THE ARGUS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. 18931 CITY CHAT. Rich Klchftit Kirk rut srt fetch cut t KamiM-r . Muffler M th Lnnilnn. Sllpprr -lo at Ivltr Pro Sire nrcltirs nnlj 2i cents ftt the Lotaitftn. rUetil line of kM plorei at tbe Loarinn. Nirkwcnr of ecry description at the Lomlon. ftvntlonii'n llfTcra rrn at Dolly Bros. Xdim frprnt tj the thonvamt at ttM Ionlin. Japnnr) war ftato th! evening at Mclntlre ISiW. I'nrolorr'l Japnn tra 20e a pound at Srpka Nn'. The Imlit'tition (r tomorrow arc warmer wrnther. I'mtrrwrnr, poaltlre ratne II, for &9c, at the l-n.lin. ttrrllni ailtrr rnmbi and hairin at J. Uaniarr ft Nn'. Eryt"ljf n hate HppT only AO rent' a pair at iKtllr Br Call at KmlgV and '! your tnrannrp fur a enit or orcot. Smoking jacket worth from t"."i0 to fr ". at the London. I'nilurwrar. pHd value, for I.f0, now only To rent at the Ion!on. Artitir leijrn In Xma gift a large variety. U. O. Ilurktat-dt. imnUnff jat-krt worth $12 to your rhoioe turtle, at th tendon. Big linra'n In nidehoard. dining talilc t'liair. etc. i. O. llu-ktacJt Mi Cecelia Kerwln. formerlr M. tor Mary Heel. ha gone to IVnvrr to tiit her eiMer. tllre a cnwi1e Xmj prrrent. a uit or overcoat -the London la the place to bay them. Our ChrUtma present to onr co tomert I a pair of alippvra for 5 rents. DiIlr Bro. f.VV accident life Inanranre policy with Aie majwmlrra. Call and are what it in at the London. Tuesday, until noon. McCahc Bro. will present n pair of kid glove frof to each purchaser of a cloak at f.( or over. rant. gKl value, for 3.i0 and fl.m. onlv :.!! this week, a dandr Xnian prevent, this week only at the London. Accident life Insurance policy for .V. pood for three month. 'with everr pnir or ruiMnilrr.nnMr 50e, at the ijomion. Jean ratrlent. the Pritan rtit. aceomnanied lv hi wife ami child. la tlaiting at the home of Mr. and jura. J. Connor. Crowding pnt the limit of former year ituninc. inoiay. until I'.' o'clock noon, a pair of let kid glove with every ladies jacket or coat at Mi-Cat Urn. Fred YVoltman ha just received another lot of ladle chatelaine Watt-he, and tlhr to announce that he ha. aln a aumlter of ueful articles ptiltaMe for l'liritma tre ent. ouch a watch chain, set rmir souvenir aponn. fine silverware and (ftdd and silver watches of the liest make. It will pnv you to rait and examine bio stock iiefore purchasing If yon want anything in his line. It. Crampton will shortly after the first of the year vacate the building at 17aa .econl avenue, occnpie-i iv him for the past 31 year, and seek mailer ttoreroom, watch will an swer hi purpoe fully p well. The tore sr long held bv Mr. Cramptfn will be taken poeion ef by another luwk IIanl merraatite house, anil , the change will Involve other reninv als ia Kock Island business benscs. Ksmi WUh Hvatertral Kaaaa. 1 featl Romcwucre the other duj that tail winters new gowna will fcave m jra41l lining, reu Uiu a foot or nvm above the hem, to prevent cold or rbo nattum, which is today a pwrul coht Maiat among tnr sex. ery tuanywnta ea are tnauestionaldy victims to aching limb, but bow I learn t'.iu physiciaua all this truBble lirsterical that It ia an affection of the nerves centered at that Joint. Certain it li tlmt in thU old climate women do go almnt insuf ficiently protected, Jnst aa children did before thetr long h'gginga were tntro- dnoed. Again and again, with shoal tfara weighted ttuder furs, with heavy oat, tnnfl. boa and veil, they will goont ia a small Missurd having nothing stunt- cr thaa a silk stocking cuardingnnklcto knee. It may lie one vt those pretty ia aeaistencies that make women stclwnn ing, bnt I am aatiHficd otio thickness of flannel wonld runt ail tue nysierta in &u the knees now causing the owncrd so mnch discomfort. Auiericaa Wot&&a'a Xiloatrated JoanmL OH Awarded Highest Honor At tue ( World's lair. Dn. (TC2AT.3 EMM UOST PERfECf MADE. A tWM Crape Cieam Of Tartar Powder. r tm Ammmi, Aktm ar any otmw aaVlarana Ci T n ATAOAXSk COUNTY LAW MAKERS. OaVtol hMlHllsn ml ik w m mll-TMf Omw CmHsshI, The committee on neor farm mh. milted the following report which on motion was received and adopted: M'W the save ami sHcMaw punt. t4 ktf w ttteai, m.4 Memna-al riw ssjn t r lseknnae.a tk.t tkcil rk bs aiiert ta Iwaearrimfav las s.vwal saMsaH m tkc mt- snl rlt'M ts, le-wits ArjUU Wmkn ..$ It . LrH W. itt e "-'s t ngy Mania ... SIM 5l H-... is I M .im CW T 4 W I Stoker.. KllJm Malik. ra.. MM DDaaaMllotSMIIaU. lb . n., a aile t u Wx-.m-o Yall'r - "r vm r d mcMmw ii " a as V k.... 4 19 TX F T. W-m Ca M SH SB ft Mymai l.laia a. I S U it err Tsk 1 Co 11 is i sunn nr t lives lu ui is n rj innarf "US' Ml..,, T Dean A eaa.... "fsjaj I a a a J? ,' ' 1 V e y rt. a. " ...... m ra L. aaai V M In ..' ... ii am d , win. r .rtaa k.iaaMCB 1M I M K -sraBeM II l r- rm. K b im w LVrti...v."r II L tUwariW.... tliwt m Iwi ... lira-. Ilrriy Uint.... lli.Hi A r tofca II A a M. Sauta.. k llfv,vr... T II a J R llama Krapp m lva ... Frauk Kill as ... lira I' krlij m MH III SxA 4 Jim fcank ft 10 Tl.kMrmka' Mia Si On I. Slatf is J w nra1 sii it I Tha Vr r. an n a Sa Jo m-kT lie... SIS wi :ni w.i-. uj -ac Cm IS vs it 'W c TlmU s tk In l Joba Vao ymutc.- lh to V) 'kim.. IMS SI 71 L4WI kurort. ... rM la 11 M Sda Woo4 .... ttm 1" is We. E W! n ... K ! A W.Uum 4 a is Is The bills o Pierr A Co. and Frank tt. Young not leing certiUcd to we rvior iwch to the tioard. V. SCIIMEIIIKK. JuK KlTXPATKICK. A. . Vixtok, Committee. Sujiervisor Cralle moved to sus Pind the rules and allow the hill of r'urr & Co. at ! and the bill of Frank ti. Younj at tlO.ftfi. Carried. In regard to the St. Anthony's hospital matter the committee on poor submitted the following report: You committee to whom wa re ferrrd the jK titien of St. Anthony's hospital for count aid would submit the following rcort: vVe would rec ommend that the almve hospital au thorities receive the sum of three dollars and lifty cents (:'...'') per week for all patient sent to said hos pital hereafter, by the regular order of the various overseer of the poor of Kock Island county. 1! t'AUkT, J. It. TlTTKUISOTo-J, I'll a. OntK't. Jons U. Pow r.i.u Com m it tec. Supervisor Armstrong moved as an amendment that the pnv per week shall In f i'..V) in place of t':l..V. The ayes and nays I icing called for rc sulthd a follows: Ayes Armstrong, Itritton.llassnn, l.ce. Peterson. fVhoonmakcr (J. Xoc Carey. Case. Cralle. Ford, (ioadrlch. Jenkins, lament. McKin ley, lllierg. Powell. Schneider. Siu ne't. Swank. Titterington, Trent. Vin ton. Wilson 17. Lust. V.'hereiiain a vole was taken npon the original molion in adopt the re port of the committee on p?mr. The ayes and nave being called for re sulted a foll.iws: Aye Carev. (iiMMlrich. Hasson. Ijiniotit. t)li-rg. Powell. Scboonma ker. Schniidrr. Sinnet, Titterington. Vinton. Wilson 12. Xoc Armstrong. Itritton. 'ao, Cralle. Ford. Jenkins. Lcc. McKin ley. Peterson, Swank, Trent 11. Carried. Sn-M-rvisor IIaon moved that the rcjairt le receiveel and adopted. Supervisor Vinton moved a an amendment that action on said re. port lie MislKined until the next meeting of the laisrd. Amendment list. Supervisor Ilasson moved as an amendment that the jiav per wtt k lie fied at 3. instead of .t..V. The ayta and nays lieing called for rrs'iileil as follows: Ayrs Armstrong, Ilasson, I.a mont. Scbuanmakrr. S-hnvider, Sin net. Wilson 7. Soes Kritton, Carey. Case, Cralle. Fori!, tioodrif h. Jebkilt. len, Mc Kinley. t!ier-r, Powell. Peterson. Swank. Titterington. Trent. Vinton Ifi. lst. Snj-rrvlir Itritton moved a an amendment that the av jwr wx-ek shall In- 4:.1.' In place of3..V. The ays and nays called for rc sulti d as foKows: Ayes Itritton, Crallu. Ilasson. l.oe, Srhoon maker &. Nes Armstrong. Carey. Case. Ford, (aumlrirb. Jenkins, 'limont. Mi Kinlr Oherg. Powell, Peterson. Schneids, Sinnet. Swank. Tittering. Ion. Treat. Vinton. Wilson 1 lyst. Supeavisnr Ol-crg moved to recon sider the vote taken ti pon the ado lion of said report. The ayes, and nays being calliil for resulted as fol lows: ; A ves Armstrong. Itritton, Case, Cralle. Ferd. Jenkins, Ii s. McKin ley, tcrg. Peterson, Swank, Trent. Vinton 1.1 Noes Carey, Coodrich, Ilasson, Lamont, Powell, ScIkmhi maker. Schneider. Sinnet, Tittcrin;-ton. Wil son (. Motion carried. Supervisor Case moved that the report of the committee on poor in relation to St. Anthony's hospital In; rcierreii oark to sahl committee with instructions to report on the same at the next meeting of the board. Car ried. The steward of the poor house and farm 'submitted his bond, which. upon molion, was-approved by the iMiard. Supervisor Ilasson moved . that when the hoard adjourns st shall be In meet on the second Tuesdar of March 194. Carried. The committee on ways and means submitted the following report wlueh on motion was rccciveil ami adopted Vanreeiraiifa-an tra-s,aia taBwt-akl r SBrtfsryfrlrllhittka Ma-sieg otacavs sad Ba-siksw atlas I aa4 a: cayta-l tila arrftml. art fyom ka Ik-il lai-paettTa t a-re. for ait ad- sc at ins Jslj swctia, A. D. l"t. -- fja. Ultra At tkarn : ' J taasati Traat.... ...... ..m a SS AnaafU-aaarlak.. "k-iC.-alt. ........... W St -Inks fekar-r Jr.. f SS t mt W. H Osrajr S 11 S t ws M. foM a 4 k Alaprt r. Viaioa S 4 T SS Haarca H tSeKisleT ' i-nr.c :k s 4 7 m Taaaa Jaaklaa S 4 7 S3 Jaaasa Ha a S k W Cavr tei(Hk!ar t 1 T r. m. mi as- n , a i t ss A us- -. fer-oa S 1 Ta tiawim LaaHn4 S 1 10 Ckarle. Otr a I 7 tJr. I'm l 9 4e-epk FHipatrtrk S & ant T H. Lera . 14 S sa haa. Wilma a 1 t as Kopiar A i m rat ir S MS M Mck namakar. ........ a 1 W Jimn G. emioa S IS s so U. T.lleria.toa..... S ei S Vl oka ). P-vrll ' II nja tsar KrkW. clerk.... (iru. D. iiunliia, aavria. S . , , S f. - I Toui ...... ..,tir tat . Jtanit'S eiwDstca. ' .i--t vs. Koas, T. II. Lsrs, fomminee. Itoanl adjonrneil. IIJALMAR Kolll.F.K. Count v Clerk. ritln-a Yrala t Hair. ."Speech is silver, but silence is goM en,' eaid Oeorgo Francis Train at the Palmer Ilimso ycfctcnlay, "and 1 am going to rclao into ailcnro a-ain. For, 1 years I n titscsl to t-niwk to a man or woman, and 1 am Kinng lxick to Jfevr York on a scblnir'a ticket and in Madison eqnare rmnmo iny old ocenpa Hon of sileiKV. 1 have had a good tinio in Chicago. I Lave lived at a hotel and hod a nice room on the first floor, count ing from the top tf the Imilding. Five hundred servn:it-sf the hotel have Iwen at my beck and rail. ' The mucilage pot, pen and fhk mid stationery have been supplied rtic, all for $1 a day. When I am hungry, 1 go down to a lunchroom and get a plato of wheat cakes and a enp ot coffee for 15 cents. I am bappy and have solved the prob lem of living." Chicago Tribune. Hood's sarsaparilla has enred many oBlictcd with rheumatism, and we urge all who suffer from this disca-te to give this medicine a trial. intelligence i Column. RRTiOUINNEEUr IF YOC Want money Want a eiKik Want boarrtirs Want a partner Want a I nation M-'ar-t to rrit rouais nt s aarvsnt Kirl Want to aril a farm Waul to r-l a nonM Want to axrhsncr iiitMas" Want l Mi honarbold Want to mskr any nvlrstate (nana t"l In aril nr trade liiranyiklus Waal fat Cod cuslnuM-r fur anything CSK TIIKaE CVLCMS8. rHR daily Attcrs pkuvkbed atvolb d-ar rvr erkm for 14.- arr aeck. w ANTEu-AK'OK. APPI.Y AT MWfl. C. J. Schn iurrV, Ills Vi-.a vh iroi ue. FiK KEXT- Kim HTTAGE ON MXTH rnui io .r Iwi dt) flfin nwt lieidr kioa. rK SAI.E-tW.i limip Mtfkl aTOVE AO a tit.d coal ioe, nraily lew. Api lv at ib-a eftlce. ll'AXTEP ATIIXCK.I1IH, To Ui lltil a '- 'k. f:ini''y ( tsrn. muFi he e nd cook Alf'y ISiU lwentj-llrw itr.eU - " XMAS skasjay,y at BENNETT'S Glove i Fur Store An elegant line of Fur Capes in P.F.AVF.R. MINK, ASTIUCHAX, SKAL. c. Also. MulTs, Tip. ts. Uoas, Collars, &c. Miiskrat. Lined f Moves for drixing, lh-acr, S-al and other Gloves. A full stock of Ladies and Gent's Kid Gloves. GLOVES MAL'E TO ORDER GEO. BENKETT. 1C.15 Second Ave, Kock Island. mm batii ions Hatha of all kinds, including Turkish, plain, shampoo, elec. trie, electro-thermal, etc., mar be obtained at the Sanitarium ltath Uooms. on llio first floor of the UarjHT House. ... 1 KOOMS OPFJf. For l.vrfe--FmTfT 9 a. m. lo " 12 ni. on week days. For Gen tlemenFrom C a. m. to 7:30 a. m.. and from 2 .p. m. to 9 p. in. on week dnys. On Sundays the rooms will be ojcn from 6 a. m. to 11 a. m. for Gentlemen only. Electric and F.Ioctro-thermal baths may lie obtained at any time during business hours. Gymnasium connected with bath rooms. THE ARCADE, ks I Cigar Store and Billiard Parlor. auwsysaa kaaa UM kaaat krsads af tinufi. Aa4 larperMl ctsars. Alt tmads jf tobacco. - . . w . i ... . au wa aau patl Wl'l Ba reccivst dally. ! QLOCILlIOTr, Frop p tP A A A II AAA a i it m ooo t I ft A o a If H II O O I B H 9 9 8 SII u u m ooo i New Scale Kimball, Hallet & Davis. And Emerson. i Mall Organs. Iostrarcents sold on easy time payments. Violins and accordions at half price. At BQWLBY'S, i815 Second At. TRY 7anls IledicatedSoBD THE ONLY 8K1X CURE AND Healing- Soap. WW MM OOO MM MM O O B. gfiS o M M M B OOO 8 MM M MM M BM M at m RR K Hi N IV 8K W N N M KN li ma T T RKRIt R R R R R R K R R RRKR TM R R R R K K R R R 5 R k i, 9 k Son.." R O O It o 8 SA o J .9 a DAVID DON, -BEALBB IS- .SSR.TTTT OO T I a g r ' ' f Bona O O VV K Z OO V KKK TSS MUa W I oo V EEW I Riverside Oaks, Riverside Ranges Riverside Cooking Stoves. Garland Hard Coal Stoves. Tbe best assorUDeat of Stoves ia the city. 11S ts4 14J17 Steeaa4 A v. Miscellaneous. Some other pood solid stuff for daily use: 20 pieces line gingham, 5c a yard, worth 10c. 1,500 yards calico, SJc a yard, worth 7c. 1,500 y anls peppr. muslin, 4Jc a yard, worth 7c. 1,000 yards of toweling. 2Jc a yard, worth 6c. 1,000 yards cotton flannel, 4Jc a yard, worth 7c. Handkerchiefs Don't fail to look at this line. We show the most complete assortment, and we arc giving you exceptional values for the money. Rcatttiful line of Indian bas kets prices sacrificed for money come ami see. . TLook at our Japanese goods. They are elegant. 'ainty, and they arc being rapidly sold. Tuesday, Dec. 19. This will lie tl. We are going to lie!,," ,,',,, ,' ... cl 1 1 III.- lO IIOCI.U- H, I ,, mas presents. A CHRISTMAS OIlKlllx, A Silk Dress, A Wool Dress, A Silk Umbrella. A I'air of Itlauk. t . Table Linen, Xapkins, Chenille Cover. Lace Curtains, Cloaks, Jackets. A MOXKY SAVKU. -'.J per cent off Tu.mIuv 19. Come in the f..rt-ii,i, jxissilik'. V. I.IVi- 1- ' if : 2')-We Can Make Yoii i;':lri.v'-M : Conic and S.-.- ; MCINTIRE BROS. 1703 and 1709J Second avenne. Watch this space for special bargains every evening this week. The Columbia 1728 Second Avenue, ROCK ISLAND Watch this space forspt cial bargains every evening this week. A Merry Christmas! A Merry Christmas! "S-h-h, tootny; go to sleep note.1 Santa (bwii citning. Useful Presents are Long Remembered. In their selection holiday buyers have not been forgotten. Do you know that right now we are ready for business with a grand assortment of Christmas gifts. We al ways lead in bargains, which means new holiday goods at lowest possible prices. We always lead in our efforts to please and gratify our customers, and if vigor and varaciiy and value are not a vain thing to trust in, we shall greatly increase our lead. Our stock offers a great variety of desirable presents for ladies, gentlemen and children, and is a popular stock in every respect. We will be glad to welcome you, pleased to show our goods, and guaran tee lowest prices ever offered in Crockery, Plush. Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Picture Books, and thousands of arti cles that will do you good to see. Bring the children and let them see the beautiful display. From 7 to 9 tonight child's silver plated knife, fork and spoon, 15c, one to each customer, - F. G. YOUNG, Proprietor. SURPRISING BARGAINS IS MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS and OVERCOATS. AT THE DEPENDABLE ONE PRICE. 03 No matter what Prices others quote, we always do better. All Goods marked in Plain and the Fairest Figures. Owing to the depression in the Money market, we have had some unusual opportunities of making pur chases which, with Spot Cash, we were prompt in taking advantage of and are now making busi ness hum" with the irresistible force of the MANY BARGAINS we are offering. ' QUALITY. AKD DURABILITY OF FIRST AKD GREATEST IMPORTANCE. MEN'S ir MEN'S SLITS WE CAN ! MEN'S PANTS SELLING EXl KI.I-KN OVERCOATS TUB 3 98 75c . L'NDERWK 2 S8 BEST . f. 50 WE WILL ! ! 90c AT 3- 2 98 IS 7 50 fl 00' . 3 75 CJOOD 10 00 WE ARE ! ! ! 1 25 PRICES 75c 3 98 ENOUGH 12 50 GIVING Upwards. tSo 4 65 , THEN 15 00 thk KNEE PANTS. TO Pl.USl! M M. & K CHILDREN'S BIGGEST 13c crs 7 50 I. , SUITS. VALUE , 18c RUSH 75- 8 60 th ; 79c rn , 22c THEM l oi 9 88 PLACE 98c YOUR S5c FROM 1 25 12 00 toko , , 1 38 MONEY. 50c OUB 1 50 15 00 YOUR 1 68 TABLES 16 50 TRADING 1 88 . . " IMMENSE BARGAINS IN SHOES. Nothing we can say is as convincing as the goods and prices themselves. We therefore request an opportunity of an honest test to prove the sincerity of every claim. i Eioe Eton 1804 Second Largest Shoe and Clothing Stores in Rock Island County. Clothlo Ron 1729 Second Arenoe, 116-123 Elghtwnth 8t.