OCR Interpretation

Rock Island Argus. (Rock Island, Ill.) 1893-1920, September 13, 1895, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92053934/1895-09-13/ed-1/seq-6/

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New honey at Hess Bros'.
Working eboes at Dolly Bros'.
Jijy your tinware at Eck hart's.
Oyiters and eelcry at Brownr &
CO' 8.
Pressed spring thicken at Hess
Oysters and celery at H. Tremann
& Sons1.
For boy's clothing see Sommers &
Bargains in granite ironware at
New fall style hats a fine line,
$1.37 M. & K.
A fine line of gentlemen's Mcln
toshes M. & K.
Plenty of Michigan peaches at
Browner & Co's.
Heavy Hannel shirts 49 cents; the
f 1 kind M. & K.
Plenty of dressed chickens at II.
Tremann & Sons1.
W. S. Grove, of Port Byron, was
in the city today.
Bay your smoked meats at II.
Tremann & Sons'.
Spring cbickans dressed to order
at Browner & Co's.
S. S. Kemhle and family loft last
night for California.
Dressed spring ami odd chickens at
II. Tremann & Sons1.
Jersey sweet potatoes and new dill
pickles at Hess Bros1.
Spring chickens dressed to order
at Browner & Co's.
Oysters, celery, cauliflower and
lima bcaas at Hess Bros1.
New fall neckwear at Stewart's,
the hatter and furnisher.
Mrs. E. Vf. Hurst arrived home
from Chicago I:it eveniug.
The latest thing in nitckintoi-h
coats at Stewart's, the hatter.
If yon are not a regular subscriber
to 1 he Ait'. rx, you bboula be.
There will be dancing school at
Kohe'M kail Saturday evening.
Ceauine hiakory shirts 2j cents;
they are trie 6u eent kind 3d. St K.
Mrs. Dr. ;. K. Harth departnd
this moruinj tor Jowa Uity on a
lamp into one of thoe all wool
its M. &. &. haTC placed on sale at
lyhore will you go tonight? (Jo to
see Eili.son's latest wonder, 1805
Second avenue.
A splradid fti!T or Fedora hat $1.25
something exceptionally nice at
(1 37. M. & K.
This is the to time select your fall
bat. Sonmiers & haVelle'a is tie
place t' mlct i'.
The Naylor damnge proceedings
agnicet the K. I. & 1. are still on iu
the ciicuit court.
Have you sot-n HJi son's latest?
Don't miss it. Sunday last day.
1305 Second aveaue.
j.t.i to Milwaukee ana return via
the Chicago, Milw:iukc & St. Paul
railway. Walt for it.
Dressed spring chickens at the
Columbia meat market, 2929 Fifth
nvcuac. Telephone 12i0.
Tickets for Blind Boone concert 25
cttuts; reserved seats !55 cents. For
nalo at Marshall & Fisher's.
ow is the time to buy vour new
fall hat. Go to Stewart's, he ean lit
you at any price and in any style.
Shoos thons shoes heavv work
ing shoes, just tho tliiiir for
this damp wcathor at Dolly Bros'.
fresh canneil oysters ana spring
Isiubatlhe Columbia meat market.
2929 Fifth avenue. Telephone 1250.
M-ior and Mrs. II. C. Connolly
arrive home from their 8-woeks'
sojourn in tho cunt tomorrow morn
Mr. and Mrs. U. P. (Irccnonirh and
little son went to Creston, la., last
evening to visit a week with rein
J.5 ) round trip to Chieago Satur
day night. Irani leaves atii:iop,
m. K. 1. & V. di pt; 11:2) at C, K.
& P. depot.
Mrs. K. C. Iloppc and daughter.
Miss Milderad, havo returnetl from
an fxtcnilcd visit to relatives in
All attorneys are requested bv
Judire tilenn to be in court tnmor
row tuorning to arrange a trial li
for next w ok .
I!ev. J. L. Murphy, of Grace
Lutheran church, accompanied bv
hi wife. La gone to Teoitusseo for a
con pi of weeks visit.
Mrs. II. H. Cleaveland and child re
turned today from Vermont, 111
whero thev siM-nt tho summer with
Mrs. Cleaveland's parents.
I.adiw' welts, $3 kind, some
Hishest Honors World' Fair.
A pure Crape Cresm of Tartar Powder. Free
worn Ammonia, Atum or any other adultmm.
them are here and they are worthy of
your inspection; great valnes for $3,
and new ideas The Boston.
These combination suits ef two
pairs of pants, coat and cap, at 3.35
are the leaders this fall for style and
quality Som infers & LaVelle.
Miss Ella Taylor is expected home
from Chicago tonight, where she
stopped for a visit on the way home
from the Boston K. T. conclave.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway will run one of the pop
ular cheap excursions to Milwaukee
at an early date. Watck for the
Pat Dixon has returned from a
business mission to Chieago, during
whioh he also found time to call
pon the most distinguished person
ages of the city.
Extension soles, needle and son are
toe for the girls, handsome styles
and excellent for school wear; everv
air warranted; old time prices; no
advance Tho Boston.
The remains of Michael Grenenger
were shipped to Douglass, Iowa,
this morning for interment. Adolph
Grenenger. deceased's son, and wife,
accompanied the bod v.
Take in the Chicago excursion
xt Saturday night. 2.50 round
trip. Train leaves It. I. & P. Twen
tieth street depot at 11:10 p. ru.; C,
U. 1. At r. depot at 11:20 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. William McEnirv,
ox-Sheriff C. D. Gordon and Mes-
amcs F. C. Henienway and W. P.
Quaylo were among those from this
city'attcHding the Joslia fair yester-
Misses needle toes and narrow
square toes, all widths, lots of style
and qualitv guaranteed. See our
anrarno shoe in needle and square
toe for school; very dressy and great
wearers the Boston.
Molders in the employ of Wil-
laras. YV hitc it Co., Molinc, have de
manded a restoration of the 10 per
cut which thev were cot last spriDg.
It is probable the company and its
men will compromise the matter.
Hock Island chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, is arranging for a de
lightful entertainment at Harper's
theatre Oct. 10, when Miss l.eotta,
on of the most charming ladies be
fore the public today, will give a re
Do not repeat that complaint
about the weather being so intensely
hilly. Jt is just about what you
were praying lor vesteniav a8t
t is onlv about thirty degree colder
at that. Not a great margin in this
bekeol shoes at money saving
prices. Orcat wearing qualities and
moro style than you ever saw for the
money. V e have paid particular
ttenlion to this line this season.
and they speak for themselves. The
School shoes. We place on sale
the largest line ef school shoes ever
(Tcresl in the city, and at prices as
low as before the advance on shoes.
We bought our shoes before the ad
vance and offer them accordingly.
The Boston.
Tho third car representing the
great Barnum !e Bailey shows, which
Pitches tents in Davenport Sept. 21,
in the citv todav in charge of
Clirence L. Dean. 1 he show is
reatcr and grander this season than
ever before
Another new law office has been
located in the Buford block with the
name of John J. Uoach inscribed on
the door. Mr. Koaeh is a son of
Uev. W. C. Koach, pastor of the Cor
dova Baptist church, and has every
prospect of. a successful career.
Mrs. S. A. Hefner, of Delaware,
Iva, and! Mrs. C. A. Stone, of
Delhi, Iowa, mother and sister of
James Hefner, awaiting sentence
f r tho Adams Express robbery, are
heru to s'a ihj rrisener and consult
with the company's otlicials conccrn-
iag the anair.
Miss Helen (1. Tripp's dancing
elassos at tho Tower will give a
trolley party one week from tonight.
Miss Tripp therefore desires all
members of the summer class to be on
hand at tomorrow's regular matinee
n order that arraugemcnts mav be
made for the affair.
A Hoy Prevent Ilia Mother rrotn Kmllnt;
Her 1.1 r.
If it hnd not been for the tirnclv
ami courncons interference of a
12-vear-old lov, a son of th in
tended victim, there would have
been Another suicide in tho west end
of Davenport.
Dunn"; the evcninj: a woman
named Mrs. Wagner, living at or
about the corner of iScrenth and Hen
nepin streets, started for the river
with the remark that sac was going
to drown herself. To one member of
her familv she said she was going to
the old water-filled Cook quarry to
carrv out her threat.
Saved liy Her San.
Her son of 12 vear followed hr
and in the vicinity of the old quarrv
ha headed her olT. finally got her to
enter a house there, and detained
her till she was inducod to givo up
her design, and return to ner home
The boy did it all, and acted with
good sense and promptness quite be
yond his rears. It is said that Mrs.
Warner's mind has been affected for
some time, and by some that sh has
been actually insane. She is about
to years of age.
Tub Aksus, oniy 10c & week.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
'From Wall Street to Newgate," Vooa
to lie Published In The Areas.
The ARors has arranged for the
publication of a delightful new serial,
"From Wall Street to Newgate," a
production abont which centers the
closest interest from first to last and
which Is from the pen of Austin Bid
well. The first installment will ap
pear in Tue Argi'3 of Saturday,
Sept. 21.
The Best ! 1'taeepeat.
Foley's Sarsaparilla is from three
to ten times strong in blood cleans
ing qualities than any other proprie
tary medicine. For sale at M. F.
Bahnsen's drug btore. Trial size
50 cents.
Hard ual Market.
Hard coal is cheaper now than it
has been for many years, and this is
the best time to lay in your winter's
supply. Call on E. G. Frazer for
rock bottom cash prices. Telephone
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly usd. The many, who live bet
ter than otliers ai:d enjoy life more, with
le!j expenditure, by more promptly
adapting tbc world's best products to
the needs of physical bving, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs
Its esefillcnce is due to its presenting
in tlio ferm most acceptable and pleas
ant to tho taste, the refreshing nnd truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
tive; effectually clennsing the sy?tem,
dispelling cold, headaches and fevers
Rnd permanently curing constipation.
It has sjiven fsatisfaction to millions and
ar.et with tke approvul of the medical
profession, Ik'c;iuc it act on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels v.-'it'.iout wer.k
cning them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Fisrs ia for sale by all drug
cists in 50c smi ?l bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
l!o.only, whose name is printed on every
paekacv, al the name, tyrnp of Fig,
and being woll informed, yoii wiil not
?cccptmiy substitute if oiliired.
If li-lur.d lnme.
1 avvnnc. Apply ti . Dauber.
I Rnnek.'piiin; with hoat a:id all conveniences.
Address C." Aiua'A office.
tif ;n,id honjfM and ikiM, Uirwed off either
at privuTe 9te or at aacvoB. uarns ec Irvin,
1M 1 Second avenue.
lltiun op lily if tpavt 1 for reliable eib
lifln-d houte MHarrfTHi, ivsble516 weekly,
and nonev aTanrcd fo. oxpfuei Hitniifinn
ftafly. Kofi T'Jlccs. t?r.rUmis Sclf-Ridrcswl
made daily on small tnYtstments lir our
new pian off pystematic grain and stock t Hernia
tion. Full. investigation toiicited. Paat
workings of the plan anu tiihe.t references fur
nisai d S'ml for our free l.klet te'.l'np how to
mske money, eren ou the wronjr ide of the mar
ket; alo our daily market letter, what and
where to huv. Active representatives wanted.
A. iiLOHE k Co.. Omalia bnildinir. Chicago, 111.
Arnu aements.
Burtis Opera House,
Sunday Evening, Sept. 15
Fabric of Fine Music
and Merriment.
"The Hustler."
Nothing Uut Real Fun.
The Vintage of '05.
Setts os sa.e Friday morning. Te'cphoie
No .
Oan Toit Horn tnd Have it luvrtd.
Reidy Bros.
Real Estate,
Insurance and Loans.
Room 4, Mitchell & Lynde b'ng.
Telephone 1002.
Kernan Smoke Consumers.
To foft coal furnace here represented
ncder the nam of Eeinan SmoV Con
eamor. Las been conrtrn ted on scientific
principles, and the Discharging of Heated
Air Into the lire chanter has been so reg
ulated that last sufficient amount enters
the furnace, and at the proper degree of
beat, the result causing a Perfect State of
Combustion, no volatile carbon escaping
within the fire chamber, Vo Soct Gather
ing in the Flue or Smoke Tipe, and No
Dense Volumes of Black Smoke issuing
from the chisney. We are prepared to
furnish estimates on heating and ventila
ting. A fall line of Hard coal. Soft coal, .
or wood furnaces of the best makes al
ways on hind. Call and examine them.
1615-1617 Second Avenue.
For Using Krell
& iVhth's Bread.
Its the best.
It goes farthest.
It's a pleasure to eat it.
It satisfies.
Always the same.
Everybody praises it.
You will like it.
You should try it.
6. 7
8. Ask for it. Insist on having it.
Are closely allied when
it comes to a question of
Fine Bakery Goods. For
proof try them once on
anything in the baking
hone 1 1 56.
1716-171S Second Ave.
Your party will be a
success if you havo our
Brick Ice Cream.
And if you appreciate z first class line
honest, legitimate prices, you
Clothing and Shoes at the
Whose good
may make.
Clothing and Shoes.
Mclntyre-Reck Dry Goods co.
1709 and 171 1 Second Avenue, Rock Island, 111.
In luring a drei the pattern which no one ele In yonr riMnltyhas
yoa all know. We are prepared as never before with lane and clesant
lines of imported novelty dress goods which will he placet on tale at
oar well ktowa low prices. When we advertise 19 dress natures;
$5.50. (10 and $11 pattern! at (7.50, fit and (IS pattern at $9 93, w
mean just what we say.
And Further
SI 25 dree rood, at Sic
75c drees roods at Ro "
61c dress oods at 39:
Wl I give some idea of the way novelty drest roods will be cold here this
S3 pieces handsome new Jacqnsrd 8754c and 89c novelty dress
goods are now on rale for the first time at 29c and 25a.
Plaln Cress Staffs will be mnch worn this season and we are tailing
At fine all wool erjrc. vilue c.
At V)c imrrted Perce and Henriettas, valne 50c and 68c.
At ASe. imnorted Bratfnrd Serve., worth 67vtc.
At 1jJ5, Ml ii-ch KLClish Cravenittea in blatk and nary, value
We cannot too strongly emphasize the sdvantage of early hn1nir,
while r ods sre new and while deMrahle patterrs which are so divsry
can he had in full assortment. With the touch of fall upon us it is tb
wise woman wco will bay early.
Twenty-First Street Addition
Fine Residence Lots in this
addition For Sale on
Easy Terms.
This addition is located be
tween Twentieth and Twenty-second
streets and Tenth
and Twelfth avenues, and
nearly every lot in it has
upon it a fine walnut, elm,
hackberry, or other larpe
tree, nnd is already provid
ed with abundant shade.
These lots are in the very
best part of the city, and
the most desirable for resi
dence purpose of any lots in
the city. Apply to
Sooa 21, IGtctisU & Lynd Blot
The Portage Entry
Quarries Co.,
Successors to the Portage
Bed Stone Co., also to Furst
Neu & Co.,
Security Building, 'Ninth
Floor, Madison Street and
Fifth Avenue, .
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans
Office 1612 Second Ave., Rock Island.
Have on hand in lots tn Sonth Itock Is'and on
easy terjue; just onle.rt the city limits; iional
water: low tuxes, and heap insurance. Ten lota
on Thirty-ehrhth street d fifteenth avenue.
A minilxTof piece of rroptrty in the city for
sale and tent.
Styles Are low
is a sufficient guarantee for every promise
yi dree doods at TV
ic d es roods a: 40:
so i dr tt goods at zsc.
McIntyre-Reck Dry Goods Co.
1709 and 171 1 Second Avenue, Rock Island.
To tiie Lais of lie
Ladies wishing to do their own dress making
should secure and learn the famous KELLOGG
SYSTEM, which is equal if not superior to all
others in the market, by calling on or addressing
the undersigned. Will also teach the new
method of boning, the only stiffening in dresses,
etc., that does its work in a satisfactory manner.
The Kellogg System with full instruction given
for $10, and moderate terms for learning the
boning process.
Mrs. M. A. Thompson, Agent.
Ryan Block. Second Floor, Davenport.
--xfsr -ff3vJlhl ftgsgfr-?-- 7 ysa
All kind of carpenter
work done
Office and Shop 721 Twelfth street
of merchandise, properly
will find it decidly advantageous
& K.
1729 Second Avenue
neary sale In July and Aairot compelled a to bay practically a
new Mock, and we are c fferina the newest thing the market afford.
At !4e new Senses and Henriettas.
At .19 . 44 inch Senre, valne 0i
At 4c, 40 inch eitr finish Srve. vslne 75c.
At B7HC. Ml-lpeh W.i Twilu va'ne 9Sc
The lhtst etTretsin Itlck WmMs.encb as Lutard Oo'h, Imported
Sattu Jsrqnard. Swivel Crepons. Billow Crepon with boncle effect. Im
port . .i'1"""1 c'oth. Heavy uonele Granite elnth. Mrlllan Mohair. Jao
qnard Mohtir, Rnj Faced cloth. Mohair Spike clot h. etc , etc. Prices
run from 17:ic to? per yard.
New Silks.
Special redi:cr purr on for this week onlv.
Tsew Fancy TaftVtss. 91 -r artl qntlitv. 7S-.
New Ksnce Swis Silk. Ji quality, wc
ew Urocarios. $1 VI to (1 M q'i-ltiv,
New lllara Fsncy ;m 4rain, f 1 is.
bpcc'al value in illsrk hliks.
C que ionslly the handsomest irtments to be seen in Roek Island
thissvawn will be found on our rack and nantrn, wr rhallcum
rnmpari'oq a to qualitr and price. ti. rs nlaeed In Veliumry and
Mar. h dn.l made tip when w."k was slack, and eos: of pronuotion the
very lowest, enable us to oCor stylfKh pannetiu t tnu-es ohirh cannot
be met. Jscktu arc vrict'l hi re tmm J M ni '!- of riot h .t $4 n
and up. Capi-of 'ur KW and up. You will find the nohhy rnu n
cloths, fur trimmed and plain, ard fur garment made ou honor lu
pro: er lengths and fell sweep-. TVe have njtbicg to show but what is
Garment can be ernred and l'd aMe till October IS by plying a
(mall dciwsit duwn. We take all the risks.
Tri-Ciiies ai Vicinity
1803 Second Axenue.
General Johhtnp done on short notice
sod saiutt action guaranteed
tailored, and at
to buy your
or claim they
116 to 124 Eighteenth Street

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