OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, September 27, 1894, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1894-09-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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aaa. Bock Ukmi m.
TIKm IMy, mm acata par tirt. Waakly,
tVOO par aaaua; la a4vaac fl.BO.
An eoiBaanleatiotM of a critical or aawoaaata.
character, polttlaal or reUgtoaa, Bast aa.
fcal mom attache for pabllearkm. Mo tack
art'claa will b prlotad m Setitteaa slfattuaa.
Cvrmpeadraa solicited froai avary township
la Rack Island county.
Tot Sraator FRarat.ni Hicniiii
Tot Sua, at Schools HntBT Eui
Tot Traanrcr BnnuJ.CUHm
Tn a nt thmVnU I Pa Jrua M Kaira.
-r'lt of llii- Tatlob c CLSKDaSTa,
aoia I I'ALTia L. pL&aaairra.
For tfrnbrr ofComrres Jonas W. Ouma
For Han. of Geo. A-r.mb:jr J. 11. Hruaoaa
ForCwrntr Snigt.
For Conor Clark Cmvn Waldxak
For tkr.ff Ca.ai.ts W. Nrs
For Treasurer Crar VT. ooaoox
ForPupt of School Chaki r, B. Xiuatu
Till RJD4T, Skpteuckr 27, 1894.
Hir. Lip, hurrah! for Scnator-Gov-
ttir. hin,
ior Hill.
the ilr-ath knrll of jour Uncle Levi
Morton' amlition.
Thk business-like positive manner
in which Hot. AUji'M continues to
insist that Pullman pay bis proper
a-sment to Illinois taxes shows
that when he start out to do a thing,
he gcnerallj succeeds.
Tiir. iron trade is better. Within
two months the production of pig
iron increased from $5,000 tons per
wc k to IM.OW ton; coke produc
tion has more than donlded. The
rolling mills arc working well; bridge
and car building is starting up.
Kverj manufacturer is scrambling
for buines.
Ir there were any doubting Thom-
in the New York state democ
racy in the abilitr of the partv to
retain control of "the Empire state,
the nomination of David Bennett 11:11
shoul I give them all necessary reas
surance. Senator Hill is a great po
litical general who always leads his
batta'.ions to victory. Under ordi
nary conditions New York is a reli
ably !cmi?ratic state, but with Dave
Hill as the leader, ucces is doublv
Is a speech at Lincoln, Hon. Wil
liam M. Springer said: "Protection
is a Chinese system, and was used
1. (Hit) years ago. Send ocr products
across the water and exchange for
what they have there. The farmer
can't get" protection, for Liverpool
ti.ves the priee on his cattle, hogs and
cereain. He has to buy in a pro
tected market and pay "high prices
and st;II for the lowest price in a free
trade market. The farmer should
have an open market for buying and
selling. 1'rotection is a delusion and
a form of slavery."
Despite Pastor Hill's protest.
Mayor Hergman of Freeport did wel
come the atate liijuor dealers' associ
ation to that city and be did so in as
becoming and politic a manner as it
could possibly have been done. His
speech was brief and to the point.
He said: "As mayor of the city ot
Freeport I have the pleasure of wel
coming yon and your visiting friends
to your 15th annual convention. I
am not familiar with the object of
your gathering, but I hoe that they
are laudable, that you will conduct
yourselves creditably and that vou
may carrv awav with" you pleasant
recol4t.ti5ijrji'fttKtcJty H Ijocpirt.'
Illll. of w York.
Senator David B. Hill is still the
idol of the New York democracy.
Ifc'spite the fact of personal and po
litical differences between party lead
ers in the state and the senator, and
despite the fact that his positive con
victions and earnestness of purpose
Lave ted him to stop at nothing hon
orable to rain his point, he is still
first in the hearts of the preat partv
In the Umpire state. The spontane
ous ovation that drowned his protests
and attended bis nomination for gov.
ernor of New York in the democratic
convention at Saratoga yesterday, was
ono of the most remarkable in political
annals. The aeuator alanding in bis
place as presiding officer of the con
vention was itowerlcss to check the
enlhi siuuru with which the ball rang
at the very mention of his name for
governor." He sought vainly to de
cline, but to no avail. The party had
as one man made up its mind to
nominate him. and it did.
Senator Hill is probably roost ad
mired for those qualities which nt
times nevertheless, have made ene
mies for him in his own party he is
a fighter. He is a democrat who was
cut out for a leader of men. He is
for the party first and above all. and
he wilt lead to victory this fall if he
consents to m i.
The nomination of Daniel Lock
wood for lieutenant governor not
only contribntes an clement of
strength to tho ticket, but demon
strates the fact that harmony has
Wen fully established in the party in
the state, Mr. Lock wood being one of
the staunches! of Cleveland men,
being the president's old law associ
ate, and (or years identified with his
political advancement. With the
New York democracy thus united,
the result can not be bat one way a
sweeping old time democratic "Tic
tor v.
Tho Kant CuanKoa.
The Washington representative of
the St. Louis Republic furnishes this
table as his idea about the party di
visions in the Fifty-fourth congress:
State. Don. Ber. Pon.
Aianaaaa... ......... ......
Artansae.... .....
r lorioa
Geoiyia ,
Iurf ana
Iowa ..
OarjrUrd ......
Moitan..... ....... ......
'cbrka ,
New Hampshire
New JvrfH;....
ew Ynr
N'Tth OAou
Ride Island
nfh Carolina ...........
Norn Carol ra
S"tith Haaota ..
Tenor ssce.... ,. ..
West Virginia
4 S
5 t
11 10
1 M
10 1
f 1
I 11
1 5
13 t
l a
18 16
S 13
IS 1
8 1
7 3
X 4
18S 15
moat-reelng Republican. Doctors.
Sew York Evening Coat.
For an explanation of the cause of
hard times some reliable protection
ist organ should be consulted. If a
satisfactory explanation is not given
by the first, consult a second author
ity. Each has its own peculiar
brand. Here are two explicit expla
nations that appeared in to Chicago
newspapers on the same day:
The reason farm products are so
low is because there is an over-production:
there are too many people
engaged in farming. Inter "Ocean.
The reason times are so hard in
cities is because so many people
crowd in from the rural "districts.
More people ibou'J till the soil.
Itllly Mason the Rainmaker.
New York Sun.
We record a new triumph for
Billee Mason, of Illinois. On Friday
nignr. lie made a speech at Cable
where there had been no rain for
months. He had not spoken more
than 10 minutes before there was
prodigious thunder and lightning,
and then all the doors and back
doors of heaven were opened. Everv
farmer present took borne a stack of
pitchforks after the rain was over.
and the rain stopped when the speech
did. The fireworks had to be post
poned, but the conviction that Billee
Mason is a great and effective orator
has notably deepened.
It (aoald ba in Ivary Hoaaa.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharps
burg. Pa., says he will not be with
out Dr. King's New Discovery for
onsumpiion, cougns ana Colds.that
it cured his wife who was threatened
with pneumonia after an attack of
La rippe," when various other
remedies and several phrsicians had
done her no good. Robert Barber.of
Oookpport, Pa., claims Dr. Kind's
New Discovery has done him more
good than anything he has ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it.
Free trial bottles at Hartz & Ull-
meyer's drug store. Large bottles
oi cenr.3 ana ii.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters 6ing the same song
of praise. A purer medicine does
not exist and it is guaranteed to do
all that is claimed. Electric Bitters
will cure all diseases of the liver and
kidneys, will remove pimples, boils,
salt rheum and other affections
caused by impure blood Will drive
malaria from the system and prevent
as wen as cure all malarial fevers.
For cure of headache, constipation
and indigestion try Electric Bitters
Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded Price 60 cts. and
$1.00 per bottle at Hartz & Ulle-
The best salve in the world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures
piles or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Hartz & Ulleme ver.
8alug far Stoloa Public Timber.
ST. l'AUL, Sei. an. The state or Minne
sota through Attorney General Childs
aud Warner, Kicuardoo Si Lawrence has
brought three actiona. aggregating (64,545,
iu tue It:iniiuy couoty district court
auaiust the Itoaka Lumber company and
Thomas II. Suevliu to recover the value of
pi tie 1ok cut on the laud of the state aud
aliened to have been wrongfully converted
to lite ie of defendants.
right Uajra Adrift at sea.
ItALtrAX. N. S., Sept. 20. Allain Ange
and Botiel Marc liava reacted here, having
leen lftJ luu-aat aea in an opeu boat.
They are fishermen aud Aug. 88 tbey
became separated Iroin their Veaael, a
French ncUuoDer, and without food or
water drifted until txpL 6, wbeu tbey
were picked up by tue a learner Oerinoad.
Wiieu found the men were in a torrliis
condition and both were delirious.
The t'raMh Fnarrauaeo
of Sozodont renders it the most agree
able article ever used as a tooth wash.
It has none of the acrid properties of
the astringent tooth powders, and in
stead of contracting the gums, it ren
ders them firm and clastic.
Tke Oflterr Freda Fatntahlng Vagabond
ad Gcta No Tbaaka.
There was in the tramp's appearance
a suggestion of the lethargy that follows
a gorgiag 'With free lunch and cotoua
libations of beer that belied his piteous
story of not having had anything to eat
"since yesterday morning. " The shades
of night wro falling fast, and that may
have to some extent accounted for the
mistake of the bum iu selecting as the
object of his whining appeal McClnsky,
one of the beet known of the Central
offioo detectives, who was "sleuthing
it" along the Bowery.
"You are shy dinner and snpp:r f ir
yesterday and breakfast, dinner and
supper today. Come with km," t il d
McClusky, and he led tho way into a
greasy little Deanery from the door of
which hung a dingy sigu announcing
"regular meals, 8 cents. " Had the va
grant known what was in store for him
he would have never crossed the thresh
old except under forcible persuasion.
"Give this man his yesterday's dinner, "
said McClusky.
A slice of boiled beef, a boiled p tsto,
two slices of bread aud a cup of maddy
coffee were soon set up. Slowly the
tramp attacked the meal, and McClusky
wait 3d. When the dishes werjj clean,
the detective beckoned to tho waiter aud
"Bring the gentleman last right's
The order was repeated. Tho tra.-.ip
began to suspect something, bat be
thought it the better to act his pa; t.
Perhaps his eccentric benefactor w jr.'d
givo him the price of a bed. Vain nopo!
The supper disposed of, McClusky cr
tltrcd "the gentleman's breakfast."
"Sec here, p?.rdy, I never eats bat one
meal a dr.y," tho latter demurred.
"It is not enough. You told mo ynn
were starviug, and of aa ofacer of tho
New York police force it shall never ho
said that be allowed a fellow mnn to
starve," And the detective displayed
his badge.
"Snpposin 1 won't eat?" sai l the
trr.mp sullenly.
"Then yoa take a ride. Sec?"
The trapped hr.:a saw, and he a:a his
breakfast, nud then in great agony ho
managed to dispose of his dinner. Na
ture would stand no more.
"Sc here, pardy, I couldn't cat any
more, rr if 1 got two years for it, " he
pleaded in genuine distress.
McClusky had had bis fun, ar.d lie
excused his victim tho snpper. As the
tramp Tolled torpidly out of the place
he paused r.t tho door, aud with a mur
derous gleam in his eye said hoarsely,
"I'll get even wid you f'ir dis. you
big !" Yorh Advertiser.
Krntui ty Jnclge AaaaMlnatrd.
IIazaud, K, rk;t. 28. Ju Ige J. JL
Combs was assainaijd at his bom;, lie
was shot from a corn patch on the opi,o
nite i!e of a trt from hi resmet.W.
Two uukuowu uion were seen running
from the spot and tbey j-iined a U.hi
umn. Uckn.wn purtics shot at Lim uvice
lout May.
No Hise IHr Callaban.
New Orleans, Sept. a;. John T. Cil'.a
ban, tbe first of the boodle cvuncihiu u to
be couv.uJ by tlie criminal court, nntle
his Inst leijal phiy to escape tU peniten
tiary. Hu counsel made a luotiou la
arre.-t of judgment, but it was promptly
refused by tbe cour; and the prisoner was
sent back to prison, lie will be sentenced
iu a few days.
Two Children Cremated.
Br.ISTOL, Teun., Sept. 30. Tbe residence
of Juinea Coachcaour, near li-ite Clt
Vu was burned down uad t wo cb.Wr-. u
met their Ueatu in the flames. Ji:a.
Cuuciiuuour was aerious'y, if not fa: il' v,
barued, aud her bub.iud wus 0id!y
burned about tbe hands and f-ice.
Charged vitb CMtraey.
Blvefielu, W. V., ri-pt. 1-6. Fre
striking miners were arrested a" the
Louisville Caal anJ Coke compxuy's
works and brought before a just ice e! i lie
p.ace here ch-.rcj witu conspiracy
against tbe life of Mine lions 1 ivu.ie,
whom tbey waylaid aud tried to kilL
A lldrt Key.
Whotia tlia' which I stionld turn to, :htit.g
upon day line tueae?
Every door la barred with pold, and opens ttt lo
Eolden keys."
The Gulden kcr, to articb thoae who diistr? to
open the door of health. bould tnrn toiir'ajg
like these, is Dr. I u ret 'a GjkIcb Medical l;a
covery. The poor man's pence can procure H.
The rich ronn'a ndlnona can buy nothing "cfrr.
aire. .aea:. or Crockett Mills. Tenn.. bad an tt
tack of measica, which was followed by hron-
chitia cod pneumou.a. Hit hnband wrilrt:
'"I feel gratlBcd with the it.ct of yonr oau. r
fui medicine. I can recommend it to anylieily.
and feci I am djioir themjuaticc. Utai.c x
not able to perform her houaebold duties fur -ix
montha. sho baa urcd twobnttlie of'iif! l:n
Medical Uiecoery,' and ia now able to do all her
wmk. I think it tbe fineat me icine n tbe worid.
and I an) gratefully, jo. r life-iouc frlcnl Yours
emcirely, J.B. Sei."
A curions present for a deaf person
has been introduced iu Germany a fan,
deftly concealing a tiny ear trumpet in
Its end stick.
TO youNGi
we uner a Remedy Which. Uacd ma
Directed. Insures Safety ta
of KlgktilrmnA rhjj
I Bona confinement of lta Pain. Horror ead ,
auaa, aa naar toaury.
r "My wife used only two bottles. She I
.was easily and quickly relieved; is cow
doing splendidly '
. J. S. MORTOW R..1 XI r I
I nt fcTi?1".0T J!U. a reeeipt of prlre
' tl SO prr hnltle. Solri by all braaaiata! (
BBAnriru Rkoclatob f.. Atlanta. r;a
A $2 Si
Oiir KOTT-t-WOOK- la tha
bat epectacle made, ior
iuiuw i"" "Miiara apply to
X. U. THOMAS, Druggist and Op
tician. Eyes tested free of charge.
'""THERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
cf having the best paint, and that
is to use only a well-established
brand of strictly pure white lead,
pure linseed oil, and pure colors.
The following brands are stand
ard, "Old Dutch" process, and are
always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
"Southern," "Red Seal,"
"SLipiaan," "Fahnestock."
If you want colored paint, tint
any of the above strictly pure leads
with National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 15 pounds of Strictly
r are White Lead the desired shade ; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of pei Cecily pure colors in tbe handiest iorm to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
Send ea a postal card and get our bock oa
paints and color-card. free.
Chicago Branch,
State and Fifteenth Streets, Chicago.
Painlessly. Positively, Perfectly. Per
manently, C-U-R-E-D
Without Surgical O eration crdetcn
tion from Business.
Ho pay for treatment nntil eared. Diseaaa of
Kertcm.Chroi.ie4jTjtipat40n, Stricture, Fimurua
Prniitia or itching pilea permanently cured.
Tiatala cured withont the are of knife.
Plies removed without pain at lb.
Medics! and Surgical Institute
Permanently Loeated lc the Kyan Block,
fcecond and brj Kreels, OaTciiTxrt, loirs.
Dra. Ardcraon ar.a Boae are rraduatea of the
leadinr medical collerae of tbia coenvy, and
witn 20 years' experienea ia Uia treatment of
chronic diecaaea.
Tbey facrafu'-'.y treat Catarrh, Throat and
Luxjra, diaeae ot tbe dieafve orrana, dyapep
aia. aver troubles, conettpation, chronic Lar
Trotibles apeedily removed.
The moat aperavated eaaea are epaedily and
perrnanesUy cured by oar new mathoi of treat
LADIES AFFLlCTKI) Paedal attention irlvra
to ail diaaaaca peculiar to women. Sveiy fardbrjr
and acvanrmge fur tbe treatment and apeedy ra
mnvai of thia claaa of diaeaaea.
Electricity Its Scientific Applica
tion. Facial Blemishes, aa taolae, nperflsou hat
wine marks, tumors, wens, etc., removed by eiee
All trouble ariamg from tropure blood, scrof
ula, eczema. trtt.'T. tumor, ulcere, etc.
Cun be eoTiralted conrldentlT ny latter or other
wise. Ser-d 4 cea-- for q-.eH.oc blank. Address
UP. . AN DEJtOK aa BOsK, Byan bauck, Daveo
port, Iowa.
Kbfrifr taat.
Byv:rtaeof a special eze:nlinn and fee bill
Ko. CjT pned out of tbe cierk'a nfflce of the cir
cuit conrt of Kock Ir'.and county, and atate of Illi
nois, aid to me rfrertvd. w'tereby I am coi-m-t.ded
to make tlie amount of a certain jiida
went recently ob'ained apainat Mncnu Laraon
anil Christine Larn. in far of Andrew P. Lind
qnist, out of the lands, tenements, eooda and
cliattela ot tlie aaid drfenfiauts. Mat nus Laron
and Christine Larmic, I hare let-hd oron Mie fol
lowing i.rajeriy, lo-wit: The eat half 4) of
nutlor Ave iTji. to A'day's aertma i.dditiou to
Raai Rm-K IilaiM!. iu the c!y of kfolitie, coutty
of K irk Island and atate of lilinnia.
Therefore. accorJine to eaia command, t shall
ejfKe for saie at pubiic aiction all 'he rieht,
title aud inlercaf of the above named Marline
Lnrmn and t'hn?tine Larson in ard to the rbovc
de?cribed praticity. on Monday, the 1st day of
October. Is04 a lo o'clo k a . m at the north
door of The court bouee in theciiyof Kork Iel
and. in the comy t hock Ieland aud slate of
Illinois, fo-cab uihand, toaatisfv aaid execution
a-d fee bill. C. I). tiOKlx X,
Khertf of Kof-k lia .d rouitr, Tlllnoi.
Dated at Hoct Island this 81b day of eeplem
ber, A. U. lafei.
WlStrS PELLETS The Grealest Reffiedj
known to science fordiMmaesofthe NERVES
BLOOD nd BRAIN ( important 3 tunc?
tions ot the anatomy that abuuid art in unison.)
OmaratUefd to pfrmanriUl) cur Nervous Proa
tration. Seminal Weakness, r'ailinr. Memory,
Broken Sleep or Restlessness. Headache. Ueneral
lSj.'!,d? 1eoU,tJ IVOST MANHOOD,
Mtthtiy l.niiaaions. Varicocele. hperniaVorrboV
Pimples and all the evil efTecta of youthful
errors, overwork and over-iudulaence of any
nature. It tone up tJte tntirt ryttrm and creaUea
new trigor iu miiut oaxt body (of either aez
CoH of Certain Cure, tl to 85. Advice and eir
cularsfiee. If you truOer wrtte to ua and we will
tell yon the lt remedy for yonr case. TMH
Wise PELLET CO., 81 S. Clark St.. CMCAOa
was im
Railway TV pot comer Fifth avenue and
mrty-arat reet, Fraak H. Piaauaer, AceaL
Denver Umfuad A Omaha.
Ft. WerUa. Dm ver aV K. C.
11 :1k pa
6:4ft paa
:10 paa
I IWua
K. C at. Joe Minnaapollr
tiaaaaas issa atoines
t"aaha Kaasaa city
OraahaADea Moines El...
Omaha Dea If sines Ex..
Denver, Lincoln A Omaha. . .
St. Pant MinneaBoi's
lt. Pan! A Mlnneanolla....
t 5:lpra
t 8:6apaa
t Villain
tn an nrn
11 1W
Bt. Joseph, Atcblaon as K. C
ueuver. Ft. Worth K.C..
t Kansas City A SU Joseph.
tRock Island A Waahinfrioa.
It :am
t S:M paa
It TrWani
.nicaaro m ires amroa
Arrival, t Departure. J Dally, except Sunday.
All others dally. Telephone 10M.
r. B. PLtramaa, AtX
way lepot First avenue and Mltetnth
treat. St. 1. lonna, afreat.
TRAINS. mra. aBBira.
Bt. Louis Express 8:40 am T: pm
Bt. Louis Express. .......... 78 pm 7:10 aaa
8t. Paul Pasaenirer 6.48 pm T6 am
Bcardetown Passeiurer...... 8:10 pm 10:85 am
Sterling Paaaeneer.... ...... T:n8am S :45 pa
Dubuque PaasenfW 7:M ajn 8:46pm
S'erlii'K Paaeeneer 6 :45 pm.
Kailwmy Racine A Santhweatara Dtvtaion
Depot Twentieth street, between First and
Secoud avenues, B. D. W. liolmes. Agent.
TRAfNB. Latva. 1 aaarva
Mail and Express TroTJ anil :.paa
St. Paul Express 4:00 pml 11:45am
Dock Island Peoria Railway
Depot First Avenue and TwenUeth etreeL
F. A. Rockwell, Agenu
TRAINS, I Laava ARarra
Fast Mail Lxpress... f Oiam T:50 pm
Express 1 i:Iipm 11:15 am
fable AccomnKylatlon :iflara 8:4S pat
DvuLir,TO!f. Cedar Rapids a
Northern Railway, depot fmt of Brads
street. Davenport. Jas. Morton, Uen. Tk't A
Pasa. Ajrcct.
Paverpon Tralna. Lav A rritx
Paeeenrar ................... b4 :4o pulbTo.M am
Freight..... b':30 m bnOim
West Liberty Train tNonh. :pxn.rj.
PiasMtnger b7:10am ,bl0:4ipm
alO:2-Jpml aSiTKan
"No IbTrespm
Frebrbt. I b9:40pra b!l:4an
'alg:48pm 1 boara
a Daily. hDally except Snndav. Hioim ncrth
tioina Houth end eaat. o. 18 runs bctweca
Cedar Ksp.ds and West lubcity.
Superior Service to
Springfield, 111.
St. Louis, 1M0.
And Intermediate Points
We now offer to the public a good
route to and from the above cities'
via Teoria and the Chicago, Peoria &
St Louis Bj. as follows:
Lt Bock Island. 8:05 a m 2:20 p m
Ar Peoria. 11:20 am 5:40 pm
Lv Peoria 11:55 am 7:45 pm
Ar Springfield.. 3.15 pm 12:45 am
Ar St. Louis 7:10 p m 7:00 a m
Lv St. Louis 7:45 a m 8:15 p m
Lt Springfield. .11:45 a m 2:15 am
Ar Peoria 3:05 p m 6:50 a m
Lv Peoria 4:30 p m 8:00 a m
Ar Bock Island. 7:50 pm 11:15 am
Gen. Ticket Agent.
Depot foot of Twentieth St.
Hock Island, HI.
How to procure ANTI-WASHBOARD
SOAPPOWDKK irf of charge:
Cut off the end of tbe wrapper,
at place named. When you have
35 pictures of our Anti-Washboard
Soap Powder, take tbem
to your grocer or prevent them
at our oilice and jrou will receive
FREE a 4-pound package, worth
25c We make this liberal in
ducement to quickly introduce
Our Lady Soap and
Anti Washboard Soap Powder
And holds good, until all wrap
pers on which this offer is print
ed, is presented to us.
Warnock Cl Ralston
Soap Makers, Bock Island,
I J solo nronrwHcac.
u. ci iiuiiK i, tuininjf 10 a point tnis season m r,-
line. The Fall Styles of Shoes in Tan, Kri
Enamel, Patent Leather and Calf Skin, now in? are
to the very point, and the people are coming to a pr,i
where they are to be had. We make a point to sVjcc
The Daintiest and Most
Fashionable Patterns
HI. J. 1 . t 1 . a
inauc vy inc uesi ana
thereby givinfr the public a selection of styles arc
grades, fitted by experienced shoemen. to be d z
cated only in the largest cities.
mmr aW m Ha aaaw m aK- .aasW- MfM
Cor. Second and
Te!tphone 2C7.
See oar Fall
And Winter
aa a m m aaw a r at a saa a asa m wrmw
Our purpose in advertising is to let everybody
who buys clothing that is all mankind here
about know that our suitings are in, and the
finest ever displayed in the city. You are
respectfully invited to call and see the latest
in patterns and styles.
Call and leave your order.
Star Block, opposite Harper house.
All tlie I-at-t Novel
tics in Claaks aud Fur
No Soap will do the
. it. r
most renaoie manuiacrurcr
Cyclone Roller Mills 2nd
Jobber in Flour and Feed.
Always in tbe Lead
We have opened rcr
fall line of the choiitt
selections of pattern hats
and trimmings from tht
leading millinery ci nt-rs
of the world. Never be
fore have we been abi
to give such fine gouds
for so little money.
Grand Oiicnitm
Fall Millinery
Wednesday and Thurs
day, Sept. 26 ar.d 27.
Trim nu-. i Lats !r n.
Virot. Msud. IU rtui r.
Mine. Voornii1, Moi
Kelai-oca. Chicot, t-n-
114 W. 2nd St., Davcnp:rt

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