Newspaper Page Text
. v. , ROCK ISLAND VOL. XLXV. VO 35. BOCK ISLAND, ILL.. F&IDAY, TTOVEMBEtt 29. 1895. PBI03 TIDIES GS3T3. ARGUS POLITICAL PUZZLE That South Carolina Statesmen Have Been Solving. THINK THEY HAVE THE THING DONE Const It ntinitat Artlcl. TUai Waa Framed to JiUTranchlM Ignorant Xr(ma Bad Allow Ignorant Whites to Vol Homo CoMlp About tha Convention Taa Kapnbllcna I'ntltlrm of How to Eaablo Kcpabllcaa Mat, to Nominate PmlriVltt. CoLlMBlA, 8. C, Not. 20. South C.iro linu. constitutional convention will ad journ sine Uiu next Tueiulay. Tba body ban Imn In Mlon continuously, with the exception of a ten d.-' tms since the luth of September. The now constitution will be different In many repoct from the one It will iiipmcde, hut the most Itu tHirtant chnnRo will be in the euffrage ar ticle. In round nunilMT there are 14. (' adult mnle nrjrrcir. and l'JOXX) adult timlo whiti! in South Carolina. Tbe pres ent constitution of South Carolina was adopted In H A ami was framed ly a con vention composed mostly of recently llb ernted slave by northerners, who rnine into the state at the close of the War. It was patterned after tbo4e of Mas s.Mjitiwttn ami hia Matitral .gro Majority of 40,000. The un iitivit olijection to it was Bfralnut t)n sutTrnjrn article, which bestowed the f r.mcliljHi on all male citizens of the age of SI yars and upwards not laboring under certain disabilities named. Souio of thj tnost InU'llltfi nt negro members of the roUTention of 158 were oiMMed to unl--riTMtl suffrage aud wanted an educational Itmliflcatlon ImiKMvd, which would bare prevented vast majority of the members of their own nice from voting. Under the present constitution there is a natural neitm majority of 4o,oj, wbivh lias ln-en oviTi'ome liy nn "Ingenious ' r-gistratlon law and the box-ballot law, which required euen oiiiuer to iw voted for In a separate box, the Voter being compelled tosiloct the pniM-r box. The leaxling men of the statu have always recognized that there was a powlliility of one, or the other or hoth.uf them being overturned in the fed eral courts. Hail to Consider the "I'oof Whites." This possibility Induced them to ndvo- etto the rnlling of a convention for the purpose of framing a constitution permit ting such qualification of the sufTragn as would insure; the maintenance, of white supremacy. There are about Irt.OuO 11 leerat white adult males ill this state. 1 hit convention could never have been v:illed boil not most explicit promises been given that th'-so men would bo talvun care of. How to cut down the negro mnjority ami preserve the vote o thu white men. and do It in such a way as to run tho gaunt let of the. fislcral courts, was tho ilitlkcult problem which engaged the attention of tlm convention, In which there are only six tiegroA-s. Senator Tillman, who led tho light for the calling of the convention, was lnatlu chairman of tiie suITruge commit tee. Tbe "Jew Artlele on Suffrage. The suffrage nrtiul:.- of tho new coustitu tion provides for nn alternative educa tional or property nunlitlcntlon for voters. Any man who can rend or write, or who pu.vs taxes on (UIU worth of property. hint tho right to vote. Had the convention stopped there the Illiterate whl tics would have been disfranchised. They are pro vided for In a clause which says thut any ono who cannot vote under cither a prop erty cr educational qualification hull be given the right to voto for life if ho can understand a section of the constitution when read to him by the registration of- Ilivr. This clause Is only to bo operative for two years. All mules obtaining their majority after Ift'.H must comply with tho educational or property qualification In order to be allowed to vote. How It Will Work la Practice. This clause was fought vigorously, though unsuccessfully, and U regarded withdlsatlsfartlon by large proportion of the citltens of the state. Doubt Is ex pressed as lo whether It will stand the test review by the federal courts. Tho way It is Intenditl to work Is this: Tha registra tion iillieers are left to choose tho clause of the constitution ! Iw Interpreted by the "wuld-op voter. In ca.'h case. They will tfb'j.MH', It Is nnderst.Mtl.sothst white lllit- .-rates will be given tvwy clauses to oon st rue, while the negro Illiterates will be tiiveu hard ones. Xit:rBEt:!T.iTiox is roxvrxrios. Matter That WIU Come l lleforo tho BoBVbllewas National Meet. Vamiisoto. Nov. At. The Ilepublican national committee at Its meeting here on Dec. 10 will ln called upon to decide very grave question. Last winter Manlcy, the chairman of the committee, sent cir culars to wit tuemlvr of that organisa tion, to nil the Republican senators and representatives In congress, t governors and other state officials throughout the country, to editor of prominent newspa per, aud to various other persons who have been conspicuous In the council of that party In the pat,nr have contributed liberally to the payment of the expenses of its campaign. Inviting their views as to th propositi change in the representation nf the sevenU states and congressional districts in tne next national convention Agitation of this matter was bonnn In I ssi. tho- object of the agitation being to throw more strength to the stntcs that Hive It yuhllctn niajuritie. or strong plu ralities and weaken In national conven-' tSn thoso st::-s were the Ufpubliean v.nflo of no value In the election of a pn-sldcnt. Tho new basis now under dis cussion was proposed by Scott, of West Virginia. Ho propoaed that the call for the convention of be Usmd upon a I row basis, giving each state and territory j and tit ll.str.ct of Columbia two dele-' g:ttrsvat-larg at the next convention in Aitend of four, and each cunaresslonsl dls t ri one, with an additional delegate for awk ,ViU votes cast for the Republican ei.-ewr.'ll ticket In IttPU. This scheme, If adopttvl, will Increase the number of dele- irttt-s In ih convention from 1WU to 1,1 Si, a "' i i..,7i;ii Iiff .r,ncv f 2, and the strong Kepubll- a,, swies wouM enjoy a decided gain at ttw exp-nse of the sooth. J Ills 14, kusfeT, iw oujec woica inn ,lhor of llw plan desire to accomplish, illmj argus LbM Ua state whUl oootrlb- ute no votes and no money for the sup-1 tiortof thn nnrtv urn nmv .,, f i r IimI ... n n ' equal share In the selection of the candi dates, which Is unfuir and illogical. They do not wUk to deprive tbe few Iiepubli- cans of the south of a voice in making tho nominations, but insist that districts in Georgia which cast no Republican voles cannot justly be allowed the Mime repre sentation as thoso in Iowa or Ohio, which must be dependisl upon to elect the ticket. and claim that the nominee should repre sent Republican sentiment. In support of their arguments they cite cases where candidates have come into the convcution supported almost exclusively by delegates from states that are never represented la the Republican electoral collegi The replies to Man ley s circular are nu merous and hove been briefed for presen tation to tho committee on IK-c la The great majority is favorable to the new plun, and to the authority of the commit tee to adopt without reference to a con vention. The minority, which Is from the states that will suffer, earnestly protests against any action thut will reduce its rep resentation. A few conservative men recommend that the new plan be sub mitted to the next convention, so that it mny be adopted with due formality in a manner that will leave no ground for com plaint. No attempt has yet been made to poll the com in it tee on this subject, but if each member votes In the Interest of his own state the new plun will be adopted by large majority. THEY Mtori'EI) I.TO POLITICS, t lneiuat of (leorgla ami South Carolina Day at Atlanta. ATLANTA, Nov. 2U. Yesterday was Georgia and South Carolina Day at the Cotton States exposition and was marked by some political talk by the lenders pres ent. The big cuns were Governors Atkin son, of (ieorgiu, and Kvans, of South Caro lina, and Senator Tillman, of South Caro lina. The sensation of tho day was tho new depart tiro taken by Kvans and Till man. I'll to this time all tho s:ieechcs de livered at the cx)Msition. whether by northern or southern men. hicl been pitched upon the keynote of fraternity and national unity. Coventor Kvans and Sen ator Tillman struck out on a different line, however, tho governor declaring in a dramatic manner that the nouth proposed tortile this country and Tillman going out of his way to attack the president and abuse northern pensioners. J he attendance was the largest of tho exposition and Governor Atkiusua, re ferring to Kvans and lillmuu. said that the largo audiencu prcsjiit showed that tho people hud attest s! their higher opin ion of the worth of the two leaders pres ent than that of the president of tho United States. Kvans in bis speech de clared that without Pharisaism U.rz:n mid Stuth Carolina couhl thank Cud tha: they were not os other states, and that bv the help of God the s ut:i would rulj the country again, 'i iiliuau maJa theexposi tion a groundwork for u talk about ieii sions. lie said the opth had paid not ess than one-fourth of them MX,X) ,tW) to her conqucrer.. However, h. was not g-tting up a new rebellion. He roferretl to the bankers mid brokers as siaiug in their oiliees "and every tune old Urover grunts tiiey sny me too.' " It did his soul good Ui Iw told that two hobtallcd governors Hko himself and Kvans had been received with greater en thusi.-ism mid by nior.i people tlutn tho president of tho United States. SAYS WE ARE NOT CHRISTIAN. Thanksgiving Day Allegation of m Cleve land Jewish Itablil. Cleveland, Nov. so. Rabbi M. Gries, of N lllson Avenue lemple, tho most prominent Jewish synagogue in the city, preached a remarkable sermun at tho Church of the Unity yesterday to an audi- nco composed of Unitarians, Universal is! and Jews. Rabbi Gries said he ib- jectetl to the form of observing Thanks giving day and wosopiiosed to the issuing of proclamations by the president calling upon the copln to meet for prayer ami thanksgiving ticcaiise, he declared, this was not a Christian nation. While the majority oi tne people wen- ttinstians a strong minority were not and that minori ty was entitled t i consideralion. He K.iid ho did not desire to detrac t anything from Christianity, Ix-cause ho realized what it hod done for the country, but be was in favor of larger religious freedom and tiio most of his sermon was devoted to a plun for such freedom. Tank t'slls on Four Men. Iowa Falls, la , Nov. 2i. While work men were engaged in elevating an Illinois Central water tank here, and when abaut thirty fivt from the ground, the tank fell. fatally Injuring two men and seriously in juring two others. The injured are: Niek Gregory, breast criishcJ, will die; Frank McHugtt. internal injuries, arm and shoulder crushed: Tim Sullivan, Inter nally Injured; J. Iv. Quinn, foreman, seri ously cut about the liLad. Birmingham llol.ts the Flag. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. .. United Statesflags Were raised over theclty hall and all public school buildings here Wednes day for the first timo iu the history of the city. Appropriate ceremonies were con ducted at t-ach place. Addresses wero made by members of the Grand Army of tho lb-public and of the United Confeder ate veterans. "Dixie and "America were sung. Such scenes were never before enacted here. Michigan Penitentiary Itaot. Jackson, Mich., Nov. 20. Deputy Warden Northrup. Superintendent Coffey and Foreman Mueller, the three men as saulted at the state prison by convicts, are doing well and all are in fair way to re covery. Three of tho convict concerned In the riot, K.lward Huntley, illiatn Curley and William Archer, were raigned on the charge of assault within tent to ruurd They pleaded not guilty. Pottery Strikers Decide to Give In. Torvt.iv Vnr The futnitarv not- tery cmpioves will return to work Mon- day. They "havo been on strike for eight weeks, the chief differences with the bosses being over an alleged excessive hiring of apprentices. Tho men In a meeting de- elded to surrender . , Eland Didn't Draw ha Savannah. Savansah. Nov. 29 -Fjt-Congressmao . Biand arrived here to lecture Inst night " ' - - . - hod boen sold and Blond coiled U.J loc- HORSE IS DOOMED. Motocycle Appears To Be Ring ing His Knell. TEST OF MACHINES AT CHICAGO. Rare of Self-Fropelled Vehicles BesnlU In Victory for tho Uneven, Machine Fifty four MUss Through Slosh, Snow and Mud Drne In Tea Honrs ami Twenty-three Minnies Without "Turning a Halr"oa the Iron Roadster. Chicaco, Nov. 23. The Charles E. Dur- yea gasoline motocycle finished first in The Times-Herald motocyclo contest for prizes amounting to K,(wC. The contest In every respect was most' novel, and tho performance of tho winning vchiclo the most remarkable in the history of motor vehicle contests. 'When tho race started the streets were twelve inches deep in now, slush and mud. In the face of these odds six motocycles mode tho start, ns fol lows: Tho Duryea, Springfield. Mass.: Morris & Salem elect robat, Philadelphia; 11. Mueller, inotocyclc. Decatur. Ills.: R. K. Macy, NewYork; Debt Vergne, New York, and Sturgls electric motocycle, Chicago. .Thousands witnessed the fight of these vehicles against the fifty-four miles of slush which constituted the course from Jackson park to Evanstou aud re turn. Time of the Winning Motocycle. It was considered impossible that any motocycle would complete tho course, and the prediction was freely made that no one of the contestants would make five miles. Five of them passed through Lin coln park, the. Do La Vergne quitting at Sixteenth street. Duryea started at 8:55 and passed the Auditorium, a distance of eight miles, an hour later, and finished at :1S p. m., completing the course in ten hours and twenty-threa minutes. For miles on the west side the boulevard was an almost unbroken field of snow banks and slush. Tho Morris & Salem clcctrobat made no attempt to complete tho course, but made a creditable run of fifteen miles and returned to the testing headquarters In perfect condition. Made the Ran with an Old Machine. The St urges machine abandoned the un equal fight after a run of twelve miles. Hoth these electric motors made a surpris ing showing under tho circumstances. ho fight for speed honors was between the Duryea, Mueller and Macy machines. Duryea is an American inventor, and his motor is a radical departure from the foreign type used on the wagons of his two competitors. 1 he Duryea carriage which made the race was manufactured two years ago. Sine) then Duryea has male many improvements, but was unable to complete work on two new vehicles which be had entered for the contest. Ho r.c- cordlr:.!.- made the run with tho old motocycle. Prizes will be awarded on tho showiug made in tho road race and in scientillo tests which were made under the suporv.sion of the best experts in tho country. The Ythlcle of the Future. These tests have been iu progress for ten days and have been followed with great interests by hundreds of manufacturers from all parts of the United States. These tests have proved of great value. Tho rurls-liorucuux race is worthless from a scientific standpoint, but the contest just closed may result in the establishment of reliable data concerning whut many con sider tho vehicle of the future. The 11. Mueller machine finished at 8:55 o'clock, taking the second prize. 1 he Macv ma chine did nut finish, it b:enking down ten miles frnrn the finishing point, and after several hours' work it was abandoned. The machine was in the second pluce when the accident accident. PANIC AT A CHURCH FESTIVAL. Imp Explodes and There Is a Wild Itosb for the Outside. Wooste p., o , Nov. 29. During tho pro gress of a church fa'r Iiltj an imm msj crowd was picked into the city armory, when a lamp In one of the b ;ths explod ed, settinir fln to the draperies and Miss Myrtle Klzer. an attendant. A rush for the singie exit followed in which doz mis of women and children were trampled. Fully PO persons jumped or were thrown from windows, many beinj badly cut bv glass. Mrs Carey Mi-Koe, of Jefferson, was thrown through a window stist lining iu jtirl f. which will likely prove fatal. Jen nie Putnam, a 10-year-old crippl:1, could not help herself and received internal in juries which will cans.- her death. Mrs. Minora .snyder and Mr. Sharp were trau plcd by the crowd. Many others were nure or less Injured. And McDonald Weat His Way. Lexington, Ky., Nov. S. Colonel Breckinridge was in tho city on legal bu-dncss, and Editor McD.inald, cf The K.iuudabout, u paper which opposed Breekinridgu s reno:uination because of the Pollard scandal, met tho silver- tangued orator on tho public square. Be ing disiosed to let tho political dead bury its dead he extended bis hand. Waving off the proffered courtesy, Colonel Breck luridge said, sneerinly: "Sir, I do not wish to have anything to do with you. McDjnuld went his way. Hcrt In a Varna of Toot ItalL Decati'B, Ills.. Nov. 2. In a foot ball game between Decatur aud Springfield elevens tho score was nothing to noth ing. William McCrorrcn, private secre tary to Stata Treasurer Wulff, one of Springfield's men was hurt. It It feared that his skull is fractured. He is in' tho hospital. Cattle Are Ready to Cross. Eagle Pass. Tex., Nov. 29. The treas ury department has just telegraphed tbe collector's uflice at Fgl I crossing of live stock at 1 e Pass that the Presidio and Bj- quollos will be facilitated. Thousands of bead of cattle are waiting for permission to crosi. Zoa-Pnora Woman's friend Has a grand record as a remedy for all diseases peculiar to women. Ask Tour druggist for one of the Zoa- Phora Medical books for women CrtM hw T f "7 ' ,Ulef. H. Thomas and Marshall HAS A GUILTY CONSCIENCE. Sequel to tha Remarkable Conclusion of s Kansas Jury. WicniTA, Nov. M. Mrs. Ida DuiJap, of Kingfisher, O. T., the daughter of Ander eon Gray, of Summer county, who Is now In the state penitentiary serving a life sen tence for the mnrdiT of T. C. Patton, at Conway Spring., Kan., has secured im portant affidavits which exonerate her father. This Is tho famnus hypnotic mur der case, in which the man who did tho killing. Thomas McDonald, was acquitted and Anderson Gray, who was supposed to have influenced him to do, the deed, by hypnotic power, was sent up. Mrs. Duulap has obtained a sworn state ment from McDonald that his evidence used for tho conviction of Gray was un true. Ho claims that ho gave tho testi mony he did because be was promised a remuneration and the leniency of the court by uflicinls. But the officials went back on their work, lie claims, and prose cuted him for murder. Now ho wants Gray released, being troubled by a guilty conscience. McDonald and his wife wero arrested nnd tried, and ho concocted tho hypnotic story which the jury swallowed. THAT MYSTERIOUS CR1M IN A BOAT. No Clue to the Perpetrators of c Quad ruple Murder. Paris, Tex., Nov. 29. United States Marshal Williams has returned from Arthur City, whero he wont to bury tho three men and the boy found murdered there in a boat on HeU river. A big gravo was dug on the bluff near tho scene and tho bodies hoisted with ropes from tho boat and all buried side by side. No clew has been discovered, though there are a thousand theories advanced. Marshal Williams has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the murder ers and will liesides give any assistance in his power. He says that 1c Is the most mysterious case ho ever dealt, with In all of his long experience. Two Victims of n Gotham Fire, New Youk, Nov. 2!. Fireman John Halpin has discovered the bodies of two men in tho ruins of the fire which occur red at the old Yolks' building on the Bowery. They were found nt the extreme back end ot what was the stugo of the theatre. They were partly covered by charred wood and other debris. One of the bodies was in a sitting posture and the other was discovered in a reclining position. Neither body lias been identified Little Km Over Old Ulory. TonoNTO, Nov. 2U. There are many American students attending the Ontario Veterinary collego and on Thanksgiving da" they sought to honor tho event by raising the stars and stripes In one of tho lecture rooms To this, however, the Can adiau students objected, and rudely hauled down the flay, tuousrh they met with a vigorous rektatance. Then ensued a free fight, several on both sides being slightly injured. Thankfcglviug Day at Berlin. Bep.lis, Nov. 2'.). Tho Americans In Berlin celebrated Thanksgiving day by a dinner at the Kaiserhof, at which United States Ambassador Kunyon presided. In proposing a toast to Emperor William, Ambassador Kunyon dwelt upon tho amicabio relations existing between Ger many nnd tho United States. Later, In proposing a toast to the president of the United States, he eulogized President Cleveland nnd the blessing of Individual liberty m tho L nited States. The President's Thanksgiving. Washington. Nov. 2i). President and Mrs. Cleveland came into town Thanks giving day and after spending an hour at the White House nttended services at thelirst Presbyterian church and list ened to a sermon by Dr. Talmage. From church the president and Mrs. Cleveland drove directly to Woodlcy, where they en joyed Thanksgiving dinner iu the privacy oi tne iamiiy. The body must be well nourished now, to prevent sickness. If your appetite is poor, take Hood's Sarsap- arma. P0ODEB Absolutely Pure. A cream of?tutar baking powder. El heat ot I1 tn leavening strength. at VMM State! wowmnxaf food Report. Rrr al Pubis rHwn Co.. in Wall Bu N.Y Ova Your Bom and Bate It Imnrtd. Reidy Bros. Real Estate, Insurance1 and Loans I Room 4. Mitchell A l.vnd hnr. Telephone 1002. lill ,0 ' 1 If you wish an Overcoat made up-to-date and as well made as your tailor will make it and at one-half the cost, come to us. That's the kind we keep. THE LONDON. Blue Front. Take Advantage OF A Good Thing. We are giving away a cotton top mattress with every Bed Room Suite soli this week. No Raise IN Price of suites, simply a present of the mattress. DaveDpri Mime & Carjet Co., 324. 326, 328 Brady St, DAVES PORT For an Overcoat or Ulster There is No C '"te We can show you three times as many as any house in the city, and prices, you know us, Underselling Everybody on Everything Sustain Home Industry On Tap everywhere. Only Union labor employed. The Rock Island Brewing Company, success ors to George Wagner's Atlantic Brewery. I. Huber's City Brewery and Raible & Stengel's Rock Island Brewery, as well as Julius Junge's Bottling Works, has one of the most complete Brewing establishments including Bottling de partment in- the country. The product is the very best Beer is bottled at the brewery and delivered to any part of the tri-cities, and may be ordered direct from the head offices on Mo line avenue by Telephone. Place Like the 7hT. tT Big Store Call for Rock Island Brewing Co. Deer Breal Reftctlsa sxls !i rues i ub mum For one week to reduce onr immense stock aad assortment of onr own manufactured Fan. This U an adTftDtage In first-clots (rnarmntood Furs never before offered. T.Mlcr&Soiis Furriers nod Ladies1 Tailors. 219-221 W. Second St. DAYESrOXT.