OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, March 23, 1895, Image 4

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Published Dally and Weekly at 1634 Second
Arcane, Bock Island, HI. Entered at the pott
ofSce as second clan matter.
J. W. Potter,
TERMS Daily, 10 cent) pr week. Weekly,
$3.00 per annnm ; In advance, SL SO.
All communication of a ctltlcal or argnmenta
tlre cbaractar. political or religion, mnat hare
real name attached for publication. No each
article will be printed over fletitiius signature!.
Correspondence solicited frt m eTery township
In Rock Island county.
Saturdat, March 23, 1895.
Democratic Ticket.
Tenth District.
For Congress FEED K. BASTIAN
City Ticket.
For Clerk A. D. HUEMXO
For Treasurer IIARRY B. fclMMOX
m Aldermen
Second War! H. II. LOU SB
Third Ward W. C. XAUCKER
Fourth Ward. CHARLES BLfcXER
Fifth Ward T. A. PENDER
Sixth Ward. J. F. KOsENKlELD
Seventh Ward W. 1. H. KERR
ToKnthip Ticket.
For Assistant Supcrvifor HENRY K INNER
For Collector LEO Dt ISEJifiOTH
The grip is now termed an African
ferer, but it holds on as of old.
Steamxg flowers at a funeral is but
little better than stealing coins off a
dead man's eyes, but New York so
ciety does it.
CniCAOO g-irls aro cultivating the
Trilby foot. Chicago is pradually
drifting away from the notion that
quantity w the sino qua non of the
ne plus ultra.
A famine is once more threatened
In the West of Ireland. Xo political
or economic devii.-e has ever yet been
able to avert such a calamity in that
unfortunate country.
Ward M'Ai.litek was probably a
useful man in his particular line of
employment, but his particular line
was one that the country could totally
dispense with and not suffer any loss.
The case of the Kansas City man
who has liccn sentenced to twelve
years' imprisonment for stealing jam
will make a deep impression on small
boys if mothers projerIy utilize their
The Cedar Kapids Gazette remarks
that during the past vcar Cedar
Kapids paid over t250,000 for beer
an.l $l'5I) for bibles. And Cedar
.Kapids is in a state which has tested
Waki McAllister's pallbearers
may have represented half a billion,
as re)orted, but to a man who has
ceased to breathe half a billion is
worth as much as half a cent, no
moro nor less.
Were Solomon alive to-day ho would
liavo a hard row to hoo against those
Now York h'tjislators who aro going
to pet around the question of forbidden
railroad passes by paying heavy mile
ago to themselves.
JfEWFoiNDLANn wants to join us.
Let hor come. Wo need the key to
the Pacific Hawaii, and wc might as
well have the key to the North Atlan
tic. Kesiiles, tho qualit;, of our cod
fish would bo vastly improved.
It is a curious and suggestive fact
that of all tho great fortunes made on
the Pacific slope in recent years, only
one that of Huntington remains in
tho original hands. All of the others
have been divided and scattered.
The princess of Wales has taken up
wood-carving as a diversion. Now if
the prince would saw wood and tho
etnperor of Cermany talk less there
would bo substantial evidences of re
form in tho royalty of the period. '
Governor Ukown of Khode Island
sent a messago to tho legislature of
that stato tilling nineteen columns in a
newspaper. Was h determined that
what -Little Khody" lacked in terri
tory she should make up in message?
The only advantage that tho United
. States will immediately derive from
the ructions now in progress in Cen
tral ami South America will be a very
much-advanced knowledge by our
youth of tho geography of the conti
nent. TnE health commissioner of Brook
lyn advises tho citizens of that town
to boll their drinking water "pend
ing its return to its normal pure con
dition.' Tho advice is equally good
for tho citizens of any other town or
QrEEN Lit, having been arrested,
we rise to remark that the Shakes
pearean observation about the head
and the crown must be revised. It
should now be amended so as to in
clude those heads which want to wear
a crown.
The Kecd congress still possesses
the sole and undisputed title to being
the -Billion Dollar Congress." The
appropriations made by the congress
just ended are estimated to be about
rJSO.OlHi.OOO. while? the : ,-al appro
priations of the congress over which
Keed presided were about $3d.00O,OU
in excess of that sum. A good many
expensive and unwholesome jobs
. were suramsrilv killed by the recent
congress, for which the democrats
aeserve credit.
Ah exchange is moved to remark:
"A lawyer in a court room may call a
man a liar, scoundrel, villain or thief,
and no one make a complaint when
court adjourns. If a newspaper
prints such reflection on any man's
character, there is a libel snit or a
dead editor. This is probably owing
to the lact that people believe what
editors say; what the lawyers say
cuts no figure."
Pullman Should Foot the Bill.
Says the Racine Times: -The Illi
nois honse is showing some glimmer
of sense in handling the nattonal
guard question, and does not pro
pose to lay a war tax upon the peo
ple of that state to support the
militia. As their principal work is
in protecting such men as Pullman,
let that kind of men chip in liberally
and pay for it. They can make up
the amount thus expended by cut
ting down the wages of their em
ployes." -We do not understand the Times
to insinuate that the militia should
not be paid," says the Freeport Bull
etin. -The troops were called out
by the state authorities and should
receive a just compensation for their
services. We agree with the Times
in its suggestion that such men as
Pullman, whose property was pro
tected and whose arbitrary and
niggardly dealings with his men
was the cause of the strike,
should in some way, be re
quired to pay the major "part of the
-It is to be regretted that there
is no law in existence to reach
Pullman in the premises. He has
amassed a fortune, it is claimed, ag
gregating from 36,0tHl,0u0 to $61,
WJ.000. This was accomplished
largely by paying many of his men
starvation wagts. If reports be true,
this same man had $25'). 000 to con
tribute to the republican campaign
fund last fall, but not one cent addi
tional wages for his destitute em
ployes. The legislature should pro
vide means for the payment of the
militia who were innocent parties to
the affair, and it should legislate also,
if possible, for the protection of the
laboring man in his rights againit
the cold-hearted capitalist. When
the laboring men are properly treated
there will be no came for strikes.
They simply demand their rights and
thev should have them.
Two Lives Maved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by her doctors
she had consumption and that there
was no hope for her, but two bottles
of Dr. King's New Discovery com
pletely cured her and she says it
saved her life. Thomas Eggers, 13!)
Florida street, San Francisco, suf
furcd from a dreadful cold, approach
ing consumption, tried without re
sult everything else, then bought
one bottle of Dr. King's New Discov
ery and in two weeks was cured.
He is naturally thankful. It is such
results, of which these are samples,
that prove the wonderful efficacy of
this medicine in coughs and colds.
Free trial bottles at Hirtz & Ulle
meyer's drug store. Regular size,
50 cents and 1.
Old people who require medicine
to regulate the bowels and kidneys
will tind the true remedy in Electric
Bitters. This medicine does not
stimulate, and contains no whiskv
nor other intoxicant, but acts as a
tonic and alterative. It acts mildly
on the stomach ami bowels, adding
strength and giving tone to the or
gans, thereby aiding nature in the
performance of the functions. Elec
tric Bitters is an excellent appetizer
and aids digestion. Old people tind
it just exactly what they need. Price
50 cents per bottle at Hartz & Ulle
meyer's drug store.
The best salve in the world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, and positively cures
piles or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. " For sale by Hartz & Ullemeyer.
Klrctton Notice.
Notice Is hereby ?ivea that on Tuesday, tfie
second day or Apitl, A. D., IS1., in the cltv of
Rock blud. Ills., an election will be held fur the
following officers, to-wit :
citt orncEtta.
One Varor for two years.
i ne C if y Clrrk fur two years.
ne i tt.T Attorney for two years.
ne i ity Treasurer lor two years.
ne Aidfnnmn in ihe First ward for two )ears.
me Adrr.na lo the erond ward lortwoy-ars.
i ne A Merman in t he 1 bir 1 ward for two ytar.
one A'iermn in tlie rVurlhward fortwojvar.
one A:derni,n in the Fifth ward for two ear.
One Aidrrman in In Sxtb ward fortw -ar.
Oae A:dtnuaa in tbe fevcuh ward for two
to orT.caas.
Two Asistant Superrtvora for tao years.
oneAMrwiif form year.
ne Collector fcr one year.
Which ejection will be op n at T oYlork In te
morning ami ront nae opeu natil J o clock in the
aflrr&oun of thai day.
Places of rcgistraliaa and o:u will be as fol
low: Fir t Ward Franklin hose honse.
btrond Ward. rirai recint Wollenhacpt's
store, rwrf-r Tird aTerae and Tenth street.
S'C bi Ward. eeond Pr.-cinci iorare stodd'a
aa'l. E:;ith ikiu b.taern Ninth and Tenth
Th rl Ward, First rreciart So. 1JU Third
avn ae.
Third Ward. Socond Prec'nc-t-Jot-a TayW
?r" wry. Eiirhib amue and rVartevath atrr, t.
Fourth Wnl, First Pr.cinct Ko. II4 Third
Four'h Ward. Second Prwirnt No S school
hoa. Nintren'h street and Fifth evfnna
ifthart. Fi-st Precinct Uute lloase. No.
&E! Twentf-tHl-t atnrt.
Fifth Ward. Se-otrd Precinct -Schmidt's gro
eenr. Tsrat eth re-t
Mr Ward Si ST F'.fth ivpaue.
Sevra h Ward, First Precinct street carbarn.
Fifth avenoe
iwtt Ward. Second rrtciact Old Ho. t
school boase. veti'h avenue.
A f. Ill' KM ;. and Towa. Clerk.
E a !-la. Ills.. March 7.
The Argcs delivered every even
ing at vour door at 10c a week.
A Pleasant Dawclns; Party at the Watch
The season's first occasion was
given last evening at the Watch
Tower, a select crowd of tri-city young
folks participating in a dance given
by members of Prof. Clendenen's
class. A most delightful time was
had. Refreshments were served at
midnight in the pavilion. Bleuer's
orchestra furnished music. A special
car at 2 o'clock bore the guests home
wards, and they feel grateful the ac
commodation to the street car com
pany. Who Were There.
A list cf those present is appended:
hmroa Lnmd- n, Tooia9mith,
Mncfrie Lnmrden. ' Ha tie Tremnnn,
Alma Liitt, Flora Ladoljih,
Alzira Kinner, Lola Koch.
H.Biia.an, Fianris Uiisch,
Gr-ee Jotw, Brsdy,
H.lcn Hies nz. Mae Pratt.
Agnes Biroy, Anna Bixy,
tutt Rice.
Messrs -K
von Eoeckil i,
' F.-ey.
Fred Lamsden,
Wi 1 Jones,
Edward BridT.
Manny Holdso.i:h,
f I'e d.
W. H. Uatre,
W W Joht son.
Willi im Brookman,
slanrics !Jinsch,
Frank Yetier,
A i :la ton.
I'nncan Mc'atlace,
H Anderson,
Wl 1mm Ludo'pb,
In C.tiy Sonreolr Packmsra to be Pre
sented Each Lady Attending the Matinee
Lecture Monday.
The lecture Monday in Y. M.
C. A. auditorium is purposelv given
in the afternoon to 'avoid a crowd.
Nothing will be sold and there is no
"scheme" attached to the work.
These lectures are exclusively for
hoasekeepers, to whom reserved
seats and souvenirs are free. All
will be under the personal direction
of Klisha B. Worrell, of Boston, the
best known and highest salaried ex
ponent of fooil subjects now before
the public. Doors open at 1:30:
commence at 2 o'clock."
Jacob Stewart to John A. Nel
son, lot 11, block 1, Stewart's add..
South Moline. 5, 17. lw, $1.00 ).
Thomas C. Nutter to C. F. Hemen
wav. part lot 2. assessor's part 18C1,
33, 18, lw, $2,000.
18 Wesley Hanna to C. W. Hanna
and Leslie Hanna. tract by metes anil
bounds ne 19. IS. Se, part ej nw
and part lot 2, 18. is, 8e. part swj
and part nwj nwj 18, 18, 3e. $1.
Wesley Hanna to C. W. Hanna,
nwj se ne and se part swj ne 13,
18, 2c, $.r00.
Wesley Hanna to Leslie Hanna,
part wj nej 13, 18. 2e, $500.
la M. A. Rodman to William
Strange and Mary A. Strange, lot 35,
Martha L Rodman's add., Kock Isl
and, $550.
John P. Weyerhanser and Rudolph
Wtyerhauser "to E. H. (iuyer, lot 4,
block 1. Bailey Davenport's first add.,
Rock Island, $15.
W. J. (iiltillan to GilEllan Stone
company, lot 4, Sinnett's second add..
Rock Island, $10,000.
Catherine Davenport ami Naomi
Davenport to John Bork, part block
75. Chicago or Lower add.. Rock Isl
and, $10.
20 Jacob Stewart to Twinani
King, lot 1, blo?k 3. Stewart's add..
South Moline, $1,600.
(Jecrge W. Wittick to Charles P.
Wittick. lot 1, block 2. George B.
Wittick's first add., Moline. $300.
Carl Freshe to John Bork. e lot 4,
block 1, Bailey Davenport's first add..
Rock Islaod, $i00.
Francis B. Shaw to Fritz Gottsch.
part lot 13, assessor's plat of 170, 2,
17. 2w, $1,125.
George II. Baumbaeb to William
Edwards, lot 5, block 4, Gen. Rod.
man's add.. Rock Island, $1,950.
John D. Beecher to t"--'es J. Nel
son, lot 55. South Roc. .aiand. $225.
J. C. Beth u ram to Joseph Simmons,
lot 1, 2, S, 4. 5, 9 and 10, block p.
village of Andalusia $115.
County clerk to David Cramer,
part block 55, Chicago or lower add.,
Uock Island.
County clerk to David Cramer, lot
2. block 1. Dickson & Youug's add.,
A Humorous Fact
About Hood's Sarsaparilla it expels
bad humor and creates good humor.
A battle for blood is what Hood's
Sarsaparilla vigorously fights, and it
is always victorious in expelling fonl
taints and giving the vital fluid the
quality and quantity of perfect
health. It cures "scrofula, salt
rheum, boils and other blood dis.
Hood's pilU act easily, yet prompt,
ly and efficiently on the bowels and
liver 25 cents."
t aster Opening
At Blackburn & Co's. Our display
of French pattern hats and lmnnet's
will le complete ami attractive.
Wednesday and Thursday. March -7
and 28.
Dr. K F. Hall.
Practice limited to the eve, ear,
nose and throat. Spectacles fitted
scientifically. Office over Kreil &
One and a half teaspoon fuls
Horsford's Baking Powder
gives better results than two
full teaspoonfuls of any other.
Consumers cf ctewinjfckcconb
arewiHingto pay a little more diaa
the price charged for lie ordinary
trade tokecos. will find this
brand superior to all others
7 I'er Cent Loans.
as (Ara as
ra as
The following is a partial
list of completed gilt-edged
first mortgage loans on hand,
which wc offer for sale, sub
ject to previous selections,
for their face and accrued
interest. These loans have
been carefully selected by
us, and are first-class in
every respect. They are all
7 PF.It cent net to the inves
tor. We have many other
loans to offer, if these are
not in amounts to suit the
fair Cork
Value of
Awutnnt. Ver.f.
12.200 7
800 7
500 7
900 7
200 7
2,000 7
300 7
1,000 7
875 7
1,500 7
2,000 7
400 7
800 7
4 10 7
6J0 7
1,200 7
250 7
b yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 jrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
5 yrs
6 yrs
5 yrs.
5 yrs
'5 yrs
The securities we offer are
especially adapted for the
investment of saviugs and
trust funds, as our (personal
attention to nil the details of
the loan, from its date to its
maturity, relieves the hold
er from all annoyance except
to present his coupon to us
for collection. Fcr further
information call at the of
fice of
Masonic Temple.
GEO. F. KOTH, gnpt. Loan nepartmc(.t.
Si:u o
o o
O O o o o
21 ant 215 West Second Street,
High Class Seeds
Of all kinds suitable for the
most critical market Gar
eners and Truckers.
Seeds of all kinds.
We caray a complete Stock
of the Celebrated
Send for Catalogue whole- "
and retail.
r-kv ura
Ale We!)
Aao of
1 Du. WpT
nbiV iuia vaf, oq
ITa-lam the Ahorr ICnkalls im 30 Daja. It acts
powerfully ant q'liikly. Cur-a w t,en all others
taiL Y m:e men will rt cam ih' ir kl manhood
acdolomn w.ll rreovi r their vou lif jl t.coi
byuMni; VITAL!S. It qiilckly aiid aur'Iy re-pro-.-
:crrrou!i,. iis. Tst X'Uality. Impot ney,
Nitit'r Imi.icus, lost Power, Kai:in(r Mem
ory. Waiitins ltiens. anj all eCctts o" self
abuw or excess ana inducr"tina Wards oil
Insanity and C4DMmp:ion. Insist on tiaviri;
VITALIS, no other, tan tw carried in rest
pocke Hy niail. fl.sjo Tr caciiare. or mix tor
ti-OO. with a potit!r writiea oraaraatea ta ears
CT refsad the waer. ''-"!:. r fT. Aadresa
C1LIXLV KtaLltl UiSflSil. tkicaga, lit.
Fir aalo at Rock Island by Banter Eionra Pbar
oiary aid Wil!tn Cletu en in. Tmrvi"t. MnMra
' aotn Lar.
SpoU. Ach-. id r"iT. Ulcers fn Mwth. Hftir
Vmihtmi Writ fatk BraHf Cwt1IU
MnlcTrfjil?jl hkacwJIIaJorprouf a of cores.
Citml aClxi. Wiienucarwl lac rtan
wT "X
a avi
a. a. sonoau. . a. wsuut.
Connelly & Connelly,
Attorneys at Law.
OOoa sseond Boor, orar a! irbell It Lfnd't
baak. Mooay to koaa.
Jackson U Hurst.
Attorneys at Law.
09r la Bock Island Rational Back baildlnr.
a s. swxsaai.
c b. aitim.
Sweenoy & Vf aikr,
Attorneys and Councellors at Law
Offico hi BentraMn'a Block.
Charles J. Searte,
Attorney at Law.
Leral business "t a' I klu-ts pron-ptlr attenaea
to. 8-aleV ARorrey ot Rk Irland coaoty
Office, rostoSea Block.
McEniry At McEiury,
Attorneys at Law.
Loan qjorer on pood ertnrlty: saace oollee
lons. Kef renoe, Mitchell Ltaim banter.
Mfc-a, PoatotB w Btiick.
E I. MarMton, M. D.
OTlpt- over Harts A Ullemeyer's drag store.
Rsnldrnce 752 Twenty-fonrth street. Offlct
'ele;'ht e 1087. ItM.lcuce u lepbone 14.
' Ofllce hours to II a m and S to 4 and t to 8 p in
D -. B. Q Miller,
Over V yeirj experience. Makes marrrlna
rn es In Acute and Chronic dicare. RnecaaTisa
and NinHiuu Incluiled. OUcc 1509 Second av
)Clce honr. a m. t; S p. m.
Dr. Chas. M. Robertson,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Only.
OOlce. Whlttnker Block, soauiwest cornet
rtilrd sad Bn,dy etraeui, laaeniort, Iowa
tomn IT aid ts. Honr: 9 toll a. ml to4 p. m.
i. a .ii.Lw(isn. a. Im a. a .th, a. d
Tre. Barth & Hollowbunh,
Thysleians and Surone.
ctuce UMilard xl Te:etibtoe irr,
keaidunce m Alei v. " tit
t, ftartb I Hi. tfa'lowbc'b
omci woi' as r
Illi. ttfl'lowbc'b
10 to ! i a. at,
1 to S aixl -.. m.
Draclr & Kera.8,
Architects and Superintendents.
Bnoni r T M O A Balldina, cor TLird svenae
o. Nineteenth s re t.
Edvard S. Ham matt,
Gl Wh'lakr hnlliing, - raven ort, I.i.
Oeo. P. SUiuduhiir,
Plana and snpertntendenca for all elans of
BntMinm. Hnomi M and 05, Ultclmli kynde
Bnlldlnc. Take el'm:r.
W. A Darling,
City Engineer.
Koom 4. Mitchell & Lyndc's building.
K. M. Pearce,
Rooms 81 and 81 in Mitchell ft L)nde' aew
Bnilrtirur. Take clevAtor
Who does not want
her washing done in
the shortest time and
neatest way is hard
to find. Those who
Get the best results,
because it is made
from such materials
that it cannot injure
the most delicate fab
ric and will save time
and labor.
Follow them and you
will find you have
struck a good thing.
Softens the skin, heals
chapped hands and
removes grease, paint
Warnock & Ralston
Sono Makers. Rock Ulanrt.
' A word to! those goinr
to tjuuu this coming
season! If you are po
ing to build a nice res
idence get figures from
the Colonn Stone Co. of
Colona. III., on a cut
stone building ot while
or rerigatcd sandstone.
If you build of brick let
them give you figures
on the trimmings. If
you bnild a frame or
wood buililin'r lot thtn
give yon figures on the range work.
H wtH tint rove the Wk a'd raine of yonr
bnii-e S5 per cent. Mint ot tlio nicest boildinira
in tbe sia:c are bv.' of fnlona stone, ity all
" J ' ' v . rrr I , , dwiui RTOIK
to be awed in rat ba idii g. Ksmples of stace
and pbotn-.-rapba of boltdmtrs rn be aeea at
Boom It, Mttcbell A Lyadfc'a Mlidinc.
M tw la a. -w ea, r a. SSBi aXn BBW U MM WW K F M W V
- sotoTXl PI
mnEBT TiTT WlTnmRllTlmWftr.rr.lP,
I Uii 1 l.U.LrU fUJLUl Wi lLii.1 1
If Not, Why Not?
Come and see the Hester, and judge its
merits yourself. Fifteen sold this sea
son, and more going. Call for descrip
tive circular.
H2 and 114 W. 17th street.
Telephone 114S.
The Fashionable Merchant Tailor
Has the most replete line of new pattern in imported
and domestic suitings in the city.
1707 mm AvrKUE
Easter Millinery Opening.
Wl! take pleasure to announce that the opening display of our
Xew Millinery for the Spring of 1895 takes place
Tuesday nml Wcifnesclay, March 2ti-27.
There have been displa3-s of millinery, and will be, but our dis
play has always been acknowledged to be Ihe be-t ever seen no
body outdoes us. We only outdo ourselves every recurring sea
son. This season unusual effort have been made, and we promise
the ladies of the tri-cities a treat, if they only wihh to come and
look, but if they secure one of our Easter Hats or I'.onnets they will
be happy. We don't scare you with our prices, which some people
do no 15, $J- and $5 hats in our store. I5ut wc can give the
most Stylish and Ucst (ioods that some stores have nerve lo ak
15 and and 2 for, oar price will be $10 and $ 12. and what other
stores ask $10 and 12 for, we sell at $5 and 7.5. Don't be ex
travagant and throw your money away.
Wraps anil Suits.
We have made extraordinary efforts to be able to disp'ay a line of
Capes, Suits, Skirts, Wrappers and Waists for lafies and childron
worthy the attention of every lady in the city. Ti give a descrip
tion o! our Stock or Styles would ba impossible. All we can say
is come and Ee!. We are sure of the verdict being, as it has been
for years our display of Styles and Moderate Trices cannot be
matched in the tri-cities. ,
1 14 W. Second Davenport. .
Advertisers cf Absolute Truth?." Vonrning Goods a Specialty.
E, MO N EYandJaboR.

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