing. OBJECTS TO A EAIB RESTORER'S "AD" Baeense aa Allegei Tory Counterfeit Pew , acatmaat of Bar Faoe Vf as Cssd Tkere. te Generous Actios at Mrs. George Goald ;Disktkerta la a Paetaeaater'e Vanity Easbartwseea the Mall Delivery aalag . Saloaakeapar far Damages. Chicago, Dec. 8. Miss Mamie Ryan of Lake Geneva, Wis., strongly objects to having her picture nsetl in a "before and after taking" advertisement, and because, as she alleges, a Chicago man co iimitted this grave offense, she has begun suit against him to resovcr 173,000 damages. Tbe defendant in the esse, which is in the superior court, is a hairdresser, and claims to have an invaluable remedy for baldness which is warranted to cure any case, no matter whether the patient's cranium is a smooth as a billiard ball. Mrs. Ryan from some canse lost her flor. iug locks, and she consulted the pro prietor cf tbe never failing remedy and was treated with this treatment, and she was quite satisfied. Afterward, however, occurred the circumstances w hich led to the present Knit. Tbe hair-dresser, it is claimed, distributed circulars which showed Miss Rynn "before ar.d after" using the professor's specific These pict ures, th plamtiS nlieses, were a horrible libel upon her personal apiicarauce. aud iie considers she has been damaged to the amount she aks. CRIPPLE MACE HAPPY. Mrs. (ieorga nM Atves Him Mcr Parae and rtU Him a Itox t.r Clothing. SEDALIA, Mo.. Dec. 6 When Mrs. George Gould, wife of the president cf the Missouri 1'acitic raiiroad.visitcd Sedaba.a few weeks ago in company with her hus band, her attention was attracted to Henry Kunrcde, an armlets and one legged ex-wachmau who was passing through the railway yards by the side oi Gould's private car. She presented him with a purse of money uud promised o send a box of clothing for himself aud family. The box came the other day. It was as big as a dry goods case aud was tiller! with substantial winter clothing for the Kuurede I.imily. PostoOtee Quarantined. Four DoiHiE, la., Dec. S. An annoying feature of a diphtheria epidemic ut Tara is the qunrrutinins of the nosioflice. There are several cn- of diptheria iu the lauiily of the postmaster. Oliver Wood. aud the heal'Ji oilii ials have established a quarantine. Mr. Wood has been isolat ed from bis family and allowed to con tinue, his work. As postmaster. It is claimed, Lou ever, thut the postmaster visits bis bouie secretly aud citizens re fuse to go to the post office to get their maiL Made a Drunkard of Her Husband. Hcxtixgtos. Iud., Dec 8 Mrs. Julius Hitzfield has Hied a suit in the circuit court against John Tuesch, claiming v 000 damages. Tuesch is a salocm keener. aud Mrs. Hitzfield alleges that be made a drunkard of her busltsnd, who was a good, sober and iudustrious man, and thereby caused bim to squander his menus and neglect ids family. A similar suit some time ago in this county was won ny a woman. Opposed to the Keeley Company. PwbillT. Ills., Dee. e The Dwight Ob server ia a new publication which has been started here, with Richard Thornton as editor. It ia to tie iudeneudent in ev erything, but especially meant to oppose the Ueslie E. Keeley Gold Cure comoanv. charging that it baa been "running tbe town for tbe last eight years." lliC Mortgage filed. New Yoke. Dec . It is reported here that the Baltimore and Ohio South west ern Railway com pan y has filed a mort gage f.r clS.Tw.lMi at Belleville, Ills., iu favor of tne Farmers' Loan and Trust com pany of New York. Cevival Meetings at Detroit. DKtuoir. Dec. 8. One of the most re markable of the series of revival meetings being held here by tbe cmiuent eastern evangelist. Rev. Henry Chapman, was that at tbe Auditorium. The meetiua was especially designed for business peo ple, clerks, working tirls and those en gaged in trades. Iu cousouance with tbe design hundreds of places of busiuess, in cluding saloons, closed at S o'clock. Tbe opportunity -thus given to attend the meetiug was generally aud eagerly taken advantage of, tbe Auditorium beiuz Dock ed to suffocation. Traitor on Board the America. New Yokk, Dec 8 The Herald has the following: The Ilrazilian cruiser America, which sailed from New York for Rio Janeiro on the night of Nov. 'Jti for the purpose of fighting the rebel Admiral Mello's Waishtp, is lying at Bridgetown, Rarbedors. so seriously disabled by the act of an unkuown traitor among her crew that she will probably be unable to con tinue ber voyage for so vend weeks. May Call a special Session. Lansing, Mich., Dec. 8. Governor Rich stated tbut it was not improbable that a special session of the legislature would be called to consider the matter of relief tor the Upper Peninsula miners, il is esti mated that lj0,0uu will be needed to tide them over uutil May I. He is preparing to go aud wake personal investigation, and will decide alatut a special session ou bis return. Dr. McGlyua Maa Nothing ta Say. ItRooKLYX. Dec 8. The Rev. Dr. Ed ward W. McGlynn was seen at his resi dence in Brooklyn by an Associated Press reporter, lie refased to either confirm or deny the report that he was a candidate for the peaitiou of ambassador from tiie United States to Italy. Quarreled A bowl Betifclew. - LAFAYETtE, XmL, Dec .-tn a quarrel over religious matters Michael Horen of Logaosport, Ind.. was shot and almost In stantly killed fasr Edward RudeadcL Tba stwntorsrae av kraLaenaa and the Lot tar Big Store. . t -r.'-V ;'- t 1 1 i SAX&RICE, POCK ISLAND ILL. OVERCOATS! All Kinds of Overcoats for all Sorts of People Our Greatest Values. Twenty styles of overcoats, worth $$ - - - $9 9) Twenty styles of overcoats, worth $20 - - - - 14 9) Twelve styles of overcoats, worth $12, - - - - 7 SO The larprest and cheapest line of children's Ulsters ever placed on sale in Rock Island Underselling everybody on everything. Big Store. Blue Front. SAX&RCZ, RQGKtSLANDj LL Early Holiday Sale in Jewelry Department From our extensive purchase of desirable and attractive jewelry we have se lected the following for your consideration. These goods are of the . choicest production at about one-third to one-half less than the usual prices: Solid Gold Rings. Children's rinfjs at 25c each. Children's Filigree band riiips at 35c each. Children's Octagon band rinpjs at Itoc each. Children's Hard Enameled riurs at 69c each. Children's Hard Enameled, diamond setting rinjTs at 35c each. Ladies' band rinjrs at 95c each. Ladies' solid gold stone setting nn;s at 3;c each. Ladies' solid cluster setting rings at .Vc each. Ladies' so!id cluster setting rings at 95c each. Ladies' solid cluster setting ryigs at fl.SO each. Gents' solid gold tiger or Onyx rings at tl.'JH each. Gents" solid gold Onyx Intaglio rings at $5.75 each... " Gents' solid gold carliunkle rings at 3.75 each. Gents' rings. Tiger and Onyx, at $ 2. 25 each. Gents' gold-plated Tiger at 75c each. Stick Pins. Gold stick pins, 9c each. Columbian sword stick pins. 22c each. Initial stick pins, 10c each. Necklaces. Ladies' chains, with pendents, at 25c each. LatHo' and MisscV, with? three stones at 75c each. V .iM.-M ' ' Ladies' and Misses', with heart, at 58c each. Ladies' and Misses' and Children's gold neck, laces, assorted styles, at 1.69 each. sAtfractions for' Saturday. Schillinger's Orchestra and Piano afternoon and evening. Souvenirs will bo given away from 9 to 12, or until all are given out. P. t. We trust that those who have already se cured one will not take advantage of our liberali ty, and thus deprive others who have not secured any. Gents' Sterling Silver Sleeve Buttons. Link buttons at 1 per pair. Link buttons at $1.19 per pair. Link and Enameled at f 1.39. Attractions for Saturday. Owing to the inclement weather last Saturday, many of our patrons and friends were unable to attend the lirst day of our opening, and failed to secure a souvenir: we, therefore, decided to give ' you another opportunity to enjoy the music pro. yided. and secure a souvenir, which in point ot intrinsic value and artistic beauty, has never be fore been equaled in the three cities, and sur-' passed nowhere. Sterling Silver. " V;i ... - -. a) Isabella at 45c each. Isabella Filigree rinsrs at 75c each. Silver rings, with stone set--ting at 75c each. Silver stick pins at 25c each. .Silver stick pins at 8c each. Silver lace puuf st 2i'c each. ver lace pins at 8c each. - - ; " Miscellaneous. " ' Stick pins, stone settings. 5c each. ' " -. Lace pins, assorted styles. 25c each. m Band rings, with five years guarantee, Sficeaeh. Sterling Silver Match Safes. Sterling silver match safes at 95c each. 8ter. ling silver book marks at 95c each. : StsrEr sil ver hair pins at 48c each. Sterling eUrw aaraaM' spoons at each. Sterling silver sunr spoons at 1 .58. Sterling silver enajaeled spoons at tl.M each. Sterling silver ColojabiM spoons , at 1.68 each. Sterling silver Sonvealr ro?aat 91.15 each. Sterling silver spools ts f 1.58 each. . - All of above spoons are extra weigh t,' aad tOO line in Roman gold or polished bowls. - - : Miscellaneous.' Brazilian Onyx lace pins at - Me' each, celluloid hair pins, assorted atylda..all mimics goiu uu cuius on caatns m iSJt fants' gold pins at 69c and Si mA. lver mugs at 26c each. , WktU In- ChUdrea's HARNED, PURSEL & V0IT r"lQ; KK i ';'t. ;3s-; 1 an saaflain an Jar aasploy of the