Newspaper Page Text
KNOWLEDGE P-rior comfort and Improvement and trn'ls to personal enjoyment when riv'fitlf " T1 many, who lire bet tor than othn and enjoy life more, with It expenditure, hjr more promptly ihlapting the world' best product to tltc need of phy'ical bring, will attest the value to health of tbo pore liquid Lixative principle embraced in the n medy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence due to it presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the teste, the refreshing and truly bonoficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, di-rx lling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. I; has riven satisfaction to millions and ex-t with the approval of the medical r.mffion, because it acts on the Kid neys liver and Rowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. r-ynip of Fir is for sale by all drtlf-ri-ti in ftc and 1 bottles, but it is man. ufiv tnreti by the California Fig Syrnp I'm. only, whose name is printed on every pcknpe, also the name, Syrnp of Figs, ami bring well informed, you will sot accept any substitute if offered. un In of J tutor.: T.B.BBIDY. REIBY DUOS. ' TBS LXAPIKG Real Estate -Insurance. AGENTS. SMBM7,Mltetmt9.alM cany altassf I v (r Shwhw (naiaaates. aalMlaf fcwj la all ttosiaVtaat aaattlnaa. Ckstca rsecrtT la all parte Us etty. Una 4, mtewn A tyaes talMnw, grease low. hi rtsr sf HIKVfU LvaOe asak. Mais Wall Paper Co. Don't you want . . a pleasant home? You certainly do; and to satisfy your wishes we have a fine line of "Window Sfiades, taflTapcrs, and above all, Pictures and Picture Frames. These are all neces sary requisites to make your home homelike. Come and convince yourself that our prices are the lowest in the city, and that we have the fin est selection from which to make your choice. i Allans Uall Paper Go 110, SIS aad 814 TWENTIETH STREET. END OF THE FAIR. Closinf Night of the Events at Armory Hall. THE FBIZF8 AID THE TTJms. Cm. olar stewarese I ar Ills KmmIh ftohalf mt 11a far Post-Tk om.i. Uaa to KraTtza Mealy Trmm ike Katrr- talaataats-A Kasator of Gifts mat Draws l mm Dlaaaata af at Aartloa. The fair conducted at Armory hall iucr i no auspices oi Uoferd post. 243 a. w. a. u., concluded last night, view of the fact that the drawing prises, to a chance in which each urchasor of a ticket held a coupon. was to take place, the largest num ber of people ever contained in the a s . . . nau, assembled. There were fullv ,500 (fathered there, and so crowded was the floor that one experienced iiicuiiy in moving about. A I'rrwatatloa. l Prior to proceeding with the order of the evening, c-l'ost Commander K. II. Hiick made a short address from the piriform, expressing, the thanks of the tost to the public' for the liberal patronage extended, and to the manufacturers and merchants for the generosity and good will snowo in me donations, con tributing so handsomely to the success of the undertaking In conclusion he addressed him self to Col. Lew Ginger who has di. reeled the events, which have been attended with results of so grtt'fying a nature, and in well chosen words presented him with a beautiful silver water service. In token of the appre ciation felt bv the post for his work n us oenall. I he colonel was greatly surprised, but expressed his gratitude for the splendid manifes tation. Awarding the Ii Im. A committee to conduct the method oi awaruing tnc prises hail been se lected, composed of Messrs. R. A. Donaldson, I. I). llurg and David Donaldson, and Miss Carrie Schmitt was chosen to draw the ticket cou pons, and Miss (J race Jobe to draw the sill containing the prise num oers. j nc aistriuution ucmonstated the fact that there was no coupon corresponding to the number that called for the leading prise, while there were a nuniler of others that were not claimed because the nnm bers calling for them were undnubt edlv among the blank tickets not sold, and which as per previous agreement were returned to the post to fie disposed of at auction, which mode will apply to all goods not taken. It was thought the number entitling the possessor to the piano might lie out last night, but up to the present time it has not been pre sentcd. Some of the coupons did not con tain the holders' names because they were either sold at the theatre or at the Armory hall door, and time was not taken to till them ont. Among the most iniorlaiit articles and the numbers winning the came mav be mentioned: Piano given by Kimball music house, 29'Jti, blank. Farm wagon, Molinc Wagon com' panv. 1687, blank. Shaving set. Maris oi memevcr. dm, Charles Uhgo. Scales, Molinc Scale company, 87 II. trilavcr. Overcoat. Simon & Mosenfclder, 177-1, blank. Overcoat, the London, 3.01. blank Canopy top surrey, WiNon Hnggy eompanv. Mollne, Knul Hanson alid dish. II. u. foisom, z.tiio. George Strochlo. Silver nut dish. 2,i0. blank. tint's suit. M. & K., 6 Hi, Phil Wells. Set of dishes, F. G. Young. 1,282, blank. Ilav loader, Rock Inland Plow com panv, l,6Kii, Otto liurkcrt. Giant stick of candy, George K. Itailev. SI8. T. II. Davis. Smoking set. Harts & Hahnscn company, 610. Mrs. iiosiock. rants' pattern. J. 1. uixon, l.twi, Will Donaldson. Hiding plow. Deere & Co., 2,303, blank. Toilet case, Iluvkstacdt, 2,53!), blank. Kivcr.iide Oak, Kock Island Stov eompanv. 2.o67, blank. Desk, Clcmaan & Salsniann, 1,307 blank. ''- Oil stove. J. W. Stewart, 2. I'M blank. V Hoy's suit, Joans Bear & Co., 2,323, blank. There were in all 3 )3 articles dis imsed of. but the list is too extended to admit of publication in iun. What the fast lirU. Un ford post and Relief corps will receive between $1,800 and 2.000 from the entertainment and fair. Col f ilajrer who has ,aooomn4lft-d these results la fweral In this .dine, and the poet feels' Verr rrateful.o him as shewav last nigfau Col.,; Ginger heaves tonight for Bis home at Colo- . Kmw Thassa tar Pnawte. Self closing umbrellas. Persian handle umbrellas, blue. Smoking jacket and fancy vests Fancy ailk handkerchiefs. lHwssing gowns and bath robes. Furs for ladies and children. Persian Imported neckwear. Fancy, plain and novelty mufflers Full dress shins anu protectors, Seal caps and fine hats.' Silk and satin suspenders. Call and see our novelties, we hav new things in every line we carry. Lutxv t Stewart. RAPID TRANSIT. Taa lw Calcara Kmm KtraTawa ta taal Caatpaar. I The Chicago Inter-Ocean has the following concerning the latest ven-1 lure in which the gentlemen con - trolling the tri-city electric street railways are interested: i . J Rapid transit on the north side re- ceived a new impetus durinir the week by the introduction of the or- nances for franchises, for an eleva- tnl Mail Im Ii. IMk.k.l.n. CI.M. " -. . v. . I niiiniM compuT ua me Aorin I Chicago Electric railroad eompanv 1 lor an eiectrio surface road - on Lin- coin aad Milwaukee avenue; Roth companies stand high, and the state ment is made that this is one of the few enterprises that mean business and thrt its backing is of the very best. The capital stock of the company s f 15.03;),0J0, and it is lclieved that the Chicago North Shore Electric railroad, which has been pushed for ward to completion so successfully by Delaney H. Louderbwck; and also the North Chicago Eiectrio tsfilroafl. of which he is also ' president, are only the beginning of a gigantic sys tem oi elevated, railroads on tbe North Shore, which will be fed by me ciectric surface roads which they will spread all over the outlying dis tricts. The capital is all practically n hand, and it is believed that among the following are the stock- holders: Those latomted. Marshall Field, W. W. Baird. John J. Mitchell. W. G. Bealc. J. W Doane, Jehn I. Heggs. Orson Smith. L. Cochran, K. and C. Bucking' ham, Alexander Clark, C. 1 Hutch' inson, William Dickinson, Ernest A. Haniill, Frank S. Gorton, John E. Havner. William 1 Gray. E. !. Brewster. Charles H. Hulbard, Charles Counselman, Samuel Insull, S. A. Spraguc, William Jockson, William J. Watson, William Knight, w is. W alker, George M. Lyon, Nor- man Williams, D. H. Louderback, C. R. Cummings. George T. Smith, John M. Clark. II. E. Southwell. Colonel R. C. Clowrv. B. E. Sunny. D. G. Hamilton. P. A. Valentine, E. M. Phelps. J. II. Wrcnn, C. Henry heeler. C. C. Toe. The railway company seeks four different franchises on the North side, and the North Chicago Electric railroad company asks for franchises on Lincoln avenue, between Wright- I wood avenue and North lifty-ninth street, and on Milwaukee avenue. between Armitagc and Lawrence ave nues. The directors of the company arc: Samuel lusull. president oi the Chicago Edison company, and also a director in the Chicago North Shore conuianv:J. L. Cochran, owner of hdgewatcr, and also a director in the Chicago North Shore; A. S. Lil- tlclield, of the American Railway Construction company: A. P. Rich ardson, of the Richardson, linynton company, and D. II. Louderback is prcaiucni. ii is iiciieveQ inai oom roads will be built as soon as the franchises are secured. Christmas Stock. The Tri-City Packing and Provision company has received a large shi- menl of very fancy Christmas cattle and sheep, and out of lhl shipment the company has put one carload of these Christmas cattle ' and fancy sheep on the Rock Island market. not con lining tbcm to its own mar ket at the corner of Twentieth street and Fourth avenue, but in the best and leading shops in town. These elegant cornfed cattle were selected from among many thousands, and mav be seen at any of our first-class hops. The Tri-City Packing and Provision company has experienced great prosperity since its establish- ment in the coinniunit v, and has al- ready acquired a reputation through the energv and exticricnoe enlisted in the business, and the trade of the three cities may well respond, as in deed it has, to the enterprising dis- Msition shown by tbo company toward the locality. Nulla rilml. Erucst A. Illingsworth has, through his attorneys. Jack son & ilurst, had a precipe men againsi me it. i. & V. Kail road eompanv for $10,000. Mr. Illingsworth lost a limb about 13 or II vears ngo, and has .never re ceived any compensation. Another interesting suit Has Keen brought bv the same attorney, at the Instigation of Margaret McCarty, administratrix of the estate of .Mary Karnes and Kldridgc Kumus.'ogainst the name eompanv. for f , Jt will be remembered that about eix .. . . . . months ago Mr. and Mrs. Karnes were killed bv a train at Carbon :iifT, and now the petitioner asks for $5,000 damages in each case. Tba Culanabta Iieak Catradar, i Which is issued annually by I'opo Manufacturing company. Oduntbia bicycle fame, - is . out the of for 1891, much improved in appearance. It is a nad calendar of the same .size and shape as those of previous years, havine leaf for each (lav. but its attractiveness liaa been heightened by the work of a clever artist, who baa scattered a scries of bngljt en. drawings through it pages. It also contains, as usual, many appropri ate anil interesting contributions from people both bright and wise. mat raraaa. AUmttaal J. G. Dcmpscv Forum, No. ; 6. meets this (Friday) evening for e lee lion of officers. A full attendance is desired. J. II., President. V. A. Giles, Secretary. au la boy's overcoats and ulsters. , An excellent chance for a useful present. blMOX & MOoKXrKLbKK. r CADrS SCHEME. Dat the laMalit oa Warkiac mt World's rata- Plaisias The Chicago Herald furnishes the following information of local inter lest: Thousands of recent exhibitors at the fair have lately received a rather mysterious communication from Mor- ton Yale Cadv. one of the judges in the manufactures department. Mr. Cadv sends out a letter telline the ..klkitn.. Ili.t Ik trat Ikam tk. : .... , exact woruinc oi ineir uiwiumas, m that they can use the judges' reports for advertising purposes monins in advance of the dehverv of the diplo mas. - He offers to get this informa tion for tin. Mr. Cady gives as reference a long list of employes of John Boyd Thacher's office, most of whom happen to be custodians of the reports in question. In concluding his offer, he cautions - the exhibitors to regard the communication as con fidential. At present Mr. Cady's address is Washington, D. C , care John Boyd Thacher. Althongh he is not on Mr.- Thacher's salary list, he seems to have free access to the records of the oflice. Several commissioners said yester day that, while Mr. Cady's venture might, under a generous construc tion, be rvsrarded as legitimate, it was calculated to bring the awards committee into disrepute, and would therefore be discouraged. "it win ing purWlv held bick to cable Mr. Cadv t. sell this information. said General St. Clair, and while such mav not be the case, the awards com mittee cannot afford to have that suspicion attached to it." As to Mr. Cady. Mr. Cady lives in Molinc, liu lie has letters of the highest character. among them one from Charles II. Deere, the national commissioner. who lives in that town. National Commissioner Charles M. Travis, of Indiana, also endorsed him. "I un derstood he was going into business,' said Mr. Travis yesterday, and knowing that he had been a good judge, I very willingly gave him a letter. If I had known he would have used it fur such purpose I would have withheld it." ataart Ratmoa Caarrla. Manager Montrose, of Harper's theatre, received this morning tho following disapiiointing dispatch: Chicago, Dec. 22 J. E. Mont rose. Manager Harper's Theatre, Rock Island, 111.: On account of sudden illness tonight of Mrs. Rob- son, and as we cannot play without her. am compelled to cancel our date. Address me Auditorium hotel. Chicago. Iff ill give you date in Mav. W. R. Havpes. This announcement will be re ceived with mnch regret, not only in Hock Ixland. hut in the three cities, as Mr. Robson's revival of the Com cdy of Errors" Saturday night had promised a Jarge audience of people, who admire Mr. Rohson no less than thev do legitimate comedy. Unless Mrs. Rnbson is dangerously ill, it seems passing strange that the com panv could not have come on, and that a leading laity could not nave licen secured in the great city of Chicago to have temporarily tilled the role. Notice. For the benefit of mv customers. as unristmas ians on aionuav mis year. and. as my store will be closed on Christmas day at 9 o'clock, I will keep my store open on Sunday moru ing until noon, and any one wishing . . to buy anything in the line of boh day goods will do well to call, i have a fise line or Christmas trees from 15 to 25 cents each. iAll ornaments 7 for 5 cents, New nuts of all kinds, either scp crate or mixed, only 12J cents per pound. Aew tigs JO cents per pounu. New dates 3 pounds for 25 cents. Good chewing gum 10 sticks for 5 cents. Six kinds of fresh mixed candy. onlv 8 cents iht pound. Kxtra hr.c chocolate creams anu r ....... . caramels 18 cents per ixund Best 1-rencU mixed creams in the citv onlv 23 cents per pound. THE 6WEKTEST ASP LAIMJEST KLOK1PA Oranges for the price in the city 15. 20 and.25 cents per dozen, New Three Crown raisins,' nine pounds for 50 cents. jSew tour crown raisins, scTcn pounds for 50 cents. - New California prunes, three I -pounds for 25 cents Good crushed coffee, 18 cents per pound. liranu.aica sugar. iu pounus ior . . .. . ... 50 cents. Best water white oil, five gallons for 45 cents. Also a nice l'ne of fresh butter and eggs at reasonable prices. I also carry a full line ot staple and fancy groceries, flour and feed. baled hav and straw, and notions, .at prices as low as the lowest. You will dj well to call and gut my prices before baying elsewhere. AfGf 8T E. Nissex,: Proprietor of South Park Grocery, c ft. i. r. r. Dec. 23, 24. 25. So, 31 and Jan. 1st, the C, K. I. & P. railroad will sell tickets to any point on their line within 200 miles at rate of one fare and a third for round trip, good to return up to and including Jan. 3-91. r. u. I'lc tit. Agent. PrraUa Silk Hallera. Twilled silk mufflers blue polka dots and cream colored cashmere are the newest. We have a line line. Simox & Moses keldek. BIRTHDAY EXERCISES. ratlaw Kaekla Katertalaod ay UtM Folks. Yesterday being the birthday of Rev. Father Mackin, exercises were held at St. Josepa's convent, in his honor, and consisted of an exceeding ly well rendered program s follows: v,wm, n. Address JaTaae ,., ,H, . ttOiri -The uttie Rcbei" is uiu Bor PwnTrtO -rhreunw ch-.P Willie McO'im.Fi nnde?s Jobs MeTloinld "Mmm at tte Ruiu oianhge"........ "Girls I'innn Trio "CMirze of Un U Ju Brigade" M oys rmno t no Brawa Eyes and Bine He....8era LIUIs Girl uteioue .... , Anat Riun inn. unis, nun aixw- Ihv i)f.l lliH'nii . M) FirttMutic Lon,,, Vodl Solo ..Urde WWII Vio'.is t)d P.ano Doet Wiilo.Mc Jamn, Jo sonwr e PIno Trio DccNmrtloTi. "On'y One Pair of Stocklnga to Menu loiitiriii ' aii Piano Duct Closing Hymn By the Bchool Aa Address to the Uttle Ieova. Rev. Father Mackin addressed the little ones, encouraging them, and picturing a future for them. He then inyited them to one of the large school . rooms, which contained a Christmas tree, and the little ones were all remembered by receiving candy bags, oranges, etc. The tree was tbe return of father MacKin, lor the little folks' entertainment. Tracy's Tenperaace Talk. A homely illustration used by Dr. Trncj. who o,ens a crusade in Rock Island next week, in one of his lec tures at Davenport this week would, 1 if it could make its impression upon parents in Rock Island, be a valua ble legacy of the present series of meetings. The text was furnished by a careful" old housewife who al ways went after the turkeys when they failed to come home "at roost ing time," ami its application was too plainly evident to need much elaboration. The doctor turned his eyes to the gallery, and inquired, 'boys and girls, where are yon every evening at roosting timer' " Then, locusing his glance upon me lower part of the bouse, be cried: Parents, do you go after your chil dren when thev don't come home at roosting time?" The doctor is of the opinion that a good many parents aren't as careful of their children as tho old house wife was of her turkeys, and who will say that he is not fight? The 2,000 mark was passed by the pledge signers at the Tracy, Davcn port, meeting last evening. Folic 1'olnm. Fred Thompson, otherwise Oar encc Eddv. was chased all the wav to Hampton by the Molinc jKiliec this morning and arrested. lor peddun without a license. He was taken back to Molinc and fined fo and cots. John Miller came into -the county court today and pleaded guilty to petit larceny, and was lined f 10 and costs. Miller is one of the men ar- rested the other day for stealing coal from the C R. I. & P. railroad com pany. Olliccr Starofskv, of ' Moline, last night arrested Al Nel son, - of this city. and Mar tin Hansen and Fred .Peterson, of Moline, all bovs, for stealing 200 pounds of metal from Isarnard & Leas' works. They had the stolen property with them at the time in a wheelbarrow, lhey were held in bonds of $259 this morning. The Coronrr's Vonllot. The coroner's jurv composed of J.K.Brandenburg, foreman: I V. Kckhart, T. II. lXIlv. J. W. Kirsch. J. W. Lawbead and William Ken He ld v tin!fl an Inmifii ni-pr tho reniftinu Y ' V. V .r the Kock Island arsenal yesterday, and after the evidence was all in. brought in the following verdict: That the deceased came to his death by the accidental discharge of a 30- ponnd Parrct shell at the Rock Isl and arsenal at 10:30 Thursdav morn ing. Dec 21. 1893." Hm Bra.' Hill of Fare. Order vour Christmas dinner from this list. Telephone No. 1031. roiXTHr. Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks. Geese. ruriT. Ealing apples. Oranges, Dates. . California pears, Pine apples, - Bananas, . Figs. Malaga grapes. Catawba grapes. - ' VEGETABLES. Lettuce. Tomatoes, Spmage, - - Parsley. Oyster plant. Cucumber, Sweet potatoes, Cabbagu, Rutabagas. Beets, Water cress. Soup bunches. Carrots, Parsnips. Cauliflower. Baltimore ovsters and celery, and the finest and most complete line, of domestic and Imported", bottlo and can goods. Also choice "candies and nuts, macaroons, ana a cnoicc liae oi Kennedy's cakes and crackers. Honey and bulk oaves. Order early ab . . . . . ur-as Bran. . 1620 Second avenue. Heal Kkla Caps. Onlv a few of those fine London dye seal skin caps left, sizes 6, C and 7. fl 8.00 caps for f 12.00; fl5. 00 caps for fS.OO: fl2.00 caps tor 7.00. o such chance will occur again - Sixox & Mosesfelukk. Notice. - Highest cash price naid for grease and dead bogs at the rarrell fcriili ing and Rendering works. . C. K. Wiviia. A Useful Xmas Present Is the one which is really appreciated. Simon & Mosenfelder Offer exceptional values in ; Boys and children's Suits and Overcoats.- Men's Suits and Overcoats. - : Elegant Underwear. " Rich Neckwear. Satin Suspenders. Nobby Silk UmbrellatC Seal Skin Caps.. . ; Elegant Cuff Buttons. ' .Gold Scarf Pins. -Buckskin Underwear, for the rheumatic. ' Children's Leather Leggins. 'x - White, Fancy and Flannel Shirts. : : Quality always the Everything marked Simon k Rock Island CUT PRICES. We give away a book for the children with every $2 purchase. Men's cork sole shoes worth $7, going at Men's patent leather shoes, worth$5, going at Men's slippers, worth $3 and $3.50, going at Men's slippers, worth $2.75, going at Men's slippers, worth $2.50. going at Men's slippers, worth $2, going at Men's slipjers, worth f 1.75, going at Men's slippers, worth $1.5), going at Men's slippers, worth $1.25, going at Men's slippers, worth 75 cents, going at. ....... . Boys' water proof shoes worth $2.5 J going at.. ., Misses' high cut shoes, worth $2.50, going at , Misses' high cut shoes, worth $2.25, going at.. .. Misses' high cut shoes, worth $2, going at Misses high cut shoes, worth $1.75. going at.. . Misses' high cut shoes, worth fl.50, goiug at.... GEO. SCHNEIDER, ROCK ISLAND, ILL. Happy and Are they who purchase their Xmas Gifts f fll 1 J a t - irom our wen seieciea siock, Bought carefully and at can offer you Many Sideboards, IMningr Tables. China Closets, Chairs and Cupboards We are showing some decidedly pretty music cab inets, parlor cabinets, parlor desks, book cases and parlor tables. ' Our array of vase lamps, hanging lamps, dinner sets ana cnamuer sets win piease you. Fancy rockers in all styles and coverings, rattan . ' rocKers, easy cnairs just Odd pieces for the parlor, parlor suits, couches, lounges, fetes and divans. Cook and heating stoves G. G. C. F. DEWEND. Manazcr. . ' Upholstering done to order. : Telephone No. 1206. - DEALER IN- 111 A inrwA A nrriLvvinnci LINSEBn OIL, best. Prices the lowest ' in plain figures one price. Mosenfelder, House Corner. 4 . 3 . S . s . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 63 50 25 00 7ft 60 25 00 90 60 75 80 65 50 35 lft CENTRAL STORE, 1818 Second Avenu Wise right prices. Hence we Special Bargains in ' wnat you wane and ranges. f - HUCKSTAEDT. 1809-1811 Second Amu I Open evenings till 8 o'clock. " OCT IMixBDHousaPAiim , I FLOOR PAififTi. WHITE LEAD, ETC. 1610 Third ArwiM.