CITY CHAT. M. KY rrliir. Sllpfrr '. at M. KV See Melnlire tr ad. Fresh Baltimore etslrrs At W. A. FulebV. Doll Iml.'n aa ami p Colnralii Mrlntire Urn. this "renlng for bargain, 1'hoii'i patent flonr, $1 per sack, at Hess Hr . Christmas randies ami net at Ift'M Kr Choice rhbhajje and sweet potatoes at turn her . tiii'k k. ji'i'T, rhit kens and turkey at II. " Bros'. Head lettuce. sina;;e anl relcrv at r.unr! i Vs. A nice line f California fruit at W. A. KhU I.'s. (ifntii tui'h'n drrs shirts, ?9i, at the t'flnnii'ia. Hon. t-n T. Cftliiu left last even ing fur Cl.teajfo. Boys nnd irU. buy vour skates at tin Oluniliin. Nire tllo apricots, 15 rent pr-r fun. nt Ilcss Bros'. Jii':in'r wnre tlii rtrning at Mr- Int ire Itros. at a siienticr. llini vonr dimes roadv for Tut Ai;ii nrrirr tomorrow. " Tonight nt ?:.". .'.) coal scuttles at 7c apiece at Met ':! Bros. California jcraf-cs. petir ami choice rating apples at Bum'hcr's. lvn 'ecnin;; from now until Christmas at M.-Cahe Bros. Parker's I'liitidrr hn .cut out sonir nivit ul'ii)lnr to its putrons. Fre.h tomatoes, cuciimliers. spin arli mid par.iey at W. A. EMclt's. Priwcd tinkers ami rhkfcin. at I'unt hcr jieneer siinre procerj. Fifty more new sul!crlhcrs wore added' to The Amt lit yesterday. An rlriatit lino of snmklr jacket jnt received at IUlhchiid' Paten iort. The Coluihli'a is the oo!t place in the city nut t'otuflalning of slow t u -inesx. McCulc l'ro.. torr ojM-n errninjs nntil C'l.iiuii;i.. Iiejr'innm, with to niht. Bin t-Ii i'l'iT sale until !?. '21 at the Famous, i'l".' Brad? struct. lhv enport. Attend tin' dunce at Knits' hail Saturday rvinin Dec. 16. Admis sion free. , . .Most iM'.mt'fn! line of Xmas cards, and pmd ever tlmwn, at the Columhin. Keniomher this Is only on day alt', the tfreat wet sulr'at Lloyd it htewnrt's. Malaga. ;rra.e. pine apple ami thr fuiiiou I m as, Florida oranm. at 11) tiros'. Thr st;i of tin water at th Hock Island liridr at noon was:ia;tbc temperature " t. Fronstye. iKj'.rr. rdani pine apple anl ,Koj liefort t lieese. at llvliebrr 'netr 4tinre priMery. Water eress. head Irltnre. spinasrr, parhry, Iteet. iulliau and sweet Mittui-s. at II. 's l:rn'. Tub Ak.t Ih.ts wiil make their regular rounds for rollee tirnstunior row. Have your dii.n-s ready. 6J, 75. t !.. !.:".. l!itits for Sio nt the rent wet sale, tomorrow Morning, at l.loyd & Stewart's. From 7 oVIoek lilt t this evening llcintirw Urns, will sell Jaimnese pMd at a tremendoii disfunt. lon't forget the prand mas(iierade at Armorv hall. anrdny. !t. 16. (flren ly tlie eraeker (fletory Ikvs. t yon know how mueh of a snr In; It is Luring slippers at M. & K's? Fully one-tlilrtl eonijmre and see. l.'oa1 ecutlles 7c at M.-C'ale ttrna'. tonight to advertise that their store will be. oen evenings until .Christ mas. Mrtntirr Ilros. offer this evening from 7 to V p. m. one ounce bottle churm purfumj for lo Triplo ex tract. A great many nice ties barely soiled, will put them all in. All jc at Zwc baturday morning. Lloyd & Ptewnrt. Une ilav wet sale. Here is a bur tour I'hrismas pres ents fheup. Just think of it, a I.V lie lor Hitc, The man .of the house should leave Aitiment home tomorrow for his patter. Tiik Ant s carriers will call in the morning. Men's line slippers nt C'J. 79 and 93 cent a great variety of them at THE ARGUR. FRIDAY. DECEM1VE1. 15, 1893. Awarded Itighoit Honors At thu, World's Fair. DR. mm MOST PERFECT MADE A pun Oapt Cmm at tuut PuwUt. tm , amin of arty atrMr adyWM 49 WSM T tlAHtoVK thm Famons holiday slipper tale, J2J ....... -urn, vavcniMru - O. L, Wm Co. ' , . Tk la.lTes of the Broadway Presbr terlan church will pive a "social In the parlor of the churcb Tuesdar cvenlnj. 19. ' Yon know we had a lot of nice f hrisiaiaa ties soiled. Wo will pat them ni sale tomorrow Tnornin" at Jie. Lloyd A Stewart. Attend the one day wet sale to morrow morning. Tie. from SAc to 1.6 ). all go at 2.Vs. Remember ona .by only, at LInyd A Stewart's.' Oscar Appt-lqaUt expocu to leave for the south next week, where he is in liniiee be will regain his health. He will proUlily sojourn in Texas. ' An endless variety of gentleman's Cne slippers to Ik- sold nntil Une. S4 at less than other dealers pa for thim. at the Famous, 822 Annly sinet, Uavcnjiort. Tle handkerchief sale at McCain I?rs . is a decided sensation- W.en staple handkerchiefs irn at inartcr. a third, and a half valnc. h-i mrv nure in aiirvci aitcnion. Were it not for the M. A K., vou would le compelled to pay bi prices for slippers. As it is. vmi n the nicest and W-st at a mere aotig. t not iaii 10 aiicuii M. & K slipper Fair. W'm. R. French tl!rvlnr nt thn I hicago Art institute. gie a chalk talk" for the lavciiorl Y. M. C. A. Monday evening in tho Kd wards Congregational church. Admission 33 cents. The jolly comedian. Chns. A. Gard ner, and bis f rsnil nr.r I'litimntin comedy "the prize winner" will be or ncxi auraeiion. ftlr. tiardner with his merry play makes new friends wheiever he goes. A nice Line of the f'ultimtiim nnin endorsers is to Im held this evening at the otlice of Jackson Hurst, and as matters of the utraokl iniimrtsrif to the signers are to como up for ac tion, thu presence of everv one inter ested is tamest Iv tleircd. A tour throUfrh Ilxli Itnmlinr Calcutta. Venares. ALtmr. tho fin.. ous Taj Mahal and other famous t.itr-!. hhu iiiiiiiiiirii&s. mi me iroal- war Ireslivterian church this even ing. Si?tv storeopiicon views, with lescriptivc . lecture. Admission, free, with trco will offcrin? at the door. 1lm -T. iti tnndtni1 f m i T t m delightful cntt rtair.ment at the V. M. t . .v. a inn Thorium last eveningior the Itencfit -of the Morri ll rluli. tin- tl. entod little wotile hhowing that they have improved wonderfully since their last apjM-aranee in this their home city, which Is justly proud of them. HUNG HIMSELF. rmtrrtrk Its li tlf tlrary Cueatr KiOitoe. Ules la Jail. Frederick, Hanson, the old mar who fatally injured his son-in-law,. U. F. Hart, and attempted to murder his daughter in (ieneseo the other day. and has been in the Cambridge jail since, committed suit-He last night in a tragic manner. Taking his suspenders he attached a piece of Lis underclothing, and fastening one end to the cell door and placing a noose lnt his neck, raised his feet and luwly strangled. Adhas'.lr Vunnrrj. When the turnkev oined the ceil u.M.r ibis jnorntnir, the lel swung nut. Pri-ionrrs in the jail say iney heard an tinsnal noise in Hanson's cell a!nt 1I: last nilit. when the detnl was probably committed. A Wrrrk. An east bound Itock Island freight train ctniKteii with a tram of coal Hat on the V. & W. road at Corn- forth Junction 011 the main line in Iowa. l'i. miles west -of here this morning at 4 o'clock. The accident occurred in a fog. and the road was blockaded lour hours, and al! trains rorrcseiuiinly delayed. AsCornforth Is only a liag station. ami not a telegraph otlice, it is not known whether any trainmen were iu urcu or not. A ftnatacantd Ola t nil atalioa. Mia Mary Rk-hnnhxui, tin English woman (f wealth. U a ttader of note. Imwik the principal shnreltoldvr uud tho fcmu.wr f the stores conntrcttMl with the u-silit'ic M'ttleuientut Lriidford rk, Louiion. lli.UM ti..lil snniiIiof sll sorts. inciadii'tr Uents. flov.-ers, winea. etc., aru f nmished in these tton-s, tlierv U'iiifj in ail M aeiariuieuu, Im'skics a post of-6i-e inanu-'id by girls. Miss nichanlson proiMMies to teach Wouuiu pupils tho uuMuteuicnt ut a urgi nuitl business. The I'HaclpU at fctalis. . It may bo tiutt some women would not care to ne the fronoliiao if tbey had it Tluit it their concern, nut ours. Voters who do not cam to Tote may be counted by thousand niiioiitf tuen. lio that as It may. ve are no inoro jtb.tiKed in re f usiiiK a human heiug m rtlit. Iucuib he may not choose to exercise it, thun we are in refusing to oy him his due Iwcaaso bo uiaj Itourd tho money. Caarics Kinuiey. A UnsHj Cmm.'L In Quincy, Ills., a woman's conncil Was Uuly orsSuiud. which includes all the phibuiUiropic, educational anj liter ary clahs and associations tn th" city. Alts. UaUsu wwui is pnsiiduut. yuiucjr Dispatch. war asatr Many of oar city chart lies have, wonv aa uranahit. boino of our largest con cerns have woman accountant. The best praofresxler 1 ever knew was a woman. Jwlitniarl CHANGING PIANISTS. Ae laiasatal Itrftmnaaea That Pesvai IatviaUas "As interesting as anything Tre sees fat this town." aaiil a visitor tn tka oinr Mtras a change of pianists that saw in Tancry inoeter. xnero was a man on the Staira Sineinff a inr- anil thi niantat was playing the accotnpariraent. I bap- penca 10 see uio ptantst glancing to tho left once, and I tooked in that direction myself and saw coming down the aisle a nan that I judged most be the relief pi anist, and so be wras, I imagined that e wouia ait down far a momant and Wait. hat. drse mtv 1 m nmr tlnw. "Ho Was apprcaching the piano at the oass cnu 01 me keyboard. When be bad 1 A . . . .... mimosi rracneu iuo corner 01 l tie ptano, the man who was playing began gently shdln.T off the seat to tho riht, still playing. l!y this time the relief ras abreaf t of the boss keys, and these the nrst player, t?uo was stut suding stead ily to the right, now relinqrtislied to him, and then tho newcomer, still standing, but nlso moving steadily to the right, struck in in perfect time ami-tune. "There was a brief time, a second or two, when both men were playing the retiring pianist tho treble and the on coming player the bass and for a frac tion of a second they were both stand ing. But now the new player is fairly opposue 1 no center 01 tho keyboard. lie settles into tho sent. nnt nnw it. ia Viia hand that strikes the treble, and now the wbole piano resounds ta his resolute touch. "In fact, there never was a minute when the piano had anything to say about it. There never was a minute when the men were not completely mas tors of the sitnntion. There never was an instant from the timo the relief ap proached nntil he was firmly settled in Lis seat when Imth men were not con tinnously in motion, but the change was made without a jar or a tdur in the mu sic and without the omission of a note." 2ew York San. To Kill a Lobster. When a live lobster is required for boiling or other pnrposes, here is a sim ple and comparatively painless mode of killing it: Run a loag, narrow bladed knife into the tail at the third joint from the end. having the blade slant down ward. This will cnt the spinal cord, and death will quickly follow. Scrofula eradicated and all kindred diseases cured by Hood's Sarsapa rilla. which by its vitalizing and al terative effects, makes pure blood. Intelligence Column. KK tor IN A tF mr Want Bwr Want a nwk a Waut bmrlors Want a partm W" a tua'fcm ant to frnl lunaia Warn a Mrrvant srl Waul la a fT Want 10 wll a hon-e W'ant tn rxrbsrrr antiitfis1 Want l mi; Urnim-bold punds Want to makr anjr rralrstatr r-ns Wat I to aril nr iradc fur arj-il nr Want In Bud eus'itnrTS for anytluag VSS TIIC.-E COLCJIS8. rit bAlt.Y AKOI S Ita-MVEKBU AT VOCB aonrrr rvraiac tor l: avr Back. F'K HENT-S H xTTAOS OX U1STH aan.e tl.m, tfn firvet Kedr Itros. r1 AI.E--M .1 io.l, 1H.I-M (.TOVEs AM) a hudrasUlinc, aratlf ttw. AppU at Ues t trie?. L M KE"-TU IniKLLIN'S LATELY M' r ratrl b Mr . Krvll. r itutT h ril tm ad t.U Slaratt ntrrU lMUlrcfJ.W strwan. XMAS at EFJMETT'S Glove ? Fur Store An elegant line of Fur Capes in BEAVER.' MINK. ASTIUCHAX. SE4X.&C. Also, Muffs. Ti jct8, Iloas, Cdlars. &c. Miibkrat. Lined ;ioves for driving. Beaver, Seal and other Gloves. A full stock of Ladies and Gent's Kid Gloves. GLOVES MADE TO ORDER. GEO. BENSETT. 163T Second Ave., liock Island It a ww w mm mu r 1 1 aa km no on a r it aa hkno on II A A A N O U S II A AN UNO O S - S II A AM XX 000 sssa New Scale Kimball, Hailet & Davis. And Emerson. KifflbaU Orps Icetrntcents told on timo pa) meLls. .. ..Violins and accord ons at half price. At BOWLBY'S, -81B Second Ar. - - A Woman's oii"iiiaa v hoU the Texas state fair at Dallas recently. Women from all the leading cities of thj Lone-Star State gave addresses and read papers upon the great social questions of tho day. Among the speakers were two from Toledo Mrs. Fannie Segur Fos ter upon "Women In Business Life" and Mrs. S. Isadoro Miner npon "The Vocations Open to Women." , Baths of all kinds, including Turkish, plain, shampoo, elec tric, electro-thermal, etc., may lie obtained at the Sanitarium Bath Hooms. on tho first floor of the Harper House. BOOMS OPEN. For Ladies From 9 a. m. to 12 m. on week days. For Gen tlemen From 6 a. m. to 7:30 a. m., and from 2 p. m. to 9 p. m. on week days. On Sundays the rooms will he open from 6 a. m. to II a. m. for Gentlemen only. Electric and Kicctro-thcrmal baths may be obtained at any time during business hours. Gymnasium connected with bath rooms. TRY M'sLMicateil03i) THE ONLV SKIS CURE AND ITealinjT Soap. MM OOO MM O O M 5 o M mho n SI JH M m uuu M MM B B S PS. in a w M M H K m n k 11 sn mw n RRmt i !i& X ifH. t u a. m K R K K !? b g S ; 8 1. i p km ' u U oo,? DAVID DOUf DEaLES It w ? oo V I UBnp Riverside Oaks. Kivcrsidc Ranges Riverside Cooking Stoves. Garland Hard Coal Stoves. The best ss-ortment of Stores 'ia the city. 13 IBS 17 Mreasie AT We are now showing an elegant line of Japanese ware, consisting of cups and saucers, bread and butter bon bons, olive dishes, sugar and cr,eam, rose jars, mush and milk, tea pots, vases, and scores of other novelties. Prices 50 per cent cheaper than ever before. Big sale this evening. V,; aV MCINTIRE BROS. 1709 and 170i Secona a Santa Claus Headquarters. The Columbia 1728 Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND. Santa Claus Headquarters. THE FIRST GUN. Again we open the battle equipped better than ever before to show the largest line of Holiday Presents ever shown. This house is a factor in the Rock Island mercantile fraternity; not the largest in size, but the largest in enterprise. It is enterprise that produces this wonderful offering. New Hooks. Juveniles, 4c. consisting of: liny dinr. Little Piles' picture book, Summer Time, At the Farm, The Youn; Artist, and many others pos itively the largest and bct books ever of fered for the m.ney Sec our oc juvenile fine large pictures in colors. Linen lnoks from M to 2.1c. We lead in lare assortment and low prices in this line. Chambers' Enclvcoiiedia, 12 volumes, $5.32. 1 Shakespeare's complete works, 72c. Toys! Toys! Plush Goods Children's work box, 19c. cnn.sistinj of thimble, crochet, hook, nee dle, brocaded plush, satin lined. Handkerchiefs and glove boxes, S9e. Toilet sets from C9c up to 7.5J. The largest and finest line of Christmas cards ever shown. The prices so low that you wonder how can they be made to sell ut what we ask for them. Carts. 8eup. Wheel barrows, 15c. Velocities, fl.85. 1I1 busies, 25c. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! Goods delivered. Dolls! Dolls! Crockery I wish to draw yo.:r at! to this department. Having purchased direct from th tories of the Old World, 1 am in th. tion to knock out all competition i une, ami in tancy plates, china. liniu cups and saucers, rose bowl. eaUe j and thousands of other things too 1: ous to mention. r Mufflers. Sleds, lMlNiands, Runners, lolI heads. Chairs, Doll arms. Rockers. Oir!-. Holi shoes. Wajrons, Mu"l': i1' 1 i! It . . r , ... . . . 1 uon t ior uie woria buy your Underwear until you have looked at our line. We are here to hold trade uo uie town some good, we can compare with any house in the three cities. Another lot of Mitts as long as they last at 4c. Sample line of Mitts going very low. Silk mitts from 45c uul to to F. G. YOUNG, Proprietor. SURPRIS1XG KARGAIXS jjfVUIEX'S AND BOYS' SUITS and OWRCOAT, AT THE DEPENDABIito OXE PRICE. P7 "at?er l rJccs others quote, we always do better. All Goods marked in Plain and the Fairest Owing to the depression in the Money market, we have had some unusual opportunities of makin- chases which with Spot Cash, we were prompt in taking advantage of and are now making bust nessjium with the irresistible force of the MANY BARGAINS we are offerin " Figures, pur- QUAL1TY. AKD DURABILITY or FIRST AKD GREATEST IMPORTANCE. MEN'S OVERCOATS t 2 38 2 98 3 75 3-98 4 C5 G 51 7 5:;: 8 fi . 9 88 12 00 15 00 16 M IK -THE ' BEST 18 GOOD ENOUGH THEN M. & K is THE ' I'LACE TO IM YOUK TRADING MEN'S SUITS S 98 6 60 , 7 SO 10 00 12 50 15 00 CHILDREN'S SUITS. 79c 98c 38 68 88 WE CAN WE WILL ! ! MEN'S PANTS 75c 90c $1 00 WE ARE ! ! ! 1 25 GIVING Upwards. the KNEE I'ANTS. BIGGEST 13c VALUE 18c 22c YOUR S5c MONEY. 50c SELLING AT PRICES TO RUSH THEM FROM OUR TABLES. KX K1.I.I N 1 undkku 01: J'.t.- ri.rsii CAI' 1 " 1 I'.i 1 6' IMMENSE BARGAINS IN SHOES.-Nothing we can say is as convincing as the goods and prices , VV e therefore request an opportunity of an honest test to prove the sincerity of every claim. themscl ves. Shoe fitoi 180 Second aremie Largest Shoe and Clothing Stores in Rock Island County. : CtoOiii etoi 1T 8ool Avenue, II6-123 Eighteenth St