THE AitGUa WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1CS3. V ..7. -- " ' 1 ..i .......... . i. 1 1 Iftnioval Salft i I.WlllU 1 IJUl UlillWa e submitted to. peculiar mngicl opera- r-' ' Twenty-five . . thousand dollars worth of Books, Sta tionery, Wall Paper, Pic ture Frames, Holiday Goods, Toys, Games, Pocket Books, Gold Peris,' etc., to be sold at a great sacrifice in order to ef Iject a speedy removal of our stock by our customers. We have determined on discount ing our present low prices all the way from 20 to SO per cent Come and see us" and be con vinced. Our store is full of beautiful goods, selected with great care, for this season's trade. No finer stock can be found in the state suitable for Christmas and New Year's gifts for young or old, rich or poor, than can be obtained from our stock. R. CRAMPTON & CO., 1725 Second Avenue, Rock XsancL -ELY'S film ItcUi-fal oun tr1 imtm (a hmtril. jbc. unrsMSif tt HEALTH IS WEALTH Hut if Afllirtvd it Costs You Nothing to Consult the Eminent Phy sicians and Sporialiats, C:;!txlt:S:risdlxstitxt3 " DOCTORS J ' AZIDSSSOS tL ILCZZ rVnwHwallr UkmI la lh ttyaa Black, Cataar fcca4 aa4 Brjay SmU, Davcaaatt, fawa. All Dm AtllrlH) fa lean. lira. Aadeiaaa A U-mm T ' irnMliiltp at IIM katfhia mtvm Cot tratusr Iktacmnlry. aaal W SB wi rnpr- Wvtr tn in waoliaeat f taiaatt tn a tmfitll? irm CaMna.Thfaal aa4 Laac, 4laaaa m Mr llw awa. djpsato, Hwt UaaMaa, c-alla,lna.rltrar KlUaKT AMI I'K.NAKY tfMBias taawWr MBavot'S DMBASBS Taa ami acaravalad ciai an rpHj aa4 raa..aUi caral ay aw XADIU ArrUCrCU-Spwial alUatJaa m ait aiimm rvcaiMf M wmmr. mwij mnij mm aavaataaa lar Ik In rtnat aa4 t fa- RwlHil AD aKIN IHsaASS-ATI tioaawa trtrinf trwai aaaaia aaaiS, arrWata, acnn, Ml Wr, tasMvv, alcaia, vtc EWlricitv Its Scientific ,Apnlica '' tlon. 1 tar niti.tajaww. wca,cl inisay ahw Hiniaii . Vmm nwiNi 4 laaiSiallv M Mlarar aWm aw. a a 4 f aantina blaafc. Arm mm. ahouuuM uan, Kyaa aMk, Urn- 0000000000000000 0 1102 rTaVUZ o 0 ST w wlitVnsaaaf SSaiTaiTS 0 OOOOOOOOOOOCdOOO Id 11 Sar aim BALiii-nM th y ifgjiggV IM I sin Mt IrfnmtlMk Il la) MSSslI !WSi for oldlnl t If (mfc-tie AhmrrWd. 13 I ELXBtMKk,WWa B0TELB Metropolitan Hotel, Broad wmj. Cor. Frinca St., Saw Tork CKy. SiHUasd aaS Faaovatad Um Bamavaa )a. Raaaj ratal SI a day mm! apwanl. ROTtaaraol canal in lha kaat ia lha tHa at aa4 aiaw rata. airoei cam naaj an R. R. atattaas sat atcaa oat aad fairy laadiaaa s laa aoor. UILDKKTn ALLSX. rtp'a. THE AHCAD2, if Ciltar 8 tor and Billiard Parlor. Ahrajra oa haad Um Saaat Iraada af aa laparua dean. All acaaoa if Tbaatoraaf stltka sail gas wll s laaslasi any. L. OLOCKnOTT.Prcp , A' 0O0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0..0 ,ooo Hair Death : ; awUaWr wilarna aa mar diiPHnia - O iecttaaiaMa ha r.waaUwr aaaa Um baaaa, . Uee, rmt ar arcs, arrlbaat l aawraiwa ar bt)aryialhaaMMtdllcaaFaMa. I was O . ma rrrrv vaaaa raa aacasT rancu ow I Baa-aca Wiuas. acaaowladrw by aayt- e cnaa aa Um hMraaat auiaarny a mi lha . am Mam dt latmlunH aad lialraawcav a eRNIMmrHfal. IMrMcMariatoBrae. tlr irf tlf. 1 1. L. ..HI,. , . i -- ' mi w - k " - Iku - O" daa. Hart. SI a aalL mail Oarraaaflajaawca rwaaaaatlal. Bim Aaaata O -. far Aaawks. Aadma TUB NKOOKCM : MIIOTHAiKaaoWEftCO. 1K.BC jck g saatt Ua awaai. Raw Tark. Boo o o o"o,'ooo ah r , rr V ASIC JwUK MMEaaYMXR. 1 'H"S Pork Gilmore'a pork. Use Best ea Record iour. Wakl's medicated healinir soan. nave you tried White' Kose cream ery? " i Ezra Kendall at Marrjer'a this evening. Try The Abgcs want column, and watch the results. .'S.i.:- Ifyoutrv Best on Record floar f on will have no other. 1 An endless variety of tree orna ments at KreU llatk'a. Taffy and caramels that melt in your month at Krell 4 Math's. Call at - Ernie's and leare 'J vour measure for a suit or overcoat. If there is anything von want. The Akgis want column will get it for you. . ; Head The Daily A rocs. At 10 cents per week, it is within the reach oi an. . Biff slipper sale until Dec 94 at the famous, 222 Brady- street, Vav- enport. You will save mom It yon want a sou or overcoat oy caning at Emtg's, Kighty-two more new toame6 were added to Tnn Argcs subscription iisi ycsieraay. -v The annnal election of officers of the Rock Inland Brewing company win ue nctu iec. Zo. Try our shaved nourat and iellv roll candy, something new and de licious, at Krell Math's. - If you are cold, step in to Krell A Math's and get a cup of hot coffee. chocalate or tea. Eycrv cup made Hf urucr in a moment s umc Men's fine slippers at 69, 79 and 98 rents a creat variety of them at the Famous holiday slipper sale, 222 nra.iy street, Uavenport. G. 1. nyncs & Co. An endless variety of trcntletnan's one suppers to be sold until Dec 24 at less than other dealers pay for them, at the Famous, 222 Brady street, isavenpori. . . . Kmijr, the tailor, has jnst received a large shipment of winter suitings and overcoatings that must jro. Call and leave vonr order, and save money. 1707 Second avenue. COCMTT RTILDISO. Traaafar. lec. 18 Jacob Stewart to Roliert K Odeli. tat 6, block -2. . Stewart's add.. South Moline. (1,200. Dec 19 Estate of William J. Bollman. Petition of Anna F. Boll man for letters of administration filed. Bond filed and approved and letters issued to ber. Andrew Don aldson. M. G. Bidford and James M Hutchinson apiiointed appraisers. instate oi Jacob lUiamson. .in ventory filed and approved. Kara Kcaxtall ul Hla Xew Play. Ezra Kendall's new plav, -The Substitute," is a coined v drama with a plot that (ibooJd satisfy;, the most exacting, but with enough of comedy to keep tne interest irom nagging. As its name indicates it is a etorv prowinj out of aniocideut of the civil war, a friend and neighbor be coming the "substitute" fur. the young husband and father who is drafted, and whose death before the substitute's return home results in making him not only a substitute for the war but also thereafter for life by his marrying the young wid ow and inereoy becoming a eubsti tute rather to the child. The facts upon which the story is founded in vest it with an added interest, some of the incidents which furnish the comedian an opportunity for the dis play oi a higher character oi work than he has heretofore done, but also suggests situations and climaxes which will make its production at Harper s theatre this evening an in' teresting event. Tfca aoMM Has found that her little ones are improved more by the pleasant laxa tive. Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a rcntle remedy than any other, and that is more ac ceptable to them. Children enjoy it and it benents them. The true rem edy, Svrap of Figs, is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup company A Jade wt aCaaaaa Hi "Doctor, tell roe honestly whether my health is improving or not, "My dear air, you're getting cm fa- monsly, tamonalyt "- ' "Ton are not speaking the' troth. doctor, but I can tell without your as sistance whether I am getting better or not." "How can yon judge 77" "By the behavior of my heirs," Paris Qauloia. Is undoubtedly a disease of the 'blood . t- w it a, a- partBwr can affect a perfect and ter mancnt cure. Hood s Sarsaparilla is the best fclood purifier, and it has cured many sever eaees of catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leads to consump tion, xake iiooa a barsaparuia be fore it is too late. Hood's pills do not purge, pail gripe, but act promptly, easily efficiently. 23c." '. (i i or and tfiitr. r. Dec. 23, 24. 26, SO, 81 and Jan. 1st, the C, K. I. P. railroad will sell tickets to any point on their line within 200 miles at rate of one fare aad a third for rounds trip, good to return up to aaa including van. 9-n, . . t. u. neiuuut. Ageat. Miss Crystal Thornton, an actress. rnhmitted to a peculiar surgical opera tioo at Roosevelt hospital Nov. 22. Miss Thornton, whose borne is in Cali fornia, is a handsome Tonne woman. but in her opinion her appearance Buf fered through what she thought was a deformed ncse, hot which others re garded as nothing mora than a pro nounced Rom an nose. She determined. however, to have the nose reduced to a normal size and consulted Dr. Charles McBurney with the view of having him perform the operation. The surgeon, it is said, advised her that if the operation was performed a scar might remain, which would per haps be more objectionable to her than her prominent nose. Miss Thornton declared that she preferred the scar to having so much nose and renewed her request that the operation be perform ed. The patient was placed under the influence of ether, incisions were made, the skin laid away on either aide and part of the bone removed. The wound was treated with anti septics, the akin replaced, and in dueJ tune tne patient went home. She vis ited the hospital again two days later, when the wound was found to be heal ing nicely. Miss Thornton has since that time remained at home, and un less some unforeseen accident occurs will in time make her appearance in public with a symmetrical nose, In har mony with the rest of her features. New York Letter. Soaaebady Lost a. Haad. A false left hand which Roundsman Charlie Wendcl found at the exit of Manhattan field after the football game on Thanksgiving day awaits a claim ant at the Washington Heights police station. It la incased in a dark tan kid glove and looks at first glance like a keenly arrered real band. The theory is advanced by several members of the police force that the dummy was the property of some in genious member of the light fingered gentry, whose perfect hand was under bis clothing during the football gam' bols, but plying its chosen calling all the more effectively. It is the general impression that the hand was wrenched from its fastenings on the wrist of the owner in the crowd as he passed out of the field. Sew York Herald. QBataated tear. We authorise our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery lor consumption, coughs and colds. npon this condition.. If you are af flicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and .will us this remedy as directed, giving it i fair trial, and experience no bencht. vou niav return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oftt-r did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovcrv could he relied on-.'1 "ft -never -disappoints Trial bottles free at Hart is 6V Ulle- mever's drug store. Large size 50c and 1 A LEADER. Since its first introduction Electric Bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly, in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives containing nothing which permits its ue as a beverage tr intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ail' ments of stomach, liver or kidnevs It will cure sick headache, indiges tion, constipation, and drive malaria Horn the ovstcm. batislaetion guar- uiteed with each bottle or the money vill be refunded. Price only aOc per Ottlc. Sold by Hartz & Ullemcyer. BCCBXUT S ARX1CA 8AXYK. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers salt rheum Fever sores, tetter, chapped hands. chilblains, corns, and all skin erup. tions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Harts ft Ullcmcyer Christmas aad Raw Tear Holiday Rata. For the above occasion the Bur. lington. Cedar Rapids & Northern railway will sell excursion tickets at all stations to points on its line with in a radius 200 miles, at a very low rate for the round trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 23, 24, 25, SO and 31. 1893, and Jan. 1, 1894, good to return until and including Jan. 3, 1894. For-rates, tickets, time of trains and other information, call on or ad dress any agent of this company.; ; J. E. Uarreoam, ' Gen. Tkt & Pass. Agt. ' For the holidays the C., ' B. Q. offers tho following rates: Tickets sold Dec. 23, 24, 2f , 30, 31 and Jan. 1, 1894, at one and one-third fare, to all stations east of the Missouri river, and within a radius of 209 miles from selling point. Tickets good, going, date of sale; returning, to and including Jan. 3, 1894. .-i Si. J. Yoi;G., local Agent. . L'.,', at Mar atxearsieav : For Christmas and New Tear's holidays the C, M- & St. P. will sell excursion tickets at one fare and Ohe third for round trip within a distance of 200 miles.- Tickets on Bale Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and Jan. 1; good to return up to and including Jan. 3. E. D. W. Holmes. Agent. Reraaarrtf y Tear. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle The best in the market and at low- eat prions for December delivery, at T.1I Ellis'. i Cantitued the Low Ratafe tor Skilled Special Tro&tme it. This is the Season to Thoroughly Eradicate Old Catarrh Troubles. Testimony of a Prominent Young Hotel Man His Hearing Defec tive since Childhood now en tirely Restored. "My general health has been im paired bv chronic catarrh since mv early childhood," writes Mr. Frank Viance, a prominent young hotel man of the Lahr House. Lafayette, Indiana? "These troubles affected my eyesight and almost resulted in total deafness. MR. FKAXK VIAXCE. The sense cf hearing was entire ly destroyed in one ear, and the se vere headache became every year more . violent and frequent. . Mv memory failed; I became despon dent and was unable to secure nec essary sleep. I nearly always had a troublesome cold and experienced great annoyance from chronic sore throat. After a brief course of the Stack house treatment I was gratified to notice an entire change for the bet ter. The unpleasant symptoms were gradually but surely dispelled until today I am glad to 'say that I feci better than I have, in years. The treatment of Dr. Stackhouse and his associates is truly wonderful. It gives me. pleasure to - recommend these, physicians and their special method to every person out of health." $5 a Month. To all who apply for treat most t for Catarrh and kindred diseases before ine nrst day of Januarv, 1894. no fee in excess of $5 a month will be cnarged. I hose whose names are enrolled during this period will be entitled to treatment at this special low rate until entirely weii. Stackhouse Medical Institute, URBINE STACKHOUSE. M. D. JOSEPH A. DANIEL, M. D. KoosasIT aatl IB. .. WHI1TAEEB BC1LDISG, (Flirt Floor. Take tba Elevator.) B, W. Ceratr af Brttr aad Taira Btrasts, VATESP0ST, IOWA, Tba sncrcaeful and pcnnanmllj established Special lata ia the treatmnt of Ca'arrh, Asthma. Disease of the Ere. Ear, Kae, Iferoat Langs, Kcrrouc Diseases, Blood and Skin Dh Me; Chronic Diteaaea. Ofllce Hoars- a. m. to 13 .. t to t nd 7 te e a. am.: Bandars, s to & p. ai. only. When Baby vasrdclt, we rjaw Merwflria. When fho was a Ctii'.J, aim crird for Caatoria. I Wbx-n aheberameXiaft, Rb dun- to Caatoria. Whoa aha had ChOdraa, she thea Caatoria Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria Lane's Family Mcdiciae moves the bowels each day. Most people need to use it. ' ;' CMtfraiCryfor Pitcher's castoHtu Coughing leads' to consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough it once Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Complete Manhood - aad how to attala it. ' . i-. -, -K i At last a medical work that tells ft caaaes, deacrJhm the Te M, potata the remedy. This t acieatiaeali the saaat Taloable, artieUcall the awrt Mutifal BMdVal book that haa aa aarad for fara; pafasrr page beariac a h ilf-toa UlaatraUoa U tinta. Soaat of MM uhjecta traated ar Rerroas OabiKty, Iaape taejey. Sterility. DralopaMot. Varicocale, Th Haabaat. Thoaa Mrteadlng abnfate.ess. very ana wh woald know th gruaf trataa. tk alala facts, the eld seer eta, sad the new - 4Hf. abivaMaansteai aad aat tatasapftfalla she aid wrM lor tea wwSatfalsjttle book. 4t wiB be seat baa aetata! I . t. artificers. No hurried, knocked-together-with-hammer-aad-, - nausworK. . i ney re honest. You II say so when you exam ine them. All-suiting prices. Enduring Furniture of all Kinas. -AT W. S. HOLBROOK'S, 103, 105, 107 E. Second F treat, DAVBNPOST, IX Special Grand Slipper Sale all week. Twenty per cent discount Men's Leather Slippers, Men's Embroidered Slippers, .Ladies Bronze Slippers, Ladies' Suede Slippers. Gray, black and tan colors. Turkish and Boudior Slippers. - t , Twenty per cent discount on every pair of Men's, ladies, or children's slippers in the house. "The BOSTON," 162f Second Ave., Under Rock Island House. A Nice Pair of Practical Christmas Present For Gentlemen. This department, as usual, is stocked with innumera ble pretty styles, from the cheapest to the very best, in all the popular materials and colors. Goods and Prices to Suit the Times. -t.jj- . Commencing Monday next, and continuing through- ' out the week, we will give to every one calling at our. store an elegant souvenir calendar. Open evenings until Jan. Cor. Second cd llbrrtsca Gts. Uaw Opan with a replete stock of Fall and Winter Suitings at No. 1707 Second aveane, ia tke store formerly occupied bj 11. D. Folsom. VTBL BKH1. Imported and Domestic So.tingB Original witli us. Our it- ' lustration inadequate to tell" -their worth. Ornaraentil J anywhere; arti.aalsub stantial. Your bedroom in- ' complete without one. ; If a thing of beauty is a joy for ' ever, happy indeed are they -who possess our dresser. How about wearing quali ties? Unequaled. Manu factured from choice setec- . I .nr1 t.4r4 araa4e tlV filf Slippers. . Jf" i. Tke Latest , Aad Most 8tjllsk " o v A